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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 9, 2024 10:00am-10:21am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekhtareva. the russian military in the northern military district zone took up new positions on... the dnieper, they destroyed the nationalists’ firing point and gave our soldiers the opportunity to advance deeper into the defense. and this is footage of the work of units of the west group, where they eliminated a mortar crew of the ukrainian armed forces, which was firing at the positions of our troops on the front line. aerial reconnaissance with assistance. the pilot discovered
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the enemy's location in the forest belt and transmitted the coordinates to the artillerymen. target hit with the first shot. in the southern donetsk direction, crews of attack fpv drones during duty discovered that they had hit equipment and long-term firing points of the ukrainian armed forces. there are fighters from the vostok group operating there. and the crew of the su-30 fighter during a combat mission destroyed an enemy drone that was threatening our troops. also, while on patrol. the pilots covered the attack aircraft, which carried out missions in their area of ​​responsibility. traditional saturday rally in tel aviv ends in clashes with the security forces. they dispersed people with water cannons and tried to subdue them with the help of mounted police. more than thirty people were arrested. the protesters demanded that benjamin netanyahu be removed, early elections be held, and an agreement be concluded with hamas on the release of the hostages. currently in captivity there are about.
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the israeli prime minister called the operation heroic, and the head of the palestinian authority demanded that an emergency meeting of the un security council be convened. meanwhile, a large rally in support of palestine took place in the united states. hundreds of demonstrators lined up around a white house with a red cloth in his hands, it symbolizes the red line that israel crossed when it launched its operation in the gaza strip of the rofah invasion. moscow region businesswoman alena polyn, whom she suspects. extremism
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that insults the feelings of believers may also face a criminal case for fraud. wormwood's many clients insist on excitement. they gave her millions of rubles for magic courses and the desire to improve their financial and spiritual condition, but instead they got into huge debts. wormwood positioned itself as a hereditary witch, she openly opposed all religions and even called for reprisals against orthodox priests. on average, as the former students of the sorceress believed, she earned about 500,000 rubles per day. the money was mainly transferred to her personal card, how olena polyn managed to deceive thousands of people for 10 years, see in the author’s project of andrei kunitsin, a man in the right, today at 16:20. thirteen-year-old vlad from moscow needs the help of ntv viewers. the boy has a severe form of epilepsy due to genetic disorders. the attack is not
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even strong drugs can stop the condition, the drugs alleviate the condition, but only for a while, but the boy does not give up, he does physical therapy, goes to psychologists for a massage, now the child needs a new stroller, but it costs 750 thousand rubles, and the family there is no such money, alexey evliev will tell you how to help. looking at the thirteen-year-old lord, it is difficult to imagine that
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the attacks almost stopped only in the intensive care unit on evl with teapintal in an artificial coma, and not in one day. vlad is the only one a long-awaited, much-loved child. in the family, the parents turned for help to the charity service at the marfomariinsky monastery, moved from penza to moscow, and here in a rented apartment they continue to fight epilepsy attacks, which even potent drugs cannot stop. then they cleared them out and there were a lot of them, speech and socialization disappeared, he simply became withdrawn, and for 10 years we have been on the run in search of the doctor’s magic pill. specialists of the children's palliative service of the marfomarinsky medical center. often visit vlad, psychologists come and physical therapy instructors, it is necessary to prevent further regression of the boy’s physical and mental state. now the main problem facing the sielev family is that vlad has grown out of a stroller designed for a seven-year-old child.
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he needs activities, he needs movement, and life within four walls is very difficult, that is, he likes zoos, he loves animals, he loves looking at nature. everyone needs air, and this is precisely the stroller, it will help him, after the daily massage procedure the intricacies of which will teach his mother yulia a professional instructor teaches, the next attempt turns into torture, to put vlad in a tiny stroller, but the boy really loves walks in the alley near the house and is ready to endure, the family spends all their own money on four very expensive imported drugs, without which it is impossible.
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ntv television company. moscow. in chelyabinsk , a north military district veteran opened a dance school for the wives of widows of special operation participants. the man is a children's choreographer by profession. with the help of dance lessons, he helps women take their minds off their worries. the project was supported by the defenders fund fatherland. olga zenkova about the beneficial effects of dancing. they haven't seen each other for almost a year. tears of joy and warm hugs. this is how children met their hero in the chelyabinsk house of creativity. we wrote letters to him, he made video calls, gave some advice, looked at our numbers, was happy for us, and we were worried about him. sergei bormotov is a dance teacher and veteran of a special military operation. he volunteered for the northern military district zone and
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returned to civilian life when he reached the age limit. heeled shoes and a formal shirt. in this image, his colleagues would hardly have recognized him, although he was there on the front line, for his bearing and sense of rhythm behind the fighter. the call sign dancer immediately stuck. time, step. he fought from lugansk to kherson, participated in maintaining order during the referendum, and then in the liberation of artyomovsk. here in civilian life i didn’t just return to what i loved. at the foundation, defenders of the fatherland suggested that the veteran open a special school of sick dances for women who are still waiting for their heroes. each of them knows well how difficult it is to live waiting for a call or at least a short message from the front line. we call each other when communication happens very rarely. here. yesterday i literally came out after several months of silence, mothers and wives of fighters do not receive orders, do not hold weapons in their hands, here in the rear they have their own struggle with their own fears, do they need rumbas and cha-cha-cha now, in this team they answer unanimously , dancing helps very well, you come here, relax both soul and body, and
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you are distracted by some things, you no longer think about it all the time. catherine shows us her husband’s jacket, on it are awards for his exploits in georgia in the caucasus, for the liberation of crimea, during the northern military district major glushkov. they need to speak out, they tell their stories, i tell these stories mine, how and how we fought, where we were, there were places where it turns out i crossed paths with their husbands, sergei himself wears the order of st. george, fourth degree, on his chest, i received the award right on the front line, thanks to him, near kherson, after a fierce battle with the ukrainian armed forces
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, dozens of wounded soldiers were saved, while the battle was going on, there were many three hundred of them, they had to be bandaged, and they didn’t shoot from tanks, then they didn’t let me raise my head, i needed help, i left. 300 meters ahead with a machine gun he took fire, what svo is and why soldiers perform heroic deeds, sergei tells schoolchildren during courage lessons. in the magadan region they are trying to restore the fish population, for this purpose experts are conducting experiments, for example, fry, salmon, whales and coho salmon are raised in warm water, and for whitefish they have selected a special diet that allows them to gain weight faster. in past.
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yakutia until the mid-eighties magadan residents caught a dozen species of fish on their river half, there was plenty of it for both amateurs and...
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spawning grounds, there is sik, and here there are blacks, this is the pelya, during their formation , four baths were flooded. magadan fish farmers are now trying to replenish the once lost population of whitefish; eggs for incubation are imported from siberia, where ray-finned fish have not yet disappeared in the wild; when the fry appear in the light, they begin to feed them intensively. the menu includes not only dry mixtures based on fishmeal, but also live food, artemi. it's microscopic crustaceans, which have recently been grown in the laboratory and are now gradually
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being added to the main diet. observations have shown that from such feeding the juveniles develop faster and gain the weight necessary for release into the river. the costs of reproduction are considerable, but the work of fish farmers is legally compensated by those who once caused damage to the kolyma ecosystem. these are not only representatives of the hydroelectric power station, but also enterprises of the gold mining industry. we can grow for the pool. more fish than is supposed to be traditional technique, the fish feels quite good. breeding freshwater fish remains an experimental area of ​​magadan aquaculture, its main task is the reproduction of pacific salmon, primarily whales and coho salmon. these species, unlike pink salmon, which is more popular on the russian market, swim into magadan rivers less and less often; according to experts, all this is an echo of uncontrolled catches, the difficult nineties.
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the whales and coho salmon have already released their fattened juveniles into the channel of the yana river, from where they use their code to reach the sea of ​​okhotsk. in this year all fish hatcheries in the magadan region will go. free-swimming 19 million lasassid fry. the fish farmer-raised sego will graduate later in mid-july. unlike salmon fry , this flow will not be as massive, but everything will change when their own plant for the reproduction of freshwater fish is built in the magadan region. in this way , scientists will help restore the kolyma river to its commercial status, which it lost almost 40 years ago. sergey antsydin, maxim mintsev, ntv far eastern bureau. on social networks gain popularity. a new trend, the creation of which was inspired by joe biden. another embarrassment with the american president
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occurred in france, where they celebrated the anniversary of the allied landing in normandy. then during the ceremony, biden tried to sit on an invisible chair. now americans are repeating this gesture on camera, in order to do as biden did, it is under this motto that the flash mob is taking place, you need to sit down a little and look around in confusion. that's it for now, stay on ntv. and the tols. select payment with a smile on the terminal screen and just look at the camera, get cashback
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in summer weather, swelling may occur. lymphatic transit assistance. in the mood, there are a lot of clouds, especially in the south of the continent, the heaviest rains are in the amur region in the south of the khabarovsk territory, in the irkutsk region in altai too, rains, thunderstorms, gusty winds, in the afternoon 20:25, here in the southern regions of krasnoyarsk edges are only +15, maximum 20. southwestern. in the area of ​​high pressure, light rain is possible only in the tomsk region, so it is a little cooler there in the urals, in the chelyabinsk and kurgan regions, but on european territory the initiative has already passed to the anticyclone. in the black earth region and the volga region the probability of rain is low, it is hot around +30, even hotter in the lower reaches of the volga and don, in the crimea, in the kuban, there practically...


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