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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 7, 2024 4:00pm-4:51pm MSK

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it was a meeting place that could not be changed. 14:00 weekday ntv, all the best to you, goodbye. hello, you are watching news on ntv, in the egor kalyvanov studio. the world is experiencing explosive technological growth and russia is ready for change. these words were spoken during vladimir putin’s speech to the participants. international economic forum in st. petersburg. at these moments, the plenary session with the participation of the president continues ; our correspondent nikolai bulkin joins us. nikolay, what other statements did the president make and what have the questions already been asked? yes, but these very minutes, in the huge hall where the plenary session is taking place, the president of russia is actually speaking and a number of important statements have already been made. the president began with an assessment of the general situation in the world. vladimir.
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the sliding role of hegemons, in general there is nothing unusual here, when a country or a person in their life tries to maintain their positions, strengthen them, well, by crook - this is bad, by crook - this is good, by crook is no good, but more and more countries, of course , they want a multipolar world, and about this the president emphasized that china is first. already
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the economy, also india occupies a high place at a high level, of course, the countries of south asia and africa are showing themselves, they are loudly announcing themselves, and i will say that at this forum we have been seeing politicians, businessmen from these countries, asian, eastern, they are actively signing contracts, supporting various projects, against this background, according to the president, russia is of course ready for change, that is, it is necessary to continue changing the structure of exports and imports, despite the situation. despite all the obstacles and illegitimate sanctions, russia remains one of the key participants in world trade, is actively developing logistics, the geography of cooperation, this is how our relations with the countries of asia are strengthened, an increase of 60%, from the twentieth to the twenty-third year, the middle east, a two-fold increase , africa 69%. in
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latin america 42. i assume that my distinguished colleagues, guests of our forum , the presidents of bolivia and zimbabwe, will touch on this topic in their speeches. in general, the share of states friendly to russia, and how we we see that this is precisely what we must pay attention to first of all, the rapidly growing economies of fast-growing states, this is what will and... will determine the future in the global economy, today their share already accounts for 3/4 of our trade turnover . well, the president emphasized the importance, of course, of developing new transport routes, that is, we need to build new hubs, we need to develop trade, we need to go east. at the same time, there is an important northern direction. vladimir putin spoke about the development of infrastructure in the north.
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sea ​​route, in particular, he emphasized that already 36 million tons of cargo are accordingly sent along this route, and this direction needs to be developed, while vladimir putin emphasized that it is very important to increase payments in national currencies, now he said, speaking about this, he called the dollar and the euro toxic currencies, and also...
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russia is in fourth place, we are ahead of japan, russia ranks. germany, japan, the difference is small, we are ahead, but the difference is small, but we understand that leadership... positions are needed constantly confirm, strengthen, other countries also do not stand still, it is important for us to ensure consistently high rates and quality of growth for the long term, that is our task today, what else
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the president emphasized, among the minuses, he said that there are a lot of imports, but it must be restrained not by barriers, but by discovery here in russia. economics, of course, are very connected, so we are following what is happening at the plenary session, by the way, he knows... i’ll return a little to the economy, because obviously, when you and i were already preparing for broadcast, vladimir putin made another important statement concerning many russians; the president proposed to resume indexation of pensions for working pensioners from february 1, 2025. the issue, which
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concerns millions of our citizens, is, as they say, ripe, and today we have the resources to begin resolving it in the interests of the people, the head of state emphasized. this is really important news. thanks nikolay bolkin. i followed the plenary session at the st. petersburg forum with the participation of the president. russia managed to build a strong an economy resistant to external shocks, and in order to ensure further growth, it is necessary to increase labor productivity, the head of sberbank german gref said at a business breakfast at the st. petersburg international economic forum. traditionally, this is one of the most cited tfm events. then, marina pimenova monitors what is happening now on the forum and not only. important news for the participant. st. petersburg economic forum came today from moscow. the central bank, contrary to the opinion of many analysts, did not increase the key the rate was left at 16%. thus, the rate is maintained for the fourth meeting in a row. on the eve of the meeting, we spoke with the first deputy chairman of vtb dmitry
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pyanov, the author of one of the most striking comparisons for the russian economy in recent months for sure. let me remind you that he compared the situation there with the dzhenibekov effect. so this time he has it. a definition was found, but for the monetary policy of the central bank, i called it there and compared it to the glass bead game, imagine a chess game in which the the value of the pieces and the rules of their moves, that is, not standard chess, but this kind with constantly changing conditions, not only econometric metrics are very important, inflation is like this, therefore the rate should be like this, if well, as if
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the author of the most striking quotes from breakfasts with ber , this is, of course, the head of the duma committee on budget and taxes andrei makarov, he decided to return to last year’s breakfast, then they talked about the laws that regulate the collection of mushrooms in russia, then
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this famous one was said: how not to plant if the diameter of the chanterelle is less than one and a half centimeters, so andrei makarov asked a question, in fact , something has changed in russian laws over this year, i approached...
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making some structural changes, according to german gref, will not work, at
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the company level for this may take 5 years, at the level of the entire economy of a decade. and after the business breakfast, in an interview with our program, anton silanov answered the question: is the ministry of finance going to tighten the conditions for foreign companies to leave russia? there are no such plans, actually. most of the companies that wanted to leave have already left, and those that wanted to stay are working. foreigners continue to work here, and my colleagues and i continue to work at the st. petersburg economic forum. yes,
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thank you, marina, well, vnesheconombank has ensured the implementation of projects in the russian economy worth more than 20 trillion rubles over 5 years. the head of the corporation, igor shuvalov, announced this today on the sidelines of the forum. according to him, the web is now working on updating the strategy, which will set even more ambitious goals of up to 30 trillion. by numbers and strategy. instead of 17 trillion rubles, we completed the aggregate of supported projects - this is the money of all our organizations and, of course , the money of commercial banks and the initiators themselves, we reach a figure of approximately 22 trillion, while preparing a strategy that should be approved in the coming months, our strategy for technology and innovative development is probably the most important block of strategy, and of course it will have or have a big contribution to ensuring.
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special accelerator track sber-500 for projects using the gigachat neural network developed by his specialists. ntv viewers in the capital will next receive a release today in moscow, and we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. a french citizen detained the day before in moscow was officially charged with collecting data on russian military activities. today the court should choose a restraining order for him. send him to pre-trial detention center. it is reported that the french consulate, on the contrary, is asking that the alleged agent acted for several years, came to russia, met with people, and was also interested in information that could be used to harm our country. details from the investigative committee are sparse, but the press has uncovered some details. the name of the detainee is laurent venatier.
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he is a consultant at the swiss center for humanitarian dialogue, an organization founded in... this year specializes in conducting various mediation and peacekeeping missions during wars and armed conflicts. vinate, who speaks fluent russian, is considered an expert on our country and regularly published in specialized journals. some works, for example, were devoted to the events in chechnya in the nineties and early 2000s. there is also information that vintje allegedly coordinated the collection of humanitarian aid for ukraine. the president of france has already commented on his detention. yes, one of our compatriots has been arrested in russia; he works for a swiss non-governmental organization founded by former un secretary general coffee annan. he did not work for france, but will receive all the required consular assistance from us. in in the same interview that macron gave in normandy, he said that paris would transfer mirage fighters to kiev and train pilots. at
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a meeting of western leaders in france on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the allied exhibition, the topic of ukraine was expected. behind the facade of euro-atlantic support for kiev, as the political publication writes, there are contradictions, for example, joe biden did not support macron’s idea to send french instructors to ukraine. according to the american president, the presence of nato military personnel in the line of fire could lead to escalation conflict. and already publicly, in an interview with abc , he said that he was against the use of american weapons for strikes deep into russian territory, only near the border, in the kharkov region. according to the official.
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they allowed it to the kiev regime now, but they did it for many years. another such attack using foreign weapons occurred just today. more than thirty multi-entrance residential buildings in lugansk were damaged as a result of an attack by atacoms missiles. according to the ministry of defense, there were at least six missiles, some of which were shot down by air defenses. as a result of the collapse entrance of a five-story building... according to preliminary data, three people were killed, rescuers are now clearing the rubble, there may still be people under them. at the moment , 35 victims are reported, three of them are children, their lives are not in danger, but five.
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stoltenberg, contrary to what biden says , said that nato does not see a direct threat to the countries of the alliance from russia, they still cannot agree on this among themselves, there is no need to invent anything on this , this means forming an opinion about russia, there is no need form an image of the enemy from russia, you are only harming yourself with this, you know, you came up with the idea that russia wants to attack nato.
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at the same time, according to macron, this is not
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an escalation. macron is completely crazy, he announces the transfer of mirage 2005 fighters to ukraine, further robbing the french army and accelerating the escalation to world war iii. today the second part of the marlizon ballet took place. zelensky addressed the national assembly in paris. the only thing that is needed is for ukrainians not to be left alone, for us to have effective support, constant, timely, long enough with management, then we will definitely do our job. there were calls to boycott this event, since macron is using ukraine for his political purposes. i will boycott zelensky's speech in the national assembly because i refuse to endorse macron's use of a tragic war in the heart. europe for political purposes on the eve of the european elections. biden's speech in the french side was also perceived by many as a campaign speech, which veterans did not
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boycotted. perhaps because they could not imagine that even on this bitter anniversary they would turn not to them, but over their heads, to american voters. here on the french coast of lomanche, like sand from a shoe, the word allies was finally shaken out of all meaning. biden constantly repeated this word, but he... did not mean the anti-hitler coalition, he meant only the current us allies in the fight against russia. also, the word allies has lost its meaning that it is a union of equal leaders and countries. now we only mean loyal sentiments and vassal relations. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, alexander dzekin and valeria polukhina. ntv television company. normandy, france. russian troops in their zone took control of two more settlements in donetsk. people's republic, the ministry of defense reported this. in the same direction, the russian military hit 25 formations in the ssu and the national guard, liquidated seven ammunition depots and dozens of pieces of equipment. and in
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response to kiev’s attempts to attack. russian energy facilities, our troops in a week carried out 27 high-precision strikes on facilities that supported the work of ukrainian enterprises. the advancement of russian troops is also helped by the fact that damaged equipment is repaired not far from the front line, this allows combat vehicles to return to duty faster. about the work of the remigration brigades in the southern donetsk direction, report by sergei pikulin. this is in civilian life, you bring the car to a service station. repairs it, sits in the waiting area with a cup of coffee under the air conditioner, glued to the phone, here turn on the mobile phone means giving away the location of the garage, the enemy is constantly peeling the signal, at each mechanic’s workplace, in addition to a set of keys and screwdrivers, there is an automatic bulletproof vest, the repair shop works around the clock, his call sign anchor served in the navy before the special operation, repaired ship engines,
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now deals with tanks, welding on. .. additional protection is installed on the vehicles, anti-drone protection is installed, we weld an anti-drone roof, we hang the sides with chains, everything to prevent drones from getting to the crew and causing harm to them and the tank as a whole. this repair battalion from buryatia, repairing tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and self-propelled artillery units. this tulip arrived from the front line today. diagnostics showed problems with the barrel, it needs to be replaced. now we are already making improvements, refilling fluids. hydraulic oils, today by the end of the day it will be ready, checked, and then it will go into battle, now the tulip is actively used to destroy the most fortified command posts in the armed forces of ukraine, because the shell can easily pierce the ceiling, concrete floors up to 2 m thick. just for today, the tulip almost released 40 shells, no play or dispersion, everything is exactly on target, and this is the tank that was handling the anchor, also in service in the same direction,
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today the crew... is paving the way for our infantry through a minefield, while firing at the enemy trenches. sergei pikulin and aleibzhanov, south donetsk direction of the special operation. here, in novosibirsk , a rare douglos aircraft is being restored; in 1947, it made an emergency landing in the taimyr taiga, and those flying on it had to wait for evacuation for several weeks. about how the restoration is going and why wait for it it took almost 50 years, says vladimir bogomolov. here is a patch, here are patches, here, but this has already been punched, it looks like with a crowbar, here is a patch here, here is a patch, when the plane fell into the hands of restorers, it looked more like rishito, the vandals punched holes in the skin, tore out and took away some of the equipment, but most serious damage was received during a hard landing, the month of april is tundra, snow, he lands on it, naturally, the wheels slow down, he is quite high, he immediately nosed, so his socks were deformed, there is a very deformation of the nose, for almost 70 years, the plane lay in
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the eternal zone... in 2016, an operation was launched: the board was evacuated due to polarization to krasnoyarsk, the restoration was entrusted to novosibirsk craftsmen, initially overseas aviators promised to help them, the whole cabin was supposed to be sent from america to replace the mangled one, but the parcel never sent, russian restorers had to assemble the most complex element by hand, piece by piece. elements have to be invented, the same staringer, the same frames have to be adjusted to fit the whole thing, because there are no drawings for this cabin. this some kind of secret object, it’s nowhere to be found. worth is being restored to preserve history. the liner came to the soviet union from the usa under the landlease program during the great patriotic war. afterwards he was employed in cargo and passenger transportation. on one of these flights in 1947, i flew from the severnaya zemlya archipelago to krasnoyarsk. an engine failed in the sky. the plane was forced to land in the icy desert. thanks to the skill of the pilot, no one was killed. the captain of the tyurik aircraft and eight other people went for
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help and... disappeared in the snowy tundra, those remaining on board waited for rescue for 3 weeks, the plane became a diary for passengers and in pencil on the metal they left, for example, the following inscriptions: we are sitting alone, everything is running out, no one is losing heart, we are still waiting, we celebrated the holidays with joy, restorers treat these artifacts i was especially careful that the records would not disappear; they were varnished. specialists are not just preparing a museum exhibit, they will repair the aircraft to almost flying condition, all the parts, even new ones, will look like the last one. in flight, but they turn out too shiny, and you have to make them more suitable, to somehow age them. bor tyurikovo is being prepared for the krasnoyarsk museum of northern development, however, the building has not yet begun to be built, so temporary solutions are being sought for the main exhibit. we assume that this will be a pavilion, the space around the aircraft will also be arranged around it, and screens, some exhibits, personal belongings, that’s all.
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that’s all that’s mine here all my life. already in july , tyurikov's board is waiting for its first appearance. it will be shown to novosibirsk residents at the aviation festival. before by the end of the year, all remaining work will be completed and the aircraft will fly home to krasnoyarsk, where the plane took off on its last flight almost 80 years ago. vladimir
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bogomolov, vladislav rybakov, svetlana zakharova, mikhail kapustin, ntv television company. and look further in our issue. russian ships are heading to cuba. what a nuclear submarine and a missile frigate will do in the caribbean. spacex finally managed to successfully launch a launch vehicle with a prototype of the starship spacecraft. songs in exchange for trash. south and north korea continue war of balloons with gifts. dozens of countries accepted the invitation to the brix game. what flags will be visiting us, which athletes will come to the kazan sports forum. kiril kiknatsi sorted it out. on the one hand , this is an ozonbank card, with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand, you can pay
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for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble, millions of goods are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% on the ozonbank card. real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands, when it's straight. the best bank for business, i'm marina kravets, and these are your deepest desires, you have thrown them far, but it’s ozone’s birthday, i want perfume and shoes and a bigger closet, but maybe you
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will always be in ozone advertising, can you tell me, discounts, discounts, oh, sale on ozone’s birthday , palar fan for 2.499. narzan mineral water for 349. children's costume mika yumi for 509. these symptoms can be caused by adhesions, that is, fibrosis, languedaza against adhesions and inflammation. do you want to visit your dream future? our health is protected throughout the country. and not only, right now live a better future, already in the present with alpha insurance. an excellent choice is when you buy clothes on amazon and get a wow 99% cashback to pay for new orders. choose. this is sasha. it is important for him to
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have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career at alfabank, bring friends and get 15,000 rubles for each. alfabank is the best employer in russia. via superstar, premieres on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. tecno - stunning clarity photos and 4k video. new series of smartphones common 30. teekna. hand steamer. a kitford car refrigerator with discounts of up to 19% or a nocard electric lawn mower with a 28% discount on yandex market. i love the moscow coffee shop on poi. and i'll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the fields is a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class. and
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the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the fields. i love it, i recommend it. pay less. sprats, delicious canned food 89.90. delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in the pyaterochka app. pyaterochka helps out in sberbusiness - the best solution for online trading. free training, assistance with choosing a niche and launching sales, analysis of the profitability of your business. transfer of proceeds to the card. no commission, open an account and grow your business. sberbusiness. i am marina kravets, and these are your deepest desires, you have thrown them far. but it's ozone's birthday. i want perfume and shoes and a bigger closet. is it possible that you will always be in ozone advertising? can. say discounts, discounts. oh, ozone's birthday sale. viven sabo set for 399. the monitor's name is tanda robot.
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dolphin, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. we're back on the air, let's continue. cuban authorities announced the arrival of four russian ships in the country next week, including the nuclear submarine kazan and the missile frigate admiral gorshkov for naval exercises. the reports emphasize that the ships do not carry nuclear weapons and pose no threat to the region; the visit is consistent with the historically friendly relations between cuba and russia. this message appeared against the backdrop of vladimir putin’s resonant statement at a meeting with by journalists in st. petersburg, answering a question about the west supplying long-range missiles to ukraine, he said that our country can also transfer russian weapons to a state located next to the so -called countries unfriendly to us, and will do this if such a ... need arises , the white house has already stated that
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the united states is monitoring the situation surrounding the visit of a detachment of russian ships to liberty island. the garbage war continues between the two koreas, the day before from the territory of the southern part of the peninsula a group of defector activists from the dprk sent 10 balloons into the sky with leaflets criticizing the north korean authorities, 5 usb flash drives with k-pop music and tv series, as well as 2 thousand one-dollar bills. according to. the head of the fighters for a free north korea movement, this action was a response to phinyan, who had previously sent about a thousand balloons with garbage, manure and leaflets with his propaganda to his neighbors. rival regimes began using balloons to exchange propaganda messages during the korean war. war. interplanetary flights have become even closer to humanity. american aerospace company spacex after a series of failures. carried out a successful test launch of a launch vehicle with a prototype of
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the starship spacecraft. the ship took off, circled half the globe and splashed down gently in the indian ocean. some damage has been reported, starship has lost many of its skin panels, and the flap is broken, but these are such trifles considering the cosmic scale of the project. having launched the most powerful ship ever built, a hybrid of a rocket and a starship, designed to open a new era in the exploration of the universe. the huge ship weighs as much as 20 gas stations.
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years ago and was considered a failure, the ship did not the first unmanned flight took place about 5 years ago , it was able to dock with the iss, but still returned safely to earth, well, long-awaited success is ahead, now regular flights are expected. almost 100 countries and 500 athletes are just days away from the start of the brix games in kazan, officially opening on june 12. in the meantime, in different parts of the world, the strongest athletes are completing intensive home training and preparing to fly to russia. among the participants are winners and medalists of world championships. for example, one of the most titled teams that will come to kazan is the brazilian swimming team. it turned out that some swimmers from south america have their own special connections with our country. kirill kiknats found out how foreign athletes prepare for competitions. the swimming lanes at the rio deneiro pool
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are booked up for the entire week. the national team is preparing to leave for russia, kazan. the process is almost around the clock. and the first to invite the game organizers brix responded in distant brazil. a landing force of 18 swimmers is expected at the aquatic sports palace in kazan. this is the same case when from the ship to the ball after a 20-hour flight you will have to agrammatize again. the team includes participants of the olympic games in rio and tokyo, winners of world championships. one of the most titled, joa omis jr., a 190-centimeter breaststroke swimmer from the city of vittoria, twice stood on the world podium three times as part of the relay team, bringing world gold to brazil.
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i'm incredibly happy to be back in russia. in last year i was in yekaterinburg, in 2013 i took part in the summer universiade in kazan. it is very pleasant to receive a warm welcome every time when our delegations come here to compete. at the belgrade mushroom sports center , zerlena zvezda work as oars for a candidate for the serbian national team at the frix games. the final stage of preparation for departure. the club's sports director is dushin kovacevic. he remembers the olympic games in moscow and the recent training camp in vladivostok. mushroom channel of kazan, considered one of the best in europe, is familiar so far from the photographs. i am sure that this track meets all the standards of rowing, kayaking, and canoeing, given that the brix games are now turning into serious international competitions, many countries will come, which is not very
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happy in the west. i think that russia will make efforts to make everything look at the highest level. one person submitted applications for participation in the fidget tournament in basketball combined events. you play with him on the field, i play well on the computer, on the field i am ready to help, but in this sense you get feedback, that which you may never have had before. and, probably, the most exotic footage came from senegal, this is the country's acrobatic rot-n-roll team honing its elements before an imminent trip to moscow.
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the dance part of the brix games will take place away from the events. a new format that does not serve as an alternative. after heavy rain and thunderstorms, sunny and dry weather awaits us on saturday. i’ll tell you where there won’t be any precipitation after a short pause. that lymph can cause swelling. lymphatic transit promotes reducing swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphotransit evalar - summer without swelling. in summer weather, swelling may occur. lymphatic transit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. take lymphotransit from evalar. so, as
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the anticyclone approaches , there will be fewer and fewer clouds in the center, but the temperature will also drop slightly. more precisely, it will return to normal climate conditions. it will be ... comfortable 22-24, while in the kostroma region light rains are not excluded, but in the black earth region there is already no precipitation +25 and higher. it is even warmer in the volga region, but it is here that the atmospheric front will be adjacent, which will stretch from the southern urals to the kola peninsula and the rains on the banks of the volga will be quite heavy. and in the north of european territory, the most intense precipitation will fall on murmansk. in addition, the north wind will bring coolness from the arctic seas. another good day in the northwest. ahead of the visit of a stormy scandinavian cyclone, which will significantly worsen the weather on sunday. in the south there will be short rains only in the mountains, on the black sea coast resort 25:30. it’s hot in priozovye, but not abnormally so. in st. petersburg +18, short rains only in places. it’s a great day in moscow, + 23:25 and no precipitation. thank you, well, this is
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his beloved, the man suddenly doubted his relationship with his official children. today he came to our studio alexander klimov. hello. hello, alexander. how many children do you have? two children. i have a daughter and a son, my daughter is 9 years old, my son is 10-11 years old, daughter dasha, son nikita, why did you doubt that these are your children, before me she also lived with denis, i suspect her with her son, here which i have now i suspect my son, because when i go to work, i sometimes go on shift and work like that, as if he weren’t at my house, but he came, and not... and they created, well, well, a company, it’s like if they were having fun there, i don’t know, i’m coming with...


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