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tv   DNK  NTV  June 10, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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it’s even worse there or i just missed that the second room for now, you just understand that this is the situation itself, well, your way of life, let’s call it politely, has reached the point where they’re just taking your child away, but now you’re definitely in in the sights of the guardianship, now if you don’t take action to change your lifestyle, your children will really be taken away in the end, gregory, if it is proven that this is kidnapping, what awaits the culprit, well, is this article 126?
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i will follow up and represent the interests of the victims, so that the punishment is adequate. maria, sergey, what conclusions did you draw from everything that happened? it will be a lesson, yes, it will be a lesson for us as a child, yes, so that she does not trust anyone. i will be attentive , most of this only to the children, so that... and the children are clean, comfortable, everything in my power, i did everything for my children. do you want to say something to those people who, many people who took part in the search, who followed this situation, i want to thank our eldest daughter’s teacher, because she’s already talked about this found out, she began to do everything, do all this, do, do, to those who were looking for her. those
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neighbors who were always next to me and , too, when they found out about this, they also began to search in all the yards, i also thank them very much, well, i also thank the police very much, well, no one turned away from us at all, remember that with any problem you can contact our program for help, we will continue tomorrow, right now new dna. tomorrow in the program beyond, at first she suffered from excess weight, then she died from anorexia, and now she has pumped up such muscles that they look like a hero from an action movie, with her own weight of 70 kg, and i realized a barbell weighing 62.5 kg, you are so pretty, you even have a manicure, you have these same heels, well, that’s not it what, what is this, this is all masculine, the girl’s mother is terrified, she is afraid for her daughter’s health, she blames her coach for everything, he’s just... much older than
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her, i would like, of course, for him to control everything so that he doesn’t harm her these sports activities, so that he sees in her not only an athlete, but also a girl, this a person who can work with such dedication, which i have never seen in a cube, tatyana, she is like a project, it is beyond the bounds, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. suspected that her mother was not related to her family and, in secret from her grandmother, she conducted a genetic examination, which confirmed this, anush kostandyan came to us for a dna test, hello, hello, anush, tell me, why do you need a repeat examination to dispel doubts, sown by me, my family?
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if the answer is negative, i would like to find relatives, and this program is for me, i hope this helps, if the answer is positive, i will simply apologize to my family, that is, you want to double-check the negative dna test result that you have already received. yes, my family doubts that he is reliable, but i believe that i did everything right. why did you even have any doubts that your mother might not be your own? your grandmother's daughter? there are many children in our family, i have many uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, they are all white, blue-eyed, fair people, my mother is curly-haired, dark and brown-eyed, somehow it always seemed to me that she was different from them, but you are probably comparing this with your closest relatives, there are also distant relatives, maybe your mother is similar to one of them? yes, my grandmother
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told me that my mother looks like her own, one of her sisters, there are also many of them, and she is a brunette, and also brown-eyed, my grandmother also has a father, brunette too. and curly-haired, and my grandmother always said: “she looks like my father, or she looks like anushka.” i saw anna several times as a child, but from memory and from photographs that i saw, if honestly, i don’t think they look alike, but i saw my grandfather, i didn’t see my grandfather at all, i didn’t see her in photographs, i didn’t see photographs either, but the fact that she doesn’t look like her brothers and sisters is a fact, yes, they’re just mine uncles and aunts all have several children, except one, they are all like... a copy of each other, and they all have approximately the same character, not only this gave rise to doubt in me, well, not only doubt , but there is some certainty, they also have a different blood type, the whole family, there are seven of them, only children, plus mom, dad,
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they are all with the second positive, mother with the first negative, and what does she think about it, well, we talked about this since childhood, every time i said... that they are not all alike, well, somehow my mother always noticed that they were not similar, but she said, well, maybe she believed in what looked like distant relatives, external dissimilarity, different blood type, different characters, are there any other reasons for your doubts, several years ago, my uncle was diagnosed with a disease, connection genetic, related to the blood, there is a lack of some factor in the blood or something, in general, blood clotting is bad, and... when my uncle was examined, he was prescribed a lot of medications, his doctor told him that if he has brothers and sisters, they should also be examined, he said that with such a disease, how one of his sisters suffers, he said that this cannot happen to just one person, and if
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you have common parents, then all common children should have this disease, and how many common children were there in the family? look, when grandparents got together for the two of them, it was second marriage, my grandfather from his first marriage has two children, marina and victor, my grandmother from her first marriage had a daughter, natasha, everyone began to live together, everyone began to live together and gave birth to a daughter, who, unfortunately, died at 6 months, after my mother, svetlana, was born to her, 3 years after my mother olga was born, and 3 years after olga sergei was born, three of them together, two of these three common children have a disease. and your mother is the only one of our common children who has not. natalya, is it necessarily genetic? is the disease transmitted to all common children? well, here it should be said that even when there are any inherited genetic diseases, they can either manifest themselves or
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not manifest themselves, yes, that is, when two damaged genes coincide, then this disease manifests itself, one damaged gene may coincide, there mom .. when it is not inherited, that is, the zero group can be in any combination, in my family there is a mother, a father, me and my sister, we all have different blood types, i have a daughter, my husband and i have different blood types, and at my daughter's
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third blood group and a different rh, this is normal, it happens, but why does this bother you, i just had doubts that... i decided to check, you discussed these doubts with your mother, i discussed them, i always i asked my mother to take the test, but my mother always refused and said, no, how will they react to this, my mother didn’t even want to do the test, and said that no, it happens, it happens, well, there are different people in the family, i think , that in her soul she still definitely had some doubts, because i always talked about this, and so some people i knew, i... heard conversations about my mother’s childhood, that when my grandmother gave birth to her and they brought her, that people said, well, somehow she doesn’t look like you at all, some- then a dark child, okay, anush, let’s say you and your mother discussed how it could
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happen that she ended up in her own family? yes, we considered several versions of the obvious, the first, for example, if she could turn out to be an adopted daughter, we immediately crossed out this one... because when the grandparents got together, they already had three there were children, as i said, and it was 1980, my grandfather was in the military. grandmother, well, an ordinary working person, she worked, it seems, in a kindergarten, these were not the right conditions, not the right time for there to be thoughts of doing charity work, and therefore i don’t think, we are absolutely sure that this could not have happened, she cannot be an adopted child, the second and version that i seem to be holding on to, and i think that this could have happened, is a substitution in the maternity hospital. but i’m not saying that it’s intentional, i just think that anything can happen happen, maybe the tags got mixed up or
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something, i’m only considering this version, when did you finally decide that everything needs to be done with a dna test? a few years ago, my uncle was diagnosed with this disease, when i saw what condition he was in, that he definitely needed to maintain his health, i was worried about my mother and yet my interest did not... gave me peace and one day i flew to samara on my own business from my grandmother, unfortunately, i secretly took a flour test and analysis, so in order to take the dna test, i first got acquainted with how to do it correctly, i looked at information on different laboratory websites, called, found out how to do this test correctly, from my grandmother under the pretext that i was taking a test for covid, this test, at the moment when you take it, it cannot be conveyed in words, how exciting it is in my soul, it’s a shame that you
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don’t talk about it, but you can’t know the reaction of an adult, especially, but this is still age, she has her own illnesses, and i don’t know how she will react , she, i knew for sure that she wouldn’t understand my my an impulse to find out, but in my head, for example, there are doubts not only such that i need to find out everything about my mother, but i’m also thinking about the version that they could... be changed or planted somehow in the maternity hospital, i think somewhere there is a person whom my grandmother gave birth to, and maybe she is also sick, well, your mother, since you say she did not agree to a genetic examination for a long time, did you also take an analysis from her fraudulently? when i did my grandmother’s analysis and arrived in moscow with the material, i simply said, but i already took it, come on we’ll do it anyway, if it’s positive, we just won’t tell anyone about it and we’ll just continue to be calm. to live, at least just to calm down inside, because, of course, with my behavior and
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my mother too, well, i have created some doubts in her, i still think that every person should know their roots, from whom it happened, and if this happened to us, then who is to blame for it, why? olga, why do you think mom and knife didn’t agree to a genetic examination for a long time? i think that if everything was fine in the family
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and it sits in me too, and i also think about it, and when i came here to the program, i, too , could not sleep normally for several days before this, and i thought whether we were doing everything right, but still, this is important for us, well, you took the result of the previous dna test yourself, my mother was on a business trip at that moment for work in another, in another city, and the result came to her by email, i was not driving at that moment, she called me and said, that the result came, i said: well, let
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’s open it together, just for my mother, too, of course i was worried, she said: i’ll open it now and just send it to you, she said, okay, mom hung up and sent me the result a minute later, i opened it and saw that there was 0% relationship. and, of course, at this moment, no matter what you thought about before, no matter what answer you were, you were not ready, it’s still a shock, your life is divided into before and after, this makes you feel very bad, and i hear ... i was standing at a traffic light, i remember here in moskvechevsky and there is a church there, so i ’m standing in the car at that moment when my gaze fell to this zero, the domes began to play and it gave me goosebumps, i called her, she said we’ll talk when i fly in, then my mother closed this topic for herself and didn’t even discuss it
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, at that moment, didn’t you regret starting this whole check? after that, on the contrary, there is such a need inside to find out why, why is this so? didn’t your mother regret agreeing to the dna test? i think that probably not, i just know how important family is to her, and if now the repeated result shows us that 0%, i think that the question will never arise in life in our. about how close or beloved we are to those with whom we grew up, this question will never arise in our family, but the question will arise about where our biological relatives are. what is your mother hoping for today ? i think that my mother hopes that my test, which i carried out, was erroneous, and now the result will come back
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positive. since childhood, your mother worried that she was not like anyone in the family. in the studio of svetlana yashina. hello svetlana. tell us how your daughter managed to persuade you to take a dna test? in our family, i have a brother and sister, olya and seryozha. since childhood, olya has had a blood disease and has very poor clotting ability. she has been in our hospital since childhood. but my brother had it a few years ago. terrible health condition, and he ended up in the hospital on new year's holidays, and we barely saved him, and this probably became the starting point when everything came together, and my daughter tells me, well, mom, how long will you be to risk yourself, you need to do it, but about the fact that you are not like anyone else, and why should you
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start a conversation yourself? well, that’s my daughter too... looking at the photographs, she kept looking for some matches with my parents, with my brothers and sisters, blue-eyed beautiful parents, sisters, brothers, but there was nothing in common, so she said, mom, well , here’s another thing for health reasons, let’s do dna, well, your daughter didn’t find any external coincidences, you yourself, svetlana, who do you think you’re like, anyone in this family? you have always noticed this since childhood, well, you noticed it, yes, but your mother never had any questions about why you don’t like anyone similar from your family? my mother did not have such doubts, because my mother, they have a lot of children in the family and mm, she has a sister, annushka, she is so tall, dark, dark, dark-skinned, with black hair,
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brown eyes, that is she always said that i have a sister too... everyone is blue-eyed, she is brown-eyed, dark-skinned, so you most likely, this aunt, well, there was no doubt that maybe it wasn’t my own, that maybe something had happened, no, svetlana, why did you decide to conduct a dna test in secret from yours? moms, well, can you imagine, i love my mother very much, she already has some diseases due to her age, but i had no idea. when we discussed with our daughter how we would do this, that is, there was no question, well , firstly, she would not have allowed this test to be taken, because she would have said what doubts there might be, and we simply deceived her, well, here’s your mother at the moment he knows the result of that very test, but he knows, he doesn’t believe anything,
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anuzh said that for a long time you did not dare to open the letter with the result of the dna test, what were you afraid of, svetlana? but i didn't open it because i knew that if it was a test in which my mother and i are not family, it means a new life, new circumstances, it generally means that my life is divided into before and after, if the test is positive, if we are talking about that if we saw the result, that my mother and i are family, then i would be ashamed, but then... my doubts, they would all die in my soul, but when i saw the result, of course, it was for me , well , this, this, it was very... very scary, for several months i went into myself, i closed myself off,
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i didn’t know how to live, why exactly such a story happened to me, how was it possible, i have a beloved dad, i love him very much, i looked at his childhood photographs there, well, not children’s, but those that were still there. .. i have a very handsome man, tall, so stately, and i thought, i’m such a beauty in him, i’m his beloved daughter, suddenly neither dad nor mom, who am i, what nationality, where from, how did my parents lose me? , my poor mother raised me, not her daughter, she has a story, in front of me is a daughter, she has died 6 months old, she was... then in the middle of her life her daughter was killed, she was 26 years old, natasha, then me, my story, this is for her, it’s all very scary, you know, at
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the end of your life you realize how much you survived everything, this is not, not everyone can endure this, you did not regret at that moment that you agreed to your daughter’s persuasion, i love my daughter very much, and i am grateful to god that she was born to me, this is the meaning of my life, i i am grateful to her for the fact that she showed perseverance, that she forced me to do this, she organized all this, and my doubts are already, you see, disappeared, i kind of understand in my soul that there is a negative dna test, and i make a decision on how i should live further, and for this i... i turned to you, so anu thinks that you are still hoping for error of that test, is that so? yes, somewhere in the depths of my soul,
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yes, i would like not to experience these emotional worries, and for me to grow up and grow up in the yashin family, that’s it, this is my family, maybe they made a mistake when you found out, what do you and your loved ones have different blood types? when i got pregnant. my beautiful daughter and i had something wrong with my kidneys, they did the result, well, they did a blood test and it turned out that i had the first negative blood group, and this is such a rare blood group , it wasn’t in this kinel region, and the question was being solved, where should i give birth, because if i have bleeding, then this blood is not there and i can die, they took me to samara, i gave birth...
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what are you talking about, you, you are like an aunt, you are just like an aunt, why are you talking about this you think you don’t need to think about it, but your mother remembers the day she gave birth well, yes, she remembers it quite well, but there were five people lying with her, somewhere a woman in labor, it was some kind of dilapidated maternity hospital, that is, they gave birth in one place, women in labor were lying in another place, there was a shower to wash there, somewhere they had to go to... a place, the children were lying there in the fifth place, and accordingly there was complete devastation, according to my mother, but do you think that
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you could have ended up in your mother’s family only because of a mistake in the maternity hospital? i think just because of this, at what point could a substitution occur, at what point could you be confused with another girl? you know, i think that in any the moment could have been mixed up, because let’s say she gave birth in the morning. in the evening they could have brought the child that she gave birth to, there is an absolutely proven practice when the mother, that’s why they show her now, and your mother was probably shown the child, when they take him out, the mother triggers such a genetic memory of her child’s face, and then you won’t confuse him with anyone, be he dressed or anything else, moreover, even when your child is screaming in the next room, you potentially feel that it’s yours when you ask the question, it seems to me, is my noise, it’s the nurse who comes with surprise and says: listen, really yours, yes, when the child appears light. mother,
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no matter how traumatic it may be, as emotional as possible, there are different states, but, but you still won’t look anywhere except at that little person you just produced in the state of your mother, you know something about childbirth, it was difficult, maybe they came, no, she gave birth normally, that is, they brought her in due to contractions, as in her words, she gave birth. these were the third ones she was in labor, so they probably thought that she was a specialist there, they took your girl away, you can ask if you remember your daughter’s face when she was born, you can’t confuse this with anything, here you are, and i still have periodic through the eyes of my child, the mother will not confuse the child, well, absolutely, this has happened many times in my life, i would not confuse a single one, even when i was given anesthesia
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and... i really had a huge loss of blood during the last birth, just everything floated for me, flew operationally and for me, i’m away i just saw the baby’s face, he was lying like that, diagonally, and one hundred percent, i came into the ward, there was an incubator, he was premature, and i found my child, right away, it’s just mine, they say, like this, like this, it works this maternal instinct, when you were born, your mother put you to her breast, you know what? dna test, or we are dealing with another substitution of children in the maternity hospital. let's continue to understand after a very short advertisement.
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were sitting at the table, at first we told my sister quietly, then we told my brother, well, this that was also the reaction, maybe this was a wrong test, so they also asked me, well, do you want to tell your mom or not, and i say, i think, well, somehow maybe little by little i’ll say, well, just recently we they told her that mom, i told her, i love you very much, you are my mother, you were and are, and this will not change anything in our lives at all. when, but i want to know the truth, we tricked you into doing a dna test, it showed zero, but you’re just saying, support me with everything, it’s in this
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curiosity that i can continue to live calm down, i beg you, my mother was confused, that is, she didn’t even discuss this for several days, i understood. that she needs to generally digest this information, but when i already decided to turn to you for the program, i explained everything to her, and thank god, she supported me, she is next to me, she said that i’ll look, there will be a mistake, i ’ll go with you, i’ll prove everything to you, svetlana, your mother says that it’s 100%...
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no, no, it’s some kind of mistake, maybe there’s a mistake, that’s it. with her, you would agree, of course, here you have
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you yourself had suspicions that maybe somehow, after all, yes, no, she is only mine, that is, you would agree to a genetic examination only for svetlana’s sake, of course, yes, and you insist that you yourself gave birth, svetlana, of course, i gave birth myself, all conscious, i started having problems, they called an ambulance, soon brought me to the hospital, and that’s where i gave birth. i gave birth right on the same day and in the evening they brought me to feed her, so that means the girl was born on time? yes, on time, healthy, well, when you gave birth to your daughter, you they showed the daughter, yes, they weighed her, they even said, three there are 200, they showed, of course, they always show, you just understand what’s the matter, svetlana told us that they didn’t show you the daughter, that’s not what you saw the daughter when they brought it to you, they show it right away. did they bring you the same girl you gave birth to for feeding? yes, yes,
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how many children in total were brought to your ward for feeding? well, they brought us in a stroller for feeding, well, if we have five, that means they brought five at once, and no one ever had a mistake, no one had anything, yes, yes, they fed their own people, they came, took them away and checked them out, when they unwrapped everything and showed the tag. and they kept wrapping her up in front of me. how do you remember your newborn daughter? well, how it was wrapped, the head was wrapped, here the diapers were all wrapped up, the feeling of the eyes, you could see everything, the cheeks, well, who they looked like, maybe who they looked like, i almost couldn’t tell right away, but more than dad’s side, there’s something about me it also looks like we have hands.
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but it can’t, i don’t believe in it and never will i believe, she will still be my mistake , you think, i don’t doubt my mother at all for a second, she is the kindest, most decent person, the kindest woman, she raised us, our children, she, she can only draw her conclusions from the fact that she remembers or what she saw there, my mother, this is a holy person for me...
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love is not telling us something, but you know, now i look at love at svetlana, and i even see the similarities, you understand, so how i would admit that there was an error in the test, because well, there is absolutely like, here are the general features of the face, here are the eyebrows, and lips, and even the nose, and she’s not that kind of light, love is also kind of dark, so i admit that this is a mistake in... in the dna test, when they were sitting in profile mother and daughter, you
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are very similar, and i, no matter what is there, i say that this is mother and daughter sitting, i want everything to fall into place, and you forget it all, like a bad dream. in fact, i am sure that all three women present in our studio want this. alexey, but will this wish come true? well you know it has probably already come true. i suppose there were probably some attempts to find out how many children there were in the maternity hospital, how many women gave birth, boys, girls, what age, again, what do we want? we just want the truth, or we want to receive some kind of compensation from the maternity hospital later, or we want to annoy grandmothers in their old age or do something else, that is, you understand, what do you want, you said , i love the only thing, the best, the most real, what else are you looking for? i'm looking for an answer to the question if
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this is a substitution, then who are the biological parents? i want to find them, get to know them, get to know my family, my blood, understand what genetic diseases i may have in this case, just like my brothers and sisters, but i want to communicate, i want to know who they are, i want , i love my family very much, we have brothers, sisters, and even in this family,
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but the phase of denial, which will then pass, what will her older sister tell about the birth of svetlana, will a dna test confirm that the woman is her own, or to the family you'll have to come to terms with zero result? we'll continue in a few commercial minutes. there was a rhinoceros, today a unicorn, tomorrow taganrog, tomorrow in st. petersburg.7 - a hero of every day, a retired major, of course, that’s all,
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the maternity hospital. once again, svetlana yashina and her daughter, annushka standzyan, gathered for a family council. for many years now, svetlana, looking at her childhood photographs, has been looking for similarities with her relatives, but has never found it. well, of course, i don’t see any similarity. well, let’s say, let’s take a photo of my daughter. and to my niece, this is anush, little one, this is zhenya, this is my older sister, daughter, this is mine, she is blue-eyed, my beauty, and mine is so dark, black, anuzh suspects that her mother could have been replaced in the maternity hospital, and svetlana’s dissimilarity from other relatives is not the only reason for such guesses; already when i was a teenager, i found out that they have different blood types and mothers...
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that svetlana is not her own daughter, she doesn’t trust the results of the dna test , puts his last hope in our program, i want the dna here to be 99.9.
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svetlana, your older sister hopes that the first result of the genetic examination is just a mistake. in the studio of marina yashina. hello, hello, marina. how did you find out about the dna test result? svetlana called me and told me about the test result, to which i said that this was not true, it was possibly some kind of mistake. the thought that this could be true did not occur to you. well, even if this is true, nothing will change. in general, throughout your life you have never doubted that your sister is yours. no, i never doubted that sveta was our sister. and besides her appearance, there’s also her sister. is somewhat different from rodmu, well, the world is different, she has a lively character, and her love for the caucasus, of course, was
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clearly highlighted, she studied a foreign language on her own, in particular armenian, and also met, then got married, and maybe you in childhood, maybe somewhere you managed to overhear something, i have in view of the conversations of adults, future children, for example, there have never been any such conversations in our family. today you are sure that the result of the dna test will be different from the one you have already received before. i think yes. look how similar they are. look, svetlana, she looks like mother, i was already starting to have thoughts that svetlana and her daughter with her sanush somehow didn’t look alike at all, but when my aunt came out and i looked at my aunt and niece, in my opinion, they were practically the same person. tell us, anna, what similarities you saw between the nose, anush and aunt. the nose is right there. i can see the nose from here, the oval of the face, because svetlana and anush have different ovals of the face, yes, the profile, olga, what
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do you think about the external similarity? it looks like anushi, marina, yes, i can support, that’s what they said before me, yes, you girls look alike everyone is similar to each other, externally, internally, and god grant that, well, whatever the dna test is, i would like it to be positive, then all the questions will be removed, this is all this mental turmoil. which was sown, but need it, she wanted it, she didn’t want it, with her mother, with her grandmother, this mental turmoil, everything will calm down and come into a wonderful, wonderful shape, but if it is negative, still, well, really, then you, you are family, and mom, she was a mom, will remain a mom, and certainly beloved, the only mother, even if you find,
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if there are biological parents. it is still unknown what will happen there, what kind of parents they are, how they will react to this, and what kind of connection it will be, whether there will be one, this is a huge question, here you have a wonderful family , excellent relationships, appreciate it, i understand the note of such condemnation by my action, it ’s inside too, it’s inside me, not just a pry somewhere, inside me it’s screaming, i blame myself for it, i just want to explain that... whatever the result is today, grandparents really raised such children, not only are they kind people, we have my aunt, another olya, and seryozha, my uncle, and another victor, they are all kind, they are all people with a pure soul, they, and i think that we are all in if we are able to accept this fact, for us
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it will not be such a point of no return, after which... if i’m wrong, but that’s exactly what i’m reading. i am still of the opinion that it will be negative, but uh, i don’t want to prove to everyone, you see, everything is like this, i would be glad if i were wrong today and i would have to apologize to everyone, like this i will say. love, what will you do if the dna test again shows zero, again shows that you did not give birth to svetlana? no, well, she was like my
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daughter, and that’s how she will remain. will you be looking for yours? we will, of course, find it. svetlana, what are your premonitions? now, you know, there is a double situation here, double feelings, well , i hope that there will be no further fighting in this life, and my doubts will die here today, and my mother and i will leave here and know that this is my mother and i am her daughter . my mother and i agreed that there would be a test. positive, great, it will be negative, let's hug, let's go search, ready to find out the truth, yes , i'm ready, i'm very nervous, of course, because this test will divide my life once again into before and after, because it will require either one action or another, so i apologize , i’m very nervous, but please support my mother in
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any case, of course, both my mother and my grandmother. i invite sergei kiselyov, professor, doctor of biological sciences, to the studio. native mother and daughter or strangers by blood? is it possible that at 44 years old, svetlana will find out that she was replaced in the maternity hospital, where her family was then family by blood. we will find out the long-awaited result of the dna test. together in just a few minutes. look at 19:00 leaves in french. after a crushing defeat in the european parliament elections, macron dissolved the national assembly. what political future awaits france, and will marine le pen be able to climb to the top of her career? the environment in chukotka has improved. previously, the local pivek was heated
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on ntv. in the studio of the dna program there are mother and daughter, who are eagerly awaiting the answer to the question. are they related to each other, or did something happen? in the maternity hospital sergei lvovich, over to you. this result is very important for the yashin family from the samara region. svetlana yashina suspected from childhood that... she might not be part of her family, because she didn’t look like any of her relatives. her daughter, annuj kostandyan, believes that her mother was really born into another family. to dot all the points and the girl suggested taking a dna test, and its zero result shocked the whole family. however, svetlana's mother. yashina insists that svetlana
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is her natural daughter, and considers the result to be erroneous. in this envelope is the result of a genetic examination carried out by us. love, do you agree to hear the result? agree. svetlana, are you ready to find out if you are your mother’s own daughter? yes, i'm ready. attention, i'm opening it. the envelope, on the one hand, the official mother, lyubov yashina, on the other, her official daughter, svetlana yashina. probability there is 0% consanguinity between you.
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we will look, everything will be fine, as soon as it happens, hello, everything, mom, everything, oh, everything, everything, everything is possible, everything is fine, well...
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this is an absolutely accurate result of a genetic examination, which we check twice, well, no maybe, it can’t, i’ll never believe it, i sympathize with you endlessly, but you didn’t raise your daughter, and that means that somewhere maybe... your daughter lives, we
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will find, we will definitely find, love, right now, when you know for sure that svetlana is not the girl you gave birth to, how do you think at what point the children could have been mixed up, or in general, what could have happened, i can’t say anything, when they could have mixed her up, love, but this result of the dna test, it won’t change anything, as you said?
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somehow find out in our own ways, but now we can fight for this together with full confidence as a family, and i know that now it will definitely be important for my grandmother to find a child for my uncles and aunts who do not support this today, i know that if not tomorrow, the day after tomorrow it will be important for them to find it too. i don’t know my loved one, in general, what to say today, but i would like to find, of course, and i know how important this is for my mother and my grandmother, svetlana, this is important to you too, yes, very... important, i really want to find those biological parents, if you suddenly accidentally recognized me or saw me, and i really want to get to know you, see you, hug you, help you in some way, and
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i hope you also have a big family with your brothers and sisters, love, remind me, day, time.. . thank you, thank you very much, if you require genetic testing, please contact us and we will help you, tomorrow on ntv, now.
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pension indexation for working pensioners will resume from february next year, the government announced. an incendiary duet about how, in the southern donetsk direction of a special operation, enemy equipment is destroyed by crews of fagot anti-tank missile systems and multiple launch rocket systems. hurricane evgeny golovanov. elections to the european parliament. ursula fonden sat, scholte macron weakened, daro completely blew away. about, can this affect relations with russia, from paris. elizabeth gerson. troubles at home, strange behavior abroad, trial of her son, not alone.


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