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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 8, 2024 8:00am-8:21am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yulia bekhtereva studio. we start with the events in the kherson region, ukrainian militants. attacked the village of sadovaya, 22 people were killed, including a child, and another 15 civilians were injured. the shelling happened the night before and hit a store where there were a lot of people. it has already been established that the ukrainian armed forces were attacked with a french- made aerial bomb. the enemy used terrorist tactics. the nationalists waited for emergency services to arrive at the scene, then re-hit the spot with american hymers. at night. rescuers had to
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stop work due to drone attacks. the ministry of emergency situations works in lugansk, it was also attacked by ukrainian militants. the blow hit peaceful areas. according to the latest data, almost 60 people were injured, including four children, and four more people were killed. 33 multi-storey buildings, two schools, three kindergartens and a college were damaged. the safety of emergency rescue operations on site is ensured by the military, police and the russian national guard. and with this attack. ukrainian militants used nato weapons missiles. our media noted that it is well known in moscow that flight missions for long-range missiles are formed with the direct participation of american, british and other western specialists. the crews of the k-52m helicopter in the area of ​​responsibility of the center group hit camouflaged ukrainian equipment. this was reported to the ministry of defense. the strike was caused by unguided munitions. the pilots
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performed an anti-missile maneuver and returned to the departure airfield; on the ground, fighters from the same unit destroyed another tank abrams and bradley bmp. the first target was hit by a howitzer crew, the artillerymen used a high-precision krasnopol projectile, the second was eliminated by fpv drone operators. in the south-donetsk direction, a group unit.
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he stated that the wishes of the ukrainian authorities have been taken into account, and the main thing is to begin training pilots now. macro also intends to achieve the start of negotiations on ukraine’s accession to the european union, the president plans to resolve the issue by the end of the month, and moreover, the french leader wants ukraine to be accepted into nato, he will discuss this topic in washington in early july. despite bellicose statements and decisive measures to support ukraine, macron continues to say that...
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its only effect can only be another zelensky hysteria. even the president of switzerland agrees that the ukraine summit is unable to promote peace. the host country recognized the obvious: successful negotiations require all parties to the conflict. today is the final day of the st. petersburg economic forum. this time the main business event of the year is breaking its own records for the number of participants in volume of signed contracts.
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representatives from 136 countries came to the forum; it is not only a platform for discussing deals, it is a unique opportunity to see and try the products offered by russian regions. in the st. petersburg economic situation, there is no other way, people are running, numbers are running, and the economy does not stand still, take, for example, the volume of investments of the direct investment fund in the leading sectors of the russian market. rfp invests creates new companies, new jobs, that is, we have invested in more than 100 projects, here at the forum we announced for the first time that if... look at the funds for today, the funds that the state has allocated to us have been multiplied fivefold. this year the forum itself is breaking its own records in terms of the number of participants and the volume of contracts, already almost 1.227 billion rubles. their hospitality to foreign partners was emphasized with russian
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folk flavor; many delegations preferred to meet incognito. others, like sultanataman, did not hide it; they have something to offer. representatives of kurdistan looked after.
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in bashkiria there was a line for sportswear, black and white t-shirts with statements by president putin, all days of the forum. this is of great interest to representatives of various countries. this is the most popular quote, most often it is ordered, if a fight is inevitable, you must strike first. but can the russian economy take a hit? do you have any doubts that she is taking a hit, it ’s hard for her, in the conditions of unprecedented sanctions, we are growing. well, in all respects, but it ’s very difficult, as you can see for yourself, industrial production is one of the indicators of growth, russian avtovaz presented the new lada iskra, st. petersburg showed a chinese crossover, which will be assembled in the northern capital on the basis of the site of the japanese concern, which left russia.
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russian consumers are increasingly voting in rubles for chinese cars. at the st. petersburg economic exhibition they presented another brand of istopnebesnaya. we've already driven sedans and even suvs like these. forum participants, according to auto experts, today china occupies 50% of the russian market, with the arrival of new brands, this figure will only increase. russian banks are opening branches in china, and russian regions are opening themselves. the arkhangelsk region, for example, offers cargo transshipment through a deep-water port. along the northern sea route, transportation time is reduced by almost three times compared to current routes. goods arriving to us in containers from china are always available. reloading of their ships and containers. investments, multimillion-dollar contracts and new projects - this is still to come count, but one thing is already clear, the st. petersburg forum is coming to an end, which means that 4 days of fruitful work can be completed by finally loosening your tie and taking time for yourself. alexey kripanov, victor khudi,
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sergey vorobyov, sergey preobrazhensky, pavel zelenkov and natalya vlasova, ntv. saint petersburg. also on the sidelines of the pmf , a multi-part film was presented, which was filmed with support. tv and will soon be broadcast on our channel. the plot is based on the public and secret life of the legendary russian lawyer and brilliant speaker. fyodor plevak. the cast of the film crew is stellar, starring people's artist of russia sergei bezrukov, and producer and film director alexey uchitel. according to him, modern films often lack heroes to follow. fyodor plevaka is exactly like that. why did we take on this series because? yes, this is a man from the past, a famous lawyer, of the late 19th, early 20th centuries, but his life, and his figure, so to speak, and the way he led, spoke in court, is now very relevant and
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missing for mr. gobber, the prince's business, spitter was called a legal genius; thanks to his oratory skills and his sharp mind, he won more than 200 cases at his hearing. i was hooked by the era and his personality against the backdrop of this era; in fact, all these series are in their purest form an encyclopedia of the life of the russian empire, the end of the 19th, beginning of the 20th centuries. any adventures, and as you understand, a lawyer can have any adventures, the most interesting, criminal and various other things, so they look very modern, because the heyday is very similar to the period in which we live. in each series, viewers will witness a case based on a real case from the practice
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of a spitter. to accurately recreate the atmosphere of that time, the film crew studied a huge amount of historical materials. the project involved almost 300 objects, about 2.0 crowd actors, 50 horses and more than 2,500 costumes. in russia, the demand for renting country houses is growing. residents of megacities rent dachas both for the summer months and for a long period, and they often book them in winter in order to save money. peksprosa is usually observed in may. alina repina found out how much it costs to rent a house and where the prices are lowest. i like everything, the territory is huge, we can use, well, actually everything that is here, there are three houses on the territory, it turns out to be ours, here is the owner’s house and another one is for rent. there is table tennis there, you can play and gather guests. our gazebo, here we organize a fire, a huge plot and an old
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house 20 km from moscow, alena rents for 45,000 rubles. this is, if anything, very cheap. the average price of a dacha in moscow is 80,000 rubles. v month, this is the maximum among russian regions. dachas near st. petersburg and kazan cost about the same, but in buryatia, dagestan and the omsk region you can meet 15,000. why does alena shoot below the market? from march, caravans of summer residents rush out of the city, following the first belt up to 20 km from the city, the second, and then the third, is filled, demand reaches a peak in may, and then falls, because everything that is popular has already been swept away, you have to deal with what is hanging together in...
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a difficult life for a mid-term student between two fires, it turns out, an unlucky summer resident, long-term workers don’t take it so that in the fall during the low season they don’t have to change horses at the crossing, but for daily workers it’s very expensive, for example, a hut on chicken legs, a large plot, there is a sauna tub and a barbecue, which is not a dacha for lovers of russian fairy tales, but the price per month will also be fabulous, 9.00 on weekdays, 12 on weekends, a total of about 300,000 rubles per month for 10 square meters. thank god, with water and sewerage, there is no such house
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at all, probably in the whole world, i don’t set any high standards, yes, in terms of money the reason is that i am more pursuing the very ideology of culture, the hut, by the way, is in trend, real estate in general is becoming more compact and country houses are no exception, houses with an area of ​​17 or 20 square meters are increasingly appearing, for some it’s a glamorous cabin, for others it’s a barnhouse for comfort. it is decreasing, so the story is that yes, this analogy is that rent has increased by 11%, but if we recalculate this in square meters, then it is already more, that is, it is already about there modular houses are a trend in country house construction, they are cheap build, but expensive to rent. developer anton
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botalov built an entire modular village for rent in the moscow region, not far from the ski slopes near dmitrov, so that not only summer residents could rent. some houses are rented daily, some monthly. how much does it cost to rent such a house for a month? this is a house for a month, if we are talking about some kind of short-term rent on a monthly basis, then this house. costs 120,000 rubles during the summer season. yeah, if it’s not the season, then it’s 70-80,000 rubles. how much does it cost to build such a house? from probably 12.5 million to 14.5 million. scale helps you combine different types of rentals. in total, 55 houses are planned for the village. in general, supply is catching up with demand, but so far it is not ahead of it, which means there is no talk of reducing prices, we wish you a successful country hunt. nalina repina, yana fedoricheva and ilya khristinin, ntv. and
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