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tv   Maior Sokolov  NTV  June 8, 2024 3:50am-4:46am MSK

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will you sign all the documents today and begin deliveries? no, i understand, you are not afraid for yourself, but for your husband, for your niece, for his daughter? you don't dare, why? because your husband is a policeman, and who do you think is behind me? gateway thugs? or what, these people don’t
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accept refusals, if you don’t sign today, your family will be killed. sign, hello, hello, what 's going on here? nastya prepared dinner, but you
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came too early, so there will be lunch. nastya, did the bear die in the forest? well, dad, i just decided to apologize for my bad behavior. behavior. okay, let's see how successful you were? it goes on and on, but the dishes are on you. and you are harsh, putting dishes in the dishwasher is an extremely cruel punishment, hello, look what the girls have prepared, how can you not love them after that, yes, you are right, how can you not love them.
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yours, you just need to sign for the collection, yes, i’m aware, you can just do it, of course, i’ll wait. sorry brother, what happened? but don’t pay attention, you didn’t
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smile, not once the whole evening, you’ve been spinning the glass in your hand for half an hour, everything’s fine, it ’s for work, magda, i’ve been stubborn for 20 years now and you don’t need to tell me about work, what happened? i’m being forced to smuggle drugs, that he said that otherwise he’ll kill us all, who is he, zagorsky, well, remember, i introduced you, i remember, i’m not locking up people like that, i have no evidence, i don’t know what to do, i’m afraid, everything’s fine . let's figure it out.
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why did you come? i wanted to apologize. i shouldn't have talked to you like that. were you jealous of me? a little. a little? well, yes, a lot. jealous means he loves, right? we say that if he hits, it means he loves. oh, just try it. it hurts, and this is for you. beautiful, you know what, let's give this bouquet to your mother, now, well, you already wanted to introduce us, yeah, so let's go, let's go, oleg viktorovich, what am i obliged to do, you
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know, i'll talk about magda for just a minute. everything is fine with her, more than okay, but what thanks to you? to me? yes, well, you told her about the charity, you know, she was so carried away, that’s all she can talk about, so that’s what you’re talking about, what nonsense, imagine, no, no, i just take a moment , you know, to say thank you like a man, thank you, but you magda didn’t know what to do, constantly she was arguing with me, and you just saved us, let me, vich, you will strangle me, i’m sorry! “excuse me, thank you very much again, mom, meet me, this is genevieve, she was the one who told me about this hospice, it’s very nice,
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vera vasilyevna, this is for you, very beautiful, they smell. mom, mom, you feel bad, call the doctor, i’m going to get the doctor, what do we need, on the threshold we’ll talk in the kitchen, why did you come to my house, you’re afraid, we can’t take such risks now, i’ll be promoted tomorrow,
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that’s great, that’s what we wanted, yeah, but the price is not the same, i sympathize, you. what wanted? reconsider the terms, i don’t understand, i want 60 to 40, as agreed, but not in your favor, in mine, are you the one who got drunk on your potion or something, i’m risking more than you, yes, but i lost my son, these are collateral losses , as i called you, seryozha, i’ll show you the collateral damage, sorry! don't touch seryozha, so what about my proposal? 50/50, this is my last word, your
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mom is fine. why was she coughing up blood then? with a strong cough, sometimes the capillaries in the lungs break, no big deal, but the flowers will have to be removed, yeah, their scent causes a spasm of the bronchi, yeah, thank you, anatoly evgenievich, you’re welcome, rest, mom, maybe you need something else, yes, i want to talk to you alone, i ’ll wait for you. goodbye, good girl, do n’t miss her, you wanted to talk about this, no, what, bring me home, to st. petersburg, you don’t like it here, i had a dream, your father
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called me, he buried me there, mom, well you're talking about this one again, i already have a little bit left, i feel it, i want to lie next to him, yes oh why are you talking like that, you still have to live and live, don’t argue with me anymore, i’m going home, okay, cool! listen, no one has ever tried to scam you, oops, oops, i’ve been in this business for more years than you are, i’ll be around for as long, clear, clear, well , i’ve chosen, i’ll take this one, i’ll take this one. cormorants kozel,
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hello, oh great, ilya, why are you here, i need a ticket. one way, you dare come here anymore, understand? who was it, was it for work, what kind of work? and you 've been selling drugs for a long time, light, what are you saying, and i heard your conversation, ten on
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50, as you agreed, this does not concern you, you betrayed us, both me and seryozha, i betrayed you, yes, this is all for you, for me, yes, who has already changed cars five times, and my entire wardrobe is in fur coats , and three times a year who goes to the sea, do you still think that’s it? salary, how you sleep, how you, light, light, light, light, yes, comrade colonel, allow me to say that it won’t work out this way officially, it won’t work any other way, okay, i’m listening, at komorin’s at the time of his arrest.
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oleg, tell me that this is all, to smuggle drugs, zagorsky is forcing my wife magnu, today i’m not available to anyone, but what if the prosecutor calls? haven't you heard? for nobody? something happened?
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it happened. sveta died, had a heart attack. it's a pity. maybe you should go home, i ’ll handle things here myself. why, i can’t go home, everything there reminds me of seryozha. i understand, you’re not there, stop, leave me, i changed my mind, maybe i’ll get distracted, comrade colonel, you have a visitor, let him come in, colonel trafimov, yes, on what issue, personal. yes, oleg, you gave us a problem. what's the problem? if we
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if we take trofemov for the murder of komorin, then we will frame oleg, he also testified on the record. yes, i am ready to bear responsibility to the fullest extent if this bastard is imprisoned. you may be ready, i'm not ready. this is a stain on the entire group and, above all, on me, on your superiors. okay, let's get into drugs. then magda's business will suffer. yes, they will most likely just cover him up. and magda has nothing to do with it. well, we can use phones. conversation between zagorsky and trofimov? yes, we can’t, there are no sanctions for wiretapping in court, it won’t work, and oleg still it will be worse, it’s like some kind of vicious circle, so think quickly, there is information that trofimov is getting promoted. after that, he will put the whole city under his drugs, there is one option, we believe that trafimov ordered larionova, who killed his son, and if this is promoted, comrade colonel, and boris is right, this is the idea,
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what do you need, i want for you to think about before you die. about my brother komorin, remember? i remember, oh, you have 5 minutes, well , you will die too, but i betrayed my brother, and people like me should not live, don’t answer, the amorin killed my son. “so you can understand me, your brother sold drugs, and i know you too, you yourself are a former drug addict, i hope you understand how much grief comorin brought to people, it’s not for you to judge, perhaps, but you should not be responsible for the sins of your brother, you see, he shouldn’t, no one should, i understand, come on,
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a gun, so i got in”: trofimov, he was accused of taking bribes, but he quit of his own free will, clearly, trofimov got away with it. take care of larionova’s body, we need to prove that this is not suicide, we’ll do it, boris, we’ll seal it up, comrade colonel, go there to him, put down your weapon, call his partner, come to me urgently. go to them, quickly,
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that's it, we're running away, now it's going to explode, a hundred, it won't explode, how do they know, i was a sapper in the army, we cut them up. specifically sergeevich, what’s the matter? osb, mayor sokal, well, did you find anything? officially
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open? carried out formally, just to unsubscribe, correctly, and who needs problems, they wrote suicide everything, uh-huh, larion removed the air from the vein with a syringe, this caused cardiac arrest, and then they cut her veins, i see, yeah, the injection marks were hidden, the method is old, but effective, please tell me, why did it have to be complicated, huh? some kind of cola, opening the veins is not enough, well, they don’t die quickly, she could have applied a tourniquet, called for help, something else, great, now we have something to worry about pankratova, for tropimo too, right?
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i understand, they arrested pankratov, we need to clean up the loose ends, larionov’s last name tells you, or trophies, you are not sewing murder, you are quick-witted, you have nothing against me, only that i worked with trafim. sure, present, present, yours time, i know these things better than you, you pretend that you know everything, you talk about accomplices who allegedly wrote... the confession is still to be listed, i was framed, is it really not clear
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what you think, in my opinion, he’s not lying, i agree, and what are we going to do, well, if the killer is not pankratov, then this is heavenly. there is no one else, trofimov lured him out, let’s go, nikolai georgievich raisky. yes, why? mayor sokolov, department of your own security, you will have to travel with us, he ran away,
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we have our own department, so you are not an order for me, you thought very well, very well. yes, did you deceive me after all? when, in what? you persuaded me to return. they said that you would not have any more business with zagorsky. i believed you here. semyon arkaevich, i don’t understand what’s wrong. they brought this one there, tetramethyl, a whole box. will you be responsible for this? for what? for arbitrariness? are you for murder? what? trofimov hired you to kill larionov, at first, of course, you refused, you were scared, but trofemov said that you were in no danger, and
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even if they didn’t commit suicide, your colleague, pankrat, would go to prison, that’s all it’s true what you’re saying, don’t twitch, i won’t finish yet, well, how are you, right nikolitsaraisky? it’s bad, without his testimony the trophy cannot be pressed, but what is this? this is marina, she unsealed this secret, and how will this help us? will help, look, study while you're alive, okay, finish it, we're no longer interested in him, i told him all about the traffic, to the fullest, well... great, but you missed your chance, now i'll roll you up, for a long time, wait, show up with
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confess, what were you thinking about before, you were thinking about an apartment, you wanted to buy an apartment, you have a big family, you have nowhere to live. so i fell for it larionovoe, two children remain, do you know? pisheevka, is that you? how is heavenly, they tied him up, usb, then they quickly worked, what are we going to do, what
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are we going to do, why are you shaking so much, koraysky only knows me, i won’t hand you over, i’ll answer for everything, what i’ve done for... i’ll answer for everything, for sveta, i will answer for seryozha, for everything, for everyone, everything myself, if they come for him now, he will tell everything that we will do, god protects the careful, not the careful.
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what have you done, there was no other way out, how can you explain it all now, what’s wrong explain, the death of my wife, the death of my son, two assassination attempts, my psyche couldn’t stand it, you loaded tetramethyl, fintanil, yes, show me. for what? well, show me. give it to me. for what? he will stay here. it's listed on my invoice. well, it’s okay, if you have any questions, let them call me. i won't interfere. what people? where's the second one? you two always walk together like
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twin brothers. he’s busy, and i have a message for you from trofimov from the other world, i didn’t understand what this means, and this means that trofimov is no more, and you are now working for us, wait, i was with him only yesterday i saw you, well, everything flows, everything. changes, i won’t work with you, you have 3 seconds, two, one, i agree, i will work with you, you won’t need this anymore, if anything happens, we will be your weapon. okay, can you
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explain then what it is? i found this this morning, bug, were you listening, who? not us, so i advise you to quickly dump the goods and don’t forget to return our share to us, where is the trophy, and why do you need it? for this purpose, and you probably have the prosecutor’s permission, to show? won't help, trofimov shot himself, when, why? today, his nerves are gone, he’s in such a state of grief, oleg, we need to search everything here, here’s the money, okay, i’ll go,
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i feel like a stranger at this celebration of life, go, just don’t leave the city, but i didn’t intend to, oleg, we need to find at least something for zagorsky to come, we’ll find it. hello, are you crazy, i warned you, you won’t get drugs from me, and do you even know how much they cost, i’ll tear you up for that money, you fool, i’m not afraid of you, i ’ll give the drugs to the police, no dare, do you hear, don’t you dare,
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crap. “it’s okay, we’ll find justice for you, i have a problem, but i know how to solve it quickly, i passed the exam, and well done, thank you, thank you for coming with me, how could i not support you, i need to note this matter, for sure, we have one nearby": a cafe, we always gather there, great, let's go, stop, quickly the car, help, take your hands off, after the kidnapping of oleg's niece, zagorsky called magda and offered to exchange her for drugs, it is possible that after
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magda and genevieve will try to obtain drugs. our task prevent this. vlad, you are escorting zagorsky. marina, you are coordinating the group’s actions. any questions? work. where is the product? where is zhenievieva? well, everything has its time, she will be released when i am safe. listen, you, if anything happens to her, you will blame yourself for the rest of the time. life, this is what will happen, antonok, according to marina, the object is in this building, perhaps the hostage is also here, be with me,
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oleg, stay, cover, vlad, you misspoke, boris is covering, the hostage is yours relative, you are an interested person, so don’t get into trouble, i understand and don’t argue, comrade. major, i'm dating genevieve. and you are only now telling me about this. sorry, not a mexican tv series group, just. i 'll talk to you later. well, who goes last? everyone first, let's go. where there is a hostage, parshin, vorolov,
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there is only his car. there are no drugs, our beacon is lying in the car, which we hid in boxes, do you have at least some clues, before his death zagorsky mentioned the names of pashin and frolov, these are trofimov’s people, you can’t bring words to action, you have to take them and punch them, this is an opera, such jokes won’t work with them, but they’ll start talking to me, calm down, oleg, you’re not in the wild west, what options are there, do you remember my master class? showed it to raisky during interrogation, do you want to repeat it? i want, i can do it, i can handle it, don’t kill me, please, i
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won’t say anything about you, but i don’t want to, you know, how much fuss with a corpse, wrap it up in cellophane, take it to the forest, bury it, and then worry about it, what if ... will find it, but what to do? osb again, what do i owe this time? you now here is the main one, the acting one, yeah. well then, bring the girl back, i don’t understand, zagorsky was on the safe side, in the event of his death
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, the css should have sent a statement against you, and it did, but by the will of fate, i ended up with her, i don’t care about your affairs, i don’t care about the girl, why? although yes, it’s a stupid question, youth, youth, when we meet, in an hour, leave your number, i’ll call you, the location, i’ll clarify. don’t be afraid, you won’t feel anything, you won’t even have time to understand anything, but i understand.
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lucky you? paris, here's your girl, come on, let her go, not you you are setting conditions here, this is a setup, drop your weapon. show me, you have three
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options: catch us, save the girl, or save yourself, you have less than 3 minutes, you won’t escape either, i won’t go anywhere, you will die, no one will die, marina. i need a picture, i manage it, i got it, now i’ll look for similar ones, everything will be fine, you hear, everything will be fine.
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boris is there, we need to cut the wire. which? give me a sec. and the third one from the right, here it is.
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so, phew, if something happens without you, i’ll never forgive myself for it, it’s all because of me, oh well, what’s wrong you say what could happen to her, dad is there, he will definitely save her, tough! “zheniveva, zheniveva, i’m a little nervous, everything is fine, it’s already over, you have a wonderful dad and his friends are wonderful, it’s lucky that this is at home, so that i will do this charity again someday, never in my life, congratulations on "job well done, thank you colonel, but now i'm sad." "unfortunately, our group is left without
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a valuable employee, boris, submitted a report on transfer to st. petersburg. boris, i have family circumstances, no, no, family is sacred, and farewells are even more sacred, we’ll walk for three days too, colonel, no, hershov, alone, but this time there will be a bonus, well, well, why did you bring me here, now you’ll find out. hello. meet anatoly evgenievich, director of the hospice, and this is magda, your new sponsor. what are you saying? it’s wonderful that you came to us, let me show you everything here.
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hello, why did you want to see me? say goodbye, yeah, i'm leaving for st. petersburg, why are you asking me to go with you? you i seriously always dreamed of visiting your cultural capital. listen, why doesn’t anyone stop us, but first ksyukha, then boris, well, is it somehow? damn place, exactly, exactly, the fan shui is not what it is, i understood everything, the whole point is in this table, it needs to be pulled out, or better yet, burned, are you serious, maybe just rearrange it, no, no, no, no, half measures they won’t fit here, here we need to make
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a radical move, okay, oleg, this is, hey, old andryukha, where are you dragging my table, great! millions of years ago over the expanses of europe
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the waves of the ancient sea splashed, gradually the water receded, exposing sedimentary rocks along the don river and its tributary, the seversky donets. the regional center, on its shady streets, boulevards and squares , ancient churches and modern buildings with glass and metal facades harmoniously coexist. if you take a walk around the city, you can learn a lot about the military history of the russian state.
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the breath of the steppe, the wild field, has always been felt by the inhabitants of these places. there were many slavic and then russian settlements. rus' and their main goal was no longer military destruction of fortresses, and most importantly the capture of prisoners. in the 15th century, across the tatar roads, sakm, the russians erected new powerful fortresses. one of them is belgorod.
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the last tsar of the rurik family, fyodor ioannovich, ordered the construction of a fortress on the right bank of the seversky donets in 1593. but as time has shown. even the most formidable citadels were not enough to protect against fast nomads. it turned out that it was impossible to prevent raids by using such single fortresses. and as a result, in 1635, an idea arises construction of a new defensive line, which will later be called the belgorod line. the belgorod defensive line consisted of 800 km of ditches. and other fortifications, dozens of fortresses. using these fortifications, firstly, they blocked the possibility of rapid movement of large muscovites. this may also seem not entirely clear to modern people, but how can a horseman stop a 3 m high shaft? such fortifications will not stop one horseman,
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but when it moves a mass of 10,000 cavalry, 20,000 cavalry, and also the tatar cavalry, always going on a raid, took with them two or three spare horses, that is, this is an even larger array, the effect of such an obstacle arises, which greatly slows down the movement. the military population in belgorod is reminiscent of the majestic temple of the late 16th century, the assumption-nicholas cathedral, which is the oldest surviving church in the city. according to legend, the cathedral was built with a donation from emperor peter i himself. the place was not chosen by chance; soldiers of the belgorod regiment were stationed here, and they built church. thanks to the military, the city received its coat of arms. the belgorod infantry regiment is the unit that built the famous redoubts on the poltava field, which made it possible
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to defeat the main blow, the first blow of the swedish army, in commemoration of these events, this valor that was shown during the battle of poltava, the regiment received a new regimental title in 1712 a banner on which the emblem of a lion was depicted, as a symbol of sweden, and an eagle flapping over it, these two symbols: a lion and an eagle have been preserved in modern belgorod symbolism. the merciless 20th century erased many striking ancient monuments from the face of belgorod. dozens of monuments remind of the devastating events of the great patriotic war. on the main cathedral square there is stella, the city of military glory. belgorod was in close proximity to the line.
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near the village of yakovlevo, at the 624th kilometer of the moscow-simferopol highway , a memorial in honor of
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the heroes of the battle of kursk reminds of stubborn resistance. around it, several decades after the war , traces of military battles could be found. i'm here i came to this place to celebrate victory day. this was the only place where belgorod residents. they arranged it, here is the armor, here is a german tank, here we find the armor of a german tank destroyed right here in the grass, painting and precisely the fiery arc, also the drilling, so the non -corrosive seams that were on the tanks, the failed tanks were precisely stainless seams, that’s basically german, all this was visible, hitler, in company in the summer of 1943, relied on new weapons, tiger and pan tanks. wehrmacht soldiers were forced
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turn towards the prokhorovka railway station. in the very center of belgorod , the ensemble of victory park was formed over several decades. in the museum you can learn about the history of the military battles of 1943. documents, photographs, personal belongings of participants in the battles tell about the battle of kursk in detail. here the scale and significance of the turning point battle of the great patriotic war becomes clear. on the fiery arc , a diorama occupies a central place in the museum; it recreates the events of the tank battle on the prokhorovsky field.
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this is not an abstract event, this is... 252.2, we we are in the center of the battles of the twenty-ninth tank corps, the thirty-first tank brigade, and the artists reflect to us the confrontation of soldiers, primarily the tank army, the fifth guards tank army, lieutenant general pavel alekseevich rotmestrov and most of the figures of soldiers and commanders of the red army, which we see reflected on the canvas, these are real participants. event july 12, 1943. the belfry monument was erected on the site of the prokhorovsky field. an alarm bell is fixed between the pylons, the ringing of which reminds dead soldiers. the belfry was erected in 1995 at the highest point of the historical field.
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two-fifths of the army, the total guards, fought in these places. alexey zhadov's forged army and pavel rotmestrov's tank army. they fought intense battles for almost a week from july 10 to 16, not only on the prokhorovsky field, but in the radiation of the psel river. along with kulikovo field and borodino field, prokhorovskoe field received the status of one of the main places of military glory of the country. this is the third military field of russia. 6 km from prokhorovsky field near the railway prokhorovka station there is a museum complex of the same name, its area is almost 5.00 km2. the exhibits in the museum halls tell how events unfolded on the southern face of the kursk bulge. visitors will learn real stories about the exploits of soviet soldiers, doctors, and civilians. only stubborn
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resistance and self-sacrifice of the soviet people helped. strong cities of belgorod and oryol, this is no coincidence, because indeed 1943 is the year of a radical turning point, this is the period when the fate of the war was decided on the battlefields on the kurdish battlefield. august 23, the day of the defeat of the nazi troops in the battle of kursk, is marked in the russian calendar as a day of military glory.
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