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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  June 13, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

4:50 am
sorry, nothing, marad, what kind of bullshit did you send me? everything i knew, alexey alekseevich, the account was dormant, it was registered by some kind of honorary, 2 years ago, the money as soon as it arrived was immediately withdrawn, well, you punched it, yes, he died six months ago, and where did the money go, fcs bank, you understand, i wasn’t able to find out anything there, but... brother, what? aren't you lying to me? i swore to god. marat, if i suddenly found out that you deceived me, i would never dare.
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private shkurenko, take two steps out of formation, i’m listening, hello, igor, tell georgivich that egorov hasn’t shown up at the training ground yet, he called, took 3 days off, said he wanted to relax at the dacha with his family before a week-long business trip, it only starts tomorrow for him, and what will happen at the training ground in general, he found out the disposal of a large batch of kalashnikov cartridges. expiration date, that means mikheev’s goal is cartridges, it looks like i understand you, lights out, everyone remembers everything, that’s right, that’s right, that’s right, that means you’ll be waiting for me, you’ll be here, there’s not much time, by 12 there’s already a meeting with the buyer, let’s take it money, we divide and run away, good plan, especially when it comes to money, but...
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it hurts, it’s great, it’s great that your faces are swollen and your voice is hoarse, you woke up or something, but it would be better if you caught a cold, 3 days with the servicemen you remembered your youth, you barely survived. okay,
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let’s chat later, how’s the situation there? yes, okay, loading is in progress, okay, close. by car, let's go, eat!
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stop the car. comrade major, get out of the car.
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vc9015 om, captain petrov, lieutenant colonel sokolov. ministry of internal affairs, tell me, captain, major egorov, is he there? no way, no, i went to the training ground a long time ago, about 15-20 minutes, and something happened? i'm afraid that yes, we are late, we can intercept it on the way, we will try. listen, volkov, where are you? we are going towards the military unit. it’s too late, mikheev has already left. blow towards the bay, we will try there. enough was enough,
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an ambush, a ram. fire, forward, bezai, hands behind. goes not to shoot the little one.
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well, that’s good, well, ask the rings, i was wrong
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about you, let’s go.
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nice lacing, oh, come on, in winter we wear scarves, you don’t understand a damn thing about fishing, oh well, now you can explain to me about fishing, what kind of business you have with me for a million rubles, so that’s a big deal the buyer is looking for poems for ancient coins, there are a lot of coins. so let's go in order, what the hell, yes, the gobniks did not trample into the zone for long, petty thefts, so maybe they just stole these coins, where is the slaughter, now there is a slaughter, they say they killed the antique dealer, took away his coins, and even with they said such show-offs, dear mother, that’s it, then collect it, show me where these are, yes, hello, hello, here in our country house.
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or maybe i didn’t have a collector lying around by chance, there’s nothing similar, maybe we just didn’t have time to find it yet, okay, it’s all over, yes, come on a couple of days, the murder of some antique dealer , turn the cord, send us there. lech, well , it was clearly recently shot at, listen, there is a whole trail of blood right up to the door, do you think he could have killed or caught the attacker, it’s very possible, i’ll take the blood for examination tomorrow and report the result, kindly, be careful, be careful, lech, no teach life, so judging by... i
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didn’t plant our documents here, which means there were no complaints against him, well, i didn’t look in his pocket, since maybe there was no osb, or maybe i agreed, but where he worked recently, apparently in some kind of security service, i didn’t ask him in detail, oh, here’s the business card of the head of the security service, the company peter prostor, so... oh, here’s the business card of the general director of this company, georgy maksimovich yakuvshev. well, listen, pash, what if we call this yakushev right here to talk? call. here you go. can i run? and quickly. lech, hold it. let's. careful, there, careful. well, don’t worry about my life, who discovered the body? am i coming? a neighbor called the duty room, i heard a shot in the house, i was sent to investigate, but this vigilant neighbor near
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the house didn’t see anyone suspicious? no, he heard a shot, so immediately away from the window and let’s call the police, of course, but nikolaevich has a video surveillance system, what are you talking about, let’s see where, this door, be careful, but i say, be careful, be careful , well done. so you’re climbing over the fence, and you can’t see anything on the mask’s face, so alekseev went, rinse ahead a little, oh, look, that’s right, the victim wounded the killer in the arm, uh-huh, notes we’re confiscating it, yeah, it’s a pity. that the owner didn’t install cameras inside the house, i got through to yakushev, it will be soon, great, we’re waiting,
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viktorich, you’ll be cold, i actually haven’t looked at what i can hear, in short, they ’re not there, the men say that they are 2 hours ago were. you drank and ran away, that’s it, maybe you’ll come? no, i still won’t, but you couldn’t do without it? no, i couldn’t, because the men wouldn’t understand that it was me who went out without beer, and i need these conversations.
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with this fishy fish about five years old, it’s like you have such a dangerous business, it wouldn’t be dangerous, if it weren’t for rybin, alekseev, when he worked in bupep, tried to imprison rybin, it didn’t work, so after that i invited artyom to be the head of the
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security service instead of bobrov, and who is bobrov, a complicated story? yes, paprov is my former head of the security service, i trusted him as much as myself, and the fish reptile managed to outbid him. after that, i invited artyom to my place. that was a long time ago? no, four months ago. do you happen to remember where bobrov worked before he started working for you? he was a cop and an operator in the kalininsky rvd. how's that? where is bobrov now? i have no idea, i'm not interested in traitors. well , maybe you happen to have your license plate number, so we could find out where it was at the time of the murder? yes, of course, here is his number, thank you, well, my friend, nikitos, great, listen, we need to localize
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the location of one mobile phone, i dictate, this is where morimanka lives. yeah, come on, the helm, turn faster , i’m coming, i’m coming, well, knock, call, open, it’s never locked here, everything, oh, verka, great, great, listen, you happen to have it here chirikon, they didn’t hang up, they hung up, they hung up, well they left, hello, hello, who is this handsome man, this is my viktorich koresh, in the landing, what kind of landing, you served in the navy, so in the amphibious landing, fool, oh,
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in the naval way. why do you need tech with chirih? i’m better, i don’t doubt it at all, but you see, i have a business with them, i need to answer it myself, you’re a boring paratrooper.
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gerka, so to the station, to which one, to the vitebsk station, follow me, bright, bye, well, well, we have to, well, nikita, well, you still have a long time, well , i’m working, well, you me... promised that it will be interesting, criminals, policemen, you yourself are sitting on these keys of yours, knocking, what are you doing, what are you doing, so wait, just a minute, now, now, here, here, here, i... there, there contact, hello, retula, the light of my eyes, and you won’t spare
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a minute for the technical genius, judging by the playful tone, you have good news, well, good or not, that’s of course up to you to decide, in general, listen carefully, your beaver is not in st. petersburg , or rather, it’s more correct to say, his mobile phone is localized in the city of sochi, but how did he get there? well, most likely he flew away together with the owner, a week ago bobrov, judging by the ticket database, bought a plane ticket there, and bought a plane ticket back, so he bought a return ticket, but he should fly from sochi in a week, yeah, that’s it, bye, bye, thank you, it’s good there in sochi, probably yes, but what’s good there, winter, snow, and who is the light of your eyes? so it’s margarit and your hot girlfriends, you can’t say anything, we’re all so short, i did my job,
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then i’ll do it myself, wait, the helm, why are you picking on me? what am i going to do, go ahead and do it yourself go, you’re always interfering where you shouldn’t, what am i going to do with her? so where are we going? now we’ll hand over everything, untie it, well, where is that store over there, but i don’t see where it is? what kind of bag, bag, calm down guys, keep these id cards in your pocket, stand still, this is the police department of homicide.
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wanted, i have another 5 years of service until i get a normal pension, hmm, did you communicate with him after his dismissal? well, of course, he came to us for professional holidays, introduced himself to his colleagues, and then, because of his new job, he always needed something from us, jail who? no, i don’t get involved in such matters, well , to get into administrative practice there for crime, of course yes, yeah, he was very worried then that yakushev threw him out of the company, he’s good. this bastard is used to getting a salary, but you don’t happen to know why he went to sochi, to get a job, they offered him some good place, they even
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gave him a good advance, understandable, okay, thank you, please, no question, they helped , please contact me, thank you, good luck, all the best, so what, so what if bobrov is really in sochi, this means there is no way he could have killed. alekseeva, well, logical, logical, logical, but we have rybin, yakushev’s competitor, he with his connections could well have hired someone, well, then i’ll go to nikitos, let him look at this rybin’s phone, maybe there are some contacts there they’ll pop up, nikita, it’ll be okay, yelling, take the guests, wow, what a catch, what did they do, bang, most likely some kind of thing. this is their prey, but we didn’t kill anyone, sit in the monkey house, and let all your hearts ripen, uh, boss,
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we didn’t touch what was going on at all, really no one, let's go, well, what proposals do you have on this issue, if you please, colonel, krymov, again? you’re late, we’re just waiting for you, it’s my fault, sergei igorvich, cherdyntsev just couldn’t open the safe, and you couldn’t get out of the safe, no, i couldn’t take the thing out of the safe, docks, here you go, what’s all there, hold it, what this, wow, silver, wow, it’s quite possible, but science will give us the exact answer, hold on, we’ll study, study and give, igor, what is this for, and we still have to find out if of course i’ll heat it up, tweet quietly, inject crimea? work hard, look, don’t get in your pocket, just don’t hit, otherwise human rights activists will come running, followed by journalists, check the headquarters, we need it, comrade colonel, when we beat
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someone like that, have we never had anything like that? it wasn’t, that ’s just me, just in case, okay, let’s say that in connection with the murder of alekseev, they shot from two pistols, obpema, they are not listed in our databases, which means, therefore, they were not involved in crimes before, i’ll remind you that our killer was wounded in the arm, but from the moment of the murder, until this morning there was no information from the hospital about gunshots, i dare to assume that our killer is either being treated at home, or turned to an underground channel, uh-huh, and rybin’s phone was billed, yes, oleg georgivich, of course. they did everything, that’s what’s curious: 20 minutes before the murder and 5 minutes after two calls were made to rybin’s phone and the caller at the time of the murder was located near alekseev’s house, they didn’t find out who called, and we also found out that, in any case the phone is registered to no one vasily reshetov, in 2000 he was convicted of robbery, he bought a mobile phone two days before the murder, so it turns out that reshetov is
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the real killer? so pash reed, let 's go to this rashtov, it's a game, and you end up as warehouse hunters, well, right after science, let's go, free, yeah, i 'm telling you, boss, we didn't kill any antique dealer, but he's a quiet drunk, and he's a moron , he decided to show off in front of the men, normal show-offs, okay, let’s say you didn’t kill anyone, where did the coins come from, so we found the treasure, tweet, i see you're also a moron, you'll have to show it. boss, give me some water, hello, mom, who, if you talk about christ or sell pots, go straight out, buy pots, for
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god’s sake. criminal investigation, senior lieutenant potapenko, captain potapov, allow me, come in, and you are relatives, or husband and wife, and we don’t even seem to be namesakes, but you are vasily rashtov, well, i, then this is for you, with some kind of joy, with such that last night artyom alekseev, the head of the security service of businessman yakushev, was shot dead, and yakushev, for your boss rybin, is the boss. a what do i have to do with it? did alekseev shoot your hand? shot? yes, it was i who was doing repairs at the dacha over the weekend, and planted a betsukha with a nail to the flesh. we'll check that, but where were you last night? nowhere, i was sitting at home, watching tv. yeah, for some reason your cell phone is talking about something else. what mobile phone, this one? here, look, there’s nothing there. we will check, who can confirm that you were at home? no one, it was just the two of us with the series.
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well then come with us. at least i can get dressed, yeah, preferably, well then what, well and i said, boss, we were doing renovations for a guy, his last name is bogaevsky, so he bought an apartment in the old building and decided to bring it to mind, he called us, where are you, where are the renovations, and cherry, it’s more fun, you couldn’t think of anything, no i need it, i can do plumbing and electrical work, but a quiet guy can wallpaper tiles, and why did this guy pay you with royal silver? “yes, i didn’t pay, we just accidentally broke a brick wall during repairs, coins started falling from there, and the owner, the owner wasn’t there, he went to get building materials, and we put the coins in a bag and crap from there, yeah, that means they didn’t want to share with the owner, yeah, but he would have shared it with us, so i think no, why do we need a bus, no one will look for the bus, i’d rather
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die than come back like that” ? the court is satisfied, this is somehow dishonest, gossip. today at 20:00 on ntv. a little bit of hacked mail of citizen yakushev lies in front of us, like any hacked mail, nuri, no , you’re hooked. yeah. artyom alekseev was sent by rybin. well, that’s about it.
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rybin himself told us. so, i received a letter from yakosha 2 days before the murder of alekseev, at the same time when i bought a mobile phone using reshstva’s fake passport, from which i called rybin, and... at the house of the murdered alekseev, yes, who sent this letter to yakushev? so, the address is fictitious, created an hour before the letter was sent. maybe georgievich is right that yakushev ordered alekseev when he found out that he was introduced to him by rybin. well, did it print? yes. here you go. thank you. delicious tea, nikit. yes. let us fill out a statement of discovery. in any case, you together with tikhonov and desyatkin , 25% of...
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wait, it’s still not enough, somehow munet, rubles, argentina is no longer worth it, argentina, uh-huh, sounds like serpentine, well, it’s about the same thing, only a little lighter, fake silver, what address did you live at, gangutskaya 15, so, so, before the revolution, a certain rostislav nikolaevich akmalinsky lived at this address, in 1917 he was arrested on suspicion of making counterfeit coins, the search did not bring any results, but you see what details we have science knows so what happens, he walled everything up like in the seventeenth year, so it lay for 100 years, well, most likely, so this pile of metal has no financial value, here’s the ten, but i’ll check it again anyway,
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delicious cutlet, nothing, i’ll try , no, i have my own, uh-huh, so, bon appetit, thank you, uh-huh, thank you, this is for poykushev, exactly, promptly, please hold it, i owe you 100 rubles for lunch, i don’t have enough, nikitos, i have a card, excuse me, but in my office, pash, pash, well pash, how can you, just stop last time, thank you, what’s that in a nutshell, oh, some new name, simagina, who is that? let me tell you everything now, i studied yakushev’s contacts, recently he often called up a certain andrei simagin, simagin was recently released after serving time for a series of robberies. and robbery, which he committed 15 years ago, and what can be concluded from this that yakushev hired semagin to kill alekseev? wait, ritual, that's not all. a month ago, he received a one-room apartment in the primorsky district as a gift. oh, how? yes, just recently a brand new car.
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and who do you think was so generous? well, other than yakushev. that's it. okay, i'll go eat. what do you say, oleg georgievich? what will i say? all graves must be worked out, address. there is, so go to him, and then depending on the situation, well, you’ll finish, of course, fighting, open the monkey house, we’ll let these miserable treasure thieves out, come out, you’re free, well, boss, i’ve finally realized that we’re not in business, come on, get out,
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this street, this house, this young lady, what i love, silence, no one around, uh-huh, well,
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i don’t know where to look for this semagin, because we don’t have addresses anymore, i think we’ll come here in the evening, but call. niketi, let her phone simagina, good, good! let's go, yes, nikitka, hey, nikit, margosh, i punched the phone number of the sim card. it means the subscriber is located in the area of ​​houses 6 8
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10 on dobrolyubogo street, so what is there in these houses, it means residential apartments, a beauty salon and a sauna, what kind of strange sounds do you have there, and what are you doing there? well, let's go for the good-natured one? well, yes, nothing less than simagin in a beauty salon. hello, tim! listen, don’t be so fussy, the money
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is with me, i’ll be right back in 5 minutes, let’s wait, oh, rit, look, igor, ho, and i ’m going to call you, what are you doing here? the same as you, so, well, in general, simagin and yakushev are in the sauna, apparently, yakushev brought semagin money for alekseev’s order, well, what do we take, otherwise, we take it, wow, take a walk, baby, keep the money! fornicator
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, thank you, friend, stand, police, stay where you are, hands, zhora, i don’t understand, the same bullshit, i’m shocked, what’s the order, alexey, what are you talking about money, okay, really, i got it rented from a bank for... "male, 15 years ago simagin and i had
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business that was so serious, in the end they took sim, but he didn’t turn me in, he took all the blame on himself, and i’m a grateful person, when he came out, i gave him an apartment , i bought a new car, if necessary, and i will continue to help him, now it’s clear, no, it’s clear, yes, well, what do you have, well, did you look?” " recordings from a video surveillance camera, indeed simagin was in the sauna for 3 days and did not leave anywhere, so he is not involved in the murder of alekseev, no wounds were found on his body, which means to present he has nothing, i hope i have nothing to show you either, or i will rest here for 2 days, yes, you are a free citizen yakushev, but i ask you not to leave the city anywhere, where is at your disposal, everything is before contact, resitov called, they killed rybin, what? come on, rishtov, don’t
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talk too much, tell us better how you found the body? i call him, he doesn’t answer, although we agreed that i would come, i arrive, i look, the door is open, i go in, and he’s lying, we didn’t notice anyone suspicious near the house, no one, when death occurred, judging by the body temperature, death occurred. murmansk highway, call, they will confirm for you, they know me there, we’ll check, in short, the owner’s safe is hidden, there is no contents, apparently the money was stolen, well, or other securities, or something else useful, lech, what do we have with fingerprints, fingerprints on there is no handle, apparently the killer worked with gloves,
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well, he’s not a fool, uh-huh, there are probably no fingerprints on the safe either, we’ll work it out, i can confidently say that the blow was delivered with his left hand, that is, the killer was left-handed? lefty is not left-handed, but the blow was left-handed. well, gentlemen, i i’m almost sure that alekseev and ribbin were killed by the same person. perhaps, but not a fact. well, why not a fact? having killed alekseev, he probably dropped the gun, and to kill rybin, he used a knife, but he beat him with his left hand, because alekseev had wounded him in the right. i'm reading your mind. that's right, telepath potapinka. there are zero witnesses, it’s understandable, it’s winter, it’s not a summer season. i found the only one 200 meters away. hence the fact that, yes, he said that you can only get here in winter by car, since buses only run in summer, i wonder if he was by car wounded in the right hand, how he drove the car, i don’t know, maybe the accomplice was with a car, or came by taxi, so, let’s
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report to georgich in any case, yes, i understand, igor, finish on the spot, let’s go home , call me in the morning. from st. petersburg, and i'm glad to hear from you, listen, old man, i'm on business as always, i need to establish the whereabouts of one guy, he's right now in sochi, yes, thank you, i understand, it's great, what will please the soldiers, so, we
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checked alya bereshtov, the staff of the establishment confirmed that he was there, yes. and you took him to the dacha village of dubki, but he didn’t give the house number, asked him to stop by the road to wait as long as he had to, gave him a thousand rubles, said he wanted to walk to a friend’s house, yeah, but
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he wasn’t there, so it was about 20 minutes , then he returned and we drove back to the city, and i didn’t notice anything suspicious in his behavior, he sat in the back seat and was silent the whole way. he wasn’t nervous, yes, he didn’t notice anything like that, you dropped him off at the aircraft designers in the area of ​​house 22, there were 22 aircraft designers, okay, thank you, that’s all good bye, former head of the security service of yakushevo, a certain bobrov, registered at the address of aircraft designers 22 apartment 86, at the same address, a taxi driver gave a ride to a passenger with a bandaged hand, from the scene of rybin’s murder, in my opinion, everything is clear, yes, it’s only unclear , how is it possible to be in sochi and st. petersburg at the same time, bobrov has not been in sochi for a long time, as in, we picked up his mobile phone, pasha, when you go to such a thing, you can leave your mobile phone at the chinese border, and from there you can take a rickshaw, but bobrov i chose faster transport
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a colleague there just called and said that bobrov left sochi in his friend’s car 3 days ago, which means he’s already in... wait, was he driving with a shot in his arm, so you have to take it, listen, guys, why, these are krasnodar license plates, it’s not like a beaver’s car, well , yes, well, in general, retul, then hold it downstairs, and we’ll go upstairs. come on, please,
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what do you think, he’s at home, he’s at home, where else could he be, you saw the car standing at the entrance, well, standing, standing, or maybe he left on foot, he didn’t go anywhere, pasha, stop doing that. vabrov, well, stand, stand, the police, well, how can they put handcuffs on you as a disabled person, but there’s no way, no way. how are you,
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well, i’ve arrived, lie down, margot, well, you’re fine, it’s okay, i’ll live, it’s good. well, that’s it, beavers, it’s completely pointless to deny it. the taxi driver who took you to rybin already identified you from your photo. and that is not all. the examination says that your dna and blood type match the samples taken at the scene of alekseev’s murder. so the evidence against you is through the roof. we can lock you up like this on... i understand. well, i understand, so tell me. what should i tell you? well, yakush and i were close friends. it was not i who betrayed him, but he who betrayed me. i was set up by rybin and alekseev, and he believed, believed them, not me, idiot, they scammed him like a fool, well
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, we already know everything, let’s move on, i decided to take revenge, i wanted to shoot yakoshev himself first, but i couldn’t, friend still, although this brute blocked my accounts after the setup, kicked me out of the apartment, and you decided to take it out on alekseev, i thought about killing alekseev. frame rybin for murder, as the customer of the murder, everything didn’t go the way i wanted, in 2 days to raise two slaughters, just well done, we’re trying, margarita, you’re like, how is she there, yes, everything is fine, just like a colonel, what’s going to happen to me doesn’t hurt , no, but he’s already healing, he’s no longer suspected of murdering
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alekseev, he decided to kill him in order to take revenge, so to speak, for setting him up in front of yakushev. well, first of all, he, of course, wanted to take rybin’s money and safe, but in order to compensate for his material damage. yes, revenge is a serious motive for murder, especially more so when material components are added to the place. yes. allow me, comrade colonel, i hope no one was killed, no, sergei igorich, everyone is alive, i wanted to ask you, the coins are fake, where should i put them, let’s, we’ll give them to the police museum, great idea, colonel, can i have one, i'm on the medallion, why do you need it, then everyone.


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