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tv   Pod zashchitoi  NTV  June 13, 2024 2:35am-3:21am MSK

2:35 am
unexpected turn, general, you’re sitting, that’s it, go get some sleep before the operation, i was watching something, i was about to leave, something important from the agent, it’s too early to draw conclusions, but it seems to me that grachev has connections at a very high level , uh-huh, okay, don’t mess around with me tomorrow, your fighting youth is over, i’ve long been an armchair guy. became, that’s right, take care of yourself, where else will i find such a valuable personnel, that’s it, tomorrow after the operation i have a general with a report.
2:36 am
at the moment it is known that someone from the department told gorachev about our agent andreeva, take care of this matter, find her. creature, but i’ll find you, i’ll kill you anyway, bitch, tolik, well, where could he be, who, vanya, dmitriev, over there, his name is stas, you’re like a sidekick with him, and what a squat, a couple of times with they were talking to him, then yorzh made up his mind with him, and where is yorzh, he ran away, bitch, what?
2:37 am
what's the use of you like a goat of milk in his hut they found something naked, no money, no documents, the hut is not run down like in a hotel, then he's not going to go back there, we're in complete shit, yes, i suspected that the cops we will be saved, accepted. i found some place to sit out, motherfucker, this is such a setup that he turned out to be a rat, for the prince, well, of course, he was at the last meeting, listen, we need to find him and find out what they have on the prince, so how to find him, he’s already gone to his own anyway, he won’t go to his own, he knows that they also have a rat, so maybe you through your...
2:38 am
if he managed to escape, maybe by some miracle from the car jumped out, they finished shooting somewhere nearby, okay, i’ll go, you ’ll comb the surrounding area, yes, at the same time look for witnesses, well all of a sudden?
2:39 am
“osb colonel yakovlev, do you already know, this is the job, who’s in charge here? it turns out, i’m major nikitin, tell me, major nikitin, what should i tell you, from the very beginning , tell me exactly what actions were carried out today against grachev’s gang, why the major and the colonel the police personally came to this fool and were shot by bandits. and you, it turns out, are very much aware of our affairs, right? maintain the chain of command, major, you answer,
2:40 am
you’ll get by , it means that we have an infiltrated agent? the whole operation was leaked by a rat from your department a. myself.
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2:43 am
where do you think this agent is now? who knows, he’s laid low, damn it, i just can’t understand why he can’t come here, and marachev has been wanted for a long time, and won’t show any activity now. because he doesn’t know who to trust, i don’t think he even knows what’s happening, there’s some kind of harm, could andreev really not have foreseen such a development of events, we’ll never know, the academy
2:44 am
of russian television is announcing a call for applications to participate. russian television competition tefi region, details on the website
2:45 am
that means, if anything happens to me, contact him at this number, hold on to what could happen to you, standing colonel, i’m so hypothetical, but what if they sent a message on a piece of paper, i’m more used to it, then, if anything happens , who will understand what this number is and what someone’s number is, well, yes, it’s logical.
2:46 am
if he recorded my conversations with the prince, then it’s all khan, he won’t figure it out, he’ll just ruin everyone’s business, an easy reminder. yes, prince, why did you kill the cops? what was i supposed to do? put on the bracelets yourself in the cell, did anyone see you? well, well, only this dmitriev. and why is he still alive? prince, i will find him, he will not go anywhere. so that's it. where are you now? well, we drive up to the car wash to get the cache. get out of there quickly. you're wanted, idiot, lie down and don't show off, that's all.
2:47 am
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2:49 am
hopefully not for long.
2:50 am
stas, come on, jump after us, well, sta, it ’s shallow here, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid! stas, come to us, jump, it's not scary, stas, come on, jump, jump!
2:51 am
yes, at one o'clock in the afternoon on dvortsovaya, what happened to my wife, she had an operation, she is guarded, i have to see her, you need to leave the apartment, the family could find this number from andreev, then andreev
2:52 am
is dead, yes, and we don’t know who the mole is and what information he could convey, get out of there. it's dangerous there, the rest is upon meeting.
2:53 am
he's up here!
2:54 am
i hope you understand that this man cannot walk freely, he will not walk, i found him, okay. yes, well, what did i think, rook, he left, how is it so, it turned out that there was a problem, a small hitch.
2:55 am
eat, eat, i see you need to explain something, it’s easy for this cop to lock you up, moreover, he can even cause trouble for me, but i don’t like troubles, is it really not clear, this is understandable, prince, the question of the next few days, i tried to probe through my line, they took too much of you, the operation was top secret. you’ve failed the two who knew anything, maybe i should
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get rid of you, it’ll be one less problem, why are you so nervous, i’m just kidding, for now, if everything is quiet around you. maybe dmitriev has nothing? maybe not, maybe there is, maybe stop guessing and solve this problem. leonid georgievich, hello, we have a new case, listen. i'm very worried that the hospital, in which elena dvitrieva is located, a completely unprepared object. what are our forecasts in this regard, what do doctors say?
2:57 am
lieutenant colonel, i heard at night that the doctors said she was in very serious condition, they wouldn’t let her be transferred, it was bad. igor, yes, we need to strengthen security. i'll think about what can be done, which means i'll think about it. we have a new facility. yes, an important witness, so here it is, the state is not rubber, well, where will i get people? okay, call danilov, let him take kabanovo and parkhomenko and go for arlova, i went to meet him, and the safe house is for orlova. i’ll stop by, why are you sitting there, let’s call danilov!
2:58 am
2:59 am
where is the material on the case of the grachev gang, where are the records that you promised me?
3:00 am
there was a colonel in seyfetova, yesterday there was a blue folder, there were transcripts, there were records of operational shootings, all the information was there, you are so well informed that the shooting session was kept, a comrade worked as a colonel on one case, and where? now, how do you explain that she’s not here, hello, stas, i’m lieutenant colonel sokolov, a friend of ivan andreev, you were brought to us yesterday, but you weren’t taken. my department is now protecting your wife. where is lina, i need to see her, you will see her, i promise, but later, she has the best doctors with her now, the situation is under control, under what fucking
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control, do you hear yourself? there’s really no one to trust around the set-up, i understand everything, but these are the circumstances now, ivan asked to look after you and take protection in case of something, in case of his death? it’s not your first day in the police, you know everything perfectly well, you have to be prepared for anything. the situation is not simple, andreev is dead, grachov is gone, your department failed the operation, there was a leak, but there is a positive moment, grachev is wanted, which means it will be difficult for him to look for you, how do i know that it was not you who led the grachovskys to the safe house, and the fact that lena is not under protection, but
3:02 am
you are hostage, what... hospital, not i can tell you why should i believe you? listen, stas, turn off your emotions, turn on your brains, and if you are being herded, lena , there is no private security in a regular hospital, and if grachovsky is already watching the hospital and waiting for you, don’t complicate the situation, the best thing you can do now is go under the protection of my department, no. okay, it’s up to you, if you want to convey that you have nagrachova, i can arrange a meeting with your leadership, while the incriminating evidence is in a safe place, you have a chance to survive.
3:03 am
we have new security guards, security guards, this is who you pay money to, and we provide your protection at state expense, they are so serious, and you have a reason for fun, and why be sad, life is wonderful, wonderful, well then please get in the car, in the back seat. kormushen, i greet you, i’m a cheerful character, don’t tell me, i’m already sick of everyone, he relates to everything like fun adventures, oh well, he and i had such things, so here are the materials on the case, the dossier on him, and here they tell me that we handed over this clown, yeah, yeah, bye, bye,
3:04 am
bye, lift the glass, bye there are no instructions, the finale of the show is via superstar, our superstars prepared premieres especially for the finale.
3:05 am
20 on ntv and the car quickly,
3:06 am
run to the car! what's happening? get down! who are you and what happened there? i am a witness, the cops were with me and they protected me. that the witness protection department, who attacked you, levchenko’s people, i’m a witness in his case, who is levchenko, levchenko is a businessman, well, let’s go to the police, dude, i can’t go to
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the police, i’m completely alone, well, i can’t go anywhere, alone, please take me with you, fell on my head, let's go.
3:08 am
you take me for idiots, where is the guarantee? there is no guarantee, just my word, a new account number was sent via sms, yes there will be money, where is your gizmo? i gave you a tip, you didn’t take it this morning? no, since i’m asking, we’ll look for it ourselves, let me know if you find it for a fee, agreed.
3:09 am
the name of? igor, what about you? sergey, sergey, what are we going to do? we'll rent an apartment for a day and think about it. you say that the witness protection department guarded you, guarded you for about 20 minutes until the bandits attacked us, and before that the police officer from the internal affairs directorate was there for 3 days. listen, each of them could have leaked me to the bandits. do you know some names from the defense department? no, we didn’t have time to meet somehow, so what? hold on, what? i don’t understand, why do you need a phone, huh?
3:10 am
mayor nikitin, andrey vladimirovich, mishin, nikolai ivanovich, from today temporarily acting as the head of your department, and you have become your deputy, from where to us, colonel, department of economic
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security and anti-corruption, welcome to the criminal investigation department, i knew ivan personally, we studied with him at the academy in the same course, but i think right. if you hand over his things to dove, you are good, colonel, the children are good, tell me. do you really think that someone from your department leaked information? i can’t know nikolayevich, you and i will have to find out, because because of good people died, our comrades, comrade colonel will ruin the earth, that’s right, at the same time, report to me what kind of documents disappeared from streynikov’s safe, and how did you miss it? i'll obey. decide, go,
3:12 am
leonid georgievich, we rang the license plate of the car in which orlov was taken, the car was from a car sharing company, the car itself was found, it was abandoned near the metro, who rented the car, found out, a certain sergei koltsov, who? niki koltsov, is something wrong? we need to track orlov’s movements using the subway camera. got it, i'll do it. leonid georgievich, it turns out that orlov was being followed? how could he be followed? before being handed over to us, he was moved around the city in complete secrecy. they had it for 3 days, why didn’t they drain it earlier? do you
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mean one of ours? i don’t believe it, i don’t want to believe it either, do you even know what ’s going on with you? what's going on with me? and i , from another department , had nothing to do with this operation, i had economic crimes, but it doesn’t matter now, you understand, it’s still up to you to clean up the mess. we're raking, we're working, yeah, you're working, we found out about the key strelnikov’s office, they found out and reported to me that the duty officer did not give the key to strelnikov’s office to anyone, of course, that means the one who stole the documents prepared in advance and made a copy, who remained in the last department yesterday, everything is clear. this means that we will punish everyone, take a closer look at
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the employees, if you see anything strange or suspicious, call me urgently. are you my immediate superior? moreover, colonel, you have a rat walking around your department, an infiltrated agent is unknown where, i’m waiting for the results. here delivery, bon appetit, merci, what are you doing, i’m booking a car sharing car for a day so that it’s always at hand, it’s standing at the entrance, how knowledgeable are you, am i or what? looks like, no, your face is too smart, that means
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you’re not a mand, i’m a former military man, listen, if you were picked off so quickly, it means either the cops gave you up, or levchenko has such a powerful resource, i need to get out of here, but quickly, listen, just i need money, i know where to get it, interesting. i have a stub from school, it’s reliable, it won’t fail, circumstances there are different ones, even a close person can sell, but he’s not in the know at all, you just need to call him, he’ll give you as much money as you need, this is a bad idea, listen, but sitting under such a rented hut is a good idea, and without money in a car, cutting through the city is a good idea, what to do now, this is my last chance. run into the corridor.
3:16 am
3:17 am
well, what are your proposals for finding orlov? yes, let the police look for him, why do we need this pain in the ass? well, actually, at that time orlov was already under our protection, so this is our problem, comrade
3:18 am
lieutenant colonel, according to the recordings of the cameras in the metro, orlov got off at the petrogradskaya station, and what is he giving? have you followed his path further? not yet. now we need to go to the information center in the area to track, so let's go, there is, yes, i'm listening, this is kormukhin, we found an apartment where it looks like orlov was hiding, dictate the address, big avenue 89, i understand how we found it, shooting started there an hour ago, there was a call, they arrived, they found orlov’s documents and things on the spot, yeah. okay, i'll be there soon, so what ? an hour ago, to the apartment where i was hiding orlov, completely attacked, alive, well, at least they didn’t find the corpse in the apartment, that’s it, i went there.
3:19 am
come on, write how it all happened. thanks for coming, no one was following you, what? i don't know, no, what's going on? i don’t understand anything, why don’t the cops protect you? jack, that’s it, i got hit hard, the cops themselves treated me like a bandit, i’m thinking of leaving the country. i need money, i brought all the cash, don’t worry, i’ll give it to you, don’t talk nonsense, that’s not what you need to think about now, zhek, thank you, how are you planning to leave the country, they’ll take you to at the airport, well, i’ll get the left passport, i’ll get to the border on the transfer rail, well, i’ll get out somehow, if you need help with anything, call
3:20 am
right away, i’ll do everything possible and impossible, thank you, thank you. hell yes. hello, greetings, kormukhin, where? on the balcony, there.


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