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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  June 7, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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at the police station he was calm. do you admit your guilt? yes, i admit my guilt. united repent? i repent, united i repent. repentance alone is not enough; you will have to answer according to the law. a criminal case has been initiated against a sixty-year-old resident of neftekamsk on suspicion of hooliganism committed with the use of violence, as well as objects used as weapons. a forensic medical examination is planned for the victim. in order to establish the severity harm caused to health, the victim himself does not show that he feels unwell, he is uncomfortable in front of the ladies, his head hurts, his head is crushed, and his head is crushed, how can such beatings happen, this is not a joke, the detainee was previously distinguished by violent behavior, but this is the elder’s saying around the house, it's already too much. we thought that after all, we live in the same yard, maybe all this will pass, maybe somehow he, maybe he drank a lot, so that’s why we did it, and this... if the case comes to court, the beaten
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pensioner and his girlfriends will have to give testimony and, of course , the video recording from the intercom camera will be added to the materials; it is more eloquent than any words. daria masalova, oksana gonchurenko and nikita zabrodin, ntv. more news on our website in the cpntv telegram channel. that's all for today, thank you for your attention. today in our program, there is no change on the western front, in france they are celebrating the eightieth anniversary of the normandy landings without russia, and did we have allies in the second...
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hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i'm andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we're working live, and today we will start with messages and footage from lugansk. in the first half of the day, yes, one might say. in the morning the city
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was subjected to massive shelling from the ukrainian armed forces, naturally they hit civilian targets, and these targets were, well, as is now clear, several schools, several kindergartens, a local university complex, the russian ministry of defense is now clarifying that the attack was carried out with the use of atakom missiles , american long-range missiles, it is currently known that three people about two dozen were killed, injured, now we...
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were injured, including an eight-year-old child, the number of wounded may increase, because it is possible that there are more victims under the rubble. just a few hours before the shelling of high-rise buildings in lugansk, french president emmanuel macron publicly gave the go-ahead for attacks on russian territory with french high-precision missiles, promising, like other western leaders, that they were going to hit only military targets, well, now we know, we’ve learned again that the president france always says everything.
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they will be trained for six months, after which kiev will begin to receive aircraft, macron announced the creation of the so-called french brigade. paris is going to train and arm 45 ukrainians. however, as macron clarified, there is no talk yet about the direct presence of the french military in ukraine. according to the politician's publication, biden opposed this, with whom macron had previously discussed sending instructors. but for terrorist zelensky, aircraft missiles alone are not enough. he announced the day before that he dreams of landing french troops in ukraine, but sadly ironically this was said at the celebration of the anniversary of the landing of allied troops in normandy. moreover, he said this practically during an embrace with macron. you expect foreign troops to land on ukraine at some point. i hope so. under the camera, zelensky tried to hug a veteran, a direct participant in the exhibition in normandy. but instantly all
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this, all these pr hugs were eclipsed by one person, the president of the united states, joe biden. the world media is discussing today this awkward moment where he stands on stage with the macron couple tries. to sit on some imaginary or not fully visible chair, well , this is at best, biden’s pr people are sorting out another blunder or awkward moment on the service already in an interview with abc tv, he announced biden that he has known putin for 40 years, that is 40 years is since 1984, let me remind you that putin at that moment was an intelligence officer and was just preparing for his business trip to dresden; biden was a neighbor in the us senate 40 years ago.
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events. all western leaders gathered at beaches of french normandy to celebrate victory over totalitarian forces. i’m quoting a politician’s publication; vanya also quoted him from a slightly different publication. it is not written in the article what kind of totalitarian forces are that need to be defeated now. another interesting point is that this article also does not mention nazi germany itself, although the anniversary of the landing of paratroopers in the war against this very nazi germany is celebrated.
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the very historical moment of the opening of the second front, this is the day d, save the film ordinary district and something. so much has been said and done, because in recent years the formation of this new historical puzzle has almost been completed, in which the landing in normandy is presented as the main event of the second world war. biden, by the way, recently spoke about this again publicly, that we won nazism, there is no one else there at all, that’s all the united states, and you are the landing in normandy - the main event of the second world war. let's look at our first story. 80 years ago, on june 6, 1944, the landing began allied forces in normandy in northern france. in the west, this event is called d-day, when
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a second front opened against nazi troops. together with the british-americans , soldiers from the canadian army and australia are participating in the landing. landing operation overlord, that is, the overlord. turns sandy beaches into a battlefield, with more than 150 thousand soldiers landing from aircraft from the english channel. then. the union and germany will exhaust each other, at which point the allies land directly
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in europe with minimal losses, and of course the allies needed geopolitical advantage, certainly in europe. the nazis lose about half a million killed, wounded and prisoners in normandy. this is several times less than in the battles with the soviet army, but after the landing of the allies, many of the contradictions that had matured in the anti-hitler coalition disappear. the second front is open, and the germans are deprived of a significant part. reserve for transfer to the eastern front. this accelerates the defeat of nazi germany and saves the lives of soviet soldiers. esenhower said in his diary: "we must never lose sight of the the fact is that the main goal we are striving for is to save the lives of 8 million russians in the war. thus, he knew where the real military power of resistance to the germans was. these were not the british, but the russians. some historians believe that the red army was capable of defeating hitler alone and reaching the lomanche. this is exactly what the allies were afraid of. they did not want to give
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moscow control over europe, and therefore decided on an operation in normandy. french historians mention that the founder fifth republic, general charles de gaulle never took part in the celebrations marking the anniversary of the allied landings in normandy, because he believed that the british and americans intended to occupy france. churchel summoned me from algiers to london on june 4, as his servant, we had a bitter quarrel, the landing on june 6 was an anglo-saxon affair, from which france was excluded, they were determined to settle in france as in enemy territory, as they had just done in italy and were going to do it in germany. well , basically in moskult, first of all in american cinema, the role of the united states in the victory of world war ii. war, it has long been inflated, i don’t take now such cinematic waste paper, like the inglorious
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bastards that someone here recalled alexander nikolaevich, in my opinion, yes, but still some small episodes or more -smaller episodes of the second world war, they are presented as some kind of amazing, amazing achievements of the united states, which brought victory in the second world war closer, d-day is the most so popular. this began to intensify especially quickly in the nineties, the essence of this is this, which means
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that there are no, unfortunately, there are several levels of this essence, the first level of the essence, every country will always defend its priority in everything, this is an axiom, everything so to speak, more we are interested in the events that the country itself is waging, and if there is a second world war, we, for example, are naturally more interested in the soviet-german front; we are not at all interested in what happened there in north africa. and for the british it happened in north africa, tabruk is something so celestial. chertel said that elelomei is the battle that saved the country there and the morale of the english nation, well, from fear, in terms of the number of participants, it’s simply not commensurate with the number of forces involved, of course, of course, i ’ll tell you more, you know there, well, this first argument is at least understandable, because every country will somehow lag behind further. there is, there is a second layer, the second layer is that - that - always
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politicians, modern politics, well, at any given time, must necessarily have their policy should be supported by some historical ones - these examples cannot be found in a very significant number of cases, well, yes, here are the baltic countries, please, you have a classic example like this. nothing can be found, if you can’t find it, then you need to invent it, there are no third options, because this is necessary, the justification of your policy should always be. rely on historical traditions, that is, that now we are doing this because we are always right, well, to say, that’s because it is so, it means, for example, that’s absolutely conditionally, let’s take the policy towards russia, that’s who started the russo-japanese war, this will not work, russia started the russo-japanese war, russia started the first world war, we hear this all the time, russia, the
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molotov pact remetropa started the second world war, this means that regardless of the system russia is an aggressive country, everything is our policy.
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in general, nothing dragoon, well, erelamei doesn’t hold up, italy, well, excuse me, well, not very well either, which means it’s d-day, and we have a day, with d-day, because there is a certain moment, that is day d, which is now being celebrated, is a single event, this is the first day of operation neptune, and operation overlord is a two-month operation, that is, in general it is a large-scale operation in which
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up to three took part there, well, actually less, but 2 ,8 million, well... it was a success, it was a success, this is the largest landing operation, the largest, if in terms of the technology that was used there, this is generally for even here in the pictures it was the border between good and evil, that is, it was a successful operation, successful, there were losses generally small, but overall in konstantinich, they don’t say that small losses, when you...
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we’re talking about where fate was decided and how it happened, there really is this argument that often sounds: well, the entry of the allies, the appearance of a second front, it saved, maybe there may be hundreds of thousands, or maybe millions, for the lives of soviet soldiers, this is correct, but there is another point, the fact is that the entry into the war and the opening of a second front in 1644 killed several million soviet soldiers, because if you take the correspondence of the allied powers , beginning from forty-one, forty-two, forty -three, then all this time the burden of war...
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to prime minister churchill. stalin convinces that if on july 17, 1941, in a letter to the british , hitler fights in the west and in the east, this will help the soviet union and will not allow it to carry out its plans to land in britain. but from london in response come complaints about the lack of forces and the threat of - quote, bloody defeat. how much could stalin trust or rely on his allies? and how much they could betray him. so thus, the second front was an important test of whether to enter. the americans entered the war at the end of '41, but they fought far from europe and hitler. on june 11, 1942
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, moscow and washington signed an agreement on mutual supplies under landlease. from this moment on, it is not without reason that the americans donate military equipment, weapons, ammunition, equipment, raw materials and food. but the bulk of deliveries will begin only by 43 ; before that, the soviet union is counting solely on itself. for our country in a thousand. it would be better if we didn't they supplied neither this gasoline, nor this aluminum, nor these weapons, but so that american british soldiers would land with these weapons using this gasoline and this gunpowder and begin an offensive against the germans. at the tigirand conference, and this is already the end of forty-three, stalin and roosevelt insist on the landing of the allies in france. churchill sees everything differently and says that we need to go through the balkans, this is closer to the zone of british interests. son of the american president, general eliot. roosevelt later recalled in his memoirs that churchill was simply afraid of influence soviet union in eastern europe. churchel , in his somewhat paranoid aspirations against the ussr, wanted to return to
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the soft underbelly of europe at any cost in order to move on hungary or czechoslovakia. the relations between the allies were indeed not the most trusting. moscow even receives secret military information not from official sources, but from soviet intelligence officers in the cambridge five. technical data on secret german fighters.
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help promote the interests of your state and your people, where it is beneficial, to be allies, allies, where beneficial partnership relations are built with the goal of somehow not being allies, not being allies, this applies to all countries, all powers at all times, all leaders know this, no one the point is that deception, lies,
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dishonesty in international politics is... not criteria, there is only one criterion: support for your country's people, there is no goal of creating parity with the soviet unions, unfortunately, 27 million people died in our country, what kind of english, british or american leader would think about that , let's go with us too, come on, it would be good if 27 minutes and even more died, they don’t think so, the point is that our allies had different, different degrees of involvement or something. based on the need to protect our own people, it was necessary to come to us with us as quickly as possible in order to defeat the nazis, but they slowed down all the time. i wonder what...
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what does it mean on the territory of the united states, the goal of the united states was victory, victory in the war with japan and its allies, first of all, the blow was struck by the japanese, the japanese in forty-second year, what is happening, so the japanese attacked the united states in december forty-one, what happens in forty-two, the japanese take the solomon islands, take new guinea, take malaysia, in the battle of the malayan battle of bert, the japanese take prisoner about 100 thousand you want
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to say . i admit my defeat, i categorically do not want to continue the conversation in this style, either you don’t understand me on purpose, or then i don’t know the heat for you, i’m not going to argue with you with what you say, i
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absolutely agree.
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it was correctly said that for them the germans did not pose such an existential threat as for great britain, but churchel, being, roosevelt, being a wise politician, experienced, he understood, he thought in large geopolitical categories, that if germany allowed to expand, to defeat the soviet union of great britain, the united states would quite possibly be next states, and the nazi party was raped there; there was support for the fascists in the united states.
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when we try to understand why only then did they land, what the hell, look, 80 years have passed since the day of landing on the scoreboard, all of europe, practically, except for the russian part of it under the united states and great britain, the united states of america is today the leading economy in the world, they are creating in europe now, not us, a new myth that this was a fight against totalitarianism and thanks to landing on d-day... were able to recapture at least western europe from the totalitarian sects moving from the east, they now dictate or are still trying to dictate the rules of the game, that is, after 80 years we can say how successful their strategy was, if
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it’s absolutely cynical to argue that they are great fellows, they saved the lives of their people, well done, of course, they saved their people, and at the same time they clung to the common victory, i don’t know, and now they consider this victory. that's all, let's stop, probably yes, let's take a short break, don't miss it, central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week, german war minister boris pistorius began preparing the country for war with russia, has he really forgotten how it ended for berlin previous wars. nato's response, we are not attacked, we defended ourselves so that everyone could understand. putin promised that there would definitely be consequences for western countries supplying weapons to kiev for attacks on russia. we’ll definitely tell you which ones. this will be your
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let’s see how it all is business and why they were alarmed there. russian warships will indeed soon find themselves in the caribbean sea, very close to the american shores, but for a completely different reason, they will arrive on an official visit to cuba, to the port of havana, this is a passage through the atlantic, the russian ministry of defense announced it back in may, in the group consists of four ships, including the frigate admiral gorshkov and... nuclear submarine kazan. as stated in the cuban foreign ministry, this will be a planned, friendly visit. there will be no nuclear weapons on the ships, their stop in the capital is entirely peaceful. the ships will stay in the capital for almost a week, from june 12 to 17, and the plans there include salvos of welcome, a meeting of the military with the governor, and excursions around the city; there is no talk of any maneuvers. but who is really increasing nuclear tension is the united states itself. there is a publication called semophorus, we don’t often quote it, but here it is. today shared an insider's insight that in the near future the united states plans to announce
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that it is tightening its nuclear strategy. why? the answer is also in this publication. uh, it says that washington is allegedly taking such a step because china and russia rejected the american proposal for nuclear arms control. this was last year, but now, due to global tensions with the united states, we are simply forced, as it is written there, to take a quote, a more competitive approach. so. thus, the united states wants to show its rivals that they are not to be trifled with, and it would be better to return to the negotiating table on american terms, and if this does not work, others will also promise the consequences, however, are which publications. doesn’t specify, we can return to our topic, because there, let me remind you that vyacheslav nikolaevich and i agreed that during the war, the americans, based on their national interests, everything was correct, were a little more, more honest with us allies than the british, but also not everything is as
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they say, unambiguously, because it turns out that immediately after the end of the second world war, we see, again, based on our national interests. united states began to greatly support those whom the world community recognized as nazi criminals, because the number of former ss men, and not only ss men, people in one way or another connected with the nazi party, with nazi science there, the army, and so on and so forth, in america, it it just somehow exceeded all conceivable limits, please. in 1984, the american edition of international. the figure was announced by alan ryan, the famous nazi hunter, head of the special investigations division of the us department of justice. it turned out that hitler’s shortcomings even enjoyed the patronage of american intelligence services. it is enough to recall operation
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paperclip, when more than a thousand nazi criminals were taken to the states. these are scientists, intelligence officers, people who were engaged in propaganda under the leadership of minister gebe. as part of the secret special operation paperclip, 1,600 nazi scientists entered the united states quite legally. in america, they were engaged in the development of weapons, worked in the chemical, aerospace, and pharmaceutical industries. many names are still classified, and biographies have been rewritten, but some things are known. thus, the godfather of the american lunar program was a member of the ruling party in hitler’s germany. this is exactly what london was bombarded with: for astronaut neil armstrong’s flight to the moon, von braun received a medal from nas. all of us who worked with von braun
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learned a lot from communicating with him. he was just incredibly good. today my goal is to introduce you to the von braun rocket team and tell you. in 2017, the cia released an archive of 13 million pages, including classified data from the cold war. there is a certificate there dated november 1944, about the leader of ukrainian nationalists stepan bandera. quote: fought against the soviet union, is under protection. after bandera's death, the americans began to look for a replacement for him.
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great support for us. igor sergeevich, how can we then deal with an honest alliance, what happens, these are good anti-communist people, they are there just in case, or what? let us collect them, feed them, give them something to drink, maybe they will come in handy? or maybe we should just finally stop believing in the propaganda fairy tale about that during the second world war, there were countries with different political systems and worldviews.
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the place of the hegemon of the western world, this place was occupied by the united states, their main enemy was the soviet union, so all
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the enemies of the soviet union had to be used, they collected them, the british were simply left with nothing from this pie, well, the british are there for little things, by the way, you know, there is a very interesting correspondence between frank and churchill, where he asks the question, what are you doing, franko, the russians will come here and europe will be there. under the advice to which the answer is that the russians will bleed, destroying germany, the united states, as after the first world war, will retreat to america, and here we, britain, will determine life, andrei nikolai, we somehow got carried away with the topic of pragmatism , i just want to remind you, here it was said about our losses, i will not tire of reminding you that of the 27, 25, 27.
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they would not have acted in the uk, and even more so they would not have acted if this had happened in the united states, they know this very well, so i assure you that if at peenemünund, where wernher von braun experimented in the mines, they destroyed the soviet american prisoners of war who were building there.
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some nazis, well, maybe it will be somehow inconvenient or it was without any illusions, without looking back, we’re just looking for useful comrades, there was a discussion, a discussion, i was talking here about people who actually went to fight the nazis, these are just ordinary guys, and people who really understood what was what, but the american establishment, actually after death roosevelt, who was headed by trubman, he didn’t give a damn about it, there were dramatically fewer of these people there, because a new campaign had begun, the cold war, all the means were just as good. there were several reasons there,
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one has already been expressed here: the americans and the british understood perfectly well that their new enemy after the end of the second world war would be the soviet union, so they attracted those who would be convenient for them in the fight against the soviet union. in fact, we saw how this kind of people were used by a lot of the same soviet films, there are resident mistakes, and others, where they show how various collaborators were used against the soviet union during the cold war, this is no secret to anyone. the second point was that, let 's face it... western europeans, the same germans, culturally, civilizationally, are closer to the americans, the americans themselves, we always say anglo-saxons, anglo-saxons, anglo-saxons, but in fact among the americans there are tens of millions of the same ethnic germans, that is, the americans were of german origin, they were their own, well, imagine that here is a russian, here is admiral german, who fought in the same war in asia, yes, he was an ethnic german, commander of the pacific fleet, american, for them it was their own and
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many, by the way, american officers, a number of american officers who served.
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russian military transports are boarding on the next day. on russia day on ntv. snipers up, the rest will forget. carefully, go through. definitely russians raise your hand, please, i don’t see you, you see me, the death of the second, who are the enemies there, raise your brushes, close the ranks, close the ranks, a film about a family, i see you, i’m andrei an officer, a martinet, not an officer, about the country, if your siblings are so dogged, what can you expect from the others, about the choice, well, golden eagle, have you arrived, will you get on your knees, will you repent? and about freedom. crimea cannot be given away. i am for russia. 10 days until spring. what is this? the russians have arrived. july, 12. all day on ntv.
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this is the meeting place at ntv. the place where everything becomes. the airline has decided in the future completely transfer pilots and passengers, that is, andrei vladimirovich, also onto domestic ms-21 airliners, they plan to purchase almost 340, 339 of them, the head of aeroflot sergei aleksandrovsky spoke about this at the economic conference in st. petersburg. ms-21, yes.
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the planes they have now. the forum also suggested introducing a special one. family tariff not only for air tickets, but for railways. vice speaker of the federation council inna svitenko made this request to carriers. she also offers provide for an annual tax deduction for such tickets. she also supported the initiative of deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko to introduce a program of promotions and discounts for large families in resort hotels. so. i’m done with transport and recreational news. for the report of the head of transport. workshop, yes, it’s a pity that we’re not him in the hall, in the hall, in the hall, it ’s you there today, pouring himself some art, so look, i was thinking about everything just now, i honestly admit, i listened to everything you said , but i'm sure that the news was dreamed, i
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i’m thinking how to beautifully bridge from the previous part, to this one, viktor alevich, he said that the americans dragged all sorts of former nazi criminals, and people...
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in the hope of making money, they painted white targets on the fences of the locals manufacturing enterprises. before this, a sixteen-year-old teenager fell into a similar trap in st. petersburg. unknown people promised to pay him a large sum in cryptocurrency for him to spoof numbers for ukrainian call centers. what are you doing? unemployed. fsb employees russia found out last year that ukrainian special services were behind such sabotage. the scheme is the same: they recruit russians
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on social networks or by phone, promising quick money, but most often the werewolves from the ukrainian special services intimidate those who find themselves in a difficult situation, especially the elderly . a pensioner from the city of sorov, nizhny novgorod region, tried to return the money stolen from her a year ago. for this reason, she agreed to carry out a dangerous task, setting fire to the car of a prosecutor’s office employee. i had to buy gasoline, 3 liters of gasoline in canister, come to the yanka near the prosecutor's office and set fire to the front wheel of the car, they are very proud of such actions in kiev, the local press gives them as a signal that there are many dissatisfied special operations in russia. there was similar jubilation in march, when at several polling stations in russia a couple of people spoiled ballots in the presidential elections; for each such case, the ukrainian special services staged a real psychological operation. the task is to buy
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a half-liter bottle of water, go up to this scammer, take his ballot, vote, throw it in the ballot box and fill the same ballot box with this solution, the main thing was that i turn on the video call on whatsapp to the video call, do all this, and those russian citizens who fall for all these tricks or those
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sitting there are trying to cheat them out of money , so they call me, tomorrow ends, but with such a clear dnepropetrovsk accent, he spoke to this guy, he said, i immediately answer him, i’m tortured, why on the sovereign, i have a question, why not in the state language, which means after this is him he called me back 12 times, he probably had to scare me at first, like this is his way...
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so that he has the last word, it’s clear that he won’t get anything here, no, so that he says how much he hates us, that is, this is the anger that lives in them, this is always me. i am one of those who never, under any pressure, so that they do not tell us from above that we are one people, i do not recognize that we are one people, we are very different, again, i repeat, in everything slavic.
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we were not close there in terms of psychotype with poles, poles are a completely separate people with their own language, culture, religion, civilization, even latin, roman catholic and so on, with ukrainians, with those who live in ukraine, it’s correct to say, we have everything the same, we have one root, one religion, one culture, same writers, one consciousness, even one psychotype, as for differences, they exist everywhere, well , residents of people with just the opposite sign, so it’s easier for you and me to understand each other, not to love, but to understand, it's much more difficult with you. if we take russia, a large state, a resident of arkhangelsk or vologda, he is from a siberian in mentality, anthropologically, he will also be very different, in habits, according to words, even, i came across some expressions in the nizhny novgorod region, they seem to be in russian, but what exactly is there, i don’t understand anything he said, there are old believer regions, they
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are religiously different and so on, so we are certainly one people, but of course there are psychological differences, another thing is that now in the last 30 years these kind people you say there, you always felt some kind of these there and so on, i grew up there, i’m on the contrary, for me ukraine is a sunny, very warm place, a pleasant landscape, these are very kind people, very sentimental and kind at the same time and so on, very religious, and this religiosity is very popular there and so on, but this people can also be corrupted if they are hammered into it for 30 years with the help of education, the media, the media of culture, that they are chosen, what they should hate, what... muscovites are to blame for all their troubles, any people can be corrupted, the germans were also a great people who gave mathematics, philosophy, industry, chemistry and so on, science, but nevertheless they also managed to corrupt them to the point that they calmly people were sent to ovens alive, well, now our people there in ukraine
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are dehumanizing them, people are happy that a shark ate some tourist in egypt, it was a holiday, people, we won’t be happy about your canned food. what is it like, that we are all the same, but still not the same, no, you understand what i want to say, we are a very large community, here in slovakia they are all almost the same, and then there are gypsies and ... there are rusyns, this is a small state of five million, but there homogeneity can be achieved; in this large russian
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space, great diversity is inevitable. if i take, i find great russian sayings, which or take russian folk tales, great russian ones, there will also be a lot of harsh things about the peasants and everything else, excuse me, pushkin wrote fairy tales, this is the 19th century, the beginning of the 19th century, a pop-toned forehead, as this characterizes his attitude towards the church, for example, but one cannot say that he was an atheist, as again, you force me to do it every time.
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thinks, what kind of population lived in galicia at that time, yes 900, so russian people live there, not only russen, but russians, my ancestors, my great-grandfather born in 1882, he considered himself a russian person, my great-grandfather, let me remind you, he citizen of the austro-hungarian empire, my great-grandmother, citizen of the hungarian empire, in uzhgorod, regional in the center there were people who said, we are exactly the same as the people living in moscow, that’s how it is with these people, huh?
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and why does this irritate us, because the people themselves belonging to this political subculture, in fact, in ethnic terms, they have not self-defined themselves at all, and it is simply impossible to self-identify ethnically as a ukrainian, there is no such set of ethnic, cultural that could be to say that this is a ukrainian, there is no such set, there are some negative things, then there is a russophobe there, let’s say, he doesn’t go there... the orthodox church there, i don’t know, he wants some problems for russia, there, that is
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, there are some negative aspects, but it’s impossible to list the positive ones, by the way, i completely disagree, that we are with the poles... dissatisfaction, they just believed that they had to replace us in this huge space, but nothing worked out for them, i have a friend, i’ll just say briefly now, i have a friend, a former ambassador montenegro, he was previously ambassador to poland, so he says, you have no idea to myself, how similar you are, i can see better from the outside , you and the poles are the same, but with opposite signs, but sometimes from
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the outside it can be seen better that sometimes you can see something, sometimes you can’t see anything at all, but let us, otherwise we -something about us about... means, as for ukraine as such, indeed, it seems to me that this is such a very complex political project that plunged into different waters, well , like in our fairy tales there korbunok, yes he plunged into austrian waters, into polish waters, into soviet waters, that’s why we have this one, such a little animal, i’m sorry, yes, very strange, there’s so much namic in it.
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the situation in power in kiev forces him to plunge into this, but in reality no one knows what to plunge into, let’s do this too, it’s very unnerving, let’s show examples of such a immersion that is not deep, but interesting in the next part, let’s take a pause, let’s discuss this, a series of mysterious murders that shocked even investigators.
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discounts, sale at wildberries. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, and service and notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card withdraw cash without commission. 10 days until spring june 12 all day on ntv. cutting a tree is long, exhausting and difficult, especially if you are far from home. world of fair prices brings you the cordless chainsaw of the century. trimming boards, trimming branches, cleaning bushes. this is not a complete list of the works that she is capable of. the mini saw is an indispensable assistant in construction, repairs, and work in the garden. areas, caring for trees and shrubs. light weight and ergonomic handle shape allow you to use it for a long time without feeling tired or discomfort.
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a special casing provides additional protection when working in hard-to-reach places and confined spaces. the electric motor with copper winding has quite high power for such a small thing. this saw's chain has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy required. call to order a cordless chain saw and get a reliable and faithful assistant. central television. tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. this place meetings on ntv, a place where everything becomes clear. we continue. we promised to give you more examples of immersion in this ukrainian thing, because what is in the last part is for you. showed this desire to somehow cheat, maybe even in a small way, well, here you can find some kind of explanation, benefit, now we’ll show it in a big way, now we’ll show it in a big way, as andrey
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vladimirovich tells us, in ukrainian social networks there are new trends, people steal food from the graves of vseushnikov and brag about it on the internet, in video reports looters meticulously study the varieties stolen sweets and are even willing to share them with less efficient searchers. but today at the boof cemetery, having collected some candy. god forbid, who, who is still able to bring anything to the cemetery, how many kilograms did they get? 12. whenever possible, they also organize mass dances on bones. after the tragedy at crocus cityhole, the kiev barenziwa, that is, an offensive in the polish style, updated the menu. to the set with fried wings they added a photo of a burning concert hall. another popular dish, they also have daria dugina steak, and also there is pizza with piperoni, a burning crocus, a belgorod cake under the rubble, ice cream with chocolate chips, the angels of donbass are also under the rubble, this is the name of the dishes that children prepare at a culinary master class in another establishment, all this has replaced the showroom of muscovite children and cocktail russian
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babies. how cool, how cool, marvel at what i found, the orcs in a transparent bag are new, the love to sacralize war and give it a religious meaning looks no less wild. sofia rataru congratulated everyone on st. nicholas day according to the catholic calendar and posted a strange card: nicholas. sits on the lap of the holy man of joy. in honor of easter , easter cakes consecrated by the schismatic ukrainian church with the bandera of st. jewelina appeared. bandera himself, by the way, 2 years ago, even the ocu included him in the league of saints. apparently, the prayer to saint jewelina will also be included in the church calendar. especially for you. saint jewelina. the cult of embroidery occupies an important place in ukrainian self-awareness, and it is also closely mixed with. banderaism and praise of weapons. presented in chernivtsi embroidered "combat drone" shirt. the main symbol of the ornament is the drone, which symbolizes the victory of ukraine. there is also
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a cossack cross, a trident and the inscription victory ua. the sacralization of weapons of death occupies a separate place in modern ukrainian folklore. the topics of food of death are also inextricably linked ; ukrainian telegram channels published photos from the soldier’s funeral. fulfilling the last request of the deceased, they placed a box of happy from mcdonald's, a bottle of cola and, it seems, a carton of milk in his coffin. and, of course, a cult holodomor. kiev has been stubbornly telling the world for many years how the insidious stalin starved the ukrainians in order to destroy their poor. last year , a celebration dedicated to the famine was held in the refectory of the kiev pechersk lavra. the highlight of the program was the well-fed, but probably starved in the past, speaker of the verkhovna rada. then
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the light and the film masterpiece appeared. gpu about the facts of mass starvation and even cannibalism. alexander nikolaevich, can you somehow describe this phenomenon to us, well, i really mean, this is sectarianism, well, no, probably we had a version that this is, in general, a subculture , that’s a subculture, a good word, but not.
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food, if a relative came to visit them, i claim, but i wasn’t in their house, it’s appropriate to smear a whole people with paint like this, they count the food, in a week they will talk about how much they spent, how much this relative, you like this meme about nikolai nikolaevich drazdov?
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the planting of people really reacted en masse - well, everything apparently happened on the second internet, which means somehow they planted this before the second second
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ignited, well, as far as i can judge, well , look, polish influence, austro-hungarian influence is a propaganda influence, that is, it’s not just some physical things, there’s capture, occupation, that means well... some kind of control, but this is powerful anti-russian propaganda, and from that time, well, the 18th-19th centuries and so on, after the fourteenth year military-type propaganda begins, and of course, what is happening now with people, here in ukraine, well, i don’t know, what needs to be done to prevent the roof from moving off, well this is after all, here’s something relatively new, almost modern, or what alexander nikolaevich says in...
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the number one economy is china, and by
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a large margin from second place, india is the third economy in the world and the global leader in terms of dynamics, and is the global leader in terms of development dynamics , are making themselves known more and more loudly countries of south asia and africa, where there is a high birth rate and a still low level of urbanization, as well as rapid catch-up economic growth. according to experts, they really like to extol their successes, their
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certain merits, and if these successes don’t exist, then it’s okay, you can invent them, and it doesn’t matter at all what it is there... it will become clear that this is a soap bubble through some it’s time, that’s it, you can say it and not worry too much about it . let's get a look. in ukraine there is a queue of people who want to govern crimea and donbass. ukrainians are forming a personnel reserve to work in the de-occupied territories, in the hope that these territories will one day again become part of ukraine. almost 2,500 people have already been enrolled in this personnel reserve. who is preparing for a victorious assault on the peninsula, i see that ukraine will bypass crimea within these 5 months, everything is going towards this, and most importantly, i calmly talk about this, because russia does not even have the strength to prevent this. ukrainians also
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added the collapse of the ussr to their list of achievements without blinking an eye. former secretary of the national security and defense council danilov explained everything. it turns out that in the first strike. in march 1989 , a hundred ukrainians took part, and this was of fateful significance for the country. the fact is that russians know history very poorly. i can say with confidence that it was we, ukrainians, who destroyed the soviet union. i can recall when on march 2 , 1989, for the first time in the history of the soviet union , the first miners' strike took place. of the 170 strikers, 94 were ukrainians.
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was not going to ukraine, he went to british liverpool, this year ukraine remained in third place, its team was fined for provocative inscriptions on t-shirts. so, vasiliyvich, we didn’t let you speak, then here’s some additional information, first, two real things, firstly, there are ukrainians, there are a lot of them, they are organized, it’s you who object, yes, this is the first, second, let’s remember , you and i are people who were born in the soviet union, let’s say, before 2010, how many, i would say, hundreds of thousands of ukrainians came to moscow, the moscow region, worked here, renovated, built houses and so on and so on, i want to say that these people have not gone anywhere, they worked
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and still work, they work in europe now and so on, this is real, these are real people, this real men, women.
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three words, but they are in the same row, they think the same way, if i am cunning, i am trying to deceive and i betrayed, this is one whole, there is no comma between cunning and betraying, if i am cunning , i told you something today, but tomorrow it is not beneficial for me , i gave you, i don’t even think about it, that is, for me it’s the same, you see, this is a trait that some of the zapodenites have, it’s going nowhere, it hasn’t... gone anywhere, well, i would like to tell alexander nikolaevich to object, bogdan answers? you quote an anecdote, in fact , ukraine is, so to speak, a territory in which there is a cult of food, when you come to visit there, no one looks at any food there, on the contrary, they feed you so much that
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you simply cannot leave there, here in india , for example, they sell stores right away in the store, oh refrigerators with locks, because a lot can come. listen, you know what's on the last elections in india, 642 million voters came, i condemn the hindus, it’s like, let’s give the floor to michal borisovich, everything is correct. my dacha was built by people from western ukraine, when i tried to call them ukrainians, they almost burned my dacha, they said that they were rusyns and that once again, if i said such phrases that they were going to leave, i decided that i it will be cheaper for them to continue, so i think that this is a myth about the fact that there are a lot of ukrainians, and i think that there are very large subcultures that grow temporarily. to huge sects, there are sects that include millions of people, simply because there are some vacuums in which these people gather, they are
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very easy to process, indeed for quite a long time these people were processed with such a degree of intensity that the psyche can withstand for an ordinary, ordinary village person, she simply cannot, if every day from morning to evening they pester you that you should become a ukrainian.
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she found her nephew's mother on her knees from a strange man and told her brother about it. do you remember when we all came to visit you, you sat on the boy’s lap, unfamiliar. then he doubted that his beloved gave birth to a son and demanded a dna test from him. why should i do a dna test if i am confident in myself? i come home from work and here is a stranger with whom she is.
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construction, repairs, work on personal plots, caring for trees and... old growths. light weight and ergonomic handle shape allow use it for a long time without feeling tired or discomfort. a special casing provides additional protection when working in hard-to-reach places and confined spaces. the electric motor with copper winding has quite high power for such a small thing. this saw's chain has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy required. call to order a battery chain.
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and here we can’t expect anything else, or they will admit that the fact that we are their brothers or they are needed in the west only as a consumable . alexander nikolaevich, hidden partisan war, in all territories that will become part of russia and not only, there will be hidden partisan war, read the situation of napoleon in spain, and so on, there are many of them. and david samoilov’s poem should be read by everyone there that yes it’s a must, just a must michal borisovich i think that we have good experience that can tell us what will happen to the ukrainians, we had soviet for 70 years an experiment, a political project, turning everyone into the soviet people, many people believed in it, so i think that just like with the soviet project, it takes 40 years to go through all sorts of potholes in order to somehow abandon
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this self-identification, so it will be in ukraine. as soon as ukraine becomes part of the russian federation, 40 years will pass, there will be a lot of problems, ukrainian revanchism, but in the end all this will be healed. i’m using a very simple non-ukrainian example, all normal healthy people know that coming out of you need to wash your hands in the toilet, but if people have been told for years or decades that going to the wound after using the toilet is harmful, the water from there is bad, and in general scientists have proven that you don’t need to wash your hands, then probably a significant number of people will stop washing their hands, i this is all about nationality.
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14:00 weekdays ntv, all the best to you, goodbye. hello, you are watching the news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. the world is experiencing explosive technological growth and russia is ready for change, these words were heard during vladimir’s speech putin before the participants of the international economic forum in st. petersburg. at these moments, the plenary session with the participation of the president continues ; our correspondent nikolai bulkin joins us. nikolay, what other statements?


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