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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  June 7, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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i understand that they’re in a hurry to get there, but i don’t understand why they’re in a hurry from there, men, the next station is the final one, we’re not defending ourselves, we’re cleaning. let's free our things, my
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good ones, don't forget, killed, killed, killed, killed, killed, killed, whitened!
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let me sit down, please, thank you, please, can you switch, i see you don’t really like, don’t like movies about the police, no, in life there is already a lot of this, even on the screen, now i completely agree with you, in life everything is different, than in the movies, what about you? police officer? no, what are you doing, for such a job i don’t have the nerves, i’m a writer, i’m joking, an auto parts sales manager, and i’m a real estate agent, andrey, very nice, nastya, nastya, andrey, your phone is ringing, yes, apparently the bosses, yeah, well, yes, exactly it, everyone.
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i won’t leave here anywhere, i just won’t budge, if you don’t leave, then who will sell auto parts? question, save the city, i’m now 413, 60, 85, 85, i wrote it down, but if you don’t mind, i’ll invite you to the cinema tonight, of course, after work i promise it won’t be a policeman detective, today, right today. “okay,
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i agree, i’m just happy, then see you, see you in the evening, passport in the name of cherepanov , born in eighty-second, registered volynsky lane, house 17, apartment 45, wife, children, no, no data in the passport, graduated , yes, come on, well, it was clearly fired from, but not today, apparently, this is the gun of the murdered man, not the murderer, if there are only the prints of the murdered man on it, then we have a cruel, cynical suicide of, hmm, three rounds . the gun is missing, yes, cartridges
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only two, i have never seen such suicides, so that first they shoot off their manhood, and then blow out their brains, but what if it’s the other way around, that is, first they blow out their brains, and then the state of the effect. great idea, hello everyone, great, but what is it, as soon as we introduce you to a beautiful girl, we immediately have a murder, so next time, before you meet a girl, first call the department so that we are ready, by the way, about the girls, you should interrogate the local cleaning lady for testimony, i’ll go i’ll interrogate the cleaning lady, so pie, call nikita, let him prepare a full installation on cherepanov and his immediate circle. and in general, guys, let’s finish here already, what a horror, what a horror, but what do you think, was it me when i was at the door, was it me who met the killer, or maybe i met, it’s very possible, very possible maybe, lord,
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they saw his face, but how can you see it, i already have a hood right over his face, over his face, and that is, you can describe his clothes, so he had a light jacket, a black jacket with a pattern. light-colored jeans, well , well, well, ordinary clothes, well, it’s understandable, there was some noise, maybe they heard shots, no, i didn’t hear them, and i really was getting water in the wind, but i would have heard shots, and that is, they might have fired from muffler, okay, but you have a surveillance camera outside where you can look at the recordings, oh, it won’t work, there ’s only one building left, a year ago the hooligans ripped everything out, oh, what a pity, what a pity, we have it here they kill people, but what about us? no, maybe you can help me, my dear, i’ll bother, bother, i’ll bother, what a horror we have here, and goodbye, god bless you, my dear, in your work, oh, how difficult it is, lord, give him all the health, lord, have mercy, yes, oleg georgievich, yes,
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anton cherepanov's certificate is ready, it was killed in the toilet today, yeah. well, tell me what you found out? so, well, anton cherepanov, nicknamed the skull of the bandits, was convicted of extortion and murder as part of a group of people, was in a group of players, a familiar person, wait, he was shot about 10 years ago back. 8 years ago, during the arrest, cherepanov and viktor rebinin, nicknamed, sat down.
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go out to inspect cherepanov’s apartment, well, at the same time, ask the neighbors who came to him lately, and in general were interested in the last couple of weeks, uh-huh, oleg gerevich, i’ll go, wait, igor, take potap and move it towards kribinin, to the accomplice of cherepanov, who was shot today, well, in any case, he should know who killed his friend for what, and nikita will bring you the address. uh-huh, uh-huh, that's it, go ahead, carry it, okay, oh,
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okay, guys, in short, i'm next door. yes, lef, we, of course, have a heroic profession, but unfortunately, there is absolutely no time to show our heroism on the personal front. agree? nastenka, hello, yes, this is andryusha, the sales manager from the cafe. i hope everything is in order. wonderful, then i propose to meet at 8:00 pm at the exit from the uprising metro station. will you make it? well, great, i’ll make it in time too. all. see you, conspiracy, just operational work lev, do you know, pash, why i don’t like moscow? well, have you tried the right house in moscow at the right place? street, find without a navigator? well, well, have you ever been to moscow? the streets there are all
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mixed up, it’s not clear, it’s still crooked. come on, i’m telling you for sure, it’s something to do with st. petersburg, all the streets are straight, level, even numbers on the even side, odd numbers on the odd side, fourth. after the second, after the seventh the ninth, for example, what kind of house do we need, the thirtieth, yeah, oh please, the thirtieth house, the next one, the seventh, so, well, not all new buildings. okay, igor, rebina is an anxious passenger, i think if we introduce ourselves in the form, he won’t open it, listen, who is playing today, today, well, don’t wash it like that, i mean, hide, what? what kind of bullshit is this, stand, what's the point? 3:1, ours
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are leading, wow, ours are always leading, forward, rebina, there is a conversation, well, well, go in defense, what are you doing, well, rebina, because of you they let us through, yes, what do you need, i’m not busy, but what kind of business, haven’t we asked you anything yet? you’re waiting for someone, no, look, they’ve closed it, the sea is clear, come on, he said, your men, come on in, come on in, come on in, everything ’s fine. you received permission to autopsy
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apartments? van, well, grab the expert and come to us, otherwise we’re cuckooing like kukui here, well , yes, like kukui, that’s it, we’re waiting, a little more, be patient, well, lof, i’m not yet disappointed in the operational-search work, listen, guys, the world is unfair, by god, why are my neighbors bastards, and this criminal’s neighbors are the nicest? people, they treated me to buns, the smelly girl couldn’t refuse, a real fighting friend, what did these nice people tell you about the cherepanovs, wow, what did they tell you, they say that this morning he’s gone off somewhere since then, actually not he was returning, he lived alone, some gangster crowd was always hanging around to see him, i understood that they were generally glad that they killed him, they said, here’s where they already have this gangster nest right next to them, well, everything is as usual, dear people they rejoice at the death of their neighbor, the world does not change.
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okay, i owe you a favor, good luck, well, what,
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rebinin, let's talk, witnesses, please come in, sit here, van, write it down, here's a collection of porn films from twelve cassettes, this is brutal, last century, well , of course, you... . read on this cherepanov, 17 years in a gang, 13 years in the zone, all my life was in the nineties, but we found a driver’s license and documents for the car, they are covered in blood, the documents are not for cherepanov, for a certain igor tereshchenko, so we urgently need to find out for examination whose blood it is, why allow me to run and carry out my justice, it’s not funny, that’s the point, it’s not funny, okay, we need to find out who tereshchenko is. and how is he connected with cherepanov? nikitos, i
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have a task for you, write it down, but i myself am shocked that the skull is dead, i’m really telling you, well of course, who killed him then? i don’t know, maybe someone didn’t want to pay us, so you weren’t just cheating, or what? of course, protasov is so, a trifle, but he didn’t even bother to sort it out like a boy, applying for...
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from igor tereshchenko’s driver’s license. and what did you find out? and i found out that this was definitely not cherepanov’s blood. and whose is unknown. yes. it's clear. thank you, lesh. happily. andryukha, take pirogovsky and go to tereshchenko. nikita will send you his address now, georgich, i have a date. andryushenko, dear. all the dates are out work time. and ours is not standardized. potapinka, let him stay with bulkin. and he goes to the department, but when it’s not the law. okay, i ’ll tell you, tell me, tell me, that’s it, oh, sit, tell me, what business did you have with mr. tereshchenko, which tereshchenko? i don’t know
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any tereshchenko, this is the first time i’ve heard such a name, yeah, maybe they and cherepanov? we agreed, quietly, quietly, calm down, he’s joking, write, write, don’t fuss, i remember these two very well, clowns, yeah, but in more detail, what they wanted from you, i thought, such stories are just stories, no,
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these two bandits came to me, began to show off, be rude, they talked about... protecting my salons for interest, and what did you answer them? nothing, i called the guards, they were kicked out, that’s all, that’s all, strange, and one of them said that it came to shooting, your guards have firearms, they do, listen, captain, my people didn’t use weapons, because they your colleagues in the past served in the police, they know the laws, then we have all this showdown - on video camera recordings, but why didn’t you say before, i’ll have to confiscate the records, yes please, your guards need to go with me to the department, okay, hello, kolya, please come here urgently, yes, interesting, so it turns out that first
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armed bandits run at me, and then at me they complain to the police, well, not quite like that, one of them... was found murdered, he was shot, i don’t understand why you suspect me, but it’s too early for that, we just have to check your guards and their firearms, yeah. did something happen to igor? no, calm down it's okay, we just need to talk to him. do you know where he is now? no i dont know. murder, murder, well, don't worry, it's just that your husband can help find the killer, yes, i understand, i just don't want him to get into trouble, or you think that
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he is guilty of something, don't worry, everything will be fine, just tell us everything, yes, 2 days ago igor returned home, badly beaten, yeah, he told you what happened, no, i asked him, i was worried, but he just silently packed his things he left, he just said that he had an urgent business trip, does your husband often go on business trips? well, it happens, yes, but where does he work? he is the caretaker of the handgun storage fund, in the artillery museum. how's that? did you happen to accompany your husband to the station that evening? no, i wanted to, but he refused me outright. clear. marina. let's dial igor from your phone. believe me, this is very important for him . very necessary. yes. okay, now. keep it up, i sent you a text message, i’m busy,
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i’ll call you back, interesting thing, i need to do it the complete installation, including all telephone and calls, we are straining no one, thank you, you helped us a lot, you’re welcome, goodbye, goodbye. hi, great, well, we washed the hands of chaikina’s guards, nothing, there were no traces of gunpowder, but we looked at the cctv camera, yes we looked, the recording confirms the testimony, chaikina’s guards were in the office during the murder, they were caught on camera, of course, we’ll have to let them go , but first we’ll interrogate, but i’ll do this myself, hello, well, at least make me happy. please, it looks like we have a version, tereshchenko, whose we found documents from cherepanov, he left home very suspiciously on the eve of the murder, and cherepanov apparently extorted money from him, which, as i
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understand it, tereshchenko did not have, but or there was, but he did not want to part with it, given that at work tereshchenko could easily get a combat barrel, well, here’s a certificate for yours, ah-ah, be careful, by the way, tell me, listen, well, i’m afraid to ruin your version. on the eve of the murder, tereshchenko filed a complaint against cherepanov for extortion at the admiralty rvd, perhaps for recusal eye, but it’s unlikely, that’s not all, but tereshchenko, it seems to me, is really still in moscow, i rang the bell, he took tickets, got on the train and didn’t come back, they told me at the museum that he went on a planned business trip, it’s clear, let rita go to the admiralty police department, and let’s work out other versions, let’s go, i have something to do with you. what, ugh, versions, if only they still had these versions, what kind of idea is it, let’s discuss them later, come on, we historically defend
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our borders, our people and those who need our help, although our enemies spoke different languages ​​and had different weapons, the goals were always the same: to destroy the country, to take away our freedom. but we have always stood up courageously and steadfastly in battle. history remembers everything. the strength of the unity of the people and the courage of the troops helped us win. become a hero bringing victory closer. serve under contract. look, i
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haven't even started doing it yet. okay, citizen tereshchenko came to you beaten and reported that cherepanov was threatening him. well, you understand me too, colleague. i sincerely tell him i sympathize, but you know how many of these tereshchenkas we have. we accepted the statement, we were soon going to start working on it, that i had to give up all my work, well, you don’t have to give it up, cherepanov was killed, oh, who is he, wasn’t it tereshchenko himself, i remember he came angry, i thought, okay , that he writes a statement, and not goes to buy a barrel, is funny, no, not tereshchenko, thank you very much for the comprehensive information, yes, please, thank you for. one less thing to do, goodbye, report, oleg georgievich, what we have success in the so-called toilet business.
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there was a version that cherepanov was killed by his accomplice rebinin, who was also recently released from prison, but the version died, it was not him, yes, but what other versions, we received information that two guys were looking for ribinin and cherepanov. we found out that these were fighters from the group of tager bely, well, such an authority trampled the earth about 8 years ago, but was killed during a gang war by the same thugs. the nicknames of these guys are scabies and navigator, so how did you figure them out? agent network? ribinin himself he told me, and you know, you can feel that he is very afraid of them. why do they need cherepanov irebenin? 8 years ago their factions were at loggerheads. chasotka and shturman survived when they learned that cherepanov and ribenin had been freed
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from the colony, or... how will you take them? scabies and shturman have official registration in st. petersburg, but i think that it is fake, it is useless to wait for them there, no one has seen them there, so we thought that since cherepanov was killed, they will look for ribinin, but they don’t know , that ribinin is with us, hm? so i decided to put it in apartment, an ambush, and if they don’t come there at all, how long will you keep people there, but i think that three people for two days is normal, i agree, i approve of two days, thank you, well, where are all the spoons, thank you, just a whiff there is.
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everything is fine, don't be offended, don't be offended, let 's get in touch, apartment, apartment, this is a car, yes, a car, this is an apartment, reception, two people are coming , i think they are, i understand you, hold on, then the entrance,
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rebina, open, we know , what are you at home, open up, bullshit, open up, come on, good afternoon, don’t knock like that, oops, who are you? police, homicide department, we present documents, documents, documents, this is possible, now, guys, 5 seconds, oh, how do you like the document, suits you, hands, arms, legs! guys, keep your head down, grenade, ugh, they made you look like boys. igor, let's go to the fire station, bashka, you're with me. stop!
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left, i'm getting the car, i remembered the license plates, declare an interception, hold on, brother, hold on, come on, now... they can hold on, come on, come on, brother, igor, where are you? we're going to get dressed, we'll be there in about five minutes, georgievich, yeah, that means there's no need to come here, they found a car in the yard on savushkina street navigator, let's go there right away, bulkin is going there too, that's it.
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good evening, where did you see it? that he good time do you know how much? okay, don’t grumble, don’t grumble, what are we going to do now? maybe throw some money off? very funny, there is blood all over the car, guys, i still hit him, you need to ask at the hospital, don’t let them go to the hospital, he’s seriously injured, you need to mend him, hospital, surgery, don’t let them shine in yours hospitals, well then he will die, or maybe he won’t die, oops, come on, let’s go. it's bad, see what color the blood is, it looks like the liver is hurt, the bullet needs to be taken out, scabies, scabies, you’re like a brother, but he can’t hear you, unconscious, so do something, we have money, we won’t hurt you, what does money have to do with it, what can i do, i don’t have anything
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at home, he needs to go to the hospital, which hospital, i did it before, that was before, i haven’t been practicing at home for 5 years, then go and bring what you need there, medicines, instruments, let’s run, okay, okay, don’t make noise, we’ll think of something, yes, andryukha, you and i came to the right place, i don’t think so you need to ring the doorbell, well, yes, you're right, let's make surprises. so i have my own tools, i’ll take anesthesia from a friend, criminal rose, we’re standing there, i’ll kill him, don’t shoot, don’t shoot, navigator, don’t be stupid, throw your weapons, barrels on the ground, i’ll kill him, guns on the floor,
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yeah, now , stand, dear, don’t rush, analyze, there are only two options, one of them wants... igor, i’m sorry, i have to carry it for you. yes, we didn’t fell the skulls, i answer, well, let’s say, why did they come to kryabinin, to drink the check cleanly, these sheep owed us loot, we
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when they found out that they had backed down, they decided to take what was theirs from them, they had a big debt, then they also beat our merchant for 20 grand under tagil, so purely out of lawlessness, they came from... that kid navigator, yeah, you better tell us , where were you and often yesterday from 2 to 4 pm, i can say for sure that at one o’clock we arrived at the arizona billiard club, by the way, here around the corner and we were there, well, until four for sure, well
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look, navigator, we’ll check there there are cctv cameras in the hall, go check it out, you’ll see for yourself, i’ll go, thank you, and we’ll help you for now, let’s wait here, listen, commander, while this sucker is driving around, maybe we’ll stir things up, what? listen, navigator, do you have a headache? well, it hurts, now my eye is hurting, uh-huh, uh-huh, is there any news on your toilet business? yes, navigator chasotka, who hunted cherepanov, did not kill him, but we checked their alebi. the billiard room employees confirmed that they were there, and there are recordings from cctv cameras, it’s bad, i thought that there was already a disclosure, no, but we will close them anyway, weapons, an attack on police officers,
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we will transfer the navigator to a pre-trial detention center, and often there will be v hospital under guard, uh-huh, yes, allow me, yes, come in, sit down, i’m talking about the pistols seized from shturman and chisotka. of these, cherepanov was not killed, one of the pistols lit up during a robbery in the krasnoselsky district, they shot at the ceiling, there were no victims there, uh-huh, oleg georgievich, contact the local. wanted, make them happy, tell them that we uncovered their robbery, submit a report from our department, definitely, and also according to cherepanov, i don’t know whether this will help or not, he was sick with aids, so how can this help us, yes allow me, here in the name of solovets, a response came from the colony where cherepanov was imprisoned, please, uh-huh, uh-huh, from the colony they also confirm that cherepanov... was sick with aids, so what? i don’t think that
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this detail has any significance, well , i don’t know, remember, two shots were fired in cherepanovo, one in the head, the second in the groin, but what if we assume that someone is taking revenge on him for infected someone with aids, that is , do you think that he infected some girl even before he was imprisoned, she waited so many years for him to get out? i waited, i got it somewhere the gun killed him, you know, this is some kind of indian movie, well, if it’s not her, maybe it’s her husband, there, brother, i don’t know, i don’t know, oleg georgievich, i don’t know, well, try, play this version, let's try, thank you, i understand, so what, navigator?
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no, i don’t know about the skulls, he didn’t show me his card, i also found out about lyokhin’s sister by chance, well, through a third party, i mean about her sleeping, well, it looks like we got the trail, something like that, okay, navigator, tell us, finally, as a family friend of boris glebskikh, where can we find this brother of the deceased sisters, you don’t know, tell me. rebinin, where did you hang out with cherepanov lately, where did you meet, what
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did you talk about? yes, i’ve already told you everything, again, only this time in great detail, but we had lunch a couple of times at the neva cafe, yeah, we went to the sauna at daylight on friday, so where else? georgievich, well, did ribinin leak some addresses to me? now i. i want to go to the sauna for enlightenment to take recordings from cctv cameras, i understand you, andryukh, send me an sms with all the addresses and objects, i will send the guys there, give me these objects yourself work it out, seize the recordings of all the cctv cameras on the street in the premises, i think that the killer was watching the skull - looking for the right moment, so that he could very well show up somewhere, which is what i remember about your date in the evening, take the villain, i think he won’t fail . you’re still working, we’re working, nastenka, hello, i’m very glad
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to hear from you, but i hope that no force majeure will happen today, and we’ll finally meet you, everything will happen, but i mean, let’s go to the movies, but that’s it , i'm looking forward to it, see you in the evening, bye. well that's a long time also, just wait, don’t irritate me, i already did the impossible in half an hour, did i really dig up something, uh-huh, you see this mazda, look, this is a recording of a street surveillance camera in a cafe at a time when cherepanov and rebinin were inside , so look, the car is parked not far from the entrance to the establishment, so yeah, look, the ruby skull is leaving the cafe, yeah, they get into their car, and this car is driving behind them, and this same car was spotted near the liquor store, where are our gangsters later they came in, and then...
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traffic police officers, so the first time for parking in the wrong place, the second for speeding, violated the image of a certain olegov dmitry stanislavovich.
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we will not go around all the yards in search of the mazda that interests us, the personal life of captain rydanov will hang on the thin thread of operational success, oh, you are unkind, my friends, unkind, okay, i’ll report to georgivich, let them send the rest to the addresses, fake or not, to work out i need it, i rushed, okay, say hi to the girl, thank you, thank you, but you’re welcome. it looks like it's him, the car is there under the windows, the client is in the house, let's call amon, oh, by the time they get there, we'll take it ourselves,
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here, here, well, senior, give command, well , rita, cover us? yeah, boris aglepsky, criminal investigation department, don’t do anything stupid, come out with your hands, lita, hold the door, good, come on!
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your experts will still confirm that they dumped my skulls from an ox, so anyway, given the rushing evidence , there is no point in revealing yourself, i’m ready to cooperate with the investigation, well done, everyone would be like , why are you silent, let’s tell you what to tell, i killed the skulls, for my sister's department, so you cops are still without you know me, you learned to work quickly. skull nits knew that he had hiv, but he didn’t tell olga about it, so he left neither her nor me a choice. okay, they took him to the hospital, and then to the department. come here. and here are the local areas. hello, colleague. great, guys, let's drive him without me, i still have a personal matter. rydanov, where do you
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get your strength? you're married and you don't understand. come on, let's make some noise. hello nastenka, sorry for calling late, i was fussing at work. well, yes, yes, there’s a hustle and bustle at work, but sales growing up, ready to meet you anywhere, at any time you set, come on in a minute, but you want too much from me, come on in two hours, come on, this is the number, oh-oh-oh, yes, hello, hi, what about your real estate transactions, or do you have a part-time job? well, i see that the level of sales of spare parts has also fallen. it's funny, why all this circus? i can ask you the
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same thing, but it seemed to me that you don’t really like police officers, i wanted to please you first, and then tell the truth, well, you can tell same for me. well, in the cinema, in the cinema, as long as the film is not about the police, no question. move away from the window, don’t flash too much light, okay,
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i’m sorry, i have to answer, don’t leave, okay, yes, yes, how are you, how are the situation, yes, okay, about 10 minutes, i finished walking around the territory, it’s clear that someone broke into hospital, i'm going up, you're a conditional knock, remember? yes, hide
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in the bathroom, what happened, is there a killer in the hospital? what's there? i don’t know, i noticed that the door on the stairs was broken into, but it seems like there’s no one there yet, guys, save me, earn your money! "fill up i won’t be in his debt, stepan semyonovich, you feel bad, don’t let him kill me, call your sister, quickly.
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sorry, listen, i was late, a tire broke on the way, great, rydanov didn’t arrive, or what? no, rydanov has been here for a long time, he now went to interview the patients. did you open the window? no, no, no, it was open. by the way, there on the windowsill. an excellent imprint of a size forty-three sole, of course, that means he went out through the window, it looks like this, when he was killed, how he was killed, what was killed with, you also ask who killed for what, and what? well it's me i hope we find out, really, vanya, otherwise, lesh, i beg you, please, please us with something, well, about something, the fact that it was a firearm - that’s understandable, two bullets in the stomach, one in the head, and two more went into the milk, look at the wall. so, our shooter, frankly speaking, is not a vozhnetsky, three in the target, three in the milk, this is somehow without comment,
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look at the chaos they caused here, i think they were looking for something, uh-huh, rodanov talked to a colleague of the murdered woman , she said that a purse and a cell phone were stolen, and there are prints, we’ll take them, but i think there are dozens of them, if not hundreds, yeah, but we don’t know anything , we didn’t see anything, we can’t help, well, that’s understandable, it’s not even surprising, but maybe the killer came to kill you, your guys scared him off, the one who left through the medical staff’s room killed the nurse like an unwanted witness, what a killer, who needs to kill me, everything is fine with everyone, yes, why do you have two bodyguards, listen, captain, you yourself don’t understand, this is my status if i walk around without security i will, the business community will not understand me.


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