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tv   Vozvrashchenie Mukhtara  NTV  June 14, 2024 8:25am-10:00am MSK

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now, closer to the urals, it’s already too low to 35 degrees without precipitation, and this is not the first day, the situation is very flammable. on the european territory of russia, the zone of heavy rains goes to the east and stretches from naryanmar to kazan, further to saratov; the world's dry, warm weather returns to the center. it's time to admire the peonies, which are literally going wild this year; flowering is now at its peak. this is the botanical garden of moscow state university. we can only imagine what the aroma is there. in the south , the increase in heat is restrained by unstable weather, in some places there will be rain and thunderstorms again, tomorrow they will intensify and we are waiting, because we are a very powerful balkan cyclone, and in the capital in st. petersburg today it is about 20°, precipitation is unlikely, in moscow during the day the rains should also end warm again + 22-24. central television, tomorrow at 19:00! on
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ntv. a great choice is when you buy clothes on amazon and get wow cashback 99% to pay for new orders. choose. i love the moscow coffee shop on the waist, i’ll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the fields. a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class. and the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the waist, i love it, i recommend it. every month 20% discount. the final is on sunday at 20:20 on ntv.
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“oh, you scared me, i’m here, come on, open the signs, we need to put them in place, yeah, ducky.” the money is in the safe, open it, something
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has hatched, just a second, that's it, please. alive, yeah, wait, here, yes, i'll be there soon, i'll call you back, okay? yes, stand, go, go, go, quickly
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, why, quickly, i said, i’ll fill it up.
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i ran out, he jumped into the car and drove off. do you remember the car make and number? renault kra? i couldn’t see the number, it was dirty, hello, duty officer, we are urgently looking for a red renault car , yes, and prepare data on thefts of a similar one. this is a car, by the way, this is his jalopy, because of him i didn’t notice him right away, why? well, i reacted to a running man, and he was fiddling around, then he jumped into the car and drove away, hello, the duty officer, this is shchepkin again, which means he’s identifying the owner of the motorcycle, yes, an owl 200,
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red, license plate va540, you’re welcome... come with us , let’s make a sketch of the attacker, i’m ready, but to be honest, i won’t remember the face, try to remember, oh, come on you know, i almost went crazy, as soon as he burst in, he hit the guard on the head with a pistol and pointed it at me, my whole soul just went into my heel, yeah, and what did you do? and i, and i told him that the money was in the safe, and he pointed a gun at me and said: open it, otherwise i’ll kill you, it’s just some kind of horror, huh, and you opened it? well, of course, i won’t die,
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but this bastard, he’ll push me, i fell straight into that ongo with my head against the wall, uh-huh, how are you doing, but in general, i’m done. you can seal the premises, yeah, that means you will you come with us to the police station, are you arresting me, no, of course, calm down, it’s just more convenient to talk there, and then i’ll take my things, yes, of course, let ’s go, thank you. why are you up, why are you twitching, well, the red light is on, you don’t see, you want the traffic cops to take us now, and i said, let’s go, put down the phone, well, i want to call my mom, i said put it down, go, go ahead , turn left here, you can’t turn left,
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if you want to live, turn, go straight, listen, maybe you can get behind the wheel yourself, let’s drive, and i ’ll go on foot, are you driving or something, right? let's the steering wheels, as i told you, they came, but somehow differently, you can’t take fingerprints, otherwise all your hands are dirty, but don’t worry, everything will be washed off, and by the way, the safe is full of my prints, i’m with him i’m working, but we’ll figure it out, we’ll figure it out, oh, or rather, or rather i was working, now this door is closed to me, and, by the way, how did this happen? that the door to the exchange office was open, how did the criminal enter you? oh, you know, the security guard, he changed the signs on the brush, so you know, he’s still like this, looking through the window at me, well, they say,
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let me go, i’ll put it down, well, it’s clear, but this bastard, you know, he ran up from behind, he hit him on the head, right on the head, he fell, and well, it’s not my fault? which is true, well, you violated the instructions, the door to the exchange office should be closed, well, just think, well, you know, how our instructions are violated, well, i’m silent, they almost killed me, okay, read the protocol, write there, hundreds of executed red army soldiers and civilians, all this is a victim of a nazi criminal, according to the criticism of the executioner, these are orphans. they disappeared in '41, we we suspect that the executioner was also involved in their disappearance. any alex, the case of orphans, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. point zero. premiere from monday at 22:20 on ntv.
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bend down, i say, that's it, lights out, hey, there, you can get out. oh, damn it, i'm in trouble, and where are you going, home, that is, where to go home, to your home, of course, are you crazy, why, i want to write, did you scare me? me to death, i should have stopped, i would have driven and driven, it’s my own fault, i wonder how i knew that you would make a fool of me, okay, calm down, i have only one mother at home, you’ll sit until the evening, and then walk around in all four directions, listen, if anything happens, i’ll tell you, and my mother, myself, don’t you dare lie to me, i would have collected it, but your gun
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is too scary, and that’s all, alas, i warned you that i remember almost nothing, yes, handsome, well, still, better than nothing. stanislavich, please pass it on. guys, let them reproduce it, i would, you know, show it to the cashier, maybe she ’ll remember sooner, but i’ll show her, let her calm down while the buset sends her. thank you, kolya, it’s a difficult case, but what are you doing there? stand, sit down, your head, how... it hurts
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nothing, it hurts, you ask, i ’ll tell you what i remember, you knew how much money was in the safe, the fire-keeper is responsible for the money, my job is security, and why then were your prints on the safe? fingers, mine, yours, yours, well... i probably closed it when i chased after him, well, this one was empty, i didn’t look there, not before, i beg you, please remember more precisely, i don’t
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know at what moment you touched the safe, i automatically slammed it shut for the sake of order. mom, why didn't you call back? i'm waiting and waiting. yes, i had no time, but i’m not alone. who is this? i can't see without glasses. yes, hide that gun. but it’s very nice, forgive me, i don’t remember you, and this is my new colleague, mom, meet sergei, sergei, seryozha,
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are you hungry, seryozha, i have here... hot potatoes, pickles, i - mom, you have some borscht, how about fresh, well, pour us some plates, okay, seryozha, you go into the room, i ’ll serve it for you now, what else, here?
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i’m ashamed in front of people, please, enjoy your meal, try it, maybe there’s not enough salt, well, i beg you. you're steaming bread, uh-huh, good, you figured it out, otherwise guys, i know, don't be shy about eating when you're hungry, you need to have a good stomach, they don't think well, eat, there's something i don't
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understand, who's hostage to whom, i'm a hostage, eat, nearby. that you and i were engaged in amateur activities, and i have something to do with it mukhtar, you tell khrulyov, why are you killing the dog, then
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he will really say hru-khru, he will be offended, okay, mukhtar, i was joking, don’t tell him nothing, okay, you eat, listen, and i’ll try to explain to you with my fingers what all this threatens you with. just don’t need any lectures, i’ll figure it out on my own somehow, i’ll sit here and go, where? but you don’t care, you don’t care at all, but you’ll be caught quickly, do you know why? why? yes, because you are not a criminal and have done something, probably for the first time in your life, right? oh, what insight! "you can ask where all this follows, of course, well, firstly, you are still shaking, secondly, you don’t know what to do, thirdly, you have
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there is no line of behavior, you’re just a fool, you choose this expression, just don’t pretend to be cool, i hope you didn’t kill anyone, are you driving or what, i’m just an exchanger, according to article 161. "part one second depending on circumstances, why are you reading the criminal code to me? are you a lawyer? so you’re lucky to be sitting here for a long time, i don’t know, keep quiet ? i won’t succeed, this is my profession, in general i will silently defend you in front of by law. i don’t need your protection, we ’ll see about that later, we have some news, have you
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ever met this person? oh, well, you know, i have so many friends, i can’t remember them all, well, maybe it was him you saw today? no, it seems like no, this is a composite sketch of the criminal drawn up by your security guard, is it similar? oh, well, i don’t know, well, i already told you that i saw that criminal for just one second, you know, he burst in, and he pushed me, oh, well, i don’t know, really, i want to go home, let me go, please, unfortunately, i can’t yet, i want to go home to my mother, and where is your mother, in tula, i
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want to go home to tula, you won’t find a job anyway, don’t worry, well , you’ll get a job somehow, you think, of course, there is no work in tula either. my husband also left me, well, how am i going to live now, just think, well, i’m also without a husband, but what do you mean, why? well, that’s not relevant, let’s continue, no, you say, is it that he abandoned you, yes, why did he have to leave you? no, well, you know, these guys, they're all like that. oh, what am i telling you? oh, sorry, let's get back to business. you
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understand that you are now only complicating the situation, and now i don’t care, you fool, life is just beginning, for some it will end now, just don’t die, okay, don’t reassure me, i’ll shoot, don’t shoot, because it’ll kill being a human is very difficult, friends... what’s that noise, why are you screaming like that? seryozha, why do you need this? quiet, sit, natasha, nadasha, what is this? mom, it's okay, sit next to me, sit down, sit next to me, oh, i have nothing to lose, i'll shoot them both! here's a tourist,
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mukhtar, something interesting, let's break into this car, duty officer, hello, kolosov says, listen, try, please, who...
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now, wait, dictate, 138, 44, 47, yeah, address, got it, ok, thank you, that's it, hang up, bye, guess a little bit who owns this car, but not you and not me, that's for sure,
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and leave. yes. and you will remove us as unnecessary witnesses. yes, seryozha, it seems to me that you exaggerated. in your situation, the best thing is to come with confession, with what confession, i took you hostage, i will overwhelm you, i will leave, where will you run away from, how many people saw you, how did you get to the exchanger, by subway, by taxi, by motorcycle, he stayed there, hid it well, but i didn’t hide it... my key broke, that’s why i jumped to you, yes, guy, well, in general, you’ve already been caught, and i congratulate you on this, you think, uh-huh, and
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you have to sit for a long, long time, that’s exactly how long we’ll see now, sit. what if i will i come back myself? think about it, if you come yourself, then you have a chance to end up with a slight shiver. what does it mean to get away with a slight fright? if i take on your case, if my mother and i forgive you and don’t tell anyone how you waved this thing around here. so come on, guy, think already, think, there’s not much time left, the borscht is completely cold, maybe i’ll still put some tea, no need for tea, listen, terrorist, come on, yes,
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let’s think about what you’re going to do, ok, pick up the phone, but don't be stupid. hello, hello, citizen, how is this going? what happened, what, did you block up the entire passage with your car? well, we have to go, it’s time , after all, please, put your car away, you know, the fact is that the owner is busy now, and what is she doing, i wonder, but you see, we have, hello, well, the car, it’s quiet , mom, he’s there, what made you think that? the phones didn’t answer for a very long time, but
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it was clear from the intonation, the guard said that he had a gun, apparently, he was holding them at gunpoint, what should i do now, call amon, seryozha, you’re scaring me, no, mom, i’m not scaring you, i'm completely serious. could it be something after all? where are you going? come to me. look. they’ve already found
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it in my car, the security guard saw it, and i’m a well-known, well-known person, so you won’t protect me anyway, i don’t have that much money to pay you, i stole little, and took almost nothing at all, so the security guard got in the way . yes, frankly speaking, not a lot, okay, don’t worry about money, let ’s consider that this is an honor for me, here’s your gun, please put it away calmly, okay, thanks guys, now let us work, don't rush, guys, how you work, we know you work well. only after you there is a mountain of corpses, what? okay,
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be quiet, otherwise you make a noise, he’ll definitely end them there, and we’ll sit here, he ’ll jump out of the window, i’ll call him again, let’s hurry up, it’s them calling, if we pick up the phone, they’ll ask you to surrender, what if we don’t raise it? well, if we don’t raise it, then it turns out that you surrendered on your own, taking into account what was stolen, you have the opportunity to receive a suspended sentence, damn it, and if it doesn’t work out, well, seryozha, well, that’s enough, let’s make up your mind, and i’ll help you took hostage, forgot how much for this? if you give up on your own, then
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your mom and i will forgive you, really, mom, yes, i’m sorry, just let your mom go first, okay, why did he smell something? “if i were you, i would trust the dog’s intuition, drop the gun, don’t shoot, mukhtar, ugh, mukhtar, citizen voronin, yes, yes, this is voronin, you better take the dog away, otherwise you might get into trouble, i myself was going to surrender , there’s a dog here, damn it, natalya alexandrovna, what kind of dog are you?” “
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tell me the main thing, where did you hide the money that you stole? i gave everything to the last penny. are you saying that you didn't take anything else? it’s also written there, the guard interfered with me, i took what i immediately took, left the topic, damn it, guy, you ’d better not be dark, i understand, calm-hearted, what are you, are you stunned, or what? what, you
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grabbed it yourself, yes, you want to blame it on me, citizen voronin, sit down and calm down. good evening, hello, i’m natalya aleksandrovna duvalova, what about, how about, yes, yes, yes, please come in, sit down, thank you, glad to meet you. you have my client, sergei gennadievich voronin, yes, yes, he was arrested for robbery, funny case, right? well, firstly, not for robbery, but for attempt, and
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he surrendered without being arrested, but does that really change anything? much. i would like to get acquainted with the materials. and you want him to escape punishment, is that fair? well , he will suffer punishment, only a senselessly severe one, that’s why i’m needed here, well, what are we arguing about, there’s no money in the safe, the robber of the stolen property was luckily caught, well, not caught in the first place? surrendered precisely to happiness, and where there is a part, there is a whole, it’s not a fact, you first prove, in addition to voronin, there was also a security guard, so what, so what, now you prove that they took the money, not them, find the stolen property, and in general i have the
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impression that they are trying to frame my client, i must say, not without the participation of the police, yes. a credit sbercard is beneficial in any situation. the interest-free period begins every month, service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. the finale of the pia superstar show. our superstars prepared specially for the final premieres.
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see this and stop lying, these rats , they immediately lost their masks and so that we in spite of everyone, we won as soon as possible, for sure, but what about without victory? an unimaginative movie about freaks and people on sunday at 6:00 pm on ntv. you don’t need to teach me how to live, i decide when and what can be done, if i decide to drink beer, i’ll do it, bye, oh, lino, great, well, why so early? everything happened the other way around, on an unusually successful day, we
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caught the thief in hot pursuit, well, congratulations, he’s a big bird, a complete loser, can you imagine, at the most crucial moment his motorcycle broke down, oh, well, he’s really a complete loser, and you know that he has a lawyer, uh-huh, duvalova, dasha we... or i’m confusing, it’s the same thing, but then you’re confusing, duvalovo, he won’t take on milachevka, that means something serious is hanging on your complete sucker, look for it, well, it hangs or doesn’t hang, it’s not yet clear, but the fact that there really is a strangeness, that’s for sure, and duvalova is pressing on it, don’t tell me. the criminal says that he took pennies, and they actually found a little on him, the save is empty, uh-huh, empty, so, what
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conclusions do you draw? you are a genius, we are trying, as the foreman said our company, yes, i’m listening, i understand, yes, i understand, yeah, well, you’re smart, and
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so is your dad. good girl, that's it, yes, i'm on my way, uh-huh, get ready, fly, great things await us, cabbage soup, mukhtar, look, must find. trail, we'll find a trail, we'll find the money, the woman couldn't have disappeared anywhere, maybe she was hidden here, but don't you think there are any flies, it's unlikely that the guys looked at everything here. are you saying that the money is in
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the computer? wait, come here! well done! wow, funny incident, what impudence and what resourcefulness, you had to come up with something like that, hurry, well done, mukhtar, clever, well, nothing, and we’re not fancy, we’re about
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to show them a surprise too. we just need to warn him, then if we catch the thief without him, he will be offended by us, however, a fly, just in case, there are different cases. well done, fly, well done, now let's leave, let's go, go ahead, fly.
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natalya alexandrovna, they say that i stole everything. well, first of all, calm down and sit down, boronin. they stole everything, and they say that i, damn it, well, let them say, they didn’t hear that. they confessed there, they confessed, their conscience before the law is clear, well, well then , let’s work, voronin, let’s start from the very beginning started everything in order.
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it’s you, but i was completely scared, your bag fell, this, this is not my bag, whose money, how much of it is there, you don’t know either, no, i don’t know, i actually came here by accident, i can water the flower your pen? why, but we want to check it, how are you going to smear it again? are you already dirty? no, well , it’s clean, look, let’s come here, like
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checking a banknote, come on, come on, come on, just like that, just a little bit. “i’ve always told you, if you want to hide it, put it in the most visible place, well done, in general, it’s time to end this circus, you about what, but what's the point of portraying an ideal couple when we're about to get divorced, egor, well, as much as possible, we..." we've talked to you 100 times on this topic, it's necessary for ala's image, this is an election, vitaly, ala , by the way, is also a living person, and can, just like everything converge and diverge, you know what, the election race will end, and
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disperse as much as you wish, for the good health, but for now she is a candidate, let me note the leader of the race, listen, dear men , it’s nothing that i’m sitting here, dear, honey, i’m sorry, i just want. so that yura finally understands how important this is for all of us, well, how do you think he understood? you invited me, as a political strategist , to organize your participation in the elections, right? right, well, if it’s true, then you’ll do as i say, do you have any questions? no questions, now you will get out of the car and with all your appearance you will portray a happy couple!
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one where are the guys? lena promised to come over, but artyom fell down in an unequal fight with the flu. but mukhtar gave it for rent. it’s a pity, it’s a pity, well, mukhtar will have to work for two. what do we have today? today, today we have dousing the candidate's husband with acid. for what purpose? politics is a zone of silence. this. can i talk to you for a minute? hello, here is just a witness for you, did everything happen right before his eyes? yes, you know, it’s mind-boggling, i
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’ve been involved in elections for many years, but this is the first time i’ve seen something like this. well, let's get closer to the point, tell us how it all happened. uh, alla fedna and i and her husband came to meet our constituents. we got out of the car, and a guy immediately ran up and threw acid in yuri’s face. and you immediately realized that it was acid, right? well, you know, it’s hard not to guess if you saw what was left of the face, there’s simply no living space there. well, inspect the scene of the incident, interview witnesses, try to take the acid and residues for analysis, if possible, you need to find out what kind of acid it is and who this amateur chemist is, go ahead, take the mukhtar and go ahead. okay, good luck, let's go,
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i know who you are, you, vika? i came to see, look, why did you do this, but how did you want it? come on, don’t be shy, come closer, like him, unconscious, his face is disfigured, the doctors don’t care at all are you sure that he will see something, well, do you need him like this, are you ready to be with him until the end of your days? messing around with a freak, maybe
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a disabled person, you don’t have the right to talk to me like that, i have, i have the right, you brought me too much grief, i looked, well , that’s enough, go away, you can’t decide for him, honey, while i his wife, while he’s in this state... “i have the right, well, everything is clear, he left on the bus, granny, excuse me, this bus goes far, not far, this is...” the last stop, and
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of course i can pass, thank you, but please, well, mukhtar, let's go, of course, let's go for a walk, this afternoon there was an attack on the husband of the city duma candidate alla gorodentseva, according to preliminary information, it was a planned action aimed at eliminating the clear leader of the election race, allagradentsev. was injured, her husband was sent to the hospital, and an investigation team is working at the scene. major terrorist attack in colombia, 12 people were killed and about seven were injured. in the city of villa vicencio , an explosive device planted under a car went off. hello, my dear, i brought you chicken broth, they say it’s the first way to maintain strength.
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details on the website unravel the mysteries of the past. only anton khabarov can handle this matter. hands! alex lyubiy, the case of orphans, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. so why did you bring me here? damn, you see what i have to do by your grace. mukhtar, come on. well, let's go see the guys? mukh, alladorovna,
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you saw the attacker, can you describe him? details, hardly, yes, he’s a very young boy, unremarkable, but he has his own thoughts on this matter, it’s somehow connected with your activities. i think so , that is, you think that it was you who wanted to be eliminated in this way, forgive me, it’s difficult for me to talk about this now, i have to return to my husband, the last question is, what role does vitaly dmitrievich play in your company, he is a political strategist, a professional, he is running my election campaign, it seems to be successful, sorry, i can’t talk about it now, let’s answer all the questions later. yes yes, of course, guy, well, wait, wait, i
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said, follow him, eh! well, where will you go now? don’t come closer, i said, put the gun away, take your dog, don’t come closer, i’ll fall asleep. okay, guy, let's do this, i put the gun away, you put the bottle away, okay? look,
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the fact that you didn’t let the guard shoot saved the boy, this is a very noble act, come on, there were a lot of people around... it was dangerous to shoot, and to be honest, i felt sorry for the boy, and you saw him before, yes, i did , where, and he has been spinning around gorodentsev for a long time, why, why, good question, you see, this is a boy who is hopelessly in love with a girl, who... sleeps with yury gorodentsev. yes, in order. gorodyantsev
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has a mistress; her admirer threw acid in his face. how right you are, you noticed everything. exactly. and how do you know all this? this is the job. that is, you think that this has nothing to do with politics. stop. i don't count anything. compare facts. drawing conclusions seems to be your profession, well, let’s say, but for my part, i can only say that i will try to use this situation with maximum benefit for my candidate, whether it is connected with politics or not, and in what way, and this, excuse me, is already my professional secret, well, since you know everything, maybe you have coordinates, gorodentsev’s mistress? yes, of course, that’s right, you
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’re a guy, you shouldn’t have done it, this is an attempt on the part of a police officer while on duty, i understand, but i don’t care, so, come on, you go out, i forget about everything, you didn’t have any acid, understand? now i'm not afraid of anything, i took revenge for my queen, wait, which queen, it doesn't matter, well, let's figure it out, just calm down, okay, but i won’t deal with you, go, well done, mukhtar, hands, lord, why such injustice?
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mom, what are you talking about? yes, the whole city is talking about this, and you ask me, what am i talking about? yes. and a terrible blow for her, poor woman, yes, i agree, such a nice couple, really, of course, her husband is such a prominent, such a prominent man, he feels caring in everything, a real family man, you know why you say that, because for you’re campaigning for her, not even at all, but what if... your husband was paid more in the police, i wouldn’t run around with these leaflets all over the city, but you’re always so specific, danka, we have enough, yes, we have enough, don’t make me laugh, i know how much you have, from paycheck to paycheck, you barely make it, you’d better think about where else i should go to distribute these leaflets, you see
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how many are left, and you give it to your dad, so he can distribute it at work? what a smart child we have growing up, tribute, who would allow dad to hand out such things at work, don’t even think about dragging him to school, smart guy, and i already know almost all of your friends i walked around, you know, lena’s dad is a general, by the way, a very sincere person, you could very well persuade him to take a pack, great, i’ll go tomorrow. victoria, tell me, is it true that you have a close relationship with gorodentsev, i don’t understand at all what this has to do with the matter, tell me, yes or no, yes, you know who did this to him, we have information, that the young
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man who did this is somehow connected. with you, who, how? well, perhaps the one who is in love with you. stas? no, no, well, he couldn’t do it, no, who is stas? you understand, victoria, now every detail is important. yes, len, come in. look who we got. vika, stas, you did this, why, i, i avenged
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you, my queen, fool. why are you so sure of this, he tells me everything, consults, seeks approval, he is absolutely weak-willed. well, stanislav dmitrievich, how are you doing? well, everything seems to be very clear here, lenochka, here in front of you are two vials, one found in the trash can, the second confiscated during the arrest, both the bubbles are absolutely identical, yeah, and the contents in them are also, yes, absolutely, and what
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was in the bubbles was a technical solution of hydrochloric acid. which corresponds to the conclusion of the attending physician gorodentsev, and of course, on both vials are the fingers of your ward stasik kirillov. it’s clear, well, len, we arrange a powerful order for gorodentsev and kirillov and transfer the case to the prosecutor’s office. don't miss central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week. psychics, fortune tellers, clairvoyants. alone consider them all scammers, while others believe that some of us really have paranormal abilities. during difficult times, people often turn to spiritual practices. but how does it really work, when tarot cards can really predict the near future, and the location of the stars determine a person’s fate, why even an ordinary person can become clairvoyant. we
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to me with his throat cut, why was his grandmother killed? they came to torture, you know, they poked a knife in the stomach, and how the singer lost his wife just a month after the wedding, these doors closed and i never saw tanya alive in this world, that’s all. another chaliapin's version of the scandalous heartthrob, based on real events, tomorrow at 13:00 on ntv. can. yes, of course, go, sit down, nikoi nikolovich, i wanted to ask you, today ask for everything you want, any request is fulfilled, sit down, sit down, well done, eagles and eagles, you made the old man happy, oh well, well, it ’s just inconvenient - well, shchepkin special thanks to you, he took the guy in hot pursuit, thank you, well, only this is mukhtar, well, i and mukhtar declare
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my gratitude. i promise that i will report to management that the case was solved in record time deadlines. nikola nikolaevich, it seems to me that it’s too early to report, but what to expect, the accused confessed, the testimony of the witnesses is in order, and what does ilkovsky say about the fingers? fingers of stas, ilkovsky is preparing a conclusion. well, that’s it, that’s great, hand over the case to the prosecutor’s office, that’s it, give it 2 days, nikolai nikolai. well, it seems to me that there is someone behind the boy, lenochka, there is, no, let’s not philosophize on the topic, it’s a political case, they solved it, well done, and quickly hand it over to the prosecutor’s office, that’s it, i feel sorry for the boy, you’re better off i'm sorry, and my advice to you is to stay away.
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from all this, politics is a zone of silence, nikolai nikolaevich, well, you know about lenin’s intuition, well, what do you care, today is only friday, and the case will go to the prosecutor’s office on monday, okay, we’ve persuaded you, i’ll give you until monday. al, don’t you understand that once you get involved in these games, it’s no longer possible to leave half the distance, sitting here, we are losing ratings, time, votes, all my work is going down the drain, i want to remind you that i’m sitting here for a reason, well of course, i understand, husband, duty and other lyrics, dear, understand me, we are almost at the goal, there is one last push left, we need to forget about our worries for a while, that’s all, it won’t work.
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yes, understand, the life of a person close to me hangs by a thread. allah, stop it. oh, by the way, i forgot to tell you that this bastard has already been found, so he will get what he deserves. but this doesn’t make it any easier for me. and no one will restore my husband’s health, if he even survives. but anyway, we can make even more voices out of this story. it's me came up with nothing. this mule is how our competitors are afraid of us, since they chose such a wild one. cooperation, listen, you’re a ratingist, but for you there is something sacred, and you at least have an idea of ​​such a feeling as compassion, wand, don’t worry so much, you know very well that compassion is not for me, but alochka , i do political technology, these are men's tough games, yes, sometimes without rules, sometimes dirty, well then go play your own. dirty
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games myself, but how you started talking, interesting, interesting, why were you silent before, and when i was begging money for you and for your program, you were silent, do you have any idea how much money was invested in you, and i said, that’s enough, that’s enough, i don’t need these elections, and if you still don’t understand me, then read on lips. no, well, tell me, young man, how it happened, they arrived, got out of the car, i went up, threw acid in his face, and then ran away, why did you do that? and
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because yuri gorodentsev seduced my vika, my queen, i took revenge on him, understandable, but how did you find out that victoria matveeva connection with the gorodets, i know everything who told you about this, it’s none of your business, well, don’t want to talk, you’ll have time to think. take me away, i’m artyom kolosov’s neighbor, your daughter, lenochka, works for him. such a wonderful girl, thank you, how can i help you? you are an uncivil person, which means you respect order, and i believe that you
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should definitely support in the elections a person who will restore order in our city, who is this, i’m here... in communicating with friends i find other topics, i’m grateful you for your suggestion.
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military umbrella of the russian army. on the operation of anti-aircraft missile systems and air defense systems in the area of ​​their own. while joe biden is hanging out in italy at the g7, donald trump looked into congress, why and what’s new on the field of the election battle for the white house. well, also, what was stated by the ministry of foreign affairs regarding the confiscation of passports from russians due to errors in transliteration, how, under the conditions of sanctions , manufacturers of attractions are spinning, and mega-downpours are not allowing moscow to dry out, huh. in dagestan, after the hurricane the day before, they are preparing for a second series of bad weather. this program today, in the studio of dmitry zavoisky. hello.


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