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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  June 11, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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but how is the inventory of the trusted property carried out according to plan, and what about the plan for repainting the walls? but we’ll have to wait with this, because the budget for next year has been formed, and i’m coming to you on a completely different question, we’re holding a competition for the best employee in the main directorate, it’s called police beauty, but what is needed from us?
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this is a shame on my head and the main instructions are not provided for, yes, comrade colonel, we have a murder, pass on the information to the salov man, let him send his eagles. i obey, and the senior lieutenant potapenka come to me urgently. i obey. wait, come on, turn around. tie, fix it. eat. after all, the person on duty, the person of the department, let me go, go, so, the father of the murdered man was called, lev, yes, i called, should be there soon, igor valerievich bruskov, yes, not good, brusok, let me, decided to retrain from apartment burglars in makrushniki,
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here, because the death occurred yesterday, at about 10 o’clock in the evening, yes, well , this block can still be closed, if not for murder with theft, then for illegal entry into a home, well done, look, what smart young people we have, it’s a pity, there’s no surveillance camera on the front door, you can’t see who came and went, it would be too easy, ellya, my girl, ellya, elya, elya! “please sit down, elya, elechka, my daughter, you are the father, yes, alexandrov, viktor nikolaevich, this is her apartment, yes, i bought it for elvira a couple of years ago, the girl wanted to live on her own, but what happened here?” "well, apparently,
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a robbery with murder, your safe is open, look, nothing is missing, do you think i can think now, but large things seem to be all in place, although it’s better to ask the house worker, she was here almost every day, and of the small things that were in the safe, money and jewelry, you can describe, yes, i’ll even give you photos, i made these jewelry... i made it myself , i'm a jeweler. lyova, raise your agents, let them walk through the pawnshop with a cup. of course, what was your daughter doing with her personal life? she has, that is, had a fiancé, maxim khvostenko. could you invite him here? we need to talk to him, and your housekeeper also needs to be interviewed. yes, sure. yes yes,
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touch colonel, yes, sergei igorich, allow me, come in, come in. margarita, turn around, in a literal sense, like that, and now the other side, come on, take a walk, ask, have i gained weight, or something, you’re just picking me off like a parade, margarita, you’ve been entrusted with a particularly important task, to infiltrate somewhere , to be a police beauty, just kidding, you must take an active part in the competition. the best employees from the govt, the dress uniform is in stock, you sing, you dance, that’s right, well, i mean the dress uniform is definitely in stock, the house is in hanging in the closet, waiting, so to speak, for a special occasion, well, in good company at the table i can sing and dance, but maybe it’s not necessary, it’s necessary, my dear, it’s necessary,
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come on, sit down, we don’t have much time, so competitions are in order, i relieve you of all your immediate professional responsibilities. oh i shoot well, excellent, physical training is also at the level, this will also come in handy, as for the songs and dances - it’s about margarita, get ready for a serious fight, so go and get ready, but as for... songs and dances, don’t worry, i’ll help you somehow i’ll pull it up myself, allow me to do it, do it,
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what happened, young man, who are you? i'm el's fiance. it was you who called me, are you from the police? yes, my colleague called. sit down, we need to talk to you. try to pull yourself together. what happened? we assume that it was a robbery, but the point is that you were the last person to talk to her yesterday. yes, she called me on the phone yesterday, what did you talk to her about, maybe she was waiting for someone, someone was going to come to her, no, it was a normal conversation, nothing special, you spent the night here, no, i’m at i never spend the night with my hosts, i did my work and went home, what time did you leave yesterday, around 8:00
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pm, prepared dinner for today, put everything away, put the ironed linen in the closets, was elvira here? yes, another sasha came to see her, an acquaintance? but i really i don’t know him, but elly almost kicked him out, that is, well, she didn’t want to talk to him, but this sasha was very persistent, i left, i don’t like to get mixed up in other people’s affairs, especially when it’s the business of the owners. how long have you been working here? eli has been living separately for a couple of years, and before that her father lived for 15 years. i’m listening to kolya, at the neighboring guards station, russian military transport personnel are landing on russia day on ntv. well, i overcame, the rest follow me, carefully pass, we are definitely russian,
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raise your hand, please, i don’t see you, you see me, the death of the second, whoever is the enemy will wear one count, close the ranks, close the ranks. oh, you’re enjoying yourself, mock me, oleg georgievich, not the police, a mixture of chaos and disco, this is alexey, you
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haven’t seen a real mess yet, now - kukushkin and margarita will finish dancing and start singing, that’s when it will begin, well, it’s necessary, i took milk instead of kefir. come on, margarita, i myself see that it’s not very good, so, here we go again, nothing, you understand, but dancing somehow doesn’t really fit into our staff culture, i understand, let’s start the dance ourselves and move on to the next point of our mandatory program, i agree, singing, oh, and you will compose me, i won’t, now they will bring a specially trained person, well, in general, the picture is clear, robbery. agree. yes. surely the criminal knew that
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the deceased elvira alexandrova was a wealthy girl. look, the house is full of expensive little things. i’ll tell you more, lyova, if the block doesn’t lie, and the door was n’t broken into before he arrived, the murder happened yesterday. consequently, elvira knew the killer well and allowed him into the apartment without any fear. or the criminal had his own key, that is, someone from the inner circle. and he killed so that the girl could not identify him. yeah, okay, lyuva, call alexandrov here, i’ll try to find out from him who from his daughter’s circle could have become her killer, maybe this one, sasha, about whom the housekeeper spoke, maybe, well, i’ll go talk to the groom, but please come in, sit down, do you really think that elya was killed by one of her close friends, and what do you think? this is impossible? no, no, just the opposite. you don't know who sasha is?
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sasha? only one comes to mind. alexander vetrov. this is eli’s classmate, he has been madly in love with my girl since school. yeah, how did he react to the fact that he had a rival, was he jealous? not the right word, he tried in every possible way to upset their upcoming wedding. that is, vetrov tried. this wind, an absolute idiot,
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they wanted to expel him from school a couple of times, yeah, he constantly got into different stories, sometimes fights in the streets, sometimes scandals in bars, once they almost destroyed a nightclub with friends, bikers, well, of course, a conflicted guy , in a word, yes, where did the special order from your kukushkin accompaniment come from, you would have sobered him up a little first, told him urgently where to lead along the corridor, the last door, it was hard not to notice, gentlemen, the police, when the girl slapped this guy in the face, there was a complete feeling that he will immediately tear it into pieces, and you haven’t heard why?
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just a reality show, yes, this is love, you just can’t tear yourself away, uh-huh, well, igor, he could very well kill a girl out of jealousy, and stab her, and take her jewelry after the murder, i could too, goodbye, goodbye, all the best, comrade colonel, excuse me, but in my opinion, this is not for performing at a
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beauty contest, please tell me, besides the waltz march, do you know how to play anything else, i can play anything, any melody, even if i’ve never played, you just tell me everything, well, do you have something more fun, more modern or something, or anything within the repertoire of weddings, whatever ... the culture is simply below par, life is hard, and shaking, this is me yesterday at another wedding lit it, and i told them that i shouldn’t drink too much, they pour, pour, pour, pour, but this is a fixable matter, well,
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comrade colonel, i think we’ll have to improve the health of our musician. say from your own supplies, but this is drinking alcoholic beverages during the working day at the workplace, so it’s not you who will drink it yourself, especially since the management has set a task, and the task must be completed, okay , take it in the safe, okay, and you play, play, uh, margarita, a little bit.
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so it will go, and so, people want to taverns fight, it would be better if they played sports, i agree, in my time, if a boy didn’t play sports, no one respected him, well, you’re from a different generation, why did i also play sports, what sick dancing, i say, what kind of sport did you do, ballroom dancing, that’s a sport, ballroom dancing, yeah. no one, so should we wait or look? wait, he must return home someday, here in the apartment, let’s wait. igor, what sports did you do? and i was engaged in making locks, well, certainly not like this one. oh, gotcha, now i'm not waiting
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for the police. uncle, calm down. the real one, senior lieutenant. himself, do you know where he is? he's probably holed up in his garage, tinkering with his motorcycle, but what did he do again, another brawl in a nightclub, in a restaurant, can you tell me where his garage is, we had a good ride, yes, but it's already a little cold, probably, good day, hello, so you are alexander vetrov, me. police, you'll have to come with us. what's the matter? let's go to the department and talk there. what did sanya do that makes him need to go straight to the department? well, it doesn't concern you. we found the criminal. sanya is a normal guy. it would be better for you to kill him. citizen, believe it or not, this is exactly what we are doing. you are suspected of elvira's murder by alexandra. eli? yes, okay, i, i
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’ll go with... the concert is over, yes, i understand, it’s a disgrace, the cancellation of sobering-up stations was a mistake of our high authorities, but who knew, comrade colonel, i hope he won’t have to be dragged to the competition, i hope he won’t have to, there will be its own accompaniment, proven and reliable, so, senior lieutenant, go home. get some sleep there rest, tomorrow is an important day, exactly , colonel, so what time is the event, i would run to the hairdresser, no need, everything will be there , so i have my own proven one, set aside, i say, this is contrary to the terms of the competition, there is set aside, goodbye , colonel, goodbye, and to ensure your uniform is spot on, duty officer, bochkin, take your
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composer, the concert is over, so you... don’t know yet who killed elya? we think you did it. rave! i loved elya. the only one who truly loved her. well, that's all lyrics. we know what kind of scene you made for her in the bar. when they truly love , they don’t threaten with violence. i never made any threats, ellie. and i promised to deal with this khvostenko. out of jealousy, out of a sense of justice. he cheated on eli. well, how do you know? even if. i don’t know, i saw him by chance in the city, in a cafe on petrogradka, well, you never know who khvostenko met in a cafe, maybe it was just a work colleague, yeah, with whom he kissed, but then i told eli all this, and she told me won't believe it. well, i got angry and you killed her, maybe that’s enough, i said i didn’t kill her, i followed this bastard, photographed his dates with his mistress,
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then sent photos to el. so, this is already interesting, and how she reacted, she asked me to come, tell me everything, at first she cried, then she said that she would break up with him, i wanted to stay with her, hold her somehow, punch him in the face, but she said, so that i would leave, well, apparently she wanted to talk to him herself. well, where did el leave these photographs now, but they were not in the apartment, which means the killer took them, they are on my computer yes, i can print it out for you, well, the photograph is the tenth thing, but how do you explain this, we searched your house in the garage and found this medallion, elya gave it to me as a reconciliation, well, for opening her eyes to khvostenko’s betrayal and that he only needs her for the money, well, how do you know, maybe khvostenko? just a stroller, but he really loved elvira alexandrova, yeah, of course, and it’s kind of a coincidence that he has a lot of debts, and ellie has a rich dad, who, by the way, promised to give them a house for their wedding
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in finka, yes, i’m telling you, this is khvostenko, she said that there would be no wedding, he got angry that he wouldn’t get her money, he killed and robbed, so, well, about khvostenko’s debts, you’re definitely not lying, i’m not lying, i’m talking about this bastard in i found out everything in my time, i can give you the contacts of the creditors, ask everything yourself, the police are standing here, a young man, hands, as i understand it, colleagues, colleagues, senior lieutenant potapinko, inter-district homicide, lieutenant gorlovo, pickpocket department. well, let's go, let's go, where should he go, give him something to do, not on the tram, georgievich, information about
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khvostenok's debts were completely confirmed, well, that means khvostenok had a motive, yes, if elvira really refused to go down the aisle with him, it is quite possible that he and alebi, nikita, made a localization. khvostenko’s mobile phone, on the evening of the murder he was near elvira’s house, well, everything is clear then, yes, it turns out that he had a motive, an opportunity, well, everything is correct, well, that means khvostenko needs to be arrested and stabbed if he refuses , intimidate the creditors, there are, and by the way, there were big debts, well, as far as we found out that there are only 400 thousand in urgent debts, wow, that means, be sure to find out where he spent so much money, maybe crime will be revealed there too, okay, igor, well done,
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gorlova, good, just beautiful, she has every chance of winning, we have a competition for... come on, what's the name of the competition? police beauty. we’re not having a spartakiad here, you know, let’s see, come on. well, potapinka, ten. well done, there are still rules and margarita is still ahead. at the moment, we have another attempt on andryukha’s life, who’s behind you? stands, whose orders are you fulfilling, hold,
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hands behind your head, come on, let's go, where are you lined up, dolphin, final episodes, today is 20:00, well, you guys, come on, i've never seen this before... i've seen it on ntv 10 days until spring, tomorrow all day on ntv, oh in the knee, pain in the back, maybe in the neck. pentalgen extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel is dedicated to our senior loved ones. convenient loans. great contributions. in the branch and online. special conditions. especially relationships at avito work, just find your place, dad , you’ll be home soon, soon, i won’t be late now. mom, guess who started
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it is warmer. in novosibirsk it is also 26 sunny, but tomorrow the rains are noticeably fresher, closer to the urals in the urals the air is getting hotter, in tyumen today it’s 25, and tomorrow it’s about 30. there is little rainfall on european territory, it’s getting cooler in the northwest, but on the volga it’s sunny and the heat is in the 30s. the main events are unfolding in the center and in places in the black earth region, there is a very active atmospheric front, from yaroslavl to belgorod, thunderstorms, wind squalls, hail is not excluded. during yoga there are thunderstorms in the mountains, it’s not hot there, but mostly dry. 30-35 in st. petersburg +21 and short rains, in moscow heavy rains with thunderstorms, but it’s still very warm up to +26. you know, leva, what are the main motives for murder, no, self-interest and jealousy, but in our case, both, in general, all the problems are because of women, that is, you leva, as far as i understand, had no problems at all, there is one in kindergarten, it blew by,
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i beg you, i didn’t hear it, i think i heard it too, help, please call the police, but if these are auditory hallucinations, then not both of us, right, yeah. rushed, help, well, finally, help me, please, girl, calm me down, please, where is khostenko, this asshole got drunk and chained me up, he took the keys with him, he’s sleeping in the bathroom now, stay with her for now, unhook me, please, okay, don’t worry, we’re with the police, now we’ll see, maybe that’s it, that’s it, there you go . khvostenko, khvostenko, get up, police, sports lotto, police, homicide department, get dressed, will you come with us, where i won’t go, where to go, you are suspected of murdering
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elvira alexandrova, damn it, i told you everything, i already i said everything, oh, my head.
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but still a policewoman, great, you ’re mourning the separation from your beloved girl, you can’t say anything, you don’t have beer, go ahead and drink what they give you, also say thank you for at least pouring something, for that you owe us a complete sincere confession, what a confession, you didn’t kill anyone, stop, you have a motive was, these are your debts, besides, on the evening of the murder you came to elvira, so... it fits, so what, you came, there was no motive for this, and debts are bullshit, i can’t believe that 4000 is for you - this is bullshit, not for me, for sasha, who is sasha, sasha tatarenka, this is my new girlfriend, i wanted to tell
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elvira, but i still couldn’t find the moment, of course, such a one slips away, and what does the devotee, sasha, have to do with it, is much richer than elvira, she is independent, and elvira asks for money from her father, who is a gutter, and that is... that is , when elvira broke up with you, you decided to take at least what could be taken out of the apartment, but you didn’t want to take anything, how can i explain to you, i loved her, and i loved sasha, and i love sasha too, some kind of soap opera, but this marina of yours is in handcuffs, what are you, alphonse, what kind of alphonse, i just like beautiful women who know themselves prices, this is normal, that is, you came to elvira to confess your new novel, well, this too, i borrowed money from her the day before and... i wanted to say that i won’t be able to return it in time and tell about sasha, but when i arrived, she went hysterical , threw these photographs at me, said that everything was over between us, well, in general, she was such a girl with character, and what happened next, what happened next, then i left, she
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was left at home alone, there was more housekeeper, makarova, markova, yes, markova, okay, let's check, markova, markova, and girlfriend we’ll also check your new one, is she aware of your debts? by the way, where are these from?
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hello, i’m alexandra tatarenko, you called me about the postenate’s testimony, come in, have a seat, uh-huh, tell me, alexandra, uh, is it true that you were going to get married to khvostenko? yes, for the first time in a long time i started talking about this myself. guy, your max, a rare liar, why do you say that, but you knew that he had debts, well, yes, he said that he owed it to a friend, your max was engaged in currency speculation on the market, and in total he owed about million rubles, and he told me that the money was needed for the treatment of his sister, and also, i have to tell you this, at the same time as you, your max was dating another very wealthy girl, asking her for money to pay off his debts, thank you for telling me , please,
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what did he do, max, why was he detained? the fact is that he is suspected of robbing and killing the girl ilvira alexandrova, but if you are interested in my opinion, he is not capable of murder, he is not capable of stealing. i guess i can believe it, treason maybe, but he would never have the guts to kill anyone. are you sure?
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georgivich, how is our retula, beauty, according to my information, she is still in the lead, although there is a strong rival there for crash’s business, but now they are on par, and there is still competition. there’s a lot left, the creative one remains, oh, well , ritka won’t let you down here, creativity is her strong point, yesterday the whole department heard how kukushkin rehearsed with her, so now she’s ready, well, now she’ll definitely win with such and such a mentor , stop playing around, margarita needs to be supported at such a moment, georgivich, you’re not you see, we deliberately scold her, like during an exam, that’s right, because margarita is a komsomol member, an athlete, a beauty, a bladzhinka, yes, and i think that first place will go to her, that’s what, now let’s... and khostenko , pokhvostenko, that means
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the prostitute marina, whom he picked up yesterday, claims that she spent the whole night with him, yeah, but purely theoretically, khostenko could have managed to kill elvira, and then went to the bar where he met marina, in addition, he convinced us that his new girlfriend alexander tatarenko, will pay all his debts, i talked to her, well, she confirmed these words, and yes and no, he really told her about the debts, but did not indicate the amount, he lied about the reason for the debts, which means he could not be sure that the tatar woman would give him complete.
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stand, there is a task, wait, oleg georgivich, what about lunch, i haven’t had time to get to the canteen yet, i should have left earlier, here you go, thank you, so, well, what is needed, we need to urgently get through, elena markova, housekeeper elvira alexandro, work, yes, elena markova, after all, i have doubt that markova could kill alexandrova, why now? after all, she worked for her for so long, maybe the murdered woman wanted
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to fire her, markova, of course, won’t admit it, and you can’t ask alexandrova, well, because of what, oleg georgievich, or maybe because of her son, markov has a son , ivan, who was caught twice for theft and served 3 years in total; by the way, he was registered with a narcologist, oh, like a drug addict, so is leva, take igor, urgently interrogate this ivan, hmm, bon appetit. pieces need to be found somewhere, i of course understand, but if not it’s difficult, you can get at least a penny there, i can throw in 50 rubles, you know, that would be nice too. what do you need, uncle, there are drugs, did you fall, and if i find you, be careful, don’t slip, from where, don’t move, old man, well, you can’t
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talk to the police like that, and you’re already all beaten up, you’ve insulted someone again, vanya, from where you know my name, and is everyone here? i know, you’re the whole yard, all the neighbors, and where you live, and where you hang out with your friends, it seems clean, well, they didn’t find anything, so throw it in, i’ve given up drugs a long time ago, so it’s all good chatting, who beat you up for what? this is no longer your business, this is your mother, this is our business, what does my mother have to do with it, you don’t touch her, but you will have to, she was seen at the crime scene, shortly before the robbery , a murder, what kind of murder, my mother could not kill anyone, she may not have intended to kill, but wanted to steal things, but the owner accidentally caught her. why does she need this? so we think, why? maybe because of you? what do i have to do with it? damn, really, how are you? i don't mind that potapinka won? yes
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what, this margarita has the same number of points as gorlova? yes, you yourself saw how she stumbled, and alena gorlova walked.
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so, let me guess, and on the way you were attacked, yes, but how do you know, because baranty, vanya, is it really not clear, an elementary setup, he just put you on the hook, and you told your mother, yes, but how do you think she’s really because of me, where could she be now, i don’t know, i haven’t seen her since the morning, show us where to look for a wild one, so, first place in the state internal affairs competition in st. petersburg and the leningrad region , within the framework of the police beauty competition , alena viktorovna gorlova, in a bitter struggle, won the task of detective in the fight against
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pickpocketing. congratulations. alyona. alyona. the second place was taken by potapinka margarta nikolaevna, detective officer of the inter-district homicide department, congratulations, i understood why you did it, alyonya doesn’t tell me, so, well, the main prize, but oh-oh, here it is. grosa police, what do you need, mother, i’m talking about vanya, markova, and what are you, a school teacher, i’m his mother, take it here
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it should be enough, it’s to pay off vanya’s debt, well, that needs to be settled first. i’ll tell you how much it will cost, if it’s not enough, you’ll need to pay extra, i’ll pay extra, but if it’s a lot, i ’ll send your son more bonus powder, don’t even dare anymore, the police are the homicide department, this is in vain, this is some kind of setup, they sent me to the pub with obviously stolen goods, and you think they are not with me, but i thought you and i agreed, i came myself, we are not interested in you, elena, you will have to go through with... you understand that it is pointless to deny , you were found stolen things,
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particles of elvira alexandrova’s blood were not completely washed off in the seams of your sleeve, i didn’t want to kill her, however, the owner caught you stealing things, no, she just discovered it, immediately accused me, i said that... to me the deadline was a week, the quarrel with khvostenko just happened to turn up, in fact, i was thinking of
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doing everything after the biker left, but then elvira’s boyfriend immediately came, this khvostenko, and he saw me, but i hoped that they wouldn’t believe him, okay, tell me what will happen with vanya, let's see if this takes time, but what about that bundle? which the wild man instructed to take to your son, was linden, linden, there were no drugs in it, lord, when will you start trusting the police, we could have helped you much earlier, earlier, no, you decided to screw things up, well, yes, for sure all results are rigged. yes, don’t be upset, aritka, you are the best among us, and i’m not upset, little pie, second place is not the end, thank you, well, margot, we can
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congratulate you on your victory, they say there was a dance competition, maybe you can help us why do you want to dance, now i’m a striped mustachioed one for you, i’ll bite off your mustache, but i know, ritka, i know about your exploits, you’re a good guy margot, giving the crown to a comrade in arms, how noble it is, why do you need this coronation at all? walk around the department, the crown is nonsense, here is the order from general merzlyakin about awarding the prize, men, men, men, simpleton, who am i, simpleton, simpleton, real queen, i didn’t say that, they say i said it, i didn’t take first place , nothing, nothing simple, it doesn’t matter, but me, i feel like an indian beauty. well what, let's go? yes, it’s been half an hour since the dining room is set, let’s go, pin the checkers, be careful,
6:30 am
we wish you the best morning, later in the program, we’ll clarify the details. emergency. let's watch a video from social networks of the first broadcast. nine tv program emergency in the studio valeria gavrilovskaya. in the svertlovsk region, they found schoolchildren who were lost in a dense forest and spent four days there. we have already reported on ntv that the brother and sister were found alive, but severely emaciated. and today their mother told us how. the guys managed to survive in the thicket among swamps and predators. twelve-year-old grisha and ten-year-old vika came to the sverdlovsk region for vacation and...


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