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tv   Za granyu  NTV  June 11, 2024 4:45pm-5:50pm MSK

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dad, thank you for inviting me, and i want to invite you too, get a black card from the bank, i will get 1500 rubles, and you 500, daughter, you are a genius, invite a friend to get a black debit card from the bank before june 30 and get 1500 rubles, and a friend will receive a 500 ruble bill, which of my friends is still a bank, don’t forget to invite me, tbank, he’s the only one. beyond broad shoulders and huge biceps, the 20-year-old girl looks like a beefy action hero. in the studio tatyana temnikova. hello, tatyana, you are certainly a very impressive girl. not yet, but i
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i strive for this. or can you show us some classic bodybuilding poses? what you saw is the front biceps, now i can show you the back, and at the same time you will see my back. are you already used to people staring at you? yes, i'm already used to it. who looks back more often? men or women? most often it is men. tatyana, please sit down. “mish, would you turn around after a girl like tatyana? tatyana is a very beautiful girl, you have such a wonderful face, photogenic, cinematic, you are very beautiful, yes, of course, i would absolutely turn around, not because these are muscles or something, just a beautiful girl, a beautiful girl, no word, yes, but still a girl should remain a girl, taking supplements, they change speech synthesis too.” yes, and it changes
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the muscles, maybe a little bit of relief can be created somewhere, but just a tumach - well, i don’t know, for me it’s like that, tatyana, you and oleg agree, oh, i agree, i’m just overwhelmed, you forgive me, dear girl, but don’t, i don’t, i can’t do that, i would turn around in horror, you’re so pretty, you even have a manicure, you have these same heels, well, no, what is this, what is this, this is all masculine, this, well, i just can’t... i understand, you still have to be a woman, you don’t want to just like- then i want to feel myself differently, i want to, but just like that, i feel right now that i am who i want, i wanted to become, yes, well, maybe, but for me this is generally unacceptable, no way. tatyana, and more often than not strangers react to you positively or negatively, no one has ever dared to say anything bad to my face, but in the comments under the photographs there are a lot negative, so positive. many admire
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the relief, shapes, unusualness, and some also perceive this, they just don’t understand it, does it upset you? no, i believe that every person has the right to their opinion. how long did it take you to get into this shape? the path was long, i’ve already gotten into this shape quite quickly in a year and a half, this is the result of discipline , first of all, training and nutrition, sleep absolutely affects everything. factors how often do you exercise? and sometimes seven or eight times a day a week, that is, more than twice a day? this is also related to our work. are you a coach? i'm a coach myself, yes. what about nutrition? i don’t limit myself in anything, but in a day, for example, a whole chicken, 10-12 eggs can go away, and naturally, i absolutely don’t eat complex carbohydrates, buckwheat, rice, or potatoes, even the most basic sweets. do you take any stimulants or supplements? i can drink either an energy drink or a workout drink, not every time, but it can be dangerous
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for energy drinks to work out, since during training the muscle mass works very actively, the heart rate increases, well, plus caffeine, which is in energy drinks and other additives, also enhances this, what this can lead to, various hypertrophy of the left ventricle, as a rule, an increase in pressure, well, that is, cardiac problems, and you yourself or you’re building a career on this, you want to go on stage in the future, right? show yourself in bodybuilding competitions, what are your achievements to date? i am elite in the division in the classic biceps curl, with a body weight of 70 kg, and i i realized the barbell weighed 62.5 kg. marina, are these good indicators? yes, this is a good indicator, that is, she lifts a little less than her own weight on the biceps. biceps is a small, short muscle group, yes, that is, small in volume, and lifting such a weight is a worthy result. tatiana. is it
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difficult for you to lift such weight? no, it has already become a way of life, can you demonstrate how you do it right now? no problem. please bring the equipment, it takes two people to carry it. tatyana, you are not impressed, you are horrified, but what? terrible, the person has discipline, well, no, i don’t know, i have a mixed feeling, because i see some girl’s face, yes, and i see what she’s doing in general. well, it’s powerful, i’m really tempted to try, but no problem, wow, it’s really hard, friends, it’s very hard, tatyana, how many times can you
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lift the barbell like that, this weight, well, 15 times, i think i can, oh , mish, i have no desire to try. how many kilograms is this? 41, in my opinion, 41 is here, be careful, it’s harmful to the unprepared, here’s the place, oh, good, well, yes, that’s it, without warming up - i think it’s not worth competing in numbers, oleg, but you don’t want to try, yes, well, let’s. once, well, at least once, twice, twice, and that’s good, tatyana, why did you choose bodybuilding, i wanted to get rid of
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anorexia, from anorexia, and how did you come to this, tell me, and bullying at school, in primary school, then in in middle school, of course, i was well... tired of it, bullying because of what? due to excess weight. how much did you weigh when you were made fun of at school? 96 kg. what class is this? seventh, eighth, with growth? 166. how did you lose weight? lost weight incorrectly, ran 10 km and ate practically nothing, 10 km every day, every day, how many kilograms have you lost? by 50, over what period of time? 8.9 months, what was your minimum weight? a little more than 40 kg. why did it come to this that you were given such a diagnosis? i stopped eating, but i didn’t
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even recognize this problem, i had one goal, just to get rid of what seemed to torment me for quite a long time, i wanted to get rid of these ridicule at school after... that's what i didn't say, my skin didn't drain much even at a young age, my skin sagged absolutely due to rapid weight loss, around 3-4 years old i went for massages, and this woman straightened my brain out very well , that is, she set me on this path, on the fact that i need to fight, she was with me for a very, very long time during my recovery period, when you had such a diagnosis, it was hard for you to start playing sports, not just hard, it. ..
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when a person loses weight this much, his muscles become thinner, ligaments weaken, metabolism in tissues, for example, i had a case where a girl was so devoid of fats that they disappeared from the bones, the bones simply began to collapse, she received fractures, even trying to simply move for some kind of everyday needs, well, a girl in such
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a state decides also go in for sports, give it a workout, well, it’s the same as if we take a prisoner from a concentration camp and start forcing him to dig a trench, this, to me , is a way to kill a person, only long and painfully. it was probably just her youth, her initial health, that somehow pulled her out from this hole. tatyana, what physical activity did you start with? bodyweight push-ups , bodyweight squats. i started with 10 minutes, with 15 minutes of exercise, that is , it wasn’t an hour-long , exhausting workout, no, of course, at the same time i started to improve my nutrition, and why didn’t you stop when you gained normal weight for your age? i still didn’t feel like i wanted to even at that moment, now what i see now is the reflection in the mirror, but that’s exactly it, what i wanted. how does your family feel about your choice, about your appearance? a year ago, a little less, my father died, who is all...
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no, i would like it to be a little more compact in that part of the body where the shoulders are, this is purely my opinion, at the same time i’m just worried about her health, she is a young girl, well, she will have to become a mother, so this also worries me very much. ekaterina, my mother’s worry is not in vain, it is absolutely justified, let’s start with the fact that any sport cripples, physical education heals. sport, especially professionally, he cripples. and let’s not forget about the statistics, that it is
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bodybuilders who suffer, they have a high mortality rate precisely from the wear and tear of the heart and thromboembolic complications, that is , their mortality rate is well above that of the average person, for example. tatyana, you are not frightened by everything that you just heard, i know this very well, each person, let’s say, has his own life, yes, everyone decides what. he wants to get something from this life. marin, has your daughter always been so persistent in achieving her goals? well, she was always persistent. i graduated from school with a gold medal. and my husband and i never demanded any straight a’s, any medals, or these red certificates. she wanted a medal, she got it. if she began to draw, she has gorgeous drawings, she, uh, bakes extraordinary cakes, when the time came for my birthday, she
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wrote a poem for my birthday, well , of course, i sat for a very long time, cried, she said: of course, mom, i i wanted to please you, i didn’t think that you would cry like that on your birthday, and then on every day, in every line of the poem, her entire childhood, all her experiences, well, so much of everything that is in our lives. it was obvious that you love your daughter very much, you have a good family, then how did you allow your daughter to become anorexic? well, partly it was probably my fault, in her childhood, when she was still very small, she ate very poorly, she was just glowing all over, so i tried, well, not to feed her, of course, but the child should receive vitamins and everything else , then when... she was going to school, the children just started telling her that she wasn’t like this, then she began
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to eat against the background of this, she came home from school, ate heavily during lessons, and we didn’t go anywhere, we had a sedentary, motionless lifestyle, in this photo how old is your daughter, we graduated from the fourth grade, it was as if my dad and i were trying - well, let’s somehow start cleaning up all the sweets, i say: let’s... vacuum there, well, make some gestures, but the fact is that at that moment she refused, well, then it’s clear, i think, that after all, she was picked on at school with all this, that she’s overweight, everything is like that, she just decided, so she took it, i’m going to lose weight, you, mom, make me a lean soup, not in broth, with some kind of buckwheat, things like that, there’s kefir, but she ate does she eat normal portions or cut back? she cut back on the number of times a day, and cut back on the portions themselves, and in general, here she
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was, sweets, everything fatty, fried, she gave up everything altogether, tatyana, and what did your diet consist of at that time, everything was steamed exclusively, then there were large ones, some kind of fruit, mostly apples, there sometimes, maybe once there were bananas, there was meat, there were eggs, there was cottage cheese, there was also cottage cheese, by the way, but how did it happen with anorexia when some weight was lost, it was probably in the area maybe. you have a good figure now, where are we going, this is the final point, this is what it should be, because this cannot go on forever, but your daughter continued to lose weight and lose weight, when you realized that you need to ring all the bells, well, when already size 40 became 42, after 54-56, it somehow affected her health, but she stopped having periods
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walk, but we went to hospitals, that’s all, then it turned out... so that one woman helped us a lot, i went to her for a massage, when we came to her, she trusted this woman, she listened to her, everything was her recommendations, everything about what to eat there, what exercises to do, everything else. tatyana, what kind of recommendations did the doctors give you ? they said something, we went to the gynecologist, she just gave me strong hormonal pills to induce a period, that’s all. the whole problem was that they treated her body, but no one treated her soul. she suffered psychological violence in the classroom for quite a long time, and yes, i think that there was simply a person who found the key to it, yes, probably yes, tatyana, this is what advice you would give to girls who now suffer, unfortunately, from anorexia, to those specialists who will not just, as was said, treat biologically in some way, namely, set a person up to the fact that he
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needs it, so that he himself understands that he needs it, because in some way that moment i didn’t see the problem, marina, when your... daughter i overcame anorexia and started playing sports, were you happy? of course, we’re happy, why not, she did all the exercises, of course, i was glad, she worked out, worked out, at one fine moment she says: you know, mom, i’m cramped at home, i want to go to some kind of sports, maybe a club , and she and i basically got up and went to the gym. why the coach chose tatyana, who is the head of their family and what does not suit him, we will find out everything right away... in a short advertisement for burns, for pain, for discomfort, and for stomach problems, the finale of the show, superstar, our superstars prepared premieres especially for the finale, the team comes out on stage and you understand that legends, a new brand of belarusian legends, are now yours,
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tomorrow all day on ntv. beyond. this is beyond the bounds. the mother is afraid that her daughter will never give her grandchildren, because in her 20s she pumped up such muscles that men would envy. her daughter always went to extremes. says fifty-three-year-old marina tolstykh, at school she got punished for being overweight, then she suffered from anorexia, now she exhausts herself with training and, as a result, has turned into a mountain of muscles. i am concerned about her health, her well-being, her future, like her mother’s future, because it’s almost like she’s getting older to have a family, children, and of course, i would like the volume in the shoulders to be... smaller, however twenty-year-old tatyana temnikova herself assures that it was thanks to sports that she overcame anorexia, and now she i really like her body, i realized that
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i just can’t hesitate any longer, i’m just going nowhere, and i need to change the situation and pretty quickly. at first i worked out my own weight at home, and only then i moved to another level, decided to go to the gym, change the environment, and so began my journey in sports. passers -by do not admire the girl's heroic shoulders and steel abs, just like her mother. i think this girl is 23 years old. girl, what a girl should look like if she it looks athletic - that's one thing; if it's pumped up, that's a little different. if i were that girl, i probably would have stopped. for me, that would be a no-brainer. i wouldn't want to have a figure like that. most likely, i’ll assume that in the area from twenty to... i wouldn’t feel like a man next to her, because she even looks more like a man, well, 27, i like everything in moderation, so that it’s feminine, maybe even
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a little .
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there is so much subtle and graceful inside that you can be bullied, you can be pummeled, because you didn’t have an inner core and that support of yourself that would give you the opportunity to fight back, and you went into such a dive that the program turned on, hide, destroy yourself, dissolve in this world, reach such a weight that i simply won’t exist, you dug yourself out, so i really clap for you.
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parents, mothers, whatever, definitely not this, there was even an excess of attention, any problem, i always went to my mother, i had no friends there, yes, that is, the family always loved me, supported me, that’s a doubt in general, what was your relationship like with dad, father? he taught me again as a child there in the garage, i’m with him, i know how to drive a car, he taught me, he was a truck driver, he put everything he could into me, he gave me everything, he’s with me everywhere, he even managed go to a competition with me once, but why yours?
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his dad passed away due to an ulcer breaking out, but he was saved, and then his hemoglobin and oxygen levels dropped sharply, his blood pressure dropped sharply , he just didn’t get out of his troubles. are you missing your dad now? there is not enough support, of course, he plays too big a role in my life played. marina, you said that you blame yourself for the fact that your daughter fell ill with anorexia. do you also blame your daughter for the new extreme?
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and i would like, of course, for him to control everything, for all this to be under control, so that these sports activities do not harm her, so that all this is moderate, so that he sees in her not only an athlete, but also a girl. tatyana, you and marina agree, he’s working to ensure that tatyana is good at sports, that’s all her mother wants, so that she can hold the baby in her arms, so that she has smaller shoulders.
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who loves her, who cares about her body, who is also into her, but he likes it all, yes it’s all clear, wait, it’s not clear, it’s not clear, what i’m listening to now, it seems incomprehensible. the point is that a young man can mold a girl who is twice his age into his ideal or sporting achievement, his own, as if she were his only client, he has many clients with whom, the girl. everyone will agree, her legs and buttocks are worthy of a sculptor, but the shoulder spores are excessive, this is for you, and for her men it plays well if he says he will leave those men, trainers who have pumped up broad shoulders, she
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will be a suitable girl for them, i wasn’t involved in bodybuilding before him, but i competed in a powerlifting competition, that is, i somehow lifted these pieces of iron before him and moved to another gym, where just... i met nikolai, he began to train me, and then he started complaining to me, saying that something was wrong with my nutrition now, he was the only one at that time, he was already traveling there with a woman, and i offered him, i said, let me say hello i’ll cook, and so i went a couple of times, but before that i actually lived where it was very cold, well, i just tell him for fun, well, i’ll live here, it’s cold for me there, i’ll stay here, well, i’ve been living here for a year and a half, marina, but how did you feel about the fact that...
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where she was, were you keeping an eye on her, or what? well , i had to, i’ve never done such things, but there was nothing left for us, we understood that something was wrong, that’s when you followed her, that you managed to find out, well, that he took her from work where they went, where the car stopped him, well, near the house, he lives in the private sector, so i dial and say, come on, i say, come out, we drove up to the hostel, she lived in the hostel, she says, okay, you’re kidding me, you’re not at hostel, we just live 30 km from the city, it was evening, maybe 10 pm, i don’t know, you’re just kidding me, i’m saying, i’m not kidding, i’m saying,
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come out, i’m saying, on the balcony, there’s a balcony in the hostel, i say, you will see us, and she ’ll come out now, no, no, i dial again, i say, tan, why don’t you come out, yes you there again there is no, e.
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hello, why do you call tatyana a million dollar baby? well, because this girl is really a million, because when i first saw her, i saw the potential in her, when they had already started training, this is a person who can train with such dedication, well, which i have never seen in a cube, men are not standing next to me, you just immediately noticed tatyana as a girl, of course, well, young and beautiful, well, you can imagine the audience, and a girl comes in wearing leggings. young, looking at you eyes, well, naturally beautiful, so what? how quickly did you go from being a coach to becoming a lover? quickly, probably a couple of weeks, at that moment, nikolai, didn’t you care a bit that the girl was half your age, why should i refuse, i
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like this person, tatyan, how do you like this couple, i don’t care, i on the mother’s side, she wants grandchildren, in the end, seeing that next to her daughter, yes, is a good person, but he... and excuse me, a coach, which means she will be even more, that means winning to train, but life is this is the life of her daughter women are like mothers, well, i don’t know, we can love feminine, slender, beautiful, soft girls, weak girls
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who only ask to be taken care of, who can’t lift dumbbells that are heavier, but we can also be strong, why not, well, a strong person is a strong person, a weak person often has these attacks from the strong, it’s just that when a strong person is able to fall in love with a strong person next to him, he doesn’t feel crushed, nikolai, and you know that her mother is very worried for her health, yes, of course, well, if you do everything correctly, administer, control, see everything, it can be quite good, the girl is passionate about it, she likes it, and i will support her, or maybe after all, these are some of your ambitions, but you, as a coach, it’s probably nice to create some kind of super athlete out of your girlfriend, not so much as an ambition to help a person achieve some of his goals, his desires, in any case, well, that’s my job, is it part of the coach’s job to say stop at the right time, i think so, when should this stop sound? regarding tatiana? but a person has goals, the goals have not been achieved, she is not competing
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yet, she will be applying for some in the near future, maybe there is some kind of bodybuilding federation, the previous goal ended in anorexia, it just worries us very much, after listening to our heroine , as i understand it, her goal was still imposed from the outside, reprimand at school encouraged her to lose weight, then her thinness encouraged her to gain weight, she met you when she was already doing bodybuilding, you just spurred her on, i guess, as i understand it, what are her here it is... nikolai is also an adult, he inspires confidence, naturally, so now in the person of nikolai tatyana has found that support, thanks to which she can now move towards their goals, if they are going to go to a family and have children, he will support her, he will support her he just loves, yes, this is a wonderful union, but if she is young for him.
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the website let's support our people. orphans premieres on monday at 20:00 on ntv. four well-trained saboteurs hide a safe and steal documents that constitute a particularly important state secret. we'll fly to kaliningrad and find out everything on the spot. the opponent's weight is in the square you specify. damn, the cat is red. the machine gunner is yours. let's go after them. devils, new episodes, it’s impossible to take hostages in their car head-on, i’ll go to negotiations, today at 22:10 on ntv. beyond the limits, this is beyond the limits, the twenty-year-old girl swung herself so much that she became stronger than her own coach. nikolai, do you have children? yes, daughter, how old is she, exactly
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the same age as tatyana, 20, yes, yes, your daughter looks the same as tatyana? beautiful, smart girl, but not athletic, why? well, she’s not interested, somehow i didn’t get hooked on the covenant, if your daughter met a man who was 40 years, which would make her such an athlete, you would be happy and happy, yes, look, she met someone like me, i would be generally happy, if only the person was happy, and your daughter knows tatyana, in absentia through a social network, they approve of your choice, no, so what? he says, you probably wanted to see me like that, you did something out of her that was such bullshit, that you probably wanted to do it to me, well, something like this, by the way, mind you, these are, in general, the words of your daughter , who knows your situation much better, this means that our assumptions were partly correct, that is, you do and article what you want, you never projected, we practically
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do not communicate, well, we corresponded a little there, nikolai, in your opinion, tatyana should continue to rock, priorities may change, from this you can always have a pacifier.
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it’s hard, it can’t be hard, more, more, shoulders, work, continue, come on, come on, dropset, then the car, that’s it, finished. rest the final stage of training stretching, which helps relieve tension and relax muscles after heavy physical exertion, lie down,
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usually we start from the front, back of the thigh and gluteal muscle, similarly we pull the second leg, then we begin to pull the thoracic lumbar spine, he simply commands it, in my opinion, how does he command this coach? every coach should do this in order to get the most out of his ward during training, tatyana, she’s like a project, after all, after all, yes, but, but, in order to perform on the big stage, to be beautifully sculpted, still need to be applied chemistry, right, no, absolutely, no, but chemistry is still for a twenty-year-old girl, it’s still bad, i’ve been training in the gym for 15 years and haven’t used chemistry, not even once in my life and... and it’s not prevented me from achieving any heights and muscle mass. tatyana, have you tried training with other trainers? yes, i had coaches, yes, more than one, i will say
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this, there is something to compare with. yes, if for some big goals it is realistic, i would still choose as a priority a coach who puts pressure and demands, because i myself am not a lazy person, yes, but nikolai, isn’t he demands, i do this, here, here, but i can also rest there for two minutes, he doesn’t, go in a minute, he makes my dreams come true in this life, that is, he helps me with this. stanislav, are the exercises that tatyana does not dangerous for her? i believe that for a woman, in general, biologically, yes, hard physical labor was not intended by nature. there is a gto standard that is lower for women, why? because a woman should not biologically carry firewood, should not carry stones, it’s kind of like men do. the men also carried the rocker with two. the standards for competitions are the same.
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may threaten infertility, due to excessive stress, due to increased muscle mass, a large amount of testosterone, a samatotropic hormone is released there, which also affect ovarian function, ovulation is blocked, i don’t know whether it ’s present about the menstrual cycle or not, and it can be tolerated child, their pelvic shape changes, they sometimes have such a powerful abdominal wall that the fetus cannot bend it in order to form normally, she often has miscarriage, valeria, what else can they influence her? hard training, i would rule out hyperandrogenism, that is, high male sex hormones already now, because there is increased acne
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throughout the body, that is, well, acne, yes, to put it simply, the voice is rude, low, that is, i would already direct the patient to give up blood test, increased male hormones - this can result in infertility, also hair loss on the head, increased growth of hair on a woman’s body instead of... which are atypical, that is, this is the face, beard, inner thighs, it can also there may be a violation on the part of the internal organs of the liver, and the excretory system is the kidneys and so on, that is, in general, well, if we talk about training, of course, they cannot increase hormones that much, you can get these hormones from the outside, for example, in order to in order to achieve sports achievements, in order to get better results than... an ordinary woman can get them on her hormonal background, there are no strong drugs, as for acne, but
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the production of sebaceous glands, that is, this is external they donated the liver and looked at everything. jewelry, perfume, often not, because our financial situation is, well, not the best, at the moment, yes, yes, well , somehow we got used to it, well, once a month, a restaurant. and in everyday life, tatyana is a good housewife, well, her cooking tastes good, i like it. we visited you , let's take a look at your ordinary, everyday home life. it was to this house in lipetsk that twenty-year-old tatyana temnikova once came to prepare dinner for her coach nikolai milovanov
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, who was staying with him. it's been since then a year and a half relationship. from friendship turned into romantic, the girl says. i came a couple of times and fried potatoes, i think. now tatyana feeds her lover not only dinner, but breakfast. the trainers’ diet is by no means sports nutrition; they love rolls and pizza, but they also don’t forget about eggs and chicken breast. i can generally eat 12 at a time, lightly, that is, if with something, well, 8-10 pieces, everyone eats them almost every day. i’m not into sports nutrition; after all, it’s also not cheap, and this is one of the cans.
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i just went in and bought it, also for my last birthday i gave him a reel, since he is interested in fishing, lovers are not about sports , kolya was just in the mood on the day, they forget it even at home, there is a mini-gym in the garage, instead of board games with friends , on weekends they lift weights, a bench for bench presses, you can also lift biceps, the bar is specially designed, the pancakes here are around 407
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kilograms, in my opinion, oleg, how do you like the life of a couple? well, that’s not for me, yes, let’s just say, a girl should still be a girl, she should be a little bit, a little bit embossed, this is already too much, but judging by them, by both of them, well, basically they’re a couple. elizabeth, do you still admire her? i admire it because i ’m watching now, i understand how important it is when a man and a woman have a common hobby, how it unites, how harmonious they look with each other, and that ’s it. great, look at nikolai, he’s 40 years old, he’ll give a head start, i’m sure any thirty-year-old, when thirty-year-old guys look like they’re already 40, it’s not normal, but they think it’s normal, i’m always sad, when people eat sugar, eat sweets, fatty foods, they say, what is normal, everyone does this, no, this is not normal, the problem is that when people who, for example, are not nutritionists, talk about this, yes, because you are a nutritionist , you decided so as a nutritionist, but i
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study a lot, read and talk, so she is also confident in her health, she does not listen. that is, you will not be good for everyone, no matter what you are, so you need to choose yourself and the way in which you like yourself. nikolay, who is the main breadwinner in your family now? well the budget is actually the same, we work together, tatyana also works, she also earns money, she makes money by coaching, yes, by coaching, i brought her to this too, brought her, tatyana’s friend, considers her an amazing trainer in the studio alexander nelin,
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hello alexander! tell us about your first impression of tatyana? the first impression, well, initially i actually thought that there would be a girl there, well, well , everything would be arranged according to the standards. i get up, my jaw drops, what kind of car is this, it’s a cyborch, it’s just a killer. tatiana really a professional, yes, tatyana, a professional in his field, the person just immediately asked about the injuries, about what i want to achieve, in how long, that is, the person explained to me that it won’t be fast, it won’t be there, in general, the nuances were explained, so a person selected my weight, initially, even for the first workout, it was hard, but in 3 months i lost 20 kg, what is the main secret of your weight loss, firstly, motivation, calorie deficit. observance of healthy life. the secret is a small deficit, not an extreme one like me i lost weight, but here, after all, more calories are consumed due to increased activity, and not due to cutting back on the diet. what are the couple's plans for
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the future? we will find out the answer to this most important question in a couple of minutes. when a resident of the saratov region gave birth to her first child, her mother revealed hers to her. “you became a mother, i want to tell you, at the age of 21 i gave birth to a child , i wrote to refuse him, my mother repented of her actions all her life and before her death she bequeathed to her daughter to find her own older brother, when she told him she cried, what will she say a sister who grew up in an exemplary large family to her brother abandoned in the maternity hospital? mom said that she named him denisok, perhaps he was adopted, i said: “ to tell the truth, my mother left me in the baby’s house as a child, is there any similarity between your alexei and yuli? no, he is fair-haired, blue-eyed, i would like
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strong relationships, incredibly strong, i see that people have love, straight relationships, yes, they are seething, well, i generally get the impression there that they can will get married soon, maybe i’ll take this opportunity, hey, this is the solution, tanya, will you marry me. now
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it’s my first time, maybe you have some words for mom, your chosen one, maybe you want to ask for her blessing, not really, it seems to me that she doesn’t love me either, firstly, i’m older, i think that’s what she wanted if only there was such a young man, preferably with money, then we would establish a relationship, my daughter would have a good relationship. everything will be fine, but this excessive care, which often leads children to frustration, is not needed, we care too much about our babies, too often, at some point we need to let them go earlier, don’t keep them near us all the time, yulia, maybe you, for your part, will somehow help ensure that everyone agrees, hears each other, of course .


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