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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  June 9, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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the difference is, this is the business of the traffic cops, well, you know how the traffic cops will investigate this, and the girl practically died in my arms, so anyway it’s none of our business, the traffic cops have the license plates of the car, the traffic cops have the license plates, well , great, the drivers will find it , then you’ll figure it out, i’m still waiting at the department, how can i find anything, because she was driving towards us just like that, well, we jumped back, give me your passport, please, her family called already, no, her phone was broken from the impact, we need to find out. elena smolova, girl, sorry, sad the acquaintance worked out, okay, i rushed off, and where are you going? i’ll go to her address, i ’ll need you, you’re also a witness, a report needs to be drawn up, listen, come on later, you ’ll detain me for a long time, no.
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yes, good afternoon, excuse me, please, but do you live in this house? yes, here, captain radanov. criminal investigation, and you don’t happen to
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know elena smolova, i know, the fact is that there is no one in the apartment, and she lives here alone? no, her mother lives here, her mother, but how can she find her mother? how can i know if you can’t find her for so long? in mean? well, there you go. that is, she disappeared, she has been missing for three weeks already, you are from the police, you should know, do any of the relatives still live in this apartment? no, only ira, and lena is a daughter and her husband separately, but how can you find a husband? well, the phone number is written here, his name is stas, thank you. thank you
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very much, uh-huh, goodbye, this is the number, curious, stanislav, good afternoon, captain rodanov, the criminal investigation department is bothering you, well , yes, unfortunately, something happened, yes, hello,
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i understand that it’s difficult for you, but identification - mandatory procedure, yeah, yeah. sorry, i'll just have a second, hello, andryukha, it's me, great, lieutenant, sorry, i'm tired, let me sign this protocol for you, listen, that's not why i'm calling you, it's good that i remembered the numbers, i punched this car, for this, a huge human thank you to you, so the owner is mikhail dunaev, write down the address, dictate. hello, great,
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hello, what do you say, meet petrenko, oleg pavlovich, are you? born in 1962, the owner of the apartment, living in the lung area, judging by the fact that there were two glasses on the table, he was sitting with someone drank it, and then, as usual, word by word it reached the knife, there were a lot of imprints on the glasses, on the table, on the bottle, and i think, not only the owner’s, yes, that’s how much you had to drink to even the prints can’t be erased, well, that’s it, nothing more, that’s it, let’s go around the apartment, yes, there’s a household service, she’s a household worker in africa, i was at home this morning, who can confirm this? i don’t know, i was alone, we’ll check the neighbor, we’ll ask the neighbors, where was your wife going? well, you can say to work,
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after mom disappeared, she’s her business accepted, she had several small stores, where do you work? i helped lenina in the store. i was also looking for her mother, well , i made advertisements, posted them, created a page on the internet, there was also a report in the news, do you have any thoughts about who could have hit your wife, maybe this has something to do with the disappearance of her mother, maybe she knew or suspected something, but there were some results of the search for the mother; during this time we did not receive any information. okay, tell me in detail how her mother disappeared? 3 weeks ago, well, yes, on the eleventh we filed a statement with the police, in short, irina did not answer calls, and lena got worried,
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came to her house, there was no car, the apartment was locked, a day passed, two or three passed, we filed a statement with the police , you live separately. so the police accepted the statement, came to the apartment, checked everything, there was no break-in, nothing was missing, that’s all, uh-huh, that means 3 weeks ago her mother disappeared, and this morning her daughter was knocked to death, surely these coincidences are not accidental, tell me, but she fast she died, she didn’t suffer, no, she didn’t suffer, everything happened quickly.
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he committed a fatal accident, that this was some kind of mistake, it was not a mistake, he couldn’t, lada model fifteen, silver , his car? yes, where is he now? he couldn't, couldn't do it? where is your son now? he’s in novosibirsk, he’s been living with his wife and children for three years now, yesterday he called me, so what’s his name on skype, and his car is parked here, are you driving the car? no, my eyesight is bad, it’s just standing there. what is this ? stolen? call your son, we'll check
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his alibi. so, what do you have, everyday life, two of you were drinking, one killed the other. what about her? well, what do you have? well, we have a door-to-door survey, the neighbors saw the man, drew up a verbal portrait, and are they now drawing up a photographic work? this is all? well, like everything, there are fingers from the crime scenes, experts are checking. yeah, what about the shops? what shops? have you checked the nearest stores? well, did they buy vodka somewhere, shake down the local drunks? surely they know who your dead man was drinking with? i don’t understand, what do i need to teach you? such killings in hot pursuit open up? ok.
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yes, georgivich, i’m listening to you, andrey, where are you? well, where am i, where? i’m at the station where the girl was hit, i told you what, stop doing it, well, there’s a rather strange murder here, this girl’s mother disappeared 3 years ago and the body has not yet been found, we have a slaughter, you understand, yes i understand everything, let me a little time, then i ’ll work everything off lightly, well, we’re sitting, so what about crying, tell him thank you that he’s not there?
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ate the car, maybe there were some witnesses, at least they did something, listen, so what? you're coming at me, you saw how many
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people there, i saw this, everyone comes to me asking what's going on with our missing person, and i'm the only one here, i don't have 10 hands, okay, everything is clear, thank you, and in general it seems to me , that this is a slaughter, in the literal sense, they just haven’t found the body yet, why do you think it’s a slaughter? because she disappeared after she sold her business, someone killed her for this money, and her body has not yet been found, until she is found, the killers do not bother, i wonder who she sold the business to, you know, so here...
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so, well, look, hello, hello, what did you want? criminal investigation, i want to ask you a few questions about the owner of your former store, irina and molova, and about irina, but we haven’t found her yet, unfortunately, we haven’t found her yet, we are working on this now, tell us more about your relationship with her, well, in particular we have information that you...
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there is something to do here, and after work i go home, i have two small grandchildren, and my wife and daughter need help, can anyone confirm that you were in the store, sellers, and the fact that he was at home can be confirmed by his wife and daughter, listen, do you suspect me of something? no one suspects you of anything yet, we’re just carrying out investigative actions, that is, you want to say that i bought this store, and then what? so we want to find out what happened next? well, you know, where was i when, i can prove,
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there are cameras in the store, then, i didn’t buy a bottle of beer, there was a notary, a purchase and sale agreement, a safe deposit box where i put the money, and as soon as the agreement was signed, i told irina haven't seen it again, okay, that's it we will check this, check, we have everything. documents, now excuse me, i have to work, goodbye, goodbye, bye, go, go, you came about irina, right? well, yes, about irina. in short, i’ve been working here for a long time, i started with irina. she's a good woman, but lonely. so, she had one boyfriend, ruslan. well, she
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contacted him there, and he is as slippery as a snake, for two more. years younger than her, very curious, then, well, what next, she had money, so he rubbed hands with her, she put on his shoes, dressed him, and so she gave him money, no, well, of course, he worked, he drove her there in the store, helped, loaded her, that’s all, but when irina disappeared, he came here in a new car, dear, he came, asked whether irina had been found or not, of course i i don’t want to say anything, how can i find him? oh, can i give you his phone number? well, okay, yeah, well, yes, who doubted it, come on, yes, andrey,
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hello, hello, well, i’m coming to you as a source of information, listen, i’ll... now i’ll send you a phone number via text message, try it quickly, yeah , yes, just quickly, no, except for the phone name and name, ruslan, i don’t have anything else, come on, don’t grumble, get everything out to the maximum, i’ll be in the department soon, okay, okay, i’ll do it, i understand, yeah, come on, hello, hello, okay, sketch, no prints yet ready, so, great, but the prints are not ready, for so long, because i’m alone, there are many of you, wait, thank you, alyosha, we’re waiting, great, hello, well, finally, andryukha, guys, sorry, for god's sake, i understand that i'm setting it up, but well, everything turned out to be much more complicated than i thought, so, andryukha, we have a bell slaughter, they slaughtered man, here is a photo identikit of the alleged murderer, the solovets is stomping his feet there, guys, what
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a photo identikit, why didn’t we go there ourselves, well, because we were already there, at my son’s school today. the drunkard is a murderer somewhere in the next basement, we will find him, we will find him, he is a murderer, rita, a murderer, a drunkard, whether he is or not, he killed a man, we need to find him before he kills someone else. radanov, what did i tell you this morning, did i tell you to go back to the department? sorry, georgivich, but it’s really a very
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strange thing there, this morning a girl was hit, i i went to the address there, dug up some information, it turned out. this girl ’s mother disappeared 3 weeks ago, who recently sold her business, she had a huge amount of money, now neither mother nor money, and this morning her daughter was hit in a stolen car, but you understand that such coincidences do not happen, so listen to me carefully, hitting a person is the traffic police's business, stealing a car is also the traffic police's business, a missing person is a matter of investigation, don't you understand, but i understand everything, i almost found someone who may be involved in this, from her mother had a young lover who knew about this money, after... everything was enough, we need to find the one who stabbed the man to death on the bell, this, by the way , is the business of the homicide department, otherwise everyone will receive a severe reprimand, of course, that’s it, work, well, well, here i am, i’m your asshole, andryukha, don’t
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meddle in there, the word is right, i have enough worries of my own, but the fact is that this girl died right in my arms, and her last word was her mother, well, she’s hooked me, okay, let's go to the bell, let's go, andrey, rydan, here you are asked, simply passed it on, here is the data on what kind of ruslan, thank you, borya, no, andryukh, don’t even ask, i’m at the bell, well, igoryuk, we quickly look, we’ll send one to ritka, or something, well, ritka will wait for us, and then we’ll immediately let's go to the bell, hello, we've arrived, i told you, i...
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don't have one at home, well, that's it, let's go to the bell, what? listen, igor, let’s wait for him a little longer, post.” well, andryukha, well , igor, yes, don’t worry, you’ll make it in time for the meeting, please, at least start the car, otherwise i’m freezing here, warming up, now i’ll direct all the heat to your feet, thank you, i also turned on the music, well, i turned it on, let’s get the pipes on fire, come on, don’t rush, don’t rush the cord, now we’ll warm up. i can’t, let’s take it, don’t choke, come on, fiskult,
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hello, boys, have a snack, have a snack, you know this guy, oleg petrenko, who, oleg petrenko, oleshka, from the seventh, who that one, that one, they stabbed him to death, don’t you remember that we are idle, lord, kingdom of heaven, tell me who he’s drinking with, who ’s visiting him, this information is confidential, really, guys, offend me, i’ll keep your professional secret, they were together, here’s more detail? listen, okay, turn off the stove, it’s too hot, sometimes you’re hot, sometimes you’re cold, how capricious you are, captain igor, just the way you are, here he is, let’s go
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slowly, good afternoon, citizen, what, hello, police, homicide department, and now the police are busy collecting debts, we are not talking about debts, but about what kind of debts, do you need to go to our department? you are suspected of involvement in the disappearance of irina smolova, irina, and what about ten? let's go to the department, we'll talk there, gentlemen, police officers, but i only have an hour of time, i'm afraid i'll have to free the whole evening, i actually only have 40 minutes, konstantin voronin, police. a purely heartfelt confession will make your life easier.
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that you have nothing to do with the disappearance of irina smolova, listen, as much as i can repeat to you, i don’t know where irina is, as much as i need, as much as i can, i don’t know where irina is, i’m looking for her myself, yeah, we have
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information that you had a relationship with her, well, so what, this is a crime, and rather just because of money, no, for love, damn, andryukh, now, excuse me, just a second, come on, come on, natasha, yes, yes, i remember about the meeting, listen, i’m 25 years old, she’s 50, of course, because money, but i used it, so what? okay, here’s the question: where did you get the money to buy an expensive car, what does the car have to do with it, i saved up, we saved up, so we think that you knew that irina smolova sold part of her business, she had a huge amount of money, 4 million rubles. perhaps because of this money you killed her, and then got rid of your daughter, who began to suspect and guess that it means he got rid of it, but the fact that she was hit by a car this morning makes sense. hospital, she died, so what kind of citizen are you, suspected of double murder? listen, i didn’t kill anyone, you understand, i used irina, yes, i used her, she gave me money and
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bought me clothes, but... i didn’t kill anyone, and the money you’re talking about was with that money an apartment was bought for lena, so she bought an apartment for her daughter with this money? yes, for lena and tas, they lived in a rented apartment, and ira sold part of the business in order to buy them an apartment on pioneer street and gave me some money for a car, but why didn’t my husband tell anything about this purchase, because he’s a freeloader, you know, i wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t know anything about it at all, they all on her neck... they were sitting, but you, apparently, were also sitting on her neck, don’t, i’ve done my job, listen, what are you accusing me of, you haven’t found the body yet, so in the morning i have there is an iron albie, it’s clear what kind of albie you have, borya, excuse me, please, we are working, rita was attacked, they called from the hospital.
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yes, andryukha, we made a mess, we made a mess, ugh, damn it, the meeting, well, let me talk to natasha, but don’t, i myself, natasha, hi, listen, excuse me, for god’s sake, we have a formajor, well , yes, i i just. well, we’re happy, we finished the game, margarita has a concussion and a week of rehabilitation, how could you, how could you let her go alone, what were you even thinking, georgivich, i asked her to wait, what to wait for, you should have gone with her , or even instead of her, were you on duty?
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could he have something to do with her disappearance? perhaps you kept a man in a cell overnight, are you out of your mind at all, and if in the morning they come from the prosecutor’s office with an inspection, well, georgievich, i thought i’d return it, i’ll finish everything, this happened to ritka, he thought, this is the homicide department rydanov, if you suspect someone of something, you need a corpse, of course, yes,
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i wish you health, i wish captain rydanov, i... great, great, maxim, what have you got, well, we found your missing one, whom, smolov, yeah, in a dacha area near pargolovo, severe traumatic brain injury, all 3 weeks there and i was lying down, in general, you were interested, yes, i ’m passing this matter on to you, thank you, here’s the corpse, lesh, what’s up with you, everything is clean and... i see, continue, shubin, continue. well, when the second week ended, i immediately guessed, but i felt that that was it. i didn’t tell lena, she hoped. is anything missing from the apartment? yes, to be honest, i don’t come here often. nothing seems to be missing. and you can guess why these two murders could have happened. i don't know.
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did anyone else know besides you? then irina's there was a huge amount of money, what amount of money from the sale of the store, what? that is, you were not aware that irina recently sold part of her business, a store, she had 4 million rubles. perhaps she was killed because of this money, i don’t know anything, you didn’t know anything, no, and you didn’t know that irina bought her daughter an apartment with this money? seriously? yes, but apparently she didn’t have time to tell her daughter. that she bought an apartment, if you weren’t aware? no, i don’t know what will happen to these shops and apartments now? well, this is a standard inheritance procedure, something perhaps it will go to you, but what about your closest relatives? oh, by the way, did they have any immediate relatives? i don’t know, there were relatives, distant ones for sure, we were just
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recently married. the boss is not involved, i just told who oleshka is with, i know that you told her where to look for voronin, but i know when he hit your lady... when i knocked, i got scared, probably, but now extinguish somewhere, where? i don’t know, you’re lying, i’m careless, i don’t know, so listen to me carefully, i’ll still find voronin, and god forbid, he he will tell me that you knew or one of your friends will tear his head off, i understand, i swear, i don’t know, but you know, you’re great, so tell him, if he’s... scared, let him come to the department, to there’s a corpse in there, an attack on a policeman, it’s clear, yes, i understood, i took my hands off, and if he doesn’t show up, i’ll find him and shoot him, if he’s detained, it’s possible, yes, i understand , i’m free, i’m scared, i think that
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, of course, you can’t kill a guy i was scared, i wasn’t afraid of a hit to the head, and then... the alibi he was talking about, and the alibi, here this shubin, you checked, no, yet, i’d go over it in more detail, i agree, i need to check it didn’t work, just from words, that means we need to check yesterday morning and the day irina disappeared, i’ll come to nikita, that yesterday
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morning, yesterday, so , there is a call from shubin’s phone, he was in the pioneer area, this girl was shot down there, no, he lives there, he called from home. how long was he there? at 9:15. they shot it down at about ten, that is, it could have been him, perhaps, but you yourself understand how to drive from the seaside area in the morning. so, let's move on what date did they file a missing person report for irina? eleventh? look, then, the eleventh and tenth, look, the ninth, eighth, seventh, sixth, also look, well, that’s also true, so wait, look at all the numbers, all the calls, you know how many calls there are, there are more than a hundred. nikita, the job is like that, okay, but what should i look for? well, as always, anything unusual? look for everything, think, in what happened, there is an exchange of your colleagues in this, why is this, but they left you alone in a potentially dangerous situation, you know that in what happened to me is only my fault
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, captain krymov and captain rydanov, at the time of the incident they were busy with another matter, what kind of business, the current one, was there an order from the boss to go to the bell tower? why didn't you obey? because? because new information has surfaced. it was necessary to go to the brother of a man who could leave. the case for the bells was not urgent. krymov and redanov asked them to wait. i took the initiative and underestimated the situation. what happened is not their fault. okay, sign. thank you, get better and you won’t be sick, good afternoon, hello, hello, my love, i can kiss you, i need to, andryukh, well
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, from me at the same time, with pleasure , they brought some vitamins for you, forgive us, well, what, we found it on... “listen, yours on the day of irina’s disappearance, staz was in the south of the city in the industrial zone, in a garage cooperative, calling his wife from there, irina’s body was found in the park, he showed up in the south of the city, but he doesn’t have his own car, they rushed there, hey, guys, what are you doing? you won’t even
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drink tea, well, i’m sorry, margo, go, igor, maybe we’re wasting our time, we need to rush straight to shake the fur coat, no, let’s ask it first. dear, good afternoon, hello, what do you want? we are looking for a car that is stolen, a red mercedes cla, and i have nothing to do with it, and given that there is an assumption that this car could have come from your office, i haven’t seen the car, i don’t know anything, it means so, if the information if it’s confirmed, then you understand that we ’ll bring an inspection here from all levels, and we’ll pull the trigger. for all the ends, well, okay,
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there was a car, they offered it for half the price, because without documents, almost new, excellent, where the car is now, dismantled, drained, who brought it , some guy, what guy, first name, last name, address, well, he doesn’t show any documents in such matters, so, well, that’s it, i’m calling ub, i have a camera, let’s go have a look. “here’s a guy, here’s a car, wow, captain igor, shubin, what had to be proven, the inner circle, but what happened, what happened, dear, a corpse on a wheelbarrow, so guys, i have nothing to do with it, i’m the first since i’m doing such things, i’ll sign everything that needs to be done, so for now you’ll be a witness, but if you go on the run, you’ll go like an accomplice."
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you've already fucked me up, i told you, i'll give everything, you've been hovering over me for 3 weeks, what is it, kid? everyone, calm down, stand there, don't twitch, walked away from him, who are you, criminal investigation department, alive against the wall, walked away from him, that he was deaf or something, they are telling you to the wall, are you a moron, do you think the police of duty will get you off, igor, let him go to another room, take him away, be careful, well, citizen shubin, who is squashing you so beautifully, i i just took out a loan from the bank, so they walk around, yeah, a collector, so what are you doing here, some formalities are needed. to clarify with you, we will have to go to the department, citizen shubin,
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well, tell us again what you took the money for, and what does this have to do with the case, most directly related, firstly, we need it for the record, secondly, well , we detained a person, that is, you, we need to figure it all out, thirdly, if you refuse to talk, then we can get this information from the bank, you are in the bank, the money is in the bank, in the bank, by the way, which one jar? no, not at the bank, not at the bank, yeah, but where? borrowed from an acquaintance, yeah, borrowed from an acquaintance, which acquaintance, good acquaintance, good acquaintance, well, maybe has some promissory notes? no, no, but maybe they are threatening you, extorting money from you, maybe they need our help, but no one is extorting, so well, who gave you this money, where did you get it, what does this have to do with, where ? has, friends owe shubin, is it really that the money you got after
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selling irina’s car wasn’t enough for you to pay off the debt, or else, we all know that 3 weeks ago you returned yours card debts, and now it’s all coincidences, 3 weeks ago irina disappeared, 3 weeks ago you repaid the debt, the amount of your debt coincides with the amount from the sale of the car, what kind of nonsense, this is not nonsense, you appeared on camera in a car service center, “i just need there was etirt money, she
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had to be at work, forgot her phone and came back, you began to extort and then killed her, i didn’t want to kill, i wanted to rob, but not kill, she said that she would call the police now, i began to explain, i wanted to collect something, she grabbed truka, i started take it away, pushed it, it hit the corner of the table, you took it out of town, buried it, and then sold the car in the garage, they didn’t need this money, they threatened me, they demanded these debts, how many times did i go, to say that i had her i killed my mother, but she guessed, there was a key fob on irina’s car keys , i took it off before draining the car and put it in the pocket, and lena found it, then you made an appointment with her and hit her with a stolen car, but i didn’t know that what should i do, i was scared, listen, if i help
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the investigation, will you help me? at the first at our meeting, i told you that your wife died instantly, and so, she died in my arms, her last word was her mother. i really hope that the court will take into account all the aggravating circumstances of these murders, and you will receive the maximum sentence. igoryuk, igoryuk, he’s coming! hurray, ridka is back! hold it, our dear! thank you! sit down, sit down, sit down! you didn’t run away from the hospital too early, maybe you could have rested for another week? no, no, that’s enough, you ’re treating me like a general’s wife! fine!
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listen, have they left you behind? well, let's fall behind, you covered us, you're a good guy! come, it wouldn’t be work, but a dream, ritka, you can’t have anything strong, so we’ll drink strong tea, so what? you can have some cake here, my boys.
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so guys, before the first miss, whoever misses goes for a beer, we agreed, now captain rudanov will show you his class, well , come on, so, you’ll throw, no, this is a psychological attack to confuse you , so to speak, and the basket , basket , prepare, basket, get ready, both, eat. wow, unexpectedly, when it happened, pashka, pull yourself together, pull yourself together, you man, are you really going to get in, and i’ll see, i’m very worried, come on, come on, come on, oh , well done, well done, well done, captain, don’t
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let me down, don’t ruin the captain’s honor, let’s wash my nose , lieutenant, i believe in you, oh, guys, i don’t even know what will happen to me if they don’t hit me, silence, silence, silence, but well done, wow, it was beautiful, good, leva, go ahead, throw it, come here, throw it, leva, lion, it’s a shame i took off my sword belt , you’ll relax and you won’t get caught, it’s fine, well, oh, lyokha, well, i’m not saying, i shouldn’t have taken off my party, okay, i’ll go and drink, i won’t, what do you mean i won’t, why drink you won’t, but because georgivich set me up with this... recidivist cucumber, every 2 hours he demands a report on his capture, guys, by the way, i won’t drink either, igor, well, it’s not serious, no, well, natasha, we live with me you know, it’s good that you didn’t break up, so, apparently, no one will drink beer today, borenka, i beg you, just don’t tell us that we have a corpse, no matter how much
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you ask, i’m not a magician, on civilian 104 they stabbed a woman, threw them out of the window, some rolls, they already left with the expert, so, oh well, leva, go look for your cucumber, and we’re all there, wait, vorenka, show your class, and three-pointer, console us, at least for the last time, oh, i gave away the bag, the girls removed their hands. well, girl, where did you learn to do that, let go of your hand, grandpa taught him, grandpa, good grandpa, sporty, probably what
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we’ll do about it, we’ll put it in the nearest police station, let them deal with him there, only you will need write a statement, i’ll write it, i’ll write it as soon as i write it, by the way, my name is lev, senior police lieutenant, i’m lucky, i’m tatyana, me too, the knife is not mine, well, let’s go give up, you know, this is my first. yes , it doesn’t happen to me every day either, this is oksana nikolaevna blyukher, she lives in the apartment opposite, she’s alone, it’s a pity, she fell next to me, i miraculously avoided the collision, another 2 seconds, no one knows how it ended, the question will seem you are stupid, but maybe you saw the killer, whatever it is, i was so scared, then i called the police, an ambulance, the neighbors immediately appeared, well, probably the killer was lost among them. but you don’t have cameras, you’ve been wanting to install them for a long time, but yano, clearly, tell me, do you know anything about
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the identity of the murdered woman, where she worked, with whom she communicated, i only know that she is a lawyer, that’s it, there are no more witnesses, i wouldn’t be surprised if our killer is a ghost, so, let’s go quickly, i’ll take your testimony, otherwise i want to quickly go home and have a good eight-hour sleep, plowing with me, well then it was necessary not to follow the trail, but to get on with it. do you have any details? apparently, the blow was aimed at the liver, but barely touched it; the woman could have been saved if not for the head injury she received during falling from above. well, captain igor, someone needs to go to a door-to-door survey of a seven-story building, someone needs it, someone needs it, yes, ah, i’ll take the young one with me, bashka, let’s go to a door-to-door survey, guys, well, you decide ? why are you already chasing me back and forth? thank you very much, sorry, i’m late at work again, that’s all,
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the culprit will be punished, thank you, leo! for which i didn’t have time to do anything, you the hooligans yourself broke it and washed it, well, yes, but without your help i would hardly have dragged him to the station, i think you would have managed it, maybe maybe, tanya, i’ll be there in a minute and a half, can i take you with me. “well, come on, show me, which side of the metro? it seems like that, yes, you’ve recently been in st. petersburg, well, yes, recently, and the metro is over there, let’s go, yes, beauty is, of course, not human strength.” listen, there lived a late lawyer in kucheryava, holy fathers, this
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postal item will cost about 5 thousand euros and something like three grand bucks, that ’s why no one writes me such letters, here it is, vanya, a clear difference between a lawyer and a follower opera, by the way, too, but it turns out, that he had neither money nor jewelry... he had at least 10 visitors, varying degrees of age, well, who would match our database?


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