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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  June 8, 2024 4:45am-5:31am MSK

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you again, oh you scum!
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and who are you? duty? and then who am i? and you are on duty, but today’s, and i’m tomorrow’s, didn’t the authorities warn you? oh, well, finally, cherdyntsev, boris, between us there can be just a storm, major bochkin, between us it’s just alexey, yeah, well, let’s keep you up to date, otherwise we’ll attack tomorrow, but i still don’t know, i don’t know course of the theater of operations, theater, and you are from the military ones.
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yes, i see right through you, the working day has already ended for half an hour, and you are still here, so, leva, take a note with you, write it down, a woman is a feminine being, her heavy burden is to stay with a woman, even if she hasn’t slept for a couple of days, she has to travel home alone for 3 hours on the subway, and what, my god, just an operative, a philosopher, sign up for me, let me introduce you, the new duty officer, major
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bochkin, starts work tomorrow, and this is margarita potapenko, very nice, this is igor krymov, very nice, very nice, igor, and this is lev pirogovsky, very nice, very nice, well, good luck in your work and good luck , let's go, oh, we have a murder, here. thank you borenko for not forgetting about us, margot, you’ll have to cancel your plans, yes, as i understand it, leva, by the way, you too, blow in the address, and i’m on the farm, well , what are all the women like women, and with me again meetings with the corpse, no, with me, i have other plans for you, so i let the witness go. then
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i’ll interrogate her in detail, she didn’t see the murder anyway, she only saw a dead body and called the police, but what do you have here? yes, i found blood, i want to compare it with the blood of the murdered person, i’ll do a quick analysis, what? what about personality? killed? yes, he has nothing, no documents, no money, no mobile phones, he only has a bunch of keys, among them is the key to the safe, yeah, they found a passport and wallet, no money, but there are business cards, so who is the director here , mikhail ivanovich konev, microorganization behind the gift, this is his office, so, security guard ivan nikonov, accountant antonova and irina viktorovna, so call the security guard of this accountant. well, lesh, when did they kill the person? around 9:00 pm, and what did they kill with? with a knife, but i haven’t found a knife yet. yes, come here. look, you see his bruises. apparently he is with got into a fight with someone before he died. and there's more. look, a characteristic mark. yes, it's very
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urgent. okay, see you later, goodbye. apparently, the watch with the metal bracelet was torn off. it's clear. that's it, i got through to you, they should arrive soon. great. by the way, look at the office, is it open or not? well, then i’ll give nikita the task of billing the mobile phone of our murdered man. come on, what's there? it's locked here. come here. express analysis ready. this is the blood of another person who was not killed. oops, now this is interesting. yes. so, the keys, the list of necessary telephone numbers are hanging on the wall. competently, otherwise, one of our friends kept it on the table and poured tea over it all the time. well, not vodka, but a log of information, a log of incidents, and where is your log of incoming telephone messages, here it is, yeah, right,
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and what about the amenities, it’s right down the corridor to the left, past the dining room, by the way, it’s a good dining room , i always get soup there. 3121 film this, they live beautifully, you understand something, you can
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comment on something for us, oops, it works, that’s how it should be, well, show me what they filmed there, let’s go. very strange, there were cameras turned off 10 minutes before the end of the working day , i didn’t turn them on again, who could have turned them off besides you, and the horse let me go early, how early is that, well , 15 minutes before the end of the working day, he himself was still with irina, irina .
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well, why did we have to lie? your boss had a secret meeting with you. margot, hi, what do you have there? in short, this is accountant
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shi antonova. she swears that immediately after a romantic session with her boss, she went home, and the boss was still in the office. "listen, by god, she says less than knows, perhaps she herself is involved in the murder, margot, come on, go to konev’s mother now, and let leva finish the work on the spot, yes, garya, what’s the most difficult thing in our work? i know, my dear, to inform relatives about the death of their loved ones, but i have already done this unpleasant work, called and informed, so you have nothing left, go ahead, ask all the standard questions, in general, you yourself know what to do , okay, come on, well, if they opened it, then only with their own keys, no way not with a master key, but since we found the keys in the dead man’s pocket, it means no one hid the safe, maybe the keys? one of the employees, so there are only two of us here with irina,
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they don’t even let me near this safe for a cannon shot, the boss didn’t trust me with the keys to the safe either, he preferred to communicate with money exclusively himself, it’s clear, come on, lyosh, open it, like this, well, a million and a half, no less, not bad, yeah, but if the money is here, it turns out that the horse was hardly killed in order to take possession of it, it turns out, yes, garya, great, listen, well, i just now from konev’s mother, she didn’t tell me anything interesting, she said that her son was an avid bachelor, lived with her, didn’t make enemies, in general, he was such a positive comrade, so he had no idea who could have killed him, he was friends with the law , they have no other relatives, it’s a pity that he doesn’t know, so we’ll find out ourselves, you’ve found out the main thing. what kind of valuable things did konev have on him on the day of the murder? garik, you won’t believe it, i even
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have a photograph of konev wearing the watch that was stolen from him. yeah, that means tomorrow for purchases from we'll work in the morning. oh, listen, i’ll run to the kunev office, it’s all a block away, in case leva needs my help. well, lyova, go without you, of course. okay, go ahead. young man, stand, police, calmly, go out, get up, get up, let's go out, yes, it would be better if i died, you still have time. “who exactly is this, i don’t know yet, ran up to my office, jumped into the car on
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the gas, so drunk, or something, antonov nikolai vasilyevich, the accountant’s husband, or something, well, i ’m a jealous husband, and you were it would be nice if your wife was on the office table, but so what? reed, congratulations, it looks like we have a disclosure in hot pursuit, let's figure it out, let's go, he was the first to start, let's go, he really set me up, he was the first to start kindergarten, where is this freak, and let him take back his statement, he knows what. ..” got to work, how do the guys talk to him now, who should take the application, i don’t understand, horse, who else, did you sober up, decided to turn on the fool, okay, let me help you, you found out that your his wife cheated on him with his boss, he came to the office, started a pogrom and a fight there, and then you continued your manly fight on the street, there you stabbed him, but we didn’t go out into the street, it didn’t happen, yes it did, how could it not happen, but i say it didn’t happen, i beat the vet, i didn’t kill him, well, that’s right , he stabbed himself, so listen, when i found out that i was in trouble with this guy... she started coming home later, saying there was a lot of work, she started hiding her phone, i decided to check, i drove up to
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the office, there was a door there closed, the light was on, i knocked, the horse opened, saw me, immediately blocked the passage with him, apparently not the lovebirds expected me to come, but i pushed him inside, they have champagne, sweets, a whore, lipstick is smeared, well, i was somehow even confused, but they opened the door, nothing happened, it was a hard day, they just decided to relax, have a drink , i’m not coming, a fight started, well, yes, somehow irka was by the hair, but this one didn’t hit him, he was the first, i grabbed it, then things went on, well, where is the knife with which you stabbed the horse, i didn’t cut anyone, irka is between got up with us, but we separated, i took my wife home, and this one stayed in the office, came home, changed clothes, went to the store, well, get a bottle have a drink, relieve stress, you understand, of course, we understand, how can you not understand, the main thing is i approach the house, my legs don’t go home to this creature, i got into the car, started drinking, after a while, look, it comes out. .. she’s all so in her thoughts, she doesn’t even look towards the car, i think, well, the bastard, she’s probably
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gone to see her boyfriend again, well, i think, let me follow up, your wife arrived at the office, where we already called her, you tell it well, antonov, well, that’s how it all happened, i drive up to the office, there’s a police car, well, there you are there were, well, i think, probably, this one wrote a statement against me, they took irka as a witness, and you decided to run away, but you decided to run away, i thought then somehow through my wife i’ll solve everything with this statement, cinema and the germans. i don’t believe you, antonov, and you don’t have alebi, so where is his wife? let's take her and go to prison to the antonovs, and we'll lock you up for 48 hours, and then we'll see, get up, antonov, let's go to the cell. so - the judge’s permission to search, young people, when will you remember, an emergency can be done without a judge, yeah, my husband didn’t kill the horse, he told you the truth, i feel sorry for the husband
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now, what do you think, i want him to go to jail for no reason, oh, look what i... was coming, come on, there’s blood, uh-huh, i’m taking him for examination, your husband was wearing this jacket today, yes , i will confirm to you without any examination that the blood on the jacket could be either my husband’s or konev’s, they fought so much today that i wanted to call for help, but why didn’t they call, they could have avoided bloodshed, you’re kidding me, you think , except for my ringer, there was no one to get even with the horseman, and he had so many clashes with clients... remember, this of course it’s none of my business, but if i were you i would remember. in this case, you need to seize the documentation, look at the list of our debtors, i don’t know their names, listen, today konev gave an unaccounted loan to some
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old friend of his, what does unaccounted for? they didn’t spend this money on magicians, so what? well, konev sometimes turned such topics to earn money in your pocket, well, he gave free money from the safe at good interest rates, and that he killed him because of this? could dobrynin have killed konev so as not to repay the loan? who will then prove that he is our debtor? yeah, do you have contacts and phone numbers for this dobronin? no, no, no, of course not, why do i need this? so, okay, is it our second hour? night, lef, did you find the knife? no, and nothing else interesting either, so that’s it, let’s go home, call nikita tomorrow morning, let him look for phone numbers in this horse’s contacts, dabrinin’s addresses to visit him in the morning, of course, comrade bulkin, ah, what a nightmare.
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igor sergeevich, are you at home? is it strange for gorodoviki to be late for the morning meeting? yes. borya, cherdentsev, i’m listening to you, hello, who are you? major bochkin, the new duty officer, and you? lieutenant colonel solovets, where are the cherdyns? did you go to the dining room for pies, for pies?
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tell me, major, do you know where our boss, the colonel of the grodoviks, is? haven't appeared yet, can i contact you? no, he has. good morning, oleg georgievich, good, good, that ’s what we’re struggling with, our town officials have disappeared, in the sense, in the sense, boris, comrade colonel calls him, but he doesn’t pick up the phone, he’s still sick, he hasn’t come, but it doesn’t seem like it on igor sergeevich, that’s it, he can call mirzhryakin directly to the general, well, they are friends, and not just the boss of his subordinates. well, yes, hello zhelevich, general, this is lieutenant colonel solovets, and you don’t know, colonel of the gorodovs, he is oleg georgievich, i’m sorry, it’s not up to you, we have some kind of emergency here, but if it concerned us, then there would be there have already been a lot of inspectors, that’s for sure. fresh,
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oh, something from hell, i slept for 3 hours, i didn’t sleep more, but you’re so beautiful, i tried, well... here, what if he locked himself there, sitting there, quiet, well, will he ever come out? when will the food run out? what are you doing here? squeeze into another entrance? not under my door, i have the most exemplary
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apartment in the entire entrance. so this is wonderful, and the police, when was the last time you saw your neighbor? yesterday i saw him, here, on the stairs, he came running, his eye was blackened, his nose was broken, there was no living space on him, and what happened to him? here he is... we are very interested to know what happened to him, what time did you see him? well, yesterday, my daughter came to visit me, well, i went out to accompany her to the stairs from apartment, about 10 pm, uh-huh, he came running all scared, broken, he immediately rushed past us into the apartment, and not a word to me, but i ’m keeping an eye on the residents, you know, that ’s the position. and about 15 minutes later i looked out the window, and he jumped into the car with a travel bag,
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things are bad, it looks like dobrynin has left, and where to look for him now, why did he leave, why, he probably went to his dacha, wait, his dacha is in karabitsin, well, he practically lives there, let's go, let's go, thanks for the information, please, just guys, help! good guy, hello good afternoon, citizen, who are you? i would like lieutenant colonel solovets, lieutenant colonel solovets should be at my place, along the corridor to the left, the second door, thank you, i’ll find it, the man on duty at the entrance didn’t even ask me for my document. well, they have order here, oh, the park is here, reed, we’re getting up, we’ve arrived, what are you, auntie,
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you couldn’t wake me up earlier, i was taking care of your sweet dream as best i could, but i came under attack, of course, under attack, let’s go.
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hello! by the way, which bank are you from? and we, in fact, are not from the bank, we are from a slightly different institution, the criminal investigation department. by regarding mikhail konev, what was your relationship with him? why were they? we are communicating with him now, we are friends, but what? and what about the fact that citizen konev was killed? what, how did you kill? that’s how they killed him, the day before they chose to borrow 5 million from him.
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well, i met with ivasi. what kind of seltz is this? one acquaintance, ivan bavarin. in fact, he did me. i was just afraid to say. iwashi is a predatory fish, you can’t joke with him. i borrowed 8 million from him for a new business. i left the bag with the money at the dacha, came back, and they surrounded the dacha. no bag, no money. he's in 3 he comes to me for money for a month. why would i give it to him, i have all my property as collateral, but i went to konev, so and so, give it back, he only gave me 5 million, he said no more, but i took the money.
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i took him, said, i’ll give the other three when i sell the house and car, he hit me right in the eye, said to speed up the process, where does this ivasi live, yes, he’s in a garage in bucharest, repairing his favorite motorcycle. well, get ready, dobrynin, we’ll go to our department, we’ll check your alibi, for a long time, well, that’s how it turns out, yeah, that’s it. great, great! great, are you, ivasi, let’s say, what about you?
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what kind of fish, he sent it, dear, you know such a one, it means that the toad strangled him, to settle accounts with me, he hired bullshit, to arrange a showdown with me, well, if anyone here is a bullshit, it’s you, and we’re from the police, it’s a murder case, that means he didn’t find any money for me, but he found the cops to hire, ivasi, we’re not here for a showdown, we need to check dobrynin, he’s suspected of murder, here’s a ram, he’s also caught up in some kind of mischief, what time did you see him yesterday, hours 9 pm, on a financial matter, it's you broke his nose, something like that, he understands better, it’s a good car, a good one, dear, dear, lesh, hello, what’s going on with the examination of dobrynin’s blood, the blood found next to the horse’s corpse does not belong to dobrynin, this is 100 %, a completely different group, oh well, for now, if anything happens, i ’ll let you know. “citizen, you’re fine
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, i’m fine, yes, yes, fine, what kind of appetite is there, pleasant, ivan, too, oleg, i’ll sit down, yes, please, you didn’t take enough for yourself, but something- then no appetite, hello, i’m listening you, but i have this complex one, yesterday i had a fasting day, uh-huh, by the way, there was a storm, and what kind of person is walking around the department, sniffing out something, who he came to, i have no idea, uh-huh, i didn’t let him through , maybe it’s our new duty officer, bochkin, he missed him, but i found out, find out, yes, at the same time, find out what’s going on
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with the little town guy? i’ll definitely find out, check your things, you’re lucky today, consider yourself, thank you, i didn’t even count on it, you snap back, i didn’t even think about it, in general, if everything is in stock, you get dressed, sign and you’re free.
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“oh, we need to find out which hospital, the main office doesn’t say any details, close it, i’ll go and inform oleg georgievich, and at the same time i’ll check the documents of the mysterious visitor, okay, so, well, igor, as i understand it, we have two cases in this case version, the first, konev’s debtor is dobrynin, but dobrynin’s alibi was confirmed, so he had to
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be released, of course, that means minus one version.” but it turns out that so, so, and with the second one, it’s also about to fall off, no, the second version is quite strong, this is the jealous husband of an accountant who worked in the office konev and who was also his mistress. the husband's last name is antonov, he is still with us, oleg georgievich, bochkin got through to the headquarters, so, they say, they say he is in a coma, that, lord, wow, they found out in any hospital, nothing is known yet, and also that strange man, who walks along the corridor, bochkin said, he asked you. i looked and didn’t find it, yes, borya, a stranger is wandering around on business, well, go figure it out in the end, oh, why are you so gloomy, what happened, what happened, yes, yeah, the townspeople are in a coma,
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that yes, these are the things, yes, well, what news do you have, i did a full blood test of an unknown person, the alleged killer of konev, and this unknown person, a heroin addict, and a carrier of hepatitis c, is no easier, with antonov’s blood, what? well, antonov clearly doesn’t look like a drug addict. yes, there is no antonov’s blood at the crime scene, but there is an interesting fact: on the sleeve of antonov’s jacket is konev’s blood. but this is evidence that gives us the right to close antonov. wait, georgievich, i would hold off on accusing antonov for now. justify that the blood of the murdered person is on his clothes, in principle. it’s clear, they fought, not long before the murder, they fought hard, well, the fact that blood unknown to us was found on the corpse, this suggests that there is somewhere to dig, but there couldn’t have been two killers, well, that means, especially antonov it’s too early to bring
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charges, that’s what, we need to talk to dobrynin again, we just released him , well, call him, let him come straight back to my office, and igor sergeevich, we can help with something, lesh, well, you see , bye there is not enough information, if something turns out, i ’ll tell you, go ahead. okay, repeat again, what the hell is this? yes, dobrynin, please remember again the day when you took out a loan from konev, maybe he behaved somehow strangely, you didn’t notice anything unusual, no, he clearly didn’t plan to die, he behaved as always, tell me, and
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konev told you about his conflicts with clients, yes, there was all sorts of stuff there, well, konev’s company gives loans using a passport, the public who takes these loans is itself... you know what, but what’s the point - to kill konev, the loan will still have to be repaid, yeah, well, yes, let’s say, if some drug addict comes to konev and tries to get a loan, they will refuse him, well, if he comes for the first time and is dressed normally, maybe they will give it to him, no one has a medical card doesn’t ask, that is, but if he already had a bad credit history, then of course they will refuse, of course, when i went to konev that day, i just ran into such a drug addict, he doesn’t need a metcard, his konev security guard threw him out the door, what was he wearing? yes, i don’t remember, but plucking ordinary, dirty clothes, glassy eyes,
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what color jacket, something dark, i didn’t look at it, dobrynin, dobrinin, why didn’t you tell us about this right away, but how do i know that i’m your detective or something? igor, this is an example of a poorly conducted interrogation, well, they were in a hurry, and so was i. i remembered how i knew that this drug addict was a killer, so, igor, let lev quickly go to konev’s office, let him cover up the recording from the cctv cameras, there is, and i, and you are free, well, here he is, the junkie i put out yesterday , what about konev? there was a conflict with him, but as usual, another junkie came to ask for a loan, uh-huh, well, konev punched him through the base. bona fide borrowers, well, he has debts in two banks for a year already, konev naturally refused him, but he gave him the right to download, so i put him up, and you don’t have the data of this junkie in your database, but everything is in our databases, you need , just like karmanov vyacheslav, karmanov vyacheslav, his
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name, the kitten is stuck in a tree, it’s you who need to call the ministry of emergency situations, but we have an inter-district homicide department, complain, your right, but it’s better to call the ministry of emergency situations. hello hello, and where is the other one who used to want what they wanted, housekeeper potapinko from uboynoye, wait at the duty desk, i’ll call you now. have you seen the guy you let through to solovets? no, i haven’t seen it, it’s an infection, or maybe it’s some kind of terrorist, we’ll figure it out, watch out for this one, hello, oh my god, well, you ’re sneaking up honor of the word, excuse me, some guy is asking this sweat,
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potapov? yes, it seems like such a surname, but he’s not there, he understood in the field, so i’ll tell you, my mother, georgivich, no one opens karmanov’s apartment, there’s silence outside the door, with neighbors we talked, they say that this karmanov has a girlfriend, her name is galka, lately he seems to be hanging around with her, but no one knows what the last name of this karmanov is and where she lives, it’s bad, igor. we need to break through this karmanov’s circle and find out through him, georgis, well, that’s what we’re doing, here in the next house this karmanov’s friend lives, so we go to him, maybe he ’ll tell you something, something worthwhile, that’s it, let’s go for now, igor, it’s forbidden here confiscation from a citizen.
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i remember this one, i’ll let him in without questions, if it’s on business, of course, of course, to the point, alexey, of course, this is the duty officer, if not for the uniform, then the spitting image of a gangster, so geroshchenko, just margarita, your appearance is so pretty that gerashchenko, let’s get to the point, i’ll kick you out now, on the case, so on the case, remember, you she called me yesterday about the murder of konego, here, here, this watch there, all sorts of raytex. mobile phones, yes, yes, yes, so, all this, now,
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has come to the gray, who brought it, a pocket, one drug addict, i know him, by the way, yes, yes, yes, he is not at home, yeah, maybe you know where to find him, if he’s not at home, then he’s most likely for show, for show, well, gerashchenko, tell me. do you know anything else where this tick lives? well, let’s say i know, well, come on, cherkani, cherkana, please, i almost love you, repeat, please, again, here, here, please, repeat, trample, trample. margarita boil your milk,
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hello, soon, senior lieutenant pirogovsky, interdistrict killer on glider 123 in apartment number 11, yes, number 11 is overdone, glider 123, leave, listen, well, karmanov’s friend won’t tell us anything, he’s in coma from overdosing, so we’ll continue to work, there’s an address from his girlfriend, uh, that is , galina baranova, write it down right away, write it down right away, it’s who tried so hard, margarita nikolaevna, okay, igor, i ’ll send you all the data via text message, well well done, margarit, you’re breaking up the agent network, i’m trying, oleg georgievich, now the main thing is that they don’t let you down with the address, and there are pockets there , that’s for sure, but i ran, so, oh, first floor or what? lyova, i saw
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open windows there, go and protect yourself just in case. karmanov, police, open the door. stand, police. calmly, pockets, we surrender, to the shadow, pokzhene, hands! jumped up, and well done, leva, we stand calmly, we don’t move our flippers, grasshopper,
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what kind of horse is this, i don’t know such a thing, the director of the office where you wanted to take out a loan, what are you doing? what kind of loan, i don’t take loans, the examination will show everything, just from an expert, the blood is a complete match, karmanov’s blood is on the horse’s clothes at the crime scene, pockets, that’s what, stop playing the fool, there is plenty of evidence against you, so we are without yours we will close you off from confessions, but purely from the heart, in this the situation will only help you, you know, i would like an injection? there will be a confession, there will be an injection, come on, tell me, in short, i came to that company for money, yeah, and its director, what’s his name, horse, horse, yes, horse, but he kicked me out, well, he didn’t throw me out himself, he called the security guard , ugh, when i got there, i saw his watch was cool, and the aunt who worked there
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had nuts and buckles, so i decided to pinch one of them, the aunt came out not alone with the man, this horse came out minutes later 10. i see he’s beaten and limping, i didn’t want to cut him, i decided to just scare him with a knife, so he knocked the knife out of me, and hit me in the nose, well, the fight went on, then you killed him, but i didn’t do it on purpose, i repent, of course, igor, call bulkin, let him formalize the subprotocol, yeah , oleg georgievich, i already sent a text message to bulkin, it will happen now, what is this, excuse me, just write down that i didn’t do it on purpose. i've caught a spy, well, hands up, major, calm down, put the gun down, i'll explain everything now, of course you'll explain, you'll definitely explain, in the boss's office, well off you go, disgrace, lucky
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you're going out today. check your things for now, everything is in place. kolya, but i got stuck, it was because of you that i toiled for half a day. kolya, forgive me, you fool, kolya, i didn’t sleep all night, cried, mourned. fool, i realized that i don’t need anyone except you. everything is in place, yes, sign it, little one, forgive me, well, little one, leave me alone, whore, you will make family scenes at home, citizens, little one, what is going on here in the end, oleg georgievich, i’ve detained a pest , he hung around the back door, borya,
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put down the gun, citizen, who are you, present your documents, yes, i’m listening, oleg georgivich, hello. tell me, have you met sergei igorech? from today he is acting as head of the interdistrict department. excuse me, comrade general, but what about the gorodoviki? well, what do the doctors say? what is the diagnosis? what do doctors have to do with the birth baby? well, of course, he’s in a coma. yes, what kind of komi is he? he is in the republic, komi. complete disgrace, the entire police leadership was removed, he went there to restore order, so no soon you will see the grodoviks, of course, so, oleg georgievich, please bring colonel kukushkin up to date with the matter, that’s it, come on, be healthy, that’s it, borya.


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