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tv   Delfin-2  NTV  June 11, 2024 8:00pm-10:10pm MSK

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andrey, inna, what are you doing here? well, i mean, how did i find out, you should be in st. petersburg. what did you find out about? about the explosion? what explosion? my trailer on the beach was blown up at night. i wasn’t there, but olga was nearby, so she’s in intensive care.
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there is no one to take care of her, so i flew in for a while to help, i see, what do you have there, yul? there is something.
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i wish you good health, look, what is it? this, just so you know, is a rather expensive, smart explosive device with an external detonator. yulia vladimirovna, where are you from? you know? this is my job and i’ve seen these before. do you know, oleg petrovich, i had a chance to work on mine clearance. yes, just don't ask where, it's a long story. fine, i will not. so you want to say. a bomb was planted and it wasn’t gas, that’s right, the professionals worked, but they couldn’t disguise it as a household gas explosion, even a broken propane tank was not proof, they wanted to cover their tracks, it didn’t work, yes, but the most interesting thing is not this, in trailer, or rather in what was left of it, was discovered burnt corpse, what, corpse, yes, corpse, whose?
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well, of course, i can’t say this for sure now, but based on the preserved papillaries, which i have already sent to the laboratory, i think we will soon establish the true identity of the deceased, which i kept with him. most likely not, he was stabbed, stabbed, apparently, yes, with this knife, right in the chest. a familiar knife, that’s what we still needed, i mean a familiar knife, yes, it’s a long story, don’t ask, mom, what’s there, mom, what’s there, clearly, guys, fin, yes,
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dolphin, this is vasilisa, this is not vashchin, take me away him, tribute, tribute, tribute, let's go, let's go, it's definitely not vaska, no, it's definitely not vaska, then... listen, whose knife, here's the knife, my knife, yes it helped, sber raised deposit rates, now it's the best interest with a rate of 18% per annum only until june 30, hurry to open it.
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andrey, well, it’s clear that he was specifically used so that suspicion of murder would fall on you, that’s understandable, listen, what did you think, maybe you should go to the bottom for now, for a while, yeah, now, i
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won’t disappear anywhere else, andryukh, this is serious, i’m serious too, it’s okay, we’ll figure something out, what means something, and oleg, i said, if we come up with something, it means... we’ll come up with something, at least you have an alebi , with an alibi, everything is fine with me, sorry, i can’t talk right now , come on, what happened, i’ll bring you everything later, yes, okay, but we just did, okay, well, as it happens, she was lucky, the door shielded her from the grain wave, but she still got burns and... serious head injury after a fall, obviously, but how long will she stay here? well, i can’t tell you this yet, the fact that she survived is already a miracle. andrey yuryevich, it’s time for you to go around. yes, yes, katya, i’m here now. sorry, i have to go. yes
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it is clear. tell me, how, when will i be able to talk to her? i will let you know. here again people suffered because of me, but what ’s wrong with me?
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vasilis, it’s you, yes you, you! listen, maybe you can tell me what happened with the korablev trailer, keep quiet, well, keep quiet, keep quiet, oleg, who are you talking to here, there ’s no one here... well, why, there is, yulia, there is,
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only she’s talking to me doesn’t want to, she’s a mermaid or something, if she were a mermaid, i’d be with her agreed, let's get out of here, i think you probably overheated today. do you feel it too? makheev! i’m listening on
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the neighboring guards station, russian military transport personnel sit down on russia day on ntv, snipers go up, the rest follow me, carefully, come through, you’re definitely russian, raise your hand, please, i don’t see you, see me, the death of the enemy, who are the enemies there, raise your scores , close the ranks, close the ranks. a film about a family, yes i see you, i’m andrei an officer, a martinet, not an officer, about a country, if siblings act like that, what can you expect from the rest, about the choice, well, golden eagle, we’ve arrived, you’ll get on your knees, you’ll repent of freedom, you can’t give up crimea, i’m for russia, 10 days until spring, what is it, the russians have come, all day tomorrow, the
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final on ntv via superstar sunday at 20:20 on ntv. for me, this is a departure from the old, fresh, bold, everything for large and small forms. save up electronic stickers, buy a towel from an italian brand from 1 rub. collect the entire collection. pyaterochka helps out. what will your summer be like? with increased cashback, the summer will be active. all for your summer... brewed from 100% malt and hops grown in altai. new baltika 7 non-alcoholic. feel the perfection of taste. it's ozone's birthday. say discounts, discounts.
8:14 pm
fancy jewelry and watches, cosmetics and stylish bags, everything to shine brighter in the new season from your favorite brand navalberes, viia superstar, final on sunday at 20:20 on ntv, hello, great, are you so happy, yes i’m all over again today night. i don’t remember how i got to the hall, i thought i wouldn’t get out of bed at all, listen, i don’t understand how you do it
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it turns out that i’ve already started to forget how it happens, well, what to buy, what ’s called prostatricum, i remember, remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times what you think works, what, i don’t think so , i know, dark, of course, now i’m my wife, you know how, and what’s there, how... carefully, call, everything is simple, when you order they will explain everything to you in detail, just a second, wife, yes, dear, got it, i'm flying. that’s it, i drove it, keep it for yourself, try it, then you’ll say thank you, okay, i’ll think about it, i’ll probably buy it too, what can i think, call be sure to order, remember, it’s better to try once than to think 100 times, come on, meet the new golden prostatricum, prostatricum gold, prostatricum gold is
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a modern complex based on natural ingredients, which is presented on the market. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up to try prostatricum gold. nobody should be disappointed. by ordering by phone on the screen, you are guaranteed to be protected from counterfeits and overpayments. call to order for free manufacturer's line and receive a special offer. men order it for themselves, and women for their men. men, hurry up, women, hurry up and try it. about staticum gold point zero premieres from monday at 22:20 on ntv. yes, maksimovich, well, i turned off the phone. don't worry, i
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'll be there soon, i'm already close. okay, okay, i 'll tell you everything. minute by minute routes, okay, that's it, come on, i'll be right there, i couldn't be there, maksimych, i left early in the morning, and, in short, i couldn't kill that guard, but then arrange another explosion, but everything is clear, understandable, everyone has already been interviewed, your alibi has been confirmed, there is clear evidence of your innocence, well, at least they established the time of death of the guard. established that the guard was killed a couple of hours before the explosion, and at that moment you and akimov were injecting this atelier bulanov, just read, everything is written, and our expert also discovered some kind of poison in the guard’s blood, well, the origin of which is still unknown i didn’t define it, well, yes, it’s written here, maksimovich, can i
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ask you for one favor, what else? okay, question me, but don't show off, thank you, let me ask. where is my lawyer and what exactly am i being charged with? yes, yes, i’ll tell you everything now. i’ll say right away that if we are talking about bribing an official, the milkman will achieve my release very soon. of course, i understand that this is a crime, but quite harmless, and to be honest, the attempt at bribery still needs to be proven, and
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of course, please prove it, well, let’s say i agree... what will be required of me in this case? first, you will work with very an influential man from the capital, second, his company has very serious plans for you, and third, you just need loyalty. georgy sergeevich, who is behind you, whose orders do you carry out? are you seriously? yes, andrey vach. previously, you gave the impression of a reasonable person, now you ask such stupid questions, you talk stupidly, of course, don’t you think that it’s better to simply hand over the employer, so as not to turn out to be steam locomotives, a steam locomotive, i don’t understand what you’re talking about, you don’t understand, okay, let me ask you
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who stabbed your guard, and then he took it to waste? did someone kill him and blow him up? yes. what a horror. sorry, guy. but i don’t understand why you’re asking me this question. i am here, and my people are there, and i don’t know what they are doing, who is blowing them up. or maybe you did it? well, to set me up? this is an explosion disguised as a domestic gas explosion. but you. he said it himself, and the expert also confirmed it, i don’t understand where you ’re going with this, oleg, the question is, who was targeted this time at korablev, and what if not him, nalimova?
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but maybe you're right, oleg? find out everything about yesterday for this olga, what did she do, who was she with? and at the same time, check stepanovna’s words again, about suspicious activity in the breeding center. i'll check something else.
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yes, andrey, hi, this is yulia, yes, yulia, what do you have? could you come to me urgently? yes, okay, i'll come in now. it’s a pity, georgy sergeevich, that you and i failed to develop common sense. oh, can i be curious? please. you know that according to legend, the city of yuzhnomorsk stands on the site of the ancient city of euripomenes. what did you say, evripomenta? very funny. and about the golden dolphin statue. who guards our city, we didn’t hear anything either, but the golden one, yes, dolphin, i hope you ’ll tell me now, i’ll tell you, but not now,
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guard, you’ll see, all the best, yes, yul, what? for an urgent matter, andrey, the autopsy of the godfather’s body gave a very unexpected result, well, in the internal tissues i was able to detect the presence of an algaecide, which was probably used to poison him shortly before the explosion, yeah, it’s such a toxic substance, it contains one of the most active forms of glutaraldehyde , which is used for in the production of cats, moshyak and in the manufacture of cleaning products for aquariums, aquariums, but what does the aquarium have to do with it? i can’t figure out where he managed to swallow it from the res to kill algae, but what does this substance look like? it is colorless, easily dissolves in
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water or alcohol, some of its variations do not even have a smell, but at the same time it is a deadly poison, i am a security guard in my trailer, you also found some kind of poison, i just had time to read in conclusion, yes exactly, he was also poisoned with a lethal dose of algaecide, now i can that's for sure, yeah, it's clear. thank you, yul, thank you.
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hi andrey, hello, why aren’t you calling, why should i call, i can’t say anything yet, nothing yet, everything is still the same, olga, consciousness hasn’t come yet, i’m in intensive care right now. ok ok. listen, i can ask you one question. well, ask. here in your selection center. are algae killers used? well, of course, they are used as a different way to clean aquariums, but i don’t know the name. well, maybe your cleaning lady knows how to call it, valentina nikolaevna, in my opinion. i think maybe i can check with her, she just seems to feel better . thank you, ying, thank you, this is very important. i'll explain everything to you later, come on, bye, bye, yes.
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svetik, buy fruit only from kozbek, i understand, and not like last time, yes, but the money, the money is for you, keep it, come on, don’t forget to bring the change, okay, good afternoon, hello, tell me, are you the manager of all this rent, yes, should you pick up a trailer, but no, colonel bukhtovoy, i have a couple of questions for you, yes, please, recently one of mine an acquaintance rented a trailer from you, and korablev, korablev is his last name, he’s also from the police, i just have such a memory of the last name, you know, well, yes, tell me, was anyone else besides korablev interested in this particular trailer, well, what? of course, the trailer is one of the best, just the other day one client
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needed such a trailer, and we have only one, so i had to call your korablev, find out how much they still need it, he extended it for another month, and this telephone conversation of yours with korablev took place in the presence of a client who i was interested in renting, yes, who he was, last name, first name, well, i don’t know, he didn’t introduce himself, well, what did he look like, remember, no, well, on a motorcycle with a helmet, how can you tell it, but it’s clear that i have a memory, also one question, tell me: um, how do you find out where your equipment is at the moment, have there been any thefts? yes, what are you talking about, what kind of thefts? we have everything under control, each trailer has its own electronic tracker tag that can be tracked, well, yes, just about this trailer, and today we can’t get through to your korablev, and his tracker has no connection, that’s right, no connection, so what’s wrong with him, you don’t know, not yet?
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thank you, all the best, yes, then maybe you’ll take some kind of trailer like this, but no, next time, thank you, well, okay.
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crimea, okay, go on, watch out, i ’ll figure it out without you, inna, well, my dear, why did you give in to this poison, it’s normal, aldehyde kills the algae like a mouse. and not only algae, this substance has a name, of course, it does, i’ll remember now, now, now, now, it’s strawberry, mood for you, raspberry blueberry, and lime mint.
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they sentenced hundreds of people to death, it was mankiewicz, his punitive squad acted with... in the first one in the surrounding area, 35 years later someone started hunting for them, we have two strange suicides, a suspicious taxi driver who has not yet been found , now the state security investigator, i don’t believe in such coincidences, according to your intuition, i know, good, work, you have to find not only the former punishers, do you think that this executioner is me, but also their executioner. tell me that’s all, and maybe i’ll still have time to help you, but help, help, the criminal is very dangerous, possibly armed, hands, alex the fierce, the case
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10 on ntv. good afternoon, comrade wednesday! hello hello! olesh, are we going to set you up? i see, i'm not blind, what are you doing here? we're watching. who are we following? i came here to find out what and how, because that i can’t stand other people’s secrets. it's true. and what and how? well, how? just now, here, equipment for underwater geo and archaeological work was carried out through the shift. yes. and what? well, how's that? they are going to dig here in the bay, in the security zone, i
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called the director to ask him all the questions directly, asked, no, i didn’t have time, i just left, but i left through the service entrance and absolutely unnoticed, so listen, partisans , the craft is from here, don’t plan to hide in the bushes with you, especially since the security is behaving somehow strangely, wait, but it’s necessary to figure it out, this is very important, listen. oh, ying, hi, hi, why are you here? yes, you decided to take a walk, you don’t have to hang around in the hospital, i found out what you asked for, well, the product that is used to treat aquariums in our center is called parpus.
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an attack on people and the solution, by the way, on the seabed, on the seabed? yes, but what is there on the seabed? and how do i know, and you remember the tarba, if you also don’t want to disappear on the seabed, what suspicious has been happening here lately, lately, yes, well, here we go for example, the day before olga nalimova was in the center and checked the diving equipment. well, i didn’t ask why my affairs are above
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the roof, what does olga have to do with it? i don’t know, but you yourself said to remember, i remembered, it seemed suspicious to me, now, yes, andryuk, oleg, where are you? yes, i’m talking with our old friend, ilya semyonovich, tarba, tarba, great, don’t let him go anywhere, you can even throw bracelets on him, you’re in the center, well, almost at the center, it’s somehow calmer here, yeah, wait, now soon. lya semyonovich, you are in great demand today, so now major korablev will come here and ask you a few questions, i’m ready to cooperate, of course, where are you going, i wish.
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akimov, don’t you know where the ships are in the middle? korablev recently traveled with a savings woman, where they don’t know, wednesday hasn’t returned yet, a savings woman that he’s a savings woman, she seems to be in st. petersburg, i don’t know, it’s becoming more and more interesting, more interesting. akimov, yes, i have business with you. about! stepanovna is here, hello, andryush, hello,
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welcome, hello, hello, hello, what were you talking about here, you tell me tell me later, now we urgently need to find out who else you transferred funds to arcus, besides the center’s employees, i transferred a certain amount of funds to the boss, and for what? boborin, then, by the way, andryukha, he’s here in the center now, i just talked to him, ilya semyonovich, do you have your phone with you? well, call boburin, tell him that you have information for him about this drug that you gave him, tell him that this is serious, that the police are interested in this, but most importantly, tell him to quickly leave the territory of the center, and if he doesn’t want to leave, don’t give anything, if you call, call, call, come on. boburin, is this a tarba? yes,
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director, listen, don’t interrupt me, i was called to the police about varkus. well, yes, this remedy. they have information that it was you who received it from me. in short, you could be charged with two murders. i don’t know the details, but it is in your interests and in lazarev’s interests that you leave the center now. got it? that's it, come on. lights out, well done, well really, well, it’s not for nothing that he was prosecuted for 159, but for fraud, and now you, inna stepanovna, together with ilya semyonovich tarba, are going to your home, sitting there, quieter than water, lower than the grass and waiting for my instructions, okay? andryusha, of course, it’s clear when i didn’t
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listen to you, and you never listened to me, come on, andryusha, come on, come on, why did you go after him? let's!
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i think he will leave by sea. let's go,
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here we go. i’m telling you, here’s his car, which means he’s somewhere here on the shore, oleg. look, wow, let's go where vasilisa is leading where we are going, and
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mr. baburin, not to turkey, what’s the matter, but we should talk like that, excuse me, right now. there’s no time, we’ll have to find it, mr. boburin, come with us, what’s the matter, i violated something, you’ll soon find out, let’s go, come on, be quiet, don’t be silly, so you don’t have to accept force, yes, come on , live. in short, two murders can be pinned on you, details, i...
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oleg, continue, listen, don’t interrupt me, i was called to the police about varkus, that poison or something, well, yes, this remedy, they have information that it was you who received it from me, well, maybe you want to ask again what kind of poison we are talking about, let’s tell everything you know. i kept my godfather in the house of white bay, on the instructions of the lawyer milkman. oops, so, then, on the instructions
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of the same milkman, i added this creature with kumu whiskey, but then i didn’t know that it was poison, however, my task was to leave there, leaving the robotic machine gun of the embedded shooting program, well, an explosive device, yes and homemade. explosive device, i can i ask you for something, depending on what, hide me somewhere until the trial, please, just not in a cell, there i won’t live to see the trial, what is it, oleg, i understand, the milkman complained, oh, the beast runs to the catcher , as they say, oleg, go ahead, i’m going to the milkman. let mr. chopovets tell us about all the incidents that happened in yuzhnomorsk. that's
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exactly what i need. what a coincidence, mr. milkman, and i’m just coming to you, or rather behind you. great, i demand that you immediately release my client, lazarev. i don’t object to georgy sergeevich at all, of course, we’ll let him go, but they won’t release him on bail. and this is for god's sake. but you are going from here right now to a temporary detention center. what? what the? you are talking nonsense, i am not talking nonsense, i bring to your attention, you have been detained as a suspect in organizing the murder of taras nikolaevich marzha, nicknamed godfather, in what murder, you know that i don’t just leave him in a detention center, you the law on the legal profession is known, of course it is known, korablev, stop the chaos, and in general, i have the right to call the board, of course i do, but later, let’s take him to the hangout, okay, you don’t know me yet, i don’t have that left.
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hello, i’m listening, yeah, yes, yes, i asked. thank you very much, georgy sergeevich, we can give you one last chance, think carefully, what to think about, about the situation in which you find yourself, the milkman and baburin will soon begin to give evidence in the isolation ward, on the basis
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of which you will probably go to prison for life. well, you are a smart person, in my opinion, it’s time to make a choice. do you have anything to offer me? of course there is a great idea. convoys, take me away, i’ll tell you everything a little later.
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hi, hi, how are you? better doctors, what do they say? they say that it’s all behind me, forgive me, it’s all my fault, no, that it’s not my fault, it’s my fault, it’s my fault, it’s those who are conducting those mysterious underwater excavations in the white bay who are to blame. i saw the equipment for the underwater archeology of the selection center, i also saw it, they are probably needed to lift this statue and excavation,
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to get some help for myself, i don’t know who, but no, you can scare off these organizers, because someone behind this. damn, forgive me run away, forgive me again, let's bye, sorry, let's get better soon, bye, bye.
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is it time that all the knots have already been untied? well, almost everything, there are a few questions left to answer, will you answer the questions yourself or do you need my help? of course, it’s necessary, of course, i understand, that’s what i thought, remember, i promised you to come personally so as not to miss the finale of this investigation? when to wait for you? and you won’t believe it, i already have tickets in my pocket. seriously? how did you know? from bukhovoy, from whom? okay, see you all i’ll be in yuzhnomorsk tomorrow afternoon, okay, i’m waiting,
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of course. stark to the police, i'm afraid he will hand over the taurus, what will be the instructions? act according to the situation, if you consider it necessary, let the pizza clean up properly in yuzhnomorsk. okay, i have everything under control.
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get 99% cashback on everything. via superstar final on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. nastya, let’s look at last week’s records, but for last week all the records have already been deleted, and there’s no way to get them, no, well, maybe there’s some opportunity, well, you can still do something, a folder. i deleted it, but
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i haven’t cleaned the basket yet, well, let’s hurry up, okay, zhenya, otherwise we ’ve already been sitting for an hour, and my shift is ending soon, okay, i won’t have such video sessions they might dry out from here, easily this is confidential information, it’s not a resolution... nastya, well, what kind of resolutions, they’re not needed here, we ’re just looking at why we need extra papers, you tell my manager, okay, it doesn’t matter, in short, you’re setting me up, zhenya, wow, oh, i didn’t expect it, nastya, you’re my best. you can send me
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videos from the last 5 days on this flash drive, now wait, in five days, are you really stunned, i have to send you these videos, you don’t understand that they won’t just fire me, i’m terrified a ticket will be issued, i'm just not in the same hotel. so what we have at the moment, we have another attempt on andryukha’s life, an attempt to frame him through the murder of the guard lazarev, the organizer is still unknown, well, the fact that they tried to kill korablev is clear, but what is this girl, olga, sneaking out, yes, the doctors said she was recovering, but there were mainly shock and consequences from being hit by a blast wave, so...
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the trailer door protected her from the explosion, lucky, yes, andryukh, how did she end up there, what happened to her, alekch, wednesday, you better tell me there is something new about the murder of a security guard, yes, yulia says that he was poisoned with the same nasty thing as coma, and then they stabbed him with a knife to the ship, but in the trailer, and they poisoned him with the same thing as his wara, varkus, yes, varkus, means of destroying algae, well, yes, paksimovich, come on... quickly get a decree from sudakova for a search in the selection center, before they tidy up all the loose ends there, no, there is no need to rush, i think so, perhaps we won’t have this decree soon at all will be needed, that's why, we don't know something, yes, the task is completed, oh, you're just shining, well let's be glad that you dug up there, well, look,
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and that these records have been preserved? yes, of course, they didn’t survive, i took care of everything like that, so where did you get them from then, well, a personal resource, contact with the administration, that’s all, free, free, zhenya, and this resource is female, i hope, but what difference does it make, it doesn’t matter, but it’s the middle.
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hello, you didn’t expect to hear me, dear? hera, where are you now? i deeply breathe in the air of freedom, the milkman did his best, today i need to sleep, but tomorrow morning we must meet. is there anything? discuss, okay, let's have breakfast in your lagoon in the morning and we'll decide everything, i hope everything is clean there, yes everything is clean, i dismissed all the staff, so no one... will interfere with us, okay, see you later, we're the ones who are so thoughtful, something happened, how can i say,
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lazarev just called, they let him go, he says the milkman did his best, it’s strange why no one reported to me, probably the ship again. with your arbitrariness, i already have it where, by the way, are you going to do something about this, there was a problem with the trailer too, that’s it quite the contrary, there was no puncture, the mark on the trailer did not fail and now koravlev is suspected of murdering the guard lazarev, and his smart girlfriend olga is in the hospital, it is unlikely that she will come out of there, it is unlikely that she should not come out of there at all, she was diving to the bottom, she saw everything, and you know the women yourself. they don’t know how to keep their mouth shut, is that it? nadya, don’t cling to words, don’t delay, especially with korablev, he’s a tenacious infection, like his fish.
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generia stepanovna, what a pity that we didn’t know each other earlier, your jam is just an explosion of taste. tell me, is this feihua? no, this is not feihua, this is... what are you saying? yes, lya semyonovich, you should eat less sweets, at your age this is not welcome. i don't think i'm in bad shape yet. yes. and you are a lovely hostess,
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henrida stepanovna. it's a compliment? or a moment of courtship?
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the land should be transferred to the balance of the city, i don’t know what the mayor promised him, but i’m absolutely sure that they thought it all out in advance. yes, it looks like i fell for the cheap trick. well, just don’t worry, valerievna, i have several ideas on this matter, but i will discuss them only with korablev. maybe it 's homemade wine after all. i won’t get into it, well , that’s right, point zero, premiere from monday at 220 on ntv. order
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further, hear, you were waving your flippers, and guys, let’s go home with nonsense, otherwise i’ll i’ll help you, are you threatening me now or what or what, hold your hands behind your head, igor, handcuffs, and for now i ’ll take out the outfit, and the whole thing. hello duty officer , kid fat is transported across the ocean in these iron barrels, but on the way some of the fat is spoiled and it is simply poured into the sea, my god, so it turns out that about 50% of the whales die in vain, what kind of...
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how are you there? yes, good. andryusha, what news? yes, nothing yet, but i think something will become clear soon. yes. will you come to us? inna is here, well, we're all together let's have dinner. i can’t, i’m stuck at work, and i also need to go to olga at the hospital. in general, we'll have dinner next time. let's go, bye. well, there may not be a next time,
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where are you going, inna, inna! a surprise for our friend, everything is ready, how do we proceed further, wait for the command. in general, hera, after your arrest, detention, what difference does it make to the bell, after your detention, we no longer need to play in front of them, in short, the games are over, we are entering the final phase, the final phase, great, and what do we have in store for the final ,
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hera, stop howling, and stop drinking, you and i are talking about serious things, i understand. yes, in general, we need to take advantage of the situation, we eliminate the ship, and the rest won’t rock the boat on their own, you continue to wring out the property, take all the most valuable things and bury them at the bottom for a while, well , let’s say, what will you do? and my task is to raise gold from one, gorgeous, but what will nadya do? does nadya have her own? work, she covers the power block of our operation, so let her do this, by the way, eliminating koralev on her, today we are with her discussed, okay, i went and stop drinking, and una has her own job, she covers the power
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unit of our operation, so let her do that, by the way, eliminating koralev on her, today we are with her... come on, nikolai petrovich, just please , without noise, without noise it won’t work, stand, quietly, quietly, quietly, stand, said, calmly, calmly, come here, calmly, stand everyone, i’ll shoot her, stand, nikolai petrovich, don’t do it, give me the way, nikolai petrovich, stand, everyone, said, stand, stand, i said, stand, to the ground, quickly, to the ground, i said, i will kill her, to the ground, i said, i'm not kidding, to the ground, quickly, i will kill her. that's it, okay, okay, stand, well, quickly, stand, kicked away, kicked, well, my, since things turned out this way, you'll leave with me,
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come on, what's that? wow! well, andryukha, you were born wearing a shirt.
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sber has increased deposit rates, now the best interest rate is 18% per annum only until june 30, hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account to receive three sber shares as a gift, the deposit is the best interest rate. yes, andrey, hello, listen, let’s talk, there is news, we need to discuss it, last night we had to let lazarev go, but i already know it was the milkman who put pressure on me, why didn’t they call me? well, because i had to act quickly, and the buhtovo ordered, it’s clear, okay, come to the department, i’m waiting for you, okay,
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come on, i’ll be right there. news you wanted to discuss? krymov was killed, how? where, when we were watching lazarev, krymov arrived, reacted strangely to the surveillance, took out a weapon and, in short, put it down. sereda, yeah, makes me think. a yes, by the way, krymov shot from a luger, so what are you planning to do now, i have no
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idea, i don’t know. yes, honey, i haven’t eaten anything since the morning, nat, maybe you can order your favorite pizza while i ’m off to olga’s hospital, okay, i’ll go, and then i’ll come back and talk about how long it will take for you to be back? in about an hour there, back, yeah, i 'll order, yeah, the order needs to be delivered
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immediately, i hope you're already on your way, as agreed, the order is already at the address. we won’t run nadezhda ivanovna, lieutenant colonel glebov of the moscow osb, no, quiet, quiet, quiet. we need your equipment, meet the senior investigator with ledko and gavrilov, meet, this is a warrant for your detention, collect it.
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thank you igor for stopping my car from being blown up. i know your passion for cheap effects. bukhtovoy warned me that she was dear to you as a memory, so i didn’t touch her. but we still have evidence of preparation for murder, so ... by the way, how is your golden statue doing? will you show me? of course, i'll show you. tomorrow we'll go, dive and see. and now let’s go, in hot pursuit, to work and work.
9:27 pm
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jack, have you ever dreamed of becoming a cameraman? no, but you have to, hold it, the journalist’s acquaintance was born, as he knew that someday. so zhenya’s little thing is cooler than ours , you understand, my, well, atimov, i’m ready,
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then let’s go, yes, zhenya, the main thing is that everything is in focus, understand? camera in front of the entrance on your shoulder, come here, so, dear tv viewers, today we are visiting the most popular pizzeria in yuzhnomorsk, a place of attraction for all residents and guests of our city, please everyone leave the establishment, as filming of a new one will take place here. reality show, restaurant hunters, so , please, come in, don’t worry, all the pizza ordered is at the expense of the tv channel, please, wait for your orders on the street, don’t worry, come in, yes, please, hello, my name is oleg, and i’m the host of the new tv
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show restaurant hunters, now we will check your pizzeria for compliance with sanitary regulations, product proximity and, of course, fire safety. well, let's go to the kitchen, please. i won’t let you in, volodya, come here, volodya, some volodya, we’re waiting for volodya, who are they, why have they forgotten us? we are presenting a new television show, guys, these are cops, it’s working, you’re like, come on, cling on, hold on, come on, let’s leave, zhenya! stay here, sit down, sit down, sit down!
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that's what they have there, why don't they call? maksim? let me rush, i’ll figure it out on the spot, you sit here too, here they are, well , finally, oleg, yes pal maksimovich, what ’s going on there, why don’t you call, everything is fine with us, the pizzeria was destroyed, the peddlers were detained, they have a whole nest here, they probably turned out to be murderers, well, that’s okay, how are you, no losses, normal, normal, with us it’s normal, no losses, khakimov is a hero, no losses. hero, you don’t understand what? okay, that’s it, then report back, i’ll take off three of your heroes’ skins! he spoke quietly, without initiative, and
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you? three skins, then three skins, all lights out, i 'll go, come on, thanks guys, happily, bye, good luck! “this is what i understand as a reality show, by the way, i filmed everything, before, and even how they shot at me, you’re really great, really,” i'm sorry, i'm sorry, you know that now treat your heroic chest, soon we will hang it on a bad order, i understand, okay, what order, i acted on instinct, i had a bulletproof vest, by the way, and where is yours? armor?""? where did i give it to you, well, it
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depends, let's go? so, dear tv viewers, today we are visiting the most popular pizzeriamos. a place of attraction for all residents and guests of our city, we ask everyone to leave the establishment, now the filming of a new reality show will take place here, restaurant hunters, not worry, all the ordered pizza is at the expense of the tv channel, today we will check your pizzeria for compliance with food standards, product proximity and, of course, fire safety, i won’t let you go anywhere, volodya, come here, who is volodya, we are waiting for volodya. well, you guys, come on, i
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’ve never seen anything like this before, just like immortals, honestly, they’re immortal, they’re headless, andryukh, look, he’s still bragging, he’s found something to brag about, why didn’t you warn about the details of the operation, why? didn't agree when i’ll tell you off already, this is an amateur performance, but really, is everything okay? normal, normal for him, abnormal, write a report to me in detail, and you are a hero, don’t hope for a reward, all i can promise is to try to get you out of punishment, but this decision depends on igor veneaminovich, well, the reward is not a reward, but we’ll try to get rid of the reprimand somehow, it’s still a big one...
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yes, come on, and you’re a hero, i’m going to the hospital without a certificate of permission to work, don’t return it, okay, igor, yes, that’s right, tell me nadezhda ivanovna, how did you end up in the criminal scheme organized by krymuyum and lazarev, who was it? initiator. remaining silent is not
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the best position. it was not in vain that we played this card with the car. we had intelligence information that was confirmed. can you guess from whom? we have the recorded testimony of ilya semyonovich tarb, who identified you and reported the assassination attempt. of course, sudakova. are you familiar with the text of this
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correspondence? texts of a criminal nature, i still worked as an investigator, if someone has already forgotten about this. by the way, in this chat there are also are there any messages? no, all messages were deleted due to the settings of the chat itself, but we are working on restoring them. good luck! who is the chief who gave you instructions? directions,
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orders? have you even proven my connection with the criminal scheme? it seems to me that no? well, let's install it. this connection, when we gut your computer and take out the correspondence from the mess, and you will be the last one in this chain, again on you, apparently, you have already found the ultimate in this matter, andryusha, it’s convenient, the main thing is that there are answers to all questions right away, yes or you you just can't help but forgetting moscow, our failed family, this has something to do with it, and in general it’s like that. until you have ironclad proof, i won't say a word. what do you know about the instructions that krymof and sudakova received through correspondence in an encrypted chat from the chief. keep in mind, we opened this chat, so we know that you also took part in it.
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if you read this correspondence, then you already know that i was just a performer, i only followed orders. who is the chief or chef? do you know? of course not. performers it is customary to provide only that part of the information that they need in their work. my job was, pardon the vulgarity, to indoctrinate the businessmen of yuzhnomorsk, which is exactly what i did. let's talk about hilling in more detail. did you personally give orders for the destruction of kharundzhiy, gladyshev, nikitin and kuznetsov? of course not, of course not. i repeat to you, my job was negotiations, only negotiations, all orders were given by krymov and sudakova. why do we need a bus, no one will look for a bus, it’s already dead and i’ll come back, that’s what i have character. alexander nosik, i will do everything
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possible to avoid the assault, since this has already happened, and it is unknown what is happening on the bus now. vladimir epifantsev, everyone is guilty of something, sergei ostakha. i knew how to work, it just seemed to me that i could change something, alexander lazarev, yes, you, you are to blame, because from the very beginning you do not consider us as people, but we are the same people, so they took us to trial, what do you think, they wanted to sort it out, oh, oh, let's start a gossip , it's somehow dishonest, gossip in thursday friday at 20:00 on ntv. alex is fierce, the matter of orphans. premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. this is sasha. it is important for him to have friends nearby. maxim always says yes to his friends. masha will help you any minute. and vanya will never keep you waiting. start a cool career
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a free alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest, get a superkick withdraw cash in rubles for all purchases for free, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, it’s ozone’s birthday, say discounts, buy on amazon and get 99% cashback. eat, roman burger with fragrant arugula, mozzarella rings, capri lemonade and ice deluxe steamed mango, delicious in italian, period, vkfest is the main event of the summer, meet in five cities of the country, a powerful lineup of your favorite hits, popular speakers and bloggers, are waiting for you to vkfest, buy tickets to... sber has increased deposit rates. now the best interest rate is 18% per annum only until the thirtieth of june. hurry up to open
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a deposit brokerage account to receive three sber shares as a gift. deposit is the best interest. i am marina kravets, and this is your deepest desire. you have thrown them far. but it's ozone's birthday. i want perfume and shoes. and a bigger closet. or you can, you will always be in advertising. xiaomi for 7,999, a set of books by strikaz for 549, a bottle of philips aventant for 399. let's sum it up, maksimych. our results are not so hot, as i understand it, your achievements were only enough to imprison pike perch with the hands of lazarev and the tarbs, well, perhaps even
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lazarev himself and that’s it, yes, everything is so, the main thing is that we still haven’t found out who is behind all the affairs of this gang, that’s who the boss is, well, there’s still a chance to find out, the sudakov computer is completely didn't decipher it, right? specialists are now looking at mail, chat, archives, shuffling through all the files, you see, something useful will come up, useful, maybe something will come up, but i think this will not help us much in the further investigation, but what if we break through the pike perch’s contact via sk lines? the ic is already working if if something happens, they will let us know. maksimych, maybe, yes, you’re right, let’s go home, that ’s enough for today. igor, i'll give you a ride.
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where did you get such a boat igor? if we need it for business, we can get anything, even a submarine. well, that’s all, that’s all, i feel it. now our underwater city will change hands, in the sense, yes in the literal sense, these high-speed boats, these
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excursions, tourists, this and that, our city has disappeared, and did you, stepanovna, just want to leave everything for yourself, yes, to explore , after all, you are, of course, an incorrigible adventurer, andryush, why do you talk about me all the time? despite all my kindness, well, igor, let's go, let's go, just be careful.
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9:56 pm
and what's in there? what's going on there? a? i didn’t understand that the guards were loading, and not the workers, they probably stole something,
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right. hello, pal maksimovich, genreta stepanovna, hello, hello, genritsa stepanovna, something happened, i don’t know how to say it, it’s us, we went out to sea, well andryusha, i, igor veniamovich, the guys dived, and i stayed on board, that ’s it.
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well, now let's figure it out. well, we've swam, we've swum, we have problems, stepanno, what problems? our evrepomen was surrounded and the statue disappeared. yes, what are you saying, that’s what’s happening, everyone is dragging and dragging, dragging and dragging, what a nightmare, imagine, even while you were away,
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i saw some people there on the cargo truck. they were loading a big box, my heart senses, they also stole something, the box, you say, yes, a big box, and it was loaded, by the way, by security guards, not workers, here, come on, give me the binoculars, andryusha, i already paid to maksimovich i called, he promised that he would send a squad to find out what, how, well done, stepanovna, a real conscientious citizen. and in our time there is no other way, that’s for sure, come on, igor, let’s go for a ride, talk to the people, here you go! and four well-trained saboteurs
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open the safe, steal documents that constitute a particularly important state secret, we’ll fly to kaliningrad and find out everything on the spot, i’ll fight the enemy in the square indicated to you, damn the cat is red. your machine gunner, let's go after them, sea devils, new series, they won’t be able to take hostages in the car head-on, i’ll go to negotiations, today at 22:10 on ntv, vea superstar, final on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, you can’t make money on honey, it’s a swarm of problems, but you didn’t listen. after all, you're doing everything wrong. continue. send all payments and transfers without commission. open a business account with alfabank. alfabank is the best bank for
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who are they, what is needed? good afternoon, lieutenant colonel glebov, internal security service of the ministry of internal affairs, i would like to see your route maps and documents. is there still on the longboat? igor, control it, took it.
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where is the real one?
10:07 pm
hello, you see, i’ve been waiting for you, don’t miss me tomorrow. i’m listening to kolya,
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russian military transport personnel are landing at the neighboring guards station, on russia day on ntv. snipers up, the rest follow me, carefully pass, the pain is definitely not russian, raise your hand, please, i don’t see you, you see me, the death of the enemy, who are the enemies there, raise the scores, close the environment, a film about the family, yes i see you, i am andrei officer. a martinet, not an officer, about the country, if your siblings are so dogged, what can you expect from the rest, about the choice, well, come on, you’ll get on your knees, you’ll repent for freedom, you can’t give up crimea, i’m for russia, 10 days until spring, what is it, the russians have arrived, tomorrow all day on ntv.
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10:10 pm
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