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tv   Maior Sokolov  NTV  June 7, 2024 2:35am-3:20am MSK

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i once again turned to my father with a request, as a result, inga lapina was admitted to the institute of traumatology, the operation was successful, she has a separate room with security, in general, they must think that she is alive, why, she can write a statement, give testimony, i can explain everything in detail, she told me for 2 hours how they were killed, she couldn’t talk about anything else at all, creatures, i hate you, excuse me, well, actually... you don’t
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really look like a little girl, well, now it’s more , then i’ll get tattoos, piercings, it’ll be fine, are you really going to do it? piercing, well, yes, if information about inga appears in the hospital reference database, relatives or the police will start looking for her, she won’t appear, and varlamov will find a way to find out about inga’s condition, this worries him most of all, and you understand that all this is illegal, inga lapina is dead, if you manage to deceive them even just a little, this will all be revealed very quickly, yes, if they tear us off... the skins have now gathered, and even now, i don’t understand, senior lieutenant davidova, what all this is means, institute of rheumatology, registry, hello, i am interested in the condition of inga lapina, we have no information about lapina, but she is alive, you have her, citizen, i repeat to you in russian, we have no information.
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and dye your hair to a normal color, three killers in uniform will remain free, but why, we will continue to work to look for evidence of their guilt, but only by legal means, and not play doubles. davidov’s proposal has a rational grain, we have reached a dead end, we need non-standard solutions, under my responsibility, please consider what this is an application for leave at your own expense. we don’t play these games, we either do something together, or we don’t, but also together. sokolov, let's go out for a minute.
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this is unacceptable, you understand what i’m talking about, vlad, you and i are service people, we don’t need it to be fun and beautiful, we need results, in general, go ahead, decide for yourself, there is, and you are a doctor by first education, you're in the medical institute on your application form, no, i'm a psychologist, i 'm in the police... what drew you to it, the people here
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are interesting, they meet sometimes, vlady gendal is good, great. "i've already signed up for a piercing, well, it can be pulled out, of course, and the tattoos will be removed in 2 weeks, i’m not going to scare you for that long. good evening, good evening, i am interested in the condition of ingilapina, palapina, we have no
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information, i understand you, what ward is she in? listen, there are no visitors to her! which ward is she in? ward 201, 201, this is the second floor, left wing, thank you, but she has security there and they don’t let anyone in, i’ll sort it out, come in, come in, do you think you have the wrong address? no, it’s just in your house now, finally it smells like normal human food, you can’t remove the lid yet, it’s...
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listen, comrade major, oh, you can open it, uh, marina, there’s a guy walking down the corridor, you see him, we see, good evening, i i can help you with something, my last name is davidov, i am, who is in this ward, i want to see my daughter, listen, i can’t let you in, there is no visitation in this ward, young man, kolenka is subordinate to the city health department moscow, so we... it’s better to know where there is a visit, where there isn’t, dad, why are you came, i can come in, marina, her father came to see her, we didn’t agree, we
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didn’t know, you won’t get bored, in this form you work for the police, usually no, hello, hello, thank you for agreeing . help, tell me what ’s going on here anyway, why are you pretending to be some kind of ingulapina, are you in trouble? no, i’m fine, i’m sorry, i can’t tell you anything yet, but of course, of course, i’m committing a malfeasance, i can’t know what’s happening to my daughter, huh? ksyu, don’t you dare call me that, it’s... i don’t have a name anymore, and i’m not the same as before anymore, it’s clear, you yourself ruined everything, you betrayed my mother and me, and now you decided to do everything to spite me, sold the apartment, quit your residency i got a job in the police, you
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can forgive me and just live your life, and you don’t need to prove anything to me, and i ’ve been living my life for a long time, clearly, this is the only thing i asked you for, and not for myself. i don’t need anything from you and i don’t need to pretend to be a caring daddy here, i should have done it before. are you alright? to unfortunately, no. “you would invite your friend to dinner, we’d get to know each other, the knife is what i saw in a bad way, it was work, and she’s still at work, we take turns guarding ksenia in
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the hospital, we’re engaged in a prayer, why, well, did you propose, well “we somehow got it all messed up.” but not yet, but i’m going to, of course, show me the ring, what kind of ring, well, as i understand it, you’re about to propose. girls there, oh well, marin is not like that, sokolov, to do everything means he must give a diamond ring, and this is a must, well, if you over twenty-five, you don’t live in a trash heap , women are like that, this is the beginning of your common journey, you will remember this all your life, tell your children and grandchildren where you got this from, ring, grind, you are a follower of salliati, spent half your life. in an ambush, your own cops were afraid of you, well, of course,
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there is no ring, you know the size, at least, well , approximately, approximately, you need to know exactly, and not approximately, okay, so, our girl is blonde with blue eyes, average tall, athletic, works in the police, need gold. woven gold dotted with small diamonds, good brand, expensive design, something like that, but do you want money for your grandfathers? i still have a little quiet left, thank you, i have money, yes, your friends really find themselves in a difficult situation, first of all you need to make sure that the girl is alive and capable of acting as a witness, the registrar. gives no information about her, of course, if the css has designs on her,
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they will hide her and guard her. i will try to make inquiries through my channels. okay, we've made sure she's alive, what next? agree? and the sooner the better. give money so she doesn’t write a statement. i woke up and don’t remember anything. this is the best option for us. what if she refuses? there are amounts that are impossible to refuse. you just need it. decide with her, wouldn’t it be better if she just died, i would suggest leaving this option as a last resort, they buried her like a dog, why did they even come here to yours, we’re camouflaging ourselves, you never know, what if it’s behind us? are already watching, after all, he was a friend, kolyan was in school, he gave me his tobacco ration, he
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i didn’t smoke then, let’s go, let’s say , we have the right, or something, to the department, the orientation has come, we’re looking for these guys, so what are we going to do, we’re going to look, you know, when this kid narrowed his eyes, i was ready to knit the kolyan, drag it to the department, write a report, everything is as it should be, oh well... remember!
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this is suslov, a lawyer, a well-known personality in narrow circles, a person who knows how to resolve issues. give bribes to investigators, among other things. yesterday he met with varlambov, we talked for about 40 minutes. vlad, suslov came to us, came for reconnaissance, like me assumed. are you all ready? yes, we are waiting. great. a unique country with a unique destiny. a unique cult.
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with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. he was killed with the same weapon that killed your wife. i just can't guarantee that by the evening i'll be there.
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second floor, right wing, thank you, suslov is in the corridor, should we go out? no, let him approach andrey first. hello, i have a visit to this place, you are mistaken, this is there is no visiting wing, well, i have a pass, here you go, room 201, listen, this is some kind of mistake, you have baklanov written here, there is no baklanov in this wing, why not, they gave me a pass to the registry office, why are there strangers in the corridor , the man just made a mistake, he’s already leaving,
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let’s go, by the way, i still haven’t found the way from the tv, you have it... i made inquiries, major sokolov is dealing with lapin, this is bad, sokolov is a stubborn person and incapable of negotiations, lapin needs to be removed , this is without me, lapina is guarded, even on procedures, she travels under guard, in order to remove lapin you will have to storm the hospital, it’s easier to silence your friends, no, that’s out of the question, then i have
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something else for you. proposal, and now we can calmly proceed to the active stage of the operation, what will this be expressed in, we can detain one of the security cops, kutilin, why kutilin? firstly, kutilin showed his id in the forest, the young man read it and said his last name. secondly, kutilin is more flimsy, it will be easier to split it, we will initiate a case, necessarily, but only on the basis of the testimony of pyotr grizny, then during interrogation. we introduce kutilin to the testimony of inga lapina. davidova laid out everything in detail there, and it really looks like evidence from the victim. further. we carry out identification. inga lapina recognizes kutilin. we make a confrontation with the dirty one. griznov confirms everything. kutiliny kirdyk here i suggest he write a confession to hand over
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his friends. do you think he will agree? i think he’ll even offer it himself. well, i personally won’t kill anyone. with a twinkle, okay, you’re sick, there is,
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who's there? olga sergeevna? and who are you? my name is valery, i am a lawyer for your daughter inga, but she was found, what happened to her? can i come in? yes, come in, thank you, what’s wrong with her, is she alive? yes, yes, your daughter is alive, she is in the traumatology institute, but didn’t the police inform you about this? no one reported anything, we've had nothing for a week now. i didn’t know, it’s strange, excuse me, you told her at the institute of traumatology, she broke something, what’s wrong with her? she, and she got hit by a car, but now she’s on the mend, let’s go through, thank you, i don’t think i’m too fond of her
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looks like, everything will be fine, with a corset around the neck, no one will recognize you, then they saw inga for a couple of minutes, and most likely they only remembered the peach hair, but i hope, but you need to play shock and fear, you will see the man who killed your... friend, but it was nekutilin, it doesn’t matter, they did it together, you’re afraid of him at the same time, you hate him at the same time, you should be shaking, then he definitely won’t have any doubts, okay, the story is not yet up to the end is clear, inga and stas had an incident a clash with local police officers, they violated something, no, at the everyday level, there was a fight, the young people ran away, after that... stas disappeared, and your daughter was found in a local hospital, according to eyewitnesses, she was hit by a car. what should i do to help her? since
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police officers were involved in the fight, this case is being handled by the department of internal security, these are extremely unpleasant people, they want to accuse someone, put someone in prison, for this they must beat the hell out of your daughter the evidence they need. what does knock out mean? i don’t know, but... it’s unlikely that we are talking about physical impact, but the psychological pressure will be enormous, you see, they didn’t even tell you that she was alive, i want to see my daughter, just one more minute, i’m a lawyer, i represent the opposite side, i will not hide, my clients are guilty before the law and before you, but what has been done cannot be undone, my clients are ready. make amends, i don’t understand anything, my head is spinning, what does it mean to make amends, they want to apologize, no only, and if your daughter does not, excuse me,
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write a statement and refuses to cooperate with the osb, you will receive significant monetary compensation, we will not write anything and i do not need any money, i repeat to you, i want to see my girl, let's go now , don’t rush about the money, consult with your daughter, i’ll announce the amount a little later, but this is a secure life for the rest of yours and hers... i’ll be in the corridor. dmitry alexandrovich, lapin’s mother doesn’t know that she was alive. yes, we are going to the hospital now, you better. come too, that's it can decide right now,
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they wanted to say something, no, but how you and vlad met, you said, he often visited talat, he didn’t tell me about it. well, it was a long time ago, he didn’t work in the css yet, he helped me take on one gang, and then we met. yes, dim, i understand, i'll tell you. gosh, well, we agreed not to drink, but now we need to be friends with our heads, we had to be friends before, there is news from dima, there is news from dima, dima contacted the tourist’s mother, he will negotiate through her, he will give a lot of money. everything is fine, pash, ask me, i have from all this is tearing the tower apart, i can’t, i just
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can’t, kutilin igor sergeevich, yes, mayar sokolov, the department of internal security, let’s go, we have some questions, what’s the matter, on what basis are you detaining him, here... you detained on suspicion of premeditated murder as part of a criminal group, let's go, yes i did, gosh, don't worry, it's a misunderstanding, we'll figure it out, hello, you have my daughter inga lapina, i have no information about lapina, what does that mean? no, i know she is here, i am her mother. here's my passport. several days have passed, and the essb officers have not informed the parents that her daughter is alive. lapina is recovering.
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help, lapina was taken away from us, the police took her away, how she was taken away, where, i know where your daughter is, let’s go, don’t rush my husband, i’ll call,
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bring in the victims. come out, so the victims, look carefully, tell me, of these three men, do you know anyone, yes, who, i know him, yes, under what circumstances did you see him, he was in the clearing when stas was knocked out. he was the first to approach us and said to we liberated polyana, and stas said that we were the first to arrive for something, and he said get out of here, we are from the police, special operations are taking place here and showed the crust, the lieutenant colonel was twisted, but stas read it, they killed him for it, i hate him i didn’t kill you, so take me away.
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you're doing great, and i'm trying. water. there was no need to do this, look, class, the kutilin swam, now the milk bet will be dirty, let's go. where are we going
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brothers, they want to force your daughter to sign a statement, you must dissuade her, so citizen griznov, you know this person? yes, this is igor kuchilin, head of the state traffic safety inspectorate of the city of bratov. under what circumstances did you see him? kutelin was at the scene of the murder, did he himself directly participate in the murder? well , i didn’t see how they killed the guy, when i swam up, he was already lying with a broken head, it wasn’t him who shot the girl, it was someone else, and do you know the one who shot? and we know, colonel varlama,
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the deputy head of the controlled department, who literally the next day received the rank of general, we also know the rest, colonel.
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hello, i would like to know what happens to our employee. igor sergeevich, maybe you need a lawyer? no, not needed. you played cleverly, the muslin young lady. don't miss the central
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television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. german war minister boris pistorius began preparing the country for war with russia; has he really forgotten how previous wars ended for berlin? and nato's answer, we did not attack, we defended ourselves, so that everyone would understand. putin promised that the consequences of western countries supplying weapons to kiev for attacks on russia, there will definitely be some, we’ll definitely tell you which ones. this will be your central television, on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. act according to the situation, forward, sea devils, new episodes.
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who are you, what's going on? i, i will explain everything to you now. where is my daughter? pick up the phone, this is not a tourist, this is a setup.
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pick up the phone. they have nothing on us, pavel leonidovich, an advertisement for sakolov from the department of their own security, say that i am not there. over there along the path 300 meters ahead, listen,
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the cart won’t pass here, you’ll have to carry something on yourself, you still need to find someone to carry it out. i'll come in.
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another person, my lawyers will tear you to pieces, what other witness, you are accused of the murder of lieutenant colonel kutilin and the assassination attempt of an employee on duty, you were taken with a weapon in your hands at the crime scene.
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what's wrong with gardeev? andrei is in the hospital, wounded in the chest, his lung is damaged, his life is not in danger. sokolov, where? in the forest they found the remains of the murdered chernichenko, their things, a tent, all in one place, they sershov there, experts arrived and began to dig up. parlamov was killed, bad. i called criminologists, i think we will be successful. to prove that it was varlamov who shot kutilin in the forest and wounded a police officer, it’s still bad, the four accused are all dead, among them a general from the ministry, there will be a big debriefing, well, at least so, it’s good that everything is written by hand, that- something else happened, no? what does it mean, no, i see
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, thank god, from the day you were born , they know with whom he gave it away, this is the mother of the deceased ingelapina, he brought her vorlams, asked her to persuade her daughter not to write a statement, he promised money, and his daughter no one alive, so what? davidov provides her with psychological help? yeah, it’s already 2 hours, we did everything possible to save your daughter, and i was there when she died, she was in pain, no, no, she had so much time for me. about myself, about my childhood,
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when she died, i swore that her killers would be punished, no matter what the cost, so i had to become inga, you will forgive me, you are so similar to her,
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the question was about preserving the group. this was good news. and now the bad one. for violations of the investigation, major sokolov is reported. reprimand, okay if this is all, no, not all, senior lieutenant davidova, you are asked to write a report on dismissal from the ministry of internal affairs system, this will not happen, termination of the contract by agreement of the parties, otherwise the article of dismissal will be
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different, which can greatly complicate your further employment, i categorically against, you yourself said, if we do something, i’m sorry that everything turned out this way, oh well, i persuaded daddy to kick me out, and now i’ve come to shed tears, no need, i didn’t persuade anyone, it’s not in my rules, what you
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if you want, vlad really wrote a report about the dismissals, you have to dissuade him, i don’t owe anyone anything here anymore. half an hour, ladygin himself will dissuade him, don’t worry, stay happy, i’ll be brief, vlad, i won’t accept your report, how will i look the guys in the eyes after that, just like me, who would you fire in my place?
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how can you not trust me, how can we live together
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? from st. petersburg, meet me, it’s very nice, and to me, hello, hello, i think you don’t need to hide anymore, you don’t need to hide, but i forgot something, give me the key, well, the keys too. this, by the way, is the famous gryaznovskoe fish soup with tomatoes, but i forgot to invite you to visit.


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