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tv   Staya  NTV  June 7, 2024 12:00am-12:51am MSK

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bito and nazarova do not coincide, but the antibodies are completely hers, which means she physically gave birth to him. so whose child is this? how do i know, but i found out who the owner of this building is, well, someone named chernyshov, at one time bought several boarding houses at a bargain price, made repairs there and rents them out. in short, if you looked around here, i then went to see him, yeah, but we’re in a different place. i drove up, yes, yes, i’m coming down to see you, yeah, i’m coming in.
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forgive me, mr. chernyshov, chernyshov, your mother! a couple of minutes earlier, right? would you get a feast? seryozha, i’m operative, why was it necessary to bring him down, we’ll still find the orenna agreement, if there is one, but most likely there isn’t one, chernoshov rented out this premises to one of his acquaintances by verbal agreement, so that he would not let this acquaintance highlighted it, they failed him, he needs to work it out. i know chernoshov, they drove me to
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the department, well, that’s it, i wrote a statement, hello, seryoga, 110 to one, such a coefficient has never been seen in the history of zarechensk, here people are already leaving the streets, and the bookmakers are crying crocodile tears, fuck you, and how? that's right, comrade colonel, thank you very much, there is a resolution to inspect chernyshov's apartment, who will go, a sea of ​​hands, right, i have shocking news for you, friends, from our experts, the child we found turned out to be the son of the vetrovs, well, yes, they could not give birth to a child, and the horse helped, they took a surrogate mother, nazarova. but something
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went wrong there, i don’t understand why such secrets? is surrogacy prohibited here ? it is allowed here, but in many countries it is prohibited, couples from these countries do it here for a lot of money, illegally, naturally, by the way, i did some digging on the internet, this boarding house or clinic, where you went there, could do these procedures for our foreign couples, we need to look for where they moved, so maybe they closed altogether? it’s unlikely, if there are orders, then they work, where will they take the pregnant women, and why should we now go to all the country mansions, okay, i’ll talk to vetrov, maybe he’ll give some kind of clue, and you go to chershov’s apartment, yeah,
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you why don't you eat? i don’t want to, in your situation, you need to eat, and then you’ll kill me? why are you did you take it? did you kill lena? it happened by accident with nazarova, we just wanted to take the child, she started screaming. well, kireev overdid it, but the child, he is with his parents, and don’t forget that you are also a surrogate mother, you are simply providing a service to those who cannot have children, okay, what guarantees do i have that you will not kill me after how i give birth, and why, you will be silent, and we can even continue to... cooperate, okay,
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but i want twice as much for silence. "we agreed, i'll transfer you the money tomorrow, and i need my phone, i can’t give you a phone yet, i don’t know what else comes into your head, i’ll check the transfer, and i just need to pay off a debt to an acquaintance, tomorrow i’ll put it on his card, otherwise he’ll worry and look for me." "tomorrow i’ll give you the phone, but only under the supervision of my man, okay, now bring me some food, it’s already cold, i’m very glad that you and i agreed on everything, rest.
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just don’t tell me that you will pay her, we will get 10 times more for her child. then i'll take her far away from here tomorrow, let her there he checks his translation. so you want to say that i have a brother, but why did they hide it? i don’t know, you said it yourself, they didn’t do it, maybe they were afraid to stare, then why did they kill them? i don’t know, by the way, is there an address of the clinic where they supposedly did it? yes, i know, we still communicated normally then, i gave agatha a couple of rides, and i dropped her off, but where is the child now? now in the hospital, they should transfer to
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an orphanage, which one? in the seventh, it seems that fans have something to say with the betting league app, discuss bets in a unique chat with... other players, repeat the experts' bets and share yours, go to green, get freebet 2222 from the leader of the bets, i'm listening to kolya, on the neighboring guards russian military transporters sit down, on the day of russia on ntv, snipers up, the rest will hush up, carefully pass, russian flight, raise your hand , please,
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it’s impossible, i’m for russia, 10 days until spring, that our russians came, july 12, all day on ntv. dolphin, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. thrush attraction expert, flucostat. both answers are correct. in terms of? flucostat - capsules, and flucovac - vaginal suppositories. drugs can act on the cause of thrush and alleviate its symptoms after a single use. flucostat or flucovac. everyone has their own way of getting rid of thrush. our new name is t-bank. thank you for inviting me. and i also want to invite you,
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get a black card from the bank. i will receive 1,500 rubles. and you are 500. daughter, you are a genius! invite a friend to get a black debit card from tebank before june 30. receive 1500 rubles, and your friend will receive 500 rubles. check. which of my friends still oil banks? don't forget to invite me, he's the only one. an excellent choice is when you buy clothes on ozone and get 99% to pay for new orders, choose. beauty, why bother, it’s so expensive, no, mom, it’s not at all expensive. saved for my mother. liran refrigerator for 69,990. liran, we make comfort accessible. it tastes better on fire, burger king. a credit card is beneficial in any
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a holiday. congratulations. it bank is giving you a great gift. money. apply for a loan from t-bank before the end of june. make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash. t-bank. he's the only one. dolphin. new season. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. i love the moscow coffee shop. and i’ll tell you why: the moscow coffee shop is a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class, the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the waist, i love it, i recommend it. meet the new washing gel kvalita. with a new formula of seven enzymes against spots qualita effectively removes contaminants. kvalita washes and softens perfectly. freshness, softness, purity, quality. sber raised rates. deposit the best interest rate up to 18% per annum, and when you open a brokerage account you can also receive three
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sber shares as a gift, have time to open a deposit with the best interest rate before june 30, sberbank fill the summer with bright images on azon, summer tops up to 699 rubles. moscow coffee shop on the waist, taste, pleasure, love, recommend. premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. each of us has something dear to us. honor, memory, present and the future. expensive sincerely, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker. we do not throw words to the wind, and we do not abandon our own. join yours. soon russian special forces will be here
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to protect the borders, and if we find the source of the leak, then it will be at least some kind of lead, we need to bring additional forces into this sector to stay alive, let’s listen to how the russian special forces will beg, only they can do such an operation. sea ​​devils, and how will they be published, wait, the movie is not over yet, new episodes of your favorite series, from monday at 22:10 on ntv. yes i heard i heard this version. sergei, our journalists tried to dig up information, but the entire investigation team for the accident came from the region; we have no options. they should attract technical experts for
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this, but i’ll send them from moscow, well then the examination should be objective, but sergey, you think the smart guys are only in moscow, they also know how to use their brains here, and as they said, measures were taken after the accident to dismantle dangerous structures, all evidence pointing to sabotage was destroyed, everything, nothing prove that it’s true that they want to appoint rebrov to the place of director of the plant, yeah. and that osipov allegedly personally recommended him today, osipov, which is unthinkable, he was also the chief engineer, apparently they promised to get him out of the criminal case if he left on his own, but this is a hundred percent setup, this cannot be allowed, yes it is clear, but what can we do we, the shareholders, with a block of shares in yakushevo, we could, of course, assemble a board of founders, now it’s not even clear who owns this block, i understand, i know. and to whom? what happened? was something supposed
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to happen? well, we just have very serious clients? uh-huh, but i’m interested in which doctor saw vetrova, agata timofeevna? we do not disclose such information. i understand that i'm stressing you out, so in order to keep the tension. but we have a very friendly team and good salaries. lyudmila, tell me, have you ever heard about article 294 of the criminal code of the russian federation, obstruction of the investigation, up to 2 years in prison, and the staff there is not friendly with everyone.
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petrova went to the owner of the clinic, perelygin vadim stepanovich. where can you find it? third floor thirty-first office. thank you, you helped the investigation a lot. and please put on shoe covers, this is a change. how can that be? she was such a good woman. yes, and her husband. why were they killed? this is what we are trying to find out. tell me, do you know that the wind ones gave birth to a child here.
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the legislation in this area, you know, is quite shaky, if a woman carrying a child has a maternal instinct, then the court will take her side, well , scandals, problems, my patients, me they will curse, uh-huh, because i sent them there, i need it, yes, tell me, with eco, many did not succeed in getting pregnant, but no, the percentage is small, is it possible to somehow get a list?
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uh-huh, okay, i heard you, well, what about you, that a saber is on the head in battle, of course, well, yes, well, yes, what am i, now you will make a ramp , let’s make you a ramp, you could knock out the rooms, that’s it i don’t have the authority, you have everything, hat, you have everything, here it’s okay, but there ’s nothing, you’re dragging him on yourself, nothing, we’ll move him to the first floor, well, after living, we’ll live, great, seryoga, listen, well, they told me what you did for us, thank you very much, but come on, no , come on, you just recently
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moved to us, and already like family, so thank you, yeah, let me help, stop it, we are here on our own, guys, thank you, hello, natasha, well, father is home, now it will be easier, probably, yes, it won’t be, even if mom gets some kind of job, she still won’t be able to feed two more, why are there three of you, well, i’m already an adult. you need to go to moscow to enroll, even if i enroll on a budget. i will need money to live in a foreign city, well, yes, you can earn extra money, no one will take you right away, and to study as a day student,
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you need to work hard for at least a year so that you don’t get kicked out, well, you can enroll in an evening course, evening students are not given a dorm , so my entire salary will go towards housing, and how will mine be here? natasha, what about your dream? yes, what kind of dream is this? natasha, hi, do you know where sveta is? like the house was, hello, let's come in tomorrow, what's wrong with you, i feel bad, and why didn't you call, what
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did you call, i've been sick all day, well, i would i came, i helped, you helped, thank you, i don’t understand what happened, but i got pregnant. so will we have a child? will we have a child? yes, it’s like a bicycle, you can’t return it, so that’s great, maybe now we can get married, that is, are you proposing to me now? well why not?
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don’t be afraid, don’t check your money, why did we go so far, what if the cops give you a pass, how can they even come here, come on, come on quickly, now i’m translating to someone i know. i’ll do it, show me, i owe him 30,000, can i send it? yes, let's do, all. a series of mysterious murders that shocked even investigators. there are a number
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of interesting crimes, but there was one: for the first time, the case of a murderer who was not like everyone else. all night there were incomprehensible sounds, similar to blows with an ax, she walks with a stick, looks like an old man, behaves like... an animal, in fact, she kept this secret all her life, woman, fool, shut up, i hate you, the secrets of an old woman with an ax, she is very cunning, the story of a maniac woman on sunday at 6:00 pm on ntv. via superstar, premiere on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. expert in the treatment of thrush, flucosta. vak, both answers are correct, in the sense, flucostat are capsules, and flucovac are vaginal suppositories, both drugs are able to influence the cause of thrush and alleviate its symptoms after
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a single use, flucostat or flucovac, each has its own way of getting rid of thrush. our new name is t-bank. we change our name without changing ourselves. dbank, he is the only one. the czech town of žatec is famous for its... have a good rest on the square of three mugs, enjoy the beer žatec goose, non-alcoholic, register codes and collect your collection of mugs to have a good rest, zhatelsky goose is non-alcoholic, collect good mugs, on the one hand it is an ozonbank card with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand you can pay for anything and get goods for it for 1 ruble . millions of products are even more profitable and cashback up to 25%. first like, first friend, first life,
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let's say it will be your central television, on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. well, shall we split up? yes, am i going to take the bus again? we’ll give you addresses that are closer, and we’ll take the country houses ourselves. the main thing is that we don’t ask people directly whether you have children from surrogate mothers, but somehow it’s neatly veiled, okay? well, then send me the addresses, yeah. yes,
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nikolaevna, that’s right. calm down, where are you now? tanya transferred 30,000 rubles to my card. wow, congratulations, why? i don’t know, there’s also a message here directly translated into money. thank you, hello larisa annat, who is larisa anat? the director of our orphanage is called larisa anatolyevna, maybe why does she say hello to her? i don't know. okay, wait. erokhin and nazarov, they are both from orphanage, right? yeah, surrogate mothers stay on the clinic premises for the entire 9 months. if there were relatives, there might be questions, but no one will be enough. do you think it was larisa who brought the girls to the clinic, what clinic, what are we talking about ? you don’t know anything, you erokhin, you didn’t write anything? no, i called you right away. don't write, don't call, well done for
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figuring it out. what is the address of the orphanage? what questions do you have for our orphanage? we have questions for you, larisa anatolyevna. "i listen to you, to whom did you supply your pupils as surrogate mothers, what does it mean to supply, i don’t like your wording, well, let’s change the wording, which one do you prefer, and that surrogacy is illegal in our country, but don’t you worry, larisa anton, but i’m worried, because, judging by by your tone, you suspect me of something. the pupil was convinced, like the parents of the child she gave birth to, that tatyana erokhin, your former ward, is in mortal danger,
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so let's forget about the wording and your personal feelings and answer my simple question: through whom did the girls get this work? yulechka annosova, she is our former student, she has been working as a lawyer for a long time, she promised that every contract would be read personally, and nothing like this has ever happened before, it’s all alive, how long have you been doing this, five years, maybe a little more, please contact us, yulechka onosova, huh... yes, of course, i don’t like all this fuss, just don’t tell me that
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onosova was killed, just don’t tell me that she is a defendant in our case, she was the link between the orphanage and the clinic surrogate. a colleague took the lists that you asked me yesterday, and i decided to look at it myself in the evening, well, well, in general, there is definitely not one married
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couple who succeeded, i kept them myself, yeah, only one couple is missing, well, one of those , that i myself kept, yes, only one, who makes the lists, the administrator, lyudmila, yes, purely theoretically, she could recommend a surrogacy clinic to those who did not succeed? well, in any case , no one stopped her from doing this, yeah, there are her contacts, let’s go to the personnel department, they’ll tell you there, uh-huh, why didn’t they kill this people, because she was clearly connected with someone, since she removed her last name from the list, well, the chance that we would come to ask questions at this clinic was minimal, and the fact that perelygin would decide to check all these lists, even less, well, if they kill everyone associated with this list, then she should have been removed too, maybe there’s something personal here, i don’t know, she’s the sister there or the wife of one of the bandits, let me go, at least listen at
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the door, maybe she’s there, he’s still in my face, i don’t know, quiet, there she is. good afternoon!
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now go. maybe he had just come to kill her, she called and said that the police had a list at the clinic. no, well, he wouldn’t
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put fly in her coffee right in the pub? in short, we sit and wait, see where they go next, but comrade captain, i’ve already visited three families, two have no children, the third child was adopted, i checked the documents, we completely forgot about you, so stop going around, there’s nothing there ...will you find why? well, i ’ll explain to you later, go to the department, they forgot about me, it’s clear, now why he doesn’t... what to do
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shall we? so, call gorbunov, i hope lyuda went home, let them knit her there. yes, you don’t know that they took away everyone’s mobile phones, without the internet at all for a long time, i don’t know, and they moved abruptly, some crap is happening, everything will be fine, i’d rather give birth and get my money. what will you do then? i’ll go to st. petersburg, i have a friend there who works as a waitress in a cool restaurant. well, you can make a career as a waitress in our city. here is rotten, and there is peter. ok, i 'll go and have some tea. exclusive interview with alexander. money, in general russia to find maybe. despite whom and thanks to whom, russia can become. economy of the world, and of the developed ones only the united states remains. which
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industries are showing significant growth rates today? salaries are higher there now and working conditions are attractive. is there a great risk that as we transform, we will switch from the western technological needle to the eastern one? there is certainly such a danger. why tax innovation and the savings economy are exactly what we need. redistribution of income in favor of low-income citizens. answers today on ntv. 10 days until spring. 12 june. day on ntv. expert in treating thrush. flucostat. both answers are correct. in terms of? flucostat are capsules, and flucovac are vaginal suppositories. both drugs are able to influence the cause of thrush and alleviate its symptoms after a single use. flucostat or flucovac. everyone has their own way of getting rid of thrush. our new name is t-bank. oh, the loan bonus has arrived. how's that? if you make all payments on time, it bank
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recalculates the rate. when you close credit is like a holiday. congratulations. it bank gives you a great gift. money. apply for a loan from t-bank before the end of june. make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash. t-bank. he's the only one. every master wants to know. what grout should i use? grout. cerizite - a wide palette of colors, reliable protection against moisture and mold. ceresid is the ideal solution for any tile. for best results, use cyrisit grout glue together. on the one hand, this is an ozonbank card with which you can receive cashback. on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 rub. millions of products are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an ozonbank card. the pain may vary depending on the mechanism. it doesn’t matter what caused
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thank you for inviting me, and i want to invite you too, get a black card. from the debank, i will receive 1500 rubles, and you 500, my daughter, you are a genius, invite a friend to get a black debit card from the bank before june 30 and receive 1500 rubles, and a friend will receive a 500 ruble bill, which of my friends is not yet in t-bank, don’t forget to invite me, t-bank, it’s the only one, we have, if it’s sports, then with records. if it’s a holiday, then it’s a national one, we love traditions, we honor our history, we value family and strong relationships, we admire how
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the country is blossoming, even more achievements await us. looks like we've found our drift clinic. call gorbanov.
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we have cops, okay? let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go through the back exit, and you don't think it's enough, let's go, damn, damn, they'll surround you, damn, forgive me, let's go, let's go, let's go, it hurts, the girl let go of the weapon to the floor, quickly! go away, let me, i ’ll throw it out of the car on the way, i don’t need it. angelina, let her go, you, you didn’t kill anyone, do you hear? don’t make your situation worse, listen to what your friend says, she didn’t do anything wrong, some got children, others earned money, what’s the problem, we ’ll give you a bonus for this, let the girl go,
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you killed lena, shut up, give me the car, and if we don’t give it, you’ll kill in front of everyone, huh? and the weapon on the floor on your knees, quickly, hands behind head, quickly! angelina had nothing to do with it, kireev and i killed everyone, ourselves without orders, uh-huh, and nazarova and vetrov, what happened there, and nazarova, she changed her mind about giving up the child and ran away, well, we found her, demanded the child, she began to scream and kireev her ... with a knife, why did they kill the veterevs? yes, in the wind, we rushed into the clinic, made a noise, said that they would go to the police, to the court, well, we had no other choice, you know? "load it, angelina, don't touch it, please, there are five pregnant girls and a bunch of documents, let's go take a look,
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viktor matveevich, i would like you to listen for yourself to what leonid will report now, so to speak, first-hand, please, in general, the car that i discovered..." corresponds to the composition of the rubber that remained on the asphalt when the car drove away with a slip, traces of burning gunpowder and unburnt particles were also found, these correspond to the batch of ammunition that was used in the assassination attempt. in addition, a pistol was found under the seat from which the makarov pistol was fired
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, with serial numbers. bullet sleeve corresponds to the weapon from which a businessman was killed 6 years ago, i investigated the case, the crime weapon was not found then, the suspect was released for lack of evidence. yes, a balaclava mask and a piece of latex were also found. dna from all these items, a match was found on a fragment of a glove, it is fully consistent and clearly points to the former head of the criminal investigation department , krotov.
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are there smernovs on the run from razumov, which means their personal belongings should remain in the office, yes, do an examination, and if you find coincidence, a search must be launched immediately. yes, valera, it was necessary to do so, and it was so stupid to burn yourself, it was necessary to believe so much in your impunity, i came here. so that you would treat me, so much evidence was thrown in, so much direct evidence, but what about you, i don’t know, would you leave confessions there, would you want
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to leave them, who would find them there, you, who are doing the search in this city, i’m doing it , was engaged, listen, if this car would stand there for six months, it would go away from all orientations, all the guards would forget about it and it would go to a dump, as it always was, uh-huh, only... they didn’t take one thing into account, this one is still in trouble, if only so, so, now you need to sit quietly, and if there is such an opportunity, then get out of the city and disappear, that’s about that's why i came to talk to you.


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