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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 10, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm MSK

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pension indexation for working pensioners will resume from february next year, the government announced. an incendiary duet about how, in the southern donetsk direction of a special operation, enemy equipment is destroyed by crews of fagot anti-tank missile systems and rocket systems. volley fire hurricane evgeniy golovanov. ursula fondeen sat through the elections to the european parliament, scholte macron weakened, and decrot completely blew away. about whether this could affect relations with russia from paris. elizabeth gerson. troubles at home, strange behavior abroad, his son's trial, one bad week for joe biden threatens to turn into a second. alexey veselovsky, from the usa.
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alexandra tankikh learned from academician lodonosov how the world’s only floating nuclear thermal power plant operates in chukotka and what prospects this russian project opens up for small-scale nuclear power. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, its presenter is nikolaeva. and igor poletaev. indexation of pensions for working pensioners will resume on february 1 next year, mikhail mishustin said today and emphasized that this was done on behalf of the president. last week, during a speech at the st. petersburg economic forum, vladimir putin outlined the main tasks of russia's development necessary for structural restructuring of the economy.
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today instructed the cabinet of ministers to prepare amendments to laws as soon as possible to implement the president’s initiatives, the head of government also said that explanatory work will be organized on the issue of indexation of pensions for working pensioners, and additional applications from citizens will not be required; today there are over 7,800 of them , and such people have solid experience, skills, and are in demand on the market, which is important. create conditions so that they can continue to work, share knowledge with the younger generation of specialists, they will be paid a salary and pension, taking into account annual indexation, just like those who have retired, in addition, the minimum wage will continue to increase, it will be calculate based on the average salary in the market at the beginning next year the monthly rent will increase by 15%, exceeding 22 thousand rubles per month. the russian
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military liberated another settlement in the donbass, the village of staromaiskoe on the territory of the dpr. in total, over the course of 24 hours, our troops hit the manpower and equipment of the ukrainian army in 147 regions. these are the data of the ministry of defense. tankers from the southern group of forces destroyed an enemy stronghold in the donetsk direction. aerial reconnaissance revealed artillery crews attempting to rotate ukrainian armed forces units on the line of combat contact. the goals were decided work out. t-80. the crews completed the mission using carousel tactics. the combat vehicles fired in succession. ivanovo paratroopers destroyed a vehicle transporting ukrainian armed forces personnel for rotation near the city of chasov yar, for which fighting is taking place in the donbass. the fire was directed by airborne artillery from a nona self-propelled gun. frequent work, work with travel, that is, cars are not parked. we receive a combat mission, go to firing positions in one. into two cars, as we call
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them boxes, we shoot and quickly leave, in connection with this the enemy cannot do anything like us detect in full. the crew of the self-propelled haubst group of troops west destroyed the grad rocket system of the ukrainian army. during the counter-battery fight, the target was discovered by a reconnaissance drone. the rszzo installation was located on the outskirts of the village of yampol in the kramatorsk region. having completed the shooting, the ukrainian armed forces crew tried to disguise the vehicle in the forest.
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the front line is all planned out like clockwork, they work in a duet, before they enter the fagod, the sounds of the propellers of a reconnaissance drone are heard. and then, according to the principle, whoever didn’t hide, it’s not my fault, having figured out the places location of the enemy, the drone operator transmits the coordinates to the crews of man-portable anti-tank missile systems. shot. the fagot rocket with a shaped charge is capable of burning through a forty-centimeter. nato technology is stopped in no time, and this significantly cools the militant ardor of the ukrainian nationalists who believed in the prodigies. the bassoon hits only 2 km, but if the target is not within walking distance, the gunner requests a larger and longer-range caliber, cannon or rocket artillery. until this moment
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the guns take cover in forest shelves with already loaded ammunition. to make this digger, a shelter for... a hurricane, the dimensions of the car were 12x3 m, the crew had to make every effort, they tried their best with their own hands, they took out tons of soil, and they made a roll with saw trunks from trees and laid them in the side walls, this is reliable protection both from the eyes of operators of reconnaissance ukrainian drones and from shrapnel, several kilometers along a dusty dirt road at full speed, you need to get to a pre-selected firing position as quickly as possible, the sky is literally swarming with predatory drones. the enemy is always hunting for us, also our comrades poshniks help us by shooting down drones, so we carry out the work as quickly as possible, we try not to hesitate for a second, because every second is our redheads, a set of
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uraga for 16 rockets, but the whole whole package launches in one. here, when a mass group target is detected, for example, a concentration of enemy armored vehicles or infantry, they immediately work on a stronghold of ukrainian nationalists, and to dismantle it, a few are enough shells. if a hurricane hits ground targets, then everything that flies is already in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the crew of the buk anti-aircraft missile system. it is capable of shooting down both manned aircraft, airplanes and helicopters, and large drones. it also intercepts missiles, including modern nato ones. basically you can see the same hummers, some other missiles, a lot of drones, if it is ready to hit a target, then it hits it immediately. buk sees
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a target at a distance of a hundred kilometers, the affected area is over thirty, but if the enemy finds the position of the missile defense system, switches its entire arsenal to suppress it. evgeny golovanov and andrey tkachenko, ntv.
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three have just begun to realize that i am here in moscow, in the hospital, that is, you were, that is, practically without, now even this sometimes you wake up and don’t understand where you are, because the shell shock is serious. the doctors managed to save the soldier’s legs, a seemingly unique case, but for the doctors from the vishnevsky hospital he is an ordinary man, on the chest of senior sergeant ruslan bidzhev there is the st. george cross of the fourth degree, in total 4 days ago, a team of surgeons fought for the hero’s life.
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a patient with multiple injuries can be operated on by several surgeons at the same time; the condition of the victim is monitored by people and equipment. the control panel is a hybrid operating room, from here in real time. doctors monitor the progress of the operation; two monitors display the image from the x-ray arc of a truly unique device. with bullets , more than 300 were wounded, that is, who are the people who are there, well, doomed under normal conditions, they were simply doomed, 300 people. their the doctors of the military hospital received well-deserved awards. all of them not only saved lives within the walls of a clinic near moscow, but fought for the lives of military personnel on the front line. head of the intensive care unit. melnitsky evacuated groups of wounded several times. i was involved in the evacuation of an airplane when very
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serious and incompletely examined patients arrived and i often had to provide full resuscitation care on the airplane itself . following the minister’s trip, a working meeting, both on the current state and prospects for the development of the hospital’s diagnostic and treatment facilities. the center is equipped to the very first class. probably, no medical institution in our country has such a level of support, but the main thing is not the equipment, it is the people who work here, who perform these operations. praising the level of the vishnevsky hospital, andrei belousov noted that rehabilitation capacities need to be increased in order to further accelerate the process of restoration of the russian military, most of whom are already struggling back to battle. pavel rybalchenko, georgy ugarov, became victims of shelling, were blown up by mines,
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such data are presented in the report of the parliamentary commission, which was investigating the crimes of the kiev regime against minors, as reported by vice-speaker of the state duma anna kuznetsova, children. in addition, information was received about child abductions in lugansk, melitopol, donetsk.
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strange, today the penal system is developing faster than local conditions, absolutely correct, but no matter how for the detention of persons subject to deportation, a temporary detention center for foreign citizens, they are sometimes there for years.
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and holding early elections in germany, the far right came in second place ahead of the ruling party of olaf scholz, which showed the worst result in history? right-wing parties today have significantly strengthened their positions in the leading economies of the european union. will european politics change in the near future from paris, elizaveta hertsin. if zelensky had come to the french national assembly this monday, and not last friday, he
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not a single person would clap at all, because there would be no one. the lower house of parliament is dissolved today. fails, which is very likely, he will lose supporters from his renewal party in parliament and will gain even more enemies from the national rally party, and they will choose a prime minister, be it marine lepin or 28-year-old jordan bardela, appointed chairman of the party. emmanuel macron wants france to go to war, this is the mechanism
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for entering a world war. we must definitely find a way to dialogue with russia, because that there will be no military victory. with such views, he will constantly be in conflict with the president and put stakes in his wheels, not sticks. the elections in france are not scheduled for the presidency, but for the national assembly, but the french perceive them as a referendum on macron, whether they like him or not. in principle, macron’s fellow citizens have already said everything by voting for the party of his enemy. but macron, like a narcissistic and somewhat annoying gentleman, is shaking his france and demanding new ones. explanations, well, he will get them, very few reasons why the french, having just voted against him, will run to vote for him in 3 weeks. scholz suffered the same defeat as macron; scholz’s opponents were twice as successful as macron’s. the chancellor was first beaten by the conservative bloc cdu, csu with 30%. but german-fondern can, unlike
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scholz, rejoice. her coalition, the european people's party. congratulations on the wonderful result you have achieved, together we won these european elections in germany, cdu, csu, this is fantastic. scholz also lost with his right hand alternative for germany party. if you look at how the votes were distributed between the centrists and the right, you will see a map of germany before 1990. the german green party, which advocates increasing arms supplies to kiev, lost almost half of the votes. the greens are now so diluted in the european parliament that they can be called pale greens. the party of belgian prime minister alexandre daroo suffered defeat. he
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promised to transfer f-16s to zelensky by the end of the year. it’s hard to think far, today he wiped his eyes with his fingers, wrinkled his face and announced resignation. the party of hungarian prime minister viktor orban lost several seats, but retained a majority in the european parliament. orban and his like-minded people will continue to, in the interests of their own country, hungary, slow down the initiatives of brussels russophobes, an attempt to answer the question of war and peace, orban called this vote. europe is under military threat.
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as part of her election campaign , posters appeared in vienna with zelensky and vonderleen kissing, military equipment and the slogan, stop the madness of the european union, but stop madness won’t happen that easily, ursula fondeen and her, in orban’s words, the war party sat, but many local irritants arose around, and... the leadership of the most militant countries, germany and france , had problems maintaining personal power, but of course, the reason these changes in attitudes in europe are not called internally driven economic ones. and migration problems, and russia. the times newspaper comes out with the headline: brussels accuses russia of interfering in its tilt to the right. kremlin propaganda held responsible
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for a likely surge in populist support in the european parliament elections. the times is too lazy to clarify that all access to a different point of view, to what in the west is called kremlin propaganda, is tightly blocked in europe, but the publication admits that europe has swung strongly to the right. how strong? the french will talk about this in less than a month. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, natalya markevich and alexey seregin. ntv television company. paris. in the united states , presidential elections are only in six months, but already, relations between supporters of the two candidates are sharply deteriorating. and some politicians are seriously proposing to divide the country into red and blue states. these are the colors of the opposing parties. against this background , it is no longer possible to hide the weakness of the current us president. about this on the eve of the trip. president to europe was written by the wallstreet journal , and the behavior of the american president in normandy only confirmed this thesis. is biden capable of governing the country? our us correspondent, alexey
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vesilovsky, looked into it. last week should have been become a shock for the us president. measures to strengthen the country's southern border were prepared for the domestic audience for biden's foreign speech in france to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the allied landing in normandy during world war ii. both were intended to be emphasized. for some reason, biden was quickly led away by the hand by his wife. all this, perhaps, would not have been paid special attention to. this happens with biden, but literally on the eve of his trip to france, the wall street journal
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published an article that the us president noticeably lost ground, and this is not just some idle gossip, but the recognition of dozens of american politicians and government members who met with biden behind closed doors. some mention that at meetings he reads only from pieces of paper, others that it is often impossible to understand at all. what is the president of the united states talking about ? his speech is so unintelligible. ronny jackson, the former white house doctor who treated obama and trump and is now a gop congressman in france celebrating d-day , parachuted with colleagues, and after the jump shared his opinion on the health of the current us president. for god's sake, we have a cognitively impaired person in our power, and the article that came out proves it, so there's more to it than that. what the cameras manage to capture, but all this happens behind closed doors, is a matter of national security and needs to be taken very seriously. some white house sources
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claim that biden's absent-mindedness in recent days is related to the trial of his son in delaware. hunter biden is accused of violation of the law on the purchase of weapons. in 2018, while filling out a form to purchase a pistol, hunter lied that he was not taking drugs, although at that time he was very heavily on crack and cocaine. presidential. if he is found guilty, he could face up to 25 years in prison, so the father is worried, although biden sr. did not go to court to support his son and generally distanced himself from this case in every possible way, apparently so as not to harm his election campaign. biden even recently promised in an interview not to grant amnesty to his son if he was found guilty, although 4 years ago before during the previous elections, he assured on camera that his son was not involved in anything at all, and that the accusation was a bit of a development by russian intelligence.
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brazil, russia, india, china, south africa, egypt, iran, uae, saudi arabia and ethiopia. opening the negotiations, sergei lavrov announced the transition to a new historical era. expansion, visual confirmation. east, from the states of the world majority. decisions from among the states of the global south and these countries advocate a more just way of life based on the sovereign equality of states and civilizational diversity. the transition to a new world order, we are
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already in this.
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today, sergei lavrov thanked his chinese colleague for beijing’s decision not to send its representatives to the conference on ukraine in switzerland, since this conference does not involve russia’s participation and does not take into account all peace initiatives and current realities. lavrov held a separate meeting with vani. the head of the chinese diplomatic department, in turn , noted that beijing is ready to develop stable relations with russia and together counteract external deterrents forces. this is the program today. next in our issue. alexandra tankikh learned from academician lomanosov how the world’s only floating nuclear thermal power plant operates in chukotka and what prospects this russian project opens up for small-scale nuclear power. jazz, more jazz and nothing but jazz. moscow is improvising these days, what will they play at the moscow jazz festival and what premieres are they preparing? anton talpa harmoniously joined the rehearsal
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process and... listened, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, custom jewelry, who will buy it, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, send all payments and transfers without commission, open an account.
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on the one hand, this is an azonbank card, with which you can receive cashback, on the other hand, you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble, millions of goods are even more profitable and cashback up to 25% with an ozonbank card, we present a new, perfect
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stickers, buy an italian brand towel from one ruble, collect the entire collection, pyaterochka helps out, clean water is a holy source, fills life with joyful moments, central television on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. environmentalists have recorded a significant improvement in the situation in chukotka, where he works the world's only floating nuclear power plant. this year marks 4 years since she started producing.
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they left for the mainland and the city fell into disrepair, but now more and more construction projects are being built, a sports complex with halls for team sports and fitness is being built, the facades of houses and a school have been renovated, a new temple has been built, and the embankment has been opened first. the construction of the second stage of the embankment town continues, where we plan to build a children's club and an outdoor basketball court. zhanna and vladimir stepanenko moved to chukotka from rostov region, from south to north spouses of nuclear workers.
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the reactor and power are sufficient for the entire city with a large reserve; to replace equipment , the ship does not need to be towed to the plant; nuclear fuel is reloaded on site, and the work of the station does not stop. this is the engine room of a floating power unit; employees are not here all the time, because the system is automated, everything is controlled from a central control center. all information about the operation of the station is displayed on monitors, specialists monitor around the clock for all parameters in real time. a dasiometrist engineer monitors radiation parameters, that is, at those points where the devices are installed. the monitoring system shows that the background radiation in...
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new technologies in chukotka were also appreciated by the indigenous peoples, so that nuclear energy would work and develop, the shamans gave the employees a tambourine. it is believed that with the help of this tambourine we should drive away evil spirits and call on good ones. floating nuclear thermal power plants are needed in remote areas, where it is too difficult and expensive build high-power nuclear power plants. such projects are indispensable for the development of the arctic. pathez is the first in pevek, but far from the last in the plans. rosatom. the gold-copper deposit in
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chukotka will soon provide electricity. 100 km from us there will be four floating power units, each with a capacity of one and a half, one and a half times more than our power unit to supply the baimsky mine, that is, for the development of natural resources, of which there are a lot of which have not yet been developed in chukotka. another project is ground-based. construction in the north of yakutia modular stations with a 200n reactor installation. such reactors are already operating on russian nuclear icebreakers. the station will replace diesel sources and will provide electricity to nearby settlements and the kyuchus fields. it can withstand extreme temperatures, earthquakes, hurricanes and even plane crashes. rosatom plans to build a small nuclear power plant in series and quickly in 2-3 years, and not only in russia. an agreement on construction in uzbekistan has already been signed, and there is interest in russian projects in the field of small-scale energy.
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with participants and winners of all-russian
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family competitions. the author of the idea then explained the need for state-owned stores by saying that they could compete with existing ones and, for example, more actively sell goods from domestic manufacturers. there are already something similar to state stores, for example, this is a branch of the russian post, where they sell children's toys, pasta, and bed linen. recently, in an interview with rbc, ekaterina labacheva, president of the x5 group, which manages the perekrestok and pyaterochka networks. said that the more the market is regulated in terms of pricing, the more price manipulation there will be. ekaterina labacheva gave the following example: the state did not introduce any regulation of prices for eggs, as a result they themselves returned to normal . and deputy head of the ministry of industry and trade viktor eftukhov said that one of the world's largest manufacturers of building materials, a german company, will transfer its russian business to local management with the possibility of buyback. viktor eftukhov explained exactly what it is. will be with the german company for 2 years, and
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that it is in this form that the deal was submitted to the government commission. in addition, knaof, as reported by viktor eftukhov, will have to pay a so-called voluntary contribution to the russian budget, its size is 15% of the market value of russian assets. in early april, german media wrote that the products are being used to restore mariupol. the company replied that since february 22 they have not supplied products from the eu to russia. and that the company's products reaches end consumers through many independent dealers, but in the same april the german company still announced that it had decided to part with its assets in russia after... less than 30 years of work in this country, but clarified that with the help of both since the transfer of business, it hopes to save 400 jobs, on the russian website of knau it is said that it has 20 of its own enterprises here, the company produces plasterboard , plasters, putties, glue, self-leveling floors, primers, fastener profiles.
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today future tax changes were discussed at a round table in the federation council. deputy minister of finance, alexey sazanov, in particular reminded that: that the authorities want to raise the income tax from 20 to 25% from next year, but at the same time they are going to refuse to collect exchange rate export duties from business. aleksey sazanov called the profit tax rate of 25% adequate; he said that this is the marginal profit tax rate, for example, in china and iran; in developed countries, according to him, as a rule, it is even higher, 30-35%. following the round table, the head of the federation council committee on budget.
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they will also somehow be taken into account when making the final decision. today promsvyaz bank reported that the head of the bank, peter frodkov, and representatives of the moldavian autonomy of gogauzia held a working meeting. at it , representatives of two gagauz cities, teraklia and argeeva, addressed a member of the board of trustees of the eurasia foundation, ilan shor, with a request to expand the humanitarian program and assist in opening psb accounts for socially vulnerable categories of the population. it is through eurasia, as promsvyaz clarifies bank co'.
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moreover, we see that in transactions, in accounts, they are actively used, they carry out calculations, transfers between relatives, as we said, among other things. 2 months ago, we signed an agreement, and indeed this project, a social project, works for the benefit of all residents, we are once again convinced that the russian federation is... “our friendly, strategic, partner, potemsky state, which is always nearby with us. this morning the russian stock market tried to continue to celebrate what on friday, the central bank unexpectedly decided not to raise the key rate, but this optimism
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quickly disappeared; at the end of the day, the indices went into a noticeable minus. moreover, the head of the monetary policy department of the central bank, kirill trimasov, announced today that the central bank'. it is necessary, perhaps, to raise the rate by more than one percentage point, that is, from the current sixteen, immediately above 17%. the ruble rose again, the euro this morning even dropped below 95, where it had not been since mid-january of this year, trading ended at these levels: dollar 88.55, euro 95.34. everything about the economy, thank you, denis. denis talalaev, with an economic review of the day, this is the program for today. watch after the short commercial. jazz, more jazz and nothing but jazz. moscow these days is improvising what they will play at the moscow jazz festival and what premieres they are preparing. anton talpa harmoniously joined the rehearsal process and listened. this is sasha.
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the moscow jazz festival started today in the capital. for a whole week , expressive music, bright improvisations and classic hits will be heard in the parks and squares. jazz, like the world around us , is constantly changing, absorbing everything new, but without losing its rhythm. this year musicians from the usa, israel, cuba, and although the festival is just opening, it has already been planned. igor butman and alain haris give out hits one after another, here comes the classic from kolo porter, sung a thousand times by frank senatray.
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during the rehearsal, butman and haris manage to talk about a lot, first in the language of jazz, and then in interviews. talk about the festival itself. i am so happy that i came to moscow for many reasons, because right now the world needs the love that these musicians are able to give to the audience. when you play jazz, there are no boundaries, no differences in languages, only the music is important. we are very glad that this time we will also make a program with our orchestra. absolutely new music for our orchestra, it has caribbean rhythms, african rhythms, latin american rhythms, funk, and blues. and this is also an event for us, we are also preparing, rehearsing, if igor butman in russia does not need an introduction, then perhaps not
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everyone knows who kharis is, he is one of the headliners. festival was born in new york, recorded more than a dozen albums of all kinds interpretations, sang on the same stage with the first lady of jazz, elgerald calls himself a big fan of russian classical music, loves chaliapin and hears blues shades in his voice. we took a lot from your culture and you could say we married it with ours, when you listen to classical music, it’s the blues. this is the blues, we just added our own style a little, so the understanding of jazz among russian americans is very similar. during the moscow jazz festival there will be so much time to listen to the music, exercises, tchaikovsky concert hall and dozens of jazz clubs. there are more than a hundred concerts in total, all in a week. this will be a premiere, which will be shown by the moscow jazz orchestra.
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who else should we show the premieres like... by the way, khabansky will read a children's fairy tale, but a difficult one, the most impossible to get enough of, symphonic at the moscow jazz festival, petya and the wolf, written by sergei prokofiev, will be performed, grandfather took petya by the hand. took him home and locked the gate tightly, there will be no less unexpected performances at the festival, he is preparing his own jazz program the author of the hit for all times, you are alone, you are like that, dmitry malikov promises that his performance will have a lot of swing and jazz, this year i am wearing some new colors,
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first of all, i composed two new works there, introduced. meteorologists warned of worsening weather in central russia in the coming days. we'll find out the details right now. evgenia neronskaya joins us. evgeniya, when we went on air, the weather outside the window noticeably frowned, so to speak, what should we prepare for? we are preparing for very heavy rains. i’ll say right away that they do not threaten everyone, because associated with the atmospheric front, which tomorrow will lie on the line yaroslavl, tula, kursk.
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all processes in it are aggravated due to large ones. the temperature in the volga region is over 30, in the north-west it is very restrained, only about twenty, and it is in these regions that there is little or no precipitation, the main weather events will take place in the center and partly in the black earth region, it is here that there are heavy rains and thunderstorms in places , hail is quite possible, all this accompanied by dangerous winds, no matter what, the temperature will be higher norms from 25 to 30°. in the south there are thunderstorms only in the republics of the north caucasus and... stavropol region is mostly dry and hot, near the black sea it is 30, on dana it is all 35. about the weather in the capitals after a short pause. in summer weather, swelling may occur. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. take lymphotransit from evalar. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit
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helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit and oval. summer without swelling. in st. petersburg tomorrow +21, short rains - the official beginning of the white nights season. there is no rain in moscow, showers with thunderstorms and even hail. during thunderstorms the wind is up to 17 m/s. during the day up to +26. on wednesday and thursday it will be 1-2° cooler and still unsettled. but by the weekend the elements promise to subside. and while we are preparing for a storm, and not just a meteorological one. but also... magnetic, yes, listen, well, the list, yes, thank you, evgenia, this was the weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya, these are the main news for this hour, right now, premiere, detective dolphin, at 22:10 new episode of your favorite series sea devils, distant frontiers, but we are igor poletaev and aina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention, all the best to you.
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federal penitentiary service, pyodor andreevich ramashov, retired major, retired on september 15, twenty -one, yul, yes, give me the bags, what do you say? he has an obvious injury to the back of his head, perhaps this is the cause of death, a hematoma on the left lip and a chipped front tooth, i don’t see any other injuries, well, he obviously didn’t die
8:00 pm
here, did i understand correctly? yes, i think it is they were brought here by car, why do you think so? if the body after death lay in the trunk for an hour or two, then the posture of rocking will just correspond to our corpse, and... i see, guys, come on, take it out, well, let's wrap it up, then here, i'm fine, great, hello, thank you.


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