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tv   Pod zashchitoi  NTV  June 16, 2024 3:10am-3:56am MSK

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the cops are keeping this woman as bait for us, rook, staying there a second time is not an option at all. uh-huh, what are you suggesting
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to spit, forget, then let’s go, i don’t know, we need to think, but we need to think, we need to get out of here, the two of us couldn’t take down one cop, the prince promised to get new documents, we’ll get it and get out of here, fuck it, well, call vasiliev, what are you you call me all the time, are you without me? you can’t do anything at all, okay, i ’ll be at the department soon, so i have people, captain koltsov, antonov, major kozyrev, where our wards, there, well, i asked you not to come in, we’ll just find out how she is, she has severe poisoning from combustion products and hematomas from being hit with a blunt heavy object on... well, can we interrogate her? no, she's
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unconscious, okay. yes, antonov, yes, great, great, that’s it, then bring it to my office. prostitute, worked with bull.
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well, i have some information on this angela, so if you really need it, then come with me, go, i’m here, well, prince, i did a bad job, the subscriber is unavailable. "zanik i guess he can dial again, and then dial again, well, i’m dialing again, okay, why are you freaking out, the number you dialed is not in service, you see, he says, this number is not in service, the prince has abandoned us?
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what are we going to do ? , damn it, well , actually, her name is actually oksana volkova, bykov has been working for her for 2 years, she has relatives, well, only her stepfather is alive, but he says that he hasn’t seen her for 10 years, well... yes, testimony i see, friends, colleagues, there is a list and the first testimony, but i’m there i didn’t find anything interesting, sorry, antonov, it’s clear, wow, he’s renting three rubles in the center, well, this is a common thing, a prostitute can afford it, she’ll get used to it, she could have accidentally gotten a giveaway. by chance
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she doesn’t happen to people like that, she has a dangerous profession, all sorts of trash are hanging around, but if she’s still not in the aisles, the killer will find out that she survived and will be able to describe them... well then, protect her, it’s your direct responsibility , so i'm trying to find out as much as possible about her in order to do my job, find out, find out, in our department there are not enough people, there are more versions than employees, sorry, antonov, well , raise all the transport police, stations, airport, do it, if you know, do it, what are we talking about, i’ll do it. okay, i’m not sure if this is right, okay, i’m a former opera, i can make a copy, yes, do it, sorry, antonov, well, well done, that’s it, this one is ready, where
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else is it standing, so, here’s another one , on the back stairs. great, guys, i see you ’ve decided to settle down thoroughly, you’ve installed cameras and security sensors in the corridor, but what’s going on? apparently during during one of your last visits, you were being followed by bandits. yes, there was one unpleasant incident, something happened to lenna? no, you’ll be taken down in order, but since the safety of our ward is now linked to yours, our department strongly recommends that you come under our protection. yeah, this will be for a long time, as long as your medical supervision is necessary. yes, yes, of course, well, then occupy this apartment just opposite elena yulievna’s apartment. but i can get out of it, right? all movement outside the apartment is only by agreement with us. well i do not know, this is somewhat unexpected. no, okay,
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then you will need to sign documents, a pure formality. yes, and you will have to give up your phone number. right now? right now. can you tell who attacked you? attacked, no, who are you? i’m investigator antonov, this is captain koltsov from the witness protection department, why are you silent, you’re afraid
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of assassins, to kill, i don’t remember anything, but what happened to me, in front of your eyes... two people were killed, you were stunned, stunned , for what? well, this is what we want to find out, who were you with in the sauna? in sauna? well, i don't remember anything. what are you doing are you playing the fool? you were there with your boatman bykov and businessman kolpakov, you were having fun there, then some people came, maybe you shouldn’t do that? then some people came, started shooting, killed the men, you tried to run away, they knocked you out, well , remember, forgive me, my head hurts a lot, i really don’t remember anything, why are you making a fool of me, dear, let’s go
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we’ll stop today, the patient needs to rest, continue the good work another time, thank you. i can't believe she doesn't remember anything... if only you would change the tone of the interrogation, it would make more sense, i mean, this is impenetrable, doctor, tell us frankly, she really doesn’t remember anything, but she has a concussion, carbon monoxide poisoning, one of the severe consequences of post-traumatic stress. well, the consequences can make themselves felt for several years, the memory will of course begin to return, but on order to answer your question, she is unlikely to be able to, for several years,
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this is funny, good luck, guys, antonov, is listening, and you’re all like that investigators, no, he’s the only one... i have to come to you please, don’t bother her for now, the best medicine is restful sleep, we’re trying, yes, all the best, yeah, a few years, great, hello, nyur! well, tell me how you are, what are you doing there? well, i work
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as a waitress and get paid, but not as much as you. what did you come? yes, i'm looking for oksana. do not you know? no. he and byskov went to the sauna yesterday. what? yes. bykov was killed, the sauna burned down, and nothing is clear about oksanka at all. we are all at the hospital, we called everyone at the morgue. nowhere, fuck, oh, and who is this here , i decided to work, no, i i’m looking for oksana, she’s not there, and by the way, you owe me money, i don’t owe you anything, i gave you everything, but it seems to me not everything, go, get ready, fuck you, go, i say, leave me, work , yes, chief, let’s say i
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talk to the girls, i can, just talk, i want to talk, understand who to choose, okay, now at a double rate, no problem, we’ll figure it out, you’re in luck, girls. i'm talking about oksana volkova. and who is it? let's have a normal conversation. i want to help her. she was killed. not certainly in that way. i'd say she's in trouble situation. why did you suddenly decide to quit? not suddenly, i’ve wanted it for a long time. well, that’s when all this shit started. no business. we're sitting out our pants.
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i have to, i really don’t want to throw away good specialists, oh well, i’ll sign the work, thank you, thank you, yes, thank you, no problem, sorry, goodbye, goodbye. well, did this one fail? i guessed right,
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and you circled around in a female voice, funny, hello, good morning, this is konstantin vasilyevich sergeev, yes, the police are bothering you, a girl called you 3 days ago, you can see her. know under the name oksana or angela? so i'm on i don’t answer such questions over the phone, but whatever you want, then i’ll have to summon you and we’ll meet on the road. wait, angela called me and offered her services, but i refused. how does she know your phone number? well, i filmed it once. can you? and yes, like girls, everyone is brave to take pictures here. how do you answer the question, why is it frozen? would you answer? and i don’t take pictures of girls,
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okay, one more question from, so to speak, general concepts: skirt, airplane, cup, polyglot, electron. are you familiar with these words? well it seems yes. a polyglot is one who knows many languages, and an electron. this, this is something from physics, excuse me, i’m very tired, but we ’ve actually already finished, i think that’s enough for today, get well soon, thank you,
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let me show you how to dial, come on. oh, doctor, what do you say? wow, the seasoned girl, despite the shock she experienced, stops quite quickly. others in her condition lie depressed for weeks and cannot speak. what about omnisia? but she actually lost her memory or is faking it. well, it's hard to say now because it's too a strong emotional background, but i am inclined to think that anesia is natural, real. why? it recovers very quickly, if only she remembered. it would be much more difficult, we can somehow help her restore her memory, you can show her, try some old photographs or her favorite things, this is already this terrible crime, then everything is interesting, thank you, but no problem? yes, this is
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the captain of the rings, do you mind if i stop by our oksana’s apartment? for what? she asked me to take some things. okay, keys the district police officer, you will say, i allowed it. yes thank you. listen, i'll be gone for about an hour, i have an idea. you will get the remaining numbers. listen, i understand everything, i can’t be lazy. but can we at least talk to her on the phone? no. why? because she doesn't have a phone. georgievich, have a conscience. okay, i'll tell lagutin, call him a little later. thank you. just don’t call three times every 2 hours. she will notice. how can she prove that she is doing this?
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lives quietly and doesn't complain to neighbors. yes, no problem. well, the girl makes money as best she can. yes. if it doesn’t bother others, that’s fine, not bad, a luxurious apartment for love pleasures, she was lucky that the neighbors don’t complain about other people’s men, so it’s not about the neighbors, it’s just that our apartments are tricky, i mean, and these are old merchant houses, even before the revolution, the walls are thick, so do the neighbors have any idea what's going on here? clearly, i need to take oksana's personal belongings. and of course, antonov warned, you can look into the bedroom. back in soviet times, some apartments were remodeled, but in some places the back door
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remained. is there a back door here? let's go to, i'll show you in the kitchen. let's go. this is the back door. where does it lead? as usual in the backyard ? what about the keys? but there are no keys, they are locked. clear. okay, let's go. thanks for the help. you're welcome. look closely at these things. something seems familiar. strange, is this my thing? yes, to be honest, no associations at all. did you remember something?
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yes, it seems that this is a towel, my mother embroidered, we lived together, a long time ago, where in st. petersburg? no, some small town. i don't remember the name. look,
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this is with mom, and it seems like mom and i are together circus what's happened? who's that next to you? i do not remember. ok. let's look further. maybe you'll remember someone else. no, you know. i have such a headache, can i be alone, yes, of course, leave it, don’t take things, let them stay too, okay, if anything happens, i’m outside the door.
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bor, hi, this is koltsov, let me talk to lenna. elena, hello, my love, hello. stas, dear, are you okay? yes, everything is fine. they told me you were attacked. when i was born, i was very worried. please be more careful. look what i have there is. yes. put the kettle on while i wash my hands, who's there? this is a doctor, what is he doing with you? just came to visit, since when
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does he just come to visit? stas, please stop, the doctor is also under protection, like me, he was settled in a neighboring apartment, it’s clear that it’s clear to you, and in general, i should be the one asking questions, when will all this end? lena, when will they catch the bandits who wounded you, if they are never caught, lena, don’t talk nonsense, why nonsense, it’s easy for you to say, it’s you who are free, and i’m actually in prison, it’s me under constant control, and you are there somewhere, unknown with whom, this is not a constructive conversation, i’m sorry, i need to work, i ’ll call you back, nothing new. well, what are the forecasts? the patient is recovering quickly.
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so you don't mind if we take her from the hospital. on the contrary, i think it will only benefit her. well, great, eat something in the evening. what? take your ward. she felt better. it became better, cube it. she still doesn’t remember, doesn’t remember, or is she pretending not to remember? psychiatrist says amnesia real. okay, guys, take it, just keep an eye on her, i have her in one bottle and a victim suspect, so god forbid i need to talk to her, be careful there, don’t teach a scientist, an amazing person.
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come in, settle down, that means we have a damn toilet there, your room will be there, huh... no, i’ll go get some food, buy something, sergey,
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huh... my head is hurting so much, can i go and lie down, yes, ok, things, thanks,
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oksana, what's going on? i don’t know, i lay down, fell asleep, how did i end up here? did you go to in a dream, i don’t know. did this happen before? no,
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it wasn’t, i don’t remember. sergey, i don’t know what ’s going to happen when this is all over? and i'm so tired. well, how is she, she just walked in her sleep, what are you talking about, uh-huh, i need to tell the doctor.
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i'll go now and talk. listen, don't you think she's scamming us? may be. if so, let's not show off, let's play along. okay, i'm leaving. oksan. oksan, are you okay? yes, would you like some tea? no, thank you, well, look, if you change your mind, there’s chamomile in there.
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well, purely theoretically, severe stress can lead to sleepwalking, but in my practice this has not happened, uh-huh, that is, either she is faking it, or the doctor, tell me, could she have gotten worse because she was shown an old photograph? yes, in principle it could, but it’s...
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to observe her personally, well, we need to understand exactly whether she’s faking it or not, it ’s certainly an interesting case, do you think they’ll let me, we’re sure about this question. i decided, i ’ll be happy to go to kirovsk, why, this is oksana’s hometown, i’ll talk to sochi, look, the investigation has already interrogated, judging by the protocol, the interrogation was formal, what’s my point, to the beginning i may not return to duty. i saw his methods, communicating with people is not his strong point, oksana will go into deep defense, we won’t find out anything at all, and you mean a good policeman with us,
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the witness must testify and not jump off at the most crucial moment, and i must facilitate this in every possible way , i ’ve already said more than once gorbatov’s grave from... to check, but in general, how is the search for grachev going, i think you understand, don’t report to me, well, maybe i can help somehow, and how can you help, the investigation is being conducted by competent people , maybe i should pick up lena go somewhere else? are you sure the rook won't track you? so i'm not sure. lena must stand under protection until everything is over. you, doctor, why did you move her in? oh, you're a complete fool, aren't you?
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firstly, he is in the next apartment, and secondly, there is 24-hour security there. don't make up any nonsense. i left, you'll pay, clear your head, uh-huh, well, it turned out, i came from sizumal, uh-huh, talyan was decided on rimbov's orders. this is exactly, exactly, a faithful man said, well, boy, well, boy, i didn’t
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expect it, you find him, i’ll say, he’s very me upset. the police are here, captain koltsov, i’m talking about your stepdaughter, the proxan, i’ve already told you everything, she ran away for 10 years, i
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have nothing more to say, captain, what do you need, and you show me what you want, show me the paper, the papers , i’ll finish with the locomotive, but there were some things left, toys, school notebooks, i threw everything away when she ran away, you take your hand away, otherwise you’re violating an inviolable home, and in general the fifty-first article, like that. so, apartment thirty-two, vera mikhailovna volkova, has lived here since the nineties years, first alone, then with her daughter oksana. father, unknown, in may 2003 married
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vitaly korpukhov and registered him in her living space. i remember this sweet couple, the husband was yelling, the wife was crying, the girl was hysterical, the neighbors were constantly calling. vitaly. he beat vera, but she refused to write a statement, she walked around with bruises, but said that she had fallen, they only lived for a year, and then she had a stroke, she was still young. nothing more to add, yeah, okay, for that,
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thank you, happy, let's go, bye. "don't twitch, let's go out, what are you doing, dude, hut i decided to get rid of mine, no, i just wanted to ask for something from your daughter-in-law’s things, what are you driving, and you even have a left one, come on, come on, come here?” just slowly, don’t twitch,
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department for ensuring the safety of persons, subject to state protection, what happened, the witness protection program, i heard, what are you pushing, what other program, and you know what kind of roof i have, you’ll break all your teeth on it with a sled, okay, okay, calm down, i ’ll tell you everything now? , you have 10 seconds, but i can handle it in five, now don’t twitch, i tried to rest, but i couldn’t sleep. how are you feeling, it’s been better, tell me
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something interesting, but i don’t have anything interesting, oh well, you work at such a great job, there must have been some interesting cases, no. well, what do you do in your free time? more fishing? come on, i love fishing too. recently i pulled out a six kilogram pike. holy shit, first of all. i thought there was a catch, then it took me about 20 minutes
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to pull it out, well, i ate it, such a cool igor, i’ll go and set up a cell, with chamomile, so, a cache was discovered in your apartment, in the presence of witnesses a protocol for the seizure was drawn up, this money and things belong to you, grandfather’s inheritance, uh-huh, grandfather loved jewelry, i saw this little coin last week in the orientation, it looks like this is a base for buying stolen goods , plus an attack by an employee, you’re in trouble, corps, and why didn’t we take you sooner, this is oksana, yes, i’ll take it for... why do you need her? this is a personal toy, his
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stepdaughter, she is sick, she asked me to bring it. ok, take it, uh, all the best, so, let's continue, hello, how are you doing here? yes, normal, everything is fine, as they say, under constant medical supervision. elena yuryevna, good afternoon, hello, hello, doctor, hello, i didn’t expect to see you here. yes, elena yurievna felt unwell in the morning, asked to come in, feeling unwell, strange, it seems to me that elena yurievna looks great, thank you, no, really, they just looked prettier, if they weren’t married, i would have fallen in love, thanks to the doctor, yes,
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thanks to the doctor for constant care, care for it’s my duty to patients, yeah. i am sure this situation will end soon, and elena yurievna will finally be able to return to her husband. look, this is your yard, this is your entrance. scroll further. there are photos from the apartment, everything is somehow different here, not the way i remember, i found something from your childhood there, uh, look, it’s a button, this is my favorite toy
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from childhood, i’m without it i’ve never even fallen asleep, i’m stunned, thank you, no, please, see that you remember how you left this apartment, how you ended up in st. petersburg, and what what are you doing here, okay, let’s break through, i’m stubborn, i’ll find something to return your memory, something’s wrong. everything is fine, i just have a little headache, i think that ’s enough for today, probably, or maybe on the contrary, you take me to my st. petersburg apartment, i’ll look around, suddenly i remember something,
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well, i’ll try to organize it. if you recognize the house, it doesn’t seem like it, let’s go to the apartment.
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am i really alive here, yes? these are definitely my things throughout. apparently yes.


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