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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 14, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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russia's negotiating bridgehead vladimir putin made fundamental proposals for launching peace processes not only in ukraine, on the entire continent, from the ministry of foreign affairs, where the president made his speech, alexey prokin. ukrainian formations attacked peaceful neighborhoods. as a result, the entrance to a residential building collapsed. a political scandal is flaring up in slovakia; the country's former authorities were involved in the transfer of mik-29 fighter jets to ukraine for half a billion dollars , bypassing the constitution. fight intensifies in the us for the presidency. trump is being feted on capitol hill, officials who prosecuted cases against him are being called out, and biden is trying to hold on to his falling approval ratings. in
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blagoveshchensk, a car flew onto the sidewalk at high speed and hit pedestrians, three were killed, six were injured, it is reported that the driver was drunk. hello, welcome to the tele information service. they include kiev’s obligation not to enter into military alliances , the country’s nuclear-free status, recognition of the dpr, lpr, kherson, zaporozhye regions as russian territories lifting sanctions from russia. the president held a meeting with the leadership of the ministry to assess the current situation in world and regional affairs. the foreign policy department has been assigned a number of tasks. without an honest dialogue with
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russia , it is impossible to talk about security in europe. noting this fact, which is obvious to moscow, but not obvious to those who are going to the conference in switzerland, the russian president named the conditions under which russia is ready to negotiate the end of its. our country, vladimir putin recalled, has always strived for peace, and now here is the formula that... kherson and zaporozhye regions, and i draw attention specifically from the entire territory of these regions within their administrative borders that existed at the time of their entry into ukraine. as soon as kiev declares that they are ready for such a decision, they will begin a real withdrawal of troops from these regions. and will also officially notify us of
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the abandonment of plans to join nato, from our side immediately, literally at the same minute, an order to cease fire will follow start negotiations. i repeat, we will do this immediately, of course, and at the same time we will guarantee the unhindered and safe withdrawal of ukrainian units and formations. we, of course, would like to expect that such a decision on the withdrawal of troops, on non-bloc status, on the beginning of a dialogue with russia, on which the future existence of ukraine depends, will be made independently in kiev. the president of ukraine has lost his legitimacy, but the legislation of his neighbors, according to vladimir putin, allows negotiations, for example, with verkhovna rada, for this kiev, at a minimum, needs to lift the self-prohibition on dialogue and stop listening to its western masters. the russian president called for turning the tragic page of history and not talking about a truce. today we
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are making another concrete, real peace proposal, if in kiev and in the western capitals they also refuse it, as before, then in the end it is their business, their political and moral responsibility for the continuation of bloodshed. obviously, the realities on the ground on the line of combat contact will continue to change, not in favor of the kiev regime. and the conditions for starting negotiations will be different. i will emphasize the main thing, the essence of our proposal is not some kind of temporary truce or ceasefire, as is the case, for example, as the west wants, in order to restore losses, rearm the kiev regime, prepare it for a new offensive, i repeat, this is not about freezing the conflict, and about its final completion, and i will say again, as soon as in kiev they agree to similar... to a similar course
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of events proposed today, they will agree to the complete withdrawal of our troops from the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions, and really begin this process, we are ready to begin ... the neutral, non-aligned, nuclear-free status of ukraine, its demilitarization and denazification, of course, must be fully ensured rights, freedoms and interests of russian-speaking citizens in ukraine, new territorial realities, the status of crimea, sevastopol, donetsk, lugansk people's republics, kherson are recognized. zaporozhye regions, as subjects of the russian federation. the president recalled that the fighting in kiev began to attack ukraine when it began shelling donbass. having stood up for the residents of south-east ukraine and launched a special operation, russia was ready to complete it after the ukrainian representative initialed the agreement
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reached in istanbul. that document was called about permanent neutrality and security guarantees for ukraine. but after our country’s armed forces withdrew from kiev, the zelensky regime stopped the negotiations.
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and held referendums, acted as the people decided, including in the kherson and zaporozhye regions, in donetsk and lugansk people's republics. vladimir putin has not been to the foreign ministry for almost 3 years, noting that since then , if not everything, then much has changed and , according to the president, it will no longer be the same, so putin invited russian diplomats to think now about a new architecture of international security, a unified and indivisible for everyone. we came unacceptably close. as a point of no return, calls to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, which has the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, demonstrates the extreme adventurism of western politicians: they either do not understand the scale of the threat that they themselves generate, or are simply obsessed with the belief in their own
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impunity and their own exclusivity. both of these can result in tragedy. obviously.
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however, this is now, but if we build a reliable security system in the future, such a presence in regional military contingents will simply not be necessary. to create a system within which all states would be confident in their own security. then we, by the way.
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dozens of journalists from unfriendly countries, it was precisely to their audience that the second point of the presidential proposals on unified and indivisible security was directed, that the architecture of such security is open to everyone, including nato countries, geography cannot be changed, and, as the head of state noted, to exist and russia and the west will have to work, if not together, then side by side. alexey prokin, stepan lesakovich and gennady lisitsky, ntv television company, moscow. in shibikina, belgorod region , a search and rescue operation is underway at the moment. during the shelling of the ukrainian armed forces, one of the shells hit a residential
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building and the entrance to a five-story building collapsed. by this hour, five victims are known, two of them were trapped alive under the rubble. employees of the ministry of emergency situations, using a ladder truck, also rescued several residents from the upper surviving floors. the city has prepared a temporary accommodation center for people from destroyed, damaged apartments. more than 200 rescuers are currently working at the site, and special equipment has been delivered. to clear away the rubble. in addition, experts arrived to assess the stability of the house. today we remember our colleague, ntv cameraman valery kozhin. he was mortally wounded the day before during shelling in the gorlovka area, while filming a report at the positions of one of the combat units. valera was taken to the hospital, where the operation took place for several hours. the doctors fought for his life, did everything possible, but they could not save him. valeria was 46 years old, 18 of them. he worked for ntv and went on business trips. in many hot spots he was awarded medals for courage for services to the fatherland. colleagues call him one of
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the most professional military operators. he was a very courageous man and a reliable friend. this is exactly how he always worked, being at the epicenter of events, which he filmed next to those who perform combat missions, more than once risking their own lives for the sake of a good shot. i know. on our. was discussed, sometimes i was even amazed when they were in parallel, he sees the frame and just
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runs, runs, shoots, shoots very beautifully. the most important standard on which the lives of these guys depend is to leave the combat mission point as quickly as possible, we now we will compete with these guys, which of us will do it faster? valery had a real creative tandem with correspondent alexey ivliev, they were not just colleagues, but friends, they worked for many years... together, on a business trip to hot spots alexey always went only with him, knowing that such an operator would not let him down anywhere and never. valera, we’re retreating, they’re going to shoot now. they were together on business trips in syria many times, they found themselves in situations that we, journalists, often talk about, there is a lot to remember, but not everything is possible tell, but they always returned from filming with interesting material, which the editors were waiting for and knew that this film crew would definitely do their job, no matter how difficult the situation. valera was not just my colleague, i can rightfully call him my friend, we
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crossed paths in different hot spots for many years, filmed, worked together and just talked. i always celebrated in you. subtle observation in filming, in work and sensitivity in communicating with others. i knew that you were a top operator, a highly professional letter, with whom any correspondent would like to go filming, especially to a hot spot, because with you it was always reliable. valery had a creative approach to filming each frame, always tried, he was not just a professional on the other side of the camera, he was a real co-author of any television report that was aired. and where to put it, where to put it? well, look, one is from here, well, the second is somewhere over here, they will shoot through the house over there, all the journalists who happened to work with him note not only valery’s professionalism, he had a special talent, so necessary when you constantly work in a zone of military conflicts, to always remain a person ready to help in any situation, no matter whether
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it concerned work or something deeply personal, we started working together back in syria, then donbass, and not only in war, in ordinary war... more and more often we lose the best. valera was one of the best military operators. we, i, will miss him very much. i was also lucky to work together with valery kozhin and during a business trip to syria on everyday peaceful filming. he sincerely worried about the fate of each tv story, helped with advice, always remaining calm,
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sympathetic and incredibly kind, no matter how difficult or dangerous it was. and today it is very painful to realize that both... the name and surname will no longer be heard on our television. seriously wounded ntv military correspondent alexey ivliev was evacuated to rostov-on-don today. the question of further transportation to moscow, a military hospital, will depend on the decision of the doctors and his condition. alexey lost his arm, received multiple shrapnel wounds, underwent a complex multi-hour operation. as soon as he came to his senses, he recorded a video, despite severe injuries, he is holding on.
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group strikes in response to attacks on russian energy facilities launched by kiev. from june 8 to june 14, in response to attempts by the kiev regime to damage russian energy facilities, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 19 group strikes with high-precision air -ground weapons, as well as attack unmanned aerial vehicles, during which energy facilities were hit.
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the russian military took control of three settlements in the dpr, lpr and kharkov region. according to the ministry of defense, up to 12,795 people were lost in the special operation zone in the ssu. defense minister andrei belousov today inspected the command post of the aerospace forces. its technical equipment allows it to constantly monitor the situation over the entire territory of russia and in strategic directions. the head of the defense ministry was informed about the combat work of aviation in the northern military district zone. in real time time, including the use of glide bombs by su-34 aircraft against strongholds of the ukrainian army in the south donetsk direction. andrey belousov was presented with the work of the bespilo management group.
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the air is stopped. the buk and tor anti-aircraft missile systems shoot down all types of targets at distances of tens of kilometers with sniper precision. sergei pikulin reports from the south donetsk direction of the special operation. this hulk weighs more than 30 tons, but easily picks up a speed of 80 km/h over rough terrain to bring the torus into combat position. the crew needs less than a minute. here, in the ugledar direction, the enemy regularly launches attack drones, trying to slow down the advance of our infantry. here on the radar is the so-called babaega - a heavy drone that can carry
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several mines at once. here's one. thanks to russian air defense, aviation, and the ukrainian armed forces, entry into our airspace is prohibited. ukraine is begging for the american f-16 in the hope of changing something, but it will be in the air with them.
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this is definitely not an escalation of the conflict. the only country that is aggravating this the conflict is russia, since it sends tens of thousands of bomb bullets towards ukraine every day, so given the increase in aggression from russia, it is natural that ukraine must defend itself. the west, of course, praised the slovak authorities for such generous assistance, but a year later in bratislava they began to wonder why we were suddenly sending fighters to ukraine for free. now experts have calculated the approximate cost of the slovak gift. here are 13 mig-29 fighters - that’s more than 500 million euros, a huge amount of money for such a small country, especially, as it later turned out, everything was done in circumvention of the constitution. now
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representatives of the current slovak cabinet have questions for the former prime minister and minister of defense. this man betrayed national values. yaroslav nat lied, shamelessly lied in front of members of the national council. the weakening of our armed forces can only be called high treason. it is impossible, as it turned out, the pro-western politicians of slovakia a year ago were in such a hurry to help ukraine for free that they did not even conduct an expert analysis of the need for such a supply, the ministry of defense now states that such an analysis simply does not exist in nature, and the piquancy of the situation is added by the fact that by the time the decision was made, both heger and nat were actually retired, the day before parliament passed a vote of no confidence in the cabinet, everyone was waiting for the formation of a new composition of the government, the truth came out of expert analysis.
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vladimir putin is currently meeting with participants in the new program time of heroes. this is a special educational project created this year at the initiative of the president for training of managers from among the sbo participants. meetings are held in the moscow region at the senizh management workshop, ranhiks higher school of public administration, where a training center has been opened. as putin noted, the authorities pay special attention to the training of professional personnel for public administration. one of the most important tasks is personnel, and of course, when i looked at your comrades in arms, talked with them, the simplest thought came to mind: well, well, if not for people like these operations, then for whom? it’s clear that, uh, we have a big country, and a lot of people, and there are a lot of talented people, but among all those who
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are... among the talented there are also those who do not spare their lives and health to serve their homeland in the most dangerous conditions. during the meeting, the president also noted that each participant in the program after training has a choice: remain in military service or switch to civilian service. the day before yesterday we met with the chief of the general staff, with the recently appointed minister of defense, and we talked about those who... the chief of the general staff gathered, he proceeds from the fact that, of course, i i can make a decision to transfer some of you to civilian life, but he really says, good guys, leave them to us too, of course, they, too, the armed forces also don’t want to lose people who went through such a difficult selection and ended up showing good results here, but each of you can
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make a decision about what he will do next in his life, this choice is yours, i will do it as you decide for yourself, okay? as for the goals of life, this is a complex question, there are many different formulas, and one of them is this: you need to live for the sake of what... the first set of the time of heroes program included 83 people with the rank of private to major general, among them 21 heroes of russia. all of them will undergo a two-year course of study, consisting of several educational modules. this is the program today. next in our issue. the battle for the presidency is intensifying in the united states. trump is being feted on the hill, officials who led cases against him have been called out, and biden
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is trying to hold on to his sagging approval ratings. the russian foreign ministry said whether tourists could not released abroad because of incorrect letters? denis stalolaev talks about this. submit an application for free gas supply to the border of your property. call for details. 800 101 000 04 free call best deposit in save up to 18% per annum have time to open before the end of june m beauty why are you so expensive no mom it’s very inexpensive saved on mother liran refrigerator for 69.990 liran we make comfort accessible on the one hand this is an ozone card -a bank where you can pay for
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forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. the sausages are simply braided. and this is our own farm cherkizov, where the selected meat for the sausages that my family likes so much appears, cosmically delicious, cherkizovo, vea superstar, the final on sunday at 20:20 on ntv, this is the program today, we continue our release, in the usa the struggle for presidential seat. the names of both candidates appear in criminal cases. donald trump was found guilty by a jury of falsifying financial documents, and joe biden's son faces prison time for illegal weapons possession. in two weeks there will be meetings between the candidates
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the first debate to determine the leader of the race. in the meantime, the latest public opinion poll shows that 41% are ready to vote for trump, and 39% for biden. political scientists note that 20% will influence the result of the upcoming elections in the united states. and what's even more remarkable is that half of them are going to vote for independent candidate robert kennady jr. our subcorrespondent in the united states, alexei veselovsky, is observing the presidential campaign, which is gaining momentum. donald trump returned to the capitalist field for the first time since january 6, 2021, when he supporters attempted to seize the congressional building. this time everything was calm in washington, except for a couple of dozen protesters who lazily booed the ex-president of the united states' motorcade. inside. trump, they gave him a standing ovation. it was a great meeting. the republican party is incredibly united right now. we want to see strong
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borders, a strong army. we don't want money to be spent uncontrollably around the world. we don't want to see russian ships off the coast of florida, where they are now, which is incredible. we want our country to succeed. now he's gone. trump was congratulated on his birthday, june 14, he turns 78, and was applauded for a long time when he left congress. in general, if anyone had any hope that the verdict would be guilty. we just wrapped up a very successful, special meeting with our very special guest, president donald trump. he has been warmly welcomed by republicans in congress and we are 100% united in supporting his candidacy as president to work for the good of the american people. trump's visit to congress coincided with hearings held by republicans on motives.
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defense witnesses were given the opportunity to testify, but most importantly, they never proved what crime trump committed. the right has every reason to doubt it. criminal cases against trump arose one after another, as soon as he hinted that he intended to run for president of the united states again. it was november 2022, and then president biden unexpectedly opened up. we must demonstrate that he will not come to power. if he runs, i will make it legal. constitutional methods, he will not become the next president.
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on november 15, trump announced that he was running, and 3 days later, us attorney general merick garland appointed special prosecutor smith to investigate trump’s participation in the riots on january 6, 2021, at which time the rest of the cases against the ex-president began. the day before, attorney general garland was summoned to a hearing in congress and he flatly denied any order from the white house to his department to neutralize trump. our concern is that you are not following the facts, the law, and the target is set and that is trump. ministry of justice follows facts to law: we conduct business and make decisions differently in different cases, but we do not allow political party , race or wealth to influence our decision. however, the same carland, contrary to the requirements of the law, refuses to provide congress with the audio testimony of us president biden, given by him in the case of improper storage.
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but according to almost all polls, and the new york criminal case seems to have only added to the ex-president’s popularity, perhaps this is why biden decided to abandon the trip to the ukraine summit in switzerland will send vice president kamala haris there instead, biden himself will fly to california to meet with hollywood stars george clooney and julia roberts, to raise money to try to save his falling rating. alexey vasilovsky, polina timofeeva, alexander gusev, ntv, usa. the following news will certainly be of interest to holders of international passports;
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the russian ministry of foreign affairs has ruled out the withdrawal of this document due to transliteration, and the business press is reporting this today. we’ll find out the details right now, denis joins us talolaev, denis, explain, the foreign ministry says that russian names and surnames can be written in latin letters in different ways, and there shouldn’t seem to be any problems because of this when leaving russia. russians who travel abroad do not need to check how their names and surnames are written in latin letters in their international passport. different transliteration options are not a mistake, and this cannot be grounds for confiscation of a passport at the border. rbc was informed about all this in the department of information and press of the russian foreign ministry. news that russians at the border, customs officers discover errors in their passports and are not allowed to leave the country; they began to actively come after amendments came into effect in russia in december last year. which determined the criteria for
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invalidating a foreign passport. the vice-president of the russian tour operators association, artur muradyan , called the problem “avalanche-like” at the end of may. representatives of the travel industry said that the letter y is among the most common mistakes. for example, in a domestic passport they wrote e, in a foreign passport they can be written differently deposits, there may be banal typos, erm instead of per. errors may occur in machine-readable lines where owners. passports were hardly ever looked at; as reported, errors most often occur in foreign passports without biometrics. today, ator’s vice-president is arthur muradyan, his words are quoted on the association’s website. operators say that the new clarification from mead improves the situation with the grant passports of tourists who are now fleeing any trick. according to arthur muradyan, the circle of mistakes due to which tourists may have problems at the border, narrowing down, now these are obvious typos, incorrect instructions or simply a lack
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of data, for example, about gender, age, date of birth, banks in kyrgyzstan have begun to resume money transfers to and from russia. rska bank announced this morning that sending and receiving money has been restored, including through the unistream and zolotaya korona systems, kompanion bank announced that it has resumed transfers in rubles through its application and through the unistream system, ksb bank reported that all operations on the systems money transfers are operating as normal. yesterday, several kyrgyz banks announced that they were temporarily stopping operations with russian money transfer systems and... restoring the conversion of rubles into other currencies. some banks explained all this due to some technical reasons, while others said that they introduced the restriction due to the fact that rates could fluctuate sharply. all this happened after the moscow exchange came under american sanctions and stopped trading in dollars and euros. after because of this, in kyrgyzstan, as the tas agency clarified,
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the ruble exchange rate fell by about 35%. but during the day i was still able to return to almost the previous values. moreover, the us treasury is within the framework. the same package of sanctions expanded the interpretation of such a definition as the military-industrial complex of russia. from the heads of the sanctions practice of the del credra bar association, andrey timchuk notes in an interview with kommersant fm that now secondary us sanctions can be applied to essentially any foreign organization that participates in one way or another in transactions with any sanctioned persons, and in any currency. the russian stock market is obviously in positive territory at the end of the day today. the sanctions issue has already been played out. rosstat today confirmed the preliminary estimate that russian gdp grew by 5.4% in the first quarter. but annual inflation has accelerated. in april it was 7.8%, in may - 8.3. the ruble, based on central bank rates, has fallen in price. official rates
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set from tomorrow are dollar 89.07, euro 95.15. the coca-cola company filed rospatent application for registration of trademarks, which russians are very familiar with. among others, these are coca-cola, fanta and sprite. the vedomosti newspaper writes about this, citing the rospatent database, and there is no catch. trademarks are registered under the class of alcoholic soft drinks and carbonated water. back in the twenty-second year, coca-cola announced its withdrawal from the russian market and stopped the production and sale of soda under the coca-cola brands here. a little later, its russian division was renamed molton partners and began to produce an analogue of good colo, which is actually made according to a different recipe, the general director of the infolay-analytics company mikhail burmistrov tells vedomosti. perhaps, with these actions , coca-cola is now seeking to retain
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trademark rights in russia. the general director of the online patent company, alina akinchina, reminds that trademarks if they are not used for 3 years on the territory of russia. may be cancelled, and coca-cola withdrew its brands from russia in 2022, it turns out that their legal protection may be discontinued in the next one, everything about the economy, thank you, thank you, denis, denis talolaev with an economic review of the day, watch this program today after a short advertisement. in blagoveshchensk, a car flew onto the sidewalk at high speed and hit pedestrians, killing three and injuring six; it was reported that the driver was drunk. at any time, anywhere, any task from the zerzhinsky division turns 100 years old. obylite, national guard troops, report by pavel rybalchenko. the best deposit in sberbank up to
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18% per annum. hurry up to open before the end of june. wildbury sale. summer discounts from falcons, jewelry and watches, cosmetics and stylish bags, everything to shine brighter in the new season from your favorite brand on wildberries, this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they are talking about switching transport to methane , about the protection of nature, but it’s not only that, methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the sweeping engine works perfectly, installation of equipment in... on the other hand, this is an ozone bank card with which you can pay for anything and receive cashback, on the other hand , this is an azonbank card, which you can pay for
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innovation, only here you can change your name without betraying yourself, remaining yourself in a country on which the sun never sets. tbank is the only one. o-sale in honor of ozone's birthday. we give many discounts up to 80%. lavni bed linen for 1.179. this is the program today. we continue our release. three people died and six were injured in a traffic accident in blagoveshchensk today. in the evening, when entering the city from the village of chigiri, a minivan flew out at great speed onto the sidewalk, where people were walking at that moment. two teenagers. and the woman died on the spot, and a passer-by tried to help the others before emergency services arrived. eight ambulance crews arrived at the scene. the victims, including
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three children, were taken to city hospitals in very serious condition. now doctors are fighting for their lives. the culprit of the fatal accident was a fifty-nine-year-old man. according to the investigative committee, he was driving while intoxicated. a criminal case has been initiated with psychologists work with relatives of deceased victims. a whole century of service to the fatherland, the dzerzhinsky division turns 100 years old. since 1924, servicemen of this unit have been regular participants in military parades on red square. and the main pride of the division is its people, among its fighters there are dozens of heroes of the soviet union and heroes of russia. pavel rybalchenko will tell you how dzerzhintsy soldiers train to carry out combat missions today. still at it. in the early twenties of the last century , the chairman of the all-russian emergency felix derzhinsky did not propose to the commission, he literally insisted in a conversation with vladimir
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lenin on the creation of a special body for the protection of state security. emergency measures are needed to combat counter-revolutionaries and saboteurs, lenin answered zerzhinsky. thus began the hundred-year history of one of the most valiant divisions in the country. during the great patriotic war, the unit’s fighters went from defending moscow to maintaining order on yalta. conference, it was dzerzhinets who threw fascist standards at the foot of the mausoleum in may 1945. today divisions zerzhinsky is literally an army within an army; the unit unites almost all types of troops. mine crew training at the training ground in moscow-noginsk. based on the requirements for soldiers, artillery is also a type of combat, science, and sport. first of all, he should. so that he can take the mortar and carry it a sufficiently long distance, bring it to a combat position, and also dexterity so
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that he can operate the mechanisms quite quickly. and accordingly, hearing, hearing, because the crew, the commander must hear the commands, to whom the sop gives the command, transmit the command to the crew, and the crew was able to quickly make a point, aim the mortar and fire a shot, the mines that hit conventional targets are easy to see with binoculars, but there are also those that need to be looked for, the division's sappers hone the skills needed in their work in the territories liberated... from the invaders. demining basically, checking areas, objects, the most important feature is not to touch anything, not to take it in your hands, and to be careful, attentive, vigilant, as it were, this is the most important thing, should always be on military alert, that’s the most important thing. the sapper installs a fragmentation barrage mine in the hole, the fact is that when detonated, this mine should jump,
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thereby increasing the radius of scattering of fragments, there are more of them here. the snipers are part of a special unit of the division 604 of the special purpose center vites kasta, the elite of the russian guard. at the training ground, special forces practice the most severe battle scenarios. right now, during
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an exercise, special forces soldiers are practicing the evacuation of a wounded man. they provided the necessary first aid. now he is being taken to a safe place, state of the wound, reception, condition, conditions, conditional injury, syringe dropper - real, in order to save a comrade on the front line, you first need to learn how to get a needle into a vein in training, and this is just one of hundreds of skills required for service in special forces. you need to prepare, prepare for more than one day, accordingly, set yourself a goal and go towards it with, so to speak, with all the potential that you have, improve physical skills, psychological and so on, that is, it should be for a reason some goal, this is one dream, for which we must fight, move forward and not lose heart, today the dzerzhinsky division is entrusted with two major tasks: the fighters of the unit ensure public order and security within the country, and also, together with other formations, valiantly carry out
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tasks in advanced. ntv company. this coming weekend, the weather in central russia will return to normal, meteorologists reported today. irina polyakova joins us. irina, we hope the weekend will be rain-free. well me too i hope the super rainy marathon with heavenly waterfalls has ended in the central regions. but he once again proved that in megacities something needs to be changed in the rainwater drainage system, because the probability of such a huge amount of precipitation falling at once is not only there, but... is growing in the context of current climate change and meteorologists never tire of warning about it, sorry i feel such a surge of emotions, but let’s return to the forecast for the near future: on saturday in the center in the northwest, an increase in atmospheric pressure will ensure weather without precipitation and + 20-25, well, the previous showers, as well as thunderstorms, hail, squalls will be concentrated in the zone from the kome republic to the middle volga region, the temperature there is still quite high, the north
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is still resting from the precipitation, but not in the murmansk region, the rain will intensify there, now about the south, from where new rains will come and for almost everyone, here is the southern cyclone, tomorrow there will be showers, thunderstorms, hail in the crimea, in the ozovo region, further in the kuban and on the don, and the caucasus remains its turbulent weather, i will continue a little later. special offer for new clients of uralsip bank, in branches throughout russia deposit-income with a high yield of up to 18.2% per annum. be confident in your future with the bank. vultures who take care of you in any weather. in summer weather, swelling may appear; lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. take lymphotransit from valar. stagnation of lymph can cause swelling. lymphotransit helps reduce swelling by accelerating the movement of lymph. lymphatic transit evalar summer without swelling. in the capitals, as promised, no
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precipitation, in st. petersburg tomorrow. +20 in moscow 25, on sunday in moscow 26, there should still be no precipitation during the day, but they will be very close, in moscow the maximum probability of new rain starting on monday night, so you... the weekend, almost ideal, warm, sunny, even us , gardeners will be able to relax, we don’t even need to water anything, and whoever does the weeding won’t have time, well, irin, thank you, that was the weather forecast from irina polyakova, these are the main news for this hour right now the premiere, detective series gossip , well, we, igor poletaev and aina nikolaeva, thank you for your attention, all the best to you.
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come on, the escape happened spontaneously due to circumstances, he is at the university there, take care of the station, tell all the checkpoints along the route, the hostages are presumably either on
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the bus or in a minibus, i have no documents, come with me, what are you doing, here we are after all, they were taken for a trial, but what do you think, they wanted to find out, oh, oh, citizen-passengers, now you will be the jury. i ask, don’t, i ask, guys, did you really hope, seryozha, that you would be acquitted, no, but so that they understand, at least, i didn’t kill, and come to me, the signal is gone. what does it mean disappeared, the point was very close, stay here,
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be ribs for a minute, colonel tishchenko, what do you have in the back of the car, goods, people, no, sure, yes, now open the back. what's there? i found your shit. how did this end up in your body? why are you quiet?


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