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tv   Za granyu  NTV  June 10, 2024 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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all payments are on time and we will return 5% of the rate in cash. perbank, he's the only one. beyond. on may 28, a two-year-old girl was kidnapped in yaroslavl. the mother reported this to the police child. according to the woman, her friend took the baby in an unknown direction. investigators immediately opened a criminal case under the article “kidnapping of a knowingly minor.” according to the investigation, on the night of may 28-29 of this year, a resident of the moscow region, while on the playground of one of the multi-storey buildings located on moskovsky avenue in the city of yaroslavl, together with the young daughter of her friend, taking advantage of the absence of parents nearby, took the child away from the playground in an unknown direction.
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the suspect and the child were put on the wanted list; volunteers joined the search for the baby and searched throughout the city. 14 hours later, the girl was found near garbage containers in the courtyard of residential buildings. in our studio , the girl's parents are sergei and maria medvedev. sergey, maria, hello, we are very glad that your daughter was found and that she is alive. the most important thing is, yes, maria, what happened, why was your daughter found near the trash? we had to go to the clinic with our daughter and get, well, vaccinations, with our eldest daughter, that’s right, yes, the eldest and the youngest, the eldest is seven, the youngest is 2 years old, so you and the eldest had to go get vaccinated, yes, you had to get vaccinated before school, and you had to ask a friend to babysit your youngest daughter, you’ve been with this friend for a long time familiar?
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we all studied together with the boarding school and you talked all this time at school, we talked after we graduated, we didn’t talk anymore, so literally on may 6th she wrote to me on the internet: masha, how are you doing? at the same time, i also wrote and told her: we know each other, she wrote: yes, you and i studied somewhere, started corresponding with her, so she asked, do you have children? i said: yes, i have children, i am the eldest daughter and the youngest daughter. meeting, she just asked to come visit me, well, i didn’t refuse , it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other, so i say, well, of course, i say, come, she told me, on sunday evening, well, i’ll come, i warned my husband , he seemed to be there too, well , okay, okay, well, long time no see, she arrived, how did your meeting go, she arrived at 2:35, at that moment we were already like if only the family were already asleep, my children go to bed at 10:00 pm. she arrived at night, she
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arrived at night, well, i quickly met her, so we went home, kind of sat, drank coffee, then went to bed, in the morning we also got up, she saw my youngest daughter, and she kind of started communicating with her, talk there, play with her, well, i didn’t notice anything like that in her, well , she plays with the child, as it were, takes her there, feeds her, and how many days did she stay with you like this before this incident, since sunday? she was supposed to leave on wednesday evening, but during this time, while she was staying with you, you managed to learn something about her life, about her character, what kind of person she is, well, her character is normal, ordinary, i didn’t notice anything like that about her at all, we had a good time time, you didn’t have any suspicions of good thoughts, so you trusted her until, yes, of course, thank god that it was all over and the child was found, but i, as a mother of three children, will say the following, that it happens that you even. .. you live 20 years and he
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can do completely inexplicable things with a person you have never met leaving the child for so long, well , i think it’s of course... it was a mistake on your part, i see how worried you are, but nevertheless, for all people who can take such a step, you still need to think , that there may be completely irreversible things, hope, if there really is no one to leave the child with, and you need to go away, well, what to do, as a mother of three children, i can say that i’m not used to leaving my children somewhere, and if i go somewhere... then i go, then i take everyone with me. they didn’t leave home, that is in principle, one could act in the same way as if this friend didn’t exist, although, to be honest, i wouldn’t even leave my friend at home alone, whom i haven’t seen for many years since
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school, i don’t even know what kind of person she is, it’s one thing when she lived, you were at home, but it was possible, well, if not a child, then some gold things would be missing, for example, well, it’s generally strange. where do you know, if you have a normal relationship, they leave you with relatives, with your grandmother, with your grandfather, with friends, with acquaintances, you don’t have this person at all you know, that is, well, imagine timur, a situation, a person calls you, he arrives at 3:00 am, hello, we studied there somewhere, let me live with you there for a couple of days, i would be
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wary, this is a normal person, anyone i would be wary that this is happening at all, why exactly to you, as i understand it, you haven’t maintained communication all these years, leave her in the apartment, this person is in a situation, maybe he’s grown up in general, you don’t know, and one more thing, i’ll tell you the same thing as my mother, when you leave it, even if it’s with familiar neighbors, i immediately ask myself the question is, what if something happens at this moment, children are like that, especially a two-year-old child, he can fall, be scalded by boiling water, fall out of a window, well, anything, climb somewhere, neighbors, they can be wonderful people , but they don’t know your child, his activity, his special features, and if something happens, you will then be the neighbor.
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what would you do if this friend wasn’t there, you would take the child with you, by the way, why didn’t you take your youngest daughter with you to the clinic, because people there’s a lot there, but she can be capricious, she ’s an emotional girl, she might get tired, she might go there, i don’t know, be so capricious that she’s hysterical, well, of course she’s small, but why does she need this to look at all this, but you were gone for a long time, no 2-3 hours, when you returned home, what happened next? naturally i called the intercom, there was no one on the intercom, i asked my eldest daughter to look, we are at home, while i was getting up, she said, my mother said she wasn’t at home, and naturally i went to everyone look at these towns, they weren’t there, but at the same time i was wondering how it all happened,
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she and i wrote to each other, i wrote to her that how she was doing there, what’s up, she says, we’re walking in the town , we went to the store, bought a drink, okay, everything is fine, how would she report, that is, she held you, yes, yes, she reported to me, what were the first thoughts when you did not find either your friend or child, my the first thoughts were that suddenly she was lying somewhere, maybe she left her somewhere or something else anything with her, she didn’t respond to voice text messages, although at that moment she was online, and i wrote and called her several times, it was just a message. when she stopped answering you, what thoughts were in your head, that she dismembered her, killed her, when i walked around all these towns, all these shops, i walked, i ran, i just roared, i was like this i was just
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shaking, i couldn’t imagine what could happen to my child, because in these shorts and a t-shirt, hungry, cold, well for me it... that is, you immediately thought about the worst, because this is my child, i know that i am to blame. and you told your relatives about what happened to your husband, i then said, i tried as if i was a neighbor myself, they tried to find her, then i said, naturally, then he started looking for himself, go there, that way, and he says, i’ll go in the other side, sergei, where were you that day when my daughter disappeared, i was working that day, i arrived after work, drove into the garage. so she called me and said that i had come from i called the intercom of the clinic,
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no one took the corpses and said, i’m calling on the phone, they didn’t answer either, i got ready from the garage, went home, met her, that’s it, we started walking, she went in one direction, i went in the other, we walked along they looked in courtyards, in playgrounds, here and in stores and everywhere, and showed photographs. this woman, your wife, had the most terrible thoughts, you were probably seriously scared too, well , yes, well, at first i had, to be honest , the general thoughts that, well, somehow a person, she’s normal, adequate, i thought, well , maybe her phone has died, maybe she’s walking somewhere along the road, i tell my wife, calm down, i say, now maybe she’ll be fine, i say that she ’ll still be home at least before nine o’clock , seryozha, do you really start thinking about the worst things at such moments?
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i looked around the bushes and all the garbage dumps again, because it was in my head that maybe she really left it somewhere, even went off somewhere in the stroller. when did you find out that your daughter was found? when i arrived from the police station at about 8 o'clock, because all at night i gave evidence, i told how it all happened, and probably at about 10 or 11 o’clock a woman already called and said that your daughter had been found, we quickly started with the whole family. you probably experienced incredible relief, i felt that my daughter was alive, the main thing was that
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she was found, she was just alive with me, you immediately went to pick her up, we immediately boarded a bus with my eldest daughter and her husband and we immediately went there, what we felt when we saw her, when i saw her in my arms here the woman who was sitting milanka with her, she was in this shorter dress, she was like... she was kind of shaggy, you don’t understand what kind of hair, when i walked into the office, she immediately turns to me, mom, i was just running to her, i just ran to her, i hug her, she hugs me, hugged me tightly like that and several times, mommy, mommy, i just couldn’t let her go, she held me, i held her at that moment , we both cried, and my daughter was very scared, right? she's in such a shock, so stressed, so well, she couldn’t calm down for a long time, when
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even the doctors started checking her, but she couldn’t just let me go, who found her? volunteers, volunteers who joined in , somehow, when we wrote a statement, just like a second all this movement just started, they immediately gave the girl to you, no, she was first brought to the solovevo hospital, she was examined. only then they let us go, what is her condition now, she went out of shock, one might say, a little bit, she used to be such a sociable girl, she is always with the neighbors. playing around, she recognized everyone before, yesterday we were walking, she doesn’t recognize any of her neighbors, she just starts getting hysterical, even here she’s nervous, she’s afraid of people, she’s afraid of people, yes, but in relation to you, how does she behave shows, well, she’s there, mommy, mommy, sometimes she’ll push her, she’ll play with me like that, i’ll sometimes play with her, i’ll play with her, but
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i don’t know what she’s like, so she just goes into herself, yeah and... for example, she even plays with a toy, she used to love playing with dolls when we they brought her home, she didn’t even play with dolls, the girl was always safe at home, this was the safest place for her with her mother, with her parents at home, and here she was taken away from home, she is probably afraid to go far from her mother, and in order to fix all this, it takes time, firstly, and secondly, you need to work with the child, work it out. this trauma, it’s not so simple, but perhaps this behavior may also be due to the fact that the girl feels that her mother is still worried , that her mother herself has not yet recovered, mother she is nervous, and this is passed on to the child, the mother’s condition, here the mother also needs to work on herself, somehow calm down as much as possible as soon as possible,
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so that the girl can feel just as good and safe with her mother again, this is work. i don’t know, to someone in the hostel, she told our milan that it’s my daughter going back and forth
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to spend the night here. several important points, firstly, she called your daughter daughter in front of other people. yes, yes, and the woman saw her on the bus, as she called her, daughter, daughter, daughter, delicious, you, it’s delicious, it’s delicious for you, and she has children of her own, she told me that on october 6, december she lost a child, nature, that is, given this tragic event, do you think, maria, that she just wanted to kidnap your daughter, well yes, what difficulties were there in finding the girl and what will the woman remember, who that evening with her...
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the studio of ekaterina balashova. hello, ekaterina. hello. how long have you known your girlfriend? i've known her for quite a long time. we have known each other for more than 6 years. we were introduced by a mutual friend. we used to communicate with her often. when i lived in yaroslavl, but then i moved to the suburbs with my family. if you think that your friend did not have a goal to kidnap someone else's child. what is your version of what happened? she loved children very much, always strived for them, she dreamed of having a family, a child. and i believe that she did not want anything bad for this child. maybe she learned something, that the child was in trouble or maybe being mistreated. same. full blanket, i’m a normal mother, i get sick anywhere, i’m always at home, my child goes to kindergarten, we milana constantly goes to the clinic, i am
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constantly with them. well, why are you leaving the child, couldn’t i just ask, because i needed to take the child, the older one was still there for a reason, i repeat once again, most likely she killed, i found out some details, maybe bad treatment, we are everything, my child is fed, my child is clean, you have children, of course, that is, this is what you are now stating, if this is normal with your child, and i would not trust my child to anyone and would not refuse. because the moment trust, what they did is their fault, but what she did is then called kidnapping, and you left your children with this friend, well, i didn’t have a need, how can i leave my children, maybe she found out something, 12:00, what are you telling me, what do you think of catherine’s version, do you believe it, no, of course, it seems to me that she just wants to justify it now, in order
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to somehow talk about the future... to soften this woman up no, i just know her, she’s a really bright person, she couldn’t do anything wrong, there was a reason, and you you can assume that the woman really did not have the goal of kidnapping someone else’s child, no, no, admit it, or this is some kind of revenge from youth, or this is a desire to take a child for herself, well, i don’t know, it’s just not yet known for what purposes or the child can be used in another city, meaning kidnapping and living in a neighboring house. children then, if it was necessary to save the children, but she left the seven-year-old, and she decided to save the two-year-old from something, it’s not known whether to fall in love, to adopt - that’s not so bad, so to speak, such a strange thing, i don’t think so, i think that she could do something bad to the children, but for what purpose did they change the child, the name, well, for what, it really looks like a kidnapping, it turns out that yes...
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i read about the child, this the child was long-awaited, she was pregnant, she lost her baby at an advanced stage, he died, perhaps, yes, she had a very strong psychological trauma, shock, because even we stopped communicating, she withdrew into herself, that is, the person has changed. ekaterina, can you assume that the woman really who lost her child, in such a terrible way replaced, compensated for this... loss or, on the contrary, as ekaterina says, wanted to save the child from something? i think that the first option is that she could still replace her child with someone else’s child, but the person still needs to be examined and after the examination such conclusions can be drawn, since she is under investigation, if such a version exists, i think that an examination will be carried out based on
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the conclusion. it will be possible to speak about this with complete confidence. maria, sergey, and you we have already managed to thank the volunteers who found yours, i would really like to, i would really like to, now you will have such an opportunity, because a search and rescue squad volunteer came to us today, and he thoroughly remembers how and where they searched for your daughter. in our studio anton erofeev. anton, hello, hello, on behalf of.
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senior squad coordinator. how did you know that a two-year-old girl was missing? at 23-27 we received information from the police that a girl had disappeared in one of the city districts, but for sure. detailed information yet it was not yet, more detailed information was received later, when consent documents had already been prepared to involve volunteers in the search and publish information in the media. when this information comes to you, what is the first thing you do? first of all, we went to check the stations, because information was received that the woman was from the moscow region, so we decided to work out the option that the child was taken away. worked at the stations in yaroslavl, leaving in the direction of moscow, that is , a gas station, because they thought that she could have hitchhiked her away, in the future they already assembled additional crews to work on the spot. what did the volunteers
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pay special attention to? taking into account the fact that we received the application very late, work began at almost zero o’clock. accordingly, when people gathered, they worked for a quarter on the site. which was the last time the girl was seen with the woman, and the main task for the first night was to check the location of the cameras in order to determine at least the direction in which the woman had gone. in parallel with the time the crews were gathering for walking work, colleagues who work with the internet, with the media, posted orientations on various public pages in yaroslavl and the region, were really looking forward to it. testimony. how many people took part in the search? well, more than twenty in total. how long did the search last? about 14 hours. what information did you manage to find out during this time? at night we managed to find out only one thing, there was a single witness
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testimony that a similar woman with a child was already in the city center asking for stop, how to get to this leninsky district. and accordingly, based on this information. plus our reasoning, we coordinated the work with the investigative authorities and the next day we were already planning work in exactly the area where she was going to go, well, plus in the morning we received testimony that she had been seen in this very area and we moved there for work and thanks to this you managed to get on the right track, first of all we were able to localize the location where it is located, based on because of this, walking groups had already been sent there. for verification, and one of our volunteers managed to find a woman who actually took him to the house, where she escorted milana and the woman who was with him. and where
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did the girl end up with whom? the girl was found in the trash with her grandmother, the grandmother was picking around, there was a girl nearby, a volunteer noticed her, came up to ask... a question, the girl was already in different clothes, the question was asked to the grandmother, the question was asked to the grandmother, yes, is this a granddaughter, well and judging by the way she answered, it became clear that it was not hers granddaughter, so the volunteer called the investigator and found out that this was our lost one, hope, what do you think, why did they change the girl’s clothes, the only reason why they could change her clothes, of course, so that she would not be recognized on the street, apparently, so this is also once proves her intent.
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discover a girl near these trash cans? yes, of course, it’s terrible, i’m now thinking, what did a two-year-old girl go through? anton, did the volunteers also find the woman who initially took the girl away? when the child was found, they dealt directly with the woman police officers, we didn’t go there.
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there are residential buildings, well, the place is passable, but not to say that it is particularly crowded, as probably an ordinary courtyard, well, that is, at the time when the girl was found, it was not crowded there. no, it wasn’t, because it was a working day, there weren’t really that many people walking the streets at that time, there were people, but no one paid attention to anything, that fateful evening she mistook them for a mother and daughter and i still can’t forgive myself for not feeling something was wrong in anna’s studio kurshino, hello, anna, hello, where did you see the alleged kidnapper? and a girl, i work at the distribution point, and
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accordingly, she came there, she burst in with the child, she said something very indistinctly, wanted to ask me something, she was all disheveled, very emotional, could barely stand on her feet , what state the girl was in, and the girl was calm, she just stood there, calmly, looked at the woman, at me, didn’t cry, no, she didn’t... cry, how did she address the girl? daughter, daughter, do you remember this well? yes, yes, that’s why you didn’t have any suspicions, because the girl was calm, and the woman next to her calls her daughter, yes, because usually, if a small child is with a stranger, then he somehow cries, somehow shows , what he wants to see his parent, so i couldn’t think of anything at all, we perceive any child, well, as our own, that’s right, every woman. studio will tell about this, here there was a
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definite realization that she did something wrong, i absolutely disagree, because here it sounded like she was asking at a bus stop or somewhere how to get to that fifth district, where she was later found, respectively, she was going to a specific person, she knew the address, she didn’t know the city, but she knew that she needed the fifth area, and apparently she was going to this grandmother, that is, she had a place where she clearly went. there is another option, she realized that they were looking for her, but she escaped, she had to come to the apartment, put her up, call anton, and something is known about this grandmother, next to whom the girl was found, with these questions the investigation is underway, gregory, the investigators may regard this grandmother as an accomplice, i think so, yes, her role here needs to be clarified. because if the child was handed over to her
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so that she could play the role of grandmother , so that maybe she, the kidnapper , went to prepare some ground, maybe she called someone, then billing will be involved, but the question is in her role , but the fact that this role exists is beyond doubt , because she told you something, the girl was sitting next to her, if the girl was sitting alone, then people passing by would have a huge number of questions about this situation, they would come up to her and ask, girl, why are you sitting here, and there is some kind of grandmother here, that is? the return of mukhtar from the very beginning, mukhtar,
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go ahead, look for mukhtar, from thursday at 8:25 on ntv. via superstar, final on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. there may be pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck. pentalgin extragel contains the maximum dose of a substance for pain and inflammation. pentalgin extragel. on the one hand, this is an ozone bank card that can be used pay. anything and receive cashback, on the other hand, this is an ozonbank card, which you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble. you are so multifaceted, just like me, millions of goods on azon for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any purchases with an azonbank card. try more this summer. free delivery from a delicious point in yandex food. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. custom jewelry, who will buy it, but you didn’t listen, because you
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devils, new episodes, oh, there will be more viewers, i love attention, today at 22:10 on ntv. beyond, this is beyond, a resident of yaroslavl asked a friend to sit with her two-year-old daughter for a couple of hours, when she returned home, she did not find a daughter she did not know. was she, this woman, talking to you? yes, but the speech was very unrelated. in the end, i understood what she wanted to say, she asked me for a first aid kit, she asked me to go outside with her, and there was a man lying there, it looked like she was with him, but he fell on...
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when i already came home, i was scrolling through the news, i saw the report, and you know, the worst thing is that i just saw this photograph, in the photograph there was this woman, this girl, and i immediately realized that well, this is it, these were them, they were literally a few hours ago at me, and i just didn’t react in any way, in fact it was wild guilt, guilt, shame, shame precisely for... for indifference, for the fact that, even if i didn’t suspect anything, but even if it was my parents, i still had to call, because even with my parents.
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than it is the parents' fault. in the studio of svetlana fedorova. hello hello. what complaints do you have against your parents, girls? if they can be called parents, i am very worried now, this situation touched me to the depths of my soul. it’s like you could leave a two-year-old child, it’s unclear with whom, it’s unclear where, and go away and do your own thing. affairs, do you personally know sergei and maria? no, i'm seeing them for the first time. how did you know about their trouble? i
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learned about their trouble from social networks. i was sitting at home, scrolling through my news feed, and came across a post that a girl had been kidnapped in our city. then at that moment this information had already spread throughout the city, the city was seething, buzzing, everyone was indignant, everyone was trying to help somehow, to find this girl, i was looking. i followed the news, again on social networks, didn’t you help look for the girl? i didn’t help look for the girl, i had already tried after being there for several hours, i told my husband, let’s get ready, let’s go look, but at that moment information appeared that the girl was alive, thank god, healthy, she had been found. svetlana, you yourself are a mother, is that why you were so touched by this situation? no, unfortunately, i am not a mother; this is a very sensitive issue for me. “i can’t have children, i would really like to, i would like to take this girl for myself, would you like
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to take this girl for yourself, milana, milana, yes, why are you sure that milana will be better with you than with her parents, look on me and look at my parents, i think that i have more worthy conditions for raising this girl, that is, you think these parents deserve to be deprived of parental rights and give the girl to you. absolutely right, did you know that milana also has an older sister? no, now you know what to do with her, in this case too, as you imagine, i will give you my children, but never in my life will i give him to you. i will gnaw at you all, i will never give up my child to anyone, this is my child, you didn’t give birth to him, a normal mother would not abandon her child, she would not abandon her. well , i turned out to be stupid too, so i was and now punish me for this with a lesson, yes for me this is already a lesson my main thing is i think no
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and i think no there will be no lesson i think this situation will repeat itself repeat itself yes i don’t show off to anyone anything i don’t, i ’m sorry, every one of our neighbors who knows me and i just need to ask a question , have you ever been registered with the police authorities? hope, can you imagine that made a stranger so imbued with the fate of someone else’s child, someone else ’s girl, that she wants to take custody of her, do you understand her position in general, i understand her position, moreover, i am alarmed by the fact that we have already heard a similar position from a friend of that woman, that is it turns out that two women want.
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provide for children, certificates will be taken from parents, that is , from kindergartens, from clubs, that is, what children attend, neighbors will be questioned, i do not agree, i believe that there is a possibility therefore a woman in principle. and well, i understand what she’s talking about, because if now the investigation proves that the parents are guilty and that it is unknown under what circumstances she
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took this girl, why she took her, they have the testimony of this woman. and if it turns out that there was a bad relationship with this girl, then anything is possible. elena, you can understand why a stranger is laying claim to this child. you know, for me, as i see the situation, this is, in principle, such a repetition of a friend who has the same, well, excuse me, please, there is also a certain trauma in life, a person cannot have children, after seeing the situation, yes, the parents are certainly to blame, they are. understood, they lived through it, i see how my mother is worried, but in your situation, excuse me, you, having seen the situation superficially from social networks, you are already saying that you are ready to adopt this child, that these are unworthy parents, you there is no reason for this, this should be sorted out, firstly, by the investigative authorities, experts, to make some of their conclusions, and after the incident, the guardianship authorities should pay attention to
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increased attention to this family, is there even a chance? that they can be deprived of parental rights, well, i assess this chance as extremely low, in any case, after what happened, the fault of the parents, i think, is still present, my opinion, because it was impossible to leave the child with a stranger, this is the first, second organs guardianship will now be registered due to the fact that this happened, and then there will be control over this for 6 months, well, it won’t get better, to what extent will the living conditions be investigated, their condition, how are the children there? fed, watered, clothed and how they walk. to an educational institution, maria, sergey, grigory just spoke about the control that will be in relation to your family from the guardianship, you are not afraid of this control, you consider yourself to be good parents, yes, yes, i consider myself a good mother, because i have a well-fed child, you have all the conditions for children, yes, my colleagues visited your home and saw how you live with your daughters, dilapidated walls,
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interior doors without glass and little furniture, an apartment. she loves to sleep very much, so children have clothes for every season. the daughters’ outfits occupy two closets; in one, the mother carefully folded t-shirts and t-shirts, in the other, jackets and pants, dresses, as if thrown by a tornado. there are melanina’s things, where she just walks around the house, t-shirts, she changes clothes herself, we are getting ready for graduation, here is her little dress.
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the little ones are also not deprived of toys, he assures. we have toys, where especially milana plays with dolls, this is her favorite toy, here is her goose, on which she sometimes sits, sits, plays and sometimes falls asleep with her in her arms, so my grandmother gave us this toy for our birthday, she really loves to play, she thinks that it is developing here in a pink backpack.
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i did it, they didn’t finish anything, but they quickly finish it, they finish it very quickly, here ’s the freezer, i have it here, it’s just all packed, cutlets, dumpling, by the way, my husband really likes to fish, he brings all the fish, svetlana, your condition is better than that of sergei and maria, of course, better, i have a country house. where we live with husband in the summer, in the center of the city we have a three-room apartment, the girls will each have a separate room in the house, we will try for this, we are basically wealthy people, yes, my husband makes good money, i make good money, my parents are still alive who can help, my husband’s parents are alive and are also ready to help us with
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all this. nadezhda, how do you like the conditions at maria sergei’s? i never separate people who have great wealth and little, each has their own position, poverty is not, not a threshold, not a threshold, yes, but, guys, you... forgive me, but you can’t hang up the wallpaper, because you have it torn off in pieces like these, where the children are lying at the headboard, wallpaper, simple wallpaper, now you can buy it very inexpensively, you can hang it yourself, you can do it, you just need to invest in this work, you know, if you think that children, two little girls live in such tattered wallpaper and that this is the norm, you will forgive me, but i will not agree with you to save up for wallpaper using cheap glue; you could always do all this. i’m just working, i arrive tired, i’m specifically looking forward to a vacation, now i’ll go to i'm on vacation, i'll do this. ekaterina, have you noticed the girls’ behavior, how can you evaluate it? i noticed that
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children feel good at home, in principle, and the fact that they have such an environment, it is familiar, ordinary for them, and they love their parents, it’s like it’s usual for them, this is their home. milan needs it. help after what she's been through? milana, of course, needs help, i myself would probably like to work with her with this girl, i have work experience, that would be wonderful. what punishment awaits the culprit? kidnapping a girl? we'll continue to look into this after the ad. in secret from her grandmother, her granddaughter took her biomaterial for a dna test with her mother. mom doesn't look like her relatives at all. the result shocked everyone, it turned out to be zero, when i saw the result, of course, it was very scary for me, a change in the maternity hospital, an adoption that my grandmother hid from her family for 44 long years,
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it was hard for me that she was not my own daughter, perhaps there was a substitution, my mother said that for the first time she saw me undressed somewhere at home, only when she was already unswaddled, or the result of an examination carried out by the granddaughter?
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yaroslavl lost their daughter, they were desperate to find the girl was alive, but after 14 hours of searching , the baby was found safe and sound. gregory, how do you assess svetlana’s chances of becoming a guardian? well, i mean, a country house can’t replace a mother? tell me, are these the only children in the yaroslavl province who need parents? did you, as it were , turn to the guardianship authorities on your own to adopt someone? no, no, they didn’t. so i recommend that you do this first, because the process of getting child abuse is quite a long process, now you need to go through several procedures in order for you to be recognized as having the right to this, and not what i will take there or not, this is what concerns you, there are, i think, children who are more in need of even this, to you, comrades, parents, the whole program just didn’t work out for me, i think it’s somehow strange, this is your one-room apartment, that’s right, two-room, that is, this mess is one room, the second room, what else is it worse
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there or did i just miss that second room, you just understand that that’s it a situation to which, well, your lifestyle, let’s call it politely, has reached the point where your child is simply being taken away from you, but now you have definitely come under guardianship, now if you don’t take up the challenge of changing your lifestyle, you indeed, in the end the children will be taken away, gregory, if it is proven that this is a kidnapping, what awaits the culprit, well, is this article 126?
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the representatives of the child are the parents, i will naturally provide you with all legal assistance, the only condition is that you take it.


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