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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 14, 2024 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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the barbaric attack of the ukrainian armed forces in donbass killed our cameraman valery kozhin. correspondent alexey ivliev survived, but lost his arm. girls, everything is fine, one hand is missing. well, it’s normal for living russians to complain about the confiscation of passports at the border due to alleged errors in the document, which is answered by the foreign ministry, we’ll tell you in business news. at any time, anywhere, the dzerzhinsky division turns 100 years old. about the main thing, by this minute in the studio ilya fedorovtsev, hello.
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our colleague cameraman valery kozhin has passed away, he died in his zone the day before, together with military commander alexei ivliev, he was hit by a ukrainian drone. we are always very worried about our guys filming on the front line, here in the editorial office, and receiving such news is, of course, difficult. talented, brave , reliable, this is how we will remember valery, he honestly fulfilled his official duty, filmed the situation at the front, as always, without cuts, and this is the truth that our reporters show, of course. kiev terrorists don’t like it, valery died unfairly, he was 46 too early. that’s right he always worked, being in the epicenter of events, which he filmed next to those who perform combat missions, more than once risking their own lives for the sake of a good shot. get out of here. valery kozhin has worked on our channel since 2006, first as a sound engineer, then as a television cameraman. who has always been distinguished
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by a special, caring approach to his work, they talk about such people on television, he filmed as he breathed, he is a great professional, he was sick of work, he really liked his work, this is a person who devoted himself to work, every the shooting when we were together was discussed, sometimes it even amazed me when they were in parallel, he sees the frame and... something runs, runs, shoots, shoots very beautifully. the most important standard on which the lives of these guys depend is leaving the combat mission point as quickly as possible. now we will compete with these guys to see which of us will do it faster. valery had a real creative tandem with correspondent alexey ivliev. they were not just colleagues, but friends. we worked together for many years, on business trips to hot spots alexey always traveled only with him, knowing that this was the case. they were together on
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business trips in syria many times, they found themselves in situations about which we, journalists, often say, there is something to remember, but not everything can be told, but they always returned from filming with interesting material, which was expected in the editorial office and they knew that this filming the group will definitely do its job, no matter how difficult the situation. valera was not just my colleague, i can rightfully call him my friend. for many years we crossed paths in different hot spots, filmed, worked together and just talked. i have always noted in you, valera, your subtle observation skills on set, in your work, and your sensitivity in communicating with others. i knew that you were among the top operators, a professional with a capital p, with whom any correspondent would want to go filming, especially to a hot spot, because with you it was always reliable. valery was creative in filming each frame, always tried, was not just a professional on the other side of the camera, but...
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a true co-author of any broadcast tv report, where to put it, where to put it, look, one is from here, well, the second is somewhere there, they will shoot through the house over there, all the journalists who happened to work with him note not only valery’s professionalism, he had a special talent , so necessary when you constantly work in a zone of military conflicts, to always remain a person ready to help in any situation, no matter what? work or something deeply personal, we started working together back in syria, then donbass, and not only in war, in ordinary life, on civilian peaceful business trips, for example, to the north pole to other extreme points of the world, where it was necessary to show one’s best qualities, valera was probably the standard, he was a strong person, and not only physically strong, strong, he was strong in spirit, therefore, when i found out what happened, that they came under fire, that he was taken to the hospital, i was sure that thanks to
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this force he would escape, but unfortunately no, unfortunately, more and more often, more and more often we are losing the best , was one of the best military operators, we, i, will miss him very much. i was also lucky to work with valery kozhin, and during a business trip to syria, on everyday peaceful filming. he sincerely worried about the fate of each tv story, helped with advice, always remaining calm, sympathetic and incredibly kind, no matter how difficult or dangerous it was. and today it is very painful to realize that his name and surname will no longer be heard on our television. now doctors continue to provide assistance to our military commander alexey ivlev, he was seriously wounded, but lyosha is very courageous, as soon as he came to his senses, he immediately recorded a video message to the editor, we can show it to you, girls, everything is fine,
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one hand is missing, well, that’s normal, alive, don’t worry, alexey ivliev this morning from they transported him to the hospital in gorlovka, where the doctor provided him with all the necessary assistance and operated on him; they brought him first to donetsk, and later to rostov-on-don. we wish lesha health and, of course, strength. that night, the pv forces repelled a terrorist attack by the kiev regime using drones. they were intercepted in the territories of belgorod, volgograd, voronezh, kursk, rostov regions, as well as the republic of crimea. and in the northern military district zone there is a subdivision. easily picks up speed of 80 km/h per minute. this hulk weighs more than 30 tons, but over rough terrain,
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the crew needs less to bring the torus into a combat position. here in the ugledar direction, the enemy regularly launches attack drones, trying to slow down the advance.
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russia has many times proposed a solution to create an optimal international security system for everyone, but the west ignored the ideas of our country. vladimir putin stated this today at a meeting with
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the leadership of the ministry of foreign affairs. as the president noted, the euro-atlantic security system has collapsed and needs to be rebuilt. he emphasized that it is not russia that poses a danger to europe, but critical almost... total dependence on the united states. according to the head of state, our country’s relations with the west have deteriorated, but this was not the fault of moscow. putin also said that if europe wants to remain as one of the independent centers of world development, it needs to be on good terms with russia, and moscow is ready for this. the world is changing rapidly and will no longer be the same as before, neither in global politics, nor in the economy, nor in technological competition. all. the state is more committed to strengthening sovereignty, self-sufficiency, and national cultural identity. the countries of the global south and east are coming to the forefront, the role of africa and latin america is growing, but since soviet times we have always talked about the importance of these regions of the world, but today
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the dynamics are completely different, this is becoming noticeable, the pace of transformation in eurasia has noticeably accelerated, where a whole series is being actively implemented. large-scale integration projects. it is on the basis of the new political and economic reality that the contours of a multipolar and multilateral world order are being formed today. the media commented on the report that foreign passports were often confiscated from russian tourists when leaving the country, citing
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errors found in them. next on the air is business news, denis talolaev is with us, denis, so what do they say in the diplomatic department? they reassure us that there are different spellings of names and surnames in latin letters, this is normal. russians who travel abroad do not need to check how their names and surnames are written in latin letters in their passports. different transliteration options, this is not a mistake, and this cannot be a basis for confiscation of a passport at the border. rbc was informed about all this in the department of information and press of the russian foreign ministry. this week, vice president of the russian union of tourism industry dmitry gorin reported to rbc that the number of passport seizures due to errors and the number of questions at the border increased, especially in may and june. in the last ten days of may , the pct counted 120 such requests among organized tourists alone. the vice-president of the russian tour operators association, artur murodyan, at the end of may called the problem an avalanche-like one. tourists who
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have errors in their passports are not allowed to leave the country. representatives of the tourism industry said that the letter yo is among the most common mistakes. for example, in the internal passport they wrote e, in foreign countries. fields may also be written differently, there may be trivial typos, errors may occur in machine-readable lines, where passport holders are unlikely to go. have you ever looked at it? news that russians with errors in their passports are not allowed out of the country began to come actively after amendments came into force in russia in december last year, which defined the criteria for recognizing foreign passports as invalid. tourists were advised to check the spelling of their name in advance. surnames, fields of origin, dates coincided in the internal foreign passport. as reported, errors most often occur in passports without biometrics. russian stock market. today it remains approximately at yesterday’s levels, but again the shares of the moscow exchange itself are falling sharply at these minutes by 5.5%.
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the central bank has decided to temporarily cancel morning trading on the foreign exchange derivatives market of the moscow exchange, as well as on the metals market, and now trading there will begin at 9:50 am moscow time. the official dollar exchange rate set by the central bank for today is 8821, euro exchange rate 94.83. the coca-cola company filed. an application for registration of their trademarks, which are very familiar to russians, these are coca-cola, fanta and sprite, the vedomosti newspaper writes about this, citing the rospatent database, and there is no catch here. trademarks are registered under the class of alcoholic soft drinks and carbonated water. back in the twenty-second year , coca-cola announced its withdrawal from the russian market and stopped the production and sale of soda here under the coca-cola, fanta and spright brands. and a little later her russian the division was renamed ... began to produce an analogue of good cola, which is actually
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made according to a different recipe, the general director of the company infoline analyst mikhail mikhail burmistrov tells vedomosti. perhaps, through its actions, coca-cola is now seeking to retain trademark rights in russia. general director of online patent alina okinshina reminds that trademarks may be canceled if they are not used for 3 years in russia. coca-cola has withdrawn its brands from... russia in twenty-two, it turns out that legal protection of these brands may be terminated as early as next year. ilya is all about economics. thank you, denis talalaev, for your economic review. in the elite unit of the russian guard, the operational division named after zerzhinsky , ceremonial events dedicated to the centenary of the creation of the formation are taking place. at the point of permanent deployment of the unit, a monument to the founder of the division, felix, was unveiled today.
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received the high titles of hero of the soviet union and russia, including two division officers awarded gold stars for their exploits during a special military operation, where zerzhin residents took an active part from the first days. bringing our victory closer, the military also organized a demonstration performance, the soldiers demonstrated how they detain criminals, and the guard of honor practiced drill techniques. in addition, an exhibition of captured nato equipment, which was captured during a special operation in ukraine, opened on the territory of the unit. the derzhinsky division has more than 10,000
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military personnel, including the vityaz special forces detachment. peculiarity connections is that his fighters constantly perform. tasks both in the home zone and on the territory of russia, where they ensure the protection of public order. about how dzerzhintsy serve, pavel robalchenko. back in the very early twenties of the last century, the chairman of the all-russian extraordinary commission, felix derzhinsky, did not propose, literally insisted in a conversation with vladimir lenin, the creation of a special body for the protection of state security. emergency measures are needed to combat counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs.
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at the training ground in naginsk, moscow region training of mortar crews. based on the requirements for soldiers, artillery is also a type of combat, science, and sport. firstly, he must be physically prepared so that he can take a mortar and carry it a sufficiently long distance, bring it to a combat position, also dexterity so that he can work with mechanisms quite quickly, and accordingly, hearing, hearing, because that the crew commander. must hear the commands given by the sop, transmit the command to the crew, and the crew was able to quickly make a point, aim a mortar and fire a shot, mines, which hit conventional targets are easy to see with binoculars, but there are also those that need to be looked for; the division's sappers hone the skills necessary to work in
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territories liberated from invaders. demining, basically checking areas, objects, the most important feature, do not touch anything, do not take it in your hands, and be careful, attentive, vigilant, as it were, this is the most important thing, there must always be military vigilance, that is the most important thing, fragmentation sappers install a barrage mine in a hole, the fact is that when detonation, this mine should jump, thereby increasing the radius of scattering of fragments, there are more than 2,000 of them here, ready, fire, snipers are resting side by side with the sappers. yes, this is exactly what the vacation of soldiers who return from a combat zone looks like. before the next task, you need to improve your skills. recently we were in the territory of a special military operation, where we found not only units of the ukrainian armed forces, but foreign mercenaries and ukrainian nationalists, their
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special units. entered the battle, well as always, the enemy was destroyed. the snipers are part of a special unit of the division 604 of the special purpose center vityaz, kasta - elite of the russian guard. today , the dzerzhinsky division is entrusted with two major tasks: the fighters of the unit ensure public order and security within the country, and also , together with other formations, valiantly carry out tasks on the front line. pavel rybalchenko, anton zubov, denis guryunov, television company. tv. now the word from my colleague, valery gavrilovsky, presenter of the program emergency. ler, what's on air today. ilya, today we’re talking about how a trivial situation cost the lives of two women. a seventy-five-year-old pensioner shot his neighbors because their dog ruined a flowerbed. probably the conflict was long-standing, the incident knocked the man out of the glue.
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but instead of making comments or a loud scandal, he took up arms. the first to die was an elderly woman. her daughter ran out to the shot. they returned home later, when the criminal could no longer harm anyone. we'll tell you the details in the release. ilya. dalera, thank you, there would have been more victims, but the woman’s daughter and husband tried to disarm the killer and died herself. about this not only in the emergency program after a short pause. that's all we have for now. go to see you. try more this summer. free delivery artful point in yandex food. on the one hand, this is an ozone bank card with which you can pay for anything and receive cashback. on the other hand, this is a map. ozone bank, where you can pay for anything and receive goods for 1 ruble. choose what benefits you, millions of goods on ozone for 1 ruble or cashback up to 25% in rubles for any
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