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tv   Maior Sokolov  NTV  June 11, 2024 3:20am-4:06am MSK

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i have to break loose, here’s the pension, it’s all here, well, well, how can it be, i’m not ready, but my wife, and the children, do you want them to go to see you in prison on a date, so i decide to go right now, then it will be late, hello, shakir, it’s me, well, i’m ready, yes, we ’re leaving, we’ll be there in an hour. this garage, the vars often come here, maybe they keep money here, so what if we take them, it would be nice to burn them, that’s it, oh, let’s go somewhere, i’ll go after them, and then it depends on the situation.
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we're waiting, waiting for the money to be brought inside, i'll go according to the zaserschikov, let's go out, let's go out!
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stand, i was greedy, i should have quit, hello again, myron, you’re the damn boss. well, that’s it, that’s it now, listen, oleg, i need your advice, listen, i’m so tired of you, well, should you marry, marry, who?
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i would do the same for the one with whom your son is growing up, right? well, i don’t know, listen, oleg, is it okay if i call zhenya right now? oleg, this is for you, well, let’s once again congratulate our lenochka on her birthday, wish you all the very, very wonderful. and the most important thing - this is love, 25 years is the time of love, hurray, hurray, thank you, thank you nikolaevna, yours, hello, yes. “i know who’s calling, you know, keep quiet,
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so, girls, there’s also a short break between the fifth and sixth, let’s finish the song.” it’s time for everyone to go home, now nikolaevna will return, let’s wrap it up, olga nikolaevna is leaving, well, what kind of love is it to go home, girl, and the seventy-second has long passed? yes, i just left, mom, or maybe we’ll go on foot, it’s only a 15-minute walk, maybe now another one will come up, they ’re not on the schedule in the evening, thank you, let’s go on foot, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
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saburova refused a medical examination, it’s clear, but it’s not clear what the problem is, the matter is clear, the guilt is obvious, why we should do this, at first it was obvious, now 2 months have passed, the noise has died down, and soburova began to be actively excused, her lawyer vadim suslov, the famous i decided, in the past, the deputy district prosecutor, an old acquaintance, yes, an old experienced one, and now it turns out that saburova’s car was cut off, so she flew out. sidewalk, and what does that mean, it turns out there was a witness who allegedly saw it, and now it turns out that saburova did not try to escape from the scene of the incident, but wanted to take the victims to the hospital, and
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she refused tests not because she was drunk, because she was in a hurry, where she was in a hurry, to her daughter, her daughter called her and said that she did not want to live , swallowed pills, goodbye mom and all that, how old are you? daughter is 21, she is alive, of course, alive and well, in general, a little more, and mr. suslov will make this story an accident, no one will be to blame for the death of two people, well, as always, no, not as always, saburova is an employee of the ministry of internal affairs, and i got this case to be transferred to us, work, eat, eat, about the cut, the simplest thing is that soborova’s car lit up. traffic camera, look, you see, here she is turning, a car stops in front of her at a pedestrian crossing and saburova is carried away to the right, there is just a stop here, so no one cut her off, wait, but what about the witness, the witness needs to be explained the responsibility for giving false testimony , our actions, gordiev, i am the work
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collective, there is, oleg, to the mits who her accepted, but i need to talk to my daughter sabura, let me talk to my daughter. let's go together, thank you, but you're welcome? beauty, let me tell your fortune, thank you, no need, i see your happiness, i see it too, soon your life will change, you will meet your destiny, let's get out of here, now i will tell you 15 days, you will meet your destiny.
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it was her birthday, 25 years old, we got together, sat, but olga nikolaevna didn’t drink anything, only juice, and everyone can confirm this, well, i don’t doubt it at all, tell me, do you remember approximately what time she left, definitely not, but towards the end, well, that is, around seven, they called her, she went out into the corridor with the phone, uh, and then she left urgently, without even saying goodbye, who? my daughter called, i
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don’t know, well, that is, i didn’t know then, but then my daughter, in my opinion, something happened to her, and olga nikolaevna was forced to leave urgently, olga nikolaevna is an excellent leader, a very good person, olga nikolaevna killed two people, even three, why three, because it was a girl? whom olga nikolaevna knocked down to death, she was pregnant, like you, she was 25 years old, well, since it can happen to anyone, i had a fight with a guy, freaked out terribly, came home , got drunk on the stuff, ate half a pack, and then got scared and called my mom, are you having trouble sleeping at night? well, yes, it happens sometimes, what sleeping pills do you take? agulan? yes exactly.
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what phone did they call mom from? listen, such a situation happened there, i, in general, accidentally changed my phone number with a girl in the locker room, she took mine, i took hers, then they changed, but i called my mother from someone else’s number. so, you call your mom from someone else's number before... this having swallowed a sleeping pill unknown to science, what do you call it there? listen, i already told the other investigator everything, i signed all the papers, what do you want from me, why are you going for a second round? alyonoch, what are you doing, you promised to finish at 4:00, we’ll still be late to leave, but i finished, you see, hello, excuse me, who? and we are from the police, and this is about your depression, and do you know what yours is? alyonich tried to commit suicide, in the know, in the know, yeah, i'm in the car, alyon, investigator,
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to whom you signed the papers, warned you about liability for giving false testimony, a second, what is it, nothing, it just seemed to me. everything is fine? yes, yes, guys, there’s something i don’t understand, you yourself detained sabura, prevented her from hiding, we didn’t know that she was a lieutenant colonel, and a lieutenant colonel, that means you can crush people, yes, no, well, listen, i read yours testimony, it means that she called the police herself, tried to provide first aid to the victim, yes, did you write as a carbon copy or something, the mistakes are the same, there
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as it’s all written there, that’s how it all happened, and we’re small people, that’s why we’re small, listen here, the case was transferred from a former investigator to the css, why, i don’t know why, but i’ll explain now, because who those at the top decided to bring this matter to the end, because they were tired of drunken colonels driving, someone needs to be imprisoned, here is your filthy letter. my advice to you guys is to think about yourself, otherwise be so small that they won’t even hire you as a security guard, in general, let’s be honest from the very beginning, and i listen to you very much carefully, i don’t understand one thing, if she wanted to help her mother, she could have learned her role, but why did her mother sign what they told her?
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and for what purpose are you joking, do you want to show that we are friends? no need, this is already clear, well, excuse me, look. how do you explain the refusal of medical certification immediately after an accident? i was in a hurry, you knocked down two people and should have understood that no one would let you go. procession, my client exercised her right of refusal, you were sober, yes, yes, i didn’t drink anything, that’s it a printout of the order from the taxi company where you placed an order for the sober driver service, why do you need this service if you didn’t drink anything? continue, i continue, at
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19:30 your daughter called you and told you about the attempt herself. murder, yes, and you rushed to save her, right? yes, yeah, here’s a photo of your daughter from the museum night event with her boyfriend, with whom, according to your version, she had a death quarrel. you look at the time and date, the girl very quickly became branded, and not an hour had passed, and the first thing she did was make peace with her boyfriend. not i see nothing incredible in this, but i see who called you at 19:30? alena, this is not her number, she accidentally happened to have someone else’s phone, i’ll give you a hint, you called this number back immediately after the accident. who did you call? i think
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we need to take a break, until tomorrow, for example. okay, tomorrow i will introduce you to the police testimony. who detained you with their real testimony, oh, are you alone or what? i’m leaving, now, bah, acquaintance, all the faces, so where is the citizen here now? in a white swan for life, i don’t know why you took it out, i just remembered, i left, bye.
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vladislav mikhailovich, what do you want? i don’t understand, for example, i want my client to receive a suspended sentence. she repents, she is ready to help the families of the victims. soburov is not a criminal, she has no place in prison. saburova crushed two people and disappeared. prison is the place to be. every question has a price, not necessarily a monetary one. name yours. saburova will sit. this is my price, and you know what i do in life, i don’t mean practicing law, i solve problems, you don’t it’s worth becoming my problem by considering in open court a criminal case
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accusing olga nikolaevna saburova of committing a crime under the article.
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girl, girl, can you tell me, i ’m going to staropavlovskaya street correctly, staropavlovskaya, yes, you know, it’s just a parallel on this street, you need to turn right there, where to turn, where the man went, turn where the man went, yes , thank you, thank you, girl. i assure you, i did everything possible, with such materials from the investigation, the judge simply i couldn't return the case, i'm boro. that i am very glad
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that saburova received a sentence, they called me from many places, they demanded to close it, to hand it over, but to all of them, i always said, a criminal in uniform, a doubly criminal, thank you all, everyone is free, but where is marina? good afternoon captain vetrova usb moscow. i just sent an email request to one of your housemates, igor sergeevich tuzov, did you receive it? yes, we received your request, it is not entirely clear what exactly you are interested in. well, i would like to know if tuzov is in prison, hasn’t escaped, hasn’t died. girl, no one runs away from us, in your place is tozov. in what form would you like to receive an answer to your request? that's it, thank you, thank you, i understand, thank you. delete the request, goodbye. again you can do this.
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saburova with her things on the way out, comrade major, this is gulina, i have an emergency, a corpse is in the cell.
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so i’m listening to the wind, when did this happen? i’m clearly leaving, death occurred at about 4 o’clock in the morning, the cause was mechanical sphyxia with displacement of the cervical vertebrae, in other words, hanging, there are signs of struggle on the body, scratches, bruises, no, nothing of the kind has been found, at least at the moment, a preliminary version of suicide, a murder weapon, a weapon, a rope, how the rope got into the camera, an investigation has been launched during the season. it also makes sense to connect, in fact , anything can be transferred to the camera, and this is no secret to anyone, the only question is the price, every question has a price, marina, we have records
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from the court, but we don’t, judging we should maybe i can’t stand it in hell, let me go, you see how she behaves, hysterical, screaming, as if the verdict was a surprise for her. “i don’t understand the reasons for suicide, of course it’s unpleasant to get an a when they promised you that they’ll get you off, but it’s not lifelong, then suslov could easily
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arrange for her a preferential treatment in the zone, a left-handed diagnostician, half a term in hospital, no, soburov is climbing the noose, what “this doesn’t work out here, listen, maybe her conscience just tormented her, yeah, conscience, where was this conscience before the verdict, vlad, in short, what are you leading to?” “ i don’t exclude the possibility of murder, do you think saburova didn’t want to sit in prison, hires an expensive lawyer who promises to get her off her back, who has a lot of experience in this area, but here he screwed up, she screams, you promised, but she screams a lot of things, suslov , on sabura’s instructions, bought up the entire investigation, and this is an article, saburova writes an application to the prosecutor’s office, is involved in the case . as a witness helps to uncover suslov’s criminal scheme, for this he receives a review of the case of an accident and a suspended sentence, the same thing is possible, well,
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theoretically, yes, it is possible. “here, i say, it’s possible, but suslov could calmly arrange a murder in a pre-trial detention center, he has his own people everywhere, for they are paying him, vlad, you are not going to call him, citizen suslov, major sokolov, we need to meet to talk, i don’t have time to meet with you, if you need me, send a summons, yes, yes, i know that the cathedral has committed suicide , i hope, now you are happy, she was brought here yesterday, she was not at all at once, which means nothing, very depressed, inhibited, she did not touch her leather, so she sat on the bed, pulled her knees to her chest, and sat there the whole time, and what it’s time, well, we do
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rounds every time. at 10:15, at 12:15 and so on and i was also sitting at 4 in the morning, yes, or at 4:00 in the morning you can take a little nap, but the contingent is calm, yes, you can sleep, yes, we follow the regime, that’s right, but they didn’t untie the knot, were they too lazy? they cut it off in a hurry, they thought it might still be alive, then they lowered it, i ’ll take it off now, wait.
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usb, mayor sokolov, who is this lawyer, his offices are here, well, we talked. alena, who made up this story about pills for you? yes, this lawyer said, i need to help my mother, he will prepare everything, i just need to sign the testimony, but i agreed, although mom and i weren’t usually such good friends, why didn’t it work out, i was mischievous, once i pissed her off so much that she screamed that she would rather have an abortion, she and dad are like that.
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they got married right away, like they decided to give me life , but after 5 years they still got divorced, and after that your mother talked to her ex- husband? not never, she never got married, although she really wanted to, apparently it was not fate, she was generally beautiful, lively and she always had a lot of men, everything was not the same, she was still waiting for a prince, she wanted to start a family, give birth to children, although i it seems like she had someone. who spoke on it? no, not a word, she’s so calm, she’s become, quiet, you can always see when a woman is happy, when she’s not, are you really unhappy, excuse me, yes. okay,
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yes, stas, we’re done, yes, but if i need you, i’ll call you, what are people saying? they shot from a silver car , the make has not yet been established, about here, there are no cartridge cases, marina is now making the last contact, well, that’s good, part of the version has disappeared, that he ordered the saburva during the season, nothing it didn’t fall off, on the contrary, look what i brought from the sezo, of course no one saw or heard anything there, they cut the rope when they removed the body, but the bundle remained on the bars.
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well, it’s not a simple knot, a special knot is called a triple woman, well, just three flips, that’s all, well, look. it’s a miracle he didn’t come loose due to the weight of his body, i would n’t hang a wobbler on something like that, not the same person, you know it yourself, especially taking into account the new circumstances, right vlad?
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i'm done. yes, marin, i understand, the last telephone contact, you know with whom was? with you, that’s right, and before the last one 10 minutes before, judge gorelov, who pronounced the verdict with aburova, well, nothing surprising, he should have a lot of contacts with the judge, not just by phone, that’s before. now what were they talking about, i ’ll ask at the exit, i left the car under the sign, and while you go to the office, look around, there’s nothing
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interesting, in the sabura case there’s only an agreement , that’s all, it’s clear that i didn’t take receipts for the worts, what’s wrong with the computer? let's take it, yes, let marina look, and hello, and i'm going to see vadim alexandrovich, and who are you, and we're from the police, vadimir alexandrovich was killed this morning, what? i’ll go then, wait, what is your question? i just wanted to take a consultation. vladimir aleksandrovich was a very expensive lawyer and
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people didn’t just go to him for consultations off the street. your documents. why do you need my documents? i have nothing to do with this? no documents? then come along, we will find out your identity. come on, sit down, what can you do? here’s my personality, snezhana sergeevna zagoretskaya, what’s in your purse? this doesn't concern you, you have no right to me search. andrey, find witnesses, there are witnesses. we 'll wait for now. good afternoon, major gershov, i need judge gorilov, evgeniy igorevich, it’s lunchtime, wait in the corridor, you know,
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and i would also like to have a snack, where is your dining room, the dining room is under renovation, you still can’t go there, of course, that is, at you judges of the first category are dining on sandwiches, yes, listen to what you want from me, i... speak with my tongue, there is no burnt, it will be soon, wait, my curls, you liked everything, yes, thank you, please. can i call? please.
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doesn’t answer, i’ll call again later, of course, come on in, stand here, vlad, witnesses, no witnesses needed, did you want to know what’s in my bag? please, i just withdrew a large sum from the bank, i am planning to buy an apartment. we’ve been late all day today, oleg,
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stay there, interview witnesses and wait for the experts, and the judge’s office is printed and don’t let anyone in, if anything happens, call judge gorelov too, they killed him, you are his secretary, now is the time to tell what it is for money and to whom it was intended. okay, let me help you. this money is a refund of the advance for a failed deal. gorelov was unable to secure the required sentence and returned the money to suslov. can i have some water? do you need gas without?
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well, in general, yes, they shot from a few meters, two bullets in the chest, ballistics will be done tomorrow, but for some reason it seems to me that the same barrel was working. that’s what they listened to, there are witnesses, there were people right there, well, several passers-by saw this shooter, tall, in work clothes, overalls, gray-black, hood, black gloves, vsenovich, that’s it, yarshov, you you understand that the murder of a judge is an emergency, from today we are all working around the clock, and where are sokolov, zagoretskaya being interrogated, the secretary of the battle, is she, what is here? was there, did you see something? no, she wasn’t here, but i think she
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can tell a lot of things, she was also a cashier for the burnt man, she paid him bribes, including her father’s word in our case, what happens, we have a series here, but it seems , someone actively began to bring down the participants in the process, and you noted there that i wrote all this voluntarily, right? repented, came on your confession, you will be held as a witness in this case. why didn’t gorelov return this case for further investigation? he took the money. did not work out. saburov's guilt was proven 100%. and if gorelov had closed this case, very serious questions would have arisen for him. i couldn't take that risk. has this happened before? not often, but... yes, all people are adults, everyone
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understands everything, in such cases the money is simply returned back. evgeniy igorevich asked me to do everything as quickly as possible, he said that suslov’s client was very dissatisfied. client, who did he mean? apparently saburov. saburova was not a client of suslov. yes, she was protected. say, maybe he saw something, but it ’s not a security guard, it’s a bailiff, what’s
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the difference, the main thing is that he could see something, everything’s fine, yes, well, let’s go, yeah. list of visitors according to you. meeting, and accredited journalists go to separate lists, do you need them? yes, of course, everyone is needed, here are the journalists, thank you, look again, please, this man was on guard in the courtroom during the hearing, you do you know him? yes, this is yuri ivanovich bolotnikov, we need to see him, i’ll look now.
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the day before yesterday a woman was sentenced here for a fatal accident, remember? well, yes, of course, she screamed so much that they had to carry her out. yes, you were standing over there, right? yes. remember, maybe during the meeting sabura had contact with someone, visually or with gestures, or did someone present try to contact her? well, remember, this is very important, no, i won’t lie, i haven’t seen it, show me the video, this is the one the moment when you take her out of the hall here, i
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can’t stand the cry, take me away, you promised, the doors will be behind. you take her out, she screams, you promised me that they wouldn’t put me in prison, maybe she shouted this to someone in particular, you didn’t notice, or someone somehow reacted to her words, no, i didn’t notice, sorry , ok, sorry to bother you, thank you, tell me, is it true what they say is that this woman committed suicide, yes, unfortunately, why, unfortunately, she killed two people. well, because for 5 years she earned herself, there is no death, say it to the husband, of a deceased pregnant woman,
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and... there was one person, he was sitting here, i remember him. alena, hello, my name is arkady zvonarev, i am a friend of your mother. hello. i know about your misfortune. please accept my deepest condolences.
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at the highest level, if it’s not enough, call me, goodbye, oh, this is arkady zvonarev, the man from the 240th line of forbes magazine, who didn’t understand, a very rich guy, owner of factories, newspapers, ships and russian foreign ones. so, born in seventy-seven, a graduate of finance academy of the university of pristan, member of the board of the association of russian banks, cool dude, yes, the deposit is the city of moscow, i don’t see accounts on social networks, so the school number, but he doesn’t...


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