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tv   Maior Sokolov  NTV  June 7, 2024 3:20am-4:05am MSK

3:20 am
“come in, this table is free, while it’s getting settled, okay, where are you going, we have a new employee, boris shuvalov from st. petersburg, meet me, it’s very nice, and to me, hello, hello, i think you don’t need to hide anymore.” “there’s no need to hide, but i forgot something, let’s turn on the section for me, well, the keys too, this, by the way, is the famous griznovsky fish soup with tomatoes, and i forgot to invite you to visit, with your blonde, you need to meet more informally
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my environment is very informal, i promise you. you say, i bought a ring, let me check it out, i returned it back, they won’t take the kvelka back? misha, misha, let's not quarrel. sergey, we don’t quarrel. you just don't belong at the university. misha, put yourself in my position. you know very well what my salary is. same as mine. well, you can see everything perfectly well. i hope so, colleagues.
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each other, what is this? mishenka, this is your percentage, a small salary is not a reason to break the law. well look, misha, you 'll regret this, got it, uh-huh, congratulations, congratulations, that's enough, that's enough, that's enough, well... 50 you’re not yet a grandfather, you don’t understand anything, men in saku itself, so put aside the talk, attention, dear oleg viktorovich, on behalf of our friendly team, let me congratulate you on your anniversary and present our modest gift, well, for you, oleg, cheers, for you!
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hello, sorry for bothering you, but i have some kind of bad feeling, yes. what 's going on, yeah, call me back as soon as you can, what the... damn, who's here?
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so, wake up, you fell asleep, you couldn’t wait, ah-ah-ah, what time is it, time to celebrate. happy birthday, yes, happy anniversary, dad, where are you going, dad, he doesn’t have to get up early for college, come on, tomorrow my niece is coming from america, you’ll meet her, of course, maybe she’ll at least sit with us, you should have come even later, my job is so convenient, you can always cover up with her, i’m already. .. i don’t remember the last time you
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were somewhere on time, don’t start, please, i was late for your birthday, for our wedding, i barely made it, for the new year, oleg, you’re not a boy anymore, stop running after criminals, what you offer, for retirement, a tv, a sofa, work in my office, you will sell medicines, from five to six, and sit on your shay, the main thing is that i don’t shoot, i’m operative, and you knew who you were marrying, this is my life, and nasty and i are who, not your life. you are my beloved women, the most precious thing i have, we don’t see it, we don’t feel it, we don’t feel it, i won’t leave work, how do you know what the light is? paid off,
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they are saving, or something, oh, hey, you have a new task, ilchenko, mikhail was found dead at the university of the ministry of internal affairs. vladimirovich, teachers of the department of criminalistics, this is the autopsy report. so, the probable cause of death here is cardiac arrest. no, well, ilchenko, of course, is an employee of the ministry of internal affairs, but if there are no signs of violent death, then why should we deal with this matter. comrade colonel,
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is there something that is not in the protocol? mikhail, my old friend. last night he called me and said that something strange was going on at the university. “i had no time to talk, he said that he would call back tomorrow, but he didn’t live to see today, i want to be sure that ilchenko was not killed, close your eyes with your index finger until tip of the nose from the right to the left slowly, okay, second, okay, let's hold our hands, just, uh, lower it? sit down, well, unfortunately, the treatment did not bring results, well, well, how is it, i followed all your recommendations, i didn’t miss a day , i know,
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i know, you are a perfectly disciplined patient, but you see, you still have three arms, well... well, do something, prescribe me another medicine, you are a doctor after all, forgive me, i'm sorry, how many times have patients shouted at me, when i couldn't help, i never thought i would find myself in a situation like this, it's okay, i perfectly understand the situation you are in now. sergei nikolaevich, yes, well, is there really nothing that can be done? i’m a surgeon, i have to operate, but not with trembling hands, right?
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maybe something very simple and light, that’s completely out of the question. thank you, thank you, i know you did everything you could, vlad, i have a request for you, can i engage the young man for a couple of hours on a personal issue, i don’t need him, thank you, that’s it, boris, i have a relative flying in from america today, i need to go to...
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anna sergeevna, did your husband have any enemies? no, misha had no enemies. he was an amazing person, but maybe there were some troubles at the institute, an unborn student, an evil boss, you’d better ask dim novikov, who is this? this is a university cadet, studying in the twelfth group, my husband’s favorite student, dima grew up in a single-parent family and you see, he was like... dear father, find dima, he will tell you everything,
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hello, how are you, okay, what are you doing? you say, it's me. what's wrong with you? he was very young, he suddenly died, why good people live so little, i don’t know, probably, that they would be appreciated more, that he was crazy, i’m sorry, i felt sorry for you, and what about the noise of the fight, no, everything is fine, anton , are we talking to dimo ​​here? and anfa vladimovich, yes, he was a real man, and he was a good guy, i sympathize, but
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if anything happens, ask for help, there is nothing criminal here, ilchenko’s heart just stopped, it happens, well, okay, so we’ll report to ladykin, nothing they say they didn’t find it yes, we’ll report that. or couldn't find it? are you implying that i'm a bad expert? oh my gosh , you're the best. wait, look, ilchenko died at the university of the ministry of internal affairs, there are a lot of people there with specific knowledge, they can easily hide their tracks. put yourself in their place, if you wanted to kill someone, what would you use so that no examination would find it. something exotic, that's what, come here, oleg, you
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're just wasting time, come, please, look, go, go, where, at the base of the skull, it looks like an injection mark, that's right, hidden by hair, so they didn’t find it right away, so if you never know where to start, double-check from here, well, it’s still early for me , i’ll order an extended toxicological examination, after all, what is the correct name for you? my parents called me meniawa, but in america everyone called me jennifer, but here you can call me zhenya, zhenya, here and there, this is your car, it’s a service car, very reliable, let me help. no, i heard that in russia all women are considered weak, but i’m not like that, i’m a modern girl, i do everything myself,
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help, help, this was a blow, take it, thank you very much, girl, because i have documents and money here, you bastard, if everyone was like you, it would be easier to work. i’m always happy to help, let’s go write a statement, let’s go, however, a modern girl should be able to defend herself, and now i can take this modern girl home, not now, where can i eat real russian food, yeah, yeah, well, don’t be tormented, in muscarine was found in ilchenko's blood. this doesn't mean anything to me. alkaloid obtained from fly agarics,
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causes cardiac arrest immediately after administration. this means ladygin was right. yes, this is murder. call vlad. you call. sorry, can you tell me how to find the twelfth group? who do you need? cadet novikov, the fair one is standing there. thank you. dmitry novikov, yes, mayer sokolov, department of internal security, i’m talking about ilchenko’s death, i need to know if he had problems at work, but how should i know, we already communicated quite closely, mikhail
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vladimirovich made me a laboratory assistant at department, and you have nothing to say, yes, good the man was respected. who do you think could wish him dead , maybe sergei alekseevich pavlov, he was recently fired from the department because of elchenko? yes, he found out that pavlo writes dissertations to order. so, what is next? they decided not to wash their dirty linen in public; he resigned of his own free will. but i lost a lot of money. well, here's the motive. and you say you know nothing. yes, and the fact that
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ilchenko was killed is a secret investigation that is not subject to disclosure. got it? got it, well done, it will be useful. and i'll take pancakes, borscht dumplings, and vodka, real russian vodka, and i have tea, which means i ordered everything correctly, you forgot the bear with the bololaika, and what was possible, it’s a joke, and i don’t always understand russian humor. well, tell me, why did you come to russia? i’m studying the russian language and wanted to practice, where else can this be done if not in russia, it’s logical, you’ll show me moscow, but only if after work, that
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’s, well, okay, agreed. i greet you categorically, i’m also glad to see you, why did my beloved accountant come to decorate these boring papers with your incomparable handwriting, this is for the tax office, this too, this is for customs, thank you, seminarevich, have you ever had the feeling that you are not doing your job? no, i liked numbers since childhood, i really loved multiplying and adding, but not so much dividing and subtracting, my mother said that if you don’t like being busy with something, you won’t succeed in it, you have a very wise mother, always i’m ready to share her wisdom, contact me if anything happens, i don’t understand why you
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came to me and even with such accusations, sergei alekseevich, admit it right away. you killed ilchenko, i didn’t kill ilchenko, we were friends with him, but i have other information, i don’t care about your information, that’s it, the conversation is over, get out, you want the department of your own security to become interested in your fake dissertations, at what time did you leave institute, in the ninth, according to the examination, ilchenko was killed between 10 o’clock, well, you yourself can see everything perfectly, maybe you returned, no? "i met a lady, married, i hope you won't bother her, name, address, okay, i'll tell you, but i i would advise you not to talk with her, with whom, zotov, cadet, i heard him threaten, why, well, ilchenko wanted
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to expel him for poor academic performance, where?" " where he is very little, but thank you, and you won’t believe it , muscarine is available at the department of criminalistics of the university of the ministry of internal affairs, as a teaching aid for identifying rare poisonings. yeah, that means ilchenko’s killer needs to be looked for at the university. it’s clear why they want to expel you. uh, get up, get up, he said, come on, what are you, who are you,
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oh, what do you need, but it hurts. who were you supposed to keep an eye on? for dmitry novikov. hello, yul, where are you? what? what do you
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mean your parents didn't let you go? how old are you? 10? damn it, why am i hanging out here alone now, right? that's it, go, hey, where are you going? who is this beautiful guy who drops our phones? give me, only if you allow me to treat you, please, great, bartender, two taquilos, by the way, my name is kirill, and i’m nastya, ilchenko was really killed, as you expected, poisoned. muscarine, this poison causes cardiac arrest, misha, misha, what did he get himself into, we suspect there is, yes, dmitry novikov, a university student,
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works part-time as a laboratory assistant in forensic science, so he has access to this mascarin, there is no direct evidence, and the motives are unclear, take this newcomer into development, vlad, boris, you are under public surveillance, oleg, you will have a special assignment. yes, i’m listening, you will work undercover at the university, you will take ilchenko’s place, i will come to an agreement with the university management, i am a teacher, there is no one else, vlad has already appeared at the university, boris is too young, and marina is needed in the laboratory, even colonel, i’m an operative, an operative, i’m a teacher, like a cow, a cavalry horse, ruff, orders are not discussed, dress more decently tomorrow. to the university, at the entrance you will get a pass, well, yes, don’t worry so much, i’ll give you my old criminology notes, listen, i wonder what nickname the students will give you?
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oh, why aren't you sleeping? and you’re waiting for dad, but he ’s delayed again, oh, wait, i’m going to bed, wait, damn, where are you from in this form, and what does this matter to you, and you started coming often? home late, you have exams soon, are you studying at all, and this is not your sadness, but whose, i forgot how you
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lay paralyzed, who put you on your feet, and why, for such a life, but i live the way i want, and it’s not for you to tell me, you’re wrong, but you don’t tell me mother, you have no right to interfere in my life, this is my home and as long as you live here, you will be for... i didn’t need anyone, think about what you’re saying, i said goodbye here, my father and i had a good time, fuck off , why did she yell at you? it's okay, the girl just imagines herself to be an adult. go to sleep.
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novikov, dim, thank you for telling me about pavlova, he confessed, well, not yet, not yet, but we are working on it, if you remember anything else, be sure to let me know, okay, good, yeah, definitely. well, do you think he bought it? it doesn’t matter, i installed a microphone, otherwise we’ll listen. hey, you took my place. but here it’s not signed,
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the parking is only for university employees, and today i’m teaching criminology at your university, i’ve been here for 5 years, that means i changed your life, that’s very cool, no need to thank me, why did you kill ilchenko? you didn't kill? seriously? it was i who gave you the muscarine. you what did he tell me? does grandma's dog need to be euthanized? there is no money for the clinic. it's not him. and who killed? professor. anton only gave him the poison. why does he need this? because of you. because you talked too much with your favorite teacher. ilchenko began asking questions.
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suspect something, we should go to work, say thank you that the professor killed himself and didn’t force you, wait, but i won’t stand with you, i understand, you want to hand us over, look, you’ll go after ilshenko, so what? these are the ones we need, and some other professor, no one knows who, well, then i’ll go take pictures to marina, let him hit novik’s friends in the base. yes. in forensics , various logical means of research are used, such as analysis, synthesis, generalization. various types of inferences, such as induction, are also used. analogy and
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deduction, that's what guys, to hell with these scientific terms, let's turn to life: a murdered man was found in an apartment, a knife sticking out of his back, there is no one else in the apartment, there are bars on the windows, the door is locked from the inside, the question is what happened , continue, well where your conclusion? the killer left the locked apartment, through the ventilation, a cat wouldn’t have gotten through there, through a secret passage? girl, you should write bad detective stories, you're laughing in vain, if you don't understand how the crime happened, you won't find the killer, you won't find the killer, another murder will be committed, okay, let's raise the stakes, whoever answers the question correctly
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... great , let's continue, what are we going to do with navikov? what can we do? we must do everything to prevent him from reporting to the police, at any cost, are you afraid? of course, i'm afraid we came with you to moscow from the provinces, we achieve everything
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ourselves, then with blood, that... in the end , only the children of the bogateev achieve success, we are destined for the fate of their servants, we need a jackpot, a big one, and novices should not interfere with us. i agree, novikov doesn’t need money, he’s with us because he’s in love with you, you have to stop him, he’s the only one who knows how to cover our tracks, we can’t cope without him, that is, are you ready to give me singles? i need money, i don't want to go to jail.
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novikov, stay late, well, what can i say, you i was surprised, not everyone. clearly, how does the antigen system in dafa differ from the popov system? there are many differences. you don’t immediately realize one thing: there is no popov system, who are you, what are you doing here? i need to go,
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we had an argument this morning, i came in to apologize, but that’s okay, i don’t have a bad memory. rudenko, maxim alexandrovich, i teach hand-to-hand combat. ershov, oleg viktorovich, i teach criminology. happy first day. thank you. you don't want to stretch your bones after the lecture. “hello, vlad, i rang through novikov’s acquaintances at the university, this is a certain anton chernyshov, a cadet at the faculty of information security, a computer scientist, in short, and a girl , yana povolotskaya, a future psychologist, also
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a cadet, i understand, thank you, marina, for saying that we need to graze two more objects, come on, come on, intellectual, work!" well, hold on, breathe, breathe , alive, alive, work, come on, my grandmother is beating harder, who only taught you, but no one really taught you, somehow you got by, oh, okay, take a breath, no offense, for your own good, i have a little heart here ! didn’t stop, what’s the use, what’s the use, oh, well, a man should be strong, take from life is all to the fullest, otherwise he’s nobody, yes, yeah, interesting philosophy, oh, mine, hard-earned,
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i’m sharing for free, but nothing, thank you, i somehow do it myself, yes, yeah, well, you’ll be like a trembling louse for the rest of your life , crawl, wait until it crushes, you want to be a louse, but if you don’t want to then get up, let’s continue, now i’ll show you one move, my signature, you can overwhelm anyone, what are you talking about, let’s beat him, i give up, i remember, yes, now we’ll check ,
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decided to hand over everyone? and me, nothing threatens you, really, but i thought you loved me. what difference does it make, you’re still with anton, what a fool, what an anton, i did this on purpose to make you angry, why, girls like it when they are jealous, but i don’t believe you, now? why, go away, excuse me, comrade
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colonel, i didn’t live up to your trust, they saw through me like a puppy, which means you didn’t turn out to be a teacher, you didn’t turn out, but i warned you, and i don’t care about your warnings , i’m guilty, i’m ready to be punished, but sit down you! if i have to, i’ll punish the person sitting there, one consolation, since they figured out a bison like you, it means they teach well at the university, yes, but generally a weak one, consolation, tell me, besides novikov, did anyone else understand, some teacher, there is a certain rudenko at the university, he teaches hand-to-hand combat, well , it seems to me that he could have heard our conversation, do you think? in general, he tested me, invited
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me to a friendly sparring match, although before that we had a kiss in the parking lot, and were you playing a teacher, exposing your head to blows, although of course you wanted to break him in, well , at least you did something right, so what now we’ll make him a new guy, tomorrow you’ll arrest him and interrogate him. you find out the name of the killer, i understand, that ’s right, you’re free, you’re fine here, it’s just boring, there aren’t many people, you just don’t know how to relax, but trust me what you need to do.
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what's this? this is a crystal dream. in a simple crunch. and what are they for? freedom, good mood, buzz. are these drugs? aren't you afraid of the police? no more than you. my father works in the police. then we can do whatever we want. will you? that's it, guys, the holiday is over, the police, sorry
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i'm late again, if you want something to eat, you could eat an elephant, then let's go to the kitchen, heat it up, the girls are sleeping, come on, neva is sleeping, but nastya is not there, like no, on the street it’s already night, well, i haven’t had enough time yet, this is not the first time, i don’t understand, well, she often comes home at night, she often drinks, you make a remark, she’s rude. but i’ll talk to her, yeah, you catch her first, you yourself what time you come, tell me what to do, leave work, that’s out of the question, well then at least talk to her, just seriously, i promise, i’ll do it right now, right now, i’ll talk right now, sign here and here, i declare your marriage. bargained, here is your divorce certificate,
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finally, tanya, tanya, wait, tanya, tanya, wait, tanya, yes, what do you want, it’s all because of the money, yes, you think i’ve found myself rich, everything will be fine, how many times can i repeat, i didn’t go to igor because of the money, of course, otherwise... that he is the director of the bank does not matter at all, just imagine, and you can fall in love with the director of the bank, danya, wait, danya, everything is fine, yes, igor, no, not everything. everything is fine, bank rat, explain, he is not to blame for anything, the whole problem is with you, everything is fine, he won’t do anything to me, you don’t know him, let’s get out of here.
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hello, professor, follow me too. apparently novikov blabbed, good morning, good,
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what time did you return yesterday, and what? and the fact that returning at 4:00 in the morning is not normal. dad, it’s not my fault, the police detained me, the police, well, they took one guy with drugs and i made mistakes, he told me where you work, they let me go, show me your hands, show me your hands, don’t you believe me? show me your hands, but i won’t do anything to you, i said, show me your hands, let your magda show you her hands, clearly, i haven’t finished speaking yet, but i have finished speaking, i have an exam today.
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hi, can you help? i don’t know, what happened? yes, it’s buggy, but this is mine, it’s fast, you just need to reboot, thank you, how smart... yes, i had these phones, but they killed the dog, i wonder where you work? marin, i just sent you a photo of one person, my subject is very
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interested in him, find out everything about him. dima, dima, why are you telling me, otherwise you can’t go there, i need to know what’s with him, you’re a relative, no, then the conversation will end, don’t rush. why didn't they say it before? you have an important witness i need to know about his condition. the condition of the koran is grave. we'll do everything we can. i still don’t understand what i can do.


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