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tv   Nash Potreb Nadzor  NTV  June 9, 2024 1:00pm-2:06pm MSK

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everything is so unique, it has an unusual design, it’s as if it was created for this interior. you know, i also liked that you can get out of bed, calmly move to this small comfortable sofa in the morning, lay out your laptop, and it’s as if you immediately go from a state of sleep to work, everything is fine if you have the opportunity to work remotely, then why not work at the resort? and, of course, i want to say, after that attraction, when i had to. the second floor to go to the first bathroom, this is the best gift, which, dacha answer, and you, you could all give me, i don’t know whether this interior will affect the demographic situation in the country, but we will try very hard, we know that you love the bathhouse, so the bathhouse things have prepared a pleasant surprise for you, a linden tub, felt caps, fragrant brooms and everything you need for a comfortable stay in the steam room, wow, come on, try it on, measure yourself,
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the ash tile is just what you need, i can rub your back, thank you very much for such a stunning a gift, please, the main thing is it’s completely for us will come in handy, ice cream dispensing machines in cafes are a breeding ground for mold , bacteria and even maggots, my seventeen-year-old son is in intensive care, but he just ate ice cream. what brands make iskimo ice creams from vegetable fats? here our cost price is reduced by about two 2 seconds, cod liver with an overdose of arsenic will now be allowed to sell furniture made of synthetic rattan, comfortable, durable, beautiful, but evaporates caustic toxins, how is it made? manufacturers , of course, do not indicate such information on the packaging, but poultry farms are so dirty that chicken wings... end up on the shelves with
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salmanella e. coli, such products must be disposed of, happy upcoming, happy russia day, of course, and also happy ice cream day, which is celebrated tomorrow. you can have a glass, although russians don’t really look for an excuse. according to statistics, last year everyone consumed an average of 3 kilos and 300 g of dessert, that is, 33 cups, although the portions have significantly melted recently, so maybe 50, which is approximately every week. by the way, cups are the most popular form, but cones are also gaining popularity, huh? and the popsicle also
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does not lose its relevance, only the protocols from the laboratory can cool the appetite: microbes, mold, palm tree instead of cream, and such results, by the way, may be due, among other things , to the fact that popsicle sticks in production are not decontaminated, and sawed from the cheapest... wood chips and sometimes soaked in antibiotics, then it may be better to choose soft ice cream from such machines, it seems to be kneaded directly it’s with you, and since it’s fresh, it doesn’t require any preservatives. but then why
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do european doctors prohibit giving it to pregnant women and children - it’s not at all because of the portion of sugar. what's the matter then? and now i’ll tell you. the cover of the device is removed with a slight movement, everything that is under it to be filmed on camera has a heavy heart, hundreds of worms are swarming inside. the inside of an ice cream making unit looks so monstrous, this is what a part of another such machine looks like, and these shots are not fake, nick confirms, he took them himself during a work shift at mcdonald's. i have never seen anything more disgusting, i asked the manager if anyone ever cleans this, and she replied: clean it up quickly before the clients see it. this is not
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quite ordinary ice cream, this is called soft ice cream. the mini units that prepare it do it on a similar principle as the large industrial ones from this ice cream factory, for example, the main unit. at the factories, a freezer, whisks at a speed of 500 rpm whip the ice cream, saturating it with oxygen, without air it would be just a block of ice, but if the ingredients for a classic dessert are first mixed and then frozen, in professional slang this is called hardening, then soft ice cream immediately flows into a cone or glass, never freezes, is in a transitional state from liquid to the solid. eduard was one of the first in russia to buy freezers for soft ice cream, firstly, because he himself has a sweet tooth and wanted to do something that warms his soul, and secondly, the technologists suggested that the business was definitely profitable. for soft ice cream the recipe is slightly optimized compared
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to, let's say, hardened ice cream, it usually contains at least less fat, but milk fat is the most expensive ingredient in ice cream, the cheapest component is the air with which the ice cream is pumped when churning, and if in in an ordinary store-bought dessert it is no more than 50%, then a soft, much fluffier one, with the same volume in the mixture there will be 70% air, that’s what he definitely won’t save on, eduard assures, is on sanitation, which is ultimately more expensive for the reputation will come out, the system is absolutely clean and absolutely safe, because milk formula, even if chilled, is a life-giving environment for dangerous bacteria, including deadly listeria, and since there is no deep freezing stage, then nothing threatens unsanitary living creatures. at temperatures of -2, -5, even -7°, these
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pathogenic microorganisms are capable of not only existing in a viable state, but also actively multiplying, so in terms of listeria, soft-frozen is especially important there. unfortunately last summer, six visitors to an ice cream parlor in an american town near washington was taken away in an ambulance, and three of them died. we were able to prove that the cause of listoriosis in the deceased was an uncleaned ice cream machine, and this is not the first case. and in kazakhstan , 188 people ended up in hospitals, all of them were cooling off with soft ice cream from the same cafe. my seventeen year old son is in intensive care. but he just ate ice cream when we called an ambulance for my thirteen-year-old daughter and two nephews, it was very bad, their stomachs hurt, they were vomiting, their high temperature jumped, all because of the unsanitary a mess, because to prevent bacteria and especially such worms from breeding in ice cream makers,
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the machines must be washed every day, first pour the old mixture out of the freezer, then fill the tank with water, the freezer is processed in accordance with its operating instructions, but about how exactly why and how often the document maintains an icy silence, but for factory equipment all the rules have long been scrupulously written down, but, as
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it turns out, they are violated by the ermolina ice cream and the bear at the pole, the berries for the polar regions have already been eaten by e. coli, one of the probable reasons, just dirty freezers, and if this were what we were looking for, then one would suspect wooden sticks, but they are very careful about the quality of wood and its processing in factories, measuring the exact shape and size so that the stick is perfectly fixed in the ice cream and holds the desired one was comfortable, then they are carefully polished so that there is no skid left, here the sticks are polished at...
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this is no longer necessary, only if the customer asks, at the request of clients we send our sticks to the laboratory for microbiology testing, and on our own ice cream factories, where the sticks arrive and... they are not disinfected either, what ice cream manufacturers can definitely control is the amount of milk protein, the more of it, the richer the taste of the desserts, but in the ice creams of two well-known brands there is much less protein, than they promised on the packages. what's next? and then don’t change the channel so as not to miss the most important thing. what brands make ice cream from kimoi from vegetable fats, as if
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you took a piece of fat, everything fared. they found drugs in ice cream that could even be fed to livestock. forbidden. used for various injuries and respiratory tract infections. synthetic rattan furniture is comfortable, durable, beautiful, but evaporates caustic toxins. how is it made? manufacturers, of course, do not provide such information on the packaging. oranges will become more expensive, but juice magnates have figured out how to keep prices down. what kind of fresh fruit will be added to the package? are poultry farms so dirty that chicken wings end up on shelves with e. coli salmanella? such products must be disposed of. turkey indylight, kebabs or steaks, your season, hot with indilight will be brighter, indilay is a hot grill season.
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there was a rhinoceros, today a unicorn, tomorrow taganrog, tomorrow in st. petersburg, exsay x37, a hero of every day, are you disgracing yourself, chaliapin, what next? mukhtar or what? yes, zamat, then mukhtar. urgently come to the dog to grab your genius. the star is returning. mukhtar, something interesting? the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead, look for mukhtar. from thursday, at 8:25 on ntv. 10 days until spring. june 12 all day on ntv. for
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national lottery this summer with leon's dream lottery you can go on the dream trip you've always wanted to swim with whales or go on safari. on june 16, we are guaranteed to draw 10 million, each registered ticket for the draws until july 14 participates in the promotion of 30 trips of 4000. when we have a dust allergy, we always have citrine on hand, it is quickly absorbed and protects against allergens. citrine: there is no reason to tolerate allergies, important announcement: alabai, cheap air tickets to air shows. i'm sorry, buy cheap air tickets at aviasles, don't get confused.
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service for buying cheap air tickets. your car can purr with pleasure when it has tyboil diamond motor oil inside. advanced motor oil synthesis technology ensures long and strong molecular bonds, which allows it to remain stable under all operating conditions. tbl diamond. purrs with pleasure, heartburn from food, take it, extinguishes, fights heartburn, pain and heaviness with increased acidity in the stomach, is active from the first minutes of... allergy symptoms, but affects the mechanism of its development, helping to fight nasal congestion, mamatrine acts on the cause of a runny nose, witch against the church, people
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biomass and it’s not worth anything, why did alena wormwood call for the murder of priests? whose life did the hereditary witch ruin and whose health was undermined? i must swear my life and voluntarily accept death, the revelation of the disciples of the empress's clients magic and deception. everything that i could borrow, all the money that came in, everything went to her. and how she dealt with those who dared to open their mouths and tell the truth about her secret room. wormwood clearly manipulated the human psyche. witch-hunt. explore the floors of the mega tower to find out what awaits you at its top, roll the dice, collect coins and get prizes, look for the game in
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the megamarket app and website, ice cream manufacturers for sure. can control the amount of milk protein, the more it is, the more desserts have a rich taste, but ice creams from the ais classic venice brand have much less protein than they promised on the packaging. this happens when factories, correspondent anna kirsanova found out, skimp on the main ingredient. not all ice cream factories cooperate with dairy farms. often these are simply factories with equipment that receive ready-made ingredients. and the main one, of course, is milk. there are enterprises that, for example, produce a lot of cottage cheese or cheese; you can purchase waste from them from production. one of these wastes is whey, which some people dry in special dryers, that is, the moisture is removed from it and a powder is obtained, which is then packaged in bags. if they had dumped it somewhere,
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they would have faced a fine from environmentalists, but they would have to sell it. powder, it can be very profitable, absolutely anyone can buy it on the internet, and i bought one and a half thousand rubles for a heavy bag, well, it works out on a budget, of course, the same bit of milk would cost at least 10 thousand rubles, but... not even whey, and permethate, that is, an even poorer powder, essentially a waste product of whey production, devoid of even protein and fat. the only thing left of value is milk sugar, lactose,
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85% of it here. and if you mix it. permint with water, you get a sweet syrup with the aroma of fresh milk, and desserts in which milk is half replaced with this permint cannot be distinguished by a lover of a sweet tooth by eye, but the difference in cost is very noticeable, the first ice cream we got was about 17 rubles per 100 g. we have a second ice cream it turned out to be about 13.12 rubles per 100 g. and the costs can be reduced even more if you use this mixture instead of milk. in large industries they use a kind of mixture of vegetable fats, yes, this palm oil is included there, and, as it were , such by-products that you don’t really want to use for your loved one.
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which brands make ice cream from vegetable fats in the same way and clog the vegetable taste with flavorings? in which fillings were drugs found that are prohibited even for feeding livestock, and which brands will withstand everything? strict checks, i’ll tell you in the second part of the investigation, don’t miss it, another summer hit, orange juice, what is it, has risen in price again, by 20% in just a month, so the producers came up with a very fresh idea, mixing it with something else. juices, do not change the names on the packaging. find out more in our roundup of the most important consumer news. orange groves in brazil, where most fruits are grown for juice. were destroyed by drought and the so-called yellow dragon disease, a disease due to which trees produce green, crumpled and bitter fruits, the price of juices is not yet too sour, because
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the cost is held back by last year’s reserves of orange concentrate, but by the end of the year they will run out, and in order not to raise the price, producers are thinking about diluting orange juice with tangerine, while the name orange on the packages, merchants do not plan to change, as european journalists found out, and in order not to scare off buyers, it’s true that juice regulations will have to be corrected, so we’ll definitely mix something else, religion and commerce will be banned, russia has already written amendments to the civil code, according to which it will be impossible to name goods with words associated with religion, if these goods have nothing to do with religion. it seems that the assortment will change the most in the liqueur-vodka department. wine is the soul of a monk, the confession of a sinner, st. george cigarettes, that is
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, st. george, and other products, the name of which has a clear religious connotation, may offend the feelings of believers, they thought, rospatent asked to out of harm’s way prohibit such names, but to purchase about stocking up on the same wines in the hope that they will now become collectible is definitely not worth it. there is no need to change existing trademarks, but it will not be possible to register new similar ones. the barbecue and grilling season is in full swing, and to ensure that the weekend passes without incident, it is important to choose quality products. here are the baths from india. turkey fillet, breasts and thighs make them juicy and tender, a natural mixture of spicy peppers, aromatic herbs and dried vegetables emphasizes the rich taste. can be quickly fried grill. baking in the oven is a simple and excellent option for a spontaneous picnic, you can order right now, indiel, hot grill season, and many
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cod liver lovers will definitely be offended by the news that this seafood from a very famous brand contains a double dose of arsenic, baked cod has the image of a superfood due to the abundance of vitamin d, in just one hundred gram piece. ten times the daily norm, but in the cod liver of the russian fish world brand they found twice as much arsenic as the law allows, and the most alarming thing is that it was not possible to remove the toxic liver from the counter; it was all sold out, but according to experts, perhaps there is no reason to panic. we have standards that have existed since the times of the soviet union, we standardize total arsenic without dividing it into organic and inorganic, let’s say we caught some kind of fish there and conduct research on total arsenic and determine that this fish contains 5.1 mg per kilogram, that’s all, this
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fish will no longer be available to the russian consumer, although if you conduct a study on separate arsenic, organic, inorganic, it may turn out that this is organic arsenic, this 1/10th share of the excess, well, does not in any way affect the health of the population, that is , look, arsenic can be different, very true... toxic from landfills from factory waste and organic, well, it’s not that it’s not poisonous at all, but in japan and south korea, where they are more strict about the quality of fish and eat more of it, such arsenic is not regulated at all. and as a test of canned tuna in the usa showed, the dose of arsenic, especially in predatory fish, is at the top of the food chains, by the way, shaking also applies to these. unpredictable, and no matter where they swam, how clean the waters are, they are still caught with an overdose, now such a catch
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is thrown away by law-abiding russian producers, and the cost of defects is added to the price of fish whose tests are clean, so if you take brands on the one hand for the gills with outdated standards, on the other hand... to suppress demands to reduce prices, well, it will be safer for them to roll zucchini into jars, well, it ’s time to figure out the quality of chicken wings, which delight not only the receptors on the tongue, but also the skin, hair, nails, namely wings, collagen record holders, so that eating them can be equated to anti-aging therapy, the main thing is that... nicantibiotic due to the fact that chickens protect against bird flu, pumped up on farms with pharmaceuticals, is there medical poison in the wings from russian
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counters? let's find out from the example of these brands: ashen golden bird, our bird, chickens, pavlovskaya chicken, every day, latifa, which wings are dangerous, and the quality of which packaging is inspiring, one sick chicken can infect and mow down all the birds. the entire flock, so at the slightest symptom of illness, even in one chicken, absolutely all birds on the farm are treated with antibiotics. by the way, birds gain weight better on antimicrobial drugs, so it doesn’t hurt to check if there are any medications in the wings, not even grains or medicinal chemicals in the packs, it’s great how fresh the wings were packaged, yes,
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chicken every day. it seems to be rotten, either it was packaged on the verge of expired, or it was stored in a steam room and transported in the heat. chicken pavlova chicken is also not ideal freshness. and it’s not at all surprising that the chicken wings of these brands feast on e. coli, they are swarming in auchan, golden bird, our bird, chicken packages. the bacterium group escherichia coli is such a fairly extensive micro group. microorganisms appear in products if the sanitary and hygienic regimes at the enterprise are not observed, the wings are infected with microbes every day, which are even more dangerous, so now i ’ll give you a hint about what our consumer supervision has dug up from my team, then we’ll continue the commercial break for a couple of minutes, not
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switch. is it possible to hatch chickens from store-bought eggs, how many parts are chicken wings divided into, how much money can knowledge about this bring, maybe i’ll give you the money right away, and we’ll go, furniture made of synthetic rattan, comfortable, durable, beautiful, but evaporates caustic toxins, like they make it, the manufacturers do not indicate such information on the packaging, of course they don’t indicate which brands are made from...
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mayer is retired to everyone, it’s clear, that’s all, that’s all, some shadow player is trying to show that he is the owner of the city, he can eliminate anyone, even in front of the police, it’s a challenge for us, and we have to answer it, let’s follow it, dolphin, new season, i’ll blow myself up, that’s right there, tomorrow. i promise to accept everything in you, even the ransom amount, to go to the pick-up point, even if it’s not on my way, to be there and try on the choice until the return separates us, hello, take it, yes, tell me, the most important thing, yes to summer discounts , on sale at wildbries, you will recognize its taste. a taste that
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you recognize from a thousand, we learned that the phone works even with zero, with zero account, with beeline you are safe even with zero account, calls, instant messengers and kats work, connect support at zero in the belay application, beline is the safest operator, dazzling white friday, discounts up to 50%, narrow peko washing machine for only 22,999 video eldorado, chief expert in white appliances, first like , first friend, first life, first trend, first track, first test, stories, videos, music, feed, vkontakte
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first for 85 million and there is always something more, if you are, be the first, the first, whoever no matter who you are, fuel unlocks its potential. and those who strive be the first, tested in racing conditions, g-drive, be the first, the czech city of zadec is famous for its good rest on the square of three mugs, enjoy beer, žatec goose, non-alcoholic, register codes and collect your collection of mugs to have a good rest, žatec goose non-alcoholic, collect a good mug, mamatrin not only reduces allergy symptoms, but affects its mechanism...
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in any environment, comprehensive care, shampoos, masks, balms, everything for the shine of your hair, with discounts at valtberes, for on the verge of a new season with timur eremeev, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv, in ordinary sneakers , feet sweat, by the end of the day they get tired and swell, women's sneakers without any problems sportshik, ideal shoes for the warm season, light, breathable, cozy like your favorite slippers, soft eco-leather , mesh inserts, comfortable lacing, ideal fit even for problem feet, soft insole and shock-absorbing sole reduce the impact on the joints, choose your size from
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thirty-six to forty-two and color, black, white, beige, red or grey-blue, call to order sports sneakers without heels for 1,900. but call us right now, it will cost you only 1.49 rubles. leamax purchases with a plus. call or order on our website dolphin. new season. tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. hi all. to announce that the unique travel show the fellow traveler is returning with a new, exciting season, so i am announcing a nationwide casting from may 17 to june 17, send your applications to, the show the fellow traveler is calling
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the shots, see you, e. coli feast in chicken wings of five out of six brands, and meat from the brand every day is also contaminated with salmonella, such products should be available... they are fresh and safe, that’s all, and the best part is that our consumer surveillance is not only important up-to-date information , which helps save the family budget and choose quality goods and services. those who apply this knowledge can earn extra money. can i ask you a question, i would like to, would like to, my name is oleg, and my last name is solntsev, i
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host the most popular tv channel ntv program about the quality of goods and services, in this store we are filming one of the sections of my program, in which we allow you to recapture all the purchases you have made. do you agree, what is your name? sergey, oleg, and you oksana, oksana, let's play, let's play, super, let's play, you choose an item from your basket that you are ready to say goodbye to if you lose, but in the first round we will multiply its cost, for example, by five, in the second by 10, this will determine the jackpot that you can earn, okay, take your pick, wine, of course, oh my god, you played trump card right here. well, yes, but look at the receipt, how much it costs, inexpensive, 699, 99, 700 rubles, we multiply by five, yeah, 3,500 is at stake and the first question for you is how many parts are
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chicken wings divided into three or four, three, that's right, please, the wine is yours, the money is yours, place the next item. please, take the wine again, well, let’s ask for something, what happened to you, why was it your birthday, well, that’s why? maybe i’ll give you some money right away and we’ll go, yes, yes, yes, yes, happy birthday everyone, no, well you are being marked as the birthday boy, yes, of course, help yourself, studio glasses, so how much does it cost, 1.342, multiply by 10, is it possible to hatch chicks from chicken eggs that you buy in a store, yes or? no, i have to put this warmth right away, there is no
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embryo in these eggs, somewhere i even met an embryo, never, not once, sergey, what are your thoughts, the idea is that no, because after all, i am in the first place , i’ve never seen an embryo - but in an egg in such a store, no, i think it’s impossible, there’s still a different process there, i although i’m not very sure, but i think that no, you are united in your opinion, yes, no, well, you are shameless, well, happy birthday, fantastic, how... so where are the bubbles we have bubbles so this is about this this weapon this this is a weapon and a soap weapon 260 rubles 260 rubles we multiply this price tag by 15 everyone read the ryabana chicken, yes, this ryaba hen that we all read in 1856 was written by konstantin dmitrievich ushinsky and he took a russian folk tale as a basis. folklore, and he changed a lot of things there,
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this fairy tale was called, it’s not a chicken at all ryaba, was it called the broken egg or the golden egg? i know about the mythology there, so, that is, there was some kind of story there, that well, it was about chicken rituals and there, that is , it was about broken forever, it seems to me, broken, that’s right, congratulations, great, choose the fourth product about chicken. question, let’s have some chicken, we have chicken here, this is a chilled drumstick, a kilo, how much does it cost? 317 rub. we multiply 317 rubles by 20, chickens, as we found out, already lay eggs without cockerels, yes, but they only do it pitch darkness, or do they... do this only when it’s light, i remember my
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village there, yes, that’s what we find eggs during the day, come on, it seems to me that there’s still light there, so i just remember that i’m there was no egg, grandma goes like this, here you are, an asshole, where did you climb, he says, on a chicken, and right now she climbed on and laid eggs right during the day, they definitely graze during the day, well, what are they doing there, damn it, this is the correct answer, what? chicken, well then let's have another zero, zero beer, he knows, let's have a beer, so, beer non-alcoholic, how much does it cost, 100 rubles. 100 rub. 100 rub. we multiply by 25, the last question, this is for you, uh-huh, thank you, this is for you, excuse me, but why? here is a good product, now take a good look at these two products and return them. not the one that is more expensive,
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that’s the whole question, it can’t cost 400 rubles, but it’s 400 somewhere, you remember approximately how much it costs, they were already buying some 370, maybe 360, like about 370, 360, i don’t know, this, this is about 200, 250 to 300, well, this is the most, this is not the most dear, in my opinion, there is, i don’t know, about 250, well, give me back what is for sure, well, meat, well, it’s more expensive, meat is healthier, it’s more expensive, i don’t know, this is more expensive, yes, we think yes, okay, chicken wing, 420, 421 rubles, chicken wing, so i found the price of toilet paper, 515 rubles, it’s amazing, it’s gone up in price, chicken meat is still there. a very affordable product, although it has become much more expensive, here is toilet
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paper, especially in recent years at a high price, this is for myself, this is also for me, but everything worked out well for you, weather forecasters promise this year in russia we have real tropics, the air is about... rattan, you can’t make jam from it, you can weave furniture, beds, chairs, from it, but it’s very expensive, although rattan can be natural, which is delivered from the other end light, and sometimes synthetic, which costs
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one and a half times less, and looks the same and is even more environmentally friendly, the manufacturers insist, not a single one... the wood was damaged, and such furniture does not mold, which is tempting, but do they evaporate? such sun loungers standing in the sun, toxic poisons, there is such a drawback some types of plastic, how much more durable is furniture made from artificial liandas, will it flatten like a plastic bottle from temperature changes, how long does it take , oh, what a stink, ugh, oh, weave, such a chair, and oh, and that, and a whole sofa, come on let's find out how it's done. but wicker furniture
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in itself is somehow associated with relaxation, there is also an overseas name - ratank, and it’s true that in our country these exotic vines don’t grow at all, which means that furniture made from them should hardly be a commodity in short supply in terms of cost so much differ from trips to those very distant lands, but it is not surprising that in russia they imported it with willow, it turned out to be not very reliable, and it doesn’t look like it, so they invented this... oh, ratan substitute, this material is called ecrotank, in contrast to natural rattan, it will last tens of times longer. eco-rattan can stand outdoors
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for years; it does not need to be stored in a specially designated room in winter; it can withstand temperatures from +70 to -120°. on lunch containers, disposable tableware, bottles, there is a special marking in the form triangle with a number, this indicates the type of plastic. the first is ordinary polyethylene, from which bags are made, and the sixth is used for children's toys. for wicker furniture , high-density polyethylene or its more modern analogue, linear polyethylene, is suitable. this one is hiding. with the number seven on the marking and it does not become brittle in the cold or heat, does not absorb moisture, is pliable, and most importantly, does not emit toxins. polyethylene is brought to the plant in the form of translucent granules, they are mixed with colored dye balls and driven through extrusion installation. the mixture melts as it cools and is pressed through the mold, a long
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plastic vine comes out, from which it remains to weave a pot or sofa. when making ecoratan, we use additives in the form of ultraviolet and antistatic, and if we do not add ultraviolet to nasharatan, then after some time it will begin to lose its color, it’s like sunscreen for our skin, if we do not add antistatic to the ecoratan, then at a minimum we will get discomfort when using furniture in the form of static tension. and here's more one advantage of ecoratan is that you can float it out in any form, be it a line, a gold ribbon, or even a rope, in
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general, for every taste, color and size, then wind it what you want. but if you save on dyes, the material will quickly fade, scuffs, stains will appear, oh, so it’s important to make sure that the tank is painted not only on the outside, but on the inside, but the manufacturers of course don’t indicate such information on the packaging, so to speak, they hide the ends, and literally, you can see everything from the cracks, it seems like i’m ours... well, why, hey, well ok, i won't show anything to anyone, yeah. how can you not shut me up so easily? the cut end should be painted evenly like this, but
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it shouldn’t be like that. the frame is responsible for the strength of the structure, and it is, of course, no longer made of plastic, but of metal. all this is laid down at the design level. the average load is about 130 kg per person, that is... per one seat, if you take, say, a hanging chair, yes, and a certain number of profiles on which the pillow rests, that is, if there is less profiles, the rigidity of the frame will be correspondingly less, by the way, many save money and make frames from steel, but what is cheap, durable, but it turns out to be inconvenient, the garden furniture turns out to be unliftable. eh, it’s good that these were welded from light aluminum, otherwise i wouldn’t have gotten out of here right away. and so that
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these light frames can withstand the weight of a person, they are made from pipes like these with thick walls from one and a half to 4 mm. the parts are bent, given the desired shape, and then they are all assembled together as if... and then special fasteners are welded to them, on which will be wound on ratank.
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and here is the reason for the rather high cost of this rattan furniture. this is the last very necessary pause, because at the end the most important, unexpected thing, in order to assimilate this, you need a break, to warm up, to think about it, that’s what i’ll tell you after the commercial. this gives it away as short-lived. furniture from ratan, how to choose upholstery for outdoor sofas and chairs that will not fade or tear over many years, does not fade, does not get wet, and does not even get particularly dirty, feels like cotton. what brands make the desired fillings from vegetable fats, as if he had taken a piece of fat and chewed it all. they found drugs in the ice cream that even scott was prohibited from putting on him, which ice cream passed all the tests. king of the stage philip. kirkorov. i’m still a troubadour of love, but being a modern person, i really love, um, surrounding myself with young, talented
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artists. a great artist about his losses. today, such a time is not very rewarding for an artist who is very visible. and using my example they show what to do and what not to do. beloved children. your own life they must arrange, no, so to speak, bib. 10 days until spring on june 12, all day on ntv we learned that the phone works even with zero, with zero account. with beeline you are safe even with a zero account, calls, instant messengers and calls work, connect support with zero in the beline application - the safest
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by hand, because there are more than a dozen different weaving patterns and not one. the machine cannot remember them all. natalya, how long did it take you to remember all these weaving patterns? about two months. i trained for this. looks like a kindergarten craft. up, down, up. no, well, it's not that complicated. can i try. yes, of course, please. this one of our stands goes up, which means the next one goes down. that is, right here stuffed. standard weaving, it is not that complicated. we have a more complex one, this is a tubular tank. and a rattan made of rope, now it’s the other way around, if we have the top here, then we have the bottom here, yeah, yes, i’m practically a pro, very slow, but a pro, and how long does it usually take to, for example, have a chaise like this, completely, well , 16 hours of work, you want to try, not
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that much, to be honest. the canvas should be the same color, without such sharp transitions, it will be intertwined, like here they missed a post on the armrest, but it’s ugly, loops form, and the longer the loop is in the sun, it will warm up and with a lifting meter, it will be visible, that’s all. but move at all, if there is a bad tension, it will all spread out, all this will be visible, by the way, it is a myth that only garden furniture can be made from rattan, in fact , you can make anything you want, a bed, a chair, a table, a chest of drawers , look, you can even make a cart, but you’ll get such
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a vandal-proof room, it’s very... relevant for me, but it’s a shame, it’s a shame, for me, that’s it, that’s it, here, the table and its tabletop are made of a new modern material, this is an ashvel panel, it is not afraid of any influences, be it the environment and any mechanical influences, for example, we can take our cutlery in the form of a fork, scratch it and we can to see that there are no traces left. would you like me to show you a trick, magic? okay, usually magicians don’t reveal their secrets, but so be it, i’ll share. the fact is that this is alefing, a special synthetic material from which high-quality cushions for garden chairs,
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swings, chaise lounges, do not fade, do not get wet and do not even get particularly dirty, they feel like cotton. all that remains is to put everything together, put the caps on the legs and you’re done, and now you know how not to get into trouble when choosing ekaratang furniture, ahead is the truth about the production of other popular products that are sometimes hidden from us, but knowing which one is easier to choose is of high quality. and now it’s time to return to the topic of the summer hit, ice cream. we have already found out that in russia they have tried it and are increasingly buying it like this called soft ice cream. that is, if in
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production the ice cream that comes out of the freezer is then immediately frozen, and it turns out to be hard ice cream, but here the ice cream after the freezer remains soft. but not all ice cream makers monitor the cleanliness of freezers, because they are sanitary. the rules for the equipment that prepares such desserts have not yet been prescribed, while the temperature of such a delicacy is only -4°, in such a space as at a resort, e. coli, salmonella, deadly listeria and even worms feel, however, in glasses of factory-made ice cream frozen to deep minus eighteen , harmful things can lurk. too, in these cups it’s clean, but there’s just not enough milk, replacing it with cheaper whey is a common thing , alas, in factories where
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leningrad ice cream is prepared, as before, filevskaya, vkuslandia, lyafamvarenka, they save even more cynically, the cream is poured somewhere, instead, they mix in vegetable oil, the cost of such ice cream is calculated by the confectioner... almost two times cheaper than honest milk ice cream, the third ice cream we got was 10 rubles for 100 g after taste from vegetable fat, as if he had taken a piece of fat and chewed it all. they clog the plant taste with flavorings, for example, a substance with the sonorous name scotol. scotol is used to give products in which animal fats have been replaced by vegetable fats a pleasant aroma, reminiscent of... excrement is translated from greek,
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extracted by extraction from real fecaria. however, this was the case in the last century, now the additive for ice cream is still not extracted from box stores, it is artificially synthesized in laboratories, and although this biography is... dirty, it is safe for health, and it simply helps to imitate ice cream and sell more fakes of natural ice cream. but the antibiotic linkamycin, which experts found in the filling of alpin gold ice cream, should not be taken again. used for various injuries, respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections. and this drug. it is forbidden to treat adult cows, because linkamycin not only destroys the stomach of ruminants, but also lingers in the milk for many weeks,
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but of course, all this does not mean that ice cream stalls should be avoided with caution; they have passed all the tests flawlessly, for example, a delicacy from the clean line brands, a cow made from koronovka, a saint... monarch, the gold standard, they use them for themselves and their children you can cheer, our team guarantees consumer supervision, and on weekdays, from monday to friday, watch the most... important, bright and useful investigations, our consumer supervision on the air of the morning program, the best, don’t miss it, any story in the life of every person begins with the word one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day, one day television. a magazine of stories about
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famous people and significant events of the country and the world. i'm sergey mayorov, hello! today the hero of the project is once people's artist of the country philip kirkorov. we are going to his large country house, a relative countryside. although philip’s estate is officially located in the moscow region, it is located 20 km from the kremlin. on the banks of the moscow river with a beautiful view of the capital. interest in philip kirkorov is almost always turbulent. from his first appearance on stage and television screens, the attention of hundreds of millions of people stuck to him like a bath leaf to a famous place. yes, he is incredibly bright, provocative, posh, at times not restrained, very exhausted, but talented, of course. otherwise. and he would not have remained on
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his throne as the king of russian pop music for so long, i note that there were no holy stars in show business and there never will be, these are the rules and features of existence in this global industry. elvis presley, frank sentra, delida, joseph kabzon, michael jackson, george michael, valery leontiev, whitney houston, cher, alla pugacheva, tina turner, elton john and many others did such things that compared to them kirkorov is almost... like a dandelion, judging by his new hair color. that’s why i want to fill the millions of citizens who are especially attentive to philip kirkorov with the fact that, first of all, he is a great artist of a big country. and no one in our country in the entire post-soviet space has such a huge number of hits, tours, solo shows, awards and titles. with all this, admiration for kirkorov’s colleagues is a fact. why is there so much
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talk about you being obnoxious and aggressive? character. i know you as a very kind, attentive and generous person. you always helped many people, paid for operations, supported them financially. i believe that if you do any good deeds, charitable or otherwise, you should do them quietly. although today's times show that probably not, we must lead by example. this is immodest for me, i have shown a lot over the years how to help people, but after doing such actions and charitable events of some trips, this is just for people helped, well, people just, well, i think it’s necessary to keep things quiet, look how good i am, these people are not stars, but the most ordinary people, yes, yes, for the new year we went to see one boy who couldn’t move, he had a dream to meet philip, i...


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