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tv   DNK  NTV  June 13, 2024 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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appropriate guardianship will make such a decision, and those grandchildren who are now under the guardianship of strangers, the grandmother will be able to take them for herself; she will be able to claim them, because the status of the children is very important here, if they are under guardianship - this is one story, if they are adopted , then there are secret adoptions, and here, in fact , there will be nothing to rewind back, but you know what the status of these children is, now i don’t know, they don’t tell me anything, ivan, but how can tamara get an answer, but she needs to send an official one.
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oksana, at the end of our program, do you want to say some words to your children, children, i love you very much, sincerely, i want you all to unite, to be together, i love you very much, it’s hard for me without you, oksana, you you can promise that you will never let your children down again, yes, i promise, i totally do.
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i’ll help you too, i’ll do everything for you, everything will be fine, remember that with any problem you can turn to our program for help, we will continue on monday, a new dna test right now. resident of the sverdlovsk region i learned that i grew up in a foster family and that my biological mother abandoned her. for the test. dna natalia yakucene contacted us.
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hello, natalya! hello! how did you find out that you are not part of your family? the first time i was 10 years old, my friend and i were walking, we were friends, she supposedly was from her grandmother, her grandmother worked as a nurse in a hospital, supposedly her grandmother learned this from my grandmother, and we were just friends. and she tells me that natasha, there is a conversation with you, and she tells me about this that you seem to be, well, okay, well of course i reacted like that, didn’t attach any importance to it, it wasn’t even offensive, i say, it’s all gossip, they didn’t go to your parents with questions, no, that is, there weren’t any questions to your parents at all when you talked to your parents, before your eighteenth birthday, it turns out that i went in for sports and studied at the olympic reserve school in the city of yekaterinburg. and there
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were photographs hanging on my wall, it turns out, moms and dads, well, adopted parents, so the girls ask me, something doesn’t look like either mom or dad, you yourself noticed dissimilarity with parents? well, i noticed that , let’s say my brother, i have a copy of my dad, well, i was always told since childhood that you look like your grandmother, but in some ways there really is a resemblance to your grandmother. she, too, is so light-haired, light-eyed, as if there was something like that, she already inspired herself, then at the age of 18, when you saw your difference from your parents, which your friends pointed out, you already had more questions, more questions appeared. questions, yes, you started asking them, not right away to your parents, the first time i asked my grandmother, why exactly with her, and not with her parents, because somehow i spent more time with her, that is, for the summer, that is, before...
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they sent me while i was alone with my grandmother in ulyanovsk, that is, it’s like that there well, i’ve been with her all this whole summer, and apparently against this background such a more trusting relationship has developed, i... called and said, well, tell me the truth, am i related to mom and dad or not, she was so silent, and at this moment i’m wondering that she’ll probably say something now, and she tells me, not the mother who gave birth, but the one who raised her, well it’s as if i already understood everything, this was the answer to your question, well, yes, everything became clear, after that they didn’t go to my parents, i called because i was far away in yekaterinburg, then, in my opinion, the collection went somewhere.
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it all somehow calmed down a little and i arrived home more calm, that is , ready to talk, we sat down at the table, talked, she told me everything, how it was there, well, from my side, as it were, well, i already perceived how i wish i could, well, educate you, thank you, how would natalya, your parents tell you... where did they take you from? yes, they took me away from malyutka’s house in the city of sirov in the sreddlovsk region, i was born in the city of nizhnyaya tura, i was 8 months old at the time of adoption, you had a waiver, yes, at the time your daughter had a waiver, you knew
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what was written there, mom knows how exactly what was written there, i just know, the only thing they didn’t change for me, well, judging by the refusal form, that’s what it looks like. that my date of birth remained september 1 , 1991, and everything else was changed for me, that is , my last name, first name, patronymic was changed, but what was my original name? the name was daria, zerova daria vladimirovna, birth, my data, do you have any data about the biological family? data, well, i seem to have a specific document, that is, when i received it, it was indicated to me who the refusenik was, the mother of the refusenik. her last name, first name, patronymic is written, it turns out, zerova natalya aleksandrovna, there was some other information about her, well, they said that i was not the first child in the family, that’s all, but there were many children in general, i don’t know, they said that i was not the first . natalya, well, how would you prefer to know this truth, here
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everything as it is at the moment, or not knowing her at all, considering myself the natural daughter of my parents, well, my attitude towards my mother has not changed, that is, when we had this conversation... i say, well, it hasn’t changed anything , you, that is, for me, a dear person, you are like my mother, you are not going anywhere, you will never go into the background, you are my only one, you are my dear, how would it be, so that she doesn’t worry there, and anyway , i still want to know, i think every person should know the truth, with your brother what kind of relationship, well, i loved him very much and still love him to this day, i have always been responsible for two, i am older, that is , if he cheats on something, then from me then... there was already a demand, he is also not my own, no, he’s my own, after all, that is, well, as i already know now, that is, i was taken from an orphanage, and after 4 years i had a brother, that is, my mother was able to give birth to my brother at the age of 36, and the attitude towards you did not change after the birth of your brother, the attitude
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towards me did not change, but i am like a mother now too i see how my children communicate with each other, that is, of course there was jealousy, a small child takes up more attention and of course they were jealous from there. you love him more, as it were, but over time you have already matured, so i understand why it was all like this, your brother knows that you are his adopted sister, and when he found out about this, in principle the reaction was very surprisingly adequate, that is, he found out about it by chance, we were sitting with my mother after all this, that after the conversation we already knew everything, we were also sitting something we were drinking tea, we remembered some moment, well , we raised this topic again, but in such a... good subtext there, and he apparently somehow fell under this conversation, and why are you here, well, we ’re all kind of to him they told me, i had to tell you, i had to tell you, but he says: you are the only one i have, you are my family, that is, i have you, well, you have no relatives, what do you think about your foster family, are you lucky? yes,
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as a family we lived in our own house, we were always tamed to the garden, there from childhood, that is, we were taught to weed grass, plant something, go for water. well, some little things, like how to cook basic things for a girl , scrambled eggs, an omelet, pasta, for example, such things around the house, but they gave us gifts, so that we were somehow not deprived. that is, at that time it was always difficult, but our mother worked in a store, that is, she always seemed to bring us goodies home, at that time we were still given more significant gifts, such as birthdays, new years. did your parents support your childhood aspirations and desires? yes, all my endeavors both my mother and father supported me, since childhood i had a craving for sports, i went in for sports, cross-country skiing, i am a candidate for master of sports in skiing. racing, i have awards there, and your mom and dad, do they now support your desire to find
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your biological relatives? well, our dad died a long time ago in the eleventh year, and my mother supports me, she says, well, now we both have a normal attitude towards this topic, well , she says, why not, find it, maybe you have brothers and sisters there, that’s interesting , and i’m also wondering who my character is, who i’m like similar, that is, their own genetics, every person , well, interesting, that is, if i have a brother... he looks like a copy of my dad, and some character traits, i see in him, i also wonder who i look like , if this woman who gave you life, who gave birth to you, was in front of you, what would you say to her, well, i’m interested in knowing all these moments, that is, even if, as they say, i’m not the first child there family, that is, you gave one of the children the right to exist in their native family, and calling me like that, you just throw it out later, which means you still have a grudge, you have a grudge for... i have no excuse for this, i’m also a mother, and i can’t imagine how i could from my child so easy to take and refuse. mom tells me: well
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, maybe there really was some good reason, so i want to hear it, find out. natalya, your mother is worried that you did n’t learn the truth from her. in the studio nina baklanova. hello, nina, please come in. hello. why didn't you tell me yourself? daughter the truth? i looked at her reaction when they showed programs on television where they were looking for people, they found them, so i told them, i told her everything, just imagine, suddenly your mother is found, like you imagine like that, reaction, negative to say - this is nothing to say, but in general natalya was not surprised why some mother should find me, no, well, we just talked like that, so i... let’s say i asked her and asked my son, he’s okay, i’ll find him, there will be,
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there will be, he is so loyal to this, and natalya is in denial, that is, you were so tested by asking testing questions, but you realized that natalya was not ready, and i did it more than once, several times, but i couldn’t imagine it, for me it’s beyond the bounds , just like some kind of movie - well, how am i, why are you asking me such a comparison, i have you, right? what does it mean , imagine, i think, well, she’ll grow up completely, or she’ll get married, i ’ll tell her before marriage, the moment has come when natalya came to you with questions, yes, she i arrived, well, and we already talked about everything, i told her everything from beginning to end, well, she understood, nina, tell me how you became natalia’s mother, got married
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so that she didn’t know anything, and your first meeting remember with the girl? yes, we came to the orphanage, of course they brought out children, three boys, well, i immediately, no, they say, maybe you will like boys, i say, no, no, there are girls there, we just came for the girl, but there was only one girl, eight months old, small, here
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it says, go, go outside, she is sleeping in the stroller, so we approached this stroller, looked, she is so white, light, blue eyes, well, ours, she is a healthy girl, physically she was healthy, but it was just may 1st she was 8 months old, we took her home for the holidays, and our grandmother, my mother, came to the holiday, unexpectedly, out of the blue, so they started bathing her, undressing her, as if they had stripped her , my grandmother, my mother... when she saw her, says: lord, what a miracle, take her back, she was all covered in scabs, we are not warned. natalya, the grandmother who loved you, cared for you, cherished you, immediately said that take her back, well, she was scared, something needs to be treated, especially in those days all sorts of diseases, also there was a minimum of medicines, it’s scary so,
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i was looking for a row in the fields, i bathed her in the row, brewed a row and bathed her every day. i cured her in 8 months anyway, nina, why did you decide to change your daughter’s data, the data that changed her name, because our grandmother said so, she lived in novoulyanovsk, and her neighbors kept pestering her about where her daughter lives, that her daughter doesn’t come, how many children her daughter has, she says, yes , she has a daughter, her name is natasha, well, that’s what they called her. nina, now, how do you feel about the fact that natalya wants to find her biological family? well, it seems to me that there are relatives anyway, relatives should know, they should know where they come from. and you admit that natalia’s biological relatives may turn out to be dysfunctional people, who knows, everyone has their own destiny, because you can’t look in,
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you don’t choose your relatives, so to speak, i want to meet you, anyway, nina, let’s summarize what is currently known about your daughter’s biological family? well, i have very little information, only that her mother’s name was natalya aleksandrovna zerova, and that she had many children, and lived in well, she lived in tura, nizhnyaya tura, a city also in the sverdlovsk region, in the ninth grade she found out that it was not her own daughter, that her adoptive parents... took her from a village in the nizhneturinsky urban district of the sverdlovsk region, from a woman whose last name was either zerovaya or zernova. in a studio natalya rybenko. hello, hello,
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i understand that until the ninth grade you lived in complete ignorance about your adoption. yes, of course, i... was a spoiled child, as if i had a happy childhood and i didn’t even imagine it, because everything i wanted, as if i got it. tell me, natalya, what happened in ninth grade? at first, i was 14 years old, i had to change my passport, at first i found documents that everyone had different last names, well, i didn’t seem to attach any importance to this, and then before the new year... we quarreled with our parents, and my parents told me that i should be very grateful that they took me in, got me out of such problems, at first i thought that maybe they were joking, but then yes , indeed, we sat down with my parents and talked about what they told me, yes , indeed, that i was taken from a woman from
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someone else’s family, as it were, not from an orphanage, yes, because from that woman... who took me, as if i i found out later that it was as if she had simply given everything to her children. and your parents went to see this woman? yes, mine my parents went there to this village and took me from there. did she have many children at all? well, i don’t know how my parents would tell me that a lot, a lot is how much, i kind of don’t know, but i heard that there was a brother vasily, or something, his name was, i don’t seem to know anything more about it . where from? do you know that there is a brother vasily? my parents told me this, my mother went there to this village from , as it were, and saw her, so she said that there was a boy...
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natalya, she grew up in a foster family and your mother-in-law also turned to us for help, too is looking for her large biological family from the nizhneturinsky urban district of the sverdlovsk region, wow, before her adoption she bore the surname of her biological mother zerovo, uh-huh, natalya is in this studio, that ’s good, take a closer look, maybe it’s... does the girl look like you in some way? this means, probably this, is this really natalya? so, yes, it seems. natalya, what do you say?
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would you pay attention to natalia? let's say we meet just like that on the street? no, there are probably a lot of similar traits of people. here now, when you look at her carefully, well , maybe something is a face, something is similar, the shape of the face, maybe ears, something is similar, similar. in my opinion, even the look and even the nose, in my opinion, are the same. natalya, tell us what is happening in your life now, how do you live? i started swimming in the fourth grade, then i started doing athletics and sports there, because of this i entered the university of physical culture of sports, and she also went to this one, at the olympic reserve school arrived, this. family, probably, it still works out, now i’m not doing anything, like raising three children, trying to direct them somewhere into sports, so that they
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too are busy. well natalya, and you tell me what’s going on in your life now, well, i also have two children, i’m on the third now, my eldest daughter is 10 years old, my maximka is 3 years old, well, angelina is more of a creative girl, although i pushed into sports, but she doesn’t want to, she’s more with us... she loves drawing, draws, dances, that’s it, yes, maximko loves football, already at the age of 3, he has an addiction, but since our dad loves to play hockey, that is, we plan for him to play hockey later, and you, too , take the sports education of children seriously , like foster mother natalya rybenko learned about a woman who gives away her children to everyone, and how many children of the same mother will be able to hug each other after the dna test result is announced. we will continue our investigation immediately after.
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800 100 exactly 1985 find out more about the japanese product brainterapiastar finale on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. they sentenced hundreds of people to death. this is mankiewicz, his punitive detachment operated in the vicinity in 1941. and 35 years later, someone... opened a hunt for them, we have two strange suicides, a suspicious taxi driver who has not yet been found, now the state security investigator, i don’t believe in such coincidences, according to your intuition, i know, good, work, you have to find not only the former punishers, do you think that this executioner is me, but also their executioner, tell me everything, and maybe i will still have time, but help,
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help, the criminal is very dangerous, possibly armed, hands, alex is fierce, the case of the orphans, premiere from monday at 20:00 on ntv. in the studio of the program, the dna of the alleged daughter of the same mother, who were raised in different cities, in different foster families. in ninth grade. natalya rybenko found out that her adopted from the family of a woman named zerovaya or zernovaya, who lived in the nizhneturinsky urban district. her mother-in-law and alleged sister natalya yakutsenya also comes from there. before she went into foster care, she went by her birth mother's last name, zerova. my family supports me in my search. at first, of course, it was all so funny, because no one believed that it would really
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go that far. and when... what else does a woman need to be happy, says natalya, she lives in the city of sirov sverdlovsk region, together with her husband and two children. i am depriving my mother, my mother is beautiful, my mother has blue eyes and glashiki. i love to draw and dance. a caring mother and wife love to please their household with delicious breakfasts. my kids love pancakes very much, i always make them on weekends. yours or pancakes, we get together, drink tea, in between household chores the woman tries to take time for herself, i don’t use cosmetics, i mainly use only cream to moisturize my face, such a charm, and so
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beautiful, natalya met her husband thanks to their common passion for sports, she won all these medals at competitions in cross-country skiing and athletics, participated in... skiing was instilled in natalia by her adoptive mother, who herself was involved in this sport in her youth, now nina veniaminovna is retired and often comes to visit to my daughter to spend time with those closest to me. looking at her grandchildren, the woman remembers how mischievous her daughter was in childhood. loved to play, my doll was bought before her, probably, i don’t know, about 10 years ago, and her name was, her name was natasha, because of this we called her
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natasha, she was almost as tall as her, she was so beautiful with hair, and her nails were painted, she loved her everything, she would take her by the hand and pull and pull her, but only with her... natalya rybenko lives in the city of belovo, kemerovo region, next door to her adoptive mother, like the other natalya, she is actively involved in sports, i started swimming from early childhood, i really liked it, later i started doing athletics, and i really liked stretching on parallel bars, but in general i recommend it to all amateurs go for a morning jog in the morning so that you immediately have energy in the morning, and a good mood. natalya’s apartment is undergoing renovations, so she and her children moved in with her mother for a while. tatyana nikolaevna is only glad to have such a neighborhood. over a cup of tea, she shows her grandchildren photographs and talks about what her daughter was like as a child. since
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childhood, natasha loved to dress up, she put on all sorts of hats, she liked dresses, she could even put my belt on and walk around. not to spend time with my children, in my childhood, when i was little, it was also like i loved coloring, so i bought a set of gel pens with my daughter, sometimes i sit with her, draw all sorts of coloring books, help
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her, and it’s interesting, just like in childhood. natalya, you must admit, an impressive number of medals, you also have something to brag about, i... did you have the feeling that you were watching a story about the life of your own sister? well, the resemblance is so funny, i love dressing up there, we also loved to wear my mother’s hats, there could be something else, well, basically similar and
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a hobby, of course, i’m not in the mood for it now jogging, but also, as it were , i am involved in sports until the very end, i support them, also at the plant we compete everywhere, as if in competitions in youth organizations, everywhere and everyone is active. well, she's the same. natalya, tell natalya everything you know about your biological family? well, i also know a little that there are a lot of children, as it were. i know what my name was at birth, i was zerova daria vladimirovna, my adoptive mother’s name was already changed and it turns out it’s her, that is, zerova natalya aleksandrovna, they changed your data, yes, i was lena, but i don’t know the last name with a last name, i just know that they called me elena, my parents changed my date of birth, i don’t even know, natalya, let’s ask your mother about the woman who voluntarily distributes. their children to everyone. in the studio tatyana stein.
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hello tatiana. hello. tatyana, your daughter said that she didn’t even realize that she wasn’t her own. what kind of quarrel happened between you? well, one day, she either asked to go out somewhere late or something like that. i told her no. well, it's already late, that's it. and we had a fight. she's still not me i mean, i’ll listen to things like that, i say, why won’t you if you’re not my own, you still have to obey, it came out of your mouth, you regretted it later, you regretted it, of course, that if there had been no quarrel, natalya would never have i didn’t find out that she wasn’t my own, no, i wanted it, but later, so that she would become more mature, so that it wouldn’t happen like that, tell me how you found a woman who...
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raised her, so she decided it was better to give it away, well,
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my husband and i again consulted, consulted and decided that we would try to go and see, in general, to which woman we went, so that she would escort us there to this village, we drove halfway through the village or whatever it’s called, and they saw that a woman was walking with a stroller, but do you remember the name of this village? there was a table, i
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didn’t even see a refrigerator or a crib, and toma said, let’s get ready, let’s go together, well, to the lower round to register the child, that is, you told that woman to get ready and go with you, together with the girl, yes, and the boy, because she had no one to leave with, this boy was how old then, well, about four or five years, probably for... the way he behaved, he just wasn’t accustomed to anything on his own, while we were standing and talking, she started crying, natasha, she took a pacifier out of the stroller, there with milk, maybe with food, with some kind of food, and gave it to her, and he snatched it all and drank it instantly, natasha got nothing, that is, we can say that the children were starving, probably, but you didn’t have the desire? i wanted to take my children, we asked her, but she said,
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my husband told me, give at least 10 people, girls, but don't give away the boy. tatyana, your daughter natalya wants to introduce you to someone, my sister, presumably, it seems, no, well, it seems to me, it looks like the shape of the eyes, and the lower part of the face, how can i say, seeing it for the first time, it’s still difficult to determine by appearance you could be wrong, but in general it looks like if you saw natalya on the street, you would pay attention, well, they say, it looks like your... daughter, well, you would guess, of course, or maybe she looks like the woman from whom you took the child, and i i don’t remember the woman, i have this image, now washed away for some reason, tatyana, well, you took your natasha, how much her health was undermined by such a lack of maternal care, well , when we arrived, they turned her around, she seemed
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to be almost 2 months old, on her first birthday, but she didn’t look like 2 months, she had a husband, well, he wasn’t listed on her certificate, but she explained that she had a husband, her certificate said lena malygina, july 1, 1990, and we arrived at the end of august, so when they started signing her up,
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change this birth certificate, we wrote... the day when we registered her, that is, we adopted her on august 29 , 1990, and changed her first name , patronymic, and last name, naturally they gave her our own, yes, they told you how many children that woman gave away, i don’t even know , you said that you saw a boy of 4-5 years old, yes, but how old should this boy be now, well... years old, probably, if four, five, then 37, 38. after the advertisement, the supposed sisters will meet with the official son natalya zerovoy, but will he turn out to be their brother? the answer is in the envelope with the dna test result. see you in a few minutes.
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just seemed to me that i could change something, you are to blame because from the very beginning. you don’t consider people, but we are the same people, they took us to a gossip, but what do you think, they wanted to sort it out, oh, oh, let’s arrange a gossip, it’s somehow dishonest, gossip, today at 20:00 on ntv. via superstar, final on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get a supercake up to 100% every month, and up to 30% in categories guaranteed, if you don’t have a card, order a free alpha debit card, it’s not just profitable, alpha
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she thought why they left me, that i did such a thing that she was left alone, but all her life she dreams of finding her own mother, i want my mother to see my daughter, that i could, that i didn’t... this is the dna program. two adoptive mothers want to know if they really adopted blood sisters. atalia. he, like you, was looking for
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his biological relatives from the nizhneturinsky urban district of the sverdlovsk region. his mother's name is natalya aleksandrovna zderova. in the studio vasily malybin. hello, vasily. hello. where did you come to us from? sverlovsk region, zarechny city, you are there were they born? no, i was born in the village, the city of niras, verlovsk region. how did it happen that you have to look for your relatives? well, it’s like, i was brought up with my grandparents, i understood that they were somewhere, they were still close. but how did you get to your grandparents? well, grandparents, it’s like... my father’s own parents after his funeral, they took me, as it were, to their place of remembrance, after my father’s funeral, after the funeral, yes, this is
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the very first memory, and what do you remember about your mother, unfortunately, i don’t remember anything about my mother, but father, and my father, unfortunately, i don’t really remember either, because he was quite young, and naturally there, well, after the funeral somehow, that is, you were given birth to immediately by your grandparents, well, almost yes, but how do you deal with them life, well, life was quite good with them, as if grandfather taught plumbing, some kind of carpentry there, grandmother taught there to eat, cook, well, take care of yourself, as if in general how difficult it was for you to raise you, well, yes, of course, because that older people and i’m like, well, a teenage child , it’s quite hard, i ended up in an orphanage, well, orphanage, i graduated from school, as it were, naturally, that is, you got into it from your grandfather and grandmother, yes, well, it was like a mutual agreement, that is, we kind of talked, i realized that it was hard for them, quite hard, and we sort of came to the decision that i would be better off in an orphanage, and how old were you, well, at about 11 years old i
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ended up in an orphanage, was brought up in an orphanage, and as if after the orphanage i came to the apartment where i lived, so let's say, throughout my childhood, where i was raised with my grandparents, she opened an apartment for me, as it were girl, she introduced herself to me there as some kind of half-sister, she told me, as it were, that the grandmother was no longer there, that the grandmother had... and , as it were, an apartment in which she lived, lived, she said that, as it were, the apartment belongs to her, and as if i had nothing to do with this, after some time i was not on the right path, so to speak, i became, i ended up in prison, now everything is good in your life, now everything is good in my life, i have a wife, a family, children, vasily, you said that you knew that you had i have relatives, yes, according to what my grandparents said, i heard uh... that i seem to have brothers there, well, i think i was not the first child and not the last, as if my grandparents told me that i’m the youngest, well
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, at the time when i was raised with my grandmother, when did you decide to find yours? relatives, well, in fact, this decision came quite a long time ago, unfortunately, my search, well, wasn’t particularly successful, it turns out that my wife encouraged me to make some more attempts, some actions, so that, well, maybe something -that it will be possible to find someone, yes, to find, so where did you start your search, if you don’t know anything, well, for starters, i restored, as it were, my birth certificate, because some part... we have your birth certificate , let's see. birth certificate: malygin vasily vladimirovich, born february 28, 1989, place of birth sverdlovsk region, is village, nizhnyaya tura city. father molygin vladimir vasilievich, mother zerova natalya
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alexandrovna. completed on your birth certificate. well, according to my grandparents, how if they weren’t officially married, then the father would have been under his last name, the mother would have been under hers, but nevertheless he recognized you, yes, yes, and what else was learned thanks to this testimony? well, thanks to this certificate, i managed to find out that i found a certificate, unfortunately about the death of my mother, a death certificate is obtained for my brother, there was a brother, yes, my brother died in a car accident, is it hard for you? it was when you learned so much at the same time, well , it was a little hard, yes, quite hard, because, as it were, well, there were still searches in some hopes, but it led to this, and you know where the mother and brother are buried, unfortunately not, where they are buried, i know the father, but i don’t know the mother and brother, but the place of residence, so we managed to find out where the mother and brother lived ,
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the place of residence seemed to be partially successful. that the mother also lived in the village of nizhnyaya tura, the brother also lived somewhere in the village of iz, nizhnyaya atura, with whom the brother lived there with his mother or there in some other family there, maybe there too somewhere in some orphanage he was brought up there, that’s the information i have there is not. vasily, today there are two women in our studio, opposite you is natalya, before natalya was called elena, and this is also natalya, and before they were called natalya. daria, both of these women are looking for their biological family, take a closer look, maybe you will see something in common with one of them, i don’t know, honestly, i don’t know, it seems to me that he looks like a little me in some way, here’s the nursery there is a photo where my ears are still a little bit like that, so he
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looks a little like me, like a little girl, well, it looks more like me with her. that she didn’t know serov’s exact last name, that they took me away, well, like at her house, it turns out that my mother came there for me, well, to her house, where she lived, and they took me from there, well, when we came to the village to look and to explain that we want to take natasha herself, she was walking down the street in
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the village of is in an old stroller that creaked. there was a boy of 4-5 years old sitting at her feet, when we all gathered to move to this lower round to formalize it, he was also with her, she called him vasily, and what year was it, 1990, nineties, vasily , but you're eighty-nine birth, yes, your brother, born eighty years ago, he might be coming, why did she call him vasily vasya? it is quite possible, indeed, that we are talking about your brother, or let’s say, vladimir? anything is possible, i don't know. vasily, if a dna test confirms your relationship today, will you be glad to have sisters? certainly. natalya, do you want to see how your supposed brother lives? yes. vasily, for 10 years now he has been leading the life
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of a worthy person and the main breadwinner of the family. we have a plot. attention to the screen. vasily malygin, together with his wife yana, leisurely walks through the park not far from their house. the evening promenade is their favorite pastime. we go for walks very often. well, whenever possible, when we have free time, we go out here into the woods for a walk, breathe some fresh air, the birds are chirping, it makes our souls feel good. the couple live in the city of zarechnaya, sverdovsk region, in this small apartment. the kitchen seemed to be quite large, we divided it in half, and for convenience we made two rooms, for us our spouse would be like a living room a room for the children, well, here we have it as a living room, as if we and the children relax here. we rest here, as if, well, we have enough. vasily and yana have been together for 10 years, and they met at work. there was one area of ​​activity, everyone started communicating, communicating, then somehow closer, closer, closer,
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well, that’s it, in the end we now live together. probably the secret is that i spend most of my time just at work, so there’s no time to swear or quarrel. vasily does everything for the well-being of his family. work i have to do a lot, but i rarely manage to afford a weekend. jaana provides her husband with comfort at home, makes sure that her husband eats delicious home-cooked food at work, well, i don’t need anything else, that’s it, jan, i’m off, bye-bye, bye, now at the moment it’s like we’re going to work, i will need to load up, drive, complete the task set by the management, my main task is the driver, and besides the rest, as if i were doing other work, there are monuments, well, all sorts of tasks related to the ritual sphere, hard worker, who, like all of us,
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is a workaholic, well, i would like such a brother, i have one, as it were, well, i won’t refuse the second one either, natalya, what did you notice after watching the plot, yes, i’m very glad, i i wouldn’t refuse if i also had a brother, i always wanted it. so that there is someone and do you think a brother will appear, a dna test will confirm your relationship today, i think yes, you are ready to find out the truth, and you natalya, are you ready to find out if you met your brother and sister today, yes, and you vasily, i’m ready, i invite daria popova, our dna specialist. did vasily, who believed that he had no relatives left alive, really meet today his sisters, whose existence he did not even
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suspect. we will find out the result of the dna test together in a couple of minutes. look. at 19:00 on ntv. this summer , up to half a million children from all over the country are expected to go on holiday in crimea, krasnodar region. during the holiday period, schoolchildren have a fifty percent discount on train travel, and until the end of the month, russian railways is launching an electronic waiting list where you can sign up if you haven’t found tickets. what more new for the holiday season? the moscow exchange does not conduct trading in dollars and euros. this is due to the sanctions imposed by the united states against the russian trading platform. exchange rates will now be determined by over-the-counter trading, and where will it be possible to buy the dollar and euro if necessary? the main news of the day at 19:00 on ntv on the website in the application now. alex the fierce, the case of the orphans, premieres
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monday at 20:00 on ntv. still thinking about the perfect home? it's time to switch to domclick to buy an apartment in a new building or resale or build your own house with a mortgage. at domklik everyone will find housing for themselves. and beauty in one jar. biotex is ready for the summer season in a new design. start construction by quickly searching for a master using filters, ratings and reviews. avito services? well, who
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exactly 7 5 6 7 and get clareol for only 1 ruble 800 200 exactly 7567 free call within russia alex the fierce case of orphans premieres from monday at 20:00 on ntv. the alleged brother and sisters met for the first time in the dna program studio. and now we are all looking forward to an answer to...
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children of the same mother, natalia zerova alexandrovna, who is no longer alive, but only vasily has an official document confirming motherhood. a positive dna test result will mean that an older brother and his siblings, existences he didn't even know, have finally met in the studio. vasily, are you ready to find out if you have sisters? yes, of course, natalya, do you agree to find out who vasily and natalya are to you? yes. natalya, are you ready to find out the result? yes. attention, i am opening the envelope. on the one hand, the alleged brother, vasily molygin. on the other hand, his alleged sister, natalya yakutsenya. and on the third side, one more. the probability that
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the three of you were born by the same woman, which means you are brothers and sisters by blood, is 99.9 i’m shocked, girls, let’s at least hug. finally, we met, natalya, how does it feel after all this time? years old, to find out that there are brothers, that there are sisters, in general it’s just an inexplicable impression, i initially wanted not so much, probably, to find my mother, but how many times they said that there was more than one child, and i wanted to actually find brothers and sisters, how life turned out for them, in fact
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, we have a great similarity, internally in spirit it ’s somehow similar, vasily, you became a brother, two charming sisters, a rich guy, yes, this is very good . wonderful, well, we need to get to know each other better, you are always for it, if you come to visit, you want to communicate, of course, but she is the only one with us, how to say, so she is doing well, now there are many relatives, nina, you will be interested in life natalie and vasili's life, i’m all for it, be sure to invite your sister or brother to visit, yes, there is a chance to find out the truth about your birth and your brothers and sisters, if you need a genetic examination, contact us and we will help you, tomorrow on ntv, a new test, dan, shurkemech, vydego
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sles ari, serebrennikov, artyom vladimirovich, buchko.
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attack on journalists, our colleagues, ntv journalists, were injured while working in the dpr. quickly and quietly about how reconnaissance units from kusbas work in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation and what assistance their fellow countrymen in the rear provide them. evgeny golovanov. the moscow exchange came under american sanctions and stopped trading in dollars and euros. what is happening to the courses and how will they be determined now? denis talalaev talks about this. half a million children from all over the country will vacation on the coasts
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of crimea and the krasnodar territory this summer. how did teachers and counselors prepare for the season? why?


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