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tv   Delfin-2  NTV  June 6, 2024 8:00pm-10:11pm MSK

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i think that for them this is a colossal, wonderful, vibrant experience, they see themselves differently, i think they will study differently, they will be inspired by the music they heard today, by these fireworks, probably of emotions, colors, hallelujah , hallelujah.
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well, why are you twisting my arms, well, well, well, you’ve known me for a long time, well, not only do i have the lowest prices, i also have... all the goods are in working order, well, well , wait, i'll explain everything to you, well, give me time, in the end, well, i'll give you everything, listen, well, you already have a huge discount, well, but i can’t work for myself.
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what do you need ships? hello to you too, stepanovna. what, are you still angry? yes, it hurts. what do you need, ship? i wanted to ask for forgiveness. well then, ask. ask. you're a strange man.
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to the ship, you can’t even ask for forgiveness as a human being. okay, stepanno, don’t yell, just forgive everything. all you have is just a ship. you simply lost inno, you also simply ruined my personal life, now you are sitting there in your trailer and simply asking for forgiveness, okay, don’t burden me, listen, i need to talk, you’ll pester me again with your questions, well, i’m not trying for myself, so why don’t you take your stupid neighbor for a cup of tea and a sandwich, about daily matters in the carts, and why are you hungry, when did you eat? last time, but who cares, but it makes a big difference, a man must be fed so that he doesn’t do anything stupid, put your hands on your feet and come to me, okay, i’ll be right there , come on, yours, no, no, no, i don’t
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need stepan, then.
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stepana, just don’t call me, i want to talk to you again about zakhar, you can remember something unusual from... what can you catch on to? well, what do you want to know? well, i don’t know, some details, detail, detail, yes, he was a man with a hand, in what sense? but not in this one, in which you thought, he repaired the furniture notably, he repaired the chair on which you are sitting, he repaired that chair, i have a chest of drawers... he repaired the bedroom, now the door closes, he made all the stools, this is such a cabinetmaker he was, like, a stallionist, so he says, yes, uh-huh, yes, well, he said that he has a professional whom he is very proud of, according to
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the keys are a carpenter, yes, but apart from the nickname, i don’t know anything about him, and i haven’t heard anything, so then, as far as i understand, the carpenter turned his weapon against for... andryush, are you stuck, it’s not tasty or something ? no, no, it’s delicious, very tasty, i just remembered that say, and zakhar, he didn’t say where he learned carpentry, in
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the zone, she said, can you imagine, we lost time for the success of woodworking, well, that’s him that's what i said, okay, listen, can i help you? ask for something else, come on, you can come come to our department, talk to our artist, you need to make a portrait, well, an identikit, or maybe you have photographs of him, no, no, he didn’t allow himself to be photographed, well , that means you need to come to the department, make an identikit, you’ll come, i’ll come, you won’t be left behind, i won’t be left behind, thank you, thank you, stepan, and a special thank you for the treat in general, oh, i’ll go to the sea, take a walk, i still have time, so thank you, go, freshen up, maybe your basilisk it will come to you, she’s everything here... she ’s looking out for you, andryush, oh, maybe pancakes with
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myself, oh no, stepan, i’m from the belly, thank you, so where? vaska, ah, vaska, hello, dear, hello, now, wait, one second, let's swim. igor, hello, i urgently need your help. you need to break through the killer, i ’ll send you an identikit later, so the signs are as follows:
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a bald man of average height, perhaps driven by a stoller, served a sentence in the north-west, kicked back 3 months ago, come on, i’m waiting, now, wait, now. well, vaska, let’s take a dip, wait, where are you calling me again,
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vasya, at least once you lead me to a treasure chest. and then all the corpses and corpses, i knew it, but what about such and such a harunzhiy yesterday. tomorrow i, he drowned that night,
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somewhere after midnight, outwardly it all looks like an accident. well, of course, we’ll write it that way. a prominent south sea businessman, sergei vasilyevich gladyshev, while peacefully walking along the embankment, accidentally stumbled and fell into the water. well, what happens? yes of course. by the way, the body could not have been carried out to sea. there is such a current circulation in the bay that if someone drowns in the circle, this is where the bodies are washed up. yes, i know, this coast generally has a bad reputation. no wonder its local surf nicknamed death. by the way, this place used to be. suicidal people loved suicide, so i agree with you, someone helped him to step on, that’s why i’m not very sure of the first results of the examination, an autopsy will give the exact answer, yeah, but i’d venture to suggest that the injury to the cervical spine, as a result of which the unfortunate man died , could well have been mechanical in nature, wait, wait, are you saying that he first broke his neck and
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then choked in the water, yes, the only question is how... when did he receive these injuries? andryukh, just don’t say that she brought you here. oleg, yulia, you finish, and we, okay, yes. sprat, calm down already,
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i come every day, i should already find out. brataas, it was me, claudia, who brought milk. brothers,
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hello, police! good afternoon, colleagues, what happened? hello, nadezhda ivanovna, a corpse in a private sector in the white bay area, antique dealer naydenov was found dead in his own home. who discovered it? the neighbor and the local police officer are already there. crime? it's unlikely, most likely a heart attack, but you still need to check. we will inform the colonel bukhtov and korablev. no, no, no, i ’ll tell them myself. what is the address of this antique dealer? coastal 59. thank you. we're going to pribrezhnaya 59. don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. has europe swung to the right? how will the european parliament elections change
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the political map of the european union? and why can kiev lose several european allies at once after these elections? living without getting out of bed, for the elderly and seriously ill this sounds like a death sentence, but for modern youth it is a new fashion trend: what is bed rot, why has this strange, ridiculous fashion taken over the whole world, and will this incomprehensible absurdity really reach russia? benefit for ourselves, which we will definitely tell you about. this will be your central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. our new name is tebank. oh, the loan bonus has arrived. how's that? you contribute everything
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favorite flavors of rollton noodles in a new pack. pairs, roman burger and roman chicken burger at a great price. in italian, delicious period. order a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest. receive a supercake in rubles for all purchases and withdraw cash for free. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. discounted hand steamer or car fridge itford. 10 days until spring june 12 all day on ntv hello, great, are you so
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happy, yes, today i spent the whole night again, i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i think with i didn’t get up from bed, listen, i don’t understand how you do it, i’m sick. i started as it happens, well, what to buy, what is there, as they call it, prostatricum, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times that you think it works, don’t you think so, i know, dark- then, of course, now i’m my wife, you know how, and what’s there, how to receive it, call, everything is simple when you order, they’ll explain everything to you in detail, just a second, yes, dear, i understand, i’m flying, that’s it, i drove off, leave it try it yourself, thank you later
8:23 pm
you’ll say, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what’s there to think, call, be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than think 100 times, come on, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold. this is a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. when ordering by phone at screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call the manufacturer's toll-free line to order and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, huh. women for their men, men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum
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gold. so, then, zheka, come on, you go to the left, oleg, and you go to the right, i understand, the camera is in cafes, restaurants, stall sellers, right? that 's right, we need any witnesses, come on, i wonder what could have left the pet on this embankment last night, i have an idea, yes, but now i need to do something else, maybe you can enlighten me, oleg, well , later, i’m going to the bay, come on, come on, yes, igor, what a great ship you have.
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are regularly noted, but you already have a photo, it’s not there, it’ll be a little later, about two hours, you’ll have to be patient, thank you, well then send the picture, and we’ll check it with our sketch, that i’ll owe, yes you will, you will, let’s see you in touch , well, good.
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and he warned us about this, and me, you, by the way, too, and he was sure that lazarev was behind this, most likely it is, can we prove it? no, we can’t yet, but i’ll prove it, i’ll find you a killer, it takes time, maksimych, no, we don’t have that time, andrey, i know that no, stepanovna also promised me to draw up a detailed sketch of her neighbor, zakhara, whose name i’m more than sure is igor tolyzin, that’s who we need, you know, i saw him briefly... stepanovna, well, he’s a bald guy, there are hundreds of them, and that he’ll give him an identikit, we need a photo of him, there will be a photo for you, glebov promised to help me, glebov, yes, okay, maksimych, i need yours connections, help, and what exactly is needed, we need to slow down the transfer of land from the selection center to external management, i’m more than
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sure what’s behind this... also lazarev, who operates through his lawyer , the milkman, help, okay, i’ll think about it, how to do this, thanks, here's more.
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where there are antiques, there is often crime, okay, wait, i’ll send someone to you, okay, i’m waiting, well, andrei, it looks like we have another murder, i already heard, the antique was found, i knew that this one would end up old antique dealer, everything was leading up to this, but where do we have sereda, yaakimov, where, well, he’s working, on the gladyshev case, where else should he be, well, okay, let’s hope. they’ll find someone, bring everyone to me urgently for a meeting, we’ll distribute who goes where, there’s, oh, what a day, your camera isn’t pointed in that direction of the embankment, but it’s not there, only in the direction of the parking lot at the entrance, okay, oh , you said
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you had a banquet here last night? who was at the banquet? well, the people were different, but mostly serious. taras nikolaevich and marzha, listen, they weren’t among them, do you know someone like that? yes, of course, who doesn’t know him? yes he was, celebrated the coming of age of his niece, they, well, are like godfathers, you know who i’m talking about, yes, they really love our establishment, well, good cuisine, live music, there were a lot of people, yes. a big man, appropriate guests, a lot of people, a lot of security, and you didn’t notice during the banquet kom, well, in the sense of taras nikolaevich, was leaving the restaurant, there maybe with security, without, well, well, i probably don’t know, we don’t we’re watching this, well, it’s a banquet, someone leaves, someone comes in, you can’t keep track, well, yes, well, we probably finished late at night, no,
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we finished, oddly enough, not very... late, in my opinion, it wasn’t even eleven, and taras nikolaevich was one of the first to leave, i remember this, because he left good tea, which is sacred, yes, well, thank you, you were very helpful, thank you. hello, nikolay, are you worried about that authorized captain akimov, no, no, just a couple of questions, there are no complaints against you, i’m interested in your order yesterday, which was after 12 at night. so, yeah, okay, no, just a formality, today after your shift you can drive up, that’s it, okay, goodbye, i personally prosecuted the person found on
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various charges, due to the sale of stolen goods, due to the arms trade, due to illegal acquisition. values, oleg, you must remember him, yes, and he squatted more than once, but not for long, he has a good connection, it’s these connections, mostly criminal ones , that interest us now, if this is, of course, murder, let’s check his colleagues, competitors, clients, andrey, we need to distribute responsibilities, yes, i understand, but then oleg will take care of the antique dealer today, and my wife and i will continue to work on the smoothie, wednesday akimov, what about the witnesses? on the embankment, well, there is something, but without much specificity, for example, morsh, aka godfather, was walking in a nearby restaurant last night, i also have one clue, the pizza delivery guy was in the area around the same time, it could be that - to see, i
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’ll meet him, i’ll find out everything, but there are no real leads yet, yes, yes, allow me, pavel maksimovich, andrey valentinovich, this is an identikit for you at your request, thank you, free! okay, work, oleg, let's go to the place of death, they haven't trampled, let's hope it's, god forgive me, a private death, not robbery with murder, sudakova is already there, andrey, it looks like, take any information, right away. throw it off, okay? well , of course, go ahead. andryukh, can you tell me? this is like zakhar piskarev, who is actually igor kolyzin, the same hired killer who is involved in all the recent murders,
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including in preparation for my elimination. that's for sure? not yet. that's all, i'm waiting for information from st. petersburg from glebov. along the way, all the ends are there. so what are you doing here? go to st. petersburg and make sure everything is in place. "we will let's cover it, peter, well, that's a thought, of course, i don't hold back others, come on, good luck, thank you, well, what can i tell you, colleagues, i didn't find any signs of violent death on my body, so what do you still want to say by this, only that our mr. antiquarian died approximately 8-10 hours
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ago, most likely from a heart attack, that’s for sure, well, look, the characteristic darkening of the skin. oops, 10 days until spring, june 12, all day on ntv, remember what they told you when you
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the story of a woman maniac on sunday at 6
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pm on ntv. well, korablev, take a photo. oleg, take off your hat, so what does this mean, it means that you don’t need to be a super expert
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in ballistics to determine what weapon this bullet was fired from, so what weapon was fired from, not from a makarov pistol, not from... tt but from a pistol of a more exotic brand for our country, either from a german luger or from a nagant. i think there may be such a weapon in the antiquarian collection. well, let's say, when did they shoot? well, right away i can’t determine, but most likely recently, i am now. i wonder why, why did someone shoot at antikka? in his own house, and he did not die from a bullet, but a natural death. well, this is what major sereda has to find out for you. oleg, what's wrong with you?
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it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. i've been overworked, maybe i should take a vacation? nadezhda ivanovna, what do you propose to do next? so, let’s do this, i won’t rush to open a criminal case for the time being regarding the death of the person found. i don’t understand, why? well , because in order to open a criminal case, for at first it would be nice to see real evidence, to make sure that this death is a murder. well, you yourself saw the bullet in the wall. so what? which? it is not yet clear what has to do with the death of found, so work, i’m waiting for the results.
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just arrange everything as it should be, we ’ll sort things out here somehow without you, but don’t be a hero there either, be careful, maksimych, well, everything will be all right, i’m telling you, when did you decide to go? well, today i won’t have time, tomorrow morning then i’ll rush.
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are you a cossack, are you blind or something, where are you going, can’t you see that there are people, what? i burst out at what you said, it’s okay, shut your mouth, you know what i’m like, a south sea peacock, go back.
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i'll see you here again, you'll make a fuss, i'll put you in prison for 48 hours for hooliganism, i'm out of here, hello, olya, hello, andrey, you're on time as always, well , i have a job, i'm detaining you, you're probably you’re not going to see her, by the way, how did she leave after that mess in the center, i didn’t see her anymore, but she went to st. petersburg to see her son, uh-huh, here... but i’m going scuba diving, don’t you want to make up company, you have time, well, it’s not far, agree. it’s very beautiful, well, in principle, what is possible, yes, yes, let’s go, let’s go, i’ll
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follow you then, okay, the place, i know it well, i’m there. i often drive by in the evenings, but i haven’t noticed anything like that, i’m not a local at all, but i know the city well, but what kind of registration do you have, and well , this is the city of old russian russia, but it ’s not far, so you think that you’re a local, let’s get started first, what time did you take the order, it was already 12, maybe 10 minutes past twelve, yeah, and you were delivering the order on your bike, went to the embankment, right? yes, well, didn’t you see anything interesting or unusual there?
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some group of men on the embankment or cars like that with dark windows, but i didn’t have time to look around, i don’t even really remember the address of the last delivery. well, how come you don’t remember? well, the dispatcher, when he received the order, where did he send it to you? exactly, i have it... i have it in my phone, i’ll show it to you, yes, go ahead, that’s it, although it doesn’t matter where you delivered it, you know, olya, i’ve been feeling lately i’m having the same, very strange dream, a mysterious underwater city, a lost atlantis, and how do you know, i’ve been in a party lately?
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“let’s check, come on, let’s go, okay, go, the pass is still on the way out, and who is this here, yes, he could be a witness in the case, nicely, as i understand it, wait, captain, and we were with the ship yesterday i just ate pizza from this company." it’s an amazing coincidence, and their office is located next to the embankment, near
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which gladysheva was found, but your way was right past that place, so i i didn’t see anything, honestly, well, maybe, but the dvr, you checked it, what kind of recorder, we don’t have recorders, it’s clear, well, that means we’re no longer interested in you, let him go. let's stomp, goodbye, goodbye, i have a feeling that she didn't tell us something? good, zhen, an ordinary pizza delivery guy, what does he have to hide?
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thanks for the wonderful! more stepanovnas? but no, i moved temporarily, to the sea, a trailer, you know, lately i can’t live without the sea, i need to feel it, hear it, i don’t know if it’s some kind of phobia, so now we have to go to st. petersburg, but there ’s a concrete jungle there, i don’t know, why does st. petersburg also have a sea, not like that, of course, but by the way, if you want your own, i’ll give you
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the address of one inexpensive hotel on the water , yes? i’ll be grateful oops, i’m listening, kolya, russian military transports land on the neighboring guards, on russia day on ntv, well, i’ll go upstairs, the rest follow me, carefully, come through, we’re definitely russian, raise your hand, please, i don’t see you, do you see me ? the death of an enemy, who are the enemies there, raise the numbers, close the ranks, a film about a family, yes i see you, i andrey is an officer, a martinet, not an officer, about the country, if his own brothers are so dogged, what can you expect from the rest, about choice, well, come on your knees, you will repent for
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it’s hard not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases, you get super cashback in rubles every month for free with guilt, punish him there tomorrow i’m going to st. petersburg, i was right, your love it’s not a bad thing, i ’ll prove it to you soon, but i don’t care if it’s to the fullest extent. don’t be upset, stepanovna, what are you talking about, there will be a holiday on your street, a truck with oranges will overturn, ships, come on, so what?
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when i get back, you and i will dive, you know, there are such rumors, you know what they say, yes i heard, i’m a freak, in some underwater city, oh, don’t tell me, stepan, knowing you as an experienced one, i don’t i can’t believe in my life that you still haven’t...
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taras nikolaevich the walrus hasn’t been around for a long time godfather and interest in his person on the part of the police causes some kind of unhealthy excitement, moreover, on his birthday. his niece had half the city administration, and even the leadership of the krasnodar headquarters, hanging out, but you’re already wondering who came when, when he left, well, you have good
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knowledge, nikolai petrovich, thank you for being that, a walrus, a famous entrepreneur and he is clean before the law, but the fact that near the place of their party was... gladyshev’s body was found - is it just a coincidence? well oleg, well, don’t talk nonsense, he has nothing to do with it. in general, i expect delicacy in this matter. i understand you, we will work as correctly as possible. well, that's nice. let's. yes, by the way, where is the ship? korablev left, where? either to starororossiysk, or to krasnodar already? doesn't report, yeah, doesn't seem like teamwork, oh well, come on, you know what to do.
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well, have you checked in? yes, who recommended this hotel to you? “it doesn’t matter, i’m an acquaintance, i’ll introduce you, i’ll introduce you sometime, i just wanted to get some sleep, yes, you need some sleep, you look some kind of unimportant, but just a dream, strange, the main thing is always the same thing, mermaids, what kind of mermaids, igor, not them now, now the main thing is to find the killer, i will solve this issue, we will introduce you to one smart opera, he he’ll help you with everything, okay, i could handle it myself, i could handle it”? by yourself,
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get in the car, let’s go, they’re already waiting for us, oh, greetings, well, here’s andrey, meet me. this is your partner for the duration of the st. petersburg business trip, timofey marin, and this is the same andrey korablev, major of the uzhno-urban city of yuzhnonovsk, glad to meet you, mutually, lieutenant colonel said that you have a tame dolphin in yuzhnomorsk, it’s true, it’s true, the name is vasilisa, cool, cool, and i also loved to swim with dolphins at the sea as a child, my grandfather lived there in a dolphinarium and worked there, and then i also worked a little in this area myself , okay, let's go, bring him up to date, and then take me to... the airport, i have
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a plane in 2 hours, i have a flight to the airport, okay, as you say, thank you, our friend left for st. petersburg, carpenter, be careful , i'm ready for the meeting, he should stay in st. petersburg forever, our friend is still needed, but if he gets too close, decide for yourself, i have prepared a surprise for him, i think he won’t be able to leave if he does find him. results of the week on sunday at 19:00 on ntv. a credit card is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, and service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. moscow coffee shop on the ground,
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a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, taste, pleasure, love, recommend. via superstar, premiere in sunday at 20:20 on ntv. in general, yes. kum’s version has a higher priority in the glazashev case, he is much more active than he wants to be, even taking the eltsov case. yeltsova, is this the one in charge of microloans? yes, he was in charge under the roof of his godfather. there is information that the godfather, aka, well, taras, nikolaevich the walrus, is now actively taking over other points that have become vacant recently. wait, wait, wait, that is, you think it’s him who ’s killing all the commerce in the south sea. well, why does it get wet right away? yes, he sat down muddy, but we have no evidence against him. at
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there’s nothing about it yet, we need to work on it, work, well, carefully, carefully, i don’t recognize you, oleg, and i don’t recognize myself, in general, maksimovich has fallen, he has serious connections, if you contact him, well, only with iron evidence, well, here i agree with you, okay, work on the gladyshev case, but just as you said, carefully, i understood, well, i ’ll get involved in the case of what was found, why, why are you batting your eyes? your boss, by the way, in the past was an opera, i note, a good one, so i’ll go and see, maybe some sensible thought will come to mind, so why are we sitting, go to court without the final results of hiding the antique, don’t come back, there’s a colonel, and you and i will go home to what was found, i’m sure a repeat search will give us good food for thought.
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so, well, the passenger is waiting for us more dangerously, if he is here, then he will start shooting at any moment, no one will give us heavy ones, even the gleybus will not help. and then why do we need them, we don’t even know whether he’s there or not, everything’s right, but if he’s there, andryukh, i understand, let’s quietly check, then we’ll decide, you remind me of someone, judging by glebov’s stories, i even know who, you know why i love st. petersburg, that attention, and why the intercom, for beauty, come in.
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it’s here, uh-huh, silence, open it, come on,
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that means the body of the person found was found here, but according to maksimovich, he was lying here, and i found the bullet, well, we found it, here.
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time passes, but the habit remains the same, come here. what is it? a hiding place, perhaps? something like that. in general, the protas always kept two caches. one in the house, for retail sales to casual buyers. and the other one is separate for the price.
9:11 pm
hello, savings card for yours, oh, cheburashka, hello, i need a card to, well , buy an orange, exactly, vsedogen actually buys from her, but, but you’re already an adult, and you want it yourself, sure, but you have a green one map. so, but not like grass, but like, like a crocodile, how smart you are, your signature, oh, i'm crazy, nothing, we'll get you insurance from sberbank, that's for sure, this is for you, thank you for giving
9:12 pm
me the card, you're always welcome, friend, and can i have one more card, i gave that one for oranges? yes, everyone over six years old. issue a card with cheburashka with berkot. say cheese oranges! apply for a free children's savings card in the sberbank online application. how clearly everything is on schedule. they even have the same time listed. is this where it gives away? we need to put gusin’s leadership on hold already, otherwise we won’t figure it out. maybe there is no need to appoint anyone. look, talyzin was met by the same employee. tiny. igor, little one, i checked in, he’s the only one with him, let’s press him, well, let’s press him, it’s better to follow up first, since they have such a business connection. then after our visit to the apartment talyzin will want to meet with him to get information, or to clean up
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the witness, okay, now i’ll call the authorities, let them give us his address and localize him on his mobile phone, be friends, now we ’ll take you into foster care, we’ll find new owners there, don’t worry , everything will be fine, volezhik, i see you can make operational contact here, as a witness, while i’m still in the hiding place, but i’ll know you. with a local chopper, he doesn’t let me show you, he just kisses how it got with the cache, but no way, the cunning beetle was found, if he hides something, then it’s not easy to find, malizhik, look how interesting the bottom is, booths, what is this, oops, bingo, well, open it, look what it is, now, open it, open it, yes,
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oops, what do we have there, huh empty, obviously the one who shot in the house cleared this spark, it’s a pity that the owner of the booth can’t tell anything, but what kind of beer is there? i’ll look at the sprat , so your name is an interesting buckwheat, sprat, sprat, sprat, sprat, wait a minute, i knew i’m one sprat, he just worked for naydenov, he brought him information from diggers, and naydenov then bought weapons from them at cheap prices from excavations, awards, we should test this sprat, what do you think, do they still work together? i think so, and he probably knows about the latest contacts of those found about what was hidden in this cache. let's go
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look for him, and if we're lucky, we'll find him and find out everything. come on, buddy. well, we’ll have to keep walking for a long time, as long as we need to, we’ll keep walking, wait , you see, there’s a local pickpocket, a catch, he recently leaned back, apparently he’s picked up the old one again, he’s going to hell, what can we do about it, i don’t know, look, but... stand, stand , said, stand, brag,
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don’t even think about it, lie down, well, grab it, are you doing it again? took up the old one, captain, the devil lost his way, without, the devil, it was you, ignatyuk, in front of two apers, cutting off a young lady’s purse, you completely choked up, and lifted him up, no, grab, you know me, come on, come on, great, sprat , “i see you’re not particularly happy about our meeting, yesterday boss, you already made me
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happy once for 5 years, i don’t want any more, well, if you don’t want to, then tell us everything about your friend you found, what his business was in lately, citizen-colonel, i don’t know anything about the matter, the department itself has long since moved away, so we’re friends for old times’ sake. since you’re friends, you should definitely know something about his loved ones, but what kind of loved ones he has, he separated from his wife a long time ago, the little boy is a complete moron, and what the protas is doing there, i don’t know at all, i’m saying, we rarely see each other, we rarely talk, see, uh-huh, why did he call his dog your driver, yes, he says, i gave it to him, so i called it that, like he was joking, it’s a great sprat. here i rammed those pieces of iron from the excavations, which you wanted for protas.
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man, are you alive? yes, came here, ran in the sprinters? now take a walk with me, no nonsense. you understood me?
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well, did you run around? oh, they ran up. what about us here? a decent arsenal has been discovered, give it here, and what, all the good, this is something i brought in, i don’t know, but there’s a lot of choice, look what ’s here, just such a luger was used to shoot in found’s house, so how do you explain what ’s in your house? deceased friend found a bullet from a luger your friend dug up, what what? they talked about protas, boss, i am not in sleep, not in spirit, i sit down, so you didn’t know, that is , you know that i am now a colonel, but you don’t know about the death of your best friend, but what a friend he is to me, and what a friend he is to me, you, rest, superstar, your names will burn, your names will burn
9:20 pm
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select payment with a smile on the terminal screen and just look at the camera, get cashback as with regular payments, pay with your smile with sberpay, central television on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. this is not only the time for vacations, but the opportunity to catch luck in summer draws, country houses, apartments by the sea, cars, travel and an additional draw, a golden barrel, meet at the main lottery show in the country, they win with us, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv , good afternoon. "hello, hello, excuse me, you are waiting for someone, i
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don’t need someone, but specifically the boss of this your department or whoever you have in the area of ​​​​terrorism, well , there is no one, everyone is on the road, but you can tell me what the authorized security officer wanted , captain akimov, i’m veronika naydenova, the decision to release his body for burial, so stop, how do you know about death of my husband, we didn’t even get through to you, this once again proves the quality of the work of our police, i live in old russian times and yet i am aware, yeah, well, let’s calmly go and talk in the office, not here about handing over the corpse, talk, please, go through. well, sprat, what can you say about this iron? well , basically, you have one last chance left,
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now you are going to a temporary detention center, from there to a pre-trial detention center, and then along the path you are familiar with, and i won’t lift a finger to help you in any way, even from old memory, citizen, colonel, well , i’ve been out of business since i found it, that’s how it was in spirit, he ordered these dug trunks from me, and this fool promised to bring them from... new excavations, uh, i’m also out of business then, we opened a good arsenal near the catamaran on the shore, i decided to tie everything up, it was so quiet, quietly, he gave out orders, but why did the man who was found need so many weapons, did he at least somehow explain this to you? pavel maksimovich, honestly, i didn’t ask, he didn’t explain, something doesn’t work, especially since the one they found was almost soaked from such a luger.
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we always had a difficult relationship with the protas, you know, he was very charming, but pathologically greedy, it was unbearable, but i wanted to live, you know, of course, i understand, when did you break up, well, actually... you haven’t broken up yet, we were in the process of divorce, and in general, all this is no longer important, i just want to quickly draw up the documents for
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the inheritance, for the inheritance, yes, and generally forget this whole horror, quickly, okay, tell me, how did you find out about the death of your husband, you live in another city, in the press about it at all? i don’t know if this is so important, yeah, well, he himself, i mean, he himself died of natural causes, so well... the examination hasn’t given a final conclusion yet, but the cause of death, yes, a heart attack, but i know this because i was just at the judicial bureau, so for now you are not get permission for storage, especially if you hide the truth, oh well, my son from his first marriage, eduard , called me and said that the protas had died and urgently needed to
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be dealt with. this has nothing to do with it at all, they are paratasom, so how to find your son, where they really should have met him now, but i don’t know, he’s hanging around somewhere with his kids, god knows, okay, give me his number and photo . and then the sharks and i were sent beyond the arctic circle, oh, yes, in general there was something to do, but i can’t tell you everything, myself you see, i’m keeping it secret, i understand, i understand, yes, i took up deep-sea diving there, then, by the way, it came in handy in civilian life, because i was a diver somewhere, or something, but no, you were talking about dolphins, in my grandfather’s
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footsteps let's go. worked in the st. petersburg dolphinarium until it was closed, with sea animals, an assistant, a trainer, with dolphins, including me, by the way, that’s why your story interested me like vasilisa, yes, how did you meet her, oh, listen, such a story, she recognized me at the selection center herself, i went there i came, did one thing at a time, and in the end it turned out that i found my favorite girl and a dolphin friend for life. cool, well , tell me, yes, the storyteller is for me, you know, how so-so, well, anyway, let’s better discuss how we’ll catch the little one tomorrow, because of your friend we missed out, but we’ll figure it out, maybe we’ll drink some more, come on, i'll bring it now.
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today, the situation, the circumstances, i believe that it is simply necessary to detain taras nikolaevich marzh, at least so that you and i have room for maneuver. okay, i'll delay him for 48 hours to clarify, but during this time you need to find irrefutable evidence of his guilt, otherwise, if i don’t release him, then the prosecutor’s office will release him. paval maksimovich, you understand our risks, how can you not understand when there will be a resolution
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in the morning, so what? will find him, tomorrow morning, on behalf of pal maksimovich, i am looking for eduard, the adopted son of an antique dealer who was aware of his death, we need to find out how he knew this, his phone is turned off, his mother does not know where he is, but i found his place attraction, so that we’ll find him, uh-huh, well, i work as a freelancer, so i just need someone, okay, well then, that’s probably all for today, yes, we’re leaving, thanks to everyone, it was a difficult day, hello? delivery service, thank you for calling back, i have complaints about the quality of service.
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so, hi. keep this to you, oh, special thanks for the coffee, and also, lady, what is this? summary! last night , inspector igor makhonko was stabbed to death at one of the railway stations in the resort area. damn it, this lead was cut off. but i didn’t understand that are you so happy? because i just came from the air force, where i had a good chat with our yesterday’s runner, hvat. what does khvat and makhonko have to do with our affairs? direct! khvat now agrees to anything so that i can help him reduce his sentence. so he said that he knew the guy who was passing through our house. after his release, so khvat says that makhonko joked with the tolyzny in front of him, saying that they are not only close friends, but
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also neighbors under their dachas, almost relatives, fishing together in sostraretska in the flood, that is, you want to say, if your grip is not he’s lying, we need to look for more in this flood, almost, i struck, the little dacha is in the market. this is next to lenin’s hut and the place where this little guy was killed. well, let's finish it, then, let's finish it. russian special forces will be here soon. defend the frontiers. and if you find the source of the leak, then it will be at least some kind of thread. we need to bring additional forces into this sector. and stay alive. let's listen to russian special forces. only they, sea devils, can do such an operation, and how will they publish, wait, the movie isn’t over yet, new episodes of your favorite
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series 1, 2, 3, boom, from monday at 22:10 on ntv. via superstar premieres sunday at 8:20 p.m. on ntv, it’s ozone’s birthday, tell me, discounts, discounts, oh, sale, ozone’s birthday, geltek cream for 529, appetite pans for 1.599, neppy club diapers for 799, i’m something good, the best, and i’m useful, oh yes, and you manage me regularly, and i’m vtb’s new loyalty program! choose the categories you need every month, for example, clothes, sports goods, get cashback up to 25% on any vtb card, in rubles, thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, together everything will work out, one of my friends
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went to the wrong area, but i ’m getting used to the role here, i’ll be there soon, uh, kid, i have to call, but i myself have zero account, but if i find it, but he will find it, don’t you have a megaphone? you can call via messengers even without money. megapower communication at zero is already included in the tariff for free. our subscribers will not be left without communication. and remember, he is on a megaphone, he has mega power. call me if you need me. megaphone word, expert in treating thrush. flucostat. both answers are correct. in terms of? flucostat - capsules. aflucovac - vaginal suppositories. both drugs can act on the cause of thrush and alleviate it.
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i love, recommend, meet the new washing gel kvalitat, a new formula of seven enzymes against stains. qualita effectively removes contamination. kvalita washes and softens perfectly. freshness, softness, purity, quality. sberbank mortgage for any type of housing, for a new building, secondary housing or construction of a house. 10 days until spring, june 12, all day on ntv. listen, gentlemen , police officers, i can’t understand why. i’m here, what does gladyshev have to do with it, what’s the connection with naydenov, what are you talking about, here’s taras nikolaevich, check it out, you talked to naydenov just on the evening of his death, and the localization of the negotiations coincides with the address and the time of his death, so what, we talked we...
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after that he died, what is the general connection between our meeting and his tragic death, i don’t catch something, listen, taras nikolaevich, i promise to check your negotiations with gladyshev on that day second by second and prove that first you agreed to meet with glatush, and then after your supposedly business conversation was ordered to be removed, to listen to you, so it turns out that i’m killing everyone in yuzhnomorsk, and several people a day. it’s not funny to ourselves, well, nothing, nothing, 48 hours
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will end soon, everything will become clear, now i’m tired and take me, duty officer, take me.
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verakh, sits, why sits, no, on the contrary, he guards, he and igor are colleagues, only he is in the dark, the other is in ocher, so you haven’t seen this with a photograph here, why haven’t you seen it, seen it, of course, that’s him in the house of alik trutny and lives, uh-huh, uh-huh, at igorka had the keys, he put him there, said that this was his friend and that aleksolutno didn’t mind, but i just doubt it, of course.
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i see, well, timog, go ahead, call amon, like that, yes, yes, like that, yes, yes, comrade major, there is a walrus here, that is, for whom there are printouts from the telephone operator, great, go ahead, give it here, thank you. fine.
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and why are you sitting here, where is your amon? that, of course, you can storm as much as you want, only your bald guy has already left through the back door, i saw it, i’m with you, no, you’re here. dalozin stand, let's take a detour along this street, stop, stand, talyzin.
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are you okay, come here, give me your hand.
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remember, taras nikolaevich, i promised you to check everything second by second and prove your connection with gladyshev’s death, well, look here, on the evening of gladyshev’s death you called him twice, although this usually didn’t happen, according to statistics you called him no more than once a day .
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right, no, your guests, as one, for some reason find it difficult to answer, but this does not play a role, so how do you explain your early disappearance from the restaurant? the conversation is over, major, i will only talk further in the presence of your lawyer. why are your agents sure that found’s adopted son is located here? they say this is his favorite place, inexpensive and clean, well, it’s inexpensive - that’s for sure, zhen, you go, open it, and i’ll wait here, i don’t want to observe this comfort with which he
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settled there. let's live it up,
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yeah! well, where did you get the weapons and money? i took the protas from the house, but i didn’t kill him. how did it work out so well for you, and why don’t you lay a finger on him and take his money, just like that, i’m telling the truth, we’re with him we agreed, or rather, i asked him to see me, why, well, in general, i thought he would help me out with money, i didn’t ask for much, and he wouldn’t have given much, he was still a stingy guy. well, then, well, in general, he agreed, i came, the gate was open, the sprat was barking, i went into the house, there was a protas
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lying on the floor, i immediately realized that he was dead, well , the protonnik, how did you find out, what is there to know - then, protas always liked to boast that his money was under the protection of his personal cerberus, only this cerberus allowed whoever he wanted into the house, the sprat just looks menacing, well, in general, i took all the headstocks and trunks that were there.
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the legendary detective mukhtar mukhtar mukhtar is in a hurry to help, don’t miss the loudest return of the summer, the criminals are already on you. bored, worried that you can’t catch them, mukhtar’s return from the very beginning, this is not just a dog, this is a weapon from june 13 at 8:25, at 11:00 the dog is on ntv. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. in mvidio and eldorado there is a 50% discount on the second household appliance product. built-in dishwasher combustion for only 26,000 rubles. bemvideo and eldorado. sber has increased the best interest rate on deposits to 18% per annum. this is the ecology of the city. this is an investment in the health of our children. this is
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but i’m getting used to the role here, soon i’ll be, uh, kid, there’s, call, but i myself have zero account, and if i find it, and he will find it, you have a megaphone, you can call via instant messengers even without money, mega-power communication at zero is already included in the tariff for free, our subscribers will not be left without communication, remember, it’s on megaphone, he has... megapower, if anything happens, call the word of the megaphone. pentalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel: a great choice - when you buy clothes on ozone you get wow cashbk 99% to pay for new orders, choose, it doesn’t bite, in the old village there’s no way without luck, we had one blacksmith, his... shackles brought good luck, but now there they make the arcuette also for good luck, let's check, the arcuette
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address show fellow traveler. calls the second one, see you, so, well, suppose you stopped here, then walked through the room, yeah, a gun? oleg, organize a medical examination of both suspects, yes, taras marzh, who is godfather
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and pasinka naideonov eduard vladimirov. “this is what needs to be done, why lately only lies have come from you, but what a lie, it’s not true, if you’re talking about my death, i’ve already said this 100 times, that it was an operation, clearly planned, but i didn’t about the operation, but about what, why are you telling me i didn’t tell you that i knew hope from moscow, but how did you know this? that's where i found out? in, andrey, no need, are you jealous or what? listen, come
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home, we'll go somewhere with you for... three days, rest, talk calmly, 2-3 days, yes, are you serious, you can't talk to me normally for half an hour, come back, my son is here, great, take him with you, move in with me, you know how i feel about tributes. in, what.
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phew, yes, yul, what are you talking about, where are the results of the examination, we don’t have time at all, you you are sitting with a microscope, meditating, you would have known the results of the examination a long time ago, if you had checked your email at least sometimes, i sent you everything a long time ago, even photographs, i realized, excuse me, why was bukhtovoy right, on taras nikolaevich marzha’s chin indeed, they found a characteristic wound, traces of gunpowder were found on his hands, and what does this mean, it means that he had recently shot, and well, yes, and such damage to the chin with a high muzzle probability could have occurred if the shooter fired a shot from a luger pistol in the position from belly, that is, in a narrow space,
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how narrow, well... for example, how from here to this rack, very close, this is such a feature of the luger, its cartridge case flies out vertically, vertically, i understand you, thank you, yes, by the way, i fell to maksimovich, respect for his erudition, but okay, i’ll tell you that you were planning to interrogate me again at night, but what about 48 hours? my lawyer, where? i won't say another word without him. there's no need to say anything. the examination told everything for you. it turns out i was
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right about article 119. you decided to intimidate found my old supplier. why? am i guessing too? he was pathologically greedy, apparently, he bargained to the last. and when you presented him with the final argument. and fired a warning from the luger, it was sold to you, the protas’s heart just couldn’t stand it, why are you twisting my arms, well, well, well, you’ve known me for a long time, not only do i have the lowest prices, i also have the goods in working condition, brother, i warned you, i won’t let you rat and i won’t pay too much, wait, i’ll give you everything i’ll explain, well, give me time in the end, time to calculate how much you owe me now? you had enough, where is the money? i’ll give you everything, but you already have the biggest discount, but i can’t work at a loss, you’ll understand me,
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so what, expertise, ideas, everything? interesting, haven’t you been buying weapons for him for an hour, how did you get me, take me to the cell, i’m really tired of you, duty officer,
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take him.
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so, is your business trip over? oh, at least i had a good trip, what do you think, are you laughing? there are even more questions than answers, what is tolyzin’s business about, i took it from the archives for you, oh, thank you, as soon as i had time, and that there is something interesting, well, you’ll see for yourself, but it seemed curious to me that tolyzin’s business, then many years ago, when his first once they grabbed it tightly, the head of the ugronovsk zanevsky district, nikolai petrovich krymov, personally dealt with it, but i myself tensed up, i know, and krymov’s role in that past case of yours, so i immediately drew attention to it. interesting movie. andryukh, i’ll look for some information for you here in st. petersburg, yeah, about those times, maybe something new, but
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so much time has passed that you understand. well, thanks anyway. listen, come to us in yuzhnomorsk, let’s go fishing, i ’ll introduce you to vaska. it's my pleasure. i know that dolphins are smart guys, and judging by your stories, your friend is completely unique. yes, so i’ll definitely come, listen, let’s go to the airport, otherwise i’ll be late, give me a lift, of course. if you are talking about murder, then i don’t know anything, but we. what exactly are you going to name the killers for us,
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in a branded jacket for a pizza delivery service, next to him is a bicycle that has traces of mechanical damage from a collision with a hard object. without signs of life, an examination carried out at the scene by the ambulance crew of city clinical hospital no. 2 showed the presence of numerous bruises, abrasions, as well as an open craniocerebral injury, the time of death according to the degree of rigor of the body was established at approximately 2-4 hours, the case is being checked on transport by the ministry of internal affairs yuzhnomorsk. evgeny, what happened? have you decided? repeat eduard vladimirov's run from the brothel? have you read the latest bulletin? no, something else, a pizza delivery guy was hit and killed tonight. delivery man? yes, which one is it? who was a witness in the gladash case? i don't know for sure yet.


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