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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 11, 2024 11:35pm-12:01am MSK

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what can you guarantee me? your daughter-in-law will be released, and i will show you a video of her returning home, but as soon as you are on the ship. your grandson will return home as soon as you share your work with your western colleagues.
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i found out that there was no need for the successor to fly to kaliningrad, the professor spontaneously decided to check something, but did not really explain anything to anyone. in kaliningrad they reported that he initially agreed to fly to them on monday afternoon. that is, on weekends he could easily spend dacha with my grandson, well, yes, i also have a lot of interesting things to do, the professor’s grandson didn’t show up at school after the holidays, the class teacher tried to contact his mother, but her phone was turned off, his father said that petya was sick, he’ll show up at school later, and you’re with him met, met, yuri igorevich behaves somewhat nervously, as if he is afraid of something, of course, i wish you good health, comrade officers,
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shumov, contact the fsb in kaliningrad, let the professor keep an eye on him, there is. this is the program today, artyom kolodkin is with you, we are summing up the informational results of the outgoing day, well, let's start with the footage that we received this evening from the national defense center, marriage and heroism, four more participants in the special military.
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tu-22 bombers, as well as mik-31 fighters equipped with hypersonic dagger missiles. on the ground, military personnel are preparing iskander systems for training launches. the exercises are aimed at maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment in order to ensure the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the union state of russia and belarus. well, the atlantic ocean has its own maneuvers. conducts
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strike group of the northern fleet, which includes the nuclear submarine cruiser kazan and the frigate admiral gorshkov, are practicing the use of high-precision missile weapons, training shooting is carried out using computer modeling at targets that indicate a conditional enemy, combat alert, missile weapons for battle, shooting of surface targets, mode target designation autonomous, formerly frigate admiral gorshkov, committing... well, more footage that just came, this time from the kremlin, vladimir putin welcomes official ankara’s interest in cooperation with brix and especially notes the role of turkey in resolving the ukrainian conflict. this evening the russian leader met with the minister of foreign affairs of the turkish republic, hakan fedan.
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issues of ensuring security and this will allow us to act more effectively in economic interaction. today, at
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a strategic session at the government coordination center, a new national project, infrastructure for life, was discussed. development of human settlements, taking into account 2 , it is necessary to develop a program for comprehensive thousands of growth points to make such masterplans for 200 cities. as for the financing of these large-scale events, it should be carried out, among other things, at the expense of the instrument. infrastructure menu, the most popular of which are special treasury and infrastructure budget loans, bonds, we will also, on the instructions of the president, write off about 2/3 of the debt of russian entities on their budget loans; during the st. petersburg economic forum, the head of state drew special attention to the need for
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to work out all the details of this mechanism in dialogues with the regions in the near future. state prize in the field of science and technology, all world-famous scientists, among them the chief researcher at the institute of molecular biology, pyotr chumakov. his work opened up a new direction in science and made it possible to find out how cancer appears in the body. cells, this will help create fundamentally new effective means of antitumor therapy. meanwhile, scientists have already come close to creating a vaccine against cancer, it has already been successfully tested, however, so far only on animals.
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several domestic scientific institutes worked together on this unique technology. the vaccine can defeat many forms of cancer, including the most aggressive ones. the experiment is now ongoing, how this miracle drug works, and... the most important thing is when will it start saving human lives. svetlana gordeeva talks about this. each mouse is a group. in these boxes, mice, which scientists were able to cure in a short time from melanoma in rodents, are testing an innovative therapeutic vaccine against some types of cancer. cured mouse. scientists from several research centers are working on the drug: blokhin, hercyn and gamaley. this is not a vaccine in the usual sense for us. it is not intended for healthy people. it's more therapeutic. a vaccine for those who already have cancer. why is it called a vaccine? because it forces the body to develop immunity and fight the tumor that attacks it. this is not preventive from the point of view, it may be a classical infectious vaccine therapy approach, yes, that is, we cannot until a person
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fell ill, immunize him, but after we have received a sample of the tumor, this vaccine can be used against relapses, against. without going into scientific terminology, the mechanism of action of the vaccine is simply similar to the principle of immunotherapy. after a patient with cancer is operated on, a piece of the tumor is sent to the laboratory and studied using all possible modern diagnostics. we have a developed bioinformation system that allows us to obtain information from the genetic material of the tumor, the patient's norm. data on specifically individual markers, data. based on the results , an individual drug will be created for the insidiousness of cancer in that malignant cells are able to masquerade as their own and the body does not turn on the immune defense in time. so the vaccine, as it were, conveys secret instructions to the body on how to recognize the stranger and destroy it. it is used with other
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immunotherapy approaches that make the tumor visible. accordingly, we train the immune system away from the tumor, and the already trained cells approach... uh tumor formation or looking for metastases. in general , there are many therapeutic vaccines around the world; scientists are developing this one based on mrna, that is, it does not contain a virus. protein, and conditionally its genetic code, code. the cells of the body read the code and, as it were, crack the tumor. the drugs will be personalized, they will be produced individually for each patient. most likely, they will be most effective for tumors that have a high immunological load. this is primarily skin melanoma, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, lung tumors nector and so on. as is the case with any method of treatment, vaccination.
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guilty on all counts, this is the verdict today issued by a jury in the us state of delover in the case of hunter biden, the son of the us president. the jury members considered it proven that in october 2018 , biden jr. purchased a revolver, hiding the fact. in his addiction to hard drugs. after the verdict was announced, the judge promised to announce a verdict within
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the next 120 days, but did not set a specific date. similar process american history has not yet known, the son of the owner of the white house could theoretically go to jail for 25 years, but most lawyers still agree that biden jr. will get off with a suspended sentence and a fine. the person involved in the high-profile case does not consider himself guilty, but his lawyer does. they promise to appeal. employees of the northwestern transportation prosecutor's office are studying the circumstances of the emergency landing of a light aircraft on a highway in the mormon region. the incident occurred today 70 km from the border with finland. ces on 182, owned by a small private airline, was flying over a forest area under an agreement with the local administration. according to the preliminary version , problems began in the air... the landing was successful, the crew
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was not injured. despite the late hour, at these minutes a group of rescuers is heading to the site of the operation to free the red book humpback whale, entangled in nets in the murmansk region. we have at our disposal these first shots from the scene, it is clear that the net encircles the animal, and if... we don’t help, it may die. in the operation involves specialists from rosprirodnadzor, the ministry of natural resources, the ministry of emergency situations, gims and environmentalists from norilsk nickel. by the way, the whale has already been given a name. the whale was named stanislav. this is a very good practice, because we really give names to whales, we can distinguish them, distinguish them, we do this by their tails or by some special marks. therefore, of course, this whale, if we succeed in this operation, it ends successfully for everyone, then the whale will become very large. there will be 20 celebrities in russia stanislav. to save stanislav
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, an operational headquarters was created under the leadership of rosprirodnadzor, based on the results of the meeting today , the procedure for carrying out the operation was determined. norilsk nickel helps with the rental of boats and does everything to ensure that the rescue group gets to work as quickly as possible. russian olympic champions in artistic gymnastics have arrived in kazan to participate in the brix games, which are starting already. tomorrow, that is, in fact, in the next few hours. the national team of abkhazia will also take part in the games for the first time, and this evening delegations from brazil have already arrived in the capital of tatarstan, here we see them, and mali. the athletes were met and accommodated in a special village where they will live during the tournament. sports news right now from our colleagues from matchtv. this is moscow, this is moscow. do you know what i love most? when your eyes light up with this special light, come,
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fall in love, be surprised, be inspired, your moscow, this is your winline betting tournament, the more you bet, the more you will take from the prize fund of 150 million, this is only possible at the tournamentline, news time match tv specially. for ntv. in the studio alina gobueva. hello. in the next 5 minutes, we will discuss the most exciting events from mirosport, and also study the most interesting odds from the bookmaker vinline. let's start with the nhl. three of our heroes. one step closer to hockey's most coveted trophy. in game 2 of the stanley cup final, florida defeated edmonton again. and again, as in the first game, one of the most noticeable on the ice was the russian panthers goalkeeper sergei bobrovsky. however, this time he failed to keep a clean sheet. moreover, sergei missed after the first shot of the edmonton hockey players. but then he was flawless. and bob’s partners got involved in
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the second period and eventually scored four goals for the canadians. in one of them there was a goal. 4:1 and florida now leads the final series 2:0. the panthers were the favorites and lived up to their status, more than doubling the odds on their success . the time for decisive matches has come in russian mini-football. in the series , ukhta and gazprom yugra are competing for gold medals. after two games there is equality here. ukhta team's first match they took it in extra time, here's the second one. unlucky for them, the guests from yugorsk quickly took the lead thanks to pankratov's goal. 4 minutes later, the advantage of gazprom ugra increased after the standard, but the winners of the regular season quickly came to their senses. an own goal from brazilian schimba helped them, making it 1-2 at the break. the teams spent the second half on opposite courses, but only ukhta managed to score. prudnikov leveled the situation, and the opponents again faced
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extra time. in the first five minutes , goalkeeper gitta went on the attack and scored his fourth goal in the playoffs. but joy wow was not long and a minute later gelermy again restored the equality 3:3, they had to take a penalty and the gazprom yugra players coped better with their nerves. the score in the final series was equalized 6:5. sometimes the goalkeeper gets involved, usually it’s something like that that kills the team, but we were able to withstand it, punish it later in the counterattack, and we won, well, this series continues, it doesn’t know anything until four wins, this is a very long series, who am i... said there, let's be fourth in victories, i understand it won't happen, most likely there will be six or seven games definitely, i think whoever can withstand it, psychologically and physically, he will be, he will be the winner, the next game, the final series up to four wins, will be held on saturday in yugorsk, if you think that the teams will again not have enough 40 minutes to determine the winner,
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your choice is a bet on a draw at the end of regular time in 4:45 in kazan, the russian diving championship has ended, it was a qualifying start for the sports games of the brix countries. a large international tournament will open in the capital of tatarstan tomorrow. on the last day of the national championship two sets of awards were played out; in the men's competition on the ten-meter platform, a fight broke out between nikita shleikher and alexander bonder. the more experienced bonder was in the lead until the fourth attempt, but then schleicher made an excellent series during which he did not make a single blot. as a result, the team leaders were divided in the protocol. did you expect today that you would be able to give yourself such a birthday present, how did you prepare? well, i was determined to fight for first place anyway, this is 100%, because the cup russia won, won the eurasian games, and worked on it here too.
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the brihs game is ahead, about 5 days before diving, here's how to properly distribute this time in order to have time to recover and... the football euro, which is only 3 days left before the start. one of the leaders of the dutch national team, frankie deong, will definitely miss the tournament in germany. the bright-headed midfielder did not have time to heal his ankle injury. however, in friendly matches the dutch show an impressive performance without him. the day before they defeated the icelanders 4:0, and those who guessed the exact score, they increased their bet
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more than nine times. time for the main tournament of this summer. live all the emotions of this euro with you, register in the application and take a guaranteed free bet of 300. this was matchtv news especially for ntv. happily! this is your benline betting tournament. the more you bet, the more you will take away from the prize pool of 150 million. this is only possible in the inline tournament. sber has increased deposit rates, now the best interest rate is 18% per annum only until june 30, can you make it in time? open a deposit brokerage account, to receive three sberbank shares as a gift, the deposit is the best percentage. expert in the treatment of thrush, flucostat vac. both answers
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we will direct you to the west if you do not agree, i’ll take you to the hotel, and we’ll forget about each other’s existence, listen, well, let’s take as a working version that they kidnapped the professor’s grandson and most likely his daughter-in-law, they’re blackmailing them and trying to take her to the west. why withdraw immediately? maybe they want information? why then did sveshnikov rush to kaliningrad? they understand perfectly well that
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it is much more difficult to transport it from st. petersburg to the west; here it is under constant control; in kaliningrad it is easier to do this. that is, svishnikov is collaborating with him and is ready to go? he is trying to save his grandson, we will think so, but it is difficult to condemn him for this. why didn't he contact us right away? intimidated. briefly speaking. we’ll fly to kaliningrad and find out everything on the spot, comrade rear admiral, sveshnikov disappeared in kaliningrad, didn’t return to the hotel, the phone was turned off, damn, there’s a red cat, boris andreevich, i think i’m yuri igorevich, where are yours? so stop. back.
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