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tv   Pyos-2  NTV  June 13, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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you are free, citizens, one minute, you will take the dog, no, i don’t need him like that, no, mukhtar, this is him... you don’t need him like that, vika, are you crying, alyosha, at home, no, i i took it to my dad, let everything shake. i think it’s shaking,
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let’s go home, we need to talk, let’s go. leave your fingers on, he won’t burst, he shouldn’t, but i seem to give him a little bit at a time, he’s hungry, poor thing, what are we going to do with him, should we take him to the nursery tomorrow or whatever, stop?
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kobalov refused him, everyone heard the questions, and you received a receipt from him, yet what, he won’t demand it back, he ’s afraid of him and he’s doing the right thing, and i’m a young guy, lonely, and what’s important, free, and why would i take him to live with me, and what if it were n’t for him, no one knows what would have happened the basement is over. yes, and to the kid, i seemed to promise, in fact, i’m also lonely now, no problem, nothing, i was the first to say, well, guys, for the new member of our team, for the mukhtar, look out for it! yes, the money is in the safe, go, go,
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go, quickly, but i’m not alone, who is this, what are you, me or something, a lawyer, let’s break into this car, well-known from tuvalu a lawyer, not just famous, but very famous, you are now only complicating the situation, but now i don’t care, he is there, and what should i do now, call, look, i hope you understand that transferring such a large amount requires additional bank verification. yes, so what, did you check everything? yes, thank you, would you like to insure your purchase? no, with my security, it’s personal. all the best, thank you. yes, whatever you say, thank you for your purchase.
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everyone, quickly lie down on the ground, lie down, bitch, take your hands. let's go, come on, come on, let's!
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there you go! you hold it, hold it, what, a key? in the old fashioned way, you leave it under the rug, and lower it from the stairs or from the balcony, there are rubber bullets, don’t worry, you know my gun, but these are real ones, you’ll shoot yourself there, but i don’t have much time left, i actually came to ask for forgiveness, you’ll pity the children, i’m flying to austria tomorrow, they
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don’t do such operations here, but i can last another year there, seriously, but i also bought the ticket at my expense, huh? listen, well, i came to say goodbye, so say goodbye, go away, are you really going to kick me out, i want to take a load off my soul, max, this is not for you, for confession, yeah, a bottle of vodka and an old one. suddenly, this is the best medicine, uh-huh, i heard, i heard, come on, you see, my coding is total control, i saw that the wives
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were not allowed to drink, but so that the dog, who is in charge of you, well, in turns my odd one, now i will show you, how to handle them, let me show you, now, well, let’s go to the area, here, bitch, ah, well done, i showed you, i’ll remember, yes, max, hi, we have a robbery of an antique here, more precisely, from one buyer they took away a small but very valuable thing, very valuable, well, the euro is of course falling in price, but it’s still a million, so let’s wait, okay, come on, i’ll be there soon, come on, what? you called the bald head, damn it, diamondage doesn’t smell, leonidov, it smells, you know what, that ’s it, okay, then you’ll tell me a touching story, let’s get out, we
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have to go, listen, max, can i hang out with you before the plane, huh it makes sense, i have nothing to steal, why do you need to stay, i just have nowhere else to go and... i spent everything on tickets for the operation, ah, ah, ah, something it's hard to breathe, damn it, right now, okay, stay, i'll just lock you up, okay, damn it, let me shoot you in the knee just in case, listen, what are you saying, your dog was enough for me, okay, look, buddy. how many of them do you have?
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“well, let’s try, ear, mish, you take care of yourself there so that nothing disappears from me, okay, max, i swear, nothing will disappear, on the contrary, come on, the number hasn’t changed, why should a person, yes ? go ahead, leave it, huh?
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where are you going, better get yourself in order, i’m late, as always, the case has been solved and practically closed, now there is a buzzing, i heard, no, but what about us, the buyer came to pick up an egg in fauberge, yeah.
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what's the deal with the woodpecker, i'm telling you about the capercaillie, capercaillie, what are you doing, capercaillie is an expression , and what you see is your owner's squirrel, yes, that's him over there, you see , he's showing it to the camera, you see, i think it was an accident, the wind, so, the garbage was blown, bags, now they are flying everywhere, all four of them are stuck with tape, an accident, hooligans, well, yes, look, the hooligan has they also put in some chips so that no one would travel here, it was probably an accident, they just
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prepared for it for a week, but who prepared, and how could anyone possibly know who would come out of here when with what, well, you’re the smartest of us, you’re in the birds like that you understand well, that hat you have is such a trump card, but just think about it, you oh you beast, well maxim, you are my answer for the hat, do you know how much it costs, you bastard? every third business develops with an ecosystem circuit, based on real developments, this is its own game, this year our the program is 30 years old, 172 thousand questions, the topics are as beautiful as ever. let's play 160,000 answers, let's go to the bank, let's go to the bank, 132,000 correct answers, you
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do you make all the payments on time? does the bank recalculate the rate when you close? hello everyone, i'm timur rodriguez and i'm pleased to announce that the unique travel show parrots is back with a new exciting season, so i'm announcing a nationwide casting from may 17 to june 17, all you need to do is fill out an application and get a chance to become my traveling companion to see world, send your
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applications to the address, the show companion will tell the party, see you later. yes yes, yes, yes, of course, of course, all jewelry is insured, but the fact is that as soon as they become the property of the buyer and leave the territory of our salon, the insurance is canceled, sorry, sorry, they call me on a different number, hello, an accident happened to our friend case, okay, where is the faberge, he didn’t have time to say. and now what i can do? we’ll look, we’ll keep an eye on everyone she’s been in contact with lately, don’t call me anymore, i’ll call myself,
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why did you leave so early, why don’t you look for accomplices in jewelry, i’m sure, lesh, well, you didn’t nest, honestly, come on, bye.
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he’ll fix it, he’s fixed it, hello, lesh, come to my apartment, outfits coming soon. so, who did you shoot here, and maksimov, and what not leonidov, but what? oh, oh,
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the gun is probably yours, yes, you see, he killed a man, just like that, he hid it badly, the gun called you, yeah, i wouldn’t be surprised if we also find the stolen egg from you, come on, more than one, a whole one refrigerator, jokes. the neighbors saw a black van in the yard, that’s how you knew about the preparations for the attack, moreover, i organized it myself, it’s very possible that now i’ll even tell you how it all happened, give all your attention, so, get out of here, copelino, you taught it, yes, or else there will be more, don’t get distracted, i wanted something - tell me, is it interesting?
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i'll give it back, take the gun from him, that's it, you joker, he's finished his joke, on the way out, the older guy here, quieter, one of his friends, don't shoot, go, don't be smart, smart guy, this time i 'll definitely put you in jail, he'll sit at it’s long and tedious for me, yes...
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i have to bite off my paw, why are you laughing, give me the key, but i forgot mine at home, but it would be better if you had your head i forgot the stupid one at home, no, well, it doesn’t matter, he couldn’t kill the bear, really, yes, a couple of years ago the bear actually borrowed money from his friends, yes, yes, then he left the city, yes, maksimov was saving up for a car then, well and what, well... but he still couldn’t kill the bear, but happily, what is it? decoration, like all the natives? it’s not funny, by the way,
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unlike some, i’ve almost solved both cases, interesting. the egg was stolen by one of the salon employees, they had specially sealed the cameras with black bags and the road was blocked near the salon, well , actually, it was not you who discovered it, but max, your max at that time was killing his friend along with his stupid dog, a bite mark was found on the corpse on the leg, i understand, i always said that this dog is dangerous . like his owner, everything is strange, well, nothing, nothing,
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now max won’t go anywhere, now i just need to follow his dog, he himself will now lead me to where max is hiding. who came to us? hello, alone without security? i need to talk, i need information, but i need angelina jeli, can you organize it? not at all question, how can you punch her phone number right in the face, joker. who are you anyway to help you, you are a former cop who is now wanted for murder, that’s what
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i wanted to talk about... you think that i ’m afraid of you, you are without a weapon, without your dog, guys, throw him away , misha, bear, i came in, 2 days ago i was rubbing myself in the city with a fish, so this is who... what he does, i didn’t tell you that, and where he lives, and the fish is in his pawn shop, these didn’t say that either, the bird is talking , great, frib, think about it,
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he said that he couldn’t come to you? exactly what they wanted, they took guns and a black minibus, they really took it, for a long time, yeah, it’s clear, listen, maybe you ’ll give me a loan too, but i have a pawnshop, not a
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relief society. well, yes, i agree, well, since there’s a pawnshop over there, you’ll take the jacket, but who are you? i’m a virologist, we didn’t call you, go back, people need to be taken out urgently to save them, and you... are sure that it’s serious, it will get worse, you want to live anyway, sergei makhovikov, you shouldn’t have come, you don’t need to stay was, sergey marin, we need to evacuate the children, marina alexandrova, now there is simply nothing more important than this infection, you need to forget everything that happened before, because there may not be an after point zero. premiere from monday at 22:20 on ntv.
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via superstar. the final is on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. comfort at low prices on the yandex market. from small things to significant things. discounts up to 65% on redmon home appliances on yandex market. the main feature of modern youth is flexibility. yes, uncle dim. you didn’t forget about the casting i arranged for you. in any case, if i brush my teeth while already dressed, it means i i forgot about the casting, i’m late, and if i ’m late, it means i’m taking a scooter, and if i took a scooter, it means i transferred unused communication minutes to this trip, if everyone leaves there upset, it means no one has been given the role yet, artyom, well, let’s be sincere in the end let’s smile at the camera, it’s a cool fare, there’s music, but what
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will you do if they don’t give you the role? well, i’ll rehearse more, and i’ll transfer the remaining gigabytes to the next month. if they give him the role, he’ll still transfer the gigabytes because he’ll be rehearsing. new tariff 24 - this is as much as 30 gb of internet, which can be carried over to the next month, communication minutes, which can be exchanged on a trip on mts scooters, and mts music is already included in the tariff, try it for 399 rubles. zeva expert paper towels remain durable even when wet, helping you decide.
11:31 am
discounts, discounts, oh, sale, birthday ozone, women's t-shirts zola up to 499, sandals for boys gospis up to 799, ultimate shop sandals up to 89. beyond the new season with timur eremeev today at 16:45 on ntv. carbon deposits on metal, grease on plastic, dirt on sneakers. enough! universal cleaning paste - just shine from lyamax. simply and quickly, you will defeat the dirt on white leather sneakers. clean congealed grease from the plastic kettle and metal surface of the toaster. give your stainless steel products a new look. simply shine for. it will simply clean the seams between drip tiles and deal with a badly neglected slab. enamel - cast iron grate and aluminum burners. the paste does not smell, does not harm the skin of your hands, does not spoil the surface, and will make everything in your home shine. order two at once
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“hello, leonov, send reinforcements, gogol 15 pawnshop, that’s for sure, max, i ’ve seen this jacket and hated it for several years now, okay, let’s go.”
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yes, there’s a rat here, calm down, police, you’ve got him, you bitch, you snotty one! yes, this is not a stinking informer, this is a stinking cop, a strange
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story with this bear, well, he’s a dead man, it’s either good or nothing, let’s keep quiet, the nearest village, well, did you have a motive? alyoshenka, i don’t kill my friends, even if there is a motive, don’t you know about it. you don't have to go in a robe in front of strangers, thank you, should i take off my robe? yes, no, who then could have had this motive, well, rust, you know, no, it was just rubbing shoulders with mishka lately, they took a car together for a robbery, are you serious, uh-huh, but the sheath. you know, i don’t drink with sugar, oh, sorry, very tasty, no, thank you,
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just the way i like it, you know, when there is a motive, it seems to me that you can even shoot at an old friend, calm down, i’ll make you some new tea. well, i took max, in part, it was he who did it to you, i, other people, were retarded, made a mistake, they simply apologized for a long time, then, well, normal guys, that’s it, let’s go, calmly.
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i don't understand, are you jealous? i’m not, i’m just saying that strangers won’t spend the night in my house, that’s right, but where will he sleep, he has an ambush at home, that’s also logical, the ambush from his apartment has already been removed, i didn’t know, it’s cold outside, very cold.
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that we're sick home on glued here nearby, home, sweet home, and what is this, did you do it?
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what is this, this is all because of the egg, yes
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please, barrier, cover me, rusty, i ’m waiting for you below. and sorry, dude. rusty, rusty, yes, it’s time
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to write off this rubbish a long time ago, what rubbish, it’s a nickname, we need to break through the database. “i’m sorry if you spend the night again, beg, my answer is no, listen, do you remember that old joke, what joke, about the husband and lover in the closet? no, about the corpse in the closet, oh, i think his name was rusty, and you “ of course, it had nothing to do with it, no, i killed him, lyosha, he started it first, listen, don’t go anywhere, i’ll send a task force to you now.” with leonov, well, of course we’ll arrest you, a little, but it won’t hurt, at max’s a new corpse in the apartment, oh, i bet the nester will appear now, 3, 2, 1, tadam, laughing,
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freaks, goats, the water has been turned off at his house, but does max have water? i won’t let you into the bath, this is a crime scene, and you have no water, no electricity at home, laugh, laugh, yeah, you won’t be jealous when i take max, and how will you take him? i have a tukachok, so he told me that the dog hangs around leonidov’s house, you’re whipping him, he’s a woodpecker, lenka is hiding max, lenka and leonidov, that’s where i’ll cover him, well, you
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the main thing is to make sure that leonidov doesn’t cover you there, be jealous. what, okay, you are poking around here, but i ambushed a serial killer, you just come in from the leeward side, very funny, hello, yes, listen, max, the one you shot is alexander ivanovich matveev, nickname is rusty, and well, he worked as a security guard in an antique salon. yes, what’s most interesting is that he worked in six jewelry stores as security guards, he always had this rusty one and another figure, nicknamed mathematician, so it adds up, listen, max,
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forgive me for yesterday, okay, okay, i understand that you love her, that you are attached to her. you just understand, lesh, i will return you to your course, don’t worry, why do we need a bus, no one will look for the bus, i ’ll already die before returning to the zone, that’s my character, alexander nosik, i’ll do everything possible to to avoid the assault, there is already one plan, and i know what is happening on the bus now, vladimir residents, everyone is to blame for something, sergei ostakhov, i knew how to work, it just seemed to me that i could change something. you are to blame because from the very beginning, you don’t consider us as people, but we are the same people, so they took us to a gossip, but what do you think, they wanted to sort it out, oh, oh, let’s arrange a gossip, otherwise it’s somehow dishonest, gossip, today at 20: 00 on ntv,
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alex lyuty, the orphan case, premiere on monday at 20:00 on ntv. sber has increased deposit rates, now the best interest rate is 18% per annum only until june 30. hurry up to open a deposit brokerage account to receive three sber shares as a gift. deposit is the best interest. vacation is quite good. a yandex travel is also profitable. yandex travel - cashback up to 20% balni pluses for any hotel. rostik is a new soft ice cream with natural cherries, just what you need to cool down on a hot day. cool off with pleasure in rostix. on the one hand, this is an ozonbank card. which you can pay for anything and receive cashback, on the other hand, this is an ozonbank card with which you can pay for anything and receive
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just look at the camera, get cashback as with a regular payment, pay with your smile with sberpay, are you disgracing yourself, shalyapin, volochko, who else, mukhtar or what? ? yes, zamat, then mukhtar, come urgently, grab your brilliant dog, huh. the star is returning. mukhtar, something interesting? the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead, look for mukhtar. tomorrow at 8:25 on ntv. and you have good taste, you like postmodernism, this somehow reminded me, i have
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exactly the same postmodernism at home now, the price of this painting is only 280,000 euros, with insurance, well , yes, i understand, just, you want to buy, i’m more of a miniaturist , i wish i had more eggs? “ unfortunately, we don’t have those anymore, we’ve run out, seriously, if i find you, and it’s not by chance that the entire city police are looking for you as a dangerous criminal, how does everyone know that i’m are they looking for?"
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from an idiot, a moron, wow, well, that's it, you shot back, but no, like a wasp, no, you shot back, i thought, well done, what a good guy, well wait, i'll reload again, you don't have time...
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or something posted ? good morning, i think the price of the paintings has fallen now, god, what have you done here, and this, this is all him, and who actually said that your security guard, this is the first time i’ve seen him, seriously, a bandit, probably yes, let's do this, i 'll go get the police, and while you watch him, yes, yes, that's good, ah-ah-ah-ah, how
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bad, you watched the movie with everyone, old? trick, and you won’t prove anything, well, this time you didn’t have time to close the cameras, and cinema is the most important of the arts, and even more so for the court, lilons, that’s it, don’t call me again, i’m in ambush, in what warehouse, in which warehouse? in ambush, fool, listen, well, you can speak normally, why are you mumbling, the connection here is bad, i’ll call you when i need to come and document that lenko and leonidov are covering for the dangerous criminal max, gnezdilov, you’re acting like an idiot now, you i don't think it's my official duty, but i'm not an idiot leonov, i'm a hero, i'm sitting in
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ambush and catching criminals, in ambush, the dog is on... what the dog has, that's right, a good idea, she has water, get ready to be jealous, that's right, first a shower, and then a feat, let's play a game, in front of you is the world's first hairy puddle detector, if you suddenly tell me a lie, then it bites off a small piece from you and... so question number one, so deftly shot wherever necessary, conclusion there are no podalniks here, that’s right, yeah, it’s logical that the egg is somewhere in the safe, question number two, where is the safe, i don’t know, take a call at the berge, the safe is behind the painting, there’s the remote control,
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ew, creature, this spectacular question number three is the code for the safe 13:13 ew! 13, 13, unexpectedly, 13, thanks for playing. sold the egg
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to abergey, then took it back, the client received insurance, six months later he repeated it again, if your bear had not bred. mishka is generally a great guy, he once robbed me when he was saving up for a car, he stole an egg and wanted to dump it behind the border and hide the egg with you, i thought they would never look there, that’s right, they wouldn’t have looked there if it had been there they didn’t kill you, by the way, but the version that the fauberge egg hidden in your apartment was first pointed out by gnezdilov with his finger in the sky, and by the way, i don’t know where he is. maybe someone guessed to take the dry cleaning?
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there is some strange smell, we have someone, who? i don’t know, if it’s him again, i ’ll shoot him, lyosha, quietly. gnezdelov, well, has he finally found my
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lover? you'll have to try really hard to explain what you're doing here, naked! max, i’m waiting, why, so that i can arrest you all? your whole gang, while leonida is in shock, you have a chance to leave, damn, everything is out of your reach damn dog, hey, lover, thank you, lenko, man,
12:00 pm
what a brute, happy, long time no see, freaks, get out of here. and he says, if it were so easy to deceive me, then i would not be engaged in cashing, but would be breeding roses, but for now we have deceived him, well, yes, pike, more such clients, i would hang out here every week, yes you and so here... you hang around for weeks, yurchik, organize some vodka for us, yes, come on, come on, you have a good restaurant pike, you have waitresses.


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