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tv   Agentstvo skritikh kamer  NTV  June 7, 2024 2:00am-2:36am MSK

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real people, this, i think, will be the decisive moment for changing the social mentality in general, well, in particular our society, this is what science will provide such an opportunity, but the final decision, it is not up to scientists, to use this technology or not apply, that is, it’s like the invention of nuclear weapons, and scientists invented it, but thank god.
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the ability to block the release of wine from the bottle, the use of this nuclear baton, the baton of artificial intelligence, it is very important that we preserve their humanity first of all and did not turn into biorots into sociocybors and did not use these scientific achievements, forecast, i hope that this will not happen after all 15%, 15%, thank you very much. volodya, with a probability of almost 59%, science will still be able to control mentality, or rather correctly, our experts say that science will give someone the opportunity to use the technology of controlling mentality, it’s sad, on the other hand, well, science is called upon to provide some new technologies, you know, the most important thing is an antidote, we must have an antidote, i don’t know, our fields, our traditional ones.
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we have, stock up on spoons, balalaikas, kurchatov, yuri gagarin, sauerkraut, watch the science, and we'll see you in a week, bye, bye,
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ask, the hidden camera agency, is engaged in professional detective work, using all modern technical capabilities, the head of the agency is lieutenant colonel retired troshin mikhail ilyich, served in the operational search department of the fsb, transferred to the reserve after being wounded. olga yuryevna sirova, operational officer of aska. daughter
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major sirov, deceased partner troshin. pavel, a technical specialist, was involved in a number of cases solved by troshin during his service. sovitsky egor pavlovich, senior police lieutenant, part-time employee of the agency. ask, hidden camera agency. good morning, boss. hello. are you moving, can i give you a ride somewhere? no, i've already arrived. have you decided to live in our micros? why would that be, you have your own apartment, actually boss, we already live here, if you haven’t noticed day and night, i think something’s going on something’s wrong, but i just don’t understand why it’s not okay, in my opinion it’s very okay, how long can you hold on to bad coffee on sandwiches, your stomach is curdled, but for a long time you can , what’s the point of all this, since we’re here we live, we need to establish basic
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life here, we’ll start with a kettle, i bought the cheapest one, so our agency’s expense item didn’t suffer in any way... olya, we don’t live here, we work here, that’s why we spend our whole lives at work, and do you know what 's enough? olya, did you happen to use a gas stove? i didn’t bring a couple of fifty-liter cylinders and a dishwasher, did i? are you wasting money? by the way, i have my eye on a small coffee machine and a very nice microwave, but let’s start with this, with hot tea. here’s the kettle, pour some water, here’s the water, you know, it’s somehow even awkward for me to ask you now, but you couldn’t go to the pharmacy, you’ve finished playing with your stomach, right? no, go and buy yourself a sedative,
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mikhailovich, well, i’m doing it for you, that’s it, well, i mean, for our sake, well, i mean, since we live here and spend all our time, it’s necessary do something, you can’t kill yourself, so... ol, well, everything has its place, well, well, what does your microwaves have to do with it, and here is this instead, thank you, yes, great, well, i’m offended, ol, well, i i’m not saying that we won’t need the kettle, it will be useful, well, everything else, well, really, well, well, superfluous, but i’m just trying to do basic life here, don’t boil, i’ll put the kettle on, let it boil, the client is 20 steps away from you, nineteen,
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eighteen, pavlik leads nina on a mobile signal, training, the right thing, well, maybe while she’s walking, tell her who she is, what’s the problem, it’s too late, one step, that’s it. “hello, i’m coming to you, nina ryabushkina, on the phone the man said that it’s a blue minibus, everything is correct, please come in, sit down, thank you, this man is me, my name is mikhail, and this is olga, my assistant, it’s very nice, hello, well, tell me what you came to us with, it means that i have an adult daughter, 25 years old, name is sonya, she is married, they live in their own apartment, they don’t rent, they don’t spend money, they both work, in general, everything is fine.” , but not so long ago sonya comes to me to borrow money, she and hero decided to do renovations, but i have my own confectionery shop, i have money, and of course, you will do everything for your daughter, you agree, i completely agree, and that’s what i gave, but that
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’s not the point this, and sonya, that’s when i first noticed that sonya was somehow, you know, depressed, nervous, scared, but she waved it off. she said she was just tired, and what happened next? then a week later i went to their apartment and brought food, well, that is, i have their keys, i see that there is no smell of renovation, i asked, she called, she said that the workers failed with the materials, the deadlines were delayed, well, in general, don’t get into it, then after some time she came again, hesitated and hesitated again and asked for almost the same amount. she said that they were abandoned, well, unfortunately, this happens, i understand, but that’s not the point, then i noticed bruises on her shoulder on her arms, she somehow you know, she pulled her sleeves there, hid , hid, but i noticed , someone is beating her,
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demanding money or something, you know, her husband’s husband, you said, yes, german, but german definitely couldn’t, then he is now on a business trip, fresh, the color has not yet changed, i feel that something terrible is happening, and sonya is not herself, she is somehow scared, she began to avoid me, and that is, i have all my hope only in you , you know, what you find out will help, we will try very hard, yes, tell me, nina, you can provide us with the opportunity to install surveillance cameras in sonya’s apartment, yes, of course, i have the keys, sonya is at work until the evening, but german is not there, let’s .. . we’ll go now, i’m very worried about her, but yes, of course. why not, thanks,
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it looks like they are saving on food, cereals, vegetables, yeah, are you on a diet? obviously you don’t need to sit, so you, boss, should think about proper nutrition, fresh salads, soups, well, for at least an hour it’s always hot, what’s bad, is it good, is it good? but i would prefer that i now think not about proper nutrition, but about the fact that sonya is calling someone. yes, pash, we can hear who she is with, that you can talk to me? nothing, everything is fine, i just really like the way you work, continue. does she communicate with her husband? thank you, pavlik, i would i was surprised if he had someone else acquaintance named herman. i can't get german money. i asked everyone, everyone started talking, damn, are you crying or what? well,
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what else should i do? ask your alice about this, it’s all because of her, damn it, you got hurt, and hera, well, how could i have done anything differently? well, she helped us out when we needed it, she gave us every penny, and by the way, these were your debts, she saved you from trouble when she needed help, well, how could i refuse her, okay, okay,
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pavlik, did you hear everything? yes, and i was looking for it at the same time. sonya doesn’t have any alices on social networks or among her friends. there was one, but i deleted my account. it takes me time to dig into it. dig, just limit yourself in time. every minute counts for us. do you think this is serious? for now, all that is clear is that sony got into some kind of trouble because of her friend alice. and she needs money, not enough for conclusions, we continue monitoring, slana petrovna, good afternoon, security service of your bank, another moment and the scammer would have suspicious access to the money transaction on your account, but svetlana petrovna turned on the intelligence officer, the billing went on for seconds, urgently dictate your card number so that they can transfer the money to a safe account, ringing in... the bank itself hung up, whoever the scammers pretend to be, to get it out of you money,
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hang up without talking, we have some bullshit, andrey, two dealers from moscow have disappeared, a guy and a girl, we need to understand the scheme by which the criminals operate, that’s what their final goal is, we don’t have that yet.. . dolphin, new season, you might say, that you ran from the police, conscientiousness tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv.
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i can’t just sit and wait, there’s no way in our work without this. by the way, pavlik said that sonya is already getting ready to leave her student, uh-huh, then she’ll go to the next student, you know, giving piano lessons is also boring, this is sonya. i see, just stand there, you’re fine, i’m calling the ambulance, don’t, don’t, everything’s fine. do you
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know him, i’m seeing him for the first time, but i was just scared, it doesn’t hurt me, but what did he want from you, steal a bag, thank you for scared him off, so why not declare, this is an attempt at robbery, listen, but he still didn’t steal anything, don’t, i don’t want this, they’ll torture me with protocols and that’s all. they won’t find it, thank you very much, what? what's there? pavlik is looking for this guy using his car number. he got away, why didn’t he beat up the girls, did they bounce back? what do you have there? it’s strange, sony didn’t want to call the police, she collected me. read more. but she said that this man wanted to rob her, and i saw that he was telling her something and didn’t even touch the bag,
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that is, didn’t try to snatch it out of her hands, do you understand? yes, i noticed that too. ears, let's slowly follow her until, uh-huh,
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did you find anything? boss, well, i’m not a magician, i need at least until tomorrow for bank loans, and you, pasha, try to get up, guys, it’s ready, are you serious, or what? boss, i was just lucky, now i found the database, sofya balakireva, acted as a guarantor for alisa gromova’s loan, she is thunderous, so i stole a photo from the case, i’m throwing it to you. this means that alice has not made a single contribution towards the debt, sonya does this for her, and judging by the amounts and dates, this is exactly what she took for the mother has money, we see a friend, and so there is a note in the telegram that the phone does not work, she does not live at the indicated address, but you still
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check it yourself again, lastly, did you find the owner of the car in which the sony attacker drove away? run in, the car belongs to leonid viktorovich lykkov, born in 1983, judging by his correspondence , he goes out to bomb every day, it’s definitely him, thank you, pavlik, and that’s not all, the bank didn’t sell thunder balakereva’s debt to collectors, interesting, i’m calling yegor for tomorrow, let talk to this bast guy. good morning, boss, well, i was thinking of letting you sleep, well, i don’t know, how many bombs go to work, i once in the summer before college, i remember your father told me, yes, i loved this story,
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well, and i wanted to... yes, yes, i’m ready, come on, get up, lykov has already left the apartment. good morning, little darling, go ahead. ari! “leonidov, you were detained
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for causing bodily harm to sofia balakereva, what kind of damage are you, boss, you pushed everything once, which means you admit the attack, and you hired me, i have nothing to do with the sofa at all, it’s nothing personal, they hired me on the basis of being sadistic, well, if you convince me, then so, i was taking a woman yesterday, then they blabbed all over, she asks me if you want to make some easy money, but i don’t stupid, why should they ask, she would intimidate one girl, say that she’s a collector and tell her to pay, business for 5 minutes, and for this she promised ten, you would have refused, i don’t even have a problem with the answer, yes, well, you probably , you get it normally, but for me 10,000 in 5 minutes is never too much, yeah, we we drove up to the address with her, she lay down in the back seat, showed me the girl, so i pushed once and jumped, that’s it, no
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injuries, honestly, egor, let the customer describe what she looks like, do you suspect someone, well, she so impressive, black, well, let’s go, you’ll tell us everything on the record, she’s so pretty, then it’s not interesting, it doesn’t matter. lykov is a random figure, we are sure that yegor will put the squeeze on him in the department if he reports anything, but i think that lykov has nothing to do with it, and what are our further actions, so what do we have, sonya, pays debt for his friend alice. thank you, pavlik, i’m glad you’re with us again, it’s not me, it’s alisa gromovaya, how do you like it?
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but the documents haven’t turned up anywhere yet, this is a dead end, we can look for this alice for months, unless of course nothing happened to her, well , there is no alice among the corpses of the victims, among the unidentified unconscious, without documents, she also doesn’t fit the description, the aliens still have lists of those abducted didn’t update, so excuse me, well, formally, we can close the case, because we found out why sonya needed the money, in principle, who threatened her, call me, we don’t work
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formally, we bring the matter to the end, always, to close the case now, this means leaving someone else’s debt to sonya and german, giving way to the collector, where we are at balaker’s house, keeping an eye on sonya and thinking, thinking and think again. my husband has arrived, there is news, what are they going to do? ol, they show and tell you everything here, look, listen, my legs don’t go to work, i don’t even understand where we can get
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more money and how we will give back what we borrowed, just don’t tell me now what we needed think first, come on let’s decide that now, i’m sorry, i came at you out of impotence, i emptied mine, asked whoever i could, they all figured it out or were lying, finally. we need to think about what to do so as not to lose the apartment, otherwise they will force us to sell it to pay off the debt, listen, gera, let’s re-register the apartment in your name, well, it’s a gift, i don’t know, the notary will tell us. this is of course great, yes this is great, this is our only option, let’s go right away today, we can’t delay, you don’t need to go to work, so listen, i
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’m canceling the next student now, let’s go, agreed, well, that’s it, i then ran, i feel sorry for them, ol, but you actually have girlfriends, well, we rarely see each other, it turns out that my best friend is my job, why don’t you chat with her about men, she only orders business to talk about, here... cutting boards and in general this is also done, but what is this part of our work, we sit here for days, what ’s wrong, well, everything is like that, but if the main thing is not to miss, now you haven’t missed anything, yes, i see, she’s not small, sonya came out, we’re following her, wait until, german grabbed the phone, pavlik, let me hear who herman is calling, oh damn,
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ah... i didn’t even pick on him, kitty, well, everything’s fine, you won’t undermine me at all, i’m great, of course, and what reward will i get for this, well, come, we’ll see, you’re mine insatiable, of course, insatiable, then let's meet in the park, of course, come on, that's it, kiss, love, wow, bye-bye, i can't believe my eyes,
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interesting, you're always right, pavlik, we 'll hear them, kes, how are you you always look gorgeous, well, you’ve already become the owner of sonya nakharum, no, grandma ruined everything, though she grabbed it from your heart, sonya to her went, everything was postponed until tomorrow, kitty, well, we 've been waiting for this for so long, well, he
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only has a little bit left, well, you know that i have everything on the ointment, you know about this, that i have everything on the ointment, buyers only and they are waiting for documents, realtors are constantly tugging at me, the sale registration took 3 days, i was in the office, my aunt said that she would quickly separate us, a couple of weeks and you and i are on horseback, and we will definitely go somewhere on vacation, i promise, you promise, yes, now you understand that every day of delay is like a year, i know, i know what he called her, either pussy, or fox? alice, but this is not the same alice, well , actually she doesn’t look like it, what else are they saying? this has still been going on since kindergarten. sonya has always been the best, and i am one of her, because of some stupid attack on her mother, i have to wait again. listen,
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we'll be fine. not today, but tomorrow, how many of these tomorrows have already been, listen, well, we survived everything together, the two of us, i’m yours alone, and forget about this sunka altogether, really, everything will be fine with us, you promise, i promise, it’s that one, alice , well, how can this be, and you’re in as a child she dressed up paper dolls, you know, there was such a game, hop, new dress, hop, but... head, come on, pavlik, show us your gaming skills, everything is clear, and she took money from the bank for breast enlargement surgery, like times 250,000, surgery, implants, anesthesia, well, special underwear, probably, well, some kind of recovery period, olya,
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you are mihallic to us. whether he changed his name or not, it will be necessary to provide this information to the banks so that they know who owes them, probably nina and sonya at the same time, yes, call, make an appointment, we are with these lovebirds we’ve finished, but what’s here, everything is clear, it’s unclear, but where do such bastards come from, from real men, right? kettle, be careful, ual, it could be the wiring, unplug it, boss, it’s a kettle, we forgot, apparently, and i don’t know how, but i know, we work at work, and we’re setting up everyday life at home, boss, well,
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i i didn’t know, i didn’t think, that ’s the problem, think first, and then do, why can’t this simple thought fit in your head, open the back door, we’ll ventilate, or maybe we found some more collectors? maybe collectors send, i’ll find out all the addresses and times where she goes, and at home i’ll add it myself, don’t worry, everything will be fine, i’ll go for a divorce, i won’t be able to forgive, i knew that alice wanted to leave russia, but so so... to envy, these were my closest relatives , the closest, both of them, sunechka, and maybe it’s good that we get rid of them, i won’t be able to live with him anymore, i never want to see her, sunechka, they’ll be locked up, yes, if we file
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an application, they will be imprisoned, well, this will be decided by the court, the basis for opening a case under article there is fraud, but what about filing an application or dealing with it, is that what you’re already thinking about? we will provide you with all the information, everything you need upon request, but in any case, you need to get rid of someone else’s debt, how could they, it hurts so much, dear, good, thank you very much, thank you, but you’re welcome, this is not the most pleasant news for you they brought it, well, whatever it is, it’s better to know the truth, yes, yes, maybe we should pay it off ourselves, no, no, you don’t have the same situation now, no, no, no, you worked, you worked. good, thank you thank you very much, there are real men.
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i once again turned to my father with a request, as a result, ingul was admitted to the institute of traumatology, the operation was successful, a separate room with security, in general, they must think that she is alive, why? she can write a statement, give testimony, i can explain everything in detail, she told me for 2 hours how they were killed, she couldn’t talk about anything else at all, creatures,
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i hate, i’m sorry, well, actually...


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