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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  June 9, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

5:40 am
holy shit, this postal item will cost somewhere around 5 thousand euros and something like a few bucks, that’s why no one writes me such letters, that’s the obvious difference between a lawyer and a detective, by the way, too, but it turns out that no money, neither the jewelry, the murdered owner, the killer were actually not interested, only her life, but because it was a crime.
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i'll tell you tomorrow morning, so how did you open the lock? and the lock was opened either with the family’s keys, or the hostess herself opened it, something like this, well, major of justice, start it, come on her office, the apartment survey has been completed, the results are there, but unfortunately, not very comforting, which means not comforting, that the neighbors didn’t know her at all, why did they know, but just no one communicated closely with her, she didn’t seem to have any lovers or men , yes, if there was anyone, they probably met on neutral territory, lady, write, her mother visited her very often, this time, and, apparently, clients, serious , representative men with security, but today’s guest, to unfortunately, no one saw, but these serious men with security, that there was never a scandal with the snitch, what the neighbors say, the neighbors say that everything was orderly, noble, cultured, no one caused a scandal, so, now we are going to the law office and interrogating our colleagues, wow, what a smart justice, the law office is already it’s been closed for about two hours, it will open tomorrow morning, we’ll go and interview. yes
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, two weeks ago i came to my grandfather from voronezh, i’ll be going to university here. and where exactly to the academy of arts. i see, on grandfather's advice? no, my grandfather just wanted me to enter the academy of the ministry of internal affairs. wow, he's i am a former policeman, but somehow all this is not very close to me. by the way, what department do you work in? in the interdistrict slaughterhouse. seriously? in an inter-district slaughterhouse? well, how long ago? yes, recently. and where did your grandfather serve? listen, lev, let me introduce you to him now, will he tell you everything himself, or are you in a hurry? no, i’m not in a hurry, but is it convenient? let's go, really, seriously, let's go, why is it so late, i'm already starting to worry, grandpa, i'm not alone, excuse me. i have a surprise for you, surprise,
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that's good, hello young man, hello, just tea, grandpa, meet me, this is a senior lieutenant, lev pirogovsky, works in the inter-district sick department, well, it’s very nice, hello, me too, and this is a retired colonel, firsov gennady antonovich, firsov, as a former head of the inter-district slaughterhouse? and what a surprise, the guys told me so much about you that they told me, only good things, of course, with the new boss, i heard that you also have a relationship, with the new old or the new new, do you want to pay me, you have in colonel's sight grodovikov or colonel kukushkin, kukushkin, kukushkin, i don’t know, sit down, sit down, he was recently sent to us from headquarters, for a while, but what? haven't you heard of gorodovich?
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no, so he’s in the godfather, in the godfather, yeah, he’s wounded, and what do the doctors say? no, uh, gorodovik is not in a coma, he is in the republic, coma, ah, coma, coma, republic coma, and they often remember you, they miss you, they would remember, they would miss you, they would call more often, you always work there all the time for the whole city, i’m not offended, but to the guys, first of all, hello and offer to go to the dacha for barbecue, oh, tomorrow is friday, come tomorrow, that's all in the evening, thank you, i'll tell you, and you should definitely come, yes, tanya, but of course, well , grandpa, leb defended me today from a drug addict who wanted to take my bag, that's how we met, the drug addict took the bag, yeah. tanya
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knows how to stand up for herself, well done, so is grandpa’s school, and if my school doesn’t work next time, what will i tell your mother, that’s it, i forbid you to go out late. from home, grandpa, no grandpas, then we’ll talk to you, are you coming to the barbecue, i’d be glad, but unfortunately, tomorrow no way, i’ve been trying to catch a repeat offender from ogurtsovo for the third day, the authorities will soon take my head off, agurtsova, ogurtsova, garik ogurtsov, well, yes, he’s the one, he raised the whole upper city, where he’s holed up, it’s unclear, we’ll find, we’ll find, so ah... come tomorrow day . do you know where the cucumber is? not yet, but i will find out. oleg georgievich, again i don’t observe all of your employees. i asked you for a summary of presence, absence, presence on my desk before the start of the meeting. i don't see reports. i'm sorry, i'll fix it. so,
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potapinka is on leave, you signed it yourself. a, pirogovsky is studying the topic of cucumber. whom? sorry, cucumber. rare fish from the aquarium, the owner tried to fight off his fish, but the cucumbers killed him, tackray. don't interrupt me, please, i'm sorry, i'm sorry. indeed, ogurtsov pushed the owner, he fell and not entirely successfully, hit his temple on the corner of the table, death occurred on the spot. he was seen running out of the entrance, and this coincides in time with the moment of death. since then, the cucumbers have been on the run.
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well, murder by negligence, of course, is also murder, but the investigative committee ordered us a separate order to detain ogurtsov. here we are working it out, although we could have given it to the territorials. no, we won’t quarrel with the investigative committee, it’s unproductive, we just don’t have enough interdepartmental conflicts, i’m sure that perogovsky will cope, but what about yesterday’s murder of this lawyer, what about the fingerprints that were found in her apartment, yes , worked all night, in our database only one lights up: nekoev ivan nikolaevich arbuzov, nickname arbuz, previously convicted of residential robbery, released for a year back, where were his prints, right? he had signets everywhere, on the lock, in the apartment, on the handle, and even on the apartment telephone, that’s his identity, so we have to take this arbuzov, he probably figured it out with blucher, it’s strange that no
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valuables were missing from blucher’s apartment, but maybe the killer was in a hurry and didn’t have time to take anything, that’s it, igor, pash, let’s address this fruit, andrey, and you go. the calls from the landline are mainly to the mother, and yesterday there were several calls with the local housing manager, that’s all, that is, gentlemen, detectives, do you think that her murder was connected solely with her professional activities, well, for now
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there are no other options, yes, comrade colonel, well, of course, it was naive to assume that arbozov would be waiting for us at home with open arms, well, personally, my suspicions are intensifying, if he's hiding... forgive me, please, hello, you're from this front door, yes, from this one, but what? is arbuzov your neighbor? i don't follow this lesson. we really wanted to see him, but he’s not at home, can you tell me where he might be? hanging around somewhere with his friends, he will probably get drunk in the neighboring shalmans. thank you very much, thank you, thank you, you helped us a lot, it’s so interesting to be around such shamans, i was still working as a district police officer. i haven’t studied this land well, there are addresses, well, minus three shalmans, the search circle is gradually narrowing, yes, but in general there are a couple more places, for example, i told you
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about the end, but you didn’t believe me, so we’re both standing still, the police , that’s it, we’re standing there like a watermelon, boss, what’s the problem, we could figure it out ourselves, they’re not calling you, questions only for you, will you put on the bracelets yourself or help, yourself, oh, hello, hello, this is for you, thank you, lisianthus, yes you come through, grandfather is already getting ready, hello, hello, ready? breakfast, yes, definitely, kefir for the trip, no, thank you,
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just fasten your buttons, well, kefir, it’s a delicate matter, not everyone understands, that’s it, we’re ready too, well , marinate the meat, remember, as needed, with kefir, we’ll rustle it in the evening, i remember, grandpa, i’ll marinate, goodbye, only you there, be careful, okay, we caught not such swindlers, close behind us, yes, my, lawyers are generally not in the mood to kill and rob, and in general i’m in a bind, it’s been six months since i got a job, today the taptyger tried to clean up my time sheet for me, it’s too much for the right passenger, like a man who’s tired of working, so and at blucher’s, you forgot yesterday, she called me herself, but not me specifically, but as a locksmith, uh-huh. fix the door, her dog is stuck there, are you a locksmith or something? well, what’s wrong with this, my hands
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grow from the right place, and not from there, where are my legs from ? i turned in the zhek's outfit, where you called - on the phone from blucher's apartment, there are your fingerprints on the receiver, so i called the zhek, to report that i finished and get new addresses for applications, on my mobile the battery died as luck would have it, at 9 evening somewhere, on the application at the address, glider 17, apartment seven, their hinge broke, the door was leaking, they had to remove the hinges and install new ones, i spent an hour and a half fiddling around, we’ll check, well, check. of course, am i against it? igor, then i’ll go to zhek and check what kind of
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applications he went on. yes. listen, arbuzov, please remember, while you were working for blucher, did anyone come to see her? it seems like no one. the guy, however, called on his mobile phone, judging by the tone, he was on edge, so, it seems his name is evgenem, the lawyer called him by name. yeah, what did he want? for an apartment to come for a conversation, but the lawyer told me to come to the office in the morning, yeah, but please remember exactly what time this call was, so, i already finished the lock, about twenty minutes, exactly 2 minutes, yeah, from the hospital , that means, nikita called, this is... give me one phone number urgently, here is
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the application of this blucher: change of lock, work completed at 19:30, there were no complaints, of course, there couldn’t have been any, she was killed, oh my god, who? is it really ivan, i mean, what kind of ivan? in the sense of watermelons, he swore to me that with he got old, how can it be, how can it be, but for now i think it’s too early to draw conclusions, we detained him, we are interrogating him, why are you so concerned, he’s a good worker, a good worker, and a good man, we have a relationship. and that’s why i’m worried, we met by correspondence, while he was sitting, he swore to me that
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he had given up the old one, when he got free, i got him a job with us, all this time i was looking at him, well, he treats me with all respect, he gave me flowers, salaries, put aside gifts, bought rings. we 've gathered at the legislative assembly, but i think you're still at the legislative assembly with him if you have time, you better tell me, he really called you from blucher’s phone, yes, he said that... he said that his mobile phone was dead, so he was calling the landlady from the phone, it was about half past eight, he also asked if there was were there any more applications, and i told him that there were, here they are, these two, and then i called very late in the evening from
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home, said that all the work at these addresses had been completed and asked to release him this morning, he had some kind of... then there should be a meeting with an old acquaintance, please check these applications, we will definitely check, because if he really was on these applications, then he didn’t kill the blucher, and you will go to the tax office, that’s it, thank you, he was there, thank you, boss, how many winters, how are you, how will your health be, with your prayers, sit down . and i see you’ve been out for two years now, you haven’t gotten caught or you’ve come to your senses, boss, i’m having a blast being free, listen, how is your friend the cucumber doing, you know, i need to give him an answer through you, give him an answer, you know, yes, the mosquito buzzed that the cucumber strayed somewhere
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in the toksovo area, with its shkkerite nits, and i'm setting off, fireworks, come on, come on, comrade colonel, maybe he bombed some dacha in toksovo and ended up there, we should check, come on, igor, well, in both addresses they confirmed that they had watermelons after the blyucher lock was repaired, that is, at the time of the murder of our lawyer at arbuzov alemi, well, it turns out that this is so, and how... he was on the second application, well, at the moment when the blucher was thrown out of the window. the owner of the apartment did not leave his side. why did the owner suddenly decide to work on arbuzov? check? and he saw tattoos on his fingers. i realized that he was a prisoner, and so, apparently, he was afraid that something would dangle from the hallway, so he did not move a step and, so to speak, showed vigilance. well, of course,
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that means we’re letting arbuzov go, say that first of all i visited my boss, calmed her down, the love... is simply unearthly, let’s go back to the department, bye, but i found out the phone number from which this unknown evgeniy called, the murdered man was pushing towards , well , yes, i found out, this is the emelina shchuka cafe, here’s the address, here you go, i told oksanka, you shouldn’t sayanova took on the case, you won’t win, but you won’t end up with problems, but why did she take on a losing case, the fee is too good, tsayanov is from... crime bosses, well, you know, probably, you know, you know, in general, an order came from moscow for him, he crossed the path of one of the deputies in business, the central investigative committee put pressure on the locals, and oksanka hoped to decide at her level, yeah, soyanov was sentenced to 15 years strictly, his brother mikhail, who hired oksanka,
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i was very dissatisfied with the verdict last week came here, swore, yeah. do you think sayanov could hire people to take revenge on blucher for a lost cause? quite possible. oksanka promised to resolve the matter, and took money for this matter. i don’t know exactly how much, you know, attorney-client privilege. understand. okay, thanks for the information. if any troubles suddenly arise, please contact us. oh, what kind of trouble could i get into? i have not yet seen a single policeman who did not have problems with osb. well, if i have problems with the osb, no lawyers, i think, i won't help. we have very good statistics. yes ok. what if it's just coffee? i understood you, andrey. now i’ll send pasha and igor to this relic of the nineties. yes. let's go back to the department, there's a lot to do. i know your
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cups of coffee and legal advice. i'm still waiting. here. the address of mikhail soyanov’s company is the brother of the authority whom the late blucher unsuccessfully defended. georgievich, wait, we haven’t worked at the cafe yet, where this unknown evgeniy called blucher from before the murder. oh, well, rodanov will come, i’m for the dacha. go ahead. gennady nikolaevich, in my opinion, we are in a complete dead end. there has been no information about break-ins of dachas on the territory of toksovo over the past week, nor about robberies. and the cucumber itself did not come to the attention of the local police. what do you think, is he a fool to live in a private house? what if the owner comes or the neighbors see it? well, yes, well then i suggest starting a survey with local residents.
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they killed oksana, bad luck, however, i’m sitting here and thinking about what to drink to, the kingdom of heaven, may the earth rest in peace, mikhail, where were you last night around 9, you’re hinting that it’s me who’s her, well, as far as we know, you were. dissatisfied with her failure in the trial of your brother, dissatisfied is not the right word, so much money is all in vain, well, that is, the motive to get even with blucher for failure was
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ironclad, i have pumped up in jurisprudence in my life, one motive is not enough, besides me alibi, yesterday i was at a football match, i hope someone can confirm this, but check the cameras in the vip stand, on the other hand... “you didn’t have to kill the blucher yourself, you have enough for that means, just to prove to you it will be quite complicated, i look like an idiot, to kill a lawyer for an unwinnable case, well, yes, i lost my temper in her office, shouted, said a lot of unnecessary things out of nervousness, then i talked to knowledgeable people and realized that all our skirmishes with her, the prosecutors and the judge we didn’t play anything at all, because..." the administrative resource turned out to be better than our pieces of paper with portraits of american presidents, but why did you decide to turn to
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blucher’s legal services? before that, she had no mistakes, she either won all her cases, or reduced it to the result necessary for the client, six months ago i got chaikin out of prison for life, he was in the hall... here in triumph from custody, and what kind of chaikin? perets, about thirty, he was accused of raping and murdering a young girl, nina verisova, it seems that i hired a blucher so that it would work out just as beautifully with my brother, but it’s a pity that it didn’t work out, there are still questions for me, why do we need a bus, no one will look for me on the bus, and i’ll already die. nose, i will do everything possible to avoid the storm, since it already exists, and i know that now happens on the bus, vladimir epifantsev,
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everyone is to blame for something, sergei ostakhov, i knew how to work, it just seemed to me that i could change something, alexander lazarev, you, you are to blame, because from the very beginning you were our people you don’t think so, but we are the same people, they took us to a court hearing, but what do you think, they wanted to find out, so... oh, let’s arrange a court hearing, otherwise it’s somehow dishonest, the court hearing is on thursday friday at 20:00 on ntv . 10 days until spring, june 12, all day on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems severe, may help with appet. it helps restore memory and attention. it's important to get your head working. our new name is t-bank. we are changing the name, do not change yourself. debank, he’s the only one, first like, first friend, first life, first trend,
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guys, take the last one. thank you, please tell me, do you happen to know this person, and okay, okay, so he ’s been trading here for the second week, damn competitor, but it’s inconvenient, when was he last seen, yesterday, yesterday, today he wasn’t here, he was yesterday i sold all my catch, so he probably went on a spree, you don’t know where to look for him, no, he
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said from the city. when he arrives, what lake does he fish on? yes, on blue, buy fish soup for 2 hours, it’s fresh , we don’t know if it’s a fishy day today, fishy, ​​fishy, ​​in the evening i’ll make fish soup... yeah, thank you, do me a favor, copy this recording to a flash drive , please
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, i remember the wonderful case of chaikin, we dug up so much evidence on him, we thought there was enough for pzh, but this bastard was generally acquitted, shablyukher’s lawyer brought in trigubov, well, he played along with the feature documents, yeah, trigubov is an expert, yes. "this is how we live, everyone knows everything, but to prove we can’t do anything, you live poorly, we have experts on conscience, yes, that’s how it is, imagine, well, we thought we would close chaikin anyway, we began to build up a new evidence base, and chaikin suddenly disappeared without a trace, he is now listed as missing, i hope someone killed this bastard, who knows, if he’s still alive somewhere, how many more people will suffer from him, veris?” “the murdered father went crazy after the acquittal. where is he now? yes, where else should he be? six months have passed but the person is still not adequate. well, georgich should be pleased with this news. what does this give us? probably nothing, but it would be
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nice to inquire about the state of health of this verisov. yes, igor. listen, new information has emerged on the blucher murder. so, let andrei go to a psychiatric clinic. on the contrary, we were under close control, but he was allowed to go home for the weekend, or in any case, the verisov needs to be worked out, quietly, quietly, come on, follow me, quietly, put the fish here, then we’ll pick it up, wow! it’s so necessary to take it, it’s necessary to take it, we need to surround the tent, come on from the other side, leave the fish
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here, okay, let’s go, and i’ll go straight from here, unfortunately, comrade captain, you won’t be able to communicate with the patient, that’s why with the moment of his admission to our clinic was noted. his condition, he even gave up thoughts of suicide, so what? but a few days ago he left the clinic without permission. wonderful, a mentally ill patient voluntarily leaves the walls of your clinic. who has control over you? patients? well, we have very different patients; the rowdy or socially dangerous ones, of course, are monitored by orderlies. verisov was not one of those people, he was treated in the general ward, there was a very liberal regime there, for us it was. unexpectedly, well, of course, by chance you don’t have photographs of verisov, by chance you don’t, unfortunately, but can i use your computer, yes, please, please, this is
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verisov, yes, this is verisov, and you say an ordinary patient, what did he do? perhaps citizen verisov committed murder, and this the murder could have been prevented if you had exercised much stricter control over your patients. firstly, it is not only medicine that makes mistakes, and secondly, you follow the letter of the law, and we treat human souls. we also deal with human souls, but following the letter of the law. yes, andryukh, georgievich, well, there is news. the doctor of the psychiatric hospital identified verisov, the character needs to be checked. i agree with you, andrey, i think that verisov is blucher’s killer, but he apparently took revenge on her because she kept his killer out of prison daughters. that's it, hang up. well, gentlemen,
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let's finish our meal, let's address this verisov. great! ogorets! oops! antonoch, i didn’t expect how he rests, it ’s better than in the zone, well, of course, so what? fishing here, but no, it’s not for you, boss, you seem to be retired, you’re not too old to chase after people like me, i’ll hand you over to where you need it, i’ll think, you need to take me first, but i have nothing to lose, got it, ax to the ground, cucumber, anxious
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passenger, thank you, gennady antonevich, it means you haven’t been here verisova lately they saw, no, how they took him to hell after he tried to commit suicide, so the apartment is empty, and why are you so sure of this, and his wife visits him every other day, to water the flowers so that they don’t wilt, if verisov showed up at home, she would have been a few days ago, uh-huh, now
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i’ll call georgievich, i need to get some advice, well done, well done, well, let me scratch you, you’re my beauty, kys, kys, kys, kys, allow me, yes, oleg georgievich, come on in, what about the murder of oksana blucher, you can already put it in disclosed, but no, it’s too early to include in disclosure. we found out the name of the expert who worked on the chaikin case and could become a potential victim of verisov, this is viktor trigubov, last night an unknown person called him at work, inquired locally, but we believe that it was verisov, well, we already went to krigubov, that he speaks? we went to see him, but he hasn’t said anything yet, he’s only returning from vacation this evening. but you understand that we cannot allow this psycho to deal with him the same way as with oksana blucher. firstly, this will hit our indicators, and secondly, you
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will have to disclose this yourself later. don’t worry, sergei gervich, an ambush has been set up near trigubov’s house. we believe that verisov will attack the expert, right next to his house. and we will meet tregubov at the station, and we will have him under complete control. well, yes, of course, yes. comrade colonel. do you really like living creatures? i, no, not really. but i accepted this aquarium with this fish according to the inventory, i will hand it over according to the inventory with this fish, retired major vsin, yes, it’s clear, this is all, all, some shadow player is trying to show that he is the owner of the city, he can eliminate anyone, even in front of the police, this is a challenge for us. and we have to answer it, let's follow it, dolphin, new
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debank. he's the only one. for headaches there is askafen, which is affordable. price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. are you embarrassing yourself? chaliapin, volochko, next who? mukhtar or what? yes, zamatom. further mukhtar. come urgently and grab your brilliant dog. the star is returning. mukhtar, something interesting? the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead, search, muktar, from thursday at 8:25 on ntv. come on, get out of here. pash, i see you
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are doing well. yes, you’re not a newbie either, well , you’ve been in slaughter for so many years. as you thought, or maybe half-time, word, igor, our client, yeah, well, let’s follow the old scheme, yeah, dear, you’re looking for someone, i came to see a friend, but for some reason i haven’t seen you here before, where? the police department has prepared for the three-lip, yes for the last creature, because of which the murderer of my daughter left your court, but quietly, you, from your court, did not leave mine, everything
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was fair, life for life, i avenged my daughter, quietly, quietly, quietly, that's all , calmly. he’ll tell us everything in the department, arydanov three lips will meet you and the wesbeshniks at the station, yes, well, lesh, what will please you? of course, in the apartment of the murdered oksana blucher, there are fingerprints of this citizen, this is the first, second, the blood on the knife that your guys seized from him belongs to blucher, the third, the knife fits murder weapon. thank you, i’m free, here’s verisa, you see, all the evidence is against you, you will be assigned to a psychiatric hospital. examination, perhaps they will be declared insane, then you think it’s not normal to take revenge for the life
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of your daughter, if you had done your job properly, i wouldn’t have to take revenge, unfortunately, it wasn’t us who were involved in the murder of your daughter, but oh well, what now i’m not going to talk about it, i’m not going to deny what needs to be signed, i’ll sign. i only regret one thing, that i didn’t get this, the third, the three-lipped one, the killer of your daughter, after after the court acquitted him, he disappeared, of course he disappeared, in the forest near the copper lake, i buried him there, when did i kill this freak? i decided that i had no reason to live anymore, my daughter died,
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i punished the murderer, ian, i wanted to hang myself, they pumped me out, to a madhouse, they put me away, that’s where i realized that it was necessary to punish those who helped chaikin avoid the sentence, yes, yes, you can to judge me, the court will judge you if it finds you sane, don’t worry about the expert, don’t worry about the expert, i assure you, he’s detained, he’s already testifying, it’s better not to put him on trial in a mental hospital, let’s go, let’s go, come on, them wall, come on! here borya, give me the keys, great, borya, oh, hello, senior lieutenant pirogovskaya, a minor criminal,
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cucumbers, accept, what kind of fates come to us, he missed you, gennady antonovich decided to start catching criminals again, there are no former chiefs, there is no such thing, accept a guest, let's go to the monkey house, what a surprise, gennady antonovich, great, comrade colonel, always happy, like success. how successful are we, oh look, a prison full of scoundrels. ilyova, well done, caught ogurtsov, well, not without the help of gennady antonovich. listen, if your plan for catching criminals has been fulfilled, well, i think it has been exceeded, we hope to come and have a barbecue with me. we are always happy to have kebabs if your recipe is made with kefir. and what about, wow, surprise, what a meeting? hello, ginnadi antonovich, it’s very nice to see you, we are invited to a barbecue, to a barbecue on fish soup.
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spistorius began to prepare the country for war with russia, here, probably, many people at the same time had the same question, what? has germany really forgotten how all previous wars with russia ended for it? yes, the question is completely logical, right now we will try to answer it, and of course, we will not only talk about the main events of this week, but will try to explain them. good evening, good evening, my name is vadim takminev, i am yulia bekhtereva, today is saturday, june 8th. in most cities where they are watching us now, the exact time is 18:57 and we begin.


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