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tv   Maior Sokolov  NTV  June 12, 2024 2:40am-3:41am MSK

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hello, ekaterina, good afternoon, my name is marina veterova, i am from the police, i would like to meet with you to talk about the death of your classmate, olga saburova. yes, there are several questions. vlad, what about marina, huh? she is not herself. well, i'm probably tired. listen, i don't just need bedtime stories. this is not our first year together. what happened to her, is that what you mean?
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that’s it, okay, see you, yes, goodbye, oh, i see the work process, why are you digging, saburova’s classmates, but they recently had an anniversary, 20 years of graduation, there are photographs, look, he’s hugging ace, and here, i wanted to say with zvonarev, yes, i understand, well , in general, everything looks quite innocent, but why are you looking at me, vlad, i misspoke and that, yes, yes, and before that i misrepresented myself, i misrepresented myself, this happens, yes, it happens, it’s okay, i’m sorry, look, what? “come on, you
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finish the job, go on vacation, go to the warm seas, relax, yes, heal your nerves, otherwise the aces are always making peace, vlad, it really was him, i don’t know how, i don’t know how, but this there was aces, this is accurate, food! a psychologist, with anyone else, it’s anonymous, i don’t mean with ours, not an official one , no one will know about it, just talk and that’s it, is this an order? no, of course, in that case, comrade major, i don’t have time for this, okay?
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hi, sorry, i couldn’t get out earlier, well , how did i figure it out, yes, i arranged everything, a place in the cemetery, a coffin, a bus, flowers, everything is of the highest standard, as my mother’s friend asked, even 2000 are left, i don’t know, to speak, no , no need to say anything, he asked you for a check.
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it didn’t work out, no, he left, saburovo became look for him, well, to at least somehow apologize, for what? well, why? she laughed at him, especially in front of everyone, we ran to his house, and he opened it and said: i will prove that i am worthy, that’s it, for all 20 years no one has seen or heard from him, until your graduation anniversary, well, yes , arrives in five limousines, takes everyone in luxury. restaurant, then he puts us on a ship with
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a symphony orchestra and we sail past the kremlin, and he approaches saburova and repeats his proposal, like i know that... in any case, she’s nowhere from her tour didn’t leave, uh-huh, although, to be honest, i feel sorry for her, she was good, she was crazy, she helped everyone, uh-huh, i can’t even believe it, yes, okay, thank you very much, i’m sorry,
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i’m sorry, please. “excuse me, lord, hello, i would like to make an appointment
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with a psychologist, but can i do it anonymously, no, no, 3 weeks is a very long time, i need it faster, it’s coming right now. okay, i’ll be with you in 10 minutes , why, you said that it’s possible anonymously, but any last name, yes, sokolova, yes, yes, see you later , maybe such a nose, i can’t say, it’s him. he was sitting, bent over, what was he doing there, his face was under the visor, i won’t lie, i didn’t remember,
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okay, here’s your pass, you can go, thank you, thank you, hello, hello, so what, there’s a robot, no, testimony. very different, the only thing they have in common is that he was quite tall, about 90 meters, sparsely, at first i was sure that i was seeing exactly this person, now i’m not sure of anything, tell me, what is he like? the probability that you met your criminal whom you imprisoned is zero, he is in a special regime in camp for lifers. escaping from there is excluded, the likelihood of pardons will appear in 25 years at best, but he is in place and i made inquiries just in case, you had a close relationship with this person, as you guessed, it means you did, yes, yes, but
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then i didn’t yet know who he was, in fact, you loved him, probably yes, he was not like everyone else, you know, men treat a woman in uniform with a warning, as if the woman was encroaching on their territory, and he was completely different, it was easy with him, ok, then i found out that he used our relationship for criminal purposes, but what did you do when you found out about this? i tried to... hold him, he tied me up, he didn’t kill me, although he had such an opportunity, then you often remembered him, no, but this man is not just a criminal, he is
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a sadist, a maniac, he tortured and killed people, this does not help tragic memories, i was rather angry that i allowed myself to be deceived, nikolai karlovich, ksyusha, i’m busy later, okay, sorry, this is my assistant. tell me, did you have long periods after that? relationships with other men? yes, i almost got married, although we quickly broke up, well, we broke up, we see each other often, he is my colleague, well, really now we only work together, he is good, which means good, you understand perfectly what i mean , there are good guys and there are bad guys. yes, he is good, tell me, but your relationship with a good guy was not an attempt to replace
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the trauma from the story with a maniac, so to speak, to displace the image of a bad guy, but charming, with a good guy, but maybe a little boring. no, he's not boring at all, he is just a different person, he is reliable, strong, a real man. why did you break up? yes, out of stupidity, really. what am i thinking? in both cases, the killer, with the wort and with the lawyer, found convenient places to shoot and ideal escape routes. he knows how to kill, he was taught this. that is, first someone hired an expensive lawyer for saburova, then someone hired an expensive killer for...
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for the first meeting we did the most important thing, we identified your problem, we will meet in 2 weeks, while you think about your topics and other relationships, don’t try to forget them, drive them deeper, remember the main thing, you are mentally healthy and very attractive, thank you very much, i’ll think about it too, i’ll listen to the recording of our conversation for the next meeting , i’ll prepare more specific proposals, goodbye. goodbye, ksyusha, yes, nikolailovich, we are done. yep, i got it.
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what people? hello, marina. hello. ksyusha. have you changed your profession? yes, i left the police. do you regret it? no, you know, i gained such valuable life experience. in general, i am a psychologist by training and work with you helped me a lot, so come in and let’s chat. of course, you know, my circumstances have changed, forget everything i told you, cancel my follow-up appointment, and what happened, marina, you know, i decided that i could handle my problems myself, and you said that you would listen to our conversation again , you wrote it down, yes, this is a common practice on conditions of complete confidentiality, i warned you, you probably didn’t pay attention. this recording, okay, if there is no repeat appointment, we
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don’t need this recording, that’s it, i deleted it, thank you, well, ballistics came back, the same barrel was used in both murders, which i had no doubt about, the tt pistol is not listed in the weapons database, where did it come from, and who is it? “the echo of war or chinese smuggling, that is , the criminal does not even try to hide that the murder is connected, he does not try, and if you tried, we would not believe him, that’s right, now we will find out everything, hello everyone, hello, allow me, thank you, zvonarev he loved saburova, that’s for sure, a year ago at an alumni meeting he proposed to her , she refused him, so what?
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gives us? well, look, someone calls soborovo during the holiday, she immediately breaks down, rushes off to an unknown place, then after the accident she immediately calls back to the number from which they called at that very moment, do you think? yes, you say, she refused him, well, that was a year ago, although people like zvonarev usually know how to finish. from your own. are you going home? yeah, i'm on my way, what? wanted to give you a ride? give me a lift. marina, i sent
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an official request to the camp where tuzov is sitting, and an answer came. open your mail. here are the photos, the quality is not very good, but you can see it, look, date, time, it’s yesterday, morning rounds, thank you very much, vlad, i’m waiting for you in the car, yeah, yes, are you still staying? yes, nikolai karlovich, all the best, goodbye.
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yes, i even almost got married, however, we quickly broke up, well, we broke up, we see each other often, he is my colleague, well, really, now we just work together, we just work together. the murder of a judge and a lawyer are combined into one case. zagoretskaya’s testimony reveals a criminal scheme that failed in saburovo’s history. in general, our work is finished here, prepare your materials for transfer to the investigative committee. why?
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according to formal characteristics. you have information that has something to do with the murders. form, or present the result of the committee, everything will need to be handed over to them in the best way of investigation, it’s not possible to go there yet, it’s still not possible yet, please wait,
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we’ve found another time, you’re here, we’re here, what? ask what interests you, where saburova was in a hurry on the day of the accident, i don’t know, i was not in the country that day, it’s easy to check, i think you’ve already done it, who called olga soborova, but you didn’t find him, whom at the alumni meeting, i proposed to olga , she said that she could not accept it, then we met again, she said that she loved another person, she was happy. asked me not to interfere, and you agreed, yes, i agreed, i won’t hide it, i hired detectives, i wanted to find out who it was, well, purely out of curiosity, who it was, but he wasn’t there, she invented him, just for the sake of for me to leave her, it was very offensive, after some time i wanted
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to raise this topic, i didn’t care in what way age we will be together with her. did you hire suslov for your defense? suslov, is this a lawyer? no, not me, i was away from the country for a long time, i found out this whole terrible story just before the trial, i flew in, i shouldn’t have gone there, why did she do that? i don’t understand why soborova hid his lover, so even zvonarev didn’t find anyone, what? it could have been family, old, but what difference does it make, perhaps we are digging in the wrong place, because there was no love, these were some kind of left-field affairs, business that need
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to be hidden, i don’t know, how are you, okay? follow me, hands to the mountains, come here, a man was running here, no, there was no one, we are here together, vlad, you are bleeding, are you okay? “it’s okay, you looked at him, just briefly, this is 100%
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the same person, blah, thank you for saving my life, why, did you find something, in general this person knows how to disguise himself, that’s all what's left of him is a cartridge case from a tt pistol, in general the dude kills everyone with an open one, and the ambulance is where i'm wounded, i need help, i mean he's wounded, i don't understand. he just has a scratch, marin, the main thing is don’t worry. well, in general, this happens, a person constantly runs around under stress, then bam and runs, or something right away, i don’t know,
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your friend was hospitalized with a gunshot wound in the neck, his life is in danger, that’s all i can tell you for now, you’re all crazy here okay, there was no injury? girl, why are you shouting, i’m saying what’s written in my journal. i was next to him, he is healthy. you are healthy, the doctors are not. okay, can i see him? and the visiting time is already over. tomorrow after the doctor will tell you whether it is possible or not. well , at least you can call him. there is no need to call him, he is sleeping now. i was taken care of, his life is not in danger, and we will find out the rest tomorrow. who are we? his colleagues and friends. ah, i think i'm starting to understand what's going on here. you had at your disposal a recording of my conversation with a psychologist, from which you learned that vlad and i broke up, so you ran to the department with all your stupid apologies and questionnaires. marin, it’s written on your face that
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you and vlad broke up, there’s no record here needed. nikolai karlovich, good afternoon, this is marina vetrova, i was at your reception a few days ago, forgive me, i don’t remember you, maybe you came anonymously, yes, that’s right, i came to you under the name sokolov, it’s a random surname, the thing is this, our conversation was at disposal. employee ksenia, this is out of the question, only i have access, besides, i deleted the entries in your presence, i’m sorry, i did everything
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i asked, vlad, i just found out that you and marina broke up, please forgive me, i behaved like a fool, i don’t know what came over me then, i’m sorry, okay. okay, see you tomorrow, thank you again, please.
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sign in! good afternoon, captain vetrova, i visited you a couple of days ago regarding the sabura meeting, yes, i remember you, what you wanted, i need to clarify one procedural point, nikolai karlovich, here is the introduction to the first part, you spoke in the evening, look, yes, if i have time, and there is a problem, uh-huh, one patient called me, ours, she’s so blonde. anonymous, recorded as sokolova, sokolova? yeah, well, in general this sokolova claims that the recording of her appointment is with me, you yourself understand, no matter what , she also called me, yes, it looks like a difficult case there. the court sentenced
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olga nikolaevna saburova to be found guilty of committing a crime under this article and sentenced her to 5 years in prison? wait, what 5 years, what a sentence, i can’t wait, i can’t do it in prison, let me go, i won’t win in prison, i can’t, i can’t. you promised that they wouldn’t put me behind, you promised that they wouldn’t put me in jail before i did, you i promised that i wouldn’t be imprisoned, you promised.
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all the best, good afternoon to yak sokolov, i called, they told me that visits are allowed, do you know where to go, vlad, why did you come, i know who? judge and lawyer, who is soburwa’s close friend, whom she hid so carefully, but not from a workmate, but from zvonarev. you have no idea who this is? bailiff, yuri bolotnikov.
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don’t, don’t, don’t shoot, don’t do it for her sake, don’t, let’s do it like this, look, this very moment,
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it wasn’t funny, but no, sometimes it’s possible, especially if, well, you have to work, okay, look what we see, well, it’s as if a convoy is escorting a violent defendant out of the courtroom, right, but all this is done by one person, bolotnikov, the rest of the convoy is just marking time, well, that’s right, to bring a woman out , one person is enough, no, no, look carefully, look how carefully and tenderly he does it, you won’t hug a stranger like that, but that’s how you figured him out, then it remains to check some facts: bolotnikov serves completely in friend judicial district, so his position in the convoy is absolutely not for him, he tried very hard to reach an agreement with someone so that he could be at this particular court hearing on that day, why? well, in order
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to be close to your... beloved woman in difficult times, then one more thing: bolotnikov, in the past, was an army special forces officer and 3 years ago he retired for medical reasons, for these reasons, right? no, not because of this, he had cancer, at the fourth stage i was discharged home, my friends almost stopped communicating with me, my ex-wife i took the children, took them to relatives so that they would not see their father in such a state, only olya was there, she believed that i would get better, it was she who insisted on treatment abroad, although i had nothing left. i supported myself, i sold the house, she added her money, and what are you doing here, working, collecting material, yeah, who let you in here, who issued
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the pass, he, and then suddenly the disease stopped, it’s called spontaneous. remission, i don’t believe in all these miraculous healings, but doctors say this sometimes happens, or maybe i hid all this, how did she i might not have noticed it, well, i said that these were temporary, minor changes, that day i received the latest tests, there was no tumor left, i called olya and said that i was healthy and that... now we will always be together, well, what stopped her from ordering a taxi? i don't know, maybe she couldn't wait for a taxi? seryozha, seryozha, i won’t come, i had an accident, i ran over people, so olya, where are you? i
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don’t know, i’m somewhere in the area of ​​bogdanova street, i don’t know what to do, olya, leave there immediately, i can’t, seryozha, eat here people, i was driving, your car, do you hear, i... leave from there, i will bring a confession to the police in an hour, do you hear? i can’t, well, as i demand, i order you, leave, polya was detained, she confessed to everything, and i hired an expensive lawyer and together we managed to convince her, change her testimony, but not only her, i signed many people, yes , the money set aside for treatment just came in handy. “if it weren’t for you, everything would have worked out for us, the lawyer was messing with my mind until the last minute, and maybe he was still trying to solve something, only the day before the trial i found out that he they would give me a real sentence, i couldn’t
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do anything but stand next to him, you also handed me the rope, yes, we had a couple of minutes. there’s no need to take it into account, but admit it, i’ll sign it, it’s not a question, i’m sorry , i only repent of one thing, that you weren’t slammed then, nothing, this attempt
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will be credited to you, you’re kidding, yes, how many gels did you find in the cemetery one, one, you there, when you covered your girlfriend? “i stopped fire, i was afraid to hit her, she was the only one in the courtroom who regretted it, you scum said that it was so for her well, you have a new fan, congratulations."
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for some reason, i keep thinking about those people at the bus stop, so that means you have your own. and i have my own, that’s why they came up with the law, so that people with weapons don’t measure their truths, yes, i’m nearby, i’m walking, i talked to the swamp,
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listen, vlad, i don’t understand what she ’s doing here all the time, you’re writing her passes, but what does she need, what does she want? are you talking about ksinya, or what ? ? yes, well, let me explain everything. yes, explain to me, and she helped me get to the hospital, i didn’t have any injury, i know this, i understand, there was no injury, i told everyone about this a thousand times and then, in the cemetery i realized that i was next on this psycho’s list, and he would finish me off if i didn’t take him with live bait, but everything should to be real, an emergency hospitalization, well, it wasn’t ksenia who helped her, well, how did she know, i called her from the ambulance, her... her father is some kind of big shot in medicine, but he arranged everything, but you don’t tell me i could
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have called, i couldn’t, and the guys didn’t know either, because we had a professional killer with unknown sources of information, but you understand what it looks like, we didn’t know, but your ksenia knew, the rich collected material, yes, a very rare motive for murder in our time, revenge for the dead beloved,
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sorry, please be careful, girl, here. “i have to tell you something, you understand that i didn’t return to the group to hand out questionnaires, i’m worried about marina’s state of mind, that i had to watch her, but unfortunately all my worst fears were confirmed, marina needs the help of a specialist, a psychiatrist, what’s wrong with her?” how did you even know about marina? well, what i know
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is a medical secret, now i’m essentially committing a malfeasance, but you and i are not strangers. what's wrong with her? dissociative identity disorder. is it a hallucination? she constantly sees another person, believes that he is nearby, right? no, at some moments she herself is another person.
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look, mr. fedorchuk, you were released early? no, young man, i was completely acquitted, and i especially want to celebrate my reinstatement in military rank, i'm glad to finally be back. yourself, to the family, father, father, help,
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horror, how can you comment on the charges brought against you, from the very beginning it was clear that the charges were made up , the evidence was fabricated, by whom? individual police officers, can you name specific names? you will soon know them, i am going to sue these people, these are the kinds of things, but what will actually be sued? what other compensation will you pay him before retirement? yes he is bluffing why? this one may have been reinstated to his rank. and they returned all the awards, someone hushed up this matter, we will meet again in the corridors and bow out. hello, mikhail yakovich, how are you feeling? they restored only their rank, but not their position. now his deputy is sitting in fedorchuk’s place, like his shesternev? yes, he is not going to leave. petorchuk will be sent
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to an honorable pension; of course, he will not go to court. then what was it? the spit is in all of us, they say, wipe it off. “i ’m not holding you back anymore, i’m free, i could at least don’t show in front of the journalists how unpleasant i am to you, you slept with this whore for a whole year, and i carried parcels to you in prison, they reported to me when i was there, you didn’t waste your time here either, who reported, in general, we "we
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're playing perfect." , right?
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mair sokolov, there is a body here, there is a witness, no one saw anything, it’s clear, sniper, great job, don’t gloat, but i wouldn’t be surprised if this guy is even a bitch. the murder of someone will be blamed on us. olek, andrey, find the place where the shooting came from. listen, we could use some help from marina. we can handle it ourselves. in the meantime, i’ll talk to my wife fyochka. so let's see, hello, as i
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understand it, you are the wife of general fedorchuk, yes, yulia sergeevna, mayar sokolov, vizb, we will deal with this matter, i will have a few questions for you, ask, well, questions to the standards. do you understand if you had your husband's enemies? i don’t know, they probably were, if this happened and someone threatened him? i’m not with you, you understand, you are the only witness, and how quickly we find the killer depends on your testimony, you want to punish to kill, but i don’t care, you don’t have to look for anyone at all, i gave him all my molo! all his best years, and he, he lied to me all the time, lied all the time,
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calm down, calm down, please, oh, forgive me, try to remember who your husband talked to on the phone the day before, yes, that’s it. last night he took a very long time spoke on the phone with viktor shesternev, major general shesternev, your husband’s former deputy? he is now a big figure . what was the conversation about? about money.
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hello, i would like to change the door locks, no, i need it very urgently, i will pay for urgent work, yes, make a note. address, street,
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hello, can i come in? no, i didn’t call you, i want to help, thank you, no need, okay, quickly, in the near future you will be called to see a staff psychologist. and send me for a psychiatric examination to make a diagnosis for myself, i even know what it is, they’ll fire me from the ministry of internal affairs system, for health reasons, they will register you at a dispensary, take away your driver’s license, credit cards, appoint a guardian and i will treat you, okay, now you can enter, please, so what do you need? you have to quit yourself, then no one will know anything, it’s all because of vlada, but you
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have to write a report today, fedorchuk came out of the entrance, he was attacked by an unknown person, why, i’m not sure exactly, but most likely to give the sniper time ... face, yes, they shot from the attic of the neighboring house, at the firing line, no traces, only fresh cartridges, cartridges of increased power, and in our database this rifle is not missing, you have nothing, even if you are vlad, please, yesterday fedorchuk spoke with major general cheshternev, according to dova, the conversation went on in a raised voice, and fedorchuk actually threatened to expose shaserny, well done! i dug it up, yes, but the widow won’t sign the protocol, she fears for her life, you talked about witness protection,
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she didn’t listen, in general, we have nothing no, on shasternyovo. the very top demands to urgently solve this case at any cost, they made it clear to me that they will turn a blind eye if we take some liberties, that is, needles under the nails are allowed, no, yarshov, needles are not allowed, but putting a bug in his office is possible and necessary, this is a good thing idea, but none of us will even be allowed on the threshold, yes, an experienced professional is required here. then i’ll never do it, colonel, 10 minutes have already passed, and i still don’t understand the purpose of your visit, viktor alekseevich, yes, in fact, i learned everything i wanted,
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thank you. is he kidding me? with whom have to work? still green, but there is something, so to speak, unclear, i’m listening, i completely forgot, oh, now. i'm sorry, for god's sake, what were you going to ask about, oh, my god, what is it, what to ask?
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i forgot, you know, i’d better call you back, okay, okay, all the best, all the best, i’ll be waiting, yes, listen, koryabtsev, it’s me again, we should meet. oleg, you have it like a picture, i have them in full view, but there is no sound, but i hear perfectly well, i got half, where is the second, but i
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can’t decide financially on my own problems. “i need fedorchuk’s order, don’t bother me, fedorchuk is dead, but as they say, no, not here, fedorchuk spent money through your bank, just like you, that’s it, gosh, i know everything about you , if you don’t want it to be good, we’ll be bad, just don’t scare me, i ’ll do better, i’ll take all of fedorchuk’s money, good luck, if you stick out, i’ll kill you, i’ll take you to the forest , i’ll bury you, and then you won’t even find any traces, you understand me, it’s scary. , i don’t understand anything, why
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do you need to get rid of the ace’s body, i want to do a dna analysis to make sure that. he died once and for all, the request must come from you, what grounds do you have to believe that he is alive? listen, allow me, they have a procedure for identifying a corpse; exhumation requires serious reasons, and not just your fears. who do you want to exhume? no one, so listen, a laptop disappeared from my house, in the evening i left it to... charge, and in the morning it was gone, i told you about this, vlad, what’s wrong with her, i don’t know, okay, report it, but ryabtsev , georgy
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vasilyevich, remember, you and i developed fedorchuk, and they couldn’t figure out where he was hiding... and then he ordered fedorchuk, yes, now it’s coming, you’ll lean on him, i’ll kill you, take you to the forest and bury him, it’s very scary, you need to stop him urgently before he does any trouble, this it will be enough, a death threat is quite enough for detention, well, let’s promote it further, gather a group, i’ll go with you. here is the decree on carrying out investigative measures, read and sign, if you want to search the house, please don’t worry,
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let’s be clear, whatever you want, close me under any pretext, we are investigating the murder of fedorchuk. and i was least interested in his death, and according to our information, there was a serious conflict between you over money, that’s for sure, the old goat was very greedy, off the record, it was i who helped release him from the colony, yes, yes, i just had to pay a certain amount to some people, who wouldn’t? comments: fedorchuk gave orders to ryabtsev, he paid me half, fedorchuk was released, he refused to pay the second half, decided
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to film abroad, but that’s not how things are done, with the others are demanding me, and even after his death the problems haven’t diminished, i’ve stopped hiding my money, and now i’ll have to pay mine. i have to believe you, you won’t be able to prove that i ordered federchuk, simply because i didn’t do it.
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the css operational unit is worried about captain vetrov, we have sent you a request to exhume tuzov’s body, signed by colonel ladygin. please send samples for genetic testing. by courier mail? yes, very urgent. thank you. goodbye, okay, suppose i believe that you have nothing to do with the murder of fedorchuk, then who? would you like me to do your work? i want you to show good will. everything lies on the surface. the motive, you got it exactly, it’s money, here’s another suspect, who exactly, but think about who gets it?


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