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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 14, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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a military umbrella in a special operation zone, sergei pikulin at work with anti-aircraft missile systems and air defense systems. while biden is in italy,
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the result of a barbaric ukrainian drone strike. we are always very worried about our guys filming on the front line, here in the editorial office, and it’s hard to receive such news. talented, brave, reliable, very responsive, together with ntv military correspondent alexei ivliev, the guys were simply doing their official duty, filming the situation at the front, as always, honestly, without cuts. and this is the truth that our journalists show, kyiv terrorists have not liked it for a long time. alexey ivliev is now in the hospital; he worked with valery kozhin for more than one year. valero died unfairly early, he was only 46. an irreparable loss for family, friends and for us. this is exactly how he always worked, being at the epicenter of events, which he filmed next to those who perform combat missions, more than once risking their own lives for the sake of a good shot. i know. valery kozhin
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has worked on our channel since 2006, first as a sound engineer, then as a television cameraman, who always he was distinguished by a special, caring approach to his work, they talk about such people on television, he filmed as if he were breathing, he is a great professional, he was sick with work, he really liked his work, this is a person who devoted himself to work, every shoot... when we were together, it was discussed, i was even sometimes amazed when they were in parallel, he sees the frame and just runs, runs, shoots, shoots very beautifully, the most important standard on which the lives of these guys depend is to leave the point of completing the combat mission as quickly as possible, we are now with these the guys will compete to see which of us will do it faster, with correspondent alexey ivliev valery had a real creative tandem, they were not just colleagues,
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valery was creative in filming each frame, always tried, was not just a professional on the other side of the camera, real co-authors any television report that was broadcast. and where to put it, where to put it? well, look, one is from here, the second is somewhere there, they will shoot through the house over there. all journalists who had the opportunity to work with him note not only valery's professionalism, he had a special talent, so necessary when constantly working. in a zone of military conflicts, always remain a person ready to help in any situation, and it doesn’t matter whether it concerned work or something deeply personal, we started working together in syria, then donbass, and not only in war, in ordinary life, on civilian, peaceful business trips, for example, to the north pole or to other extreme points of the world, where it was necessary to show one’s best qualities, valera was probably the standard, he was strong a man, and not only physically strong, he was... unfortunately,
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more and more often, more and more often we are losing the best. valera was one of the best military operators. we, i, will miss him very much. i was also lucky to work with valery kozhin and during a business trip to syria on everyday peaceful filming, he sincerely worried about the fate of each tv story, helped with advice, always remaining calm, responsive and incredibly kind, no matter how difficult and dangerous it was. and today it’s very sad. it hurts to realize that his name and the name will no longer be heard on our television. the ukrainian armed forces are trying to slow down the advance of our infantry with constant attacks from drones;
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tora anti-aircraft systems and buk systems are used to protect against air strikes in the southern donetsk direction. our military destroys drones, aircraft, and missiles every day. sergei pikulin, the work of air defense crews. this. mamadina weighs more than 30 tons, but easily picks up a speed of 80 km/h over rough terrain; the crew needs less than a minute to bring the torus into combat position. here in the ugledar direction the enemy regularly launches attack drones in an attempt to slow down our infantry advance. here on the radar is the so-called babaega - a heavy drone that can carry several mines at once. thanks to russian air defense, aviation, and the ukrainian armed forces, entry into our airspace is prohibited. ukraine is begging for the american f-16 in the hope of changing something, but with them in the air it will be the same as with leopards and abrams on the ground, anti-aircraft gunners say. we mainly
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work on drones, helicopters, planes, if of course they fly up, we’ll also shoot them down, we can also shoot down the rszz, hammers are not difficult to shoot down, the main thing is... to detect it in time, capture everything, and then the target will be destroyed. thor technology is unique; it can work in conjunction with other air defense systems, for example, buk. these complexes of the vostok group cover not only our infantry on the front line, but also peaceful front-line areas and civilian objects. this is the tail part of the ukrainian point u, which is our air defense. worked on the approach to one of the settlements. as a rule, the ammunition load of such missiles is either high-explosive fragmentation or cluster, the latter in dense urban areas always entails heavy losses among the civilian population, so without air defense, well, not in the rear, not here on the front line. sergei pikulin and
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ilya rebzhanov, south donetsk direction of the special operation. russia and iran are interested in further developing cooperation in various areas. acting president of the islamic republic muhammad mahber. the kremlin press service reported that the conversation took place at the initiative of tehran. the heads of state discussed issues of interaction in the international arena, taking into account the fact that our country is now the representative chairman of brix. mahamad makhber congratulated vladimir putin on russia day the day before and thanked him for his support during a difficult period for iran. and in the united states, the political confrontation between the main contenders for the presidency is gaining
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momentum, joe biden and donald trump are holding numerous meetings with their supporters, while the current head of state is preparing for a campaign trip to california, the former president has made his way into the very heart of american democracy. congress, where i met with my colleagues. the leaders of the two parties are being monitored by our us sopkorf, alexey veselovsky. donald trump returned to capital hill for the first time since january 6, 2021, when his supporters tried to seize the congress building. this time everything was calm in washington, except for a couple of dozen protesters who lazily booed the motorcade of the ex-president of the united states. the atmosphere inside was completely different. the republicans with whom trump came to meet suited him. it was a great meeting, republican party incredibly united now, we want to see strong borders, a strong army, we don’t want money to be spent uncontrollably around the world, we don’t want to see russian ships off
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the coast of florida, where they are now, which is incredible, we want success for our country, now he's not there. big misconception, we just completed a very successful, special meeting with our very special guest, president donald trump, he was warmly welcomed by congressional republicans and we are 100% united in supporting his candidacy as president, to work for the benefit of the american people. trump's visit to congress coincided with hearings that republicans held on the grounds of the ex-president's trial in new york. they are sure that they are behind the new york case, like everyone else, against it.
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announced that he was running, and after 3 days , us attorney general meric garland appointed
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special prosecutor smith to investigate trump’s participation in the riots on january 6, 2021, at which time the rest of the cases against the ex-president began. the day before, attorney general garland was summoned to a hearing before congress, and he flatly denied any order from the white house to his department to neutralize trump. our concern is that you are not following the facts , the law, and the goal is defined and that is it. "the department of justice follows facts to the law, we prosecute cases and make decisions differently in different cases, but we do not allow political party, race or wealth to influence our decision. however , that gerland, contrary to the requirements of the law, refuses to release audio testimony of us president biden to congress , data on the case of improper storage of secret documents, and the ministry of justice successfully closed this case itself. believe that garland and his department are openly covering up for biden.
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i've said many times, i believe that president trump in his second term, which i believe he will have, will be the most consistent president of the modern era, because we will have to correct a lot of policy. the biden administration has turned almost everything into a nightmare, which is why support for trump on issues is so strong now. trump is indeed still ahead of biden in almost all polls, and the new york criminal case, it seems that it has only increased. due to heavy rainfall the day before, several rivers flowing within the metropolis overflowed their banks.
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houses, shopping centers and entire streets were flooded. nine of them had to be temporarily closed to traffic. the northern western regional capital took the main blow; according to weather forecasters, more than a month's worth of precipitation fell in 6 hours. underwater parking lots in residential complexes and shopping centers were under water, and on the streets the flow level in some places reached half a meter. water broke through some. open metro stations for security reasons, traffic was limited. however, the disaster brought problems for ground transport; according to the city hall, passengers had to be evacuated from at least one bus stuck in the water. today, according to weather forecasters, the rains in the capital region will decline. and in dagestan they are waiting for the continuation of the rampant nature. storm warning issued the day before. they extended it there at least until saturday. the powerful wind was so strong that against it...
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fortunately there were no casualties, the capital dagestan was immediately hit by a hurricane, rain, and a thunderstorm, several streets went under water, this caused many kilometers of traffic jams at the international airport of makhachkala due to heavy rain, the roof leaked. in kaspiysko. the hurricane turned into a sandstorm, emergency services specialists had to rescue people from the local beach, six spa surfers were blown out to sea by a powerful wind, they were quickly found, but all those rescued... needed hospitalization. saratov experienced torrential rain, the second one this week. citizens report the rivers into which the streets have turned and the appearance of lakes in the courtyards of apartment buildings. part of the city embankment was severely flooded, a spontaneous waterfall appeared on one of the city stairs, and residents jokingly called it a new attraction.
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the russian team literally had a brilliant start to the brix games, which started in kazan on the very first russian day. the athletes won 16 gold, eight silver and five bronze awards. thus, our guys are now leading in the overall standings by a large margin, having raised the bar by prohibitive height. china took second place, and participants from belarus took third place. sambo wrestlers brought the most medals, five of them were of the highest standard. we received another gold in the chinese form of martial arts - wushu, and our athlete sandra konstantinova overtook the representative of the people's republic of china on points. the russian production of amusement rides is experiencing a real boom, there is a record number of orders and a queue for six months ahead, but with the lifting of sanctions the amusement park was predicted to go bankrupt, how did they manage to get out and quite effectively spin into new conditions, nikita korabenkov found out. with the onset of summer, the queues for carousels in
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amusement parks lengthen significantly, despite the fact that the owners of the attractions, like many other businessmen in russia. faced sanction pressure, they manage to give everyone a whirlwind ride , everything works properly and is not under repair, as it turned out, the secret is that import substitution in this industry began a long time ago, in general, russian manufacturers are not new to the market of attractions, amusement parks and before sanctions it was more than half domestic carousels, and they could be of any complexity, even a roller coaster, even a ferris wheel, this, for example, is called a roundabout... the color journey was made in krasnodar. the first domestic attractions began to be made back in soviet times at a plant in yeisk, now there are dozens of such enterprises throughout the country, and the queues of customers there are now like in the amusement parks themselves. that is, if earlier we could bring some kind of russian attraction in 4-5-6 months, now there are a number of suppliers whose delivery schedule ends there in twenty-sixth year. that is, this is nonsense for
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the russian market of amusement ride manufacturers, such a barrage of requests. at the same time, the customer. we have to compete not only with colleagues from russia, the products of the largest factories are in demand from abroad. what are we working on now? kotal mountain with two dead loops, completely new, rotary, that is, there are carts going there, chairs spin around a horizontal axis and a complex track, well , let's say, the central asia region, yes, a million dollars, kotal mountain, then we created probably the largest tubing mountain in the world, profiled. tracks with a combination of plastic and roller plates, so that ’s all, now we’re starting to install, we have several ferris wheels in work 75 m, 105 and a ferris wheel 175 m high, while the share of foreign carousels and slides remains significant in russian amusement parks ,
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servicing them, buying spare parts has become more difficult, prices have increased due to exchange rates, plus some parts have dual purposes across the border. this is not allowed, but to honor foreign partners, they do not abandon their clients. it has historically developed in our country that attractions, if we are talking about foreign ones, are mainly china and italy, that is, we have ties with these countries, chains of work, they, in principle, have not been broken, and let’s say even italy is still can supply spare parts for amusement rides. of course, there are problems with logistics, there are problems with payments, all this remains the same as in other industries, but with china it is easier in this regard. so today i would like this he said, there are no problems with spare parts, but again the time periods are lengthening, and of course the price, so a non-working attraction in the park is a rare sight, if there is one, it means most likely made in italy, and you can be sure that the spare part is already on its way, come back next time, but it’s better to ride something else, maybe an american coaster, but it’s made in
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russia. nikita korabenkov, ekaterina katilevskaya, sergey ratnikov, vladimir plakhov, ntv. this concludes the program for spectators in the central part of russia. thank you, that were with us. the cycle calendar is useless. it grabs you so much that it makes your eyes dark. such is our female lot. these symptoms may be caused by adhesions, i.e. fibrosis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of foci of fibrosis, reducing pain in the lower abdomen and improving the quality of life. tutinsky, fiery tomyamovsky, thai, unforgettably spicy mexican, new flavors of chips in a magnet, fly into the summer, fly into a magnet, i’m something good, the best, and
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the ural mountains, light rains, perhaps only in places, and moderate heat no higher than 30°, but closer to the urals it is already too high, up to 35, without precipitation, and this is not the first day, the situation is very flammable. on the european territory of russia, the zone of heavy rains goes to the east and will stretch from naryanmar to kazan. we are being held back by unstable weather, in some places there are rains and thunderstorms again, tomorrow they will intensify and we are waiting, because we are a very powerful balkan cyclone, and the capital in st. petersburg today is about 20°.


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