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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 13, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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attack on journalists, our colleagues, ntv journalists, were injured while working in the dpr, quickly and quietly about how there was a special operation in the south donetsk direction.
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for many, a trip to the camp is not only a vacation, but also a rehabilitation. rastislav skidan from the shores of the black sea. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. this is the program today, its host is aina nikolai ivan. igor politaev. ukrainian armed forces continue to hunt russian journalists working in the special operation zone. in donbass today, our colleagues, ntv military correspondent alexey ivliev, cameraman valery kozhin, as well as the naboron officers accompanying them, were seriously wounded. this happened not far from the village of golmovsky, when a film crew arrived at the positions of our military to film a report. at this moment, according to preliminary data, the journalists were attacked by a drone. now doctors are fighting for the lives of the wounded. the operation has been going on for several hours,
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our military correspondent ilya usheninin has already arrived at the hospital, this is what he learned. our colleagues, ntv correspondent alexey ivliev operator valery kozhin is still in the operating room, literally 5 minutes ago we talked with the surgeons, they said that they were doing everything possible to save the lives of the guys. just recently , experienced vascular surgeons joined the operation and together they are fighting for the lives of our colleagues. this emergency happened at the positions of one of the units, which is now fighting in its own zone, it happened not far from the village of golmovsky, this is near gorlovka, shelling occurs there very often, very often the civilian population is suffering, today our colleagues were there, covering the work of the military, who are precisely repelling these attacks on the civilian population, and at that moment the arrival took place, as they say here,
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i suggest listening to what the head doctor of the hospital says, we received five people from golma, two of them in moderate severity, one has already been sent home, the third of them, thank god, does not penetrate the abdominal cavity, but was operated on the lower jaw, so he is also still in the operating room, we we always hope for the best, i must say that in addition to alexey and valera , several more military personnel were brought here to the hospital, in fact, the very same ones to whom they came to the positions, now they are also being assisted by doctors and they are all also in varying degrees of condition severity, i must say that both lyosha and valera are great professionals in their field, we worked a lot together, in particular at the very beginning of a special military operation we worked in donetsk, we crossed paths very often in syria, we even there were some shift changes and... on her, these
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guys are really high -level professionals, they are trained to provide first aid to each other, in general they are a very well-coordinated, good team, all of us, of course, are now very worried about them condition, for their lives, well, let’s hope that everything ends well, more than 600 people per day were lost by the ukrainian army in the donbass in the area of ​​​​responsibility and the southern group of russian troops. near the city of chasov yar, a series of attacks were carried out on strongholds of equipment and to the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine. aerial reconnaissance revealed areas of terrain with large concentrations of enemy manpower. the information was received by the command post of the kostroma artillery regiment and the ivanovo airborne forces. from there, the coordinates of the targets were transmitted to the crews of the grad multiple launch rocket systems, which destroyed the enemy positions. the tasks required quick response and maximum composure from the paratroopers, they noted. we work
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a lot in defense, we mainly work on the enemy’s equipment, we destroy it, the enemy is trying to get through, but nothing works out for him, thanks to... our well-coordinated work, we work quickly, efficiently, and hit the target exactly. airborne artillery in the chasovaya yar area hits the enemy day and night, not giving him a chance to rotate troops. scouts from the vostok group of forces destroyed a sabotage group of the ukrainian armed forces in the area of ​​the vremevsky salient in the zaporozhye region. advanced reconnaissance groups come close to enemy positions, and sometimes make their way to the rear of ukrainian forces, obtaining valuable information about the number and location of units. voenkoren tviny little head. met with soldiers from siberia who are conducting combat work in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation. the first rule of a scout is covert movement, the main ally is the greenery, or as they say here, green stuff; going out on reconnaissance in winter through a bare forest is much more dangerous. yes, the fact that the shelves are covered with greenery, well, this is
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a very big plus, of course, when you move along the shelf, that is, nature itself covers you, at most unnoticeable to the enemy, to their birds. i picked it up unnoticed... it takes 2-3 minutes to charge something, aim and open fire, the first is sighting, then they make adjustments, the second is already, the third, they are already in the bullseye. with the advent of drones, scouts no longer need to go behind the front line, there is less risk, but if they are identified, then
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the entire arsenal is brought down on their heads. once the group found itself in such a mess. i was at an observation post, and there was shelling with 60-caliber mortars of polish origin. there were arrivals, i was hit by two shrapnel and had a concussion, after which i was sent to the hospital, where i underwent treatment, i've arrived back here. this unit consists mainly of volunteers from kusbas. today , just returning from combat, the scouts greet guests from siberia and fellow countrymen with humanitarian aid. finally got to you, very nice. we really wanted to come to you. we brought you a car, i think it will serve you faithfully. this uaz, popularly known as bukhanka, drove through almost half of the country. about 500 km from kuzbass to donbass and brought here closer to the front line, especially for the reconnaissance unit, all the essentials, camouflage nets, medicines, food, accept with all your heart, this humanitarian aid was collected not only
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by kuzbask entrepreneurs, but also by ordinary residents of a small mining town, even pensioners brought what they could share to help their fellow countrymen at the front: homemade pickles, pine nuts, jam, lard , one of them is in front of the military field roads, the scouts now intend to drive this loaf around to use it to evacuate the wounded from the front line. evgeny golovanov and andrey tkachenko, ntv, south donetsk direction, special military operation. nato defense ministers at a meeting in brussels intend to approve a new plan to provide
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military assistance to ukraine. we are talking about allocating weapons to kiev worth $40 billion a year. supplies should become mandatory for all members of the alliance - said nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, except. we saw that the united states spent 6 months agreeing on additional assistance to ukraine, we also see that not all nato countries supplied weapons, if we turn this from voluntary supplies into a commitment to nato, then of course the supplies will become more large-scale reliable, the difference is that then we will use a command structure o
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we understand perfectly well that washington does not need a peaceful europe, the concept of controlled chaos has gone too far, now the ideologists of the deep state are in the united states of america. literally demands even more blood, they need to flood the european continent with it. they are pushing the europeans from their western end to the edge, to the cliff, to something that will help them survive the current internal political collapse in the united states, economic, that obvious even by one indicator of the us national debt, about ideological. i don't say it at all. zakharova again emphasized that russia did not and
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does not have any aggressive plans towards nato, but moscow understands that the alliance has them. financial support for ukraine was discussed today in italy, where the g7 summit started. we are talking about a loan of $50 billion, which the kiev regime will receive from interest on seized russian assets. in russia, these intentions were called criminal and cynical and they promised tough response measures. elizabeth gerson, about how... the g7 countries are starting an asset war. finitela comedy. the summit in italy is probably rishi sunak's last as prime minister. his rival starmer is already speculating out loud whether his children will like living in downing street. finally, sunok judged kiev for another 242 million pounds. politico called this a meeting of the defenders of ukraine, a meeting of six lame ducks. only miloni still stands on two legs and the stick may be useful to her for now. except for selfies. summit presents is a collection of perhaps the weakest leaders
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in recent years. they are mostly preoccupied with their own internal crises and elections, frustrated by years in power, or desperately clinging to power. in the old fashioned way , such a photo is called a family photo, but it looks more like a graduation photo. the telegraph newspaper added crumbs and negative ratings to the heads of this summit of political degenerates. macron, frightened by the victory of the right in the elections to the european parliament, decided to ask his voters again, and now risks giving power to marine lepine not only in brussels, but in paris. scholz's party slid to third place in the same elections, and the only thing that keeps german chancellor alya macron from voting prematurely is her bourgeois bore. since elections are announced for next fall, they will be held next fall, the official said. representative of the federal republic of germany hiebestreit. trudeau himself said he wanted to quit this crazy
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job. as a farewell gift, his colleagues will probably give him socks. this is the brightest spot in his career. japanese prime minister kishida has a dangerously low rating on the eve of the elections. well and joseph biden is better known in recent days as hunter biden's father. this case is not just about drug addiction. a disease that is plaguing families across the country, including hunter biden's. this is a case about illegal choices made by the defendant while under the influence of drugs. about his decision to lie when purchasing a gun then owning that gun, no one in this country is above the law. biden sr. will sign a ten-year security agreement with zelensky. the american press writes that trump will be able to immediately cancel it, since it has not been ratified. the document does not provide any time frame for ukraine’s entry into nato and
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does not oblige washington to send troops to ukraine in the event of an attack on it. there are also no figures in it about the dollar equivalent of american support; it’s more like just a like from biden to zelensky. and these weakened leaders, as the world press admits, want to demonstrate their strength to russia. realizing that the days of many at the helm are numbered, they are hopeful. this is cynical, this represents another
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a blow to international law, and of course, retaliatory measures will certainly follow, as they always have. european property and funds in russia, as you know, representatives of our government have repeatedly said about this, are enough, and inevitable retaliatory measures will be extremely painful for brussels, so they will have to first of all pay for their own, so to speak. madness from your own wallet, as line reported, the first tranche of this money will be sent to kiev 1.5 billion euros, weapons will be purchased for almost everything, this is a reasonable step will show... our unity will provide putin with strong support for ukraine and will help save budget funds,” wrote christian lindner. the german finance minister considers this news good, the us treasury secretary considers it legal. we believe that the seizure of russian assets is legal, but we strive to ensure that allies come together in joint action. stoltenberg considers it legal
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for western weapons to strike russian territory, automaros. denmark, the netherlands and norway. however, here again the theme of the reluctance of europeans arose pay ukraine out of your own pocket and give it your things, even worn and used ones . thus, warsaw did not agree to
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the transfer of the polish patriot battery to ukraine, explaining this by saying that polish missiles are and will be guarded. kiev to europe, european leaders, to their people, the european people groan and vote wrong, so now the west’s idea is to finance the fight against russia at russia’s expense, but to this idea, moscow has a response. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, alexey seregin and natalya markevich. tv company. london. vladimir putin today i launched the nika accelerator complex in dubna, moscow region. and after the collider is launched, scientists will be able to recreate in laboratory conditions the special state of matter in which the universe was in the very first moments after the big bang. dubna, city of noukograd, moscow region, it is considered
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the largest center for research in the field of nuclear physics in russia. not by chance. that's where the president met today. with scientists, recipients of mega-grants, money is allocated to them to create their own laboratories under scientific projects, the president announced that a decision had been made to increase the volume of these grants to 100 million rubles. and suggested that domestic companies could also take part in the financing. roman sobol, with details from dubna. the universe in the laboratory, as particle accelerators or colliders are often called. one of the very first in the world worked for a long time in dubna, near moscow. synchrophasotrons, but 20 years ago he was sent into retirement, construction of a new niko complex began, today it is almost ready, some units are already working, this many, many cylinders inserted into each other, each cylinder is its own detector, and an electromagnetic calorimeter, a time-of-flight camera, all of them are needed in order to measure in the shortest possible time
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the characteristics of particles that fly from the center of interaction, a tour of the underground galleries and here in dubna. unlike colliders in switzerland and the usa, nika has less power, this is both a minus and a plus. the particles here still accelerate to the speed of light, but due to the lower energy, the consequences of their collisions less destructive, it is easier to contain the resulting plasma, and the main task of the thread is precisely the study of quarp plasma,
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which eludes detectors at cern in the usa. quark gluon plasma is. what scientists believe our universe consisted of in the first microseconds after the big bang and what neutron stars are made of. in addition to new fundamental discoveries, nika can also find practical applications; microcircuits for spacecraft are already being tested for resistance to hard radiation, there are prospects in medicine, development of new materials; dozens of scientists are involved in this, as they now say in a megascience project. new technologies to replace western ones, but this takes time and throws science back, not only russian, but all science in general, we do not close anything,
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we do not hide anything, we do not lock anything away, we are open to cooperation, to using those achievements, that appear thanks to your work, we are open to the results of this work, your
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more descriptive term is liquid light, here light, which spreads everywhere, in crystalline structures of a certain geometry begins to behave like a liquid, form drops, whirlpools, so we learn to control it on the basis of this... the state can even increase funding for the mega-grant project, so a decision has been made. about increasing the amount of funding to 100 million per year and extending the period, because, as far as i understand, i think you and i also met
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with some other colleagues so that the planning horizon and the decision were visible, means increasing to 100 million, increasing from 3 to 5 years, but the scientists who went abroad in the nineties or 2000s are thinking very hard about returning. it is not at all easy for the usa to obtain a russian visa; for our students, for example, even now it is easier to get an internship in switzerland or italy than vice versa. putin agrees, russian specialists need to think about some simplification of the visa regime, but they made a decision to stop research in the area, well, here it is. nuclear research, simply stop, close, close atomic power plants, well , they do a lot of other stupid things, and specialists in these areas simply have nowhere to go, they would love
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to come to us, we just need to create conditions for this, and we will certainly do this, after detailed and very confidential communication with those who has already won government grants to promote research, putin, hot on the heels, held a retreat in dubna with some representatives of the... this summer they will vacation on the coasts of crimea and the krasnodar territory, as teachers prepared and counselors for the season, why is a trip to camp for many not only a vacation, but also a rehabilitation? rastislav skedan from the shores
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ozone advertising, can you tell me discounts, discounts, about the ozone birthday sale, rex protein cookies for 459, wot steel rack for 3.99, seltex women's suit for 959. central television on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. today, the central bank set the dollar and euro exchange rates for the first time. starting today, they will not be held without exchange trading. the reason was the sanctions that the united states imposed on the russian trading platform the day before. we will find out the details right now. denis talalaev joins us. denis, what mechanism is now used to determine exchange rates and whether citizens, well , if necessary, can buy dollars or euros in russia. well, for official rates the central bank
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will now look not at stock exchange transactions. it is outside the exchange market, but regarding currency, yes, the central bank says that russians will be able to buy and sell currency in the same place as before, in banks, today the central bank for the first time established official dollar and euro exchange rates without exchange trading, neither the dollar nor the euro is no longer traded on the moscow exchange as of today, because it was not subject to us blocking sanctions, but according to the central bank, the ruble after all these events... not only collapsed, but grew significantly. the official dollar exchange rate for tomorrow has fallen by about 80 kopecks. the exchange rate is 88.21, the euro has fallen in price by 90 kopecks. approximately, according to the central bank, the price for tomorrow is 94.803. if previously the central bank determined the official exchange rates of the dollar and euro based on transactions on the stock exchange, now it takes into account off-exchange trading. it is when banks and other foreign exchange market participants,
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such as exporters, negotiate. in december last year, the head of the central bank of lithuania, nabeulina , said that in the total volume of foreign exchange trading in russia, 53% already falls on the over-the-counter market. it must be said that the central bank prepared well in advance for the sanctions against the moscow exchange announced the day before and announced in the fall of 22 that if exchange trading in dollars and euros stops in russia, then the official rates of these currencies will be set precisely on the basis of information from those same over-the-counter trading. today the central bank this mechanism was used. he clarified that the official exchange rates are dollar and euro. will appear as before, on weekdays after 15:30 moscow time. answering the question how much the official rate according to the new method will differ from the rate according to the old one, the central bank adds that for the past year and a half it
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has been calculating dollar and euro rates every day based on over-the-counter data, and all this time they have differed only slightly from the official rates. on its website, the central bank gave detailed explanations of who and what now. has changed, you can find all this in the tab new on the site, in particular, the central bank states: all money in dollars and euros in the accounts of citizens and companies remains safe, new foreign currency accounts can be opened, citizens can still buy and sell euro dollars through russian banks? for ordinary clients, individuals and legal entities , by and large, nothing has changed, but you and i already carried out these operations mainly not directly through the exchange, but... we carried them out through our banks that serve us, and nothing has changed here, with only a caveat, that since the twenty-second year there has already been a significant restriction, for example, for individuals on transactions with dollars and euros, including cash, so here it’s the same - everything was the same exactly the regime and
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remains, some banks took advantage of the news background, where well, without this , the dollar and euro rates sharply increased, but at these moments the rates are calming down, for example, according to the bankiru website, if this morning the primorye bank was selling the dollar at 120 rubles, now it is already at 98. the bank of st. petersburg has reduced the dollar exchange rate from 110 to 96, and in general in most banks, according to the same banker, the dollar exchange rate is now in the range of 93.97. the chief economist of t-investments, sofia donets, points out that exchange rates are determined not by the presence of exchange trading, but by how much currency will come into the country from exports and what the demand from importers will be. the moscow exchange does not create dollars and euros, it simply allows it to be one of the platforms for exchanging dollars and euros. in general , the ruble exchange rate in the russian economy, including and the circulation of the dollar and the euro is a question for our foreign trade operations. these
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specific sanctions remind us that foreign trade operations for russia have been a story since 1922, not so easy to calculate, but nevertheless , these latest sanctions do not directly affect foreign trade calculations. well, it’s out of the blue. messages about the institutions, but on the contrary we see that after the initial weakening, the ruble exchange rate has noticeably strengthened against world currencies in the last few hours, this suggests that that there is rather a greater desire to get rid of dollars and euros than
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to buy them right now, from the foreign exchange market to the stock market: shares on the moscow exchange after news of american sanctions fell by 16% during trading today, but were able to reduce by the end of the main trading. russian railways will have an electronic waiting list by the end of june, where passengers will be able to sign up if they don’t have tickets. the head of the department, oleg belozerov, spoke about this today at a meeting with mikhail mishustin. the head of government asked how rail transportation has been organized in
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the summer, when russians travel actively. traditionally, by government decision, in the summer we transport schoolchildren with a fifty percent discount, already more than 20 million young people. passengers for 8 years have taken advantage of these opportunities, and this year is the year of the family, family fares, family fares, and mikhailovich is very popular. this is all clear, but sometimes many do not know that tariffs exist, you always ask a question, but as feedback, we are closely monitoring this we monitor, just in terms of transportation volumes, we see that the president always asks me this, yes, i’m serious, this is a question of feedback, a question practically with which we, well , we check all our programs, all state programs, national projects, feedback is very important, she corrects us. and gives us the opportunity to develop as people want, and not
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as we sometimes think how good it will be for them. oleg belozerov also said that russian railways has launched another new promotion: travel with children. discounts on it now can be received in one order. in addition, 160 pairs of trains are scheduled for the summer in communication with the resorts of the black sea coast, of which 95 are additional. in crimea, krasnodar region , up to half a million children from all over the country are expected to go on vacation this year. including from new regions of russia. they will be able not only to gain strength, but, if necessary , undergo psychological rehabilitation. this applies, for example, to those young russians who will come from areas where fighting has recently taken place for children, prepared entertainment programs and educational trainings. with details, our correspondent, rostislav skidan. this summer, the azov and black sea resorts of the krasnodar territory will welcome 375. a third of them will stay in seaside sanatoriums. aurora, one of three health resorts. on the anaba coast, opened this year. the second such camp is burevestnik,
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it took 3 years to reconstruct it. these children came to anapa from moscow, st. petersburg, north ossetia, varkuta, ira lazy from the village of novolugansk, 30 km from artyomovsk. her house was vacated in july twenty-second already ira’s third summer is on a tour of the black sea resorts. we are entertained here with various games, we do exercises in the morning, we have very tasty food, when we have a quiet hour, we, for example, do not sleep, play with...
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350 children from orsk, the same number will come for the next three shifts. matvey wuhan, together with his younger sister, came from belgorod to yevpatoria, he says that in the camp he is radiant, he is calm, they are only worried about their parents. they are very glad that we left this whole atmosphere, that at least it’s quiet here, that everything is calm here. victoria. last year moved from old oskol to evpatoria,
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making her dream come true - to live by the sea. in the belgorod region, she also ran a camp. the first met children who came under fire in the border town of shebekino in april 23rd, and is now helping their fellow countrymen catch their breath, already on the shores of the black sea. when they arrive, you still know some, like hedgehogs, when i say, guys, yes, i’m also from belgorod, i’m also old oskol, they open up more quickly, they come to meet you halfway. this summer in boarding houses. the remaining children are from almost all russian regions, including including donbass and novorossia. rastislav skidan, ekaterina belousova, alexander solovenko, sergey polyansky, dmitry mezentsev, oleg shalya and vitaly minin. ntv television company. black sea coast of the krasnodar territory and the republic of crimea. the ministry of emergency situations proposed increasing fines for small fleets, slave fishing and pleasure boats. inspectors are now identifying hundreds. violations, for example, not everyone can present
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a shipping ticket, this is data on the technical condition of the vessel. some get behind the wheel while drunk and get off with a fine of 1.00 rub. renting boats without a captain is also common. and all this, in conditions of increased traffic on the rivers, becomes dangerous, even for conscientious participants in navigation. alexey prokin understood the problem. the water in the volga has not yet warmed up, but it is already getting hot here. the small fleet left the harbor, which meant work for the inspector. in gims has increased significantly. for the future, the ship's ticket that you received upon registration has a mark somewhere stating that you are not allowed to operate, you need to print it out, you went fishing without a mark on the ship's ticket about passing a technical inspection on the water is a serious violation, because it may be too late to send a distress signal; in samara, since the beginning of navigation , the ims crew has already patrolled the water area about 400 times and identified almost 170 violations. the statistics of deaths on water in the region
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, although decreasing, are still alarming; since the beginning of this year alone, there have been 12 serious incidents that claimed the lives of four people. in fact... it only seems that the samara region lives by the river in the summer; it ranks only fiftieth in the country in terms of number of water bodies, and the worst situation is on the non-navigable water bodies of the region; incidents on the water are the same from year to year. these are the krasnoyarsk territory, kamchatka, komiy, yakutia, astrakhan, arkhangelsk and saratov regions. according to article 119, for driving a vessel while intoxicated, a sanction is provided in the form. a very small fine in the amount of one to two thousand rubles and either deprivation of the right to operate a vessel for a period of one to two years. as a rule, in law enforcement practice, the sanction for deprivation of rights is not immediately applied in the first place. the first time a penalty is applied, but
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what is one or 2.0 rubles? you understand, for the owner of a vessel that sometimes costs several hundred thousand rubles. and therefore we propose in this case to increase this sanction to 30,000 rubles. the journey of water motorists begins from here, in the center of the gymnasium of the capital region, while the future navigator fyodor sapozhnikov reports to the inspector on the technical condition of the vessel. we have a small boat on the water, there is no water in the cockpit, the cylinders do not emit. practical part exam for a shipping license, this is what they look like, by the way. includes 17 stages, the most difficult departure from the pier, maneuvering, mooring, now they will save a drowning person, if you study with an instructor at least several times, it is not difficult to join the club of captains of small boats, but after successfully passing the exam , many forget about that a boat is a vehicle of increased
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danger, that there are no brakes, there is only reverse, and this is a problem, and traffic on russian rivers is growing every year, the number of small vessels is already close to one and a half million. having successfully passed the exam, fedor will take the helm of his father’s boat, on which the parent goes fishing once a week, the rest of the time the ship is laid up, which is why fedor decided to get a boat license. will this change? i think it's necessary. but why did you raise it? for driving without a license, well, without a shipping ticket. knowing that fedor has a boat.
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what dmitry is talking about in moscow has become a real headache for his colleagues in st. petersburg, behind the busy shipping of the neva and the rivers flowing into it, here, except for the gms the national guard and the police are watching, and even amon; still , residents and guests of the northern capital observe scenes like this sinking boat with alarming regularity. now they give a small boat without a captain, that is , a person controls it independently, although these people, they have never sat for...
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two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph. now there are 96 capsules in an economical package. on the one hand, this is an ozone bank card with which you can pay for anything anything and get cashback. on the other hand, this is an ozone bank card with which you can pay for anything and get paid for it. products for 1 rub. choose what is beneficial for you, millions of goods on ozone for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any purchases with an azonbank card. one of my friends walked into the wrong area. yes, i’m already playing a role here.
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everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, bifree t-shirts for 699 rubles. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, bionic prostheses, it’s very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, send all payments and transfers without commission, open a business account with alfabank. alfabank is the best bank for business. vacation is quite good, but yandex travel is also profitable, yandex travel, hashback up to 20% plus points for
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any hotel. in russian lotto, we will draw a golden barrel in country houses in honor of the anniversary, an additional chance to become a millionaire in each draw. tickets on the website and stoloto brand stores. what do you think? cool, but save up a vtb savings account for the loan. open a vtb savings account with rate 18%. vtb together. everything will work out, the main feature of modern youth is flexibility, yes, uncle dim, you didn’t forget about the casting that i arranged for you, in no case, if i brush my teeth while already dressed, it means i forgot about the casting, i’m late, but if i ’m late, it means i take the scooter, and if i took the scooter, it means i transferred unused communication minutes to this trip, if everyone leaves there upset, it means no one has been given the role yet, artyom, well, let’s finally smile sincerely for the camera. cool tariff, there is music here, but what
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what will you do if they don’t give you the role? well, i’ll rehearse more, and i’ll transfer the remaining gigabytes to the next month, if they give him the role, he will still transfer the gigabytes, because he will rehearse, the new 24 tariff is as much as 30 gb of internet, which can be transferred to the next month, communication minutes, which you can exchange for a ride on mts furen scooters, and mts music is already included in the tariff, try it for 390.9 rubles. a great choice is when you buy clothes on azon and get a wow 99% cashback to pay for new orders. choose! it's hard not to notice the legendary alfabank credit card with a whole year without interest on all purchases. you receive super cashback in rubles every month for free. withdraw cash from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! this is the program today, let's continue
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our release! socially oriented npos will receive almost 8 billion rubles for the implementation of their projects. today the presidential grants fund summed up the results of the next competition. in total , this year's winners included approximately. lugansk regional public organization, institute of child and
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family development, family, receives 3 million to hold a family festival in the lugansk people's republic. the largest grant - 40 million rubles - will be received by the st. alexei central clinical hospital in moscow. she is leading a project of medical and social assistance to victims during a special military operation. the smallest grant is 23.
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this time a password will help, how a rare aircraft was modernized, why this work plays an important role in the technological development of the entire country, i learned nakhitbaev. fedor konekhov is preparing for new travels, and at the same time for new records, the first flight to the north pole. the expedition starts in murmansk in early july. the icebreaker 50 years of victory will take the crew to the north of rudolf island, from there fyodor konikhov and igor potapkin will begin their record flight. to the north pole, a distance of almost 1.0 km, and what is unique and potentially record-breaking in this: a vehicle, a motorized paraglider, or, as it is also called, a password? the seat is double, here it is, he is supposed to sit here pilot, in front is fedor konikhov, he will also be the co-pilot. this little bird can fly to a height of up to 3 km, accelerate
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to 100 km/h and... a flight range of 15-200 km. last year, fedor konekhov tested an unusual aircraft in the field . it turned out that the design had flaws, it was necessary to improve the flight range, lighten the design and at least slightly increase comfort, otherwise the feet would get cold. the famous traveler addressed the engineers of the st. petersburg polytechnic university. we we integrated two 75 liter tanks into the design, which...
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how will it help? we use it to solve these problems to create technology products that are applicable for the mass sector, this, for example, can be called automotive industry, this can be called aircraft engineering , engine building, this can be called nuclear engineering. oil and gas engineering, when there will already be hundreds, thousands of products there, and so on. another project that the advanced engineering school of the polytechnic is currently working on is a gondola for a hot air balloon. on it fedor konikhov plans to break his own record. the second journey will begin in the city of kirovsk. near murmansk, fyodor konyukhov and his partner will fly across all of russia to checkpoint without landing. the distance is almost 5.00
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km. the main criterion we were guided by is this. the fact that we will have two pilots flying here, accordingly, they should be comfortable with each other throughout the entire flight, they should not interfere with each other, and at the same time they should be able to land safely. fyodor konikhov himself came to the polytechnic several times, to test the aircraft. let's pretend to have a hand, please place it in a way that is comfortable for you on the table, like this. everything is accepted. everything has been thought out inside, from oxygen cylinders to toilets. fyodor konikhov plans to go on a trip in a large hot air balloon next year; such inventions help solve several problems at once. the first task that we solve is what we call the first leap of the frog of import substitution, because well, we must jump to a level that corresponds to the world level. the second jump of the frog - this is, accordingly, an advance in imports;
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indeed, at some point in the flight we achieve these goals. and the landing of the frog will become an indicator of the new economic reality, where the rest of the world is already catching up. nakhit babaev alena antonova, anton molokoedov and nikolai molygin, ntv, st. petersburg. heavy rains hit central russia. in moscow today there was almost a month's normal rainfall. in some areas, huge puddles formed on the streets. in some places they were more like lakes in which cars and even buses sank. people found themselves waist-deep in water. traffic in the city became noticeably more difficult, and serious congestion arose on the roads. super-intense downpours affected the work of the moscow metro. for safety reasons , train traffic was stopped on the filyovo line. well, now is the time to find out what to expect from the weather in the next 24 hours. irina polikova joins us from the media studio. irina pours like a bucket. when will this stop? well, we just have
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to be patient for a little while, we’ll have to stay one more night, starting tomorrow with us. central areas will end, but at the beginning of next week there will be a new one, i’ll tell you more about it tomorrow, but for now about the respite, the atmospheric pressure is rising, the shift is cloudy. rainy weather comes with sunnier, moderately warm, + 23-25 ​​- this is in the center, and a band of intense thunderstorms will creep to the east, in the first half of friday we cannot exclude a thunderstorm situation in the yaroslavl, kostroma and ivanovo regions, and most importantly for the upper middle volga region, rains, thunderstorms, squalls - a gradual weakening of the heat, but not completely. on in the north-west there will be light rains due to a new british cyclone, about 20° there, well, in the north there is still mostly no precipitation, in the south there are no new cyclones. thunderstorms, especially in the mountains, but the balkan whirlwind is already preparing to emerge, and on saturday its main rainfall will hit the crimea. i will continue after a break. in summer weather, swelling may occur. lymphotransit
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helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. take lymphotransit from valar. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling due to accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphotransit eavalar - summer without swelling. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +20, there is a slight chance of rain, in moscow the maximum is +24, there may still be rain at night in the morning, and no precipitation during the day, so the weekend is warm and sunny, colleagues, thank you, this was the weather forecast from irina polikova. it has just become known that our colleague, cameraman valery kozhin, who was wounded in donbass, died in the hospital. the doctors fought for his life, did everything possible, but they could not save him. valery was 46 years old, 18 of them he worked for ntv. at such moments you understand how few of us there are and how important it is to be together, be it work or personal life. our thoughts are now with valera’s family and alexey’s family. the operation of the wounded military commander alexei
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ivliev lasted several hours and has just ended. according to our data, he is in stable condition. an ntv film crew came under fire in the gorlovka area today. journalists arrived at the positions of one of the combat units to film a report. at this time they were attacked by a ukrainian drone. and valera worked together for many years, were in many hot spots, our condolences to the family valerie kozhina, hang in there, this is, unfortunately, the sad news at this hour, and we, igor poletet, and aina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention, goodbye.
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attention, all groups, get ready for the assault!


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