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tv   Tsentralnoe televidenie  NTV  June 16, 2024 6:30am-8:01am MSK

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they look at the exact time 18:57 and we begin: 246 days and nights held hostage by militants. russian andrei kozlov spent 8 long months in the hamas hiding places; he no longer hoped for release, what he had to endure in captivity; why, when the secret hamas hideout was attacked by israeli special forces, the hostages thought that they had not come to free them, but to kill them. they follow their victims like stalkers, chasing them on social networks, driving them crazy with phone calls, letters and sms messages, tracking them, breathing on their backs, looking into the lock windows. wells, this can last for years and end in death. why are such stalkers called stalkers, and how is it that even the law is powerless against them? psychics, fortune tellers, clairvoyants, some consider them all scammers, while others believe that some of us really have paranormal abilities. but how does it really work
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, when tarot cards can really predict the near future, and the location of the stars determine a person’s destiny, why can even an ordinary person become a dreamer? all the truth about paranormal phenomena, which scientists do not like to tell and which carriers of inexplicable abilities themselves are unlikely to want to know. the investigation into the murder of igor tolkova is completed after 33 years, but is it possible to put an end to this story? special guests of the program, singer aziza and son tolkova igor, talk about this. final show. our superstars prepared premieres especially for the finale. the band comes out on stage and you realize that they are legends. new brand belarusian legends. now yours. we were petrified.
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a headache. a great choice - when you buy clothes on ozone you get wow cashback 99% for payment of new orders. choose. sausages are just space. and this is cherkizov’s own farm, where selected meat is produced for the sausages that my family likes so much. cosmically delicious. cherkizovo changes in vision with age can change familiar things, touphone is created for nutrition, restoration and preservation of youthful eyes, it is recommended to use daily for 3 months, touphone is now in new packaging, especially for course use. invite a friend to get a black debit card from tebank to on june 30, you will receive 1500 rubles, and your friend will receive 500 rubles. so, which of my friends is not yet in the bank, don’t forget to invite me. tebank is
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call you, go back. people need to be taken out urgently to save them. are you sure it's serious? it will get worse. do you really want to live, sergei makhovikov, you shouldn’t have there was no need to come and stay, sergei marin, the children need to be evacuated, marina alexandrova, now there is simply nothing, more important is infection, you need to forget everything that happened before, because there may not be after, point zero, premiere. tomorrow at 22:20 on ntv. live on central television. so, this week the west quite clearly demonstrated that in the ukrainian crisis , kiev’s allies are betting on prolonging
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the conflict and are ready, as they say, to play for the long haul. biden and zelensky signed a kind of security pact between washington and kiev promised with... the european union to provide ukraine with a loan of $50 billion for a period of 10 years. at the same time, nato secretary general en stoltenberg said that the supply of weapons to ukraine for nato members will become mandatory, and not voluntary, as it is now. loud, rather bellicose statements were also heard this week from the lips of french president macron and other european politicians, however, the readiness for a protracted conflict of attrition was demonstrated by leaders whose days in politics are most likely. are already numbered, but we’ll talk about this in detail a little later, let’s start with the so-called peace summit that opened today in switzerland, we will turn this page of the ukrainian crisis quite quickly, because the peace conference on ukraine failed long before its official start, and although on paper the list of participants
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in the summit looks quite solid, representatives gathered in the swiss bürgenstock as many as seven dozen countries, but the list of those who are not on this... itself looks even more impressive. at the summit in switzerland there is no china, pakistan, saudi arabia, and, of course, there is no russia there. a this means that the summit will not be able to make any concrete decisions, everything will be limited to banal chatter, and the fighting in the conflict zone will continue, military personnel, civilians and journalists who work on the front line will die every day. on thursday , the gorlovka area came under fire. our friends and colleagues, reporter alexey ivliev, cameraman valery kozhin, got caught. the boys were taken to the hospital in serious condition. lyosha, despite being seriously wounded, has already come to his senses after a complex operation and even recorded a video to reassure his family. doctors for valerie's life
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we fought for several long hours, but we couldn’t save him; we lost him forever. on ntv. he often visited hot spots in syria in the zone of armed conflicts on the territory of the donetsk and lugansk people's republics and was awarded a medal for courage and a medal. he sincerely worried about the fate of each story, showed concern, helped with advice, always remained calm, sympathetic and incredibly kind, no matter how difficult or dangerous it was. and yes, once again we have to say that the bravest and the best die in war, those who don’t hide behind other people’s backs and aren’t afraid to get involved. the worst of it, today it is very painful for all of us to realize that the name and
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surname of valery kozhin will no longer be heard on ntv. hide behind the smoke of the attackers. these are the first images after a long-hour operation in a gorlovka hospital. seriously wounded. all ivliev finds the strength to record a video message and even provide some details, girls, everything is fine, one hand is missing, well, that’s normal, we’re alive, we’ll get through, don’t worry, in russian, we ’ll get through it, correspondent alexey ivliev cameraman valery kozhin filmed at the positions of the russian military, while, apparently, they were already being hunted; everything happened in the village. from gorlovka, a
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strategic direction connecting donetsk and lugansk. over the past month, we have seen russia try to seize even more ukrainian lands in the kharkiv region of donbass. the only way to prevent this from happening is to provide ukraine with what it needs for defense. the hunt for russian journalists can hardly be called defense, although having received the armed forces of ukraine now clearly do not consider the promised weapons and permission to strike the russian rear, hymers, shells, much less drones with mines and grenades, from the west. here it is important to trace the chronology of the ukrainian conflict, having brought down all possible sanctions on russia at the beginning of the northern military district and not achieving the desired effect, the west is throwing all the strength and might of nato weapons into battle, and the abramses finally reached moscow, though not as winners, as trophies, so washington, as it were, is going back 2 years by launching the american military against moscow dollar machine, it would seem, having stepped on the same rake, washington is doomed to failure, because of military success. sanctions against the moscow stock exchange clearly do not promise kiev, but maybe in washington they decided to raise something
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that affects not so much the outcome of the ukrainian conflict as it affects biden personally, his falling rating on the eve of the elections. moscow's response was not long in coming. today we are making another concrete, real peace proposal. the conditions are very simple: ukrainian troops must be completely removed from.
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but even 50% is such a monstrous amount that, as friends from kiev tell me, zelensky’s office began to ask, let us pay in black cash. just not to show this in the budget, because if this amount is announced, it will be such a blow to zelensky’s image within the country. but maybe zelensky decided to hang out in switzerland for a reason, because there was good news for the owner of bankova this week. here at the g7 summit he hugs biden on the occasion of the signing of a pact, mutual assistance for 10 years looks a little isn't it better than joining nato?
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the 21-page agreement included several plans, from how to protect ukraine today to the creation of future rescue forces. will back down from the idiotic ten-year security agreements, if everyone sees that he is evading this, he will not be re-elected. another barrel of honey for kiev is the $50 billion that the americans are allocating to ukraine, although not for free, on credit against future income from russian assets frozen in europe. washington offers the following: usa takes out loans, europe takes on all
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the risk, europe pays interest, and the us spends money on the us-ukrainian fund. note . if russia somehow at some point in time demands, demands in court, that its 300 billion dollars, 300 billion dollars be returned to it from the european union, then they will then have to return the money, return the interest that they withhold, they they will still have to return the lost profits, they will then have to return 50 billion dollars to the americans, which the americans will now give to ukraine. what for ukraine, what for europe , oleg tsarev argues, there is another fly in the ointment, because the elections to the european parliament ended in victory for the party, which is not eager to fight on the side of kiev to the bitter end, well, macron is the latest example of how zelensky brought him luck , greeted, clapped and flew through the elections, naturally, everyone who helps zelensky all flew over, but be that as it may,
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it seems that the west is thereby hinting that it is ready to conflict for a long time, after all, 50 billion. from russian assets accumulates in 10 years at best, that is, the period coincides with the one that biden signed the pact with zelensky, which biden allotted to ukraine. alexey petrushko, natalya usenko, denis anikin, central television. well, now is the time to remember that at the end of the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of the allied landings in normandy, french president emmanuel macron promised to send several french fighters to his ally, that is, zelensky. and on macron’s part, it was, of course, a beautiful gesture, but nothing more. this the aircraft has been in service since 1985 and in france it is already considered obsolete. their production has stopped; in the ranks of the french air force, mirages are gradually being replaced by newer rafale fighters. well, but
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the six mirages, of course, look impressive at the parade when the tricolor flag of the fifth is painted in the sky over paris. and by sending these essentially ceremonial weapons to ukraine, macron is only, as la tribune dimash writes, by the way, trying to remain in the center of the political game around military assistance kiev, but the completely unexpected results of the elections to the european parliament pose a new problem for macron, now he should just stay in politics and not end up overboard, you must agree, yes, vadim, the french president has been compared to napoleon more than once, and it’s even possible...
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and quite predictably, but this time something went wrong, because not only macron lost in these elections. anton chichulinsky tried to understand how it happened that the right was celebrating victory in france, austria and belgium and why supporters of the current political course were already they are shouting with all their might about the next decline of europe. all winners enjoy the same joy. but not everyone knows how to lose with dignity. this is paris. “either the fascists or us, there are no alternatives, this is a fascist danger, if macron were the same as the prime minister of belgium, he would have done this, he would have come to the elections with a good face with
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bad ratings, and then he would have announced his resignation, with tears in front of thunderous applause, but the name emmanuel is translated from hebrew as god is with us, so others are leaving, so tonight.” i'm disbanding national assembly, in a few minutes i will sign a decree on holding parliamentary elections, analysts will open their eyes, why, because of the failure in the eu, dissolve your french parliament, which was supposed to work for another 3 years, he is an arrogant, narcissistic person, the risks he is taking huge, he is, however, no stranger to it; macron recently promised to swim in seni to prove that the river is clean enough to hold olympic competitions in it...
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the famous french publisher casalbert, however, recommends taking a closer look at who could break macron’s plans and become a personal black swan for him. i want to get as big a majority of votes as possible. this is the twenty-eight-year-old bunderkind jardan bardela, to whom marine lepen gave formal leadership of her party. who will be prime minister if he wins? national unification to victory in the battle for the european parliament, now it’s not macron at all, it’s bardela, there’s a new napoleon here, and also a tiktok star. if the national association takes
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too strong a position, macron will find himself in a very difficult position, he will have to appoint bardel as prime minister, and this will seriously limit macron's freedom. there is a possibility that he will have to step down and whether pen will become the next president. the situation is completely different for german chancellor olaf scholz. here the leaders of the g7 congratulate him, congratulate him on his birthday, nothing more: he also lost the elections to the european parliament, and with the worst result in the history of his party. the voting results for right-wing populists in our country and other european countries should worry us. in limburg on lahn the main culprits are found, who spoil the lives of respectable burghers, which probably makes them turn to the right. it turns out that these are pigeons, a decision has been made to slaughter the entire population of these migrants, perhaps then the germans will fall in love with scholz, but what to do with those who are already
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calling on him to do the same as macron? this is our demand to declare a vote of confidence in the german bundestag and clear the way for new bundestag elections. this, as we see, does not happen. scholz has no strategy, but resigning requires courage, which he doesn’t have either. and here's the one who definitely has a strategy is ursula fondern. already a winner on paper, her european people's party won the elections by a large margin. thus, no majority can be formed without us. the only question is whether they need her for an informal dinner of eu leaders, where they will discuss who will take what posts. ursula vonderlein is not invited. have a good evening. she is trying to negotiate to be re-elected with those who else.
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are preparing to ban lgbt propaganda, despite the fact that the country is still a candidate for eu members, all of tbilis is hung with eu flags. this is the square of the first republic, until recently it was called the ros revolution square, once there was a monument to king david the builder, one of the most successful rulers in the history of georgia, and now there is this bicycle, a gift from a french artist. what did the author want to say? did he really know that after the revolution.
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than sooner, well, since we’re talking about trump’s birthday, which happened the day before, i want to turn to yulia, what news from america, how trump celebrated his seventy-eighth birthday, well, he probably threw a party in marala, so no, vadim, you’re wrong here, that’s what ivanka once told trump, her ex-husband, donald hates his birthdays, so one can assume, especially since he hates them now that he’s claiming the title of oldest person elected president. states, even biden, who became president 4 years ago, was only 77 at the time. it is not surprising that trump seemed very upset when his supporters sang at a rally in las vegas happy birthday. but the party to listen to trump’s seventh birthday did take place, it was thrown by a group of supporters of the ex-president who call themselves club 47. we will continue the story about the events of saturday of this week
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immediately after. now an officially recognized criminal by the court, the other is biden, the father of the criminal. will ordinary americans now have to choose not with their minds or hearts, but according to their concepts? they follow their victims around the pits, like game hunters, stalk them on social networks, drive them crazy with phone calls, letters and sms messages, track, breathe their backs, look into the keyholes of the windows. this can last for years and end in death. why are such
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persecutors called? tell scientists and those who do not know are unlikely to want to find out the carriers of inexplicable abilities themselves. the investigation into the murder of igor tolkova is completed after 33 years, but is it possible to put an end to this story? special guests of the program singer aziza and tolkova’s son igor talk about this. are you embarrassing yourself? chaliapin, volochko, next who? mukhtar or what?
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yes jamat! further mukhtar, come urgently, grab your brilliant dog, the star returns, mukhtar, something interesting, the return of mukhtar from the very beginning. mukhtar, go ahead, look for mukhtar, tomorrow at 8:25 on ntv.
7:01 am
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dad, thank you for inviting me, and i i want to invite you too, get a black card from the bank, i’ll get 1,500 rubles, and you 500, daughter, you’re a genius, invite me. it just started one day, and i’m already tired, then prospect appears, i prospect, i help to be active every day, my strength returns, prospect, vkfest is the main event of the summer, meet in five cities of the country, a powerful lineup of your favorite hits, popular speakers and bloggers, waiting for you at vkfest, buy tickets to, m, beauty, why bother, it’s
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so expensive, no, mom , it’s very inexpensive, saved money on my mother, liran refrigerator for 69,990, liran, we make comfort affordable, just a star. your legs just become numb, these bells can become symptoms indicating bad blood vessels, it is important to strengthen the blood vessels. angionm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of formation blood clots strengthening the walls of blood vessels. angion, keep the blood vessels normal. our new name is t-bank. where else can you turn dance into a world heritage? sports, an invincible car. let's go, go into space, send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world,
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turn the department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, work into a dream. tradition into innovation, only here you can change your name without changing yourself, remaining yourself in a country on which the sun never sets. yes, he is the only one. you remember what happened in september 42. unravel the mysteries of the past. we're on the right track, this mansion. the suicide is somehow connected, everyone who got there was dead, he himself said, to find the mysterious killer, what happens, our criminal showed up again, he didn’t lie low at all, as you thought? it seems that the punitive forces are killing one of their own, find out
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the fate of the missing orphans, where were the children taken? probably to germany, it’s unlikely, they already tried to find my aunt 7 years ago, who’s up with this? live on central television and we continue. the events of this week have again given a serious reason to talk about the fact that the old world order no longer works, or, more precisely, no world order
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exists at all. judge for yourself, this week the un security council, that is, the organization that was conceived as the main element of this very world order and as a platform on which countries can peacefully resolve emerging disputes, so... the un security council approves biden’s ceasefire plan in the middle east, and this is a rather rare case when the plan proposed by washington the middle east settlement is satisfactory to all members. gaza strip, and hamas will release all the hostages. palestinians will be allowed to return to their homes throughout gaza and a flow of humanitarian aid will be sent to the enclave. proposed by the president of the united states, that is , the president of the country, who is often called
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the world's gendarme and the plan proposed by biden is good for everyone, except for one thing, it does not work. immediately after the vote in the un security council, the israeli military launched offensives on the southern coast of the gaza strip. after the air strike, tanks moved deeper into the enclave and armored vehicles, well, that is, it turns out that it is not the so-called world gendarme, not the so -called platform on which countries. can peacefully resolve disputes that arise, none of these elements of the notorious world order are working, and maybe it’s really time to change something in this world conservatory? good news rarely comes from the middle east, and even the news about the release of four hostages from captivity by hamas militants has another dark, bloody side to the coin, because, as the gas authorities say, as a result in a successful israeli special forces operation for the hostages, 270 were killed...
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andrey kozlov. it is difficult to resist emotions while looking at these very touching shots, andrei’s meetings with his father and mother, who, it seems, have almost lost all hope of seeing their son alive. but tell us about what their son had to endure in captivity. these shots are now like documentary evidence of a real miracle, a special operation of the israel defense forces in the center of gaza, idf soldiers will shoot down the front door, get inside the house, we go in, we go in, we’re already there they will find hostages huddled in a corner, shaking with fear, among them there will be that same russian, then an emergency evacuation by
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helicopter, and andrei in a white t-shirt is already on board, to the hospital ward at sheba hospital, not far from tel aviv, he will reach like this, smiling, evacuation from the gas will take a matter of minutes, 246 days of captivity will remain behind, there will be sleepless nights for his mother, who believed only in miracles. andrey did not plan to be at that same raft party, an acquaintance who worked as a security guard asked to replace him, he says, that something wrong is happening, already in the midst of the festival from andrei to friends and...
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dna and how they went for identification, andrei is still coming to his senses, here instead of a flatbread of beans, the first normal food. terrorists - they were endlessly repeated and terrorized, israel wants to kill you, you are a problem for israel, you are stopping israel from fighting, so israel wants to know where you are, sit quietly, don’t speak hebrew, bombs will just fly in, planes will fly in and bomb you , israel doesn't need you. that is why at the time of the assault, when the military went inside the building, the hostages they were afraid to speak hebrew, the frightened people thought that tsahal would shoot at his own people. hebrew, hebrew, where is everyone? they had their own
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system of punishments, they were covered, placed on the floor, on a mattress, in the heat, covered with several blankets so that they experienced discomfort and dehydration. for 8 months they tried to psychologically break andrei. the guard approached andrei and he showed him with his hands how he would film him, said: “i will film you, and i will shoot you when i film you.” i would film it. the film and this film will be seen the whole world, but at the same time he was so inadequate that the next day he came to him, showed him his heart with his hands and said: “i love you.” we waited. together with andrei , three more hostages were released that day. and looking at
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these footage, it seems no coincidence that benjamin netanyahu appeared in the hospital, for whom. the freed hostages are a symbol of a victory, albeit a small one. having grabbed this lifeline, netanyahu could sit down at the negotiating table from a position of strength. hamas refused to accept the agreement, which was presented by the un security council and supported by the g7. the four photographs taken of the freed hostages do not bring the middle east one step closer to peace. firstly, because hamas still has 120 hostages in captivity. secondly, on the day of the release of those same four hostages, hamas announced the death of 274 palestinians from israeli strikes in the center of gaza, and this brings the conflict to another round of escalation
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in the region, where the principle of blood by blood has been professed since biblical times. neither israel nor hamas by choice the bloodshed most likely will not stop, this is where some experts have a question: perhaps this world really needs some kind of world gendarme? the gendarme is credited to the united states, but in the sued crisis of 1956, which almost brought the world to the brink of nuclear war, washington coped with this role, under pressure from america, which threatened sanctions, israel, france and great britain withdrew their troops from egypt, is it really now a long-term alliance of israel and the usa is bursting at
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the seams? israel's main goal is to inflict military defeat. hamas will deny hamas the ability to control the gas, ensure that hamas will not be able to carry out terrorist attacks against israel in the future and release the hostages. america's goals are different, they include ending the conflict as quickly as possible and ensuring that palestinians living in gaza do not suffer. but this week the american president clearly had no time for israel. following the legal blow against trump, the baton of american justice fell with all its might against biden himself and now in april. eclipses like jerusalem darkness, covering the east coast of the united states with a stain, exactly 7 months before the elections, looks like a darkly prophetic omen. biden’s economic policy, as planned by the white house, should, like this moon, eclipse the sun of trump, that is, his daring style and
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content of the election campaign, and besides, the president’s son hunter, biden can darken his father’s chances for more. freed from captivity elena trufanova, who spent 54 days in hamas basements, but whose thirty-year-old son sasha trufanov still remains in captivity there. the release of andrei kozlov for elena was another breath of hope. at the end of may, terrorists of islamic jihad, banned in russia, published
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a thirty-second video of her son, but while he is there, waiting for him at home, where everything seems to be safe, is still unbearably painful. i... must wait for my son, i have no right to break down, klim sanatkin, yaroslav filatov, daryakova and mark zlenko, central television. well, returning to the military operations in ukraine, i would like to once again recall winston’s catchphrase churchill, generals are always preparing. to the past war. yes, few expected that in a modern war the decisive role on the battlefield would be played not by the latest fifth -generation fighters costing millions of dollars, but by small and cheap... drones; few could have imagined that a russian tank covered with sheets of iron would render the much-hyped ones useless american jawls, or
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that right on the battlefield it will be possible to rethink the successful use of long- forgotten tactics of cavalry attacks? yes, vadim, indeed many reports western media reports from the battle zone this week began with reports of new cavalry. foreign journalists were impressed by the interesting tactics of the russian military. they used off-road motorcycles during the assault on ukrainian strongholds. this very footage appeared on social networks in which our fighters are rapidly moving towards the positions of the ukrainian armed forces. and so, as western military experts note, it was the element of speed, high mobility and surprise that became the key to the successful capture ukrainian positions. and, of course, it was no coincidence that i paid attention to this particular episode of military operations. seeing. how they use motorcycles on the front line i immediately remember how our reporter alexey semakhin talked about the plant in fryazino near moscow. before the start of the northern military district
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, trailers were made there, but recently light and powerful motorcycles began to be assembled there and sent to the front. well, alexey semakhin himself continues to study the experience of russian entrepreneurs who, without outside advice or orders , have already rebuilt their business and established production products that are now very much needed in the combat zone. here is a squad of tuned russian suvs, repaired by members of the vologda 4x4 car club, going to testing literally right off the bat. all cars after repair require a descriptive test drive, that is, none of these cars will go to the front line without checking, the car needs to be given a load in order to identify all the shortcomings, not only... after the driver of each car that tests, eliminates all shortcomings, decides this machine
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send. it is these vehicles that make life easier for air defense soldiers when the roads are washed out and the military needs to move quickly, using vehicles for combat purposes or transporting the wounded. these are bugs, a small passenger car for off-road driving. after testing, this specimen will go to the detached company. vologda regiment, this buggy for reconnaissance uav crews will go to the front fully equipped. the vehicle is equipped with an electronic warfare system, this is vologzhan’s own development, as well as a kamis drone assembled by club members. how many can he lift a kilogram? 3 kg, this model itself, there is a larger model, it lifts 5 kg, that is, it will carry away the eighty-second mine. well, such a kamikaze copter will now lift a warhead weighing 1.5 kg into the sky. andrey is
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a railway worker, an assistant driver, oleg is a mechanic at an asphalt and concrete plant, alexey is an entrepreneur. money for repairs is collected on social networks, used bugs, uazs and even huge urals trucks are brought in. area, what feedback from the fighters? well, the reviews are positive, because it's always nice to get something like this type of machine. here are the soldiers of the 138th infantry brigade conveying their gratitude to the vologda residents from the front line. club 4.4, suvs, they help the guys prepare their cars, send them to the belt, great gratitude to you, we are trying to be creative, that is, our cars are prepared with machine gun turrets, that is, here in vologda we cooked a machine gun turret with the help of our... numerous friends, we all take up the machine gun, turn it, for 2 years, members of the vologda 4x4 club
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we have already transported more than 100 cars to the unit where our fellow countrymen serve, they are pleased that the cars that go to the front line save the lives of soldiers, we will return here to vologda, but for now we will move to kirov, here on the basis of vääda state university, including and for svo they developed a biotechnological gel for printing food products, as a basis. not only is it useful for the compounds that are available, but it also has a certain structure. layer-by-layer printing allows us
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to set those sensory characteristics of an object, which brings this one as close as possible. product to plant, this same revolutionary technology became the basis for the production of, as they were called here, dissolving teaspoons of candy. university staff have already sent the first batch of such a revolutionary product in every sense to the northern military district zone. we remove the packaging, put it in a mug with boiling water and stir, wait for the herbs to start brewing. into a self-dissolving spoon, again using the same 3d printer.
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an object so reminiscent of an ordinary bathtub was noticed by the ukrainian military in donetsk areas and were, to put it mildly, puzzled and surprised. well, the guys in donetsk, they are also trying to do the same, that is, they are making similar versions, maybe even this is not theirs. a ground-based drone, or that same self-propelled bathtub that baffled the ukrainian military. the drone is intended for the delivery of food, ammunition, and, of course, evacuation. the drone is remote controlled, it is electric with a battery, the charge of which is enough for 3 hours of operation, it drives well through mud, through snow, without problems, overcomes large snowdrifts, speed 7 km/h, range with spare batteries, for example, with visual support from a uav, just imagine, 30 km, awesome! you can
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hang the transmitter on the quadcopter without any problems; as long as the quadcopter flies, it will travel as long. one such platform can easily take at least three people out of the combat zone. the soldiers are asking, the requests are very big, the guys really like it, because the cart is universal, you can load a lot of cargo on it. this is a drone, also known as a kabikaze drone, it can work to destroy targets, for example, such as a machine gun point or dugout, self-detonating, a charge is placed on it, it gets there, yes. gets to the desired point and explodes, this one is the smallest in the family, to help the scouts, go somewhere, hide, observe, look, listen, or generally as a disposable drone, after modification , including based on the feedback of the fighters themselves, these newest ground-based drones, or self-propelled bathtubs as they are called at the front, will be sent to the front line to carry out combat
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missions. alexey semakhin, evgenia, igor kirillov, denis gerasimov and anton. gaza strip reported that eight israeli soldiers were killed in the explosion of an engineering armored personnel carrier in rafah. the hummer, which was the fifth one to enter the colony, was blown up by a mine, killing everyone in the car, and this is truly the most serious incident for the israelis. army by the number of killed soldiers since january of this year. in total, since the beginning of the operation in the gas sector, the idf has lost 306 people. well, now, according to tradition, we must pause for a while so that immediately after the pause we can tell without hiding anything about the events that everyone is discussing about the people they are talking about. there is still a lot of interesting things ahead, so stay tuned. don't switch. they stalk their victims
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like game hunters, stalk them on social networks, and pimp them out. crazy with phone calls, letters and sms messages, stalking, breathing back, looking through keyholes in windows, this can last for years, but will end in death, why such stalkers are called stalkers and how is it that even the law is powerless against them. psychics, fortune tellers, clairvoyants, some count them all scammers, and others believe that some of us really have paranormal abilities, but how does it really work? when tarot cards can really predict the near future, and the location of the stars determine a person’s fate, why even an ordinary person can become clairvoyant. the whole truth about paranormal phenomena, which scientists do not like to tell and which the carriers of inexplicable abilities themselves do not know, are unlikely to want to know. the investigation into the murder of igor tolkova has been completed after 33 years. but is it possible to put in this story
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point? special guests of the program talk about this. there may be pain in the knee, pain in the back, pain in the neck. pentalgen extragel contains a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel. our new name is te-bank. where else can you turn dance into a world heritage? sports, an invincible car. let's go, go into space. send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn the department into an application, knowledge into
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pushkin was detained in the town of pushkin near moscow , according to the investigation, from january '20 to december '23, she sold literature that contained calls for violence against...
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the defendant's occupation was an ordinary lawyer. but in general, the topic is so serious that it is better to do without the irony of sarcasm, after all, many people unconditionally believe in the existence of real witches, real psychics and fortune tellers, as well as various kinds of clairvoyants, while others consider them scammers and crooks. well, our reporter tatyana proskuryakova decided to figure out what really stands behind the so-called paranormal phenomena and... find out how all this magic works in the real world, the reporter, by the way, she is very meticulous, so now get ready to hear the whole truth about paranormal phenomena who don't like tell scientists and those who do not know are unlikely to want to find out the carriers of inexplicable abilities themselves. this is julia mijas, one of the most famous astrologers and tarot readers in america; to get a prediction from her, you need to sign up several months in advance. among my
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clients there are many people with successful careers, people of different religions, and of course, among millennials of generation z there are a lot of tarot fans. the boom in tarot fortune telling in america began during the pandemic, even fortune tellers became somehow unable to read palms , they laid the cards on the table, virtual. this card says that you are a very successful woman. so online tarot readers have become new stars, and the deck itself in the usa can now be bought even in a vending machine with... dosage: when everything is good, we focus on the material part of life, health, money, relationships, but in difficult times, people often turn to to spiritual practices. a person’s belief in horoscopes and predictions in psychology is called the forrer effect, named after the american scientist bertram forrer, who in 1948 conducted an experiment with the participation of students. he created a personality test, which was actually a set of statements about...
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statements from the description of different zodiac signs, all students recognized the test as incredibly accurate, today we will repeat forrer's experiment, but instead of a personality test, tarot cards will describe our experimental subjects. in the role of a fortune teller, the famous psychologist olga lattontseva, according to legend, she works only with politicians and stars, but here are the lucky ones who are lucky. natalya, i’m 32 years old, i’m yuri, i’m yana, i’m 19, andrey, i’m 40. what can unite such different of people? at a minimum, today they will hear exactly the same description of their personality, supposedly read in tarot symbols. look how many pentacles you have, this is very good, you will like it too. we start with intrigue, give hope, then focus on exclusive character traits. you are a pronounced leader, these are your qualities, yes this.
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100% point, this is a person with pronounced leadership qualities, creativity is appropriate, that’s all, and you read both people and space, and you can come up with something non-standard, yeah, this is very important, yes, here is the time to remind once again, to different people, during an experiment, a psychologist reads out the same prediction and every time it hits the target , unexpected for me, because these are the qualities that are absolutely, well, no one maybe... you know, the cards said, right to the point, right to the dartsa, right to the very center, but why the experiment turned out to be so successful, how it generally works, about the same as the dowsing frame, with the help of which even a novice psychic can easily find in pure field is the place where you need to dig a well, in your apartment there will be a place with the worst energy, bad energy, admit it, you yourself have uttered this phrase more than once, but what does it mean... do people and
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objects have energy, to find out answering these questions, we decided to conduct an experiment. valery asyka is a psychic, he claims that with the help of dowsing frames he can check your house for a source of negative energy. negative - this is a person getting up and without understanding why, everything starts for him irritate, he was charged with negative energy from the thing. for the purity of the experiment in a new building in the center. quietly, here are the lower ones, here they began to converge, here is our door, and what an antique fan in iraq and other countries of the middle east, with the help of such frames, border guards and intelligence services searched for several years and even successfully found
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drug smugglers and terrorists with explosives. it seemed that there was only one step to a real revolution in science and security systems, and soon the ringing... frames of metal detectors would be replaced by biolocators with limits until this happened. this is iraq. a car filled with explosives exploded in the center of baghdad. 120 people died. how is this possible if at every entrance to the city there is a checkpoint where all cars are checked. this is the first point where we check the cars. here we have an aed detector working. an iraqi army general talks about an innovative device that... protects the country from terrorism. the ade detector, according to advertising, can remotely detect explosives, drugs, money and even truffles. and here he is the inventor leaves the courtroom. james mccormick claimed that his bomb detectors could track explosives underground,
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underwater, and even see through walls. he sold them to governments, armies and border services. knowing that the detectors are not working. british businessman jim mccormick earned 50 million pounds. selling their detectors all over the world, they were used in twenty countries, until, finally, in thailand they decided to disassemble the device and found the same dowsing frames inside the plastic case, but you and i they saw how a psychic used a frame to find a hidden small fan, why then did a security officer miss almost a ton of explosives, and why does it work in some hands and not in others, explains nikolai fomushin. and no, he’s not a psychic or clairvoyant, he’s an illusionist, well, that is , an ordinary magician, well, four, no, actually five, maybe six, oh, off he goes, nods, six, he’s on the expert
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council of the houdini prize , a million rubles will be received by a person who, in the presence of scientists, proves his pan-normal abilities, but in 9 years so no one could do it, i’m looking for a dead person, that is, i know where he is, look, above polina gagarina, i don’t do anything with my hands, the frames are even, but as soon as i ’m brought to vladimir volfovich, i don’t do anything, but wounds begin to cross, because i know this, this phenomenon is called an ideomotor act, a micro-micro movement that cannot be seen, this is ideomotor, i give... them a direction, that is, these frames do not tell me information, but suggest that i i think about this place or about these photographs, and it’s one thing if the dowsing operator simply offers you to change the bad sofa to a new one, but the result of the research within the framework may be the same, but
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despite such obvious mistakes, humanity’s faith in the paranormal is only growing stronger, why it is necessary to understand this, and means continuation:
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they noticed how the president is trying to shake hands or in some other way interact with some invisible interlocutor, so unlike trump, biden will still be able to use the help of, let's say, an imaginary friend. behind of course, we will continue to follow the events on saturday, but now about what happened this week. state duma deputies again started talking about how it would be nice to adopt a law on so-called stalking in russia. this is a foreign word, already familiar to many from sensational films and popular film series, many already who have encountered stalking personally, but for those who have never heard of stalking when...
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only when the victim of persecution becomes a victim of himself real violence. and it is possible that the deputies started talking under the impression of a high-profile crime drama that hit the headlines of all crime news. and mikhail bogdanov will continue this topic. catherine sees her husband's face for the last time. the horses of the earth are muffledly knocking on the lid of the coffin,
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anton egovtsev is buried in the ulgovsky lobny cemetery, this is how the story ended, which at first might seem almost comical to many, simply unpleasant, but not tragic. in the eyes of his killer, anton egovtsev is guilty of only one thing: he was married to the one who was obsessed with the stalker, the man who was pursuing family more. years, in these footage the persecution of the egovtsev family is in full swing , the man in the stalker’s car is called dmitry matveev, in 2 months he will kill anton egovtsev, who is now in these footage commenting on his hasty departure. the employees, of course, cannot do anything until nothing has happened, but i think the issue will be resolved for them; they are making threats. after this incident, yagovtsev became seriously concerned about the safety of his family, says his friend, sergei zaitsev. he showed such gestures to the throat. sitting in the car, the door is not pleasant opening, and there was one of these moments, he
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was holding something in his hands, it was just cape anton who said, it is quite possible that it was just a knife, knock on the door at night, calls with the words leave your wife, leave your child, leave city ​​of lobnya, because i want to be my wife, often ex -husbands or lovers become stalkers, but here is a different case, i met him when we were 12 years old in the hospital, we did not study. the most stalker, obsessive stalker, dmitry matveev, motocross instructor, and how can we recognize in this person someone who,
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guided only by his own delusional impulses, will soon decide to kill? hello, friends, today timokha and i are riding in troid sitso, he’s riding so handsomely in a new helmet. by this time, matveev, it seems, had already believed in his illusions. he told everyone he knew that this was his wife, his child. on the day when everything happened, matveev evening... again stalked ekaterina egovtseva at her house. it's already late in the evening, i went to kindergarten to take care of my child. after kindergarten we approached as we approached the house we saw the car of the man who was chasing us parked in the driveway. after waiting all evening and realizing that ekaterina would not come home, matveev made up his mind. matveev had a hammer and two knives with him, that is , he went to this entrance for a very specific purpose.
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he was arrested on suspicion of murder, but stalking itself is not punishable; after another similar incident, the state duma again started talking about the need to adopt a law on prohibition of approach, similar to the one adopted in the usa, also after many precedents. this is footage of the assassination attempt on ronald reagan. 30th of march in 1981 , john hinckley tried to assassinate the us president. as a result , reagan, two more people were wounded, one was killed, but why hinckley? he did all this, maybe he was dissatisfied with state policies, no, with this loud act he wanted to attract the attention of young
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jodie foster. give me a chance to win your respect with a historical act. love, yesterday it turned out that hinckley wrote many letters to the nineteen-year-old actress who starred in the film taxi driver. and in these shots, after decades spent in a mental hospital, john hinckley shuffles goes free. jodie foster has also changed, she is no longer a young aspiring actress, a real star, an oscar winner, suddenly the lgbt activist of the nostalker john hintley is still attracted to her. hinckley, who killed a man and attempted to assassinate the president, is at large, but he is forbidden to approach. the most popular american song i can't help but love you, and this is the finalist of the competition christina grimmie, wildly famous
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at the top of the charts at the age of 22, death at the hands of a stalker during an autograph session. it turns out that a stalker can haunt a victim’s doorstep for years, or he can immediately appear on the doorstep with a gun, maybe at the home of a celebrity, or maybe at the doorstep of any person he meets. psychiatrist vladimir katordin tells a person with such a deviation: “we are all defenseless, it is simply impossible to predict where the stalker’s delirium will lead.” and some elements in clothing, elements in behavior, elements in a look, in a conversation, in some verbal non-verbal messages, everything can be interpreted. at his own expense, the stalker stalker can to say that yes, this is a sign, since he is dressed there in a certain way today, this is a sign for me, this may already be some level of educational nonsense. however, in all other respects, the psychiatrist says, these stalkers can be quite adequate, for example, the series, which is now a leader on the world's largest streaming platform, the autobiography of comedian richard gedda, he just
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smiles politely at the girl, hundreds of letters begin, surveillance, but... after the series was shot, the prototype of the stalker demanded from the creators of the series received 170 million dollars in compensation, it seems that now she will not easily give up on them either. mikhail bogdanov, ivan brus, ksenia politaeva, central television. well, another very unexpected criminal news this week. the investigative committee has completed its investigation into the murder of singer igor tolkova. let me remind you that igor tolkov was killed on october 6, 1991, that is, from the moment. 33 years have passed since his death, but this week investigators officially named the alleged killer, the charges presented to igor talkov's concert director valery shlyafman. the events of that fateful evening, of course, have been reconstructed over the years almost minute by minute. so, at 16:00, behind the scenes of the anniversary sports palace,
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a quarrel breaks out between valery shlyafman and singer aziza’s bodyguard igor malakhov. they can't agree on which artist. will perform in the final and close the end. at 16:17 igor malakhov takes out a nagan revolver. igor talkov, with the words to his gun, we will have our own, runs out of the dressing room with a gas pistol. they sound shots that harm no one. taking advantage of the turmoil, talkov's guard knocks down aziza's guard armed with a revolver, then also manages to shoot twice: one bullet goes into the floor, the other into the rash box. everything could have ended there, but then another fatal shot sounds. in the ensuing silence, igor tolkov’s words sound: how painful. the singer takes a few steps and falls to the floor. in a few more minutes, the presenter will appear on the anniversary stage and stop the concert with precisely this phrase, “stop the music,” learned over the years. and now,
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please have a moment of silence. and now , 33 years later, the investigation came to a final conclusion: the third shot was fired by talkov’s concert director valery shlyafman, who during the fight took the gun of aziza’s guard and tried to shoot at him, but missed and hit igor tolkova. it was shlyafman who was charged in absentia with murder, in absentia, because talkov’s alleged killer has been hiding in israel under an assumed name for many years. well, the investigation is over, but can we say that in the most notorious criminal story of the nineties a point has been made. we will talk about this right now with those who, against their will, became
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participants and hostages of everything that happened behind the scenes of the anniversary in... in the entrance any minute now, they can probably enter the studio, but just in case, we - telephone contact has been restored with him, i hope he can hear me, and i would like to ask him the first question. igor, can you hear me? yes, talk. please tell me, for you, the fact that the case was reopened, and the fact that the investigation was over, how did you take this news? well, well, probably as a mockery. and why?
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i understand, there’s nothing to ask me, it’s clear, thank you very much, well, i hope you get to ostankina, we’ll still see each other, unfortunately, we’ll talk outside the live broadcast, aziza, i asked you about this a long time ago, yes, yes it’s not just me, you ’ve been asked about this for 33 years now, but after a while, how do you take this news?
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you again - no, it’s generally very difficult to scare me with anything, especially after that tragic incident, when i was only 25
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or 26 years old, i was faced with this, i i would say, i would compare this with the earthquake in tashkent in 1966, when the earth collapsed under our feet, as if the sky had fallen to the ground, and the lives and homes of many of my compatriots in tashkend were destroyed. nevertheless, we know that malakhov practically hid from the investigation for two decades, and the shlyafman is still probably hiding in israel since then, and it turns out that for the two main participants -
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and he told me that you need to go to america, you you know, he even invited me to syrina allegrova, and we were there for two or three the cheeses worked for a month, then i said, no, i don’t want to stay here, i will return to my mother, and i left, i could not leave the country where my mother was born, and the whole family along her line, azis, tell me sincerely, now, let’s say that shlyafma doesn’t seem to be behind bars, and you have some emotions or you don’t care anymore, oh, i already have a lot that’s over...
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well, we’ll see you exactly a week later on saturday at 19 :00. stay with us, stay with your central television. see you later, bye.
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hello, welcome to information service of the ntv television company, this is the program today in the dmitry zavoystei studio. every day in the special operation zone, our military demonstrate professionalism and courage. air defense units of the ivanovo paratroopers operate in the vicinity of chasov yar. crews of verba portable air defense systems protect fighters from enemy drones. the paratroopers have equipped a network of observation points to spot and destroy both observation and combat aircraft in time. meanwhile , strikes on militant command posts are carried out by su-34 bombers; accompanied by a su-35s fighter. the attack is carried out with high-explosive aircraft bombs with a universal planning and correction module, which allows launching without entering the affected area of ​​enemy air defense. according to the intelligence report, the target.


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