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tv   Pod zashchitoi  NTV  June 14, 2024 3:20am-4:00am MSK

3:20 am
well, according to my information, it is guarded by experienced employees, they know their job, but it’s still dangerous, we urgently need to get this rat, yeah, yes, by the way, what is your opinion about fedorchik, fedorchuk, you arrived in time, honestly speaking, i didn’t think that they would leave me alive, so i waited until the last minute and did not sign the papers. and we almost thought that you were the main villain, i saw that you suspected me, i was mistaken, i admit, but now i’m interested in another question, who knew that in your office there is a secret exit, the secretary claims that she did not know about it, she is new, she did not know who it was then, only my brother and my wife knew about this exit. here the ram
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looked, and we all looked right under our noses, veronica, on loud, hello, hello, i wanted to say goodbye, our security was removed, we decided to go somewhere far away for a while, change the situation, i finished drawing your portrait, you can stop by pick it up somehow. "sorry, if i went too far somewhere , you're cool, adeas, amiga, wait, wait, veronique, i would like to personally say goodbye, you can drive up now, you won’t have time, we’re already leaving for the airport, it was nice to meet you, bye, i have a friend at the traffic police, we’ll find him now, ilic, great, listen, there’s only one car, you...” was rushed
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towards the airport , can you slow down? yes, i’ll reset it now, that’s it, thank you, yes, i’m in your debt, well, as much as possible, you’ve already checked everything, checked the license plates, everything with the engine, you’ve already checked the fire extinguisher, you’ve already rummaged through the entire first aid kit, don’t worry so much, now we’ll check everything and let you go. it’s clear what this circus is for, citizen kudinova, you’re being detained. suspicion of complicity in the murder of alexey kudinov and attempts on the life of andrey kudinov. mom, what's going on? dad, your mother and i are getting a divorce. why did he kill rex?
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you really killed the dog just to annoy your husband, of course not, but what then, to prove that your defense is ineffective, uh, so that andrei would quickly abandon it, and therefore it would be easier to get to him. why did you decide to help khudyakov kill your husband and his brother? because only he is worthy of owning this plant, and not these two slugs. why did you shoot kudinov near morgue? i didn't complete the task completely. khudyakov ordered either to kill the two or bring kudinov to him to sign the documents. i couldn't calculate it otherwise.
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did his wife give you information about kudinovo’s relocation? yes, it was she who came up with a plan to take over the plant. the skinny guy and i have loved each other for a long time. i also plan to love maria kudinova. for what? khudyakov just talk to her. she promised to give her entire share for the piggy banks, you claimed that you had long ago lost interest in the plant, then why all this? what does this have to do with the plant? so what then? do you think i can let two suckers refuse me and they won’t get anything for it? can i ask a personal question? please. why couldn’t
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i live, but somehow it became stuffy, really. i can't stand it, kudikov is a normal, real man, that's probably why i fell in love with him, people never cease to amaze with their actions, yeah, love and money in one bottle are an explosive mixture, it depends on your upbringing, listen, well , thank you for helping, but without problems, i should give you a lift, but no, i’ll go for a walk, i want to clear my head after such love stories, well, whatever.
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polukhin, this is our head of the department, must testify against the suspended department of our own head of the obd, gursky, cool. here you have, not the right word, in gursky and racketeering, murder, at first he pressed the local director of the market savchenko, when he got his way, he ordered him to be killed, and polokin was a witness to all this, well, during the negotiations with savchenko, he personally went along with the investigator petrenko, kingdom of heaven, with the investigator, what happened, they killed, savchenko, it seems he was connected with crime, he complained to the roof, they shot him. that's when gursky got angry and sent two top officers to deal with savchenko, but it’s literally the nineties here, and polukhin found out about it by accident, overheard when the security guards pressed gursky, decided to talk about it, but demanded security.
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here are the witness protection colleagues, major palushin, and this is the investigator, oleg pavlovich, take a break for a minute, excuse me, investigator kruchanov, i’m bringing delogursky and his accomplices, denis, give me the vest. please put everything on, you are ready, we will protect you until trial, if necessary, we will change your biography, well
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and place of residence, but you should help us put gursky in prison, and then we’ll figure it out, well, shall we go? do you have any problems with the investigator? no, everything is fine, it’s kind of vague, yes, it seemed strange to me too, the main thing is that i know, i hope, like you. the car lives,
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what's the secret? well wait, it's a surprise.
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are you waiting for someone, actually no, great, listen, drink some glasses, and hello, healthy, healthy, on duty, oh, as always, not in the refrigerator, no, it’s a pity what you think about this motorcyclist, muddy story, if i wish i could put everyone to bed in one place in turn, i agree, clearly not a novice, an amateur, there is something wrong with this assassination attempt,
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which needs to be shaken for mogursky, temaka, it is unlikely that she will give out all the details of the case, but we can talk right now, you are as always. well, let's try, let's go, you'll stay behind the elder, where, close the door, yeah, okay, we'll arrive in 15 minutes.
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so, well, great, even wonderful, i can state that you are completely ready for what, for transportation, i was asked to prepare you. i don’t know that they’re transporting me where, i don’t think they’ll tell me, why would i need to go somewhere? drive? you see, the hospital is not the best place for security, your defenders are very worried, believe me, everything is done only for your safety, but you will treat me, alas, i don’t know this, i don’t want another doctor, but you and i are not deciding anything here. well, well, well, don't be upset, len. again i will lie alone with guards at the door. well,
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why lie down, you will get up, walk, run in the end. very soon you will completely forget that you were sick. yes, gores, like they shot at me. re going. how's the situation here kama, we've arrived, so what's our plan? davidov said, she is in the fifth building, what are we going to do?
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okay, born, we climb, maybe we shine under the cameras. let's look around carefully for now. let's do now. here are copies of my testimony, it’s all about my suspicions, how the gursky exceeded power, how he took bribes, how he didn’t tax businessmen and how dissatisfied he was? pressed, but he didn’t personally press the businessmen, of course not, he had executors in our ministry of internal affairs, korniev and shilov were actually caught red-handed, these are the ones who are accused of the murder of director zhinka sovchenko, yes, they showed up in the video cameras, right at the moment of his murder, in
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korneev’s car they found the pistol that was used to kill savchenko, with or without prints. a fool understands that he needs to wash his fingers, a fool understands that he needs to get rid of weapons, stop it, you relaxed, they believed in their impunity, in the omnipotence of gursky. okay, i see, thanks for your frankness, we also want to look at the place where kitler shot polukhin, what do you want to find there, experts have scoured the whole yard from side to side, well, it’s easy to take a look if you don’t mind, for god’s sake, if you have nothing to do. here he was shooting at you from this direction. he left and hid in that. yes.
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nothing new. didn't the experts find anything? well why? they found a pistol and a machine gun, and he threw it out in the trash can. weapons, of course. they were punched, there are no fingerprints, the weapon was not visible anywhere before, the tread of this motorcycle, but there are thousands of such motorcycles in st. petersburg, but they checked the video with the surveillance camera, of course, a blue motorcycle without license plates is visible, a motorcyclist in a black helmet, in a black jacket, very valuable information, looking for a needle in a haystack, colleagues, thank you, yes, there are a lot of questions, on the one hand, the killer is a professional, the weapon is clean, no clues, on the other hand, if he wanted to kill us all, he would have easily done it, but
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so , he gave a short burst and left, uh-huh, not some kind of real assassination attempt. okay, let's go to the investigator. captain koltsov, i’m going to gursky, they should have called you. come on in. are there any weapons? eat. let's hand over, come on in, have you decided to get to the bottom of the truth? and you help me, why should i trust you? no why? if you not guilty, just tell the truth, the truth,
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the truth is very simple, i didn’t retaliate against any savchenko. moreover, he didn’t send the guys to kill him, i was set up, very competently and thoughtfully, and the first guys also set him up, who set him up, we have one businessman like this, shtyrov, i ’ve been trying to get close to him for a long time, he’s building markets , shopping centers, they rent out, and then, in addition to the rent, they begin to choke with additional extortions, well, whoever doesn’t pay the business is squeezed out, so a couple of weeks ago the opportunity arose to squeeze it to the fullest, a new vegetable market opened at his location, and
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the director of this market, savchenko, yes, the director turned out to be a stubborn man. give security guarantees, do you want to hang a microphone on me, what exactly, i think that we can get permission to wiretap, play the role of bait, well, yes, no, no, guys. i ’m not ready, the next day petrenko was killed,
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who knew about the conversation with savchenko, who, who knew before the police department, i put everyone on their ears, the opera is running around like clockwork, then a couple of days later savchenko called and said: send someone, the conversation is not a telephone conversation. well, i sent her lyosha and volodya, your roots, yes, so they arrived, half an hour later they called back, they said that savchenko did not invite them and was not going to talk to them, the next day she came to the osb, and the root of his bracelets, and me under house arrest, you told the investigator this, but you should have seen him, dried fish, he immediately started making noise, they’ll put you in jail anyway, write a confession, they’ll give you less, either he’s a fool, or he paid him with pins, i don’t know, thank you for your sincerity,
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no why, i didn’t expect this from polukhin, he he was always honest and didn’t get involved in any business. i wonder how much he was paid for his testimony, or maybe not paid, there are different ways of influence, that he is worried about his life, or what? perhaps not for my own sake, i thought about it, i want to believe that there is something good in people, but believe.
3:43 am
this is the version of ugur. yes, the situation is difficult. it turns out polukhin's word against gursky's word. his perov gursky found the murder weapon of savchenko. and they went to savchenko on the evening of the murder on gursky’s orders. there are witnesses and video from cameras, you need to ask it’s unclear about all of them. and not in the blue, it’s more difficult, okay, i’ll decide, thanks to the connection, it’s me, how unexpectedly, you smell nice, the shift has come, you’ll have some soup, i won’t refuse. how are you doing? yes, good. was everything calm? yes thank god. this is good. hm. van,
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you chose the wrong profession. tasty. well, well, i didn’t cook it. he. yes, i’ve been single all my life, but i love to eat delicious food. and what? wasn't married? no, no wife, no children, like me, but i haven’t learned how to make such masterpieces, my, yes, georgievich, wait, i’ll call you back.
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what's the urgency? you must be on duty. i have interesting information, it was impossible to discuss it over the phone, not everything. well, polukhin said. that he never had a wife or children, well, yes, judging by the questionnaire, he was never married and had no children, yeah, and now look what he’s hiding in his partner, so what? well, judge for yourself, a photo of which girl a grown man carries in his wallet, you think, his illegitimate daughter may be blackmailing him with this girl. and that is quite possible, and now not the telephone part of the conversation, can we get to that?
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i dug up something, in the sixth year he created an account in odnoklassniki, logged in a couple of times, deleted it, but i pulled out an archived copy, he has a friend who was invited by mikhail zharkov, the most interesting thing is that they had the same address, they lived in the same communal apartment and for good reason his last name is sharkov, i mean, well, there’s a legend about him that no one can sit through him in the steam room, let’s check.
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3:48 am
will i give you more? go ahead! it’s kind of cold, like outside, and oh, it’s cold, like outside in winter.
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well, how are you in general, it’s not a habit, but you look scared, yeah, normally impressed.
3:50 am
“i’m ready to become famous, our man, but in vain you started to compete with me, i’ve been in the bathhouse all my life, you know, my father, a famous bathhouse attendant in leningrad, was from the central committee. they came to him for a steam bath, but i already understood, only i was looking for you on business, but what business, semyon polukhina, remember, your neighbor at home, well, let’s say you know that he is a police officer on the honor board, well , senkament, i knew what he was honorary for, i was surprised,
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so... semyon's 50th birthday is coming soon, the boys and i wanted to find his daughter, but why can't he invite his daughter? matter, they are lost in life, semyon takes the first step, he is afraid of feeling guilty, you know, she misses her, she remembers her constantly, you can help, yes, i would be glad, but it was only a long time ago, i don’t remember much. but i’m not in a hurry, i’m prepared, i’m looking, okay, i’ll tell you, i just don’t know who went where, but
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do you remember that tell her, any information will help find her, who was the bad guy, oh natasha fedotova, his classmate. she was beautiful, here next door in the fifth house, she lived in apartment forty-five, they were after school they even moved in together, they lived in our communal apartment, but they didn’t sign, i would have known, you were having a wedding then, that was the order, and then they had a daughter, that’s right, that’s right, they named her svetka, she was born.
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okay, i’ll run, come on, well, if anything happens, come in, i’m always here on thursdays, let’s take a steam bath. hold on, i can’t get to kurisha yet, in general, thank the prince for the money
3:54 am
, yes, here, hello, you found it, well, we’re in the process. “let us have it, my guys went out on reconnaissance to see what’s going on, so that everything goes smoothly, okay, yes, but i’d like another car of some kind, and clean passports, for some reason you’re costing me a lot, well, i ’m not some kind of cheap person, you understand, we have a situation, not ours, but yours, okay, i ’ll hear you , thank you." look how much there is,
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does the name natasha fedoto mean anything to you? a common name, well, yes, like svetlana fedotova, more precisely, fedotova, svetlana semyonovna. seryozha, you seem like a normal guy, let’s say. “i ask you, there is no need to look for light, but natasha, she died, sorry, i didn’t know,
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but i will have to find light, she needs protection, she’s already safe, that means you hid her, tell me where, we’ll bring her. here and here she will be protected much better, i won’t tell you anything, clearly, that means she’s already a hostage, then all the more so you owe me everything. say, seryozha, i beg you, don’t interfere, i already gave svetka a childhood without a father, i don’t want her to suffer because of me now, help her find her, can’t you hear me, just imagine that you have a daughter, wife, beloved, she... may suffer because you try to get closer to her, so that
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you did? i’ll try to protect her by not getting closer, so i’m trying, not getting in the way. the address does not match any of them, but it happens that the registration address, the address of actual
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residence are different, how can we find the one, well, we can look for similarities, there is one program, it takes a long time with your feet, denis, and you’re in the department, great, you have a premiere today, i’ll come and tell you, email me the address , yeah, thank you, please. hello, the first light lives here, apartment 10, first front door, well, i'm off, good luck. svetlana, as i already said, i’m working
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on television, in the program i’m looking for you, yeah, right now we’ve opened a new section in which we want to help people who are lost in life find each other again, and why did i, as you found me, in a fan way through social networks, we selected group of people you would like to work with, yup, you ended up in this group. that is, will you help me find my father? we will try. fine. tell me, please, when was the last time you saw dad? dad left when i was 3 years old. or maybe there are still photographs of children with their parents? yes, i have. can take a look? certainly. thank you.
4:00 am
here we are all together, yeah, and do you mind if i take a photo, yes, of course. thank you, georgievich, well, find me a replacement for ebelchenko for today, you need him too, well, yes, we found a quick way to find polukhin’s daughter, okay, i’ll think of something, thank you, not her, let’s go to the next address.


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