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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 13, 2024 1:00pm-1:25pm MSK

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quickly and imperceptibly, how kuzbass intelligence officers operate in the southern donetsk direction, vague prospects, how did the berlin conference on ukraine end? the moscow exchange stopped currency trading after american sanctions. we'll tell you where this will lead in business news. in a hot air balloon, fyodor konyukhov is preparing for new world records. about the main thing for this minute in the studio ilya khadorovtsev. hello. russian artillery hit equipment, strongholds and infantry of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​​​the city of chasafar in the dpr. successful promotion ours. behind the front line to obtain
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the necessary information about the location of the enemy. evgeny golovanov met with representatives of one of the most difficult military specialties. the first rule of a scout is to move covertly. the main ally of the greenery, or as they say here, the greenery, going out on reconnaissance in the bare forest in winter is much more dangerous. yes, that's what the shelves are.
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on these first three squares, the first three squares, i accepted, we need to check them, everything works, i went, carefully, we found the target, we immediately report on the radio station, well it takes 2-3 minutes there, load something, aim and open fire, the first is sighting, then you can correct it, the second already, the third, they are already hitting the bull's eye, with the advent of drones, scouts no longer need to go behind the front line, there is less risk, but if they are identified, then they fall on their heads. the whole arsenal, once the group got into such a mess. i was at an observation post and there was shelling with sixty-caliber mortars of polish origin, there were a total of arrivals, i was hit by two shrapnel and was concussed, after so they sent me to the hospital, i underwent treatment there, and then i came back here. in this unit there are mainly volunteers from kusbas; today, having just returned from combat, the scouts greet guests from siberia and fellow countrymen with humanitarian aid. finally we got to you. nice, we really wanted
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to come to you, we brought you a car, i think it will serve you faithfully, this uaz is popular among the common people. bukhanka drove almost half of the country, about 500 km from kusbass to donbass and brought it here closer to the front line, especially for intelligence units all take the most necessary things, camouflage nets, medicines, food, with all your heart, this humanitarian aid was collected not only.
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mission: we help as much as we can in the rear. this is not the first car that a siberian businessman, having driven under his own power to the donbass, is handed over to soldiers participating in a special operation. this was decided at the family council. now this loaf will travel along military roads. the scouts intend to use it to evacuate the wounded from the front line. evgeny golovanov and andrey tkachenko, ntv, south donetsk direction, special military operation. today there is no trading in dollars or
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dollars and euros on the moscow exchange; these are the consequences of new sanctions, which the american ministry of finance announced yesterday. the russian central bank reports that transactions with dollars and euros will continue to be made on the over-the-counter market. this is when the banks. other participants in the foreign exchange market agree on transactions directly among themselves, without intermediaries in the form of an exchange, although one must understand that the over-the-counter market is still not trays near the metro, for example, the moscow exchange has its own over-the-counter platform. i will add that the exchange rates that you now see at the bottom of the screen are the official rates from the central bank, set on june 11. in december last year, the head of the central bank, elvira nabeulina, said that in the total volume of foreign exchange trading in russia, 53% falls on the over-the-counter market, due to the cessation of trading in dollars.
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official dollar and euro exchange rates will now be set based on bank statements and information from those same over-the-counter trading, and the central bank also considered it necessary to inform the company and... they can continue to buy and sell dollars and euros through russian banks, all funds in dollar and euro deposit accounts of citizens and companies remain safe? for ordinary clients - individuals and legal entities , by and large, nothing has changed, and you and i already carried out these operations mainly not directly through the exchange, but carried them out through our banks that serve us, and nothing has changed here, that is only with the caveat that it has been like this since the twenty-second. years, there are already significant restrictions, for example, for individuals on transactions with dollars and euros, including with cash, so here it ’s the same - everything was the same smooth regime and preserved. some banks took advantage of the news background and sharply raised the exchange rates of the dollar and euro, for example, some began offering the dollar for 120 rubles. but
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still, in most banks, according to the bankiru website, the dollar exchange rate is now in the range of 90-97. but the central bank and other experts remind that. exchange rates are fundamentally determined not by the presence of exchange trading, but by how much currency will come into the country from exports and what demand will be from importers' side? in general, the exchange rate of the ruble in the russian economy, including the circulation of the dollar and the euro, is a question for our foreign trade operations, these specific sanctions remind us that foreign trade operations for russia have been a story since 2020, not so simple in calculations, but nevertheless they are directly these latest sanctions. what will change dramatically for the population is that the difference between the selling and purchasing rates
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of dollars and euros in banks will most likely increase compared to the period when was before the introduction of those restrictions, shares of the moscow exchange after. news about american sanctions fell by 16% during trading today, but in these minutes they were able to reduce losses to about 5.5%. the shares of navatek, which is also affected by the new american sanctions, are now trying to recover. at this moment, gas companies are also losing approximately 3.5%. yes, in general, the russian stock market is looking down at these minutes, but this initial impulsive reaction of the market is already subsiding. ilya. everything in economics. thank you, denis talalaev, with an economic review. nato secretary general jens stoltenberg said that nato does not consider the use of western weapons on russian territory to be an escalation of the conflict. the day before, the alliance announced that it would coordinate arms supplies to the kiev
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regime and intends to send new weapons, almost on an ongoing basis. according to stoltenberg, this will make supply more reliable on a larger scale. he also recalled how the states coordinated additionally for six months. $50 billion by the end of this year. u the european union does not have such money, but the financial times wrote that biden pushed the europeans, convincing them that the money should be given in the form of a loan secured by frozen russian assets and income from their use. the decision should be announced following
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the meeting of seven. most of the leaders in italy came from germany. a two-day conference on the restoration of ukraine ended in berlin the day before. its results, as well as what is hidden.
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with how much we will have to spend if ukraine loses. during the cold war we had to spend 5% of gdp on defense alone, so spending this money now will save us in the future. the head of the british foreign office in his statement also expressed hope that the g7 countries will decide this week on how to use profits from russian frozen assets.
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mikhail mishustin today held a meeting with the head of russian railways, oleg belozyurov, to discuss, in particular, the company’s work on developing passenger transportation, including in the summer, as well as the introduction of new services. in the summer, the most popular route is yuga, and of course, people travel; for them , both the price of tickets and the ability to safely get to their vacation spot in comfort are very important. destinations such as crimea, of course, sochi, and all directions, southern, they are very popular.
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the first is how the company is preparing for the summer season, but it has already practically begun, the second is how to get through it without failures and what about the prices. mikhail ivanevich, for us this is a separate special stage, every year, to which we pay special attention, first all in all, this is just an opportunity. purchase a ticket and here we have very positive indicators, almost 80% of tickets are sold electronically, according to the overall assessment, current passenger satisfaction is 81%, we are trying to increase this percentage by taking certain actions to improve interaction with passengers, for more than 20 million, as oleg belozerov noted, an electronic waiting list has already been developed. can sign up if there is no ticket now, the service will be launched before the end of june, according to the head of russian railways, this season for communication with
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resorts of the black sea coast, an additional 95 steam trains were assigned. in st. petersburg, preparations have begun for new expeditions of fyodor konyukhov, engineers from the school of the polytechnic university are improving the equipment with which the famous traveler is going to set two records. what kind of flights these will be and how they contribute to solving problems in the field of import substitution, nakhit babaev knows. fedor konikhov is preparing for new travels, and at the same time for new records: the first flight to the north pole. the expedition starts in murmonsk in early july. icebreaker 50 years of victory will bring.
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it turned out that the design had flaws, it was necessary to improve the flight range, lighten the design and at least slightly increase comfort, otherwise my feet would get cold. the traveler turned to the engineers of the st. petersburg polytechnic university. we integrated two 75 liter tanks into the design, which allowed us to significantly increase the flight range. and also, thanks to optimization, we have improved the aerodynamic quality. the carbon fiber plastic that the engineers used allowed them to reduce the weight of the fairing structure to 25 kg. at the same time, safety indicators have improved.
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the design is designed to ensure that in the event of an emergency or rough landing on ice, our entire structure can withstand. the impact and , accordingly, the span remains intact. the design was upgraded by the advanced engineering school of peter the great polytechnic university. how does pish differ from an ordinary department at a university, in that they take on solving unique problems, essentially creating technology from scratch, and what does fyodor konikhov’s flight have to do with it, how will he help? to solve these problems, we use to create products and technologies that are applicable to the mass sector, this, for example, can be called the automotive industry.
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without landing, the distance is almost 5.00 km. the main criterion that we were guided by is that we will have two pilots flying here, respectively, and they should be comfortable with each other throughout the entire flight, they should not interfere with each other, and at the same time they should be able to safely to land. fyodor kunikhov himself repeatedly came to the polytechnic to test the aircraft. let's let's estimate your hand, please place it in a way that is comfortable for you on the table, like this. that’s how everything is accepted, everything is thought out inside, from oxygen cylinders to toilets, that’s right, yes, that’s right, fyodor konekhov plans to go on a trip in a large hot air balloon next year, such inventions help solve several problems at once. the first task that we solve is what we call the first leap of the frog of import substitution, because well, we must jump to
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a level that corresponds to the world level. second frog jump is... and opened fire, it is already known that this is andrei dymovskikh, in 2013 he was convicted, immediately after wounding a woman, he disappeared and walked to kazelsk, this city is a little further in the kaluga region, all night , they managed to detain him there, what happened to the victim, what
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crimes the man committed in the past and what punishment awaits him for this attack, look in our episode, natalera, thank you, this is not only in the emergency program after a short pause. that's all for now, go to, see you. invite a friend to get a black debit card from tank before june 30, you will receive 1,500 rubles. and a friend is 500 rubles. so, which of my friends is still in the oil bank? and petya avtobank invited me. of course, mom. until the return does us part, hello, take it away, yes, tell me, the most important thing, yes, in the summer there is a discount on sale even on wildberries,
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you can pay for anything and receive on the one hand this is an ozone bank card, which has cashback, on the other hand, this is an azonbank card , with which you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble, you so multifaceted, millions of people are just like me. to ozone for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any purchases with an ozonbank card. i'm going for a walk in 2024. why do you always fly into the past? for my combo, the star combo of dasha vereshchagina for 355 rubles. and this will continue for a long time until june 16. to a delicious point. you don't eat mayonnaise, do you? now i'm eating.
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if you are, be the first, the first, whoever you are. gdr fuel unlocks the potential of the engine and those who strive to be first. tested under final conditions. gdr, be it first. say yes to summer discounts on wildbries. shine in any environment. comprehensive care, shampoos, masks, balms. everything for the shine of your hair with discounts at valtberes. our new name is t-bank. dad,
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thank you for inviting me, and i want to invite you too, to get a black card from t-bank. i will receive 1,500 rubles. and you are 500. daughter, you are a genius! invite a friend to get a black debit card from t-bank before june 30 and receive 1,500 rubles. and the friend will receive 500 rubles. and avtobank invited me to sing, of course, t-bank’s mother, he’s like that one, on ntv, an emergency program in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live, hello. the man who started shooting near the optina monastery, pustyn, tried to rob a pilgrim, has been detained. andrey. dymovsky came out of the forest with a machine gun, and after he failed to complete what he started, he ran away all night, he was moving towards kozelskaya, this is 13 km from the crime scene,
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a woman who was wounded by an employee of an art school, and her offender, as it turned out that he had a criminal record and was even in federal wanted list. diana kovando has all the details: evening in the vicinity of the optina pustyn at half past eight , video recording, a woman, judging by the pilgrim’s scarf, is making gestures... call the security, put her in jail, jail her, judging by...


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