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tv   Zvezdi soshlis  NTV  June 9, 2024 11:45pm-1:21am MSK

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the illness of a wonderful nanny, the diagnosis of glioblastoma - the most aggressive form of brain cancer - was diagnosed to the actress a few months after the birth of the baby, but it was for the sake of the children and her beloved husband that anastasia zavorotnyuk bravely fought for every moment of her life for 5 years. i am sure that she is there in heaven, she will be proud of both peter and mila and all her children. the funeral service was held for anastasia zavorotnyuk in pokrovs. the actress’s family didn’t choose this place by chance; the beautiful nanny came here as soon as she learned about her fatal diagnosis, ask for help from the blessed matron of moscow. lolita, edgard zapashny, grigory leps, roman kostamarov with oksana domnina, tatyana tarasova, ilya verbukh came to say their last goodbyes to the beautiful actress. they, like the whole country , learned information about the disease from wonderful nannies in fits and starts. her main role is this. universal love, a very
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open person, he was such a person, i remember her that way. the grief-stricken husband of the actress, pyotr chernashov , did not leave the snow-white coffin a single step at the funeral ceremony, silently walked behind the hearse, holding on with his last strength. troekurovsky cemetery, where the actress was buried, only before getting into the car, i decided to say a few words. your love, it always gave. denis, you came to say goodbye to nastya, after so many years of illness, was it possible to recognize that same wonderful nanny in her? i think that any illness, and especially such a serious one, of course, it changes a person, but next to petya and next to her loved ones, she continued to be a queen, because since petya appreciated and loved her, petya is an amazing person. i was also lucky to have them together
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to work on a project, when we were skating, we joked about how nastya always defended our couple when we were skating, she’s a classmate, that you were the one who lowered his grades, and i saw how petya looked after her, how they were at each other looked, this is exactly what remains in my memory. years ago, through whom did you find out about nastya’s health? when this all happened, i found out from the press, and then me and my classmates, we wrote words of support and were ready to do something, if we needed to help do something, probably, of course, this love was there, i i can imagine how many gifts she received, how many people came to her, wrote to her, and so on, but a deep bow to the press, to the journalists who did not get involved in this... story, you let people live
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these years the way they wanted, as they they wanted to, well, get treatment, that is, without resorting to this general public scrutiny, well , the position of the family is also important here, do you think that it was right, to isolate yourself from everyone, definitely, definitely to isolate yourself from everyone and not show or cause a stir around it, fortunately her family managed to do it, you think
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how bad she is, how sorry she is, by the way, a sick person is completely uninterested in the opinions of healthy people, i can just imagine, just when my sister passed away in my arms, not from cancer, but from the amount of medications, of course, a person changes to such an extent, because the disease really disfigures a person, i remember my sister was in bed 4 days before leaving, she raises her hand like that, and you know from her medicine. the skin is dried, simply dried, hanging, because the person does not eat, loses weight, she raises her hand and says: lena, how scary i am, my god, look at my hand, i say, natasha, yes, yes, just medicine, now we’ll stop the medicine, everything will be fine, i just remember from my sister, she didn’t want to to see no one at all, just imagine , no one except relatives who understand and support, that’s it, you don’t want them to come to the hospital, you don’t want them to write to you, well, look, people are divided into
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introverts and extroverts, but an introvert needs to hide in a corner so that they don’t see him, don’t touch him, don’t eat him, don’t take him away energy. did the sympathy and support of your fans help you? well, yes, here i agree that there really are people who need to close themselves, and i understand that there is also, as you said, body deformation and so on, not every artist
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wants to show his weakness, not every artist and it turns out that in his old age he wants to go on stage, when everyone remembers him as young, handsome and so on, i had to, well, first of all, tell him, because i was very afraid that the journalists they will get to the bottom of it and distort everything, they will only intimidate my fans, first of all my family, so i decided to tell everyone what was really going on, and the support that was provided from the outside, and i understand that family is close is always positive, so hear some words of support from absolutely. people you know, but it helped you, yes, of course, this is worth a lot. cornelia, do you think it was worth the relatives, well, at least from time to time , to make some statements, to somehow inform the fans, because this there’s an information vacuum, it seems to me that it gives rise to rumors, well, they said, after all, they conveyed some kind of news to us, that is, we
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found out that she actually fell ill with this disease, so i think that some the news that she allowed, she gave, but the fact that they closed, perhaps it was good, because... she was so cheerful, positive in life, just great and there is no such thing that she got sick or something it happened there, she died, everything is still in my head, she’s alive, she’s healthy, so full of health, she was very cool, kind, when we talked with her, of course, every time it was such pleasant moments of communication, she is from my hometown from astrakhan, we are from the same city, i remember how i didn’t even then she was famous, but she already sang, and they kept telling me, mother zavorotnyuk works in our youth theater, you know, that is, every time they do this like this as an example, it was always very cool, she anastasia was always a little closed and i i don't remember her talking openly about her relationships, that is, there we just learned
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from the press, yes, that they found out something, that she allowed, so it’s normal that they kept their little world, ilya, but it seems right to you that they closed themselves off from... of course well, every artist, he wants to look good, excellent, the way he ’s used to, uh, stars don’t age, yes, stars don’t get fatter, i think that personal, personal life is when there are no extra ones, but i think what the family did absolutely right, in this case, i think it was the family that did it not without the words of anastasia, it was. her decision, i’m more than sure, how zhanna frisky and yulia nachalova worried about their appearance during illnesses, their loved ones confess in a couple of minutes, we’re going to tolu normally,
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or some, i don’t know, there was a visitor, an employee, a person, a journalist, going to the second floor, having found out that this is where the intensive care unit is located, at
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this time the ruso performs an operation, takes the bullet out of his leg, he goes up to the second floor, and near the intensive care unit he faints , so that they can lift him up, so that he gets to where he needs to take a photo , this is what i personally, for example, experienced and experienced, then i know that a few days later they rented an apartment opposite, they rented very stubbornly and intensively everything that...
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lyuba is there, and it’s terrible, what seryozha told me, tsigal, then what alyosha told me, what happened, this disgraceful, but i was, of course, interested in how they worked together, can you imagine, what a tragedy, yes, they were even similar in appearance, one was good at her age, the second was good at hers, and lyuba, knowing what she was like can cut the womb with such truth, she never said anything bad to nastya, not even that it’s bad, she says: you know, we even found some one like that, what are you talking about, and i’m like this, yes, some like, we lived in the same world, we practically didn’t know each other, this is what masha said, this is disgraceful, but still, one photo was leaked, from a fine, yes, yes, we are talking about a photo from a road surveillance camera that records speeding, there pyotr
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chernyshov was driving, as far as i understand, nastya was sitting next to her and the photo, photo. well, but someone leaked this obviously for money, but you see, this photograph, it still doesn’t obscure her appearance, well, yes, the person is sick, but for us it will still remain for us this torch, this flower, but of course, this is a dirty trick, because there is a concept of medical secrecy, you never know what happens to a person behind closed medical doors, anya, how much effort did the family and immediate circle spend to hide nastya? a lot, well, i remember the first moments when all this just happened, and her director, she so sincerely sobbed into the phone, she was so sincerely worried about this news from the cat, when they found out about it, when quite close people asked her, at least something... then, even the slightest information, she did not give it in
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principle, well done, for a very long time it was completely hidden, it was completely classified, here's a block to put in. for quite a long time they did not allow information that yulia was not feeling well and that she had some obvious external changes, i categorically removed all photographs of her hands in gloves from the media, i followed this, there was such an agreement, but yulia she was so sincere, so open that when a journalist asked her a question to her face, she
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could easily tell about everything that was happening in her life, about what hurt her, about how she was being treated, and so on. asked me to post a post about her leaving, famous post, about which everyone says that she went to rome, yes, at that moment she was in the hospital, and then i began to persistently call her and say: “yulia, the situation is getting out of control, they call me every second, i i’m holding it all back as best i can, but nevertheless, something needs to be said, because all this is becoming overgrown with nonsense, there’s a lot of gossip, i’ll give
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information to some major agency once a day in the morning news". i decided so for myself at that moment, and i will give it dosed, exactly what i consider possible and necessary, well, of course, very deliberately, but one way or another i varied and said what could be said. vladimir, in the case of zhanna frizka, were you unable to protect her completely? with us , everything was a little different, until the moment when zhana was taken to this, to new york, no one could help but photograph anything. some people knew there, because the car was on duty at the neighbors’ place all the time, so the neighbor there was paid first 5,000, then 700 a day, then my daughter started driving them there and until... until this well-known well-known photograph appeared from the airport, yes from the airport, we drove off, the car drove into the yard, it was loaded
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and we went to this one, that is, you still don’t understand how this photo leaked, but the inner circle is very, of course, the inner circle, who else, i arrived at the airport, that’s it, she says: daddy, you go, i’m already on the plane, i just left, i don’t even get to shchelkovsky yet, that’s why.. . kadu and they call me, why didn’t you tell us that this is where zhana comes from? where did you get it from, she says, look, look at this, what’s his name, well, the internet, i quickly turned on, looked at the photos, i was shocked, then she didn’t hide it anymore, she talked to the media, but she was always very worried when they wrote nasty things , but she didn’t try to talk to people, she always looked forward to telephone calls, phones from friends.
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because he took care of her, and i know it was hard for him, but he was able, he was able to do it all, not only he, i think the whole family, it’s impossible to hide everything, but they managed to do it, with from the very beginning i somehow i was interested in this topic about nastya, because they have one... and somehow zhannochka introduced me to her personally and nastya is a person who, well, just deserves it
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, deserves not to be talked about, i know that what they were doing, just now they were telling us how they were filming them from the roof this year, we had it all, everything was there, even when zhana died, the morgue offered uh a million to film her naked, what? what to film naked, yes, it’s horror in the morgue, but there was a man who worked there, who studied with my youngest daughter, listen, well, this is in general, this is first they offered 5000, then they offered a million, well , they were great, they didn’t refuse, sasha, how did your mother feel about the fact that her illnesses were found out, well, first of all, i want to say that we, too, were faced with dishonest behavior , yes...
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that’s on this occasion, i also want to say that literally in the twenties of january, it was leaked to the press and they even filmed some kind of program about it, and after that, i don’t know if we did the right thing, that we didn’t immediately announce it, i'll explain why, because after a huge amount i found out from people that she was sick, i also received valuable recommendations, valuable... you and very good doctors came to us, so, but it was literally 5 days before she left. your mother was an incredible beauty, how did she feel about changes
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in appearance? the fact is that in 3 months she literally burned out, yes, she really lost about 11 kg, but she had such a beautiful face, in fact, she was simply incredible, she, she looked like she was just very young, very beautiful, she was at all it seems to me that the ideal of beauty was really true, she was very beautiful , and we naturally had to shave her hair, but she was like this, she’s not fertile, she ’s just like this, really.
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so that she wouldn’t show me her photographs , and one day she accidentally showed me and i somehow don’t know how i am, she says, i told you, i hear, she says, i told you, don’t show him because i was scared myself, well, imagine how i whisper said to her a wineskin with this a wineskin with this and these were the consequences of hormonal therapy yes yes this there were hormonal consequences.
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she was offered an injection right away, she immediately fell asleep, as they call it, artificial ventilation in a coma, that’s all, and then there was no further dialogue with her, and then why didn’t her family change it, my dad tells me, i probably should have insisted, i should have to do this, of course, either they didn’t dare, or something, or they didn’t fully understand the situation. she certainly thought, she always thought first of all, but nevertheless, here are the hands, why did we have a lot of different gloves, they began to hide the hands when it was already it’s clear that shishkina is on the knuckles on her hands, she had gout near agra, of course, yes, but there was a bouquet there, yulia had a bouquet. everything
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different, diverse, the autoimmune system is strong. now doctors are saying, by the way, that i have heard the opinion that this is just as scary as oncology, autoimmune disease, that it is the same scourge, they still can’t cope, they still don’t fully understand how to treat it, when this together with something else, then they don’t understand at all what to do. christina, you defeated oncology, what did your diagnosis sound like? breast cancer. glands, i discovered a small lump, so i began to undergo examination, examination after examination, examination after examination, nothing was found until we did an oppsy, then this analysis showed at what stage this disease was discovered, i don’t know some details, they basically didn’t voice it to me so that i wouldn’t overthink it, such
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a situation that i have... of course, as an actress, i have a very flexible psyche, the doctors realized this very quickly, and he, they realized that with it’s better for me not to make any clear diagnoses, you know, because, in principle , a lot depends on our faith and our brain, it can lead you in one direction or the other, how much chemotherapy have you undergone? and six or eight, i also don’t remember how hard it was to bear them? it’s very, very hard, incredibly hard. here, but thank god, everything went away, you look great, thank you, now you are in remission, the fact is that this is such a story, you need to constantly keep everything under control, and not only for me, in principle for everyone people, because, as doctors say, a disease that is detected at an early stage has every chance of successful treatment, did your disease return or not, yes, i had a relapse, after 5 years, christina, when... they
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discovered , how many years have passed? oh, 10, more than ten, more than ten, and after 5 years it came back, and you again, again chemistry, yes, yeah, you didn’t give up, that’s when... the disease comes back again, well, of course you gave up, because psychologically it’s hard, but i know, i figured it out for myself that when some negative events happen in my life, i begin to look at them as if i were the heroine of some film, and this film will someday end, when it ends, i close this picture, i close this book, i yes i don’t come back anymore, i don’t like to dwell on these topics, talk, remember, that is, i...
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len, you met nastya on the set, you saw nastya, one could suspect that she had something there somewhere... it hurts, something, something is not right, on the series here. in which denis and i starred, i i come, you know, as usual to the set, the acting assistant, bring the script for today, well, for today, a selection, yes, for today, and they give it to me, i always say, listen, please print it, some sixteenth, in eighteenth font, well , because i can’t see anything at all anymore, suddenly a paper falls out of this folder, with text in such huge letters, huge letters, i say, who is this for? he says, this is nastya zavorotnyuk, he says, what are you talking about, this is, in general, you just have to not see anything, and we, of course, are with nastya between scenes, this, i say, nastya, what are you talking about, my eyesight is generally deteriorating catastrophically, she
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says, and for me, i don’t see anything, well, it ’s just real, you know what letters, here which in when this table, the table for ophthalmologists, the highest letters, well, that is , one sentence, almost one sentence per sheet. your eyesight has fallen, yes, you all know very well that if you have some kind of vision problem, even if you go to the ophthalmologist, atypical, everyone tells you that you need do an mri of the brain in order to rule out some kind of tumor that puts pressure on the optic nerves, as a result of which a person loses vision, that’s when i remembered, i think, wow, how can this be, well, even i started - when i they put me in intensive care with diabetes mellitus, when i still didn’t know that i, you know, i was blind, because, that is, my first sign was this first sign that was, i became completely blind and came as an ulist, i say, you know, i see so poorly, and he says: baby, do you have diabetes, but in general
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even, that is, you have retinal swelling due to high sugar, that is, i was immediately admitted to intensive care, and of course i would like to say right away, think, if you have these signs, you are very thirsty. for examination, medical examination, medical examination, yes, 60 years old, that means, so we went, in short, they found a polyp on my wife, immediately removed it, then they began to examine it, they said, well , if it weren’t removed now, then in 2-3 years it could be reborn very seriously,
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something serious, i won’t be around for years, you rightly said that prevention is our everything, as it were, and even more so mri, yes, this is important anya, and if we return to nastya. in front of you, nastya also felt bad, as then it didn’t seem to anyone that this was an illustrative case, in fact it was so, and this was our couple of the year award, which was the final one for nastya and peter as presenters, and of course no one suspected it, that is, it’s february 1919, and we’re sitting in advance and reading the script, great mood, nastya looks brilliant, beautiful, you can’t take your eyes off. i remember the details of the dress, everything i remember, we joke, everything, but she constantly complains that her head hurts, so she constantly says, how my head hurts, how my head hurts, and well, naturally our first reaction, we are not doctors, nothing, we are sitting the script we read, we say, give 50
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g of brandy, well, now the vessels will dilate, everything will be okay, we pour it, drink it, it becomes easier, some time passes, she again complains that she has a headache, in general, for this evening, while they were giving this prize, but three times we of course gave 50 g of cognac, it was easier, but it was such a memorable moment, we all somehow then began to analyze it, we then began to remember it. after that she managed to go to armenia, that’s what she talks about in many of her blogs, there are czechs, onfe, this was just the decision, after our awards they asked someone from two stars to send there for the opening of some kind of jewelry boutique or exhibition opened, she manages to go to armenia, there she feels even more or less comfortable, when she returned, after that she felt so bad that they went for an mri, you see, it turns out interesting, an artist is such a profession that you can’t find one yet.
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and knowing myself, i wouldn’t mind going on tour, filming, and so on, that is, you had nothing at all, well, as far as i know and i think that the doctor will confirm that oncology manifests itself when you already begin to feel it, already it's late, i'm listening to all our guests now. in such wild horror, i begin to understand that stars are the same ordinary people, and no matter how much money, with what kind of connections, and in the face of such an infection we are just as powerless, it’s very scary, you understand that nothing will help except a miracle and dispensary, how anastasia zavorotnyuk was treated and whether the experimental vaccine could have saved the actress, we’ll find out in a couple of minutes. do you want to participate in cool
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tournaments yourself? betting league application. compete with other players. complete daily tasks and get prizes. switch to green and get freebet 2222 from the betting league. the mother of two children went with her eldest daughter to the clinic and asked a friend to look after her younger. i wrote to her how things were going there. she says: everything is fine. that is, she kept you informed. and when i returned home, i didn’t find either my daughter or my friend. i just cried, that is, you immediately thought about the worst, i know that i’m to blame, the search for the girl lasted 14 hours, the girl was found in the trash, who stole someone else’s child, why , she planned it in advance, she lost the child on december 6, nature, well, why are you leaving the child? i had to pick her up from kindergarten with the older child, i would like to take this girl for myself, i think that i have more worthy conditions for raising this girl, do you think these parents deserve to be deprived of parental rights and
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give the girl to you? absolutely true, i will never give it to you in my life, a normal mother would not abandon her child, this is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. dolphin, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. expert in treating thrush. flucostat. both answers are correct. in terms of? flucostat? vaginal suppositories. both drugs can act on the cause of thrush and alleviate its symptoms after single use. flucostat or flucovac. everyone has their own way of getting rid of thrush. enjoy the non-alcoholic žatec goose beer and build your collection of mugs for a good rest. zhotets goose is non-alcoholic. collect nice mugs. our new name is te-bank. oh, a loan bonus. i came, and it’s like, you make all the payments on time, tbank recalculates the rate when you
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orders, choose! the best deposit in collect up to 18% per annum, hurry to open it! until the end of june. dolphin, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. hello everyone, i'm timur rodriguez and i'm glad announce that the unique travel show popuchek is returning with a new, exciting season. and that’s why i’m announcing a nationwide casting from may 17 to june 17. send your applications to the following address:, show companion for. great, see you later. the stars came together to find out whether it was possible to save anastasia zavorotnyuk? let's ask the oncologist, according to what protocols did doctors from st. petersburg treat anastasia zavorotnyuk? she was
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diagnosed in russia, then anastasia was treated in germany. in this case, she was given the first stage is chemotherapy, which at first has a good effect and the tumor shrinks, after which she underwent treponation, when the surgeon sometimes carefully removes the tumor under a microscope, but the problem with these tumors is that they are located in the brain and grow into formations, which, if radical, then there is complete removal of the tumor, not so much to get there, but if you remove the entire tumor, as you want, but you always want to radically remove it, then the person will have such a low quality of life that he well, it won’t make any sense at all then. this is treatment, that is, a person will be affected by something wrong, to prolong life as much as possible, but at the same time still maintain such a quality of life that the person can walk, communicate with loved ones, enjoy life, that is, it is even possible that he loses some functions, maybe there may be some hand moving poorly, the person may hear worse, there may be
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some memory impairment, but the person can live an ordinary life and enjoy it, this is the main main point of this treatment, and secondly, it allows you to live longer. because without treatment, such patients live, in my opinion, from 3 to 6 months; before, they lived with all types of treatment, as was the case with anastasia, 40% of them live up to 2 years; in my opinion, only 5% live more than 5 years, that is this is a very aggressive tumor, completely incomparable with a diagnosis of breast cancer, when in our country this is the most common disease among people, breast cancer, and it is very well treated with glioblastoma, more than one person. installation of noise is carried out by this patient for in order to carry out decompression when
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there are disorders associated with the tumor, because the brain is a kind of limited space, when there is a tumor, it begins... to put pressure in the brain there are structures such as the ventricles, there is pressure in them, then there is a fluid there that has a certain pressure and it communicates with the spinal cord, when tumors appear in the brain, including gleoblastoma, this pressure increases in a person and there are unbearable headaches, vomiting, fainting, and just to improve the quality of life, so that a person can live, because it is impossible to live with headaches for 5 years, a year, even a month. it’s difficult to live even for a few days, so this decompression is carried out, when fluid from the ventricles through such a tube enters the abdominal cavity, that is... under the skin or i saw abroad, even from the outside, this shunt is somehow removed and this fluid gets into the abdominal cavity and the body
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takes it, as it were, itself, which by the way is why anastasia did not continue treatment in germany abroad and i returned to st. petersburg, was it cheaper or that this is an eternal dilemma, because patients are divided into those who do not trust domestic medicine and those who, on the contrary , trust it, and i kind of think. because the method of treating patients, especially cancer patients, is the same everywhere, there is an international protocol for treating patients depending on the stage, type of tumor, location, age , some hormonal status of the patient , and so on, and these protocols are common to everyone, that is, everything those operations that nastya they did it in germany, they could have done it in st. petersburg, of course, if we continue to treat anastasia, then she received chemotherapy and targeted therapy. which direction, which is at the stage of being carried out and still at the end, as i understand it, has been proposed, and there is now a new
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development, this is alternative immune therapy, and there are four types of vaccines, this vaccine can be personalized, that is, this is an individual approach to the patient to influence the tumor, the meaning of this therapy is to train one’s own immunity human to fight tumor cells. we are in direct contact with the studio by pyotr chumakov, the same person who was developing a similar vaccine for nastya zavorotnyuk. who came to you specifically for this personalized vaccine? pyotr chernyshov, my husband, contacted me; he found out that we were doing this and said that there were living anastasia’s tumor cells in st. petersburg. they were given to us and we tested these tumor cells, we still have them in the laboratory, we
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tested the sensitivity of these cells, nastya's cells to our viruses, that is, we knew how to treat her, what happened next, next, next. pyotr chernyshov said that yes, now nastya is undergoing quite successful therapy at the petrov institute of oncology with the help of this personalized vaccine. and that it seems that for now the situation is more or less under control, but that if a situation arises when everything gets out of control, they will turn to us, it was, that is, it was plan b like this, it was plan b, it was 3 years ago, since then we have not been in contact, i i just heard how she was treated in general, tell me how much this way, this plan b could help anastasia zavorotnyuk, well, i don’t think that... this is a panacea, i don’t think that in general modern medicine was capable of it now cured, but it
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was possible to prolong it, which is what happened, so she lived for 5 years, in general, this is almost a unique case when a person lives with such a disease for so long. peter, can an ordinary person turn to you for this vaccine? well, you know, we, first of all, i'll just explain, we're developing this approach, this is a very promising approach, it may be in the future... it will be one of the main approaches to oncology therapy, because now in oncology there is a dead end, the use of chemotherapy is an obvious dead end, because this effect does not affect the cause of the disease, but its manifestation , at the same time, many systems of the body suffer greatly, that is , the body is practically poisoned, and life is actually prolonged, but in general, in some cases it even occurs if it is in the early stages of treatment, but this happens rarely.
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cells in the body, and this has virtually no side effects, and these are natural mechanisms for destroying cancer cells quite effectively, but for this it is necessary to conduct clinical trials, find out the optimal modes of application, and how many years this may take approximately, from 5 to 10 years, but i hope that we have it this year... official clinical trials will begin, and i really hope that we will still speed up this approach, but nevertheless , now we are giving such drugs to patients in many cases and there are good results , but they give, as it were, such remissions, we also have 5 years there, thank you very much, for this great work that you are doing, tens of millions are on the eve, why can’t they divide it into... we’ll find out yulia’s initial investigation after a short pause . in secret from her grandmother , her granddaughter took her biomaterial for a dna test with
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her mother. does not look like relatives at all, the result shocked everyone, it turned out to be zero, when i saw the result, of course, for me it was very scary, a replacement in the maternity hospital, adoption, like a grandmother i hid it from my family for 44 long years, it was hard for me that she was not my own daughter, perhaps there was a substitution, my mother said that for the first time she saw me undressed, somewhere at home, only when she had already undressed me. 10 days until spring june 12 all day on ntv.
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ozone birthday sale, xiaomi robot vacuum cleaner for 7.999. set of knix three goats for 549, a bottle of philips aventant for 399 beyond the new season with timur eremeev tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv why? bus, no one will look for the bus, i’d rather die than come back, that’s my character, alexander nosik, i will do everything possible to avoid the assault, there is already one victim, and i know what ’s happening on the bus now, vladimir epifantsev , everyone is guilty of something, sergei ostakhov, i knew how to work, it’s easy for me it seemed that i could change something, alexander lazarev, truvy, you are to blame, because from the very beginning you do not consider us as people, but we are the same people. well , they took us to a trial, but what do you think, they wanted to sort it out, oh, oh, let’s arrange a trial, it’s somehow dishonest, the trial is on thursday friday at 20:00 on ntv. the stars came together to talk about
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those who burned brightly but went out early. vladimir, in the case of zhanna, were you offered personalized vaccines? yes, the very first time she started to... recover, it was thanks to olya orlova, god bless her, of course, uh, her, when this photograph was taken, they were just taking her to new york, in new york there was some kind of symposium from these oncologists, and this doctor looked at zhanya’s tests, said, he says, i’m taking her with themselves, literally a day later they flew him to los angeles on a private plane, and he began giving, that is, injections, injections cost, as i remember now, $1,600. one injection every 20 days, she was given, in my opinion, before july, or they gave her these injections, she immediately began to improve, i looked at this brain, here is a photograph,
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the tumor began to disintegrate, well, in parts there, otherwise it was usually so large, it was a little larger than a chicken egg, there were already small foci, it had already begun, if you remember, it had already begun to walk, it had begun to communicate, it had already begun to do the splits there, causing everything i was already preparing these for myself. by the way, i just have a question on this topic, why it was slowed down, what the doctors said, and he said 6 months, then a break and after six, after 8 months, repeat again, i told this su, well, this comrade , i say, you need it, here it is, you don’t need anything, i have a new doctor, who is in this same place, i met in los angeles, he is a new medicine, but we listened to him, he and zhana went there, this medicine was given to him... , then the medicine had already become more expensive there, 21 or 22 thousand dollars, they brought this medicine, started injecting her, first two, two medicines were injected there, they came here, and from this
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medicine she became worse and worse, i say, let's make medicine, so that something needs to be done, because the doctor already said that she had pain on the left side, on the left area brain, metasta, yes, yes, metasta, so they started doing everything. made three three ampoules for 14,000 dollars , made medicine, we made one, she became very ill, she felt some kind of hot medicine, so we refused it, well, after that she already died, and
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then i couldn’t even find it doctor who, well, in short, i understood, scammers, yes, yes, yes, i think so, scammers, they were, oh, horror, sasha, what kind of treatment was offered to your mother, since the whole country found out about 20 january. about the fact that she is in such a serious condition, and i offers began to come in, calls, of course, there was a lot of stuff, all sorts of nonsense, nonsense, charlatans, yes, charlatans, psychics, well, first of all, i took her to karelia, to a healer, she passed away 2 years ago, and she, well she anesthetized my mother in front of my eyes, she promised directly to me and her that my mother would live, apparently she had some kind of extrasensory... as soon as we left the karelian region the pain began again, in
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general, no one, well, this is medicine and medicine, but the fact is that medicine refused it from the very beginning, i immediately they said 2-3 months, and my mother, what did the diagnostician sound like, had stage 4 pancreas and now... about 5 days before she left, she left on february 8, the doctors called me and suggested that it was 14 years ago, then apparently these vaccines were just...
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they were not completely determined, since everything was affected by metastases, it was not even completely clear whether it was the stomach or the pancreas, that is, this is on the verge of a complete diagnosis - not established, i kept this vaccine in my boxes for 14 years, it was already covered with mold, this year on the anniversary of her death on february 8, i took it to the cemetery and probably left this vaccine there... it was like some kind of final point that mom, i couldn’t save you, but mom still keeps things, yes another interesting thing is this handkerchief, in which she was wearing in this hospice, when they shaved her head, so she put on this handkerchief, so i keep it too, this is also an interesting case, i baptized my son now on may 13, believe it or not, whether you like it or not, i find this one... here is
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a scarf in the house, i don’t have any more scarves, i i don’t wear scarves, i find this scarf, so i put this scarf on christina’s son and so did i, as if it were such a symbol that she was also nearby, nearby, yes, anya, what’s wrong with yulia’s apartment now? she is on sale, she has been on sale for a long time, we are forced to do this, not us, in the sense of the family, because her common-law... husband is the last one insisting on getting a share from this sale, he still insists, yes, of course, he hasn’t removed his claims, he hasn’t changed them, they exist, and he’s waiting for it to sell, in order to collect his part of the money, i’ll just explain, he made repairs there and now he’s asking for a share of the apartment, that’s all right, they lived together, he made repairs there and yes, and now he’s asking for a share. he marked this with a document where he
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stated that he had invested 20 million rubles in the renovation of this apartment. that is, there was such a document. that's it, she agreed with this document, but he lived there, he was doing renovations, so he calculated how much money this renovation cost him, then how many owners the apartment had, then there was yulia and his daughter, now it’s yulia’s daughter and he, because that once at some point in his life he so insistently demanded some of his shares that she went with him in secret from everyone. she went and drew up certain documents indicating that he has, that he is included there and has the opportunity to share. she really hoped that he would marry her, she had a very great love, yes, yes, well, then it all stopped, but he left her and so on, that’s all, this is a well-known fact, and we realized that we cannot do anything about this, we will have to have a documented dialogue with him one way or another if he himself does not would give up, that is, if he himself gave up , he would say, okay, this apartment was originally bought by the first husband. the father of faith, this
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apartment was bought by aldonin, yes, when zhenya and yulia divorced, he left this apartment so that it would later go to his daughter, we decided on this, suddenly this alexander frolov appears in yulia’s life and lives with them together for some time, he also has his own daughter, they are in contact, his daughter, verochka, yulia always treated his daughter very warmly, was so friendly. i later, when he decided to leave yulia, there was no official marriage, he remembered that he had contributed some money to the renovation of this apartment, he remembered that he had his own daughter and that is why, probably, he decided so, this money should return to his daughter, the apartment should, in theory , be inherited by yulia’s daughter, because i listen, i didn’t understand this when she told me all these things out of nerves.
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is waiting for plato, yes, we bought out the share, uh, we are burning in half, plato’s share, now, however, i recently hinted at the fact that to rent out. my relatives came at me, they said no way, he will grow up, then we will decide how long until plato reaches adulthood, until adulthood is 7 years, he has been so big for 11 years already, 11 years, i haven’t seen him yet, i saw him
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last time, when he was 2.5 years old, let's continue in a matter of minutes, russian special forces will be here soon. protect the borders, and if we find the source of the leak, then it will be at least some kind of thread, we need to bring additional forces into this sector to stay alive, let’s listen to how the russian special forces will beg about mercy, such an operation is only possible for them, the sea devils, and how will they publish, wait, the movie is not over yet, a new one... boom, tomorrow at 22:10 on ntv. dolphin, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. expert in
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the treatment of thrush, flucostat. both answers are correct. in terms of? flucostat are capsules, and flucovac are vaginal suppositories. both drugs can act on the cause. happiness needs to be dealt with happiness clinic reality look now only on kiion our new name - we change the name without changing ourselves. t-bank, he is the only one. roman burger couples and roman burger with chicken at a bargain price. in italian, delicious period. a great choice is when you buy clothes on azon and get a wow 99% cashback to pay for new
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television announces the acceptance of applications for participation in the twenty-third all-russian television competition tefiregion. details on the website the stars came together to remember our beautiful anastasia zavorotnyuk. nastya, more than anything in the world, is very loved her children, they say that nastya transferred all her property to them during her lifetime. i think this is logical. and i think that all adults do this, given that they loved each other very much, they had an understanding, he and peter could even agree on this, they could make some kind of inheritance documents, if one is missing, then the other he conveys it himself, that is, he also received it. nobody doubts
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pyotr chernishov, especially that there are children, dad, he is a wonderful, wonderful father, well there there is a mother, and also a mother, because nastya, in my opinion, had an older brother, yes, and her mother , valentina borisovna, experienced a tragedy, firstly, she buried her son when they were in this house. nastya said that mom, just don’t cry, please, just don’t cry, look what a house we have, how good it is, that is, she, of course, was the mistress of this whole house, she, everything, the whole family, actually rested on nastya, not only on nastya, she relied largely on petya, well , i understand why, please forgive me, i’ll tell you, the matter the fact is that somewhere in the eleventh year, when he and nastya were building this house, petya and i sat together on tour and we sat, drew and figured out how it would be, because by that time i had already built it.
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one of my artists with whom i work is a very big artist, a top one, you’re talking about stas mikhailov, it’s just mikhailova, they always helped, always, i know, tanya navka got involved and helped very seriously with everything she could, everyone discussed this too, everyone they knew this, in addition to the fact that she helped, apparently by everyone opportunities, and also thanks to her, petya had the job, the one he had, because i was great.
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not so lucky, but nikolai, what kind of nastya zavorotnyuk do you remember? nastya, there are two stars on the project, which means we communicated closely with her, she and nagiyev were the presenters, and i sang with anna veske, well, i sang, you can call it that, because before this project i had never sung in my life, they invited me , well, how can i not refuse, and the first song, low grades, assigns me a vocal teacher, but...
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i slept all night before the final song, the twelfth song, i had to learn the song, but i keep thinking, to remind nastya, that means for her to say, remind, remind, and i go there to the studio, i tell nastya, nastya, here is such and such a text, please say it after before we get grades, i would like to introduce our vocal teacher nikolai lukinsky, that’s it, i didn’t teach the song, i don’t know the lyrics, i can’t get into the music, in short, as i sang, it’s all wrong, in general. larisa dollina stands up, she was on the jury that day, larisa dollina and says, she sang brilliantly, that’s all
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excellent, nikolai lukinsky did not hit the key, did not hit the melody, did not hit the rhythm. and of course, let's express our condolences once again to all the close fans of anastasia zavorotnitsa and we all remember, of course, nastya is a very bright, kind, magical, true professional, wonderful girl. in this tired woman with a broken nose and a swollen face, it is difficult to recognize the performer of the hit little buddha,
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in the studio of the program we say we show, natalya lagoda says, after trying to settle the score. moscow to lugansk, but also to work under the master in their general car service. this is to clean up where it is rough, to clean it so that it is smooth. father natal lagoda not immediately. i realized that the new husband is getting the singer drunk, and it cost the star her nineties lives. in his drunken stupor , vikalik did not notice that it was time for his wife, who was choking from coughing, to call an ambulance. natalya lagoda died in this garage on a damp cement floor. she died, and he was drunk next to her, the same thing, according to people’s conversations, i was lying. natalya lagoda was buried in an open field near lugansk, she was only 41 years old,
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right now her son’s first interview. dim, how did you know? after the death of my mother, my uncle, uncle and aunt called and said: please remind everyone of what your mother died from, pneumonia, how your star mother ended up not in moscow, in lugansk then, well, a tragedy happened, well, when she jumped out of the window when my mother tried to take her own life, it was before your eyes, it was before my eyes, yes, how old were you, do you remember that day? 7-8 years old, now you can, but share with us this terrible story of yours, tragedy, what memories you have, well, it was evening, my mother was resting there, then at
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one moment i walked in the hall, i saw the balconies open, she was there, she was blocking the door. mesh or right next to the door, she was sitting on the window, dima, i’m sorry, but you understood then what happened, of course, i understood, i then looked out and saw her on the ground, then i ran across... the neighbors called an ambulance and you ran through the neighbors, opened the door, or like you are a little boy at 7 years old, well, something needs to be done, no longer, well, it was only me and my mother in the apartment, what did you tell the neighbors, you said everything as it is, the neighbors somehow where are you going they took me, called the police, an ambulance, as if they would
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somehow calm me down, well, i stayed with them, naturally with the neighbors. sometimes, well, i try not to think about it too much, when did you see your mother again after this tragic incident? in the hospital in intensive care a week later i came to see her, she was still unconscious then, yes, she was still unconscious, how long she stayed in the hospital, for a very long time, there was something there, she and her were transported from different hospitals , about a year, in my opinion, she, well, as far as i remember, she
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was, and who were you with, this is the time until mom was in the hospital, who did you grow up with, who looked after you? well, my grandparents and uncle and aunt arrived, in the end i lived with my aunt and uncle and my cousin in the same apartment, why not with my grandmother? with my grandfather, they eventually took my mother to their home, and looked after her there, you couldn’t talk to your mother after that incident, i talked to her, she apologized, and well, it’s hard, i won’t either nothing else to say, how does a person make mistakes, then establish relationships? with my mother, yes, we talked, well, how we communicated, how she was so far, well, while she lived with her grandfather, with her grandmother, she was being treated, she, i
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visited her with them every summer, that is, we still communicated, i saw her in different situations, after she was cured , in cherkasy she met vitalik, they got married, and you tried to offer her some kind of treatment for alcohol addiction, well, they
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fought it, but she came back, how do you live now, tell me where - i live in bataysk, i don’t like cities with over a million people and i love where it’s calm, calm, quiet, and married you kids yes yes married well child. okay , little by little, listen, but you still have something left from your mother, maybe some kind of memory, maybe an inheritance, my children’s album remains, that ’s all i have, maybe there are things, but i don’t even i’m getting information about where they are and how, whether pierre narcissus’s daughter communicates with her grandparents from cameroon, we’ll find out in a matter of minutes. be careful, lethal injections, where the traces of black gray cosmetologists lead, how
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life that i’m unlikely to ever leave it. i’ll refuse, even if i finish my professional career, then i’m sure that either i don’t know, coach, i’ll have some kind of profession, or, well, i’ll somehow connect myself, in any case, something in sports, chocolate the hare of russian show business had no doubts, he was raising the first racket of the world, the narcissist himself brought his daughter to the court when she was 6 years old, he was very proud of her successes, she knows, even in my opinion, am i happy or dissatisfied? we can also say this in the african way in the future sports star pierre narcissus invested to the fullest, every month he paid 70,000 for training, did not skimp on rackets and equipment, but he also demanded a championship result from the investment, she enters the courts, and what am i i say, pull, you are not a cat, you are a lion, i am a lion, you leo, well, you are a lioness now, of course. i’m studying,
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yes, i’m at the olympic reserve college, i still connected my life with sports, but recently i took first place in a tournament, well, of course it’s difficult without my dad, i still felt support from him, you’re not a cat, you’re a lion, so i just wanted to ask, this support is probably sorely lacking, because even in this video, there’s one hundred percent, one thousand, one thousand percent faith in you, and such powerful energy of support, well, we even had our own language. on the court, he whistled in an unusual way, it’s like his dad used to whistle so that he would pay attention, and he also whistled for me, i tried to repeat it and you can do it, you can’t do it, no, but i want to learn also, because for me it’s well, all his life he whistled like that, i turned around on the corse, he said something, i turned away, it was imperceptible, well, just like that, and of course, when you look at the stands there is not enough father and support in general, it was difficult
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at first . playing tennis, even going out on the court, of course, there were memories like you accepted my stepfather, and of course, no one can replace my dad, and for me, dad is always dad , just like mom, i respect my parents very much, it’s my mother’s choice, i can’t do anything about it , you live together, well, when it’s like ours there they have different concerts or something else. i have tournaments, i also have college, there are also some other things to do, well, depending on the circumstances, well, they’re more like that, but do you communicate with your daddy’s grandparents ? line, of course, we keep in touch every day, even if it doesn’t work out, just a little while, like, yes, yes, we kept in touch before this, before this whole situation and after, after the death of dad
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, they somehow help you, they help, they send money, then african food, and what language do you speak, well, i speak with my grandmother, i try to speak speak french, but i’m like this with my dad’s sister... and in general with everything else in english. in our studio we have the daughter of singer zhenya belousov, christina. do you live on the author's property or do you earn money yourself? in fact, there aren’t really any author’s ones, there’s a different category, there’s more of some kind of performing arts in general, intellectual property, i don’t know for sure. what amounts, if these are performance amounts, what amounts are we talking about? well, in fact, i haven’t even applied anywhere or registered yet, since this literally happened there for a couple of months. ago i'm just about to start doing this, so i don't even know. ilya, you know quite a lot about copyrights, share with christina where to start, where to go? exists in the russian federation, there are several types of copyright protection: there is rao, russian copyright
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society, there is vais - the all-russian society of performers, and there is such a society as rsp, the russian union of copyright holders, since you are the only heiress, as i understand it, yes, no, another brother, brother, brother claimed or not, that's if if, well, just recently it happened that he was applying for him, he did not take over the rights and in the end, in the end, after all, you have to come to an agreement with your brother, come together to register in the rsp, in the aiis in rao, where you will have shares, moreover, there is the so-called retro collection, this is the collection that... these agencies, let’s say, yes, these companies, they collect, and it is so unknown, that is, unclaimed, collection, your money is there. ilya, well, according to your assumptions, you can estimate how much you should receive -


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