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tv   Zhivaya yeda s Sergeem Malozyomovim  NTV  June 15, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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or a barbecue, after all, you can put sausages, wieners, sausages, kupaty, chevapchiy, what is the difference between them, and, excuse me for the question, the work is like that, which of these is more useful? a scandal recently erupted around sausages ; metronidazole, an antibiotic that is sometimes used to treat livestock, was found in their casing; it can give serious side effects, even hallucinations; according to our laws , it... should not be in food at all. the violator turned out to be a company from south america; its casings were purchased by large russian sausage producers. supplier they were immediately subjected to strict checks, but are there really no samples with violations left on sale? we tested sausages from the brands involved in the scandal. the results are coming soon. there is, of course, a rich culinary history behind sausages. in georgia, for example, they have been doing this for centuries. literally this name translates as
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raw sausage. each region has its own recipe, one of the most popular is the imeritian one with pomegranate. this is prepared in the family of the chef of a georgian restaurant in moscow, liiya tabatadze. mom, when kupaty is fried there, for example, this shell, when it bursts, this fat and juice flows out into the frying pan, and dad takes, for example, bread there, dips it there and eats it. she kneads minced beef and pork. and the lard is approximately equal, adds herbs and georgian spices, in particular kondari, also known as savory, pours a glass of pomegranate juice into the minced meat, it will give a slight sourness. using a meat grinder with a special attachment, stuff the minced meat into a natural casing. all that remains is to coat it with adjika and fry it. you can serve it with elarzhi,
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corn porridge with lots of cheese. it turns out delicious very filling. other sausages, not originally ours, are also popular in russia, serbian ćivapčić. chef mladen radovich, who works in moscow, explains. the main distinguishing feature here is the absence of a shell. this makes them similar to turkish kebab, from which, by the way, the name comes. and kebab, hear the similarities, to minced pork and beef, which is not very fatty, mladen adds water with gas, the bubbles make the mixture more airy and juicy, it is also rolled through two meat grinders of different calibers , a kind of meat plasticine is obtained, from which using a funnel like this, they make meat sticks the thickness of a finger, then just fry them on the grill. by the way, if you want, you can wrap the workpiece in bacon, that’s also delicious, they serve cevapchichi. with fresh onions, ivor,
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baked red bell pepper paste, cheese-like cream called kaymak , round samun bread, strawberry, the mood for you, raspberry blueberry and lime mint, choose your mood. do you feel it too? makheev! katya lel openly about her divorce. i realized that was it. that's it i'm leaving. why she endured her husband’s behavior for years? he harassed everyone. that's the rub. how did the exes divide the property? igor lived a very happy life, he didn’t worry about anything at all. and were they able to remain friends for the sake of their only daughter? we see each other, well, maybe two or three times a week. if me. amy even once
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says that dad was drunk, communication will stop. katya lel and her million-dollar secret. and they coded him many times, with his mother, i drink, i don’t drink. today at 21:20 on ntv. vea superstar. the final. tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. we found out that the phone was working. even prinula. with zero score. with belain you are safe even with zero account. calls, messengers. you work, connect support at zero in the belay application - the safest operator, it doesn’t bite, in the old village there’s no way without luck, here’s the arc, brings good luck, pecks, pecks, pecks, take the arc for good luck, white friday with cashback discounts, dazzlingly profitable, split rabit systems for only 13,999, envideo eldorado, the leading expert in white technology, your car can purr with pleasure when it has a motor inside... advanced technology
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rich aftertaste and refined style, everything combines perfectly, non-alcoholic crown, discover a special taste, pure holy water. german in germany, in general , another type of sausage, popular in russia, arose around them -
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a whole cult in berlin dedicated a museum to one of the varieties of karst, in bavaria there is a sausage hotel, where there are even pillows in the shape of sausages. so. love is not accidental, there are sausages for every taste,” says chef of a german restaurant in moscow, sergei ostafiev. white munich pork with herbs, for example, he cooks in a broth with pepper, bay and white wine, it turns out to be a hearty lunch, but they are suitable for breakfast. i really like making an omelet with them, it turns out very tasty, with the addition of some cream cheese, such as mozzarella, a more spicy option is tyrolean sausages, they add celery and pepper. this type is even more suitable for frying, the dense texture prevents the shell from bursting, and chicken bavarian snails will be good for grilling, children will like their delicate taste without unnecessary spices, but these are all restaurant versions, and how are the factory ones prepared? this is what we saw at
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one of the moscow production facilities: tens of kilograms of meat are turned into minced meat in a huge meat grinder, mixed with spices and brought to a paste-like consistency. then, using a special apparatus, they are given the desired shape, the cevapchichi are squeezed out, or, to make kupats, they are filled with a natural shell, by the way, the shell itself, also known as casings, is, as a rule, produced in separate factories, like this one in st. petersburg, properly washed intestines, usually pork, are carefully unraveled here, there are tens of meters of them, and this is not so easy, then comes the most important stage - calibration, where maximum care is needed, maximum scrupulousness so as not to miss holes, intravital defects that are small, guts, for this , water is passed through the intestine, the found fragments with holes are cut out, it remains to be sorted by size, salted, so that they can be stored longer , packed in bags, each about one
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meter of shell, this is exactly how it is will go to a sausage production or to someone's home, although some craftsmen make the casings themselves, including... quite unusual ones, for example, in the form of pigs. by the way, is there any danger in a shell of such unappetizing origin? i asked this question to our resident expert, professor. in large productions this is monitored, so there is no need to worry, there is no need to peel off such a coating from the sausage either, the casing is edible, this also applies to other types of protein casing, when dry it looks like parchment paper, it even crunches as well. such a shell is made from the skins of cattle, they take the inner layer from
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the sawdust, which is called the most delicate, and it is processed, then all this is dissolved and such shells are molded from the collagen mass. the third type of what the sausages are covered with is rather puzzling at first glance. this is a gel based on alginate, which is obtained from algae. the specialist shows the principle of operation: the gel is watered to fix it. calcium chloride and it instantly turns into a film due to a chemical reaction, in a couple of seconds in production the semi-finished product is ready, and such a shell is also cheaper than collagen and casings, and is no worse, perhaps, except that it is a little less durable, and you need to fry it more carefully. meanwhile, we have not yet talked about the results of the tests, the shells from russian shelves, where dangerous substances will be found, this and much more, but... there is live food on the air, i am sergei molozyomov, look further! what do
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parsley have in common with parsley dolls? do i need parsley? will the herb save me from urolithiasis ? scientists have also found out which food interferes with sleep, and which prolongs active sleep. life. latest news from. an answer to a question from the audience, well, at the end of the program there is a tasting of an unusual recipe of the week from the network, a continuation of the main investigation of the issue: which sausages are best to fry on the grill and grill, how much salt do they contain and is there anything dangerous in the casing? in sberbusiness - the best solution for online trading, free training, help with choosing a niche, launching sales, profitability analysis. business. transfer of proceeds to a card without commission. open an account and grow your business. sberbusiness. that's it,
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petrushka, we say, if we mean something unexpected and difficult. why is parsley so interesting, and not dill or green onions? when you start to find out the details about this popular weed, which, by the way, has tasty roots, an abyss of interesting things opens up. petrushka was not always called that way, he most likely came to us from the french street theater, at first he was ivan ratatouille, only then, by the middle of the 19th century, someone came up with another name for him, which completely sounds like this: pyotr ivanovich uksusov, in short, petrushka. he constantly finds himself in ridiculous situations
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hence the expression, parsley like this. it has nothing to do with greenery; it apparently got its name from the fact that its wild species are able to grow in the poorest, even rocky, soils. according to one version, the word parsley, which seems so dear to us, is of greek origin. here this plant was called petroselin, rock celery, and even hercules decorated himself with it at special moments. in ancient egypt , it was believed that parsley grew from drops of blood when the evil god of chaos seth tore out the eye of his nephew horus. fleur magic continues to follow the plant even today. on the internet, for example, they are discussing that decoctions and smoothies of parsley juice save you from anemia and edema. and much more, i dry pure parsley for beautiful white teeth, for cool chic
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hair, to optimize the level of feretin in the female body and to stabilize acidity in the stomach, damn, isn’t this a miracle, pure parsley juice, all vitality increases, including bed strength, i personally tested parsley many times, the effect was noticed, everything is fine. these statements we we’ll definitely look into it and find out whether the benefits of parsley are lost in hot soup. we sent three samples for analysis. first, the greens were placed in the broth before removing it from the stove, then left to cool, and heated up before serving, as usually happens in life. the second option is to simply pour the parsley onto the plate. for control, we used fresh greens that were not heated at all. the amount of vitamin c was measured in all samples; it is easily destroyed when heated. in the first case, the level of ascorbic acid became 2 s
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half times less, which is understandable, there was the strongest heat treatment. greens, of course, are best added immediately before serving. the second sample contained only one and a half times less vitamin c than the third, which served as a standard. in general, of course, the benefits of parsley are not limited to vitamin c, even after heat treatment. what remains is fiber for the intestines, vitamin a, which is important for the immune system, and vitamin k, which increases the strength of the walls of blood vessels. this is a healthy ingredient, a real living food. but what. do with what the children i often turn my nose up at parsley. in fact, as experts explain, children usually simply repeat after adults. if, for example, the mother does not like greens, the child copies this. this is a natural instinct that we inherited from monkeys. when a small primate child looked at his mother, who was engaged in gathering, he saw that
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she was getting satisfaction from the fact that she was eating this fruit, this fruit, and he felt. that it is safe here and i can also gather. at another moment, when he saw that his mother was afraid of something, when she sees some kind of predator, he mirrored her mood with the help of his mirror neurons, used this in order to be in a safer zone, that he understood that he needed to run somewhere. but this is not the only reason: greens are sometimes difficult for children to swallow; their particles stick to the tongue and oral mucosa. eventually. the taste itself and the smell begin to be associated with something unpleasant. how can i fix this? maybe disguise the healthy greens. we decided to conduct an experiment. chef igor molodkin, who knows the topic well, his own children are 3 and 7 years old, will prepare the first, second and dessert. everything with parsley.
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here we have broccoli, zucchini, onions, parsley, which we will have to disguise, we will put it in the puree. pupils from a private kindergarten acted as our tasters, and initially 8 out of 11 said that they couldn’t stand parsley, but no one tasted it in this soup. cabbage with crushed potatoes, pickled cucumber, there are useful vitamins, for example, vitamin z, vitamin p, vitamin g. but in general, our experience gave ambiguous result. pasta with the author's pestle sauce on parsley, pancakes with cream from it, cottage cheese and cream were not to everyone's liking. however, the children did not recognize parsley. she can generally take on different guises. my mother, for example, as a child
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added its dried root to soups, and it was very fragrant. evgey kuznetsov, he prepares carpatcio from parsley root, it needs to be thinly sliced ​​and poured with sauce. there are two types here: sour-citrus ponzu and soy. add green parsley oil and garnish flowers. the flowers are also edible, it looks like a carrot, a carrot with hints of grassy land, well, yes, it’s not a very rich carrot, but the sauce gives it such an interesting spicy taste. parsley is actively used in french cuisine. and
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they especially value its variety, known as kervil or wild parsley. culinary blogger roman travae was born in the suburbs of paris, but has been living in russia for 10 years, he admits that he has never seen such greens here, however, we managed to order them on the internet, roman will cook french classic, persilate sauce from the word persil parsley in two versions, with the usual herb with kervil, which he really likes for the richness of its aroma, specifically... citrus, a little cilantro, a little miata for some reason, it seems to me, a little clove, everything is done it’s not difficult, he grinds the herbs and garlic in a mortar. flavored with lemon juice and olive oil, then added breadcrumbs and baked with tomatoes in the oven. can be used cold,
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with meat, fish or as a dressing for vegetable salad. did something benefit the use? french parsley? roman's wife alexandra tries it and says that the baked chervil did not live up to expectations. regular parsley gave a richer taste. there is a feeling that here you feel more parsley, well, yes, yes, but here, well, the tomato is so important, french parsley is lost, in general, there is also room for experimentation, from a culinary point of view, parsley is undoubtedly a valuable ingredient, but it’s worth should we believe in its healing power, which lovers of traditional medicine talk about, let’s return to the puppet theater and parsley!
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parsley, well, why do you still want to eat parsley for all diseases, better come to my appointment, i will check all your ailments, i will definitely give you an ultrasound and prescribe the appropriate treatment for you, thank you, thank you, it cannot cure, even on the contrary, in parsley contains axalates, salts and esters of oxalic acid, which can provoke the formation of kidney stones, and if you eat a lot, herbal medicine will give... a completely undesirable result, some also believe that these greens will save you from prostatitis, but modern evidence-based medicine recommends other more effective recipes:
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a healthy lifestyle and an active lifestyle will help with prostatitis, walking and moving more to avoid any phenomena, impaired blood supply in the pelvis and the prevention of inflammatory and infectious diseases, but parsley is unlikely to be effective as an antibacterial drug for ... exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, and the improvement in potency that parsley is credited with will also not occur, it will not even save you from anemia, yes, there is iron, but it is poorly absorbed from plant foods, general conclusion so, this greenery is just a good seasoning, it enriches the taste of vegetables, meat, and seafood, it also adds a little benefit, but it’s definitely not a pill for any diseases, eat it: enjoy it, but it’s still better to seek treatment to the doctors. what food is alive and what is not?
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we'll continue to find out right after a short break. how not to get burned when choosing sausages for frying? this is sausage, right? is it easy to prepare them yourself and is it worth eating the shell, what could be dangerous in it? does music change our perception? we taste checked, as well as the news about the pepper that killed the russian and the recipe of the week, we are preparing and tasting an unusual dessert. a whole world of juicy berries and fruits is contained in maheev jams. their production technology allows you to carefully preserve berries and pieces of fruit. these jams are 100% natural. they will be a wonderful decoration for any table. blueberry mood is not for you raspberry blueberry and
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lime mint, choose the mood what your summer will be, now we’ll see at the megamarket, everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, electric lawn mower hutom with a hashback of 30%. the finale of the show.
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by an expert. dmitry karakozov from the chelyabinsk region asks: in films i have heard the phrase more than once: don’t shout, the pudding will settle, but what really?
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sound affects delicate foods. thanks for the interesting question, we'll try to figure it out. in the bakery of one of the popular supermarket chains employs a lot of equipment and people in between. he talks to himself loudly, but the dough still rises. the quality of the dough, of course, is influenced by a lot of conditions, yes, this is the temperature of the water, and the quality of the yeast, the quality of all raw materials, the kneading time, but for noise to somehow affect the quality of the dough, well, i certainly don’t observed, we measured the noise level during mixing, about 95 decib, this is comparable to the subway. or the work of a hammer drill? do loud noises really have no effect on baking at all? we'll find out in experiment. chef baker pavel antipov will knead four portions of the same dough, and
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physicist kirill bolderev will analyze how different noises will affect the dough, will it be possible to spoil it somehow? we'll find out the result soon. what science knows for sure is that. uki definitely changes a person's perception of tastes. this conclusion was reached by the professor of experimental psychology at oxford university, charles spence, as a result of many years of research. his line of work was even called gastronomic physics. one day we a chef was invited and he prepared oysters. we served one part to people to the sound of seagulls and the splashing of waves, and the other to the sound of gravel clinging to the farm. in the first case. participants in the experiment felt the taste was brighter. spentz conducted many experiments and found that high, sonorous notes seem to make food sweeter, while low notes add bitterness. we decided
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to test the theory of sound seasonings on ourselves , the three of us, correspondent angelina ryazantseva and producer olga kobzar went to a restaurant where there is a musical instrument. s. first we try coffee in silence, remember taste, then pianist yuri moiseev plays us a fragment in which there are many low notes. perenslist, ballad number two, seminore, as soon as the low notes started playing, i...
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but i had a sour taste, i so wanted to believe that the music would help reduce the amount of sugar that i actually felt that the coffee became sweeter, in my opinion , music does not in any way affect the sensation of the taste of coffee, so everything is clearly very individual here, but as for the influence of sound on products, in reality those vibrations that we do not we hear ultrasound. it has a great impact, for example, the acoustic freezing technology developed in russia allows you to crush large pieces of ice in products, but very tiny ones that cannot destroy tissue, and the product after thawing remains as tasty as it was before freezing, and
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ultrasound also helps to enhance beneficial properties of kefir, this is being done jointly with indian colleagues, scientists from the south ural and russian agrarian universities, milk is even before fermentation, and not... subjected to acoustic influence, and this stimulates microorganisms to produce more of the beneficial polysaccharide, kefiran. we can, however, use what we hear. thus, the russian biotechnological university found that vivaldi seasons accelerate the growth of brewer's yeast. we will also test experimentally how different sounds affect yeast dough, a very delicate object in which microorganisms feed on sugar and release carbon dioxide bubbles. creating volume, won't they burst from noise? pudding that a viewer asked us about it has a less porous structure and the sensitivity to sound there will definitely be even less. the first sample is a control one.
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chef baker pavel antipov kneads it in silence and even gives comments in a whisper. we will make this dough a little normal in order to make it taste good. one part of the dough rises in a flask for clarity, the other on parchment paper. after an hour, put it in a preheated oven, and then... kolesnikov makes noise with the grinder next to the next sample, it seems to him that everything is for nothing, it rises, it’s just real, funny, the italian family scene is boiling at the third piece of dough, non lo fare, come non lo fare, lascia il piatto.
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bolderev directs the sound from a vibrating column, which turns any surface into a speaker, that is, the sound comes directly from the table, the effect on the dough here is very strong, the same seasons of vevaldi play. as a result, all four samples rose approximately the same. let's see what happens after baking. there are no differences in size, but they are visible on the cross-section: bread that rose in
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silence has smaller and more uniform bubbles than the rest, this is how the crumb turned out after the vibrating column, it is the most interesting, because there was the most intense impact and there was an impact, so when baking we see in everyone, but there is a crack, and it split peacefully in half, according to subjective perception the most i liked the very first bread, and... which was influenced by the sound of the grinder, maybe because i tried it first, but in general the difference was not very significant, especially in taste, our conclusion is this: make as much noise in the kitchen as you want, many professional chefs cook to music, so they create the mood and assure that this only makes the dishes tastier. and now the latest news from the world of food science.
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what interesting and useful things have scientists discovered for us? you've heard the opinion that older people don't need to eat meat; the body no longer needs it as much. a study by an international group of scientists showed that there really are good alternatives. as people age, they often suffer from frailty syndrome, a situation where it is more difficult to cope with stress, everyday activities are difficult and increasing. the risk of ending up in the hospital, scientists studied the diet of almost 20 thousand elderly people with this condition, it turned out that those who ate poultry more than four times a week had a lower risk of death from cardiovascular diseases and cancer, the figures for patients were even better, those who chose fatty fish, such as mackerel or salmon, red meat products , on the contrary, spoiled the picture, with each additional 25 g per day, the risk of dying increased by 7%. in general in any. age it is important to get enough protein, and it is easier and
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safer to eat poultry fish. but it is better to eat less sweets and starchy foods, including because they appear to disturb sleep. scientists from columbia university in the usa analyzed the stories of more than 50 thousand women. it turned out that the more baked goods, rice and pasta they consumed, the higher their risk of insomnia. the reason is that these foods are rich in starch. which in the body is instantly broken down into glucose, and its surges in the blood just spoil the night’s rest. by the way, fruits, despite their sweetness, are not noticed in this way: the dietary fiber in their composition interferes with the rapid absorption of sugar, which eliminates unwanted changes. also, although this particular study looked at women, blood sugar problems can also cause poor sleep in men, as other studies have suggested. food extremes can lead to even more tragic consequences. in the volgograd region, a man died after eating
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carolina ripper pepper. until recently it was the sharpest in the world, now it is at second place. a fifty-eight-year-old resident of kamyshin bought several of these fruits online and ate them in small portions for a month, after which he ended up in intensive care and soon died. the media, citing friends of the victim, report that he had diseases for which acute treatment was prohibited, but he violated the recommendations. korolin's bloody harvest. the reaper, as the name of the variety is translated, is collected regularly. in the usa, last year a teenager died from it; at competitions among amateurs of the island, participants often require medical help. know your limits. this was news, here 's what awaits us further in the issue: how will the international tasting of store-bought sausages for frying end, will the live food correspondent be able to make them himself, will there be a dangerous antibiotic in the samples from russian stores, as well as the recipe of the week, an unusual
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idea from the internet per minute, what do you want?
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we change our name without changing ourselves. taebank, he's the only one. the music of our today's heroes, timofey and trofim, echoes throughout the apartment, because the guys have a banal the room is missing one wall. so what, tell me what it’s like to live next to the corridor, it’s not very good. i would like to have a little more separation, a little more space of my own. space, maybe there is some kind of partition here, along this part there will be a wall in which there will be a disco-style pencil case door, an art room for creative brothers. well, i started playing music in the interior, it began to sound and emotions appeared, in such a room you can dream of winning.
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housing issue, today at 12:00 on ntv. premiere from monday.
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will maintain stability in any operating conditions tbol diamond - the engine purrs with pleasure my new invention for cleaning the toilet, with bref there is an easier way. bref - colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. brev is number one in russia for keeping the toilet clean and fresh. imagine you have lots and lots of milk. oh, well, you imagined it, we’d better do it ourselves, we present to you the village green cottage cheese, in which there is so much fresh milk, real cheese, fresh cottage cheese, green village, alex fierce, the case of the orphans, premiere with monday at 20:00 on ntv, a pipe
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on ntv. what will your summer be like? now let's look at the megamarket. everything for your summer at the megamarket, for example, savings of up to 70% on appliances and electronics. this is live food. the program in which i, sergey molode. i find out what is harmful and what is healthy, different options for frying sausages, what nuances and subtleties you need to know, this is the topic of the investigation of the week and right now its final part. at the beginning of the program, we got acquainted with the popular national recipes for frying sausages in russia: chevapchichi, kupaty, german snails, we have already seen their restaurant versions, and soon we will appreciate store-bought ones. by the way,
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minced meat with spices and water for juiciness; out of habit, natasha’s hands were tired of filling it with it natural casing from intestines (womb). alexander recommends a sausage syringe for this, even a beginner can do everything with it, oh what a beauty, this is sausage, maybe we’ll fry it like that, then we need to distribute the minced meat over the casing so that it doesn’t burst, twist it into separate sausages, that’s all that’s left. put in boiling water for 15 minutes, it will be juicier and fry.
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other types are prepared using the same scheme; it turns out tender and spicy, not at all difficult. but what about the store-bought ones, how good are they, i invited the real ones to a tasting sausage experts, serbian chef mladan radovich, his colleague from the german restaurant sergei ostafiev and the head of georgia. 100% pleasure , we liked the second sample less, the meat seemed tough, and the spices overwhelmed the taste, the cheaper
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munich ones seemed better to us, sergei even said that these could easily be served in a restaurant. we move on to the kupaty, nika fries it and we taste it, as if there weren’t enough spices, just like you’d fall into a piece. just like that fat on a specific specific me i also came across pure fat and with a small piece of meat, i don’t really like this, i honestly don’t really understand either, you can see the meat right away, but it looks like the truth, the red is more georgian, the red tastes more interesting, yeah, the more expensive ones won out among the store bought ones , they are really tasty, but what do experts say about store-bought cevapchichi? visually, we highly appreciated both samples, but
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the taste caused disagreement. me, sergey and nika liked the lighter ones, although mladen criticized them for using exclusively pork. serbs prefer pork and beef option. the chef rated the second option even lower. it has too many spices. tasty, but not authentic. so the budget wins here. a sample, not hand -made - this is factory-made, factory-made will always be a little worse than what is made by hand, but the quality of the sausages is very decent, and this is a good result, in appearance, they are all 100%. we examined the same samples with anastasia semyonova, a professor from the institute of meat industry, and did not find anything frightening, although the chevavchichi surprised us. let's look at the composition of the product. means, beef. buffalo meat, buffalo meat, yes, buffalo meat, it's a matter of saving, buffalo meat supplied from asia is cheaper,
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there is nothing dangerous in such a replacement, although... the taste may be a little harsh. when choosing sausages for frying, the expert advises, it is better to take those that do not contain sodium nitrite. when exposed to high temperatures, it turns into a dangerous carcinogen, nitrosamine. regular sausages almost always contain this chemical and gives them an appetizing pink tint. but in versions specifically for frying, it should not be there, it does not terbite strong heating. at the beginning of the program, we also sent purchased samples to the laboratory, where they tested them for the content of the antibiotic metronidazole. it's time to find out the results. the analysis showed that all samples were clean, and this is not surprising, the laboratory explains. quite low intensity of use of such drugs. all positive cases related to imported livestock products. and yet such violations are sometimes discovered. but
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how dangerous is it? according to anastasia semyonova, one-time use does not...
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it is most correct to perceive holiday food not as an everyday product, but as a sausage product in general. here, for example, is what i was treated to in belarus: there is a very tasty , by the way, less fatty, national version with a colorful name: intestine shoved with a finger. there is only 1/3 meat here, the rest is vegetable ingredients that serve it. in the most healthy way, with herbs and vegetables, you get a complete lunch, this is how you should treat other types of sausages, do not overdo it with quantity, then they will delight you without compromising your health. look in next saturday, at the same time, lightly salted red fish, buy it or
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cook it yourself, how much is in it. how does this affect your health? my name is sergey malozyomov, i am a doctor by training and a culinary specialist at heart, i sincerely believe that healthy things can also be tasty. here's the recipe of the week and our weekly quiz question. stay healthy, see you here next saturday.
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today in our section we are testing a popular recipe from the network. dessert coffee-jelly, blogger anastasia morozova will try it. mix gelatin in a glass, instant coffee, brown sugar, first pour boiling water and then cold water, stir, fill the mold and put in the refrigerator for 4 hours. add caramel and a pinch of salt to the cream, beat. thick foam, lay out layers of jelly cream, it’s ready, it looks appetizing, but how does it taste, interesting, generally tasty, really tasty, why did i eat two spoons, it really turned out cool, freeze the cream a little so that the whole drink is cooler, according to taste, it's like melted ice cream with coffee, despite
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the pleasure, eating it is like... day, of course, it’s not worth it, there are a lot of sugar calories, we remind you of moderation with the red signal of our traffic light, bon appetit and health, we wish you blogger anastasia. and now on your screens is a weekly quiz question, just test yourself, or answer by reading the qr code with your smartphone and following the link, choose the correct answer and win one of my books, which contain many interesting scientific discoveries about healthy food, safe life, health promotion, there are delicious recipes. winners we determine each month among those who gave at least one correct answer. answer, and the more hits, the higher the chances: drawings and discussions of the correct answers on the pages of our program in popular social networks, and we will call those who win right away, so do not forget to enter
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your phone number after you answer . voting is over, the correct answer is on your screens, thanks to everyone who participated, next question in a week. and let's go! hello everyone, this is a housing issue, i’m ilya zapadentets, our music today's heroes, timofey and trofim , are scattered throughout the apartment, because the guys simply have one
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wall missing in their room, but this is not the point, agree, guys, we need a separate place for rest and rehearsals, yes, yes, today we will work on this , at the denisovs’ house everything is constantly changing. a music studio instantly turns into a chess club, a close-knit duo into rivals. shah, how do you do it? after intellectual battles , the brothers are not averse to stretching their legs. a basketball battle is being held right behind the rack. good the apartment is on the first floor. hold on, when igor joins his sons, a game without rules begins. let's go to the gate. yeah, you won't get through. daughter dana is the happy owner of a separate room. he usually does not take part in these fun activities; he prefers quiet creativity. victory! the head
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of the family has more than enough excitement. igor always loved to try new things. he is an engineer by training, and was previously interested in circus art and historical reconstructions. i even wove the chain mail myself. opaques, and everything here is beautiful, like the best fashion designers, but the main thing is life iridan school of irish dance, igor founded it and headed it for a long time. one day , his future wife svetlana came to study with him, and a spark flashed between both of them instantly. well, this is walking charisma, so where could i go, i became a member of the team, a friend, a colleague. ireland, yes, unites us, it turns out, it’s surprising, but that’s how it turned out. together the couple performed at the festival.


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