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tv   Tsentralnoe televidenie  NTV  June 9, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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this week it became known that german defense minister boris pistorius began preparing the country for war with russia, here, probably, many people had one at the same time. the same question: what, has germany really forgotten how all previous wars with russia ended for it? yes, the question is completely logical, right now we will try to answer it, and of course, we will not only talk about the main events of this week, but will try to explain them. good evening, good evening, my name is vadim tokminev. today is saturday, june 8th, at in most cities where they are watching us now the exact time is: 18:57 and we start. russian
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response to nato putin promised that there will definitely be consequences for western countries supplying weapons to kiev for attacks on russia; we’ll tell you what they are. europe has swung to the right, how the elections to the european parliament will change the political map of the european union, why kiev after these elections may lose several european allies at once. shooting in moscow, what or who were not shared between two former skaters and why did one of them end up grabbing a machine gun? don't live getting out of bed for the elderly and seriously ill sounds like a death sentence, but for modern youth this is a new fashion trend, what is bed rot, why has this strange and ridiculous fashion taken over the whole world, and will this incomprehensible absurdity really reach russia, how to carry out its vacation with benefit and not spend a penny on it, on the contrary , earn money, 10 relatively easy and accessible ways for almost everyone to spend this summer profitably, which we will definitely talk about. we will tell you, as well as
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special guests of central television balagan limited group, why sergei sosedov tried to peck them, who saved them from him? on air on ntv. via superstar. our superstars will perform their favorite song today. amazing number. it was so unexpected. and you are standing on the shore in a blue dress.
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when you close a loan, it’s like a holiday, congratulations, it-bank gives you a great gift, money, apply for a loan with t-bank before the end of june, make all payments on time and we will return it. 5% interest rate in money t-bank, it’s the
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only one. every master wants to know what kind of grout to use? cyrisit grout, wide palette of colors, reliable protection against moisture and mold. cyrisite is the ideal solution for any tile. for best results, use cyrisit grout glue together. pain can be different, the mechanism of development. there is only one pain: it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. beauty, why bother, it’s so expensive. no, mom, it's not at all expensive. saved for my mother. liran refrigerator for 69,990.
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there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askaffen when your head hurts. first like, first friend, first life, first trend, first training, first fest. stories, videos, music, feed, vkontakte are the first for 85 million, and there is always something more here. touch the rock star,
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burger king, water, on fire, tastier. it fights greasy stains at low temperatures on short washing cycles, glosses yes, no stains,
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legs. such bells may indicate bad blood vessels. it is important to strengthen blood vessels. angion helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angianm. keep your blood vessels normal. live on central television. so, this week’s news once again emphasized the validity of the old truism. history repeats itself, repeating itself both as a tragedy and as a farce. kiev really hopes for help from western allies and zelensky went to beg for this help not just anywhere, to normandy, where on thursday , june 6, they celebrated the eightieth anniversary of the allied landings. only 80 years ago,
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on the shores of france, occupied by hitler’s germany, moscow’s allies actually landed. but russian representatives , of course, were not invited to this anniversary. although rumors about such a possibility, shortly before the anniversary , first excited the french and then the world media. well, indeed, back in april there was information on radio europe 1 that an official invitation would be sent to moscow for a ceremony associated with one of the significant events of the second world war. because of this , the french publication le figaro suggested that in this way paris wants to try to start the negotiation process. true, it is now obvious, yes. the west chose to allow kiev to attack russian territory with western weapons, but let’s return to the western
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coast of france, where these days, let me remind you, they were remembering the allied landing. in the west, this memorable date is called a day. and who arrived in normandy, us president joe biden, who... born in november '42, this day even happened when in june 1944 the americans stormed the beaches of normandy; their future president was already learning to walk under the table; once in france, biden, of course, could not resist historical parallels, but which ones, yul? yes, of course, i couldn’t resist; the us president made it clear that 80 years after the normandy landings, washington is leading a new coalition. in a new military conflict. biden said allied efforts to counter russia in ukraine are a direct continuation of the fight for freedom that raged throughout europe during the second world war. well, 80 years ago, d-day truly changed the course of history. what
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will the current landing in normandy change and will it change at all? the allies are now no longer moscow, but kiev, our reporter, alexey petrushkov, figured out. +17 strong wind from the sea is probably not the most pleasant weather for magnificent celebrations, but for the allied forces planning a landing operation in normandy on june 6, 1944, then strong gusts ensured the maximum. so that landing craft can unload and then leave without being stranded. and now the veterans who stormed the positions of hitler’s germany for a century, 80 years later, are freezing in anticipation of another political landing, led by biden and macron. the organizers tried to drag the blanket around the stiff american veteran, who probably spoiled the picture, as best they could, but he was covered with his head again, if desired , one could even see some symbolism in this when... on d-day both biden and macron drew parallels happy today. surrendering
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to the bullies is simply unthinkable if we if we're going to do this, it means that we will forget about what happened here on these beaches, which means that the whole of europe will be under threat. at this moment, the american president spoke as if in defiance of the russian president, they came up with the idea that russia wants to attack nato, have you gone completely crazy, or what? stupid in general, like this table? who came up with this? this is nonsense, you know, bullshit. and maybe that’s why this scene that happened in normandy, how biden hurries to sit down, but can’t find a chair, was so reminiscent of a game, who the extra one, when the children are running in a circle, the one who does not have time to take a chair at the end of the music is eliminated from the game. now russia is an active player in the election campaign that is taking place in the elections to the european parliament in the elections to the united states, why? because the intensity of military operations, victory.
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this week shebekin was shelled so heavily that the number of arrivals in just one day was already hundreds, but now it’s wednesday morning, tonight the city was hit by a rocket attack, there’s a lot of destruction, they’re literally everywhere, and it’s unclear after all, if you look at where it flies, you can conclude that the ssu does not set any military goals for itself, shibekina is a city 40 km from belgorod with a population of approximately 40,000 people, but the border here deepens, forming a kind of protrusion, well, that is...
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russian territory, although in fact it doesn’t even allow it, it chooses and shows it targets if someone considers it possible to supply such weapons to the combat zone for attack.
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transferred additional kits to ukraine well, today it became known that france guided bombs and cruise missiles. and what details are known at this moment, we’ll tell you right now. yes, vadim, emmanuel macron personally told reporters about the transfer of ammunition. he also stated that in the coming days he intends to complete the creation of a coalition of countries ready to send military instructors to ukraine, but , according to him, there is no talk of deploying european troops on the front line. we are not at war with russia, we do not want escalation, but we want to do everything. what we can to help ukraine resist. and today it became known that the conference on ukraine in switzerland will be held without the participation of the un secretary general. antonio guterres will not go to the so-called peace summit. let me remind you that russia was not invited to this summit. during the night, russian air defense systems intercepted and destroyed 25 drones over the kuban, rostov,
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belgorod, bryansk, tula and astrakhan regions, the ministry of defense reported. another aircraft- type drone was destroyed on approach to mozduk in north ossetia. the target of the attack was a military man airfield, in the black sea , two unmanned boats of the ukrainian armed forces, which were heading towards crimea, were destroyed. and the international economic forum completed its work in st. petersburg. this time, the main business event of the year broke its own records in terms of the number of participants and the volume of signed contracts. representatives of 136 came to the forum. yes, indeed, today is the final day of the economic forum in st. petersburg and the main russian news all week came from this city, and they were, of course, connected not only with economics and finance, but with politics, because it was politicians, or rather, with a loud
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political scandal, news about the form began in the western media, shortly before the opening of pmf 24 it became known that even if they wanted to , citizens of the freest country in the world would not be able to get to st. petersburg, well, that is, the united states of america, not at all because entry is denied to them, they are not allowed to leave, former american intelligence officer and military analyst scott ritter, who was going to take part in the st. petersburg forum, said that during boarding flight, three customs and border protection officers approached him and took his passport. well, what happened next, we will find out, as they say, first-hand, because scott ritter is now on a direct line of communication with us. mr. itter, good evening. good evening, tell us how it all happened, and most importantly, what did they tell you and how did they explain the removal from the flight? very interesting. i was getting ready to board the plane that would take me to istanbul
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and then to st. petersburg, where i was supposed to take part in the st. petersburg international economic forum. all this means, it is clear that relations between our countries are more than difficult, but at the same time the situation looks like someone wants these relations to become even worse, although my question is, where is it worse, yay? apparently someone was alarmed by what i would be doing in russia, which made the us government say, “we don’t want scott ritter on that plane.” and i think that
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it was my participation in the st. petersburg international economic forum and the fact that i had to stay in russia for more that influenced for at least 40 days with a film crew, where we were going to make a film that reflected the essence of russia, the reality of russia, we were going to bring this film to america to show americans the truth about russia, do you see now? believe me, if the american people knew the real state of affairs in russia, they would never tolerate this march towards war that the biden administration is now leading, and i think that is what the biden administration wanted to stop, they did not wanted me to go to the st. petersburg international economic forum, because there i will communicate with russian officials.
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i hope to see you, i hope to see you, thank you , in any case, it was a great pleasure to talk, well, we can add to this that the us state department refused to comment on the detention at the new york airport of a citizen of the united states, who, let me remind you, wanted to take part in the st. petersburg economic forum. well, yes, the current forum is already the third after the outbreak of hostilities in ukraine, as in the previous two, the main conclusion that both its participants and foreign observers.
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the chinese dragon is closely connected with our
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economy, along with the russian and english languages ​​in the gourmet restaurant for forum participants, the menu is in chinese: pancakes with caviar, don fish soup, pike cutlets, dried beef, emphasis on farm products, prices to match the formula, southern solyanka, tv meat. celery puree and port wine sauce, the most inexpensive item - black cod with vegetables, cooperation with china at the forum at almost every stand, demand for multimedia screens on the sidelines of the forum, everything more more, like the screens themselves made in china, but there is still a high demand for russian oil in the world, according to deputy prime minister alexander novak, by 2030 sales of black gold will only increase, but how will the price be formed? this is, let’s say, a market question, and there are a lot of factors, in addition to the balance, supply and demand, they have a great influence, and others, black swans,
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there are also newcomers from the new cabinet of ministers at the forum, a big challenge for me, of course, is still yesterday the youngest governor and lover of punching on the strings, that is, play the guitar, anton alikhanov, today the youngest official in the new government, he is 37, what kind of music do you have now? what's the soundtrack like in your new position? oh, yes, i won’t say it, because it can’t seem like such a ludicrous, colossal repertoire; in fact, to be honest, i haven’t come close to music in the last, the last couple of weeks. the young politician who now runs the whole ministry has a lot of work to do; one of the tasks has already been set for him by the chairman government, the steering wheel is still chinese, i want the steering wheel to be russian, nothing. not in cars, which would be impossible to do on the territory of our country, where the steering wheel for the new ladyra was made, which was presented at the forum, while it is kept secret
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as it is. the car has not yet been put into production, when we see it on the roads, next year, production will start early next year, here is an arab sheikh next to a russian lada, what is not an illustration of strong and developing economic ties between russia and the emirates, perhaps i will be the first ambassador of this brand and will bring it to dubai. you know, i like the sound that cars make, especially when i drive sports cars. so, by the way, this car is not electric, right? okay, the main event on the menu of the forum itself was the plenary session with the participation of the president of russia. vladimir putin said russia has never started the rhetoric of nuclear escalation. we have a nuclear doctrine. and everything is written there. answered questions about mobilization, when people come voluntarily and go to the front or homeland
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protect. well, there is no talk of mobilization. vladimir putin also noted that russia remains a key participant in world trade. despite all the obstacles and illegitimate sanctions, russia remains one of the key participants in world trade. this is the twenty-seventh st. petersburg economic forum, the third since the beginning of the special military operation. and judging by the scale and number of exhibitor booths, the russian economy has gone through a period of peak due to. western sanctions and feels confident? here at the table in the cafe someone took a photograph of the head of the central bank, elvira nabiulina, perhaps it was at that moment that she made the decision not to raise the key rate, and this is another strong woman, the richest entrepreneur of the fairer sex in russia, tatyana bokalchuk, the owner of a popular marketplace, the name of which is everything they know that it was necessary to create a progressive personal income tax scale, we have been talking about this for
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a long time.
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a rare interview only for the central television program. at the moment, we have signed a bilateral agreement with the republic of dagestan. this agreement was concluded between the chamber of commerce and industry of afghanistan and the chamber of commerce and industry of dagestan and concerns trade. we hope to sign other agreements before the end of the forum. afghanistan strives to establish good relations between our countries. and if the afghan delegation still managed to get to the forum, then some american citizens were not allowed into st. petersburg. the united states was stolen from him, namely his passport was stolen without explaining the reason. ex-cia analyst larry johnson finally broke through to russia, miami, istanbul, moscow, peter. this is a clear violation of us law; scott ritor's passport was confiscated without following proper procedures. i remember
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the times of the soviet union. just as russia’s isolation did not happen this year, there will be no isolation, intrigues will remain, of course, hundreds of agreements of intent and future contracts, the result of the forum, but the main conclusion, as often happens, was summed up by the president, it is natural for us that in we will rely to a large extent on european principles, on european culture, since its bearers are undoubtedly russian people, but
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we will treat culture with no less respect, the forum is in africa, the st. petersburg economic forum. klim sanatkin, yaroslav filatov, daria medyukova and mark zlenko, central television. we will continue the story about the events of saturday and this week immediately after a very, very short pause. and this is what will happen next, don’t switch. please stay with us. europe has swung to the right, how elections to the european parliament will change the political map of the european union, why kiev may immediately lose after these elections. some european allies, shooting in moscow, what or who two former skaters could not share and why one of them eventually grabbed a machine gun, living without getting out of bed, for the elderly and seriously ill, this sounds like a sentence, but for modern youth it is
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new a fashion trend, what is bed rot, why has this strange and ridiculous fashion taken over the whole world, and will this incomprehensible absurdity really reach russia ? how to spend your vacation profitably? you don’t have to spend a penny on it, on the contrary, you make money. 10 relatively easy and practically accessible everyone has ways to spend this summer to their advantage, which we will definitely tell you about, as well as special guests of central television, the balagan limited group, for which sergei sosedov tried to peck them, who saved them from him? comrade rear admiral, we have an emergency. sea devils, this is the work of foreign saboteurs, are always ready for a decisive battle, what will we do, improvise, as always, even on the farthest frontiers, we have guests, take up defense, go ahead, act according to the situation,
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new episodes of your favorite series, russian reception, now there will be an explosion, then a little gas, see you soon, we didn’t get out of such troubles. devils, new episodes, let there be more viewers, i love attention, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. what did you do 3 days ago? if the question seems difficult, it can help at apppt. it helps restore memory and attention. let's make your head work. our new name is t-bank.
7:04 am
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first, stories, videos, music, feed, vkontakte first for 85 million. and there is always something more. bopper. it tastes better on fire. burger. the best deposit in sberi up to 18% per annum. hurry up to open before the end of june. feel free to take a look. face your expenses, with yota your money is not they fly away, there are healthy minutes left, we return rubles for them every month, you can, one iota of hair lacks vitality, gliskur - exceptional hydration, fills the hair with the power of hyalurn, moisturized, shiny and elastic hair, instead of scissors, try gliskur, exceptional hydration even. dad,
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thank you for inviting me, and i want to invite you too, get a black card from t-bank, i’ll get one and a half thousand rubles, and you 500, daughter, you’re a genius, invite a friend, get a black debit card from tebank before the thirtieth of june and get 1500 rubles, and a friend will receive a 500 rubles bill, which of my friends is not in the bank yet? don't forget to invite me. t-bank. he's the only one. and again live on central television. the first information show about the events that are discussed and the people they talk about. shortly before the elections to the european parliament, which could greatly change the balance of power in european politics, the words from which... karl marx's manifesto began: a ghost haunts
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europe. true, this time it’s all about not about the specter of communism, but the specters of the new right turn over europe. the reasons for the growing popularity of right-wing and far-right ideas in europe are different in each country, but the number of meps from each eu country is proportional to the population. germany and france will receive the most places. it is worth taking a closer look at what is happening in these countries. take a closer look. in berlin , right turns are talked about both from above and from below. defense minister boris pistorius is scaring the germans about war with russia and wants to bring back universal conscription. well then the so-called lower classes, and in the case of modern germany, these are no longer non- proletarians, but ordinary purgers. so the lower classes are ready, even now, to stand shoulder to shoulder under the banners of a completely different war. wars with whom, yul? yes, vadim, wars with migrants. feminism and a rally of far-right activists led to
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a sad event in the city of mangay. a policeman died there at the hands of a migrant. he blocked the path of a man with a knife who tried to attack participants in a peaceful demonstration. the attacker turned out to be a refugee from afghanistan, although it was in germany he was given shelter. this attack was commented on by nicole hoechst, a member of the alternative for germany party, and here it should be noted that she said out loud what many germans only have in their minds. i will quote: people who come here and do not appreciate our hospitality should leave, we need to finally talk about this, vadim. well, yes, it is possible that this time the elections to the european parliament will end in a boring division of portfolio seats, but in politics one can never rule out the so-called black swan effect, that is, difficult to predict events with unpredictable consequences, and there is also such a phenomenon as the boomerang effect, western politics so often...
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the night before the danish prime minister
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meta fredriksen was beaten, she is known for promising her country to reduce the number of refugees to zero. you know, where people are safe from all this, in eastern europe, they don't allow mass migration. and this is the well-known political activist in germany, michael stürzenberger, during a rally in the city of mannheim, he is attacked with a knife by a native of afghanistan. it was like the apocalypse he looked at me and hit me with a knife while i was lying down. germany pays, and opponents and supporters of uncontrolled migration gather people for rallies where they blame each other for everything. nazi propaganda, the nazis are already here. it turns out about the killer that he once asked for asylum a long time ago, he was refused, but they forgot to deport him. they are already making
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an icon out of him online. this boy is my role model. and look, an instant result, all in the same mannheim, the second attack.
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rather than for great causes such as a clean environment. look at these shots. the main revolt of this year is the farmers' revolt. this winter, hundreds of tractors roared in almost every place.
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all sorts of taboos for farmers, for example, a ban on cultivating part of their own farmland, supposedly so that the ecosystem would recover faster, or a project to reduce the use of pesticides, with this seemingly good intention, brussels paved its way into the present from protests, because how much the harvest would be reduced by how much it will become more expensive, the european bureaucrats did not think about it. separate skating rink for agriculture they are crushed by the laws of the market, cheap fruits and vegetables from countries that are not burdened with expensive labor force and non-green restrictions, they are crowding out their domestic products from the shelves. it would seem that this secret ingredient of farmers’ anger is the only thing missing from the mess of problems
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that is brewing in the european union. here is one of the supporters: leave everything as it is and don’t touch anything, french president emman macro. we have never had so many enemies at home and abroad. i think this is an existential moment for our europe, because i truly believe that our europe may die. by the way, his main opponent in the european union, hungarian prime minister viktor orban, agrees with him on this. there is war psychosis in europe. and of course, the favorite game of any western election campaign is in full swing: find moscow’s hand. we have seen far- right politicians in germany in the pockets of russia, selling their souls to russian propagandists. the head of the european commission, ursula fondelaien, is suspected of having sold herself to the american company pfizer, having pulled off a multi-billion dollar fraud in the purchase of vaccines. there is already a lawsuit against her process, but in her native germany the rumor
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is different. the danger of the reigburger's power is greatly underestimated.
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central television. now let's move to the middle east. israel today announced the release of four hostages who were captured during an october hamas raid, including a russian citizen. what details did you find out? by this minute. we inform you that today israel carried out a successful special operation to free four hostages who were held in a camp in the gaza strip. tsahal revealed some details. hundreds of special forces soldiers and other security forces were involved in the operation, from the air, they were covered by helicopters. during the fierce battle, one of the soldiers was seriously wounded, but the freed hostages were not harmed; among them there was indeed a russian citizen. this is andrey kozlov, he worked as a security guard. to the militants, judging by the footage at which the music festival, which attacked the prisoners, is met by israeli prime minister netanyahu, andrei still cannot
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believe in his release, thank you, what's going on, yes, it's a really touching scene, but let's go back to russia. on thursday, news feeds in the capital, followed by the russian media, were agitated by reports of shooting in the western part of the city, while residents of the fili davidkiy district were frightened by the very sounds of gunfire, but about some, like a woman, for example, who took her two daughters for a walk , it was even unlucky to come face to face with an armed man who was running after someone along alexei sviridov street and shooting as he went, these are the shots from the car. fortunately the killer seemed not to be interested in random witnesses, and within a few minutes numerous videos
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of the crime, filmed by eyewitnesses and surveillance cameras, appeared on social networks. they clearly show how a killer dressed in all black with a machine gun pursues his victim, and then, having caught up , calmly finishes off the wounded man. the first version , that this was a contract killing, as i understand it, began to collapse as soon as it became known. he was 34 years old, he did not have the fame of a successful businessman or some kind of criminal authority, konstantin, a well-known skater in the past, in his youth he skated very well and even participated in prestigious international competitions, you must admit that it is impossible to remember a case where killers were ever hunting for skaters. and this is how darkly some commentators tried to joke. on social networks, these are not scooters, which irritate many people so much, well, soon, by the way, it turned out that the murder, the killer, actually
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knew the victim well, and he himself was a former skater, in general, our reporter alexey sematin decided to find witnesses and figure it out what or who was not shared by two former skaters and why one of them eventually grabbed the machine gun, thursday morning, quiet... an area in the west of moscow a stone's throw from the kuntsevskaya station, here killer demin is pursuing his judge by the characteristic stain on his t-shirt already a wounded victim in the recent past of a famous skater nicknamed switch , thirty-four-year-old konstantin balishansky. he was already running wounded, there was already a stain on his shoulder on his t-shirt. what was he shouting? help, the actor at the children's art school, olga stoyakina, will be the first to call the police. all will happen under the windows of a school and located on the ground floor of a residential building. around 10:30 literally. in 10 minutes a whole bus full of children left the building for an excursion, only they left about 5:10 minutes ago and just like that
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, only the children left, yes, yes, they were going to organize a theater, just like that, there’s probably no need to explain to anyone , what a tragedy it could have ended, if the children had fallen under the hot hand of the killer, konstantin’s criminal was guarding at his house, he specially taped up the intercom cameras, the killer was dressed in all black, in mask, cap, he was sitting on this bench and... he just walked in when the shooting started, i saw him hiding behind the car, and then ran here, after the first shot there were
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a lot of other shots. in general, there were maybe six or seven shots , the killer finished off the victim here at a construction site 200 meters from his entrance, the place where the body of konstantin otseplin is still located, investigators work here, these are these terrible footage of the murder, uh, this is what he is doing , a guy walks around with a machine gun, shoots at him, wow, look how it’s dyomin in the middle of the day cold-bloodedly finishes off the wounded konstantin with a point-blank shot, he killed.
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the four-year-old son did not receive a profession, he lived alone, his parents had been divorced for a long time and got by on modest earnings, he had money to live on, that’s right, well , just enough to live on, he certainly didn’t have more than others, in general, he, well they didn’t instill in him some kind of firmness like this, standing on his feet in the correct stance didn’t give him life, the successes of his son in the past, in the 2000s konstantin was a famous skater in the country, for his signature style he received nickname switch. first of all, he was nicknamed switch, because he liked to change the usual stance for another, let’s say, the usual, your comfortable stance, and he tried to do all the tricks in an uncomfortable stance, it’s like a provsha would write with his left hand, my colleague denis gerasimov knew konstantin personally, in his youth, switch was an idol for many and could have achieved more if he had not given up due to
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a leg injury. he jumped off steps, loved flips, flipped. in every way i progressed every day in those years, this is 2004 2005 skaters there weren’t as many as now, but everyone would most likely be jealous of these skaters - these are people, i just couldn’t stand them at all when he was doing this, then he broke his leg, i think he’ll probably calm down with his killer demin, konstantin knew him from school lived nearby and also skateboarded in 2006, he even did. where andrei demin lived, it could become the setting for a thriller, the kitchen floor is covered in black paint, there are no things in the apartment, only a couple of bags with old clothes, perhaps
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demin, who has already been convicted of illegal drug trafficking, did not live here, but prepared. to murder. dzyomin will be caught here 2.5 hours later, 3 km from the crime scene in this park on aminevskoye highway. when detained, he will resist the police. they shoot all around. yes. in. after being shot in the head, demin survived and is now in intensive care. we found the killer's bag with documents, water, food, a mask, binoculars, city maps, ammunition, a knife and equipment. while demi was taken to the hospital, when asked why? who shot konstantin, he answered to the investigator that they shared a girl with one another since school, do you believe in this, well, kind of version that it happened because of love for a girl? no, of course, why? no, well , maybe she was, well, he’s some kind of maniac, there’s this man, the shooter, well, well, that guy’s brains are gone from drugs, what’s incomprehensible, that’s what this shooter has, maybe they haven’t
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shared the years 15 years ago, and this guy was sitting there , inventing some kind of weapon. so this story, well, most likely is not about jealousy and love at all, but about drugs and unmotivated aggression. alexey timokin, evgenia derecheva, igor kirillov, denis gerasimov and anton yanchenko, central television. nightmare, now, yes, now, according to tradition, we must pause for a moment in order to immediately after the pause talk about the events that everyone is discussing. there is a lot of interesting things ahead, so be sure to stay tuned. try to live without getting out of bed for the elderly and seriously ill this sounds like a death sentence, but for today’s youth this is a new fashion trend, what is bed rot, why is this strange and absurd fashion has taken over the whole world, and will this incomprehensible absurdity really reach russia? how to spend your vacation profitably and not spend a penny on it, on the contrary , earn money, 10 relatively easy and
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accessible ways for almost everyone to spend it. with benefit for ourselves, which we will definitely tell you about, as well as special guests of the central television group balagan limited, for which sergei sosedov tried to peck them, who saved them from him. well now some more important news. russian entrepreneurs have submitted more than half a million requests for services on the “my export” digital platform over the 3 and a half years of its operation. the ecosystem was launched in 2020 under the national project international cooperation and export. when it first began its work, 14 services were available to users, today there are already 126. number. platform users exceeded 30,000, including individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. in the ecosystem, almost 60% of services were received by small medium-sized businesses, and as
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statistics show, on the platform every day more than 3,000 active user sessions open, and about 70% of companies return to my export for the following services. exporters can obtain both insurance and apply for a loan for... support to bring their products to foreign markets with a competitive price and quality; about 24 thousand companies have already taken advantage of the support of the russian export center. thanks to the comprehensive measures of the national project, international cooperation and export business quickly reoriented to new markets, here's according to the ministry of industry and trade, in 2023 a double-digit growth rate of supplies was recorded in terms of non- raw materials and non-energy exports. measures to support russian exporters and the development of the country's foreign trade were the focus of attention at the st. petersburg international economic forum, which, let me remind you, took place these days.
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well, right now we’ll stop for a couple of minutes, we’ll be back on air soon, wait for us! i'm listening to kolya! on the neighboring guards, russian military transports land on russia day on ntv upstairs, the rest follow me carefully come on, you're definitely russians, raise your hand , please, i don't see you, you see me, the death of the second one, tobro, giton odetchity, close the ranks , close the ranks, a film about the family, i'll see you, i'm andrei, an officer, a soldier, not an officer, but in the country, if you're siblings, you're so dogged, what can you expect from the rest, about choice, well, golden eagle, we’ve arrived, you’ll get on your knees, you’ll repent, about freedom,
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you can’t give up crimea, i’m for russia, 10 days until spring, what is it, the russians have come, july 12, all day on ntv. sber has increased deposit rates, now the best interest rate is 18% per annum only before june 30, hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account to receive three sber shares as a gift, the deposit is the first reality show based on the kion series, i’m already looking forward to whether it’s possible to save a family in 3 days, if the clinic doesn’t help us, we’re not the same. you need to deal with happiness, reality happiness clinic, look now only at kiion, first like, first friend, first
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life, first trend, first track, first. stories, videos, music, feed, vkontakte are the first for 85 million and there is always something more here. one of my friends walked into the wrong area. yes, i’m getting used to the role here, i’ll be there soon. uh, boy, do you have any, should i call? yes, i myself have zero account. what if i find it? but he will find it. you have a megaphone, you can call in instant messengers even without money. mega power connection at zero is already included in the tariff for free. our subscribers have no connection. they won’t stay remember, he’s on a megaphone, he’s with megapower, if anything happens, call the word of the megaphone, tekno - a series of common 30 smartphones, photos of amazing clarity and video
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in 4k resolution, a new series of common 30 smartphones from tekna, a story in every frame, tekna. touch the rock star burger.
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99% to pay for new orders, choose, oh, tex, great choice, biotex two in one, beauty protection in one jar, biotex is ready for the holiday season in a new design, national lottery, this summer with the lyon dream lottery you can go on a trip dreams, have always wanted to swim with whales or go on a safari, on june 16 we are guaranteed to give away 10 million, each registered ticket for draws up to
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14.99 coffee-monarch for 649, scooter boom for 1.249 in the summer with yandex food you can do a lot: try all the flavors of ice cream, relax in the fresh air and get new experiences. have time to try more this summer with discounts of up to 60% at yandex food. via superstar premiere. today at 20:20 on ntv. gather ours. our homeland needs us. we continue
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to broadcast live, this is central television, the first information show. perhaps the most frightening news of this week came from serious scientific journals. scientists say that the sixth mass extinction in the entire history of the planet has begun on earth. previous fifth. as many as 65 happened million years ago, then, let me remind you, dinosaurs disappeared from the face of the earth, and to emphasize the scale of the catastrophe we are facing, suffice it to say that the disappearance of mammoths, and these animals a few thousand years ago walked where moscow now stands, so even the death of mammoths in scale does not amount to what scientists call a mass extinction, however, if you read the news about the sixth extinction further than the headline, then...
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he devoted his last issue almost entirely to this very problem. scientists talk about the so-called windshield effect. motorists in some european countries, where the extinction of insects occurs most quickly, began to notice it back in the early 2000s. that they hardly need to clean cars from insects, it turned out that in the uk the reduction in the number of insects on windshields was 72%, in denmark - 80%. at first glance, such a frivolous study revealed a real problem. it turned out that the number of insects is decreasing by 2.5% every year, and simple calculations show that at this rate they may already disappear altogether. vadim, what do you think?
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when, probably by the end of this century, and of course, the problem could probably be brushed aside as if it were some annoying mosquito, but insects are only the beginning of a long food chain and the death of one species will lead to several others, true , having studied the new absurd hobby of modern youth, which is gradually taking over the world, our reporter tatyana proskurikova is now confident that humanity will not see the death of insects, but simply because humanity as a species can... disappear like the same dinosaurs much earlier, a nursing home in china, you probably imagine it somehow. so, but in fact, this is what it looks like, no, this is not a teenage camp, it’s a nursing home for young people, now we ’ll see how the guests live
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, first we’ll ask the owner where such a strange name comes from, our youth nursing home is a place where you can cleanse your soul, relax and find a new one... gardening, fishing, playing music and riding a moped through a picturesque village. some of the guests quit their jobs, other digital nomads who want to spend some time here. a nursing home for the young sounds like a fad, but it is actually a symbol
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of a global problem in the chinese economy that starts in universities. this is xiaomi, he received his diploma today. master's degree from shanghai university, he is the son of a farmer and the first person from his village to get higher education, but that is not the reason he became famous, today i attended a job fair in shanghai, it destroyed the last hope of finding a job, look at this huge crowd! the cry of despair on social networks quickly gained millions of comments; students across the country are worried too, starting to look for work a year before graduation, sending out hundreds. there is too much competition in the labor market, i am unemployed, and my anxiety is increasing every day. there are many roads in front of you, they say so at the university, but this is not true, at some point
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the realization came to me, it’s time to wake up, i have no future, but those who find work are faced with the other extreme called 996, a work schedule with 9 am to 9 evenings. 6 days a week, and this is not the limit, if you don’t work 996, then others will, you won’t overwork, but others will, and you will lose, give up your positions, i quit because i realized that i was about to break , 996 means that you need to be connected all the time, i got up at 3:00 in the morning to solve urgent problems, i had hallucinations that my phone was constantly on my phone. life has rapidly accelerated, the career ladder invented in the last century has turned into an escalator, and it moves in the opposite direction direction, if you stop in your development, even for a moment, you will quickly slide down, but even if
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you make every effort, someone will definitely bypass you and often by dishonest methods, so people all over the world are wondering: is it worth it? this game of candles? professional burnout has become an epidemic, and in response to it, the tanping movement, that is, lie flat, appeared. i work monday to saturday, 9 to 5, then i go home, eat, sleep, and scroll through videos on my phone, that's it. these are young people who have given up any ambition or plans for life. their philosophy is simple: if it’s impossible to build a career, if it’s too expensive to buy a home and have children, then why bother trying? lying flat means i will not try to show my best result, on the contrary, i will reduce my efforts to a minimum in order to simply survive, this is a protest against the system, i will not be part of it, i will not listen to you. the lying flat movement became so popular that the chinese authorities even
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banned it, but through tiktok the trend still broke through to the west in an even more bizarre way. form. have you heard about what bed rot is? 125 million videos with this name were published by supporters of the new concept of a soft life, this is a way to take care of yourself, spend the whole day in bed, lie under the covers all weekend, watch a tv series, treat yourself to your favorite food, if this idea seems tempting to you, then maybe you just lazy, but it can also be a symptom of depression, we do not recommend this type of passive rest, it not only indicates depression, but can also... aggravate the patient’s condition. rot in bed you’re unlikely to want to if you find something you love, american benjamin bolger is sure of this, he’s 48 and an eternal student.
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because he could not read and write, then his mother took up home schooling. benjamin entered university at the age of 12. my mother moved into the university dormitory with me, i was very smart, but still could not write or read, so my mother read textbooks out loud to me, and i dictated my written work to her. today benjamin works as career consultants, helping to choose the best university, it turns out a paradox, an american with dyslexia in your life. proved the ancient chinese wisdom, knowledge can change your destiny, but students in china itself
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no longer believe in it. tatyana broskoryakova, anastasia lunkova, alexander karlov, vladimir sharikin, central television. it’s 20:05 in moscow now, and it’s time to get back to what’s happening at these moments in the country and the world. moreover, urgent messages come from israel. hamas responded to the news of the release of the hostages. and so. we’ll find out what the representatives of the movement are saying right now. yes, vadim, in hamas claims that several israeli hostages did die during the operation in nuserat. this statement was made by the official representative of the military wing of the movement. i will quote: the enemy managed to free some of their hostages, but several more prisoners died as a result of the operation. there is no confirmation of this information from israel yet. and on other topics, russians are warned about a new, this time medical fraud.
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telephone operators attack russians' phones with an offer to undergo fluorography or other medical examinations, but in reality the scammers need to get to the sms message codes, then they will not gain access to your account on government services, and as a result, they will try to apply for a loan, fake documents in the name of the victim, or even get to a bank account . therefore, under no circumstances. you shouldn’t enter the code from the message into the form provided or give your personal information to strangers, oh, are you tired of these scammers already? i agree, well, we have another interesting topic in line, summer, as you know, is the time for vacations, but now i will ask those who would like not only to relax in the summer, but would also not mind earning extra money, to sit closer to the screens and make the sound louder. this summer there are all opportunities for such earnings in the country, not only the lowest in the modern one. stories of unemployment, and even a shortage of workers. in general, without further ado, we asked our
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reporter mikhail bogdanov to change his profession for this week, which is called testing for himself the best way to spend this summer with benefit for your wallet. anastasia shkatula is traveling to work and, judging by that dazzling smile, a pleasant job. today she is being photographed, and tomorrow she can play in a film or tv series, who is anastasia, a model, an actress, yes, but you can call it all differently, you see, an actor or an extra, it doesn’t sound so respectable and prestigious, not a lot of money , absolutely up to 3,000, but anastasia herself already receives much more, although she has only been in the profession for 2 months, here is her filming in advertising. and the series is already being edited, in good, expensive projects you can earn money there for a day of filming costs 20-30 thousand, here we can
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say that it’s easier for beautiful girls, but in fact everything seems exactly the opposite, being an extra is not that much money, yes, that’s why it’s always for men, i noticed that there is an increased rate , there are always a lot of them, but what is required, of course, are middle -aged men, 30, 40, yes, up to 50, intelligent -looking, well, different types are absolutely needed, but where are the rest of the men at this time. years that could flash before casting directors, many of them are busy with the most popular, sought-after and a fast-growing profession where you don’t have to wait for the role of the fifth cloud in the second row, but you can forge your own happiness. the very first link promises the courier a salary from 82 to 125,000 rubles per month. it takes me, a russian citizen who speaks russian , 20 minutes to submit documents; apparently, no special skills are needed, it’s completely democratic. tolerance and equality, and this is probably the most obvious answer to the question of how to make money this summer, all that remains
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is to understand how much you can earn. road 20 minutes at the courier center, here i am the owner. a spacious refrigerator bag, they gave me a bag, but i don’t really understand how to take orders, where to go, what to say to people who work in restaurants, well , i hope that this is a job that will become clear to me intuitively, because if this doesn’t happen, well, the people who ordered delivery from a courier like me will suffer. hello, can i order? yes, the first order for 391 rubles has been completed. seems to be on time. dmitry leaves courier concerns to side and takes the equipment out of the bag. he knows this column will bring him more tips from couriers. the cool blue hood reminds me, of course, of a clean, clear sky. i worked on shift, honestly, poured concrete, poured a lot of it, a month and a half passed, i received some pennies, as a result
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the foreman disappeared, i did not receive anything, but i had already traveled several times on electric trains and saw guitarists, boy players. in principle, it’s nice for me to communicate, look, he’s nearby, a strong hand shake, we crossed paths bye with a glance, taking a break, dima frol says, a working tool, this column costs 500, it finishes in a couple of hours, from 7 to 11 move, my minimum wage, i won’t leave for less than 300, one hundred percent, yes 5, 7, 8 friday 10-12, friends , pleasant, that's it, thank you very much, we order not only to apartments, but also to garages, where it is very difficult to find a specific person, but i finally succeeded, i hope that he will leave good tips, on this day i completed 11 deliveries, here is an extract from my taxes, for the cheapest trip i received 22 rubles, the most
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my dear replenished my pocket with 187 rubles, in total in 4 hours i received 879 rubles. not a lot, but from them you need to subtract the amount of this check 90 rubles for the first bicycle, the amount of these checks for using a scooter for 498 rubles. my net income was 291 rubles. i don’t have enough for a vacation yet, but it turns out that there are jobs where you can sunbathe all day long on the sochi beaches and not spend money, on the contrary, get paid, and there are always places, yes, there are always places, yes, always in the summer, especially there are always free places. varya arrived in sochi from near krasnodar, the money ran out, but she didn’t want to leave home from the sea, she went straight from the beach to this shooting range and asked if there were any vacancies, and now she also goes to work here right after the beach, two in two, 12-hour shifts, the employer helped with cheap housing, as a result he earns a net 60,000 rubles a month. and there is no special load,
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there are no people, you can sit quietly, you can go for lunch to have a snack, then you come again, well , the air here opposite the sea is very pleasant, especially in the evening when the sun sets, not it’s so hot, very beautiful, in a month of twelve-hour work shifts with a two- to-two schedule you can earn up to 70,000 rubles. head of the hr platform dmitry vasin, however, advises looking not only at the south. the urals, transbaikal region, and there is now a great need for personnel , including line personnel, and this is probably the most new thing, and the altai region, transbaikalia is becoming interesting from the point of view of tourism, people want to come, but let's just say there is a shortage frames. moscow again, where my second day of work as a courier begins. in last the transport ate up almost 600 of the almost 900 rubles i earned during my shift. conclusions have been drawn. now i will try to deliver food on my
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bicycle. at this time, actress anastasia shkatula, still smiling happily, goes to her second job. she takes the leash in her hands and the peach scurries off to the park, the owner has no time to walk with him, we walk for 20 to 40 minutes, we’ve already been walking with the peach for half an hour, it costs approximately, well, from 200 to 500 to 500 rubles they will pay me 500. the cheapest tariff for walking one dog the size of a peach, rubles 250, but you can walk three or four dogs at the same time and the amount immediately increases, the most experienced dog breeders get up to 8-10,000 a day, and oddly enough, i’m approaching the same amount, goodwill and that means tips plus my own transport , plus an already familiar area, then you can earn about 5,000 rubles a day, and this is really more than 100 a month. today i drove 43 km 300 m in 4 hours. maybe the experience i acquired is really the first step towards serious earnings in this field, and if not
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i’ll be lucky, i’ll always be able to tell those to whom i deliver groceries that, in fact, i’m a courier for the soul, and that’s why i’m a reporter. mikhail bogdanov. 25 years, well, if for a person a quarter of a century is not yet a reason to celebrate an anniversary on central television, then for a musical group this is already quite a significant period, a limited show, today there are special guests of our program, good evening, i greet you, dima, i welcome you hand, hello, i wanted to ask you about this right away, before the viia superstar project you were probably pestered by one and the same song, right?
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do you feel these changes, did you feel that every week millions, millions of new fans are watching you, i think, yes, we felt it everywhere, in everyday life, in life on the internet too, we really monitor our social networks, with we enjoy reading the comments who our fans leave for us, we follow the battles of fans of different artists, and there are very valuable, there are... very valuable comments, especially the prices for us, those who write that well, i knew about the existence of this group, but never not i was interested in creativity, but now you
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have become a discovery for me, i will continue to follow the work of your group, this is really very cool, it’s no coincidence that i said that before you were asked to sing the same song all the time, for sure, although you there are a huge number of songs, but now, probably, they also want to hear this one: a very unexpected experiment, a modern song that you remade, which has now become your hit, and many people associate this song with you, but show us a short fragment, in general, i liked this one the song, to be honest, from klava koka, exactly how she performs it herself and how... such a light video for this song was shot, but we always had the idea of ​​doing just such an experiment, here we were given this opportunity,
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many thanks to vadim - you , many thanks to anna lyapina, the raindrops team, that they created this ranking, this is just a miracle of a work of art that we performed, but in fact there are a lot of miracles, and i also wanted to say that no one expected, of course, that you ... not just so bright perform, yes, and you will also fight with the belarusian legends themselves, because you are now going headlong into nazdrya, in the new episode, which viewers will see tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv, you have generally broken all the templates, i think that we we can show a small fragment so that our viewer understands what we are talking about, immediately after the performance , the most unpredictable and picky
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member of the jury, sergei sosedov, attacked you, remember, yes, how it was, tomorrow you will remember everything in such very bright colors, maybe we'll see, yeah show us sergei’s reaction, the neighbor didn’t understand this, and indeed, i agree with lera, i didn’t receive the number. what are you discussing among yourself? it seems to me that probably everything, absolutely everything, starting from the costumes, from our general embodiment of the stage,
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from staging the numbers, from the rehearsal processes, and in general from life on this project, we are simply in tremendous delight, we have never experienced such emotions, to be honest with you not enough, we now miss these people with whom we met, we constantly miss, we want to go back to this atmosphere. you, by the way, unlike other very popular supergroups, continue to tour villages, and we will now show this picture while i speak, i really want to wish you that... despite the fact that your popularity is now growing, growing , is growing, you are torn to different venues, continue to bring joy to such small cities, small villages, because everyone should be happy , everyone should enjoy your music, thank you very much for visiting us, thank you, and we want to give a picture that drew mother of our grandson, lord, thank you very much, thank you very much,
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well, we will see you exactly in a week on saturday at 19:00, stay with us, stay with your central television, see you and don’t forget to turn on the viia superstar tv tomorrow, see you meeting while i help you.
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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yulia bekhtereva studio. the russian military in the northern military district zone took up new positions in the orekhovsky direction of the zaporozhye region. this was reported to the ministry of defense. stormtroopers were covered tankers of the dnepr group. they destroyed the nationalists' firing point and made it possible for our fighters to advance deeper into the defense. shot! and this is footage of the work of the west group unit. they eliminated a mortar crew in the ssu, which was shelling the positions of our troops on the front line. aerial reconnaissance.


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