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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  June 14, 2024 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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allow me, comrade general, allow me to address comrade colonel, i’m addressing you, sergei giryevich, they just reported a raid on an antique store, a security guard was killed, so, okay, i went, don’t forget about the little man, so with the raid, comrade colonel, what’s wrong it looks like solovets is here, that’s for sure. give him the information, let him take it, well, who is at hand, damn it, because of this murder, the meeting will have to be cancelled, the whole daily routine is down the drain, what are you standing there, go do it,
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did lesh see the shell casing? yes i saw. you are the main thing calm down. you know, if in your police force people are killed there every day, then this is the first time this has happened to me. lyosh, oh, what's with the fingerprints? there are quite a lot of prints, i just need to figure out which one is the villain. our client opened the door wearing gloves, as can be seen in the recording, when he ran out of the store and pushed the door with his shoulder. what about the showcase? look, van, he rests on it only with his elbow, but he smashed it with the butt of a pistol, so it’s nothing, his face is imprinted on history, then you hit your base, you never know what will come up, well, it’s vanya, if his face is in our databases, and if not, then tell me, the murdered security guard worked for you for a long time, about six years, he left the police, immediately got a job with us, he worked for the police, but i didn’t ask much questions. it seems that in
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the antique department, the cash had some special features, but no, maybe a ring with a large ruby, okay, yeah, but before the shooting started, what happened? you know, it seemed to me that they recognized each other with brown hair, and this was a big surprise for them. pasha, let's go take a look again, please ask, but you won’t show me the ring, the ring, this one, and what do we have regarding the murder of kashtanov, the face of his killer on the videotape, a good clue, i understand correctly, well, you, sergei igorevich, according to our databases. not found, and if
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you consider that the killer did not leave fingerprints at the crime scene, and what about the pistol with which kashtanov was shot, and the same thing, the barrel is clean, on the territory of russia, no crimes were committed with it, it means that in the search you have to start from the personality of the killed security guard, chestnuts 6 years old retired from the police force back, he worked in the antique department and now he started working in this store as a security guard, but what about his family, his wife, relatives divorced 10 years ago, there were no children in the marriage, he did not communicate with his ex-wife, relatives in st. petersburg he doesn’t have a mistress, a permanent girlfriend, but judging by his telephone contacts, he only communicated with former colleagues, and even then not often, but what if the killer is the one whom kashtanov imprisoned while still an operative, but if this is revenge, let’s say , he served his time, yes, he was released freedom, decided to take up the old thing and then came across kashtanov, which means it’s necessary for now...
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perhaps one of them will recognize him, wow , great, colonel, you owe me photos of the killer, his colleagues, well, there was nikolaevich to warn you, why are we going to destroy the bazaars with you, no, i have an urgent meeting at the prosecutor’s office, no, no, here is lieutenant pirogovsky, he will help you, so ah... that’s right, lev, follow the orders of your superiors, by the way, you can settle down in in my office, well, gentlemen detectives, let's get to work, lieutenant, i'm sorry, 7 years we worked together, the guy is a great guy, literate, uh-huh, look carefully, you don’t know this man, no, never.
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i didn’t see him, he killed kashtanov, yes, that means he doesn’t know me, i honestly hoped that your department would help us, it’s a pity, but you think this is one of those whom bori arrested before, well, sell him on. the store claims that kashtanov and the killer recognized each other, therefore they knew each other, bore and i were friends, and i knew his business well, but he definitely didn’t arrest this guy, but look , please, so of course i understand that the quality is not so great, but still, maybe you recognize this ring? listen, isn’t this the same ring that was on the list of items stolen from an unknown antique dealer, who was killed during a robbery, a year ago? back so-so-so, here from this place in more detail. ruby of cairo, ring, white metal, huge ruby ​​in the talons of an eagle. well , of course, you can’t see a damn thing here, but in principle it’s similar. it’s okay, that’s exactly how the saleswomen described this ring. is he something special? legendary. so, have
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unknown, this ring was passed down from generation to generation. allegedly, he came to them during the russian-turkish war. proprad nevedomskogo. chopped off the spittoon of some turkish pasha, took a ring from his finger, and this ring warns all its owners about approaching trouble, which means that it turns out that neither the unknown nor the pasha of this turkish one was saved, yes, they both were killed inappropriately - good, but he didn’t even warn them, legend, you yourself know how people love fairy tales, yes, but so what, and kashtanov caught a robber, no, but the identity was determined by a certain vadim pletnev, previously he was put on the wanted list for robbery, but he disappeared like vadim pletnev, vadim pletnev, don’t even, don’t even strain yourself, look, you see, he doesn’t look like him at all, yes, at all it doesn’t look like,
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damn, well, the ring has changed over six years, a dozen owners, and no one even suspects what the price is. wears it on her finger, crucian carp, look carefully, maybe she brought something, no, you don’t remember, okay, let’s come from the other end, hold it, study it, so what? wow, one to one, who brought it? crucian carp, but don’t
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go to tina, these things are slaughtered, you do you need problems? a couple of hours ago, the mark brought them from the bells, what we agreed on, well, something like that. we honor our history, value family and strong relationships, admire how the country is blossoming, even more
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achievements await us, fall in love with the country more at the russia exhibition. bon appetit, oleg georgievich, thank you, listen, what is this bullshit that kukushkin left you with in the office, some important bird, it’s kind of a secret, you know, i gave my word not to tell, there’s one private question, well -ka, where in our city, one might say, pick up prostitutes? lyova, the question is not for me, i ’ve been in money for 30 years, you know, well, what kind of prostitutes, olegevich, you know, well, it’s very necessary, okay, that means, if it
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’s cheaper, simpler on the suburban avenue, on moscow, but if it’s of better quality and more expensive, that’s in intimate salons, so they won’t be afraid of a police id? lyova, it’s better not to show ksiv, then you can run into a colphilinian, and they’ll rob you. lyova, you shouldn’t have gotten involved in all this. but this is not yours, oleg georgievich, well, it’s very necessary, okay, we have one little man, so with gingerbread they call us, but he sometimes helps us with work, in his salons there is no such disgrace, it’s good, and the girls there are trusted, write your phone number, so, well, where is your sazonov, an hour has already passed. i’ll go buy some water, wait, wait,
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wait, please take some apricot yoghurt, i’ll take it, i’ll take it, i’ll take it, gentleman, thank you, and if we don’t get a shower, you and i will go to his house, he has the address, oh, how can i? i don’t like all this, you want to sell stolen money , why immediately stolen money?
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eh, what is more profitable to trade, marijuana or heroin? in terms of? well, purely theoretically. well, theoretically, probably heroin. it takes up less space and costs more, well, in terms of net weight. but the term for it is longer if it is on a particularly large scale. where can you get goods wholesale so that the price/quality ratio is the most favorable? well, the delers probably have it, but what if there is no way out, right? if there are no options, you can take the dock item from the warehouse, and then write it off, that’s it,
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go, don’t interfere with work, wait, lyova, why do you need it, what a murder, what a raid on store, i’ve never held a weapon in my hands, fundamentally, i’m this pacifist, okay, then tell us, pacifist. where do you get things from an antique store, and from which antique store? these are my grandmothers, my hopes lvovna. so you want to say that it was nadezhda lvovna who damaged the antique store? yes, she didn’t break anything. this is her inheritance from her grandfather. was he a jeweler? well, let’s say, let’s say, it means your grandmother sent you to buy to get rid of her inheritance, right? she doesn’t even know that i took the trouble to sell them. well, i borrowed it, what do you want? i didn’t have enough for drugs, i’m an idiot
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to ruin my life, how do i know, i owe the guys cards, they’re the ones who decorated you like that, oh well, write grandma’s address, we’ll check, but in the meantime you’ll stay with us, a pacifist, and i also wanted this the bastard's apartment. a partigar and a box, i had these, paired, i
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took one partigar and a box to an antique shop myself, repairs were needed at the dacha, and the rest, and what about the rest, the grandson of the varyuga kidnapped them, stole them, clearly, it turns out that he brought the purchase your things, not those that were stolen from the quarter store, it turns out, well, the degree of your grandson’s guilt is not... the grandson will deal with him herself, all the best, goodbye. so, citizen sazonov, the investigation has established that you have nothing to do with the raid on the antique store, as well as the murder of citizen kashtanov. i told you, what about theft? why not hunt for
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sazonov prison? calm down, you have a good grandmother, you forgave for the wrong reasons. well, i didn’t write a statement, no matter how much i was persuaded, that is, i can go, yes, you can, citizen sazonov, oh, so, lyova, lyova, lyova, the main thing, lyova, the main thing find out, so we can get rid of the corpse, if i figure it out myself, i’ll ask the guys, they’re experts. now now now ah, now, now, hold on, oh, come on, wait, be careful, excuse me, hello, so, well, sozonov turned out to be
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a false trail, i had to let him go. it’s bad, comrade detectives, that we haven’t made any progress in solving kashtanov’s murder in the raid on an antique store. allow me. bochkin, we’re having a meeting, you’re barging in like you’re violating the chain of command, the rules, it’s your fault, comrade colonel, you’ll laugh, but we have a new raid on the same antique store, with shooting, yes, and there are casualties, the saleswoman fainted when they started shooting, but everyone is alive, so, well, let’s get to the place, then we’ll catch up. and according to your plan, give me a pill for headaches, let’s, uh-huh, well, you can say, oh, mommies, you know, i thought that the shell
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didn’t hit the same thing, the same collar twice , i can’t work here, i’ll quit, yes... perhaps, in the current circumstances, i really should think about a new place of work, but i beg you, before that , tell me in detail how it all happened, please, i’m standing there, wiping the new display case, then two people in black masks come in, and let me shoot at the ceiling, then i fell into a frill, i don’t remember anything, i was thinking , they came to kill me, you don’t have to tell me any more, we have everything on the recording, just look at these freaks, it’s strange why they didn’t... take anything, well, i wouldn’t say it’s strange, these people behave the freaks are not too confident, i would say, too nervous, as if it were theirs the first raid, please, i’ll admire you, most likely they were afraid that you were caught in a ricochet and began to run away, that’s why, because murder was probably not part of their plans, oh god, why should i do this, that’s what you’re whistling about, money a lot, but no,
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there was no money and there won’t be any, listen, the raiders seem to have used the same pistol with which they shot him. kashtanov, gelza from the same episode as from yesterday’s murder of kashtanov. so, good gentlemen, i have completely lost my understanding of something. what we have is that one of the raiders is a murderer kashtanova, is he an idiot? return for the second time to rob the same antique store in which he committed the murder the day before. okay, that's not what we saw. here's my story 2 months ago. one neighbor in a communal apartment, a drunk. i bet the second one seems like a decent laptop. do you think he sold it? no, he took it for himself. but the laptop seemed not enough. he then came to him at night while he was sleeping, stole his iron, vacuum cleaner, and then his tv, when a decent neighbor, of course, came to his room, saw all his property, and demanded ago, the drunk says: no, this is all mine, i bought it all in the store, yeah, and then the drunk broke his last brains and killed a decent neighbor because he was going to turn him in to the police, but no, it’s the other way around, the drunk died, so under with a fighting blow to his neighbor,
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because it turned out to be a professional boxer, well, i didn’t calculate the blow, i apologize. i feel sorry for the boxer, the expert claims that during the second raid on the antique store the same gun was used as during the first raid, this is some kind of break in the pattern, georgivich, the main thing is that yesterday there was only one criminal without a mask, and today there are two of them wearing masks, and they have one gun for three. i understand you, igor, uh, finish on the spot, go back to the department, we’ll think together. everything, yes, is possible. of course, there are some problems, leva. what 's happened? aleviy georgievich, if, let’s say, a person was released from prison. got the gun out through old connections, stocked up on dope properly, went to the prostitutes with
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a cop he knew, wait, with a cop he knew, well, yes, the prostitute turned out to be a clafelin, but she didn’t have time to add the poison, word for word, the man grabbed the gun and knocked it down. prostitute, so how, how can this man and the cop hide the body in such a way that no police will find it? oleg georgievich, well , you have such experience, you know, i really need it, allow me, comrade colonel, a telephone message came from the hospital, they received a patient with a gunshot wound, it’s not getting any better, now i’ll send people there, free, yes, left. i'm out of the department, understand? yeah, i can’t take a step, i understand, yes, yes, yes, so you’ll come up with something about the corpse, so that means you need to dismember the bathroom pipes, yeah, dissolve it
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in acid, well, to make porridge, so where’s the porridge, where, in the toilet, yeah, great recipe, thank you, stand, service weapon, please let me out of harm's way, yeah, free, bye, phew, thank god, bochkin, that means pirogovsky should not be released from the department under any pretext , until my further orders, of course, carry out, igor, listen, i hurried to send you to the department, you need to go to the hospital, i’ll explain now, the question is when... hello, we’re from the police, they’ve just brought you a guy with a gunshot, he’s alive, he’s alive, he’s being operated
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on now, which means there’s no way to talk to him right now it will work out, well, what did you think, not earlier than in the evening, when he comes to his senses after anesthesia, his friend who brought him is sitting there, and he said that an unknown person fired at him on the street, in general, you yourself will talk to him there, thank you, thank you very much, thank you, hello, police, homicide , where to? stand, stand, you are a clear sea, wait, wait, to whom did you tell that it was closed, hands, and don’t worry, we would have caught up with you anyway, like this, like this, what do we have here, oh, daring, viktor nikolaevich. margo, look, we also have a gun with us, yes, from the dals, let’s go to to our department, go ahead, dog, dog,
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a sea cyclone will add precipitation. well, everywhere is not cool enough for summer, except for yakutia, there is another cyclone that promises to help in putting out fires. in siberia, for the most part , partly cloudy and warm anticyclone, from irkutsk to omsk below 30, rain can gather in the afternoon, in the urals it’s already a dry day, fire hazard, and here is the epicenter of the heat, from tyumen to ufa up to +35. on european territory , thunderclouds move to the east, however, a cyclone from britain is already moving to the northwest, but the rain from it is insignificant and during the day it is about 20, in the center up to 25 and rain. period in the past, in the south it is in the near future, the weather there is already unstable, a very powerful cyclone is approaching, balkan, full of rain, so the temperature does not accelerate much, today the maximum is +33 in krasnodar, in st. petersburg today +20, short rains only in the region, in moscow during the daytime precipitation is already unlikely, almost ideal, +22-24, intuition and experience tells me that with such warmth and after a three-day strait, mushrooms should soon appear. great, pasha, yes, i
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’m just on my way to you, listen, i have something about the barrel that was seized from citizen udavov, the first is the exact same barrel from which kashtanov was shot, good news, uh-huh, ballistic examination showed, so on the handle of the pistol, this is the second one, there are fingerprints of daovo and his friend kuklin, here on the clip there are their fingerprints no, lech, it doesn’t matter anymore. pasha, pasha, wait, what? it is important. the fact is that on the clip there are fresh fingerprints of pletnev, but this is the same one who is wanted in a murder case six years ago, unknown. antique dealer. antique dealer. i remember. wait, it’s the same pletnev that kashtanov was looking for when he worked in the antique department and couldn’t find it. hmm, interesting, interesting. it's very strange though. well, okay, let's see what the udalov tells us. hm.
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thank you, lyukha, come on, i didn’t kill anyone, why don’t you believe me, but because interesting story, we have a citizen boa constrictor emerging, is your surname strange? they found it with slavik kuklyan, why did they find it right on the street? no, in the trash heap, we were standing behind the store for the same antiques and drinking beer in the morning, and there a guy walked by, opened his head and threw something and ran away,
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that’s it, this guy looks like, yeah, then tell me what’s next, we they took the trunk with them. don’t let this gun go to waste , then we went to work, yes, and then, when the antique saleswoman fell into darkness, we they all got scared and ran away, like i had shot a friend, they quarreled, no, i didn’t shoot him, he was a moron himself, he was playing with a gun at home and he got hurt, and i took him straight to the hospital, he’s like a brother to me, uh, he’s a moron, you say, but you’re not a moron yourself , it never occurred to you that from the hospital, all gunshot wounds must be reported to the police, damn it, i only thought that in the series. it happens, where are you, you moron, so, as far as i understand, he has been on the wanted list for six years with no result, and yet he lives quietly
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in st. petersburg, yes, he bought everything from him, yes no, we think that bletnev changed his appearance, yes, he turned, for example, to a classical surgeon, if in general, of course , we assume that it was... he was at the time of the murder of kashtanov in an antique, well, his appearance now is very different from how he looked like 6 years ago, i would say, nothing in common at all, but this is a thought, that’s what, do a detailed study of pletnev’s biography, don’t miss any little things, lev, and two, we’re not bothering you, no, that’s it, yes, that’s it free, pirogovsky stay. a few words, yeah, tell me, honestly, nothing do you want to tell us, well, maybe we could help you if you find yourself in a difficult
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situation, oleg georgievich, the best help from you is to tell us how to remove traces of trace gases from your hands, i know that myself, that’s what to do? traces of blood so that the examination could not determine anything, but where is the blood? on the walls? wow, can you clean it with bleach or acid? no, 20 years ago, maybe it would have slipped through, but modern forensic methods make it possible to determine even washed-out blood, yeah, microparticles remain, you know, i understand, unless, just, unless you stick on a new one... although no, they will immediately notice that they have recently re-glued it, which means you need to cover it with already faded ones that were lying around in the lodge or in the closet, for sure, they may not immediately notice,
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yes. what is it? hello, hello, listen, i won’t distract you too much, but no, have you found kashtanov’s killer? the fact of the matter is that no, i hope for your help, come on , i’ll help you in any way i can, look, kashtanov, yes, he was probably interested in the personality of pletnev, well, this one who killed nevedomsky, well , yes, and i i was wondering if we are doing this together led, then this is the murder of an unknown person... to delve into it, but you understand, we will certainly lose
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time in all this, but if you strain your precious memory and remember something interesting about this pletnev, i will be very obliged to you , but it was not in vain that he hunted for this stupid person, well, you think he knew something special about him, why even hunt for the persian? what do you think, did he get plastic surgery? “listen, since such brilliant ideas come into your head, are you simply obliged to help me? please, let's raise the grukhar, in general, we need to pay for the chestnuts. but this is correct, but we didn’t have anything special at pletitnevo. don’t worry, let’s try together to find pletnev through his personal life. well, come on, that means we looked in the databases, he doesn’t have parents, he was brought up in an orphanage, didn’t start a family, no, and he’s connected with old orphanage friends.” supported, i checked this one too, except that, except for a certain olga
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igumnova, a classmate with whom he had a civil marriage and even had a son colleague, i’m embarrassed to ask why they didn’t go through this igumnova to pletnyov, they got out through her, only he jumped into the window away from us, but it’s our fault, they should have put someone stronger under the windows, but excuse me, that means another person who likes to jump in window, well, did he show up at abbess’s after that, of course not, is he a fool? wait, are you telling me that he has not made contact with his wife and son? well, i don’t know, we wiretapped the phone, there were no results, and a year later the investigation came to naught, you understand, i understand that you have a capercaillie, this pletnev lives somewhere in his own apartment with his wife and son, according to new documents with a new face, well, who could have imagined that he would get plastic surgery for himself, and this also needs to be checked, we need to check, only us somehow on your own, okay, thank you, goodbye, knock-knock-knock, yes, but the reader who doesn’t work, nikita, doesn’t eat, and am i playing with toys here, well, i don’t
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know, maybe you’ll deserve it, so, in general, look, here is an installation certificate for your olga igumnova, in a nutshell, so, wait, i did it for myself, so it means, well, she’s an ordinary school teacher, her income exceeds the usual salary of a teacher, more specifically, well, look, an expensive foreign car is registered in her name, she didn’t take out a loan for it, she also bought a house, by the way, near the vyritsa, it’s not the cheapest place, she didn’t take out loans either, it’s normal for a school teacher like that, i rang further with the border service, every year for a month and a half in the summer she travels abroad with her child, and checked her travel companions, in the photographs there was no one like plitnev on the plane with her, well, maybe he flew out on other flights, met abroad with olga and her child, what about her billing, so billing, billing, yeah, once a month they come to her mobile phone... bank text messages about the receipt of a fairly large amount of money on
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her bank card, you hint at alimony, what kind of bank, parodiskommerts, the source is known, but alas, this is a bank secret, of course, something will have to be done about it, okay, thank you, rit, ah pies, you deserve it, no, gentlemen, with this bank i’ll give you i’m not an assistant, i don’t have any connections there, why are everyone so sad? nothing, we need some kind of unofficial exits to the bank, but we don’t have them, what kind of bank is this for such a parade? but only? ladies and gentlemen, you can eat in complete peace, now we will establish all connections with this bank, by the way, bon appetit, thank you, ingusik, hello, dear, this is krymov, pasha, please put it down, how are you? everything is fine, listen, i have a question for you about your work, i need transaction data
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for one account in your bank, no, honey, this is not a telephone conversation, let me come better, when, everything, agreed, kisses everything, bye, and so grief, of course you forgive us, this is probably none of our business, but antasha is aware, even as she is aware, ina and i are dating regularly, i don’t understand, at school at a parent-teacher meeting? as you say, so i think, i love my wife, and inga her husband, an ordinary engineer, admiralty shipyard, georgich, well , sorry, not fate, my friend from the bank says that all transfers to iguvnova’s card were made from an instant terminal payments, in this case the client remains anonymous, yes, sorry, georgivich, dead end! well, what are the next payments from these
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terminals? well, look, after transferring money to olga’s card from the same terminal, the next payment is in a minute, payment for a mobile phone, then after 4 months the operation is repeated, the phone is the same, you are hinting that politnev first put money on olga’s card, and then i paid for my mobile phone, so don’t tell me who it’s registered to, just a minute, to nekoev andrey denisov, a native of tashkent. now he a citizen of uzbekistan, russia, uzbekistan, but he has a residence permit in russia in karacheevo-cherkessia, not a single clue, 5 seconds. there is a contact phone number that he indicated when he bought a sim card for his mobile phone, and this is the apartment phone number, oh, sit, sit, oleg georgievich, i just
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consulted with our expert, so your recipe won’t help with old high-quality wallpaper, glue there will be a new one, what to do now? it would be best for leva to come with an honest-to-god answer: what did you get yourself into, who did you kill, how did it happen? what's so funny? oleg georgievich, what kind of purely heartfelt confession are you, did you really decide that i killed someone there and now i’m trying to hide my traces? why is this bandit of yours, goose, who, this is the famous moscow film director andrei stasov, he is now writing a crime script for the first time in his life, and before that he riveted melodramas, so verzlyakin asked kukushkin to consult him, and sergei igorevich blamed everything on me, well yes, but kukushkin
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can only tell him about discipline and reporting, but the viewer won’t like it, the viewer already, do you know how nervous i was? well, excuse me, excuse me, it's up to you. oh, excuse me, please, oleg georgievich, so, judging by the numbering, this entrance is on the fourth floor, it’s conveniently located, yeah, the windows are right on the fire escape. yes, well, guys, we won’t let the citizen’s insidious escape plan come true. i’ll probably take the most difficult part of myself, i’ll be here, and you ’re driving it at me, the most difficult part, from the zhecher, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, well, what, you or me, hey! who's there? and good afternoon,
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this is a gas service, you have a meter installed, you don’t look like a gas worker, so i’m not a gas worker, i’m a gas worker, a good gas worker, well, thank you, yours, how predictable is everything?
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well, that's all. oh yes, pasha, your hand is heavy. it's okay. now will be the time to heal. in addition, the prison hospital is now very well equipped. your denisov's fingers rolled off. this is pletnev. fine work. well, citizen denisov, or as you correctly noted pletnev. are we going to repent? gary, do we need his repentance? the evidence we have is overwhelming for the murder of nevedomsky, for the murder of kashtanny, resistance to police officers, illegal possession of weapons, your sentence, in total, will last 20 years, i think, yeah, but it makes sense to repent, since you already
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know everything, and you know, there is no point, you’re right, the child is yours from olga, and i didn’t see you often before, but after serving time i’m completely right. it will be fine, if it helps to cut down the sentence, then i’m ready to cooperate with the investigation, the question is, why did he kill kashtanov, he recognized me, and that’s not why he walked around for so many years in someone else’s face, just to go because of this old cretin per zone, i found out, despite the plastic surgery, the ring is noticeable, i look at you with a smile, it seems like a smart guy, cool. and because of such nonsense i got burned, this is a noticeable thing, i had to get rid of it first of all, but you don’t understand, this ring is my family inheritance, and you seem to be from deddomov, but do dedomov’s have parents? after my grandfather, i searched a lot about them, about our ancestors in the archives, so you are a relative of nevedomsky, he was
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never once, nevedomsky’s great-grandfather took this ring from the hand of my ancestor under the hymen from the dead, wait, so are you a turk or something, then and the genychars, without saving, that was his name, the old ottoman family arrived, and how did your old ottoman family come to russia, the youngest son, ayub denis pasha, was captured by the russians in the crimea, stayed, russified, became a wattle fence, but i didn’t forget about the ring, but i decided to return it to its rightful owner, that is, to myself, and at the same time other jewelry of the unknown, and i had to throw it away. i didn’t want to give the ring, but your son won’t get it anyway, he’ll grow up, we’ll see,
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why, so you explain to me why he needs this the damned ring, your ancestor, according to the rezsky jester, he did not save from death, the unknown one too, he did not warn you about the danger, it’s all a lie that the ruby of cairo protects its owner, only people died in vain because of it. well, well done, they not only solved the latest murder, but also brought up the old murder of nevedomsky, i absolutely agree with you, georgivich, what happened to leva, what did he get himself into, the plot for the detective, oh, now he’ll tell you everything himself, okay , somehow alarming, wow, guys, thanks for your ideas, and this one, so to speak, modest fee. mine, i always told you, a good man can do it, a good man, but hang on, come here, forgive me, but how much
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did you pay the bastard for his help, and oh, box, this one, spark, and andryukha and i agreed that it’s mine the name will be in the credits as a consultant, my consultant, i fucking killed you, i’m jealous, you know, leva, you surprised us, oh, why are you standing there, come on?
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we wish you the best morning, further in the program, we get acquainted with the chronicle of the emergency, listen to auto stories along with the first program. nightv emergency program in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya. the man who started shooting near the obtina pustyn monastery and tried to rob a pilgrim has been detained. andrei dymovsky came out of the forest with a machine gun, and after he failed to complete what he started, he ran away. evening in the vicinity of optina pustyn. it's half past nine, the video recorder is filming. the woman, judging by the pilgrim's headscarf, is making gestures to the passengers of the other car to move away. the shots that came before coming from the forest became louder and clearer. a couple of seconds later , a man in camouflage appears in the frame with a machine gun
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pointed at one of the pilgrims and orders him to move away from the car.


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