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tv   Mi i nauka  NTV  June 7, 2024 1:05am-2:01am MSK

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the support that is available for families with children, maternity capital, but now there are still many others, especially unsecured or low-income families with children, all of this will certainly support, but this is not enough, unfortunately, that is, action is also required in another area, that is in the field of psychology or ideology, i don’t know, it can be called differently, thank you very much for the conversation, thank you. hello, it’s a decade of science and technology in russia, the ntv television company and the state corporation rosatom present the program: we are science, science and we are a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years, i'm vladimir antokhin, i'm ekaterina shuga. and in 10 years
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science will be able to control mentality, of course i will figure out what it is, yes, but at the end of the program, our optimist guests will make a forecast with what probability in 10 years science will learn to control mentality, our expert, professor, will talk about the history of mentality kapustin, i am very distrustful of entities that are difficult or even impossible to define, but mentality has synonyms a whole bunch: this is a general mental makeup, a way of life, attitudes, worldviews, and even a system of spiritual skills. the term mentality was first mentioned in 1856 as the metaphysical meaning of the soul. already in those days, mentality was used to divide peoples, dividing them into developed and primitive. the collective mentality has become very popular on american soil.
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it was argued that all inhabitants of america have similar principles of thinking, and mental activity corresponds to the same rules, note that the indians' descendants this statement was not extended to black slaves at all; mental slaves began to be studied most actively at the end of the 19th century. this term covered all diversity, all groups of people according to a variety of criteria. in a word, mentality has become fashion, today we are discussing fashion, that’s right, since it’s about fashion, then a question for you as a woman: do you feel your mentality? i, of course, am a russian woman who loves a lot of children, strong men, the russian field, and i don’t know, folk songs and literature, what about you? you know, i would like
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first figure out what it is, and then i’ll tell you whether i feel it or not, at least i’d try , evich, there was once a time when there was no such phenomenon as mentality at all, the word mental in english - this means the literal translation of psychic, psyche, and if we proceed from the fact that this phenomenon is somehow connected with mental life, then probably it’s still mentality...
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mentality was inherent in both subspecies, in this regard, not the anderthals, why did i remember them, they were in general, by and large, more like that psychic creatures, more creative, more intelligent, because the neanderthals learned how to process tools, made the first spears, the first these stoppers, yes, they learned to maintain ragon, this.
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we have a smaller brain volume than neonderthals, this means that we have worse intellectual abilities than neonderthals, where did these advanced comrades go with... a wonderful mind, a beautiful, wonderful thought, they killed each other, as the latest data show paleoneurological, due to the fact that they had a factor, an additional factor of intraspecific aggression, due to the fact that they had a large brain, but a little differently structured than ours, due to the parietal lobes, i would say that they had an aggressive mentality, they had an aggressive mentality, absolutely right. yes, and at the same time in their mentality there was no block for the instant release of their needs, including aggressive ones, that is, hatred arose, yes, it immediately, it immediately manifested itself in behavior, this of course played
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such a fatal joke on them, that’s good, alexander sergeevich, well, your mother-in-law says, tatyana, russian. soul herself, not knowing why, well, that is, it seemed like she felt like a russian soul, but why this happened, she could not explain, so when did people understand that there is something that we now call mentality? listen, well, actually the question is very multifaceted and contains, well, different, so to speak, approaches, but i probably still stick that it is not entirely correct to operate with the concept of time in this case. well, for what reason, because, well, in any case, it seems so that the concept of mentality among different nationalities, in different, in different living in different conditions, which means that it arose at different times, then we probably need to talk more about some
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the criteria that prompted them, that is, about some kind of trigger that made them think, and still, well, i probably see it more as... at the moment when they started, well, let’s call it roughly travel, but move from territory to territory, see other people similar to themselves, but who think somehow differently, they began to wonder why, after all, yes, a person who looks the same as me thinks somehow differently, he has different foundations, he has different priorities, he has a different worldview in general, it would probably be more correct. connected with the nationality, now you say that the nationalities came there, or the nationalities are not similar, then after all, nationality and mentality, they are somehow connected, i would not
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he said that this is a direct dependence, but there is also codependency, because you said, among other things, you love the russian field, yes, yes, but on the one hand you don’t know why?
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it seems to me that, to a greater extent, this is a collective component, there is certainly an individual component, well, because there is some part that is genetically transmitted to us, and from generation to generation, something that we cannot explain, to this we will return to this question, but a little later, after the advertisement, advertising on ntv, on air on ntv, via superstar, our superstars.
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no one can even roughly predict how today’s broadcast will end, very curiously, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. dolphin, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. expert attractions milkman. flucostat vac both answers are correct, in the sense, flucostat are capsules, and
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flucovac are vaginal suppositories, both drugs are able to influence the cause of thrush and alleviate its symptoms after a single use, flucostat or flucovac, each has its own way of getting rid of thrush, our new name is tebank, dad, thank you for inviting me, and i want to invite you too, get a black card from t-bank, rub, and you get 500, daughter, you’re a genius, invite a friend, get a black debit card from tebank before june 30 and get 1,500 rubles, and your friend will receive a 500 ruble bill, which of my friends is not yet in tebank, don’t forget to invite me, tbank, it’s the only one, burger king tastes better when it’s on fire, say no to silicone paraben and yes, shauma shampoo 90% ingredients of natural origin for healthy,
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beautiful hair . take care of your family with shaoma. shama - care from roots to the very ends. our new name is tebank. oh, the loan bonus has arrived. how's that? do you make all payments on time? and t-bank recalculates the rate. when you close a loan, it's like a holiday. congratulations. it bank gives you. great gift, money. apply for a loan from t-bank before the end of june, make all payments on time and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash. te-bank. he's the only one. classic sedatives do not always help insomnia. try melatonin from velson. with welson you can fall asleep naturally in just 20 minutes to sleep soundly at night. on the one hand, this is an ozone bank card, which you can use to pay for anything and receive cashback. and on the other hand. this is an azonbank card with which you can pay for anything and receive
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1:19 am
dad, thank you for inviting me, and i want to invite you too, get a black card from t-bank. i will receive 1,500 rubles. and you are 500. daughter, you are a genius! invite a friend to get a black debit card from t-bank before june 30 and receive 1,500 rubles. and the friend will receive 500 rubles. check. a autobank invited me to sing. tebank, he is the only one. pairs, roman burger and roman chicken burger at a great price. italian, delicious. and period. for headaches there is ascafen p, at an affordable price. and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. our new name is tebank. we change our name without changing ourselves. t-bank, he is the only one.
1:20 am
how did he lose his wife in a fire? the doctors said that she could not be saved, that she had a large burn and was ready to break the law for the sake of her son. certainly, it was a severe trauma, where dmitry ostrakhan found the love of his life to say, yes or very well, it’s very easy to live with him, and how his wife ballerina saved the whole family during... dmitry ostrakhan and his million-dollar secret on saturday at 21: 20 on ntv. the program is on air, science and we, a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10
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years. in 10 years, science will learn to control mentality. well, we will find out, because at the end of the program our guests are optimists. skeptics will make a prediction: with what probability in 10 years will science really will learn to manage the mentality, but there is no mentality, says our expert, professor kapustin. i’ll give you a quote i heard in a store: why the roads are so bad for fools is because we have such a mentality. there really is no mentality. mentality is a pseudoscientific concept because there are no signs. by which it could be recorded. the concept of mentality is bad because it is perceived as something unchangeable, given by god or formed by the previous history, and it is absolutely impossible to measure. people who consider mentality to be a scientific term make the following argument. if
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everyone had the same mentality, all countries would be equally developed and have the same traditions. but today we observe that the most stupid, terrible, evil conflicts take place between relatives, children and parents, neighbors, but who stops this? ivan yulievich, well, you heard the opinion of our expert, he is a chemist, but what do you, as a biologist and geneticist, understand by mentality and, in general, what sciences are it today? are they studying? well, in addition to being a geneticist, i’m also a chemist, really. it was not given, it is still subject to scientific research, in fact, everything that
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concerns mentality, if mentality is considered more or less scientifically, then it should be considered as a certain component of the human psyche.
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brain, that is, its ability to adapt to different situations, its ability to work non-standardly in a certain way, that is , plasticity in this case is much more important than volume, especially since there are even diseases, in which the volume of the brain increases, they are usually accompanied by mental disorders and mental retardation, and in fact, moving on to the direct sciences that study them, at one time,
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in my opinion, not a very successful term was coined, but the english neuroscience. this is, in fact, a kind of conglomerate of sciences and scientists that deals with all issues related to the psyche and brain, but here we must understand that in the west in the anglo-american system there is no such clear division into the humanities and natural sciences, they have a division into social sciences, that is, these are not sciences in general, but sciences are sciences, that is, physics, mathematics, biology, yes this is science, and social science is what we study, as it were. using scientific methodology, but in fact we need this for some kind of local solutions to some issues related to the humanitarian and public sphere, here everything is different, and apparently because of this... in fact, this not very good either, from my point of view, we don’t have something like this specifically - such a global system of studying brain, in which we, unfortunately, in relation
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to our western, so to speak, not quite partners, are losing, well, here again, as they say, whoever starts over, uh, has the opportunity not to make the mistakes that others have made, we will cut at turns, yes, in fact, in my opinion, if this issue is again dealt with comprehensively, because here... we need psychology, and a whole range of medical sciences, not only psychiatry, but also neurology, well, in general, everything related with the functions of the central nervous system, and naturally, genetics, genetics got involved in this issue quite a long time ago, because genetics has always studied pathology associated with impaired functioning of the brain, in fact, many came to genetics precisely from neurology, from those related disciplines that dealt with mental retardation and other forms of impaired functioning brain. well, in fact, this is precisely why we can now isolate the genetic component associated with mental characteristics with mental characteristics, we can isolate the component
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external, yeah, and andrei anatolyevich, when volodya and i came up with the program, we still proceeded from the fact that mentality exists, despite the statement of our wonderful professor that mentality does not exist, but let’s say it does exist, but this is how it is formed, maybe you can tell me your opinion, but it’s interesting, when, for example, our mentality was formed, what is it like, russian, i don’t know, central russian, what? well, of course, there is a mentality, it’s quite strange to say that it doesn’t exist, there is a young comparative science, but still science, cultural studies, for which mentality is a fundamental, basic category, perhaps second in importance after the concept of culture itself, is studied in detail; in general, mentality came, of course, from historical science. historical process, and the french school asked the question,
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maybe it’s more interesting to understand how people lived then, ordinary people, how they thought, what their picture of the world was, maybe this is more important than events, just to understand the era, these are the researchers like mark blok, there ligov, huizinga, in russia, aron gurevich, medievalism too, so they developed it mentally. in relation to the middle ages, what is medieval mentality? well , first of all, as a religious mentality, yes, that is, the main thesis is that modern times are not very religious, then everyone believed in god, everything came from this, and then all this migrated to sociology, cultural studies, they were no longer talking so much about historical eras, so many peoples, and now we are talking about the mentalities of the peoples of the world, there is such a wonderful, well, unfortunately, such a wonderful scientist has passed away georgy... gachev, who wrote many volumes, the mentality of different peoples, national images of the world, this is a very researched topic, if we talk about
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how, where the subject of conversation is, where, in fact, how we find signs of mentality, a very simple example , there is a linguistic picture of the world, these things are enshrined in the language, for example, if you look, well, we all know english one way or another, look at what a complex system of tenses there is, goals, complex, yes, much more complex, everything is more sophisticated than in russian, for example, but but they have absolutely no category of state, well, that is, something that is connected with space, something that is very developed in the russian language, all these gerunds, from verbal adverbs and so on and so on, in other words, we say that in english the mentality focused on time, not space, this is better developed in language, but in our case, on the contrary, it is focused on space, look at the globe, where space is the main thing, that is, we feel space very well, but we feel it worse. time, the british have a better sense of time time, but why do today what can be done tomorrow, it’s true, we treat time very calmly, because we live in eternity, our consciousness is
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not really temporary, that’s why reforms and changes are so difficult for us , everything related to time is not our category, we want it very quickly right away, we have stagnation, stagnation, stagnation, revolution, stagnation, stagnation, revolution, well, that is, there is no planned, gradual development, calm, comfortable, as let's say in... in temporary these cultures, well, i digress, you actually asked a question about the origin of the russian mentality, where does it even come from? i here agree with lev gumilyov, who believed that culture and mentality are formed primarily by climate and landscape, when people live for a long time in certain natural conditions, many generations, then a certain type is really formed, let me maybe draw it, it’s easier so far, that is , it turns out about poly, i was not mistaken, you say that we... are about space, you they set this metaphor, it is very accurate, in fact, look, the russian people were formed in a flat space,
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you must agree, we have... a little forest, but basically we see that we see the horizon, our main visual line is the horizon, here we have horizontal thinking, here is the horizon, yes, and from here comes the idea of ​​equality, we look for equality, justice in everything, and from here our breadth, this is space, from here comes, you know, calm, large space, calm, openness, openness to a large space, that's all connected with the horizon line, but the horizon constantly moves away from us, hence the utopian nature of our consciousness. we always think in some great categories, there is the conquest of mars, i don’t know what, yes, of course, that is, for us it is very, very connected with the fact that our ancestors were always looking at the horizon, not all peoples see the horizon, the russian people have always seen it, for example, there is a high-mountain consciousness, imagine that people grew up in the mountains, they always run into something, it turns out that they see, what they see, they see all the time, they all live in a gorge around them mountains, mountains, mountains, they see the sky, they see
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this... who all his life sees the sea, someone else's environment, his main line is the coastline, this is the shore, what separates mine environment from a foreign environment, and he is always surrounded by a foreign environment , a feeling of fear, a feeling of hostility, a feeling of aggression, but also the need to conquer a foreign environment, hence piracy, adventures, hence the ease of doing business, a powerful fleet, that is, it’s like it’s like it's a fight with your own fear all the time, the fear of
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that a foreign element will come. yourself, this internal aggressiveness along with paranoia, this is really an island consciousness, they are not to blame, they live on an island, these are seemingly simple things, but they form some very basic attitudes towards life, it’s amazing how everything came together for you my beautiful infinity, of course, why do you say correctly, we we we us eternity about us, we have time, we have a lot of time ahead of us, space, now it’s clear why the englishwoman shits all the time, right?
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we think that artificial intelligence does not appear out of nowhere, it is created by you and me, we are people, which means that we involuntarily transfer our mentality to yes, that is, look, artificial intelligence is, if you break it down, it is a data model, and the data was taken by people, and what data people took, it’s an algorithm and it was written, written by people, it’s not a problem that what we pass on to it is worse, when it starts to pass on something of its own to us, then it will be further developed. yes a question for the future. sihika means this individual, on the other hand , is mentality a collective feeling or not always? yes, of course, by mentality, as i understand it, that’s how i grasp it, well , the consensus that we are developing here still makes sense to talk more about mentality as - some kind of
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sociological phenomenon or socio-psychic phenomenon, that is this is a certain general psychology of some group, a group of people, united by space, united by some economic tasks, goals, united political will or goal, and here, well, of course, of course, there is a lion, the reasoning of lev gumilyov, who in his work relied on , in my opinion, spengler’s book. the decline of europe, of course, they are so naive and can hardly be called scientific, yes, because well, sri lanka, madagascar, these are also island states, and where is madagascar, and where, where is england, yes, where is sri lanka, where is japan, no, this theory does not work, unfortunately , so we need to find something more significant that will allow us to penetrate into the essence of this phenomenon, and the essence
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phenomenon is: that - after all - this is where this concept came from, but it didn’t exist, in fact, in the 18th century, but in the 19th century it slipped through, but we are with russian philosophers ...
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in planning our life and mentality management, that’s where we come to very elusive, hard-to-grasp complex questions about mentality management, individual psyche management, individual psyche management in the structure of a certain community, a certain group, corporate, national, political.
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the story of a woman maniac on sunday at 6 pm on ntv. via superstar premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. expert in treating thrush. flucostat. both answers are correct. in terms of? flucostat are capsules, and flucovac are vaginal suppositories. both drugs can
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act on the cause of thrush and alleviate its symptoms after a single use. flucostat or flucovac. everyone has their own way of getting rid of thrush. our new name is t-bank. oh, the loan bonus has arrived, what’s that like? make all payments on time, and t-bank recalculates the rate. when you close a loan, it's like a holiday. congratulations. and t-bank gives you a great gift. money. apply for a loan from t-bank before the end of june. make all payments on time, and we will return 5% of the interest rate in cash. t-bank. he's the only one. here. burger king tastes better when cooked on fire. say no to silicone. and yes, shauma shampoo contains 90% of the ingredients of natural origin. for healthy, beautiful hair.
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trend, first training, first. stories, videos, music, feed, vkontakte first for 85 million. and there is always something more. with melatonin from velson you can fall asleep. naturally, within 20 minutes you will be able to sleep soundly at night. our new name is t-bank. dad, thank you for inviting me, and i want to invite you too, get a black card from the bank. i will receive 1,500 rubles. and you are 500. daughter, you are a genius. invite a friend, get a black debit card from tank before june 30 and get 1,500 rubles. a friend will receive a 500 rub bill. and petya autobank invited me. of course, mom. tebank, he is the only one, my new invention for cleaning
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the toilet, with bref there is an easier way. bref - colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. bref number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. pairs of roman burger and roman chicken burger at a great price. in italian, delicious period. the pain may vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn't matter what caused the pain, if any. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to combined composition, pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. our new name is tebank. we change our name without changing ourselves. tbank, he is the only one. you won’t believe how kirkorov celebrated his ninety-second birthday. i got up, i got up. my legs are gone, i ’m walking like this, i’m specially
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demonstrating on television why the world doesn’t accept my sisters olga and maria shukshenykh, just like that, you know, they threw me away like that, because with this door, i just took after my dad, i’m lucky, what secrets will gosha kutsenko reveal, be prepared for shock, how a horse fell on the daughter of askold the reserve, when a horse with a kilogram falls, then... like some complex sign, because well,
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a complex sign is a sign that consists of several components, and any a complex quality, a complex feature, well , speaking in completely scientific language, a phenotypic manifestation, that is, what a person is, yes, it always has two components, genetic, inherited or acquired, so to speak, at the molecular level during life, and environmental factors, and here the question arises, how genetic is this relationship? external yes, what exactly is the relationship in this characteristic? of course, in the context of mentality, at first glance it seems that genetics plays a second role here, well, that is, it seems to play first, yes, but it is not primary, that is, it is most likely formed by external factors. on the other hand, again genetic studies operate with such a wonderful concept as predisposition, which characterizes a situation when there is a certain the risk, or how the probability arose.
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the genetic external one may be displaced, well, in the end, we cannot exclude some kind of mental disorder or change, if we say so correctly, you see, the brain has it, the brain is a cunning system, on the one hand it molecularly influences... our psyche, yes, on the other hand, our psyche influences the same molecules that are in it, that is, this is such a vicious circle, in fact, just if we exclude these environmental factors, then in principle, the mentality will not change it should, how interesting, the country can be changed, for example, the field to the sea, but the mentality somehow doesn’t change much, well , you will look at the sea, remember the field, the field, okay, andrey anatolyevich, then we have an excellent example , but please bring it: our friend pavel has a friend, a wonderful one,
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who perfectly changes his mentality, if you can call it that, while he and pavel are sitting at dinner in the evening, he is quite beige, beige, like pavel, as soon as you want you support, i want, as soon as pavel leaves for work, this a wonderful friend pretends that he is a sofa, he has the red sofa mentality there , in fact, really, but ivan yuryevich said that the mentality most likely ... should not be subject to change, but how mobile or changeable is the mentality in your opinion, and is it then possible to replace or change it at all? i think there are several that need to be highlighted here. levels, after all, there are elements of the mentality that are quite basic, unchangeable, and they are primarily associated with the language with the grammar of the language, that is, if a person changes his language completely, so that he forgets his native language and learns a new one from scratch, so that there are not even remnants of this former real
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language, yes, then the mentality will change, but for now the language is native, and we know that the brain is designed in such a way that a very specific area is responsible for the native language, and other parts of the brain are responsible for all other languages, so it cannot be said that you have two native languages, this does not happen, that is, the brain always turns on exactly a certain zone for native language, so it needs to be turned off in order to change the mentality, he can learn another language, he can move, he can emigrate like a chameleon, adapt to new conditions, yes, but for now, while his native language is native, nothing.
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i think, but this is my point of view, that mentality is encoded in the native language, yes, then if you remove the native language, then there will be no mentality, please allow me to make one more assumption, of course, language is very important , a very important shell like this if we use a computer metaphor, yes, that is, this is some kind of operating system in which what we call mentality is clothed, yes, but still, reduce everything to the language of... noam chomsky, he was just talking about the generators of generative grammar , that is, in fact, speech, we don’t
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even fully know how speech originates, yes, that is, we know what areas of the brain are responsible for it, but... the person was immersed in the emotional and interpersonal environment, and most importantly, our mentality depends on the meanings with which adults begin to impart to the child, this is a very important point, it is of course difficult to grasp, it is poorly researched, but in my opinion this is what is important, what is most important are these
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meanings that are being introduced, the social matrix, it seems to be broadcasting itself. one person, but the consciousness of a group of people, and not only today, but also those who will live tomorrow, but mentality is dependent. on the timeline, we, as it were , talk about the cultural matrix, but the matrix of education, we invest what
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was invested in us, if we invest in the current generation, it will be traced, including in subsequent generations, and technology, naturally, will probably be the main tool here, including the benefits are obvious, the benefits are obviously available to someone else, well, i can. in fact, to say that mentality management is a process that is very similar to chaotic processes, and there is such a concept of controlled chaos, which, in my opinion, is, well, let’s say, well, a pr model, well, let’s say, a duck according to by and large, because chaos cannot be controlled, it can be initiated, but then deal with it with varying degrees, then say oh, then fight with it with varying degrees of success, and this, in fact, we observe everywhere and... in biological systems, in physics, in chemistry and in the social sciences. the simplest way
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to control mentality, here colleagues said practically everything and here is how mentality is formed, but the easiest way to turn off mentality is to make a person mentally retarded, in fact, because we all operated here in this case, so to speak, with the norm or relative the norms, if you turn them off, and if you replace them, so to speak, replace them... this is what will ultimately lead to, you will either create, so to speak, or lead to some kind of complex mental illness, such as schizophrenia, which in general- it’s not very manageable in the end, or it will lead to cosmic backwardness, which is very easy to manage, but the point of managing this person, well, he is so purely everyday, but in a broad sense, no, so strictly speaking, the benefit here, in my opinion, is very dubious , that is, initially you you will get... some opportunity to control the broad, roughly speaking, broad masses, but unfortunately, these broad masses can do nothing definite, well, it’s not difficult, or in
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a short period of time, in a short period of time you can, relatively speaking, grab something , but as they say, further, run, friend, run, everything, everything said is fair, about influence and about, well, in fact , all information wars, all marketing, everything is built on influencing public consciousness, on mass consciousness, this is not a mentality, a mentality ...this layer much deeper, it is actually unconscious, it is not formulated, well , look, for example, nikolai berdzyaev, a philosopher, yes, this year we are celebrating his anniversary, it was believed that the main trait, the national trait, that is, the main mentality among russians, this is messianism, salvation, the desire to save the world, and look at the whole history, indeed, some kind of global or local crisis arises, immediately the russians run to save everyone, from napoleon.
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even the field doesn’t affect this, but where does the truth come from? let's quickly run away and save peace, while advertising on ntv, advertising on ntv. the academy of russian television announces the acceptance of applications for participation in the twenty-third all-russian television competition tefiregion. details on the website there is a program on the air, science and we are a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10
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years, in 10 years science will be able to control the mentality, or not just science, someone who will use this science, so it’s still very serious a question to our guests, optimists and skeptics, how likely is this to happen in your opinion? in 10 years, ivan yuryevich, let's get it from you, if science at all in 10 years will exist as a form, well, i quote. social knowledge, yes, if science does not stop turning into, so to speak, a kind of industry, which, by the way, is promoted by all these comrades from the club of rome already mentioned here from another, then in principle the influence will be, well, almost 100%. again, what do we mean by mentality, if we mean it as a certain component of the psyche, then naturally, up to 100%. well, what if there is no science as such, but again someone else will influence her, well, in general , 100%. 100%. thanks a lot. andrei
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anatolyevich, do you have a forecast of what is the likelihood that science will be able to control the mentality? i think that possible successful experiments with changing the mentality of an individual person, this is possible, so i give 20% for this, but to change the mentality of the entire people, but the whole exterminate the people, there are no other options, so therefore, but someone can change their mentality for this, most likely science will not be able to, but change the mentality individuals can try. 20%, 20%, thank you very much, alexander sergeevich, do you have a forecast of what is the probability that science will be able to control mentality through yes, i also think that the forecast tends somewhere towards a probability close to 100%, but here it is also important to understand some points , which are inherent in this, which means the first point is our own influence, we also influence
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the change in mentality by, but... now i’ll briefly say yes, that is, let’s look at the trend in using services psychologists, maybe going to a psychologist is just a fashion? on the one hand, probably yes, firstly, well, let's share the first point, people really have a growing trend of problems, but in my environment there are a huge number of people who go to a psychologist in order to get to know themselves, to know this , including the unconscious and... and knowledge is the first way to change something, the question of changing it for good or bad , the psychologist, rubbing his hands, begins to change something there, the second, second trend, who opposes this, well, take it, today we talked about the internet, the media and everything else, but we forgot to talk about social networks, about how much they influence people and not only the individual, but the masses,
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our mentality. absolutely yes, so 100%, 100%, thank you very much, igorich, do you have a forecast of how likely it is that science will be able to control mentality in 10 years, i will allow myself a little fantasy, i think that in the next 10 years such things will appear on social networks , will appear first skillful...
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never, it’s the same with any inventions, including in artificial intelligence, in social networks, in socio-cybernetics, we can invent something, but it is very important that our mentality, traditional, is the one that we have here now, just like in the behests of our ancestors, she gave us the opportunity to block the release of this genie
2:01 am
from the bottle, the use of this


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