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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  June 14, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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under the window the mother begs to hurry up, fortunately they heard a child crying, they went to him, one child, just a baby, it’s good that the older girls kept him closer to themselves, come on, come on, stop, come on, pull, come on, almost losing consciousness from the smoke , the police broke down the window with great difficulty, the first to serve the relatives is a baby, a small child, come here,
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we have at our disposal the full version of the video recording on the chest camera of the police, we posted it in the telegram channel of the program, to subscribe, point your phone at qr code that you now see on your screen, or enter chpntv in our channel. that's all, thank you for your attention, goodbye. today in our program we burn a hundred dollar bill in good hands. the central bank will now itself determine the exchange rate of the dollar and euro. what will happen to the ruble and will a black currency market emerge?
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the place where everything becomes clear, i'm andrey hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, today we have to start with tragic news, you probably understand, that this is a continuation of the sad news that came. yesterday morning, well, before the start
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of our program, and in the evening we learned that our colleague, operator of the ntv television company, valery kozhin, died, died from his injuries, yesterday we told you that together with the military correspondent alexei ivliev as part of the ntv film crew, here are the guys came under fire from the armed forces of ukraine, this happened in the village of golmovsky, in the donetsk people's republic, there was another third person with them, an escort officer, well, we don’t know his last name. they all arrived at the positions of our military the day before to film a report about the shelling to which civilians are constantly exposed, and at the moment when the guys arrived, they were attacked by a drone, with serious injuries, they were taken to the gorlovka hospital, they were sent immediately into the operating room, they reported that experienced surgeons were involved in the case. doctors fought for valera kozhin’s life for several hours, but unfortunately, the injuries turned out to be incompatible with life, he died, this is lyosha ivliev. his current condition
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stable, but he lost his arm, his left, now he is conscious, he even recorded a video message from the hospital, we will show it to you now, girls, everything is fine, one arm is missing, that’s okay, we’ll get through it, don’t worry, we’re russians, we’ll get through it , the deceased valery kozhin was 46 years old, 18 of them, he worked for ntv, he came like a sound.
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pilots, our air defense forces shot down more than 80 drones over several regions of russia overnight, but ukraine tried to deliver the main blow to the rostov region. these shots were taken at night
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by residents of rostov; the sound of an aircraft flying up is heard. drone, and then an explosion, just over the rostov region, air defense forces destroyed 70 drones. according to governor vasily golubev, there were no casualties... power outages occurred in several settlements of the morozovsky district. another 17 drones, according to our defense department, were destroyed over the belgorod, voronezh, volgograd, kursk regions and crimea. local authorities there did not report any damage to the victims. voronezh publications report that there, in the region, drones were aiming at a local oil depot, but due to falling debris only one tank received minor damage, and it was unused. well, the west. partners, although one might say, accomplices of ukraine, are now meeting in italy, where the g7 summit is taking place, and even the western press does not tire of practicing wit about what is happening in italy, for example, a political publication notes that the weakest group has gathered in the south of the openinsky peninsula seven leaders in
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recent years: scholz and macron have just lost elections to the european parliament, risch and sunok are about to lose their positions, leader ratings japan and canada, canada's record lows. they all smile at the two european bureaucrats, whom no one actually elected, and joe biden, who in public looks increasingly sad, during the welcome show of parachutists you can see how biden, to the surprise of his partners, suddenly turns around, you see these shots, begins to communicate with another military man who was collecting parachute lines, then the hostess of the summit, italian prime minister giorgia miloni, literally took him by the hand and led him back to the company, arrived at the g7 meeting and... it is clear that at first the seven sat on their own, and then zelensky’s terrorists were allowed, as they say, to the master’s table, what did they try to please him with? to demonstrate unity at the summit, the united states and japan concluded an agreement with ukraine on
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security guarantees for the next 10 years, now kiev has signed such an agreement with all the g7 countries, but all these guarantees cannot be called reinforced concrete, there is not a word there. about the obligations of the united states to use its forces in ukraine if necessary, are not spelled out there specific amounts that the united states should send to kiev. but there are a lot of general phrases that within 10 years the united states will continue to train soldiers in the ssu, strengthen cooperation in the production of weapons and equipment, and expand the exchange of intelligence data. moreover, as the washington post writes, the agreement will not be ratified by the united states congress, so trump or any other next american president can alone. well, of course, you are being a little disingenuous when you say that the news is still that's all, the fact is that just recently the president made a statement, very important, very
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interesting, he talked with the leadership of our ministry of foreign affairs, they said that, as peskov said, it’s simple, we just didn’t announce it, this is... news, which interrupted the whole world, we will return to it a little later, now we will simply prepare for you pieces from vladimir putin’s speeches, but all these people, all these big seven, which we will also talk about today, of course they have something to think about, let’s have this little intrigue we have for the next hour, now we want to fulfill the promise, because we said that we want to sort out a little about the sanctions that were imposed on the 12th, including on...
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that means there is panic in moscow, and we are standing in line at the exchange office in balashikha, the line ends in khimki, they give us 2 dollars in hand for the price of a thousand. over all these years, that is, to the place where currency trading takes place, the foreign exchange rate is determined there, such an exchange
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has come to an end, so we think that it is necessary after all, we really need to figure it out, so we invited guests today on this topic, let’s see, the news about sanctions against the moscow exchange was initially greeted by the market with panic, the shares of the moscow exchange itself collapsed by more than 15%, and the dollar exchange rate in some russian banks soared up to 140 rubles. suspicious russia. they decided that the dollar might soon disappear altogether from the country and began to storm the exchange offices. the central bank reassured citizens. they explained that it would be possible to buy dollars and euros in banks, as before, without any additional restrictions. sanctions will not affect savings in foreign currency deposit accounts. the bank of russia began to prepare for this situation long ago, as elvira nabiolina spoke about 2 months ago. of course we are. in a state of constant readiness for a possible increase in sanctions, including on infrastructure, we are considering various options
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together with the exchange in order to ensure the functioning of our infrastructure. the main changes will affect how the dollar exchange rate will be formed in russia. the central bank will determine it depending on at what price do russian banks sell foreign currency? just on thursday, based on these calculations, the regulator first established. exchange rate without exchange trading. the dollar exchange rate was just over 88 rubles. this is the lowest exchange rate of the american currency over the past 5 months. at the same time, the bank of russia explained that in calculations they will focus more on the yuan exchange rate. the yuan's share of trading on the moscow exchange in may was 54%. thus, the yuan has already become the main currency in exchange trading. the yuan ruble exchange rate will be set by trajectory. and for other currency pairs it will become a reference point for market participants. the western
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press is expected to bury the russian economy, which seems to have been torn to shreds long ago. the bbc writes as usual that sanctions have dealt a serious blow to our banks. and former white house economist peter harel told reuters that the united states is introducing a global financial embargo against moscow. the head of the american ministry of finance happily reports that the russian economy is complete.
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wants to buy their dollars at 200 rubles per dollar, you have to go sell, this is firstly, secondly, but the russian stock exchange is not disappearing anywhere, this is generally a strong exaggeration, firstly, it remains as an institution for trading securities, and secondly, it remains as a tool for trading yuan there, they correctly said that most of the trading there is already in the yuan, and not with
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dollars and euros, so about the fact that it is disappearing, this is simply wrong, there is no need to misinform people, you are not confusing the currency. euro, it does not depend on the exchange, because a stock exchange is nothing more than a platform on which people trade; in principle, you can trade currency anywhere, even in an underground passage, even in the toilet of a kindergarten, it doesn’t matter whether people gather.
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well, somehow, well, somehow the trouble is temporary, so let’s say it exists now, well , it’s connected with the fact that now withdrawing balances of funds from brokers’ accounts on the stock exchange to foreign currency, well, this way out is somewhat difficult, there are no brokers among our viewers, quite a few people who understand, no, why many of us, i would not swear so, many of us, many of us trade directly on the stock exchange, so to speak, through brokers, but at least they traded. right now, while these funds are blocked there, that is, their release will of course be made, but in what form, in what way, time will tell, this is firstly, secondly, remember, there was a decree according to which the exchange took place frozen assets, here here and there in europe, but this exchange has now also been stopped according to this decree, since sanctions have been imposed on the depository,
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which, in fact, well, to put it more in this... sense, for export and for import, well, the most important thing is that what is associated with budget revenues through trade turnover in our country, this decision does not carry any risk, absolutely, i will explain why, because it has been for a long time, for a long time the main ones, as if import and export operations are not in dollars or euros, they are in national currencies in rubles, this is firstly, secondly, recently, maybe you noticed, the exchange rate was at... but nevertheless, the rate was going down confidently, which was due to the toxicity of the dollar and euro, because they it became difficult to sell on the exchange market already
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a month, a couple of months ago, even then, our exporters, who received this revenue in these currencies, they began to call them toxic, in the literal sense they began to call them toxic, because it was problematic to sell, large volumes, but they need sales in order to pay taxes, salaries, and so on. these citizens who ran to the exchange offices, some kind of habit worked for them, that’s what, of course, well, unfortunately, this past experience, it’s like he sold two things, i wouldn’t exaggerate, it means there are queues for cashiers and banks, this is in the evening of the first day, including one pro-government channel in st. petersburg showed a video, it means from exchangers, it’s just hype, and some people in a single version , maybe someone needed some money , needed it.
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he is more interesting to talk to, he understands this topic better, what was the purpose of these sanctions, if this is how we calmly talk about them now, yes, i think that we are not discussing at all what the goals of these sanctions were, in general that's how much they were aimed at the foreign exchange market, please note, firstly, in addition to the fact that our foreign exchange market there is cut off from the dollar and the euro, and by the way, they limited all transactions, as if cross-border with virtually any counterparties of the national depository, this such a figurine, you know, where you get these tomatoes there. you push it
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in half, this is the money, then you transfer it to those who supplied you with tomatoes, if you didn’t pay them off right away or vice versa, that’s how it all the settlement infrastructure and the infrastructure responsible for accounting are now also cut off from the external market, for example, if someone there is actually a much smaller number of citizens, of course, than 30 million, these are accounts, not individuals, here they are very actively in the twenty-second year, along with the sanctions , the numbers of these same owners multiplied, as if under the previous list, so that’s if. egypt, he has a card, well, it’s clear that it’s some kind of, i don’t know, union pay, chinese or something else, i don’t i know he can pay.
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georgia, yes , well, for example, banks from central asia, for example, yes, for example, kyrgyzstan, for example, uzbekistan, or for example, armenia, belarus, by the way, cards work too, by the way, pay attention, here, here they appeared certain problems. because the person received payments on these cards, this is not directly in the sanctions, but for now it is possible voluntarily by counterparties, part of the transaction, part of the counterparties, part of the operation was suspended, the person often topped up this card through the fast payment system, and in general, it was inexpensive or even free, perhaps through the largest bank in the country, just think about it, as if from the past , well, since the last holiday, not everyone was able to carry out replenishment operations, so to speak, not all of them are some kind of temporary yet, you see what’s the matter with these sanctions, formally
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, that’s all. it is still allowed until august 13 in relation to the exchange there until september 12 in relation to it services and other things, but remember what happened with the st. petersburg exchange, they also had 2 months of time, did anyone take advantage from counterparties in order to take advantage of this very lag and to take it and take it, allow the exchange to transfer client securities, no, i didn’t use it, as it was frozen, it remains so, i draw your attention, here we just went too far with clarifying questions, here is the main the purpose of these sanctions was clearly stated in your video. limit the russian financial sector, lock it within yourself, this is not about our foreign exchange market in general, this was mentioned at all, in my opinion, almost all of our guests, one way or another, the word yuan, that there are no trades in the dollar, there are no trades in the euro, but there are trades in the yuan, in general, we and friendly countries are switching to settlements in national currencies, how good is this, because the western press continues to convince us, that we are falling into some kind of trap, almost a chinese one, let’s
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look at the material. recently, the reator agency reported: the indian company reliance industries, the operator of one of the world's largest oil refining complexes, has agreed to purchase the russian oil for rubles. the company will purchase at least 3 million barrels of oil per month, which, according to journalists, is good for russia. we see how russia is systematically circumventing the restrictions established by the west. moscow now earns up to a billion dollars a day by selling oil mainly to india and china.
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western experts in such cooperation are looking for risks primarily for moscow and are frightening. russia is forced to reconsider its attitude towards the yuan in attempts to replace the dollar with it, and in general. china russian goods are only 5%, and this, according to the western press, makes moscow dependent on beijing. previously , russia’s major trading partners were europe and the united states, but now moscow has found itself isolated from many large markets. and now it is trying to create an alternative through chinese suppliers. beijing does not ask unnecessary questions and simply views russia as a sales market, but when it comes to politics, everything
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turns out to be more complicated. we have fewer and fewer dollars and euros in our calculations, more and more yuan, they say that we are becoming more and more from this yuan dependent, i don’t know whether that’s true or not, even if they are dependent, but what, what’s wrong? well , let’s think about it, by and large , in fact, over the last 2 years, our dollar and euro from foreign trade have decreased almost five times, and the yuan , on the contrary, has correspondingly increased its share. the first point, in any case, we can use the yuan and arkady nikolayevich has already spoken about this, we can essentially use it as such a calculated value in order to monitor the correctness of our dollar and euro exchange rate to the ruble, this is the first, second, are there any risks in what we essentially have instead of the dollar and the euro?
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the point is that it gradually devalues, that’s the point, because it’s important for trade and for exports, yes, that’s just such
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a paradox that to a lesser extent than before, well, yes, to a lesser extent, than before, but all the same, but still so, for us what is the danger here, that what we had, conditionally, what we had before, excuse me, again we begin to count in dollars give in dollars yes, that is, everything either way or otherwise we must have some kind of benchmark, some kind of base currency, yes, which does not have this factor, but then why are we now deprived of this benchmark by the ruble, the best ruble in this sense is for us, that ’s because for example, we left india from trading in dollars, switched to trading in rupee, that is, this is another problem, there is no such problem as with rupees with the yuan, but nevertheless. this is one of the factors, and this is one factor, the second factor is, in principle , the currency of the brics countries, other countries, yes, if we let’s not take china, these currencies are to a large extent really the so-called industries with e-mining industries, dominates in
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exports, that is, these are currencies that are tied in one way or another to industrial commodity markets, to raw materials, and cheese, this is the influence, the volatility is due to for this, well, actually , there are many factors that the ruble also has. don't miss central television - the first information show about the events and people of the week. they follow on the heels of their victims, like hunters of game. i was afraid for my life, they were harassing me on social networks, driving me away
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the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue this part, as promised, starting with personnel from the russian foreign ministry, where vladimir putin met with the leadership of the department. more than a hundred journalists were invited to this meeting, including from unfriendly states, and there the president made several very important statements already quoted. including regarding the conflict in ukraine. in particular, vladimir putin said that russia will immediately cease fire and will be ready for negotiations with kiev as soon as the ukrainian authorities refuse...
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well, russia took part in the swiss conference, it can now, in principle, not be held, which means we offer you this algorithm of actions, dear friends, this conference is there on the fifteenth or sixteenth, that’s right, tomorrow the day after tomorrow is sunday, here it should pass, because now of course they will listen to all this and discuss it all, on monday, when we return to the air, we will have something to discuss, now let’s again return to the g7 summit, which has just -it’s just finishing, they had one important... sanctions topic, they, well, at least announced that they seemed to have finally agreed on how to deal with our frozen assets, that is, after all, they will take interest from them for ukrainian needs to be conveyed. on opening day summit, the g7 leaders agreed to provide ukraine with a long-term loan of
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$50 billion. the money will start coming in this year. there are no restrictions on their use. kiev will be able to spend them on... more than 200 billion euros; in total , almost 300 billion are blocked in the g7 countries. the united states insisted on a complete withdrawal of funds, but the europeans refused, believing that this would create a dangerous precedent. however, washington still does not hide its joy; the us treasury called the theft of russian money a clear signal putin. joe biden is happy too. i am very pleased
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to announce that the g7 has signed a plan to unlock $50 billion. from the income of frozen russian assets in order to direct this money to the needs of ukraine. this is another reminder to putin that we will not back down and stand together against illegal aggression. but the optimism is not shared in brissel. behind the scenes, europeans are complaining that if something goes wrong, then the whole of europe will have to repay the loan, and the main benefit will go to companies from the united states. the politico publication generally called the summit a bunch of lame ducks.
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and in fact this is a private organization euroclear, which, including with chinese capital, and the command of this company euroclear, the americans and others there, the european bureaucrats simply cannot, so this is again another return to that same scheme, and the issuance of special securities under interest, which has not yet been and is not, this is , firstly, secondly, you need to understand that this money that they are collecting there is 50, there are 40-50 billion dollars by the end of the year at this interest will be received in the form of securities , they will not go to any ukraine, the fact is
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that ukraine must pay about $40 billion in interest on previously taken out debts by the end of this year, and this money, if it is received, so no ukraine will receive it, well then again the question is, why so much ado about nothing? you have a question for me, of course, this is for those seven citizens.
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to give instructions to technical specialists who will prepare all the decisions that are needed to make this legitimate, but unfortunately, if this scheme is in place, america and europe will sign up for it, this is the most the disgusting part of the actions that are being done in relation to russia, in relation to europe, america, yes, is much worse in its consequences than many of the sanctions that were carried out, i will explain what i mean, this is not even a question about money and it’s not about interest, it’s a question about laying down power.
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you need to demand what this means , 10-15 annual interest, that is, europe and america are signing a scheme under which it will be unprofitable for europe to leave the russian conflict for another 15 years, and keep this money for at least 15 years, and we do not yet know the terms of the loan, maybe there will still be a percentage drop there, which means even more. that is, this is a trap for all new politicians.
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biden's election campaign, the previous allocation of direct money of sixty of these billions faced enormous opposition, they essentially have no
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other option but to use some alternative steps. laying the foundation for sanctions, without laying them, it doesn’t matter if there’s an election campaign going on, he needs to show that they are doing something in ukraine, in fact, they will do their best push the europeans through compromising material, through pressure and so on, so that they are still arrested in euroclear, accordingly, they use these incomes, which essentially drip every year into russian holdings, so it’s not surprising, as they say, so i think , which is exactly what the president says. may indeed last quite a long time and interfere with reaching an agreement with europe, europe is poland, let us take a short break now, then we will continue the program, there
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will be another topic. superhero from popular tv series, don’t be afraid, everything will be fine, it’s the way it should be, he dropped everything, took the camera and went to the front, they are covering us from all sides, the disco is such that they record the crime of this artist, just hatred and anger towards everything russian, so that the escaped traitors would see this and stop. these rats lie, they immediately lost their masks and so that we can quickly defeat them all to spite them, it’s imperative, but what about without victory? an unimaginative movie about freaks and people on sunday at 6:00 pm on ntv. alex fierce, the case of orphans, premieres monday at 20:00 on ntv. only at alfabank. spin
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attention all groups, let's get ready for the assault, gossip. the final. that's it, the last parade is coming. today 20:00 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we continue now in this part. i’ll make a couple of announcements that relate to our creative schedule, so the program meeting place, excuse me, dear friends, i’m getting ready to go on vacation a little, and we’ll still work, talk to you for two weeks, and on friday 28th there will be the final broadcast
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of this television season, then we ’ll rest a little and return to work on august 12th, as in this case, i always say: please do not bombard the press service of the ntv television company with questions, where did your beloved go, why was our television closed? on august 12 we will return to the air, as for me personally, despite the summer, ours is with you meetings will continue on june 29, that is, work, we are just the first day of vacation, i will be in st. petersburg at the troitsky cultural center, july 22 in yalta at the chekhov theater, august 24 in sochi at the winter theater, we have kaliningrad and saransk in september and so on and so forth. novosibirs in october, cheboksary in november, tyumen in december, so there will be meetings, but the next one is next saturday in omsk on the 22nd, so now in the news block, the viewer was shown maxim
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anatolvich, who apparently writes down the dates in notepad, i just have a monitor on which all this is visible, that’s it, yes, yes, i ’ll finish, this is about your hint about people aged 60 and beyond, we ignore your comments. we would like to ask you to introduce us to the topic that was outlined today in the announcement of the program, all of this venerable wonderful biden family, because the journalists who asked asked questions to biden at the summit in italy and much more ukrainian topic was interested in whether joe biden would pardon his son, whom found guilty in the case of illegal possession of weapons. i submit to the jury's decision, i will not pardon him.
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the jury's decision capped a nearly six-year trial, marking the first time in u.s. history that an immediate family member of a sitting president has been convicted. the court found that biden jr. lied about his addiction to drugs when he bought a revolver for himself, and according to american law, drug addicts. it is prohibited to own weapons; on the totality of charges, the hunter could face up to 25 years in prison and up to a $750 thousand fine, the verdict will be announced within the next four months. strangely enough, trump supporters are most dissatisfied with the verdict of hunter biden, so the logic is this: the ex-president’s campaign headquarters says that this whole story with the trial of hunter is such a political ploy, because biden is trying to divert attention from real crimes his family, and... real corruption and this case is absolutely insignificant, however, the jury themselves, in a conversation with cnn , say that in fact there was no politics, well, in their opinion, there was no politics in the case, and not even it was mentioned that this was the president's son when they were sorting this all out. donald
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trump himself is not doing well right now; nbc reports that while awaiting trial , the ex-president has already had a conversation with correctional officers in new york. let me remind you that trump has already been found guilty in the case of bribing a porn actress. why is he talking to the jailers now? first, this is an almost thirty-minute conversation, this is a traditional procedure for american convicts, usually it takes place in person, but for trump they did an exception, he...
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one reason, it is not so global, because sometimes our athletes, well, for example, in team sports, they compete for various foreign clubs, over the past few weeks there as - all this is seething, the story with our football players matvey safonov, if i remember correctly, he was in krasnodar, i think he was standing at the gate, yes maxim and maxim, remind me about this match, please, and this is because it’s not necessary root for dynamo, just like that, yes. that's all now we won’t discuss it, you yourself asked, come on, come on, let’s give you your dynamo, we don’t remind you about dynamo, so matvey safonov seemed to have signed a contract with one of the leading french clubs paris saint-german, but then this one came up this is a wave, which means a person is leaving for a country that is unfriendly to us, which , to put it mildly, behaves very badly towards our country, but at the same time he does not change his sports citizenship, he... can also
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play for the russian national team, although later there was a second one the wave that he is some kind of malicious defaulter of elements, in general, this is such a mess, let us little by little spread it on the plate. at the end of last month it became known that russian goalkeeper matvey safonov signed a contract with the french football club paris saint-germain. the athlete’s desire to move to europe for the sake of his career turned into a scandal. deputy vitaly milonov called sofonov's transition.
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recently , tennis player ilina avanesyan announced her plans to change her citizenship. the twenty- one-year-old native of pyatigorsk will now be represent armenia at international competitions. at the same time, back in the spring, the athlete said that she had not received any offers to change her sports citizenship and did not even think about it. more recently, russians rejoiced at avanisyan’s success at the french roland goros tournament. i really like to win, improve, improve my skills.
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to the german national team, and oleg muratov and anatoly belovodchenko will continue their careers in poland. in may, four more russian figure skaters changed their sports citizenship. however, there are athletes who categorically refuse such offers. they offered naturalization for another country, i didn’t even, i didn’t even consider the offer, i didn’t even listen to what conditions they were offering, and i said that i wouldn’t go for it. what, as it were, is the grain. yes, for the sake of a career , a person leaves his homeland, so he makes a decision, leaves his homeland, that’s it, this is a traitor, bogdan anatolyevich, from my point of view, this is generally prostitution, where they will pay more there and...
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it’s just that they were born with these skills just like that the cradles took them and no, i think that they acquired these skills by being in their homeland, certain schools, training, work, a lot of everything was invested in them, and then they, well, they just took it and moved, yeah, these people obviously have no sense of homeland , this is that many ordinary people who were proud of these people, because they represented our country, are now offended by this, and me too, you did not mention another woman who now lives in spain, sinbaev, she represented there...
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we now have sports - it’s part of the show, it’s nothing is no different, but the foreigners who play the same football here, they are traitors to that side, you know, no, well, again, this is a show, of course, i’m not such a football fan as some of ours may be there are these, but when i see that , let’s say, a man of clearly african appearance represents the zenith there, for example, it causes bewilderment for me, but what’s here about how he went to petersburguno, and what about the arab of peter the great, also in general , has a strong african appearance.
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yes, they say, everyone, i like it more position, i don’t know which one, but i refused, her position appeals much more painfully, you need to pay attention to each one specifically, now i’ll explain, well, it’s 2022, wimbledon, the most popular tennis tournament, its organizers have gone further than anyone in the tennis world and russians and belarusians were excluded altogether. yes, they were simply excluded, then they came to their senses in 2023, that this was too much, and so, fate gave us such a gift that this tournament was won by a muscovite, a muscovite, lena ribakina, who stands for kazakhstan, and that i was rooting for it, i’m
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rooting for it now, what’s the difference, and kazakhstan is a friendly country, so here’s everyone. it’s not just that he transfers, but his club krasnodar receives a huge amount of money, for which he will buy some brazilians, paraguayans, peruvians and so on, that they invested in him
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there, he brought him up in a children’s youth school, he won it all back and. ..
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flawed, but then you can say, well, after continuing this logic, which seems to me of how it happened on february 24, why didn’t they leave, didn’t break the contract, didn’t returned to their homeland, good argument, we’ll get there.
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for 2 years, he has been playing jacks on russian athletes in any form, taking out, replenishing his piggy bank, you know, very obscene behavior,
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which continues in football and anywhere else, but this is a matter of conscience of every athlete, to which you can each relate, here is the question, as he says colleague kuzmak, you know, we should not demand high citizenship from athletes, because we are setting the bar too high, because at the level of the coaching staff, if you listen to them, what is taught to him from the first sports schools, olympiads, olympiads are all important. throw your elbows, rush there, everything else is on the side, at school you got c’s, don’t care, they didn’t teach you, you still hit your head with chairs because you think it’s normal, it’ll do, the main thing is that you’re a star here , and what’s going on there, you raised them this way, and we continue this story with the olympics and the fact that this is possible, this is impossible, to continue to educate such a sport, we get it in such a way that they only think about to myself, not we’ll only try about sports in the next part, because we’ll give you examples from a completely different area of ​​the show. show business , the pictures are absolutely beautiful, he says the pictures will be beautiful, but that will happen in a few minutes. the finale
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of the show, superstar, our superstars prepared premieres especially for the finale, the team comes out on stage and you understand that they are legends. a new brand, belarusian legends, is now yours. i received such frantic emotions, of course, but
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provides additional protection when working in hard-to-reach places. space. electric motor with copper winding has a fairly high power for such a small thing. this saw's chain has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy required. call to order a cordless chain saw. and get a reliable and faithful assistant. central television. tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, we will now show you several examples from the world of sports, and not only from it, these are people who left russia a significant time ago, are building a career on in the west, different, some in sports, some in show business, but at the same time they do not break their ties with russia and the fact that they are russian,
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or whatever they call themselves, they are not shy, supermodel irina shayk ... went abroad back in 2005, later became the first girl from russia whose image appeared on the cover of sports illustrated magazine, she is among the top sexiest women in the world, her boyfriend included cristiano ronaldo. the model does not lose ties with its homeland, which is why they tried to cancel it in the west. 2 years ago, she was criticized for a photo of olivier salad with the caption wednesday in russian on social networks, and later the girl was hounded for a video where irina says that she is russian, and her real name is sheikh lislamova. in march, the supermodel appeared on the cover of the fashion magazine vok and introduced herself again in russian, and recently. ovechkin, since 2005 he has been playing for the american club
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washington capitals, in 2018 ovechkin won the famous walls cup. we have been waiting for this moment for a very, very long time. i've been waiting for him since his first day in the nhl. however, ovechkin is not from russia refused. he became a three-time world champion as a member of our hockey team, and founded the movement in 2017. rumors immediately appeared that the hockey player could return to russia in 2 years, when his contract in the nhl ends, at first i was very bored, it’s clear that your home is russia, yes, but it turns out that you live here because you definitely have some, almost 20 years ago hockey player evgeni malkin left overseas. 2004 he was a forward for the pittsburgh penwins, and recently became one of the top nhl players. at this hockey player competed at eight world championships as part of the russian national team, and also
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represented our country at the olympics in turin, vancouver and sochi. several years ago, the western press discovered that malkin had us citizenship; the athlete himself stated that america is his second home and there is nothing wrong with that. would you like your son to speak english? yes, of course, he is walking now.
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he was not thrown out of the white house, he was not thrown stones when alekseevich started in 1922, please note, we are showing footage, ovechkin is not wearing a t-shirt putin. gave anathema messi because he played in barcelona, ​​portugal did not betray anathema ronaldo when he played for spanish real,
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what's wrong with that, every athlete plays where he wants, where he wants, you know, you say, so and so artist spoke out, but if only ovechkin, malkin.
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they asked sympathetically, oh my god, and you also dare, the degree of discussion, of course, was immediately set by the respected colleague on the left, there is a big difference. between me i don’t like this position, i like me better it’s all of them prostitutes, there is a slight difference, here is a respected colleague talking about argentina, spain, i don’t understand at all why give this example, firstly , there are no military operations between argentina and spain and so on, but to alexander ovechkin in general, who can, what questions there could be from my point of view , none, by the way, they recently showed me, while i was on my way to the program, i checked, open his instagram, he is there in his avatar
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with the president of russia vladimirovich. i ’ll explain to you what, as i understand it, the lines are about, sounds from our guests, ovechkin in a putin tim t-shirt went to the president of the united states, and no one threw poop at him, but it turns out that we seem to throw people at people for their position, you see the difference, listen, if we, i was just at the opening of the moscow jazz festival , which igor mikhailovich butman organized in the cheikovsky concert hall, and there came out an amazing... american singer, american, american, attention, with american citizenship, came out and said, i love you, no listen to the media, russia is our home, friend and so on, just a second, well, ovechkin is a citizen of russia, he came to a reception with the president of america, if we have american citizens who come to a reception with putin, they will be expelled for there, i don’t know, trump or something, here as if a hint that we are a little politicized, and in different directions, recently eric clapton was asked what he
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generally thinks about what... is happening in the world, well, he generally spoke out as he spoke always that he shares the point of view of roger uthers, that he believes that russia has the right to conduct a special military operation and so on and so on, after which ksenia larina, who is an agent or not yet, seems to me already yes, wonderful in all respects, yes, she wrote another old asshole, there are more who such as blue larina, whom i know very well, who eric clapton is, whom i personally don’t know, you see, this is what we are talking about now.
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country is, if his consciousness is absolutely in no way connected with it, this causes most people, of course, rejection, you grew up here, well, when a person, a writer, an athlete is required to condemn the country, to sign something, they even refused to sell handbags somewhere until you write in writing that you condemn russia, putin, in addition to humiliation, this is just another person, as it were, he dissolves, he has no core, this is what causes rejection among us, i may have cut out too sharply at the beginning of the program, but i meant that too, i have no complaints, by the way,
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i i will indicate what i consider to be betrayal, so if a person voluntarily joined the army, took the oath, received a weapon in his hands, then shoot, after which with this weapon he began to shoot at those to whom he took the oath, this is betrayal, everything else, strictly speaking, excuse the expression, which i don’t
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like, these are human rights, yeah .
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so, what position do you take, excuse me, he would have defended khimki, but what happened happened, and what happened, excuse me, there was a crossing of the border, unilaterally, crossing the border of another state, we have known him for a long time, this is the position. he does n't have to waste time so noo means discussing the political decisions made and leading up to february 24, we, as our current non-brothers say, are forbidden, why? now you are doing this, you are now
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discussing, moreover, the presidential elections that took place here a few months ago, isn’t this a nationwide discussion about people’s understanding of what is happening in the country, and how we will come out in terms of percentage, approval, good. so what does it mean that these people we are talking about today belong to that 20%, there are 80%, plus or minus, they hang out all the time approval, belong to those 20% who , perhaps, do not approve of something, or at least believe that they are outside of these decisions, the logic is generally incomprehensible, absolutely, yes, employees of foreign companies.
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the thing is that even he did it so miraculously one-sidedly that it was obvious that the person did not understand the problem, he just took a contract for financial activities, and so, starting with mrs. esinbayeva, all these statements, i’m not me, a horse not mine, there was only one thing, and mrs. sedbaeva really wanted to keep real estate in spain a place on the executive committee of the international olympiad, which was the decision, well, she was asked to make a statement, because she might not have been very successful on the executive committee. as for athletes who change citizenship, once again, there are no objections to the svo, because they do not understand what we are talking about, because
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he was taught that he needs to get to the olympics, the world championships, and so from russia they didn’t let me in, so i ran, and often it wasn’t even he who ran, but his dad and mom, the coach, ran to re-register for him passport, that's all when we... via superstar finale on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. bionic prostheses, this is very difficult, but you didn’t listen, because you
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circumstances, finding strength for what i have been putting off, devoting time to the most important things, when sports are the norm of life, everything is normal for me, find energy for , people need to be taken out urgently to save them, point zero, premiere from monday at 22:20 on ntv. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, i did not agree with andrei nikolaevich’s theses, that there is no need to demand anything from athletes, because they do not understand the essence of the problem in general, there are different cases , athletes, non-athletes, are leaving, and they understand the political situation very well, have their own point of view, and sometimes express it publicly, at the beginning of the month. the scandal has caused the former world champion in mixed martial arts khabib nurmagomedov.
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during the title fight of his fellow countryman islam makhacheva in the usa, nurmagomedov talked with donald trump, who came to the show. as a spectator, a fragment of the conversation was captured by the cameras. i know that you can stop the war in palestine. we'll stop this. i 'll stop this. nurmagomedov's request caused a storm of indignation in russia. some social journalists wondered why the athlete was concerned about the fate of the palestinians, but did not ask trump to stop military assistance to ukraine. nurmagomedov was also reminded of the recent insight from the western press that he allegedly i quietly received my passport. united arab emirates and did not report this to the competent authorities of russia. even the state duma commented on the situation. we have many citizens who have second and dual citizenship. this is not prohibited by law. as for khabib nurmagomedov. if, of course, this is so, he is also interested in it for some reason.
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you probably want to travel around the world or hold financial assets. we have such lovers. in the emirates, a former fighter launched his own fitness club. where clients, including sambo and mixed boxing martial arts. nurmagomedov previously opened a similar sports center in his native makhachkala, although, according to rumors, he himself has not appeared there for a long time. so, maxim anatolyevich, from your point of view, is there some kind of scandal here? and that means that only now i have found confirmation, i’ll speak somehow, i’ll post it on my telegram channel right away. so today the message came that donald trump. gave an interview to a youtube channel and the news is directly called, meaning that mukhamedov, he discussed the end of the conflict in ukraine and trump told him that when i come to power, i did this, so in this case , all these accusations against nurmagomedov are absolutely
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unfounded, the conclusion is drawn based on the fact that the cameras captured a fragment of the conversation, in fact. the paltry of the emirates confuses, well, there’s deputy khamzaev, with whom i never agree on anything, especially when he struggles with alcohol in my country, but here i agree with him, leave the guy alone, let him do what he wants, and in general he’s so popular in the north caucasus, in his native dagestan, that let’s not do it now but to throw some kind of criticism at him, this is too
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delicate a topic of interethnic relations to touch the chechens, dagestanis on such an empty, made-up matter. well, as far as i can remember, he didn’t say a single word about the northern military district in principle, and there , unlike palestine, i don’t know how many dagestanis are fighting in palestine on the side of the palestinians, i don’t know, yes, but i know exactly how many of my dagestani brothers are fighting right now to... carry out a special military operation and about them - khabib says nothing says, but this is probably his right, i’m kind of just a little surprised by this, and we have, for example, alexander shlemenko, also a champion, a confidant of the president and so on, an amazing fighter, yes, here he is, speaking out about his , lost everything in america, and by the way, everyone wants to make money there, and so on and so forth,
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he had a huge career in america, he completely lost it all, but here you understand, there are completely different cases on the scales, so i - i’m not in a hurry to accuse khabib nurmagomedov of anything, but his position as it were, it is clearly universal, i am a citizen of the world, my fatherland, all of humanity, this is quite strange in my opinion, because after all, dagestan is part of our common homeland, which is now waging the most terrible war in the last centuries in the world , there andrei nikolaevich , in my opinion, reacted to maxim’s words , i’m just thinking about it, it means that people still need to express their attitude, listen, of course, this influences the beginning. a very good example, but on the other hand, i have already given it many times, sports - it’s not only faster, higher, stronger, good, fischer, chess player, what did they do to him when he just arrived, held a chess tournament with spassky in yugoslavia, he didn’t even make any statements, he just held a chess tournament in the country, against whom the united states announced sanctions, he was hounded, he was running all over the world, then
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another very small example, another small example, now it’s june 12, 20204, there was also a tournament there as part of mma or something else, there was one of tajik fighters, in my opinion. he came out, i don't know if he didn't knows, maybe he didn’t guess, or something, but on june 12, on russia day, he didn’t congratulate russia and the russians, the russians there and so on, he congratulated tajikistan there and so on, that hello.
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for me, for example, the absolute collapse of the idea there about the country and world sports was canada, which confirmed the sanction of vladislav tretyak, canada, which prays for hockey, for which tretyak was a god at the greek level, has fallen to such a level of people who in regarding tretiak, which i note are not political, he is in hall of fame, i think, the first of ours in the hall of fame.
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having quarreled with his beloved, the man, without thinking twice, cheated on her with an acquaintance. coincidentally, that evening we ended up in the same apartment and what happened happened, and then the mistress announced that she was pregnant and destroyed the family of a loving sufferer. which woman would like it when her man is reminded that he had another child as a result of cheating. for 10 years now, he does not believe that he became the father of an illegitimate son and demands a genetic examination from his mother. honestly, i didn't believe it such a fleeting connection, it cannot lead.
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still keeps one thing in his heart. that's it, they answered. alexander nikolaevich. the homeland, of course, is one, but there can be as many places of residence and work as you like, and also the political views accepted in the homeland are not at all obligatory for its citizen, because during my life the homeland, in my honesty, has changed its political views so many times that you can’t keep up with her, so maxim anatolyevich, listen, who has it, what is the schwarzeneg’s homeland, austria or the united states, elon musk has a legal entity or the united states, as it turns out life
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is the place where you were born, there can be any number of places of residence, where you were born, that’s where you came in handy, and sometimes where you were born, you weren’t useful there, you weren’t useful, your homeland, like your mother, on the one hand, she is definitely alone , on the other hand, there is a biological mother who abandoned you and was raised by another woman, yes, i know people for whom russia became their homeland, they were born, for example, in spain, there is certainly one homeland, but i can imagine a lot of situations where which a person leaves the country where he was born to some other country, and at the same time does not deserve condemnation. another point, this is my personal feeling, when a person leaves somewhere and tries with all his might to become a citizen of his new, this newfound country, and at the same time does not hand over
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his old russian passport, here i have something all the time.. . sucks in the pit of your stomach, because well, if you’re already there, well, give it up, that’s it, you said goodbye, why, because this is sitting on two chairs, andrei vach, he talks to me like someone, like a citizen of israel, like a citizen. russia, a citizen of france or a citizen of russia, you are talking about public people, about anyone, i don’t know, but i take advantage of my privilege not to make any serious conclusion at the end of the program. i watched, yes, until 3:00 in the morning, i mean until 3:00, it’s over at 13, well, the football is over, but there is no beer, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekday ntv, goodbye.
4:00 pm
the barbaric attack of the ukrainian armed forces in donbass killed our cameraman valery kozhin. correspondent alexey ivlev survived, but lost his arm. girls, everything is fine, one hand is missing, well, that’s normal. about readiness for negotiations. vladimir putin named the conditions for peace in ukraine. as soon as kiev agrees to a similar course of events. proposed today, we are ready to begin negotiations without delaying them, her or her russians are complaining about the confiscation of passports at the border, for alleged mistakes in...


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