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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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we are working attack aircraft, the marines of the pacific fleet are pushing back the enemy in the ugledard direction. half a century of history , on the fiftieth anniversary of bama, at the opening of the highway, traffic along new routes was opened, a vaccine for cancer patients, russian scientists successfully tested a drug for the treatment of cancer on animals. the british univer is going to russify the name of its products; we'll tell you what it will look like in business news.
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the belarusian military is practicing the installation of ammunition with a nuclear charge on aircraft launchers. the main task training to ensure the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the union state. as part of the first stage , aeroballistic hypersonic dagger missiles were used operationally. iskander missile systems. our defense department has repeatedly emphasized that the exercise is a response to provocative statements of the west’s threat to russia. now about the situation in the special operation zone, russian units of the western military group destroyed the command post of the ukrainian armed forces, which was located more than 30 km from the line of combat contact. the blows were struck. the crews
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of the uragan rocket system helped drone operators locate the target from above; they noticed the movements of ukrainian militants and armored vehicles, after which they transmitted the coordinates of the artilleryman. in the kharkov region, our fighters captured a soldier of the 415th battalion of the ukrainian armed forces. according to him, they did not have heavy equipment or weapons; they had to defend their positions with small arms and hand grenades. there is no counter-battery counter-battery combat on our side, or support there. kind of heavy we didn’t feel the equipment, that is, we sat, waited until the moment when your troops almost came right up to our positions, everything started, well, hold your defense, take up a perimeter defense, hold on, fierce battles are going on in the ugledar direction , assault detachments of the 155th marine brigade of the pacific fleet work there, after the capture of novomikhailovka they began to advance towards the settlement of konstantin. where the enemy has been creating
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defensive lines since 2014. every day our fighters are taking up new positions . sergei pikulin went to the next operation together with the marine infantry. there right away. on the sleeve is the coat of arms of the native khabarovsk territory, under the armor there is a small cheburashka, the children gave them as stormtroopers, they are superstitious people, that’s their profession. these are my icons. on the butt is his call sign, a decorated car mechanic. straightening, painting, body polishing. direct path time.
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they work in pairs, then the groups enter the urban area, the enemy starts hitting with everything he has, the guys are being watched from the air, the commanders are leading us by uav, from the air, more, more, more, you still have to endure a little bit of two buildings, if everyone had the nerves like our attack aircraft, the manufacturers of the sedative would go bankrupt, but the artillery of the armed forces of ukraine is working on the guys. the arrivals are very close, an ordinary person would start to panic, here the fighter is worried that his mother will scold him at home, damn, i swear a lot, my mother will watch the video later, what can i say, you swear a lot, but when he flies into the house like that, there’s not only swearing will begin by squeezing the ukrainian armed forces from their positions, our main strength, any opornik still needs to be held, this is how our armored groups go out on combat missions every day, the main... the task is
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to support and cover our infantry, to prevent a breakthrough of the ukrainian armed forces per day, maybe several trips at once. ours is responsible for counter-battery combat. driving away the heavy weapons of the ukrainian armed forces, and the attack aircraft continue to move on. peretz raises his own flag in every liberated settlement, the 155th brigade, with the autographs of his colleagues on it. and accordingly, he will continue to walk with me until the end of his life, until victory, until victory, yes. sergey pikulin and alya ribzhanov, ntv. ugledar direction, special operations. russian artillery is methodically knocking out the enemy from the northern direction of the northern military district. together with regular military personnel near the front line. dogs, four-legged companions, not only help to endure the hardships of service more easily, but also perform very specific combat missions, about courage and devotion, alexey ivleev. 3 years before the entire special military operation, such is the combat path of this fighter with
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the call sign sonya, no one can do without her now one trip to the position. when 6 years ago a fighter with the call sign storozh was mobilized to fight for his native lugansk region. he didn’t go alone, but took with him his beloved dog, a stopforshire terrier, his bread, or rather army stew, the dog eats not in vain, although the city is constantly moving to the front line, but this unit avoided encounters with ukrainian sabotage and development groups, thanks to its amazing hearing constant alertness of the sleepyhead. companion of the entire north military district, her name is sonya, she’s on guard here, here they are on duty, they go to their posts in the same way. i’m already used to shelling, sonia’s main task is to identify strangers within the radius of combat vehicles, so valeria’s operator explained that you shouldn’t get close to the owner. usually the crew of a hail consists of two fighters, but here there are three. sonya always
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prefers to be close to the guard, even during combat work, so she jumps into the cockpit. there are now fierce battles in the northern direction. the reactors have to work day and night; the order was received to strike the platoon fortification area. the consumption just finished. the dog is scared, it is no worse than its owner, it understands that there may be a retaliatory strike, it has literally experienced this in its own skin. here i am on the street, as if listening to a drone in the air. they flew out, then the shelling began, hail began to fall across our square, it hit the car, the windows flew out, in general, there were wheels, pipes, and the dog seemed to be lying on the floor and everything was fine, nothing was bruised, just a little frightened. the combat vehicle was then quickly repaired and is now back in
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service, happy sonya was considered alive the unit's mascot, bringing good luck. no, he’s a good dog, kind, loyal, not evil, in general. it’s great to work with her, it boosts morale and mood. convinced of the fighting qualities and enormous benefits of dogs of this breed when performing guard duty, several more fighters from this unit of the rszzo brought staffs to the front line. only one of them is not ready for service yet - too young. baron is only 5 months old, but he is already a scientist; as soon as he hears the fire command, he immediately runs for cover. in rare moments, when the owners don't leave.
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an extended session is taking place there, at which sergei lavrov delivered a welcoming speech. today's meeting reflects the course of brix members to develop ties with interested countries of the global south and east, countries of the world majority, in order to find ways to solve the most pressing global problems faced by all members of the international community without exception. it's happening before our eyes. deep transformation of international relations associated with the formation of more a fair, politically centric world order system that would reflect the entire palette of cultural and civilizational diversity of the modern world, ensuring
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the right of each people to determine their own destiny and their own path of development. the main trend has been the strengthening of the voice of the global majority. states beyond the collective west, in asia, africa, the middle east, latin america and the caribbean. previously, the head of the russian. mido held talks with his venezuelan counterpart ivan gilimpinta. sergei lavrov supported this country's interest in brix and noted that russia, as chairman, would help strengthen ties. the ministers also signed a memorandum of cooperation in countering sanctions. well , today in nizhny novgorod sergei lavrov held negotiations with turkish foreign minister hakan fedan. the day before, fedan held negotiations in moscow with security council secretary sergei shaigum. the british company univer has begun to rename its brands in russia. next on the air is business news with us.
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one of the world's largest manufacturers consumer goods, the british company unilever began to russify its brands in russia, it, as the telegram channel of the bureau of names learned, submitted applications to rospatent for... registration of trademarks, which are very similar to existing ones, only univer is going to write the names themselves in russian letters, if the new spelling of the names of the cleaning products domestos and sif looks quite recognizable, then the name soap in russian letters is the most unusual. unilever has a subsidiary in russia and 3,000 employees. back in march 2022, unilever announced that it would stop exporting goods to russia. and imports from it, and also stops all investments and advertising activities in russia, but the company
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promised to continue supplying the russian food market with hygiene products that were produced in russia. the russian stock market continues to fall yesterday; investors are frightened by the fact that the key rate in russia will apparently continue to rise. analysts at alor broker indicate that, according to the market, the maximum rate can rise to 20%. the ruble rose noticeably in price yesterday, but today... has rolled in the opposite direction, the dollar is already above 89, the euro is now worth 95.76. for the first time, a calculator will appear on ipads, it’s hard to believe, but it wasn’t there for 14 years, while the ipad went from the status of just another tablet computer to the image of something powerful, light and thin. an application with a calculator will appear in the new ipad ios 18 operating system . apple announced this at its annual developer conference. but of course it is. there will be not just a calculator, along with the so-called mathematical notes mode will also be common; the user
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can write any example by hand with a stylus, put an equal sign, and the ipad itself will calculate the result, and it can also draw graphs. in general, the calculator was supposed to appear on the very first ipad in 1910, but when a month before the official presentation the finished ipad was shown to steve jobs, he saw a regular calculator from an iphone, only stretched to the big screen. jobs instructed. redo it or remove it, so they removed it for 14 years. well except calculator, apple announced at the conference that it will add artificial intelligence to the siri voice assistant, specifically the gpt chatbot from open ai. elon musk, who has his own artificial intelligence company, has already said that this is an unacceptable security breach. they say apple transfers customer data to an unknown location, and threatened to ban the use of equipment from. in their companies, and not only employees, but even visitors, everyone will need to
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hand over their iphones and ipads at the entrance to their offices. ilya about everything in the economy. thank you, denis tolalayev with his economic review. in the far east , two important objects of the baikal-amur mainline were solemnly opened today. the second main track on the stretch is a siding of 323 km for people and a double-track insert on... the far eastern railway, this will increase the capacity of bama and the trans-siberian railway in the direction of the ports of the far east. speaker of the federation council valentina matvienko and head of russian railways oleg belozerov took part in the ceremony via video link. the opening coincides with the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary baikal-amur mainline. the decree on the celebrations was signed by vladimir putin a year ago. according to speaker safed. it is symbolic that two important railway facilities were launched on the eve of russia day. the russian railway network is one of the largest and best equipped in the world. its
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special, i would say, strategic element is the legendary bam, which this year celebrates its half-century anniversary since the start of construction. at the eastern training ground , bam now plays a special role; for some period of time it was said that he seemed to was not needed, but the story. put in place, you can’t get through today without a bam, many elements, even very complex ones, interrupted traffic is solved only thanks to you , today it is of strategic importance. highways for the entire country were also noted at the ceremony by the acting governor of the khabarovsk territory, dmitry demeshin. according to him, in the far east the task set by the president to increase the carrying capacity of bam is being fulfilled. in russia, the sensational development of a vaccine against cancer. the drug, which several scientific institutes have worked on, allows one to defeat aggressive forms
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of the disease. svetlana gordeeva found out what stages of the study remain to be completed when the vaccine is produced. the first patients are already receiving, each mouse is a group, a research group, in these boxes, mice, which scientists were able to cure in a short time from melanoma, are testing an innovative therapeutic vaccine against certain types of cancer on rodents. cured mouse. scientists from several research centers are working on the drug, blakhina, hercyn and gamaleya. this is not a vaccine in the usual sense, it is not intended for healthy people, it is a therapeutic vaccine for those who already have cancer. why is it called a vaccine, because it forces the body to develop immunity and fight the tumor itself, this is not preventive from the point of view of the classic infectious vaccine therapy approach, yes, that is, we cannot immunize him while a person is sick, but after that, how did we get the tumor sample, this vaccine
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can be used against relapses, against metastases, which can occur, if you don’t go into scientific terminology... the mechanism of action of the vaccine is simple, similar to the principle of immunotherapy: after a patient with cancer is operated on, a piece of the tumor is sent to the laboratory and studied with the help of all possible modern diagnostics. we have a developed bioinformation system that allows us to obtain data on specifically individual markers of a given patient from the genetic material of a patient’s normal tumor. tumors. based on the results , an individual drug will be created. the insidiousness of cancer is that malignant cells can masquerade as their own and the body does not turn on the immune defense in time, so the vaccine, as it were, conveys secret instructions to the body on how to recognize the stranger and destroy it, it is used with other immunotherapy approaches that make the tumor visible, accordingly, we train the immune system away from the tumor, and the already
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trained cells approach the tumor. skin noma, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, some lung tumor and so on. as is the case with any treatment method, vaccination is most likely not suitable for all patients, but scientists are confident that if the drug can destroy the tumor, it will also protect against relapse. for now, however, it is too early to talk about the effect on the human body. you need to understand that this is still at the stage of pre
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-clinical studies, that is, now these vaccines are still intended for mice. the towers will soon be put into operation, it will take about 2 more years to build production lines, then clinical tests on volunteers, registration, and only then the first patients will be able to test the innovative drug on themselves. svetlana gordeev, ekaterina kotelevskaya, mikhail rostovtsev, maxim darochkin and oleg gorkov, ntv. now the word from my colleague, valery gavrilovsk, host of the emergency program . ler, what will we talk about today? ilya, do you remember the quote from the soviet film. our people don’t take a taxi to the bakery; it’s relevant now, people of our time fly to buy groceries. a video went viral on the internet of how a visitor appeared in the omsk region to the general store on a light commercial helicopter. his rotorcraft landed right on the lawn near the store. but don’t think that we also want it that way, although why not if everything is safe, but there is a clear
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violation here, if you look, the helicopter landed close to private houses and power lines, what. absolutely forbidden. investigators are finding out who owns the helicopter and who flies it for bread. village residents say this is not the first time. ilya. well, maybe the last one. ler, thank you. emergency program incident after a short pause. that's all we have for now. visit, see you. it’s hard not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on everything. purchases, get a super cup in rubles every month, withdraw cash for free from any atm, not just profitable, alpha profitable, the best deposit in sberi
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a helicopter. another such purchase was canceled by the villagers. personnel are now being inspected by the usc in transport under the provision of services that do not meet the requirements of safety, life and health of consumers. firstly, rotorcraft the car landed right on the lawn near the store, and secondly, in the immediate vicinity. proximity to the power line, our correspondent found out that this is not the first time this has happened, this is definitely a stray buyer with a full package of groceries, he was filmed already at the exit from the village store, the unknown person parachuted in for purchases, quickly purchased the necessary goods, and again rose into the sky to the exclamations of astonished teenagers on earth.
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i was stunned, but i turned on the camera, these are the guests like...


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