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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  June 10, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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it won’t work out of the dock, they’ll write it off, a formalist, but oh well, since you ordered it, then open it, otherwise everything here has been blocked, but by the way, it would be necessary to have a beautiful safe, a beautiful one, the lock is so tricky, okay, you’re our specialist on the locks, so open it, and already sleep on your own head, oleg georgievich, we have a corpse, georgievich, well, you understand, today i’m not in this area, i understand. you'll have to do it yourself again, there's a 99% chance that the blow was inflicted with this particular piece of reinforcement, yes, she has earrings in her ears, rings on her fingers, it's not like a robbery it looks like... lie down, lie down, lie down, come to
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your senses, well, maybe someone scared the villain, maybe scared him, anything is possible, novikova ekaterina andreevna, 28 years old, lives in this house, and her business card, head of the department logistics, holding company, already something, this one... i found a meter from the corpse, on it is the logo of a conference in moscow, which took place a few days ago, a meter from the corpse, a meter, hinting that the killer could defend, quite, great, ritka, that there are tenants there, why, a neighbor from the sixth floor saw how a couple of hours ago, two gopniks smashed a video camera at the entrance, this is already hot, and it’s even hotter that the idiots took them, and since they took them, it means they’ll definitely sit until the morning, we’ll check the reports and we’ll shake these gopniks tonight, let’s go for now... with
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let's chat a couple, yeah, that's it, breathe, breathe, breathe, have you found the body? no, we didn’t find anything, we are not witnesses, get your act together, yes, we found the body by accident, and we didn’t see anyone here, if we had, we would have told you, they didn’t touch the body, no, i know that in these cases you can't touch it, you have to call the police to guard the scene, who will be guarded, why guard, why can they kill you, are you not listening to him? i have him very impressionable, yeah, but you, apparently, are a very cold-blooded girl, yes, fifth year of law school, i’ll finish, go to work for the police, yes, i think you’ll get used to it, don’t cry while you can be free, but you’ll still be interrogated , uh-huh, how am i, how do you like this colorful couple, colitis, perhaps witnesses, perhaps murderers, yes, we’ll sort out the prints, we’ll see from there while we drive over the zagopniks. oh, how can i go alone
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at night, i’m so scared alone at night, i’ll be scared to go, i’ll take you, my boy, all the way to the door, come on, come on, dear, you’re right in the sea, you’re right there, twice, what do they have there, hooligan, very good , go while... there is, we want to turn 15 days into one day, yes, that means you come here, you will break it, there’s a storm now, but i’m warning you, don’t ruin the appearance, but how can you break it like that, and i’m especially worried now i’ll explain to the gifted, here’s a crowbar, hold it, just without any frills, i understand, you see, there’s a gap, you insert it here according to me command, you press on the lever, now you take a crowbar, pry it here and pull it at the same time, i understand, on... guys, i just
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ask you, don’t ruin the appearance, it’s clear, that’s it, let’s go, get ready, let’s do it , yes, your milk is boiling, are you without hands or something, once again, once again, i said, so and again, come on, yes, if this couple had committed murder, everything would have been completely simple, but the girl is a fighter, yes, it turned out , look , the police weren’t afraid of the corpses either... she called them and calmed down her boyfriend, well, there are women in russians villages, if you were in her place, you would have done exactly the same thing, you’re in the military right now, i just wouldn’t get involved with such a slobber , my head can’t think, and come on, damn it’s burning, igor, why do you have correctional labor here, yes the hooligan is correcting himself, who are they, what did they do, yes, the cameras in the yard were broken, the guards handed them over, they are our clients, it is quite possible that they are lads, let’s go.
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i don’t like him here, why did you get up, come on, stick it here, the workers, got ready, the door was already moving, i saw it, i mean paid, who? so tell us, who? what is someone paying for this? funny, so is it just a coincidence that you broke the camera in the very yard where the murder took place on that day? i don’t know, maybe we’re not stupid sheep. i’m serious, we weren’t wearing masks when i threw a stone at the cell, my face was probably visible there, would i have set myself up like that, so maybe you didn’t know that you were being deliberately set up for murder, how much did you pay, but just for fun we did it broke, well, how can i prove it to you, and we will check,
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but you’ll sit with us for the camera, why did your mustachioed one say that he’ll knock you off for the safe, and the mustachioed one also said that you’re as useless as a goat’s milk. damn, yes, did you figure out what to do with the safe? not yet, then write the address, you will ask sasha there, you will say that it is from me. sasha is a good bear, he will help with the safe. thank you, georgich, listen, just send a text message, otherwise there’s nowhere to write it down. okay, igor, i 'll send you the address now. in general, take this bear and drag it to the department. that's it, i'm in a meeting. what kind of bear? comrade colonel, and the bears there are brown, white, himalayan, marsupials. rydanov, do you want to amaze us with your knowledge in the field of zoology? better improve your russian in writing, otherwise the report will again have three errors per page. well, it’s not true, it
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’s not true, you’ll take my russian test in writing on friday. pass? so, andryukh, comrade colonel, the fact is that i know what we’re talking about, let’s bring this bugbear to our department urgently, otherwise... she’s not married, she’s been registered in st. petersburg for the last 6 years, she was previously registered in the city magnitogorsk, we think they killed her when she was returning home from work, and the murder weapon, a piece of reinforcement, which was found at the crime scene, but there were no fingerprints on it, business cards were found with the corpse, where it was written that she was the head of the logistics department of the holding.
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and on the way to the pie shop, hello, you, sasha, i say, i need sasha,
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it’s you, well, depending on what the question is, they told me that sasha is a good master, i have problems with one lock, and so you need to make a key . no, you didn’t understand me, i’m telling you, there’s a problem with the lock, well, i’m from the nightingale, who else is this, who is this? oleg georgivich nightingale, head of the police homicide department, let me get out of here, what are you doing, i just wanted to talk, but fuck you, absolutely.
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are you, perhaps, a bear from the workshop, that is, a she-bear, i don’t know, i don’t have any bears, you have no right to touch me, clearly, but stop making excuses, i’m a kisser, from oleg georgievich, of course. why did the meat go so bad then? meat - is this the boar from the workshop? well, don’t talk about him like that, he’s good, really, he was just scared, that’s all, you ’ll forgive him, really, but forgiveness is needed deserve it, alexandra, there is one problematic safe for you, well, if it’s from oleg georgievich, then show it, just go to the workshop to get some tape for the tools, and whatever you say, we’ll calm the meat down at the same time. what time does lipotov
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usually arrive? no later than nine. today is the first time he has been gone since the morning. well, who are you here? first deputy, and part-time. hr manager , how long has novikov been working for you? 5 years, what can you tell us about her? you know, they don’t speak badly about the dead, but it’s true i can’t say much good, listen , well, we’re from the homicide department, we’re talking about murder, so we’re interested in any information, good or bad, and preferably in more detail, then i ’ll tell you this: “she worked for us as a manager.” in logistics, besides her there are 10 more people in the department,
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in my opinion she couldn’t cope, yesterday she was appointed head of the logistics department, and this is a doubling of her salary, why was she promoted if she couldn’t cope, how can i tell you, if i understand correctly, she and her boss..." had, so to speak, a special relationship, that’s right, but say, say, only between us, lepatov is such a man, we had so many problems here because of women, recently one quit with a scandal, she almost brought the case to court, and novikova, she he doesn’t understand work at all, and he’s her boss. “you know, it seems to me that she blackmailed him, what did she
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blackmail him with? lepatov is married, there are rumors that all his property is registered in his wife’s name, so that if something happens, there is nothing to confiscate, and they say novikovo threatened that he would tell lepatov's wife about her relationship with her husband, mm, interesting." i wonder, listen, where did the previous head of the department go? oleg khrustalev, he was fired, why he was fired, alcoholism, completely drunk, has already begun to come to work in a deranged state, the director several times with i talked to him, but it was all useless, and he, khrustalev, had completely sunk, what can you tell about him, you know, when he’s sober, he’s a specialist of the highest category, not that... this is novikova, what kind of relationship did khrustalev have with novikova? ? fool, he counted with her, that’s all.
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wait, what about you? you think he is her because she took his place. we are not thinking anything yet, we are just collecting information. and we really need your director. can you guess where he is now? i do not know. teleny is not home, not a cell phone, he does not take it, and his wife is on vacation in thailand. it's clear. thank you very much, if we need you, we will call, if lepatov shows up, tell him to contact us urgently, goodbye, goodbye, a unique country, with a unique fate, a unique culture, unique people,
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original and full of mysteries, with a broad soul and rich traditions, a country that never ceases to amaze, discover your russia on the unknown russia tv channel. act according to the situation, go ahead, sea devils, new episodes, today at 22:10 on ntv. ritka, where did the director go, maybe he was cleared out too. yes, but we can’t find the body. tighten nikitos, let him work. let's. hello, nikitos, we have two tasks for you andryukha. firstly, look at the reports, within the city limits or in the suburbs, not whether the body of lepatov and evgeniy was found. yesterday from
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6:00 pm. yeah, now. so. well, no, there is no such thing in the reports, there are no corpses of unidentified male gender either, accepted, accepted, oh well, then i dictate the number, write 8921 382 4400, uh-huh, uh-huh, registered lepatova is not active at the moment, well, as soon as something appears , call me or andryukha, okay, yes, i understand, come on, well, my dear military friend, what is ours? plan of action, we are looking for lepatov, alive or dead, so we are looking, but first we need to find the crystal drunkard, maybe he is under this double case he may have committed a murder, but on the way we’ll discuss your dowry, no, on the way we ’ll discuss the details of the marriage contract, he doesn’t take it,
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no, you see, this is a drill with a diamond crown, they knew how to do it before, wow, it happens, well, from you can protect yourself with a diamond drill, special cunning people added solid aluminum oxides to the alloy, but then what to do, how to open it, well, if there is nothing to blow it up with, by the way, i only have one mask, go ahead. what is it? come on, run away from here! what was it? graphite, they added graphite to the alloy, well, they do this on purpose for soldering lamps, for fuck’s sake, well, that’s not a big deal at all! guys, don't worry, hold the door, it'll air out now! there was a fire in the department, the alarm was announced, the management
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messaged, no, sergei igorevich, i ’ll explain everything now, the firefighters are already on their way, have people been evacuated? call, you call, it’s your turn to call, well now, who, who, what did you come, what do you
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need, that’s who took your fucking loans, let him pay. cafe opposite, descendant of the emperor, i said on the street, no, let me in, no, there’s nothing to do here, i’ll give it back tomorrow, i give my word, here it is tomorrow and come, how dare you not believe me, you’re a fool, i’m a doctor of science, i have 100 scientific papers, they know me in all the universities of the world,
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i’m a shining light, just throw it, it’s scary, don’t be afraid. i know who my brother is, a boxer, a bandit, he will kill you, he has a gun, he will kill you, i understand, i understand, he is here, i understand everything, a man was killed, help, good people, five of them and we are leaving, why i say, 5,000 have not experienced it.
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citizen khrustalev, what luck, hello, citizen khrustalev, and i, well, well, i’ll give everything, i’ll give everything to the scientist in your name, everything, everything down to the penny, this is a debt of happiness, so your debts are not of interest to us, remember where you were yesterday from 8 to 11, i was here, where i am here, and i was in coffee in this, well, exactly, let's go check it out, gentlemen, police officers, you are insulting the nobleman with your polybeian distrust, too , yes, let's pass, calmly, good afternoon, you again,
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enough money to build a new building for the department, also say thank you that bori has moved away, now there would be a scream it was, dear sir, i humbly apologize, but i i absolutely don’t understand what kind of murder you want to charge me with, i have an alebi, as you yourself have deigned to see. your honor, maybe you will stop explaining and we will switch to normal russian, young man, it is extremely
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unpleasant for me that in your, so to speak, not yet strengthened consciousness, associate the correct russian language, as you wish, to express sacrilege, i ask forgiveness, “captain andrei, but i’m pretty tired of this gentleman, my ancestors served ivan the terrible, the founder of our family, was the governor of the city yaroslavl khrustalev, and i will not allow such poor people from the vile class to talk to me like that. quiet, quiet, quiet, dear descendant of the governor khrustalev from yaroslavl, do you even realize where you are, in the secret office,
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comrade captain, what if we register this governor for 48 hours with our homeless people? i completely agree with you, that’s why the guards put him in shackles in the kazimats, wait, why are there channels that are right in the kazimats, you? we are intelligent people, let's talk intelligently communicate somehow it's you, what you ask questions, i will answer all yours, here you go, great, let’s go back to our days, let’s, at the time of novikova’s murder, you have an allebi, but you also have a significant motive, and as a motive you decided to take revenge on her for that she took your place , they ordered her, and so, and with what money did you take out the loan? they ordered it, you took out a loan, you took out a loan, i immediately drank away the loans, i’m
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running out of money, what are you doing, by the way, you have some water. there won’t be, be patient, much respected later, yeah, so look, look carefully, you this pen doesn’t say anything, it says, this, this is the pen of our director lepatov, he brought it from moscow, i think he brought it from some conference, yes, probably from there, yes, and i know why i remembered it, he signed it the order for my dismissal, such an event in life, i, of course, naturally remembered it, but he lost her somewhere, or something, yes, at the scene of the murder, oh, so he killed her. but you see, that’s it, the puzzle has come together, you see, she’s his mistress, it’s novikova, novikova is his mistress, she made such a big deal out of him, and she also said that if he doesn’t hire her as the head of the department, she will tell his wife everything about their attitude, yes, everyone of us knows about it, this lepatov decided, you know, i’ll appoint her to the position, and then i’ll kill everywhere khrustalyovo will think, but the version, and i solved the case for you, but
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let’s note, it’s generally an interesting version. “we will definitely work it out, definitely, thank you and don’t blame you, but for now, deeply respected descendant of voivode khrustalev from yaroslavl, sit in our kazimat for at least 48 hours, well, i submit fate, bitter, but beautiful." nikito, great, great, well, what news? are you talking about the conference? yes, about the conference. well, it looks like lepatov was really there, at registration he was noted in the list of participants he was , on the cameras, in the photographs from the conference? there were no surveillance cameras, there were no journalists there either, there was a conference for our own people. wait, do you think that nelepatov could have been there, but he has a pen from the conference, he registered.
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went through, no, no, just some things. i want to check, is lepatov’s phone still silent? well, yes, i’m doing everything, nothing yet. clearly, we'll have to do it the old fashioned way. so, if anything happens, call me right away, i ’ll contact you. come on, okay. so, we didn’t find khalepatov at home, will we wait at the entrance, or will we continue on? well, what are you waiting for? i need to go look for a new lead, friends, i heard your voices and steps, i thought, can i help with something? so,
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did you see who your neighbor lepatov left with? yes, it was in the evening, he was attacked by bandits, some secret organization, the order of the black cross, with them there was a bald man with a black bandage over his eye, i saw something like that in a movie, in a book. you don’t accidentally write fantastic stories, you’re being ironic in vain, i’m telling you exactly, i saw how they grabbed the lepats and stuffed them into their black helmet, oh, now i’ll try to guess, they grabbed him by people in black suits, in black glasses, in black ties and erased everyone’s memory, i'm telling you it's true, i saw them and this one-eyed guy, yes nikitos, i made
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mobile billing. there is something interesting, so, i’m listening to you carefully, lepatov had a large number of calls and sms messages with the crime boss wheel, wheel, very interesting, i have already sent you a photo of the wheel and his closest assistants. nikitos, thank you very much, all the way, bye, well, what is it, now, oh, look, apparently, the men in black are not final. the memory was erased, look carefully, this bald one-eyed man, you won’t believe it, it seems to me, i see this loser again.
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why go ahead, let's go!
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good evening, gentlemen, sorry that we are not invited, criminal investigation, so calm abandoned, spakukha, these are the cops, free, well , what’s the matter, what’s the matter, we have information. yes, and the kidnapping of citizen lepatov. kidnapping? nobody kidnapped me. and we have a witness who saw how you, citizen kolesov, and your people forcibly pushed a citizen into a car. let me explain everything in order. have a seat. i
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'll explain how it all happened. that’s it, i really have nothing to hide from you. everything is clean. tell us. if my wife is lenka. at first she was a normal woman, and then, in short. i'm tired of her for two years i’m thinking how to get rid of her, after all , we have a marriage contract with her, god forgive me, it says if i file for divorce, half the property is hers, but if i’m caught cheating, she doesn’t receive anything from me, yesterday i caught she’s done with that, and i’ll confirm in court that we are slack lovers and we want to get married, and by the way, i don’t need money, wait, wait, wait, wait, as if you don’t need it, it’s a gift from me,
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so, gentlemen, you’ll have to come to our department to clarify the circumstances, i see you’re not a frequent guest here, you’ve been around for a long time came, and he was waiting for you, all the talk was only about his eldest son, he was sick, dying, and you were in moscow skal, and where were you, chasing the brats around the maidan, closing the ranks, i...
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started a new job today? many vacancies are new every day, you will find not just a job, but your place. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit and oval. summer without swelling. in summer weather, swelling may occur. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. you are taking lymphotransit from the valar company. and now about the weather for today. in the far east, the rainiest weather is in the amur region in the south khabarovsk territory. it's also raining on sakhalin. vladivostok and petropavlovs-kamchatsky will bypass precipitation. there it is +15-17, the sunniest weather in the center of yakutia. summer has settled in confidently there. there are also northern regions of siberia, in khatanga today it’s +18 and
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the sun never sets, it’s a polar day, in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory there’s about the same temperature, but with rain and thunderstorms. the southern cyclone maintains unstable weather closer to the urals, in the omsk region, in the south of tyumen in the south of the urals, and thunderstorms. on european territory stormy, warm summers return to the north. murmonsk arkhangelsk will be in the warm part of the scandinavian cyclone, up to +20 there, in the north-west there will be a little less rain, about +20, also in the middle zone. the sun is heating up again, the air in the lower reaches of the volga and don is again 35, but there are rains and thunderstorms in the mountains. in st. petersburg today it is 18, short rains, in moscow it is rain, thunderstorm and +25. today.
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kukushkin will kill me, and oleg georgievich will kill me, but he didn’t help, hello, comrade colonel, hello, great, great, i decided to visit you, how are you here without me, great, yes, with varying degrees of success, where did he come from, where did you find him, don’t ask, gennady antonovich, it’s a long story, we ’ve been suffering all day, i’ve already tried everything, master keys, a crowbar, a gas burner, i don’t have enough imagination , we just can’t break it, there’s no need to hack anything, guys, there’s no need to do anything, i’ll be quick now. 10 minutes and i ’m back here, don’t take it anywhere, don’t touch it, yeah, that’s it, bye, i’ll be back soon, is this a well-known bugbear, maybe i don’t know, take it higher, okay, sash, that’s it, free, thank you
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you, of course, but you can see for yourself that your methods don’t work, mine, unfortunately, don’t either, well, excuse me, if anything happens, come get the master keys, by the way, that’s a cool idea. hold it, come on, i ’ll call, your pen, where did you get it from, it means that you, citizen lepatov, claim that this pen really belongs to you, well, of course to me, and who else, they gave us a souvenir in moscow at the symposium, you want to say that you lost it somewhere, you can remember where, when, right? i don’t remember now when it seemed to me that i hadn’t lost her at all, i forgot about work in the office last night, what’s wrong, it’s just a pen they gave me, the fact is that your fingerprints completely match the fingerprints on this fountain pen, well, of course my fingerprints are there, why, it’s my thing, they can’t maybe someone else's prints, this pen was found at
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the murder scene, perhaps the killer dropped it, uh-huh, how can you explain this? i was framed, find the one who stole my pen, find the killer, it’s that simple, yes, then remember where you could have lost it, well maybe you left it on the table in the office, and then someone came in and took it away, well , remember, lepatov, remember, krukhov, azimov, grishka azimov, azimov, i don’t remember such a name on the list of your employees, this is my classmate at the university. “when i had to convince khrustalev, he drank a lot, and i offered this position to azimov, but then gave it to novikova, well , simply because she left me no choice , you probably already had my employees blabbed out that novikova and i had relationship, but then he came to me at work, and we we talked, i outlined the situation to him, then
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he left, and i never saw him or his hand again, how did azimov react to what you didn’t give?” “place, he cried and blamed me for everything, but i had to give this position novikova, because she promised to tell my wife everything, you see, lepatov, connections on the side never led to anything good, yurich, we need to take azimov, how come i didn’t immediately guess that it was him, and your husband left a long time ago at home an hour ago, i ran home when ashparen said that he had gotten a new job work with... going on some kind of business trip, and did you pack some things with you, like a razor, a toothbrush, clothes, what do you usually take on a business trip? what happened? yes , don’t worry, don’t worry, but if he calls you, you tell him that the police came, and let him contact us himself as soon as possible, it will be better, but you tell me if something serious happens, no worry, before anything serious
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happens, goodbye, goodbye, natasha, don’t worry so much, well, you’re cordial. if you earn enough money, they’ll soon fire you, i’ll basically sit at home, so you ’ll start sawing more, so now wait a minute, who are you a citizen of? i came to surrender, i killed ekaterina novikova, natasha, i’m sorry, i ’ll call you back, i got into debt, my salary was only enough to pay off loans for... i sat at work for days, kept trying to curry favor, but it was all to no avail when ira, my wife got seriously ill, but what does novikova, zhenya, lepatov have to do with it, he invited me to work for him, the salary was one and a half times
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higher, plus bonuses, iroya and i were like that i’m glad, i thought, ours... the tsarist ones would be enough for me to buy medicine, they’re better than lepatov, i’ve known him for a long time, yes, i trusted him, i left my job, he told me that i could go see him on monday, and i quit my company, and he calls me and says that this novikova was hired for my position, is it really because of this that you killed her so that you could get the position? no, no, it wasn't like that. i didn't want to kill anyone, i just came to talk. you were so hoping that she would refuse a prestigious position just... because you asked her, i i needed this position, you know, but she sent me, started to be rude, said that this is
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how it was necessary, and i couldn’t stand it, i grabbed a piece of reinforcement, i really didn’t want to, then i tried to help her, but she was already dead, and you decided to frame lepatov, no, i, that’s why i came to you, and the pen accidentally... fell out of my pocket, i took it from the office, but forgot to return it, you let my wife go, he’s not guilty of anything, i’m not i want someone to sit because of me, listen, comrade, well, it doesn’t happen that a safe is not allowed at all open, but this is contrary to logic, if there is a lock, then there must be a way to open it, comrade colonel, well, it’s special here...
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i was able to open it, there is some kind of secret, well, what to do now, even the bugbear is not hello, once again , wow, wow, hello, who haven’t you seen, hello, gennady antonovich, he’ll be watching, comrade officers, i have a request, turn away, well, for a few seconds, quickly, quickly, well, that’s necessary, i won’t show him away.
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on the contrary, none of us have ever tried cognac of such aging in our lives, but for starters you need to spend money, and count
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each one for reporting, well, what am i doing then for glasses, 1, 2, 3, 4, great, come on, come on, we wish you the best morning... the next in the program. we will clarify the details of the emergency and set up the air conditioner in first gear. on ntv there is a program about an emergency in the studio of marat seddiq. a metropolitan swindler named lyubovnikov was arrested, the surname, by the way, says that sergei lyubovnikov specialized in seducing single ladies, posing as a metropolitan socialite, said that. lives in an eight-room apartment, he himself is a retired officer, who has a thriving business in the south of russia, so sergei’s mother hides her eyes from journalists, found
6:31 am
the strength to come to court, an elderly woman, lovers at all...


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