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tv   Pod zashchitoi  NTV  June 17, 2024 2:30am-3:15am MSK

2:30 am
hello, is kudasov hunting me? okay, calm down, what's your name? mikhailovich, snegerev. i work at a water utility. why is kudasov hunting you? thank you, the underground casino, the casino was recently liquidated, and this is the one we busted in fotse, remember? i remember, and why didn’t you please, he called me to a new place, i refused, i can’t, i’m always afraid that i will be arrested, he got angry, said that he would kill me, because i know a lot, i first i thought that these were... just words, then i recently found out that
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his bandits broke into apartment number thirty, in the next house, i also live in number thirty, so what? they just had the wrong house, they had to break into my place, you know? that’s it, now everything is clear, please sit down, now you are under our protection, but tell me, why didn’t you immediately contact the police, our operatives came to you? i was afraid that they would put me in prison, so i said that i don’t know any kudasov, i thought about it and decided, better hell than this, clearly, find me all the materials on this casino and especially financial records, and don’t worry, now we ’ll carefully write everything down, here’s some paper, here’s a pen, don’t worry, please write, it’s great. yes, of course, send it. what's there?
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they took igraev's accomplice. it was he who shot us down in the game. so. but they did not divide the loot, which was taken by the collector. well, here he is, and what does grunau’s accomplice have to do with it even when otesto drove off here. it's clear. this means that our demin got involved in this whole mess quite by accident. okay, don't worry, write, please. yes. i just need to get my act together thoughts. forest fires are a dangerous and formidable element; stopping the fire is the calling of the strong. observer pilots, parachutists, firefighters, paratroopers-firefighters, aerial forest guards. the farm is growing, a reliable shield of the russian forest. i don’t understand who is guarding ademino.
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alive, alive, and here you are, you forgot to take your favorite screwdriver. thank you, yeah, this time they also wanted to kill you by accident, by chance, got up, let’s go, citizen djomin, after all, how will you explain that this is the second time they’ve attempted to assassinate you, i don’t know. what
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is happening, i hope you won’t claim that this is a coincidence, well, apparently someone wants to kill me, but i don’t know who, i’m a simple car mechanic, so it seems to me, not as simple as... do you want to seem like the first time you killed two armed bandits, by accident, by accident, today, too , by accident , he reacted with lightning speed to the command to lie down, jumped to the side out of surprise with all his might, tell me, when can i go home? listen, come back under protection, that’s my advice. in general, i only have a single version, which can explain everything, yes, yeah, which one, there is such a big official, astroumov, and he
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has a son vlad, so this vlad recently had two friends killed, he asked his dad to find and punish the killer, ostraumov, in turn, asked kudasov about this . yes, i have something to do with it, but apparently astraumov for some reason decided that the murderer is you, this is some kind of mistake, what kind of murderer i am, just think about it, and this is the first time i’ve heard the name ostroumov, listen, snegerev, are you really ? of course, you didn't mix anything up? why here then? i do not see your testimony about kudasov’s financial activities? i haven't written yet? what's stopping you?
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so, how many deals do you need to remember and collect your thoughts? tell me, detective khomich didn’t warn you about liability for giving false testimony, but why should i take it? so i think, why? now you will gather your thoughts and write everything down in detail. water, then write, so it means that you are happy with demin, so i told the investigator everything, what’s his name,
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watermelon, i’m from another department, we are conducting a parallel investigation, well, such workers like nikit need to look for hands behind... instead, is everything all right with him? yes, yes, everything is fine, he’s just cooperating with the police, on what issue i can’t say yet, he didn’t do anything, but he could, but the guy seems to be calm, but in a quiet pool, you know, yes, i know, tell me, but he has a girlfriend, she came here several times, alone, and, it seems, waved at once, you said, she came, i haven’t seen her for a month and a half, or maybe they didn’t have anything serious? no, nikita said that they were going to marry her, but only something didn’t work out for them, don’t know where to find this masha? no, i don’t know, but maybe one of the employees knows, i remembered, nikita said that he likes to go to the dawn restaurant with his masha, it’s cozy there, masha likes it,
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recommended it, not far, three blocks, clear, thank you, goodbye, see you dates, well , strange, like, well, follow. kept asking about some bandits, but nikita was not interested in girls, well, i’m telling you, we ’re conducting a parallel investigation, well, well, nikita, hello, yes, i’ll tell you, alexander sergeevich, you’re on time, now we’ll have tea with drink pies, first i need to tell you something important, i’m listening to you. lena, give me your hand, why, my pulse died, lena, the guards got me through the internet, i lied that
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it was a gift for the woman i love, but why did i lie, oh, lin, i can’t do this anymore, i want you to know. i love you, alexander sergeevich, or just sasha, sasha. you are wonderful, i am very interested in you, but i am afraid you misunderstood me yesterday, i dream of a normal life with my loved one, with my husband, forgive me, no, lena, you will forgive me. it turned out stupid, i i’ll go, excuse me, leave already, doctor, yes,
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elena eyovna has recovered, i think that she no longer needs my examination, that is , you will no longer come for examination, i’m telling you, she, she has fully recovered, yes, that’s one more thing , please don’t bother me anymore, “i need to finish the article, tell me, have you ever seen this young man? yes, he and his girlfriend often came to us, but for some reason they haven’t been seen lately, can you describe the girl, a girl, an ordinary girl, pretty, pleasant, with a camera"? v observation: do you keep records? yes, of course, we keep it, well, anything can happen, and yes, by the way, one
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situation happened with them, one day an elderly man sat down next to them, somehow reacted violently, then he took the girl and left, can i look at the recording, can i? yes, of course, come to my office, thank you. how's the situation? yes, it’s fine, he sits and reads. i'll be there for 5 minutes. nikita, hi, hi. who is this? this is masha, my ex-girlfriend. and this? it's her father, what happened in the restaurant? machine's father didn't
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like us dating, so it turned out a bird out of their league, generally a simple car mechanic, she is the daughter of the vice-rector, this vice-rector showed up, caused a scandal, and you, i didn’t mind, looked with sober eyes and realized we are not a couple, it’s as simple as that. yes, it’s quiet and peaceful, everything is fine with masha, yes, i’m giving you my number, i’m sure you remember it, uh-huh, thank you, seryoga, what, what are you doing? do you suspect me of something? i don’t
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know yet, but don’t worry, you’re always so interesting, yeah, well, read, read. that’s even how it is, but you don’t know who? no, of course, it’s just that this feeling has appeared,
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so you can’t say for sure? no, it’s a pity, i don’t agree with you, everything turned out very well, mashenka now has a decent young man, an associate professor at my university, and he’s going to a conference in zurich soon, i’m very happy. i wave for you personally. thank you. tell me, did something happen to nikita? don't know. i'm trying to figure out what's wrong with him. so, maybe some more tea, i'm in a hurry and sorry for disturbing you. and that means you still can’t get on with it and are meddling with your investigations. notice that i found what you
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missed. sooner or later i would go out myself demin's girlfriend. do you think that masha disappeared for a reason, that she was kidnapped, raped and killed by the same scum, demin executed them, and now astroomov, through kudasov, wants to take revenge, well, to be honest, there was such a version, but it was not confirmed, because with masha, as you say, everything is fine, yes, but masha has an assumption that perhaps demin has left for someone else, i don’t know who she is, this is just an assumption, masha herself is not... well then it’s written with a pitchfork. agree. you can install on the rushka behind ostroumov and his son. on what basis? simply because masha thought that dyumin had someone else. it's clear. well, if i have new information, i will definitely let you know.
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thank you for this, of course, but it would be better if you minded your own business. clear, yes, koltsov , please tell me, where did you find out about the connection between astroomov and kudasovo, we only got to the bottom of this today, you see, sometimes i mind my own business, i have my own informants, happily, all the best. by the way, if you're wondering, masha is fine. you saw her? yes, it seemed to me that she regrets your breakup, even so. she
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thinks you are too. another, she’s wrong, it just didn’t work out, you still suspect me, no, listen, i’m really tired of all this, one more day and i ’ll just go crazy, well, what are the options, i don’t know, let’s set a trap and , well, what if i have guests? then you take them and interrogate them, i finally find out who i crossed the road to, it’s not a bad option, but the investigator is unlikely to like it, i haven’t stayed yet.
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watch out. call the phone, and as always , on time, hello, how where, we carry you, if you don’t see,
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well, already at the entrance, in the fourth, like the third, ugh, oh my, now we’ll bring it, another entrance. i already guessed that i should drag this hand back, or what? well, what should we do? they carried it. well, at least i got enough sleep... count it, yes, now i won’t sleep for two days, thank you very much for everything, oh well, such work, i hope we won’t see each other again, and if anything
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breaks, you call the phone, you know, for sure , thank you again, the man has returned home. it seems like the security was removed from him, i understood everything, i just wanted to meet him in person for a long time your family, i am very glad that this opportunity finally presented itself. well, will it still be good? i hope so too. we
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are very grateful to you for your help. kostya has already had one operation. the condition improved, but unfortunately, not for long. yes, i understand. i'm sure we'll come up with something. very tasty tea. thank you. well, i probably have to go, but you, vadima, won’t wait, well, i think another time, you give this card to dad, let him call me, okay, not here.
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well done, everyone has their own job, why so late, and new cameras around the perimeter installed, so i had to personally check everything, but what about us? today there was a guest, what a businessman, he collaborates with our charitable foundation, he promised to help kostya with the operation, can you imagine, he said that he would completely resolve the issue, hello, son, hello, dad, my uncle asked me to tell you, thank you. your name, patronymic, surname, leonid
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sergeevich, prokudin, guys, i ’m telling you seriously, we ended up there by accident, well , look, the door is open, suddenly it happened, let’s go, listen, i’m talking about all this nonsense of yours. an open door, i won’t write to vigilant citizens, i’ll do you this favor. i won’t speak without a lawyer, lyon, we ’ve already studied your personal file a long time ago, you ’re new to kudasov, you don’t have a walker, you really can get out of this story with minimal losses if you cooperate and remain in the status of a witness, i said i won’t talk to you without... well, you don’t have to talk, okay, then we ’ll show you an interesting movie, please. while you were,
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so to speak, painting the entrance, captain koltsov entered the apartment of citizen demin installed recording equipment. i was watching the whole time. well, yes, i followed. the movers with the closet, remember? the recording was made legally and can be used in court. it shows that you didn't shoot. yes, even for me. it was no longer there, well, this is recorded in the arrest report, so now everything depends only on you, if you want, you can continue your circus with lawyers, shield your friends, although i don’t understand how you can shield them, in that case, as the criminals say, go locomotive, as an equal partner in a crime, but you can tell everything honestly, most likely we won’t learn anything new, but
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you’ll make your life... much easier, in fact, it’s not so important for us what you tell, this recording is quite enough to make you put everyone behind bars for a long time, think with your head, you are a young guy, you have your whole life ahead of you, okay, i’ll tell you everything, i sent him out of nowhere, why watch how... demin appears, so, and kudasov explained , why did demin not please him? not really, especially, well, i just always got very angry when people talked about him. does he always get so angry when someone needs to be removed? no, he usually calmly orders, but here, it seems, this is connected with ostroumov’s son. well, vlad ostroumov was taken to a separate cottage under heavy security a few days ago.
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swims, in his daddy’s villa in the pool and a whole regiment is watching him, and then they ordered demin to be removed, you know the address of the house, yes, he sends all of us there to be on duty, well, i was there, write the address, please, but why is he there? they hide it there, they say that recently they almost removed it from their own home, but about... no one except ours knows this cottage, here is the solari pool, in fact a prison, well done, he did everything right.
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nikit. it turns out that kudasov really wants to kill you, he considers you a big threat to his godson, vlad ostroumov. what nonsense? well, judging by the fact that kudasov personally came to deal with you, this is serious nonsense, but if he was taken, can i return home? they took him. but most of his people are free, and we don’t know what instructions they have. well then? if ostroumov's dad has firmly decided to get rid of you, then he can do this not with the help of his old friend kudasov, attract anyone, but there is still coffee, there is mold, i haven't gotten enough sleep, there is a little, arbuzov gave your dossier yesterday, here i am studied all night, but arbuzov is a good investigator.
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in the fall of 2009 and winter of 2011 and for exactly 3 months each, you don’t want to tell me anything, and that it’s not like you, you ate our liver here in 3 days, i can’t let go without work, otherwise they’ll fire me, there are such breaks. i had reasons what, personal, well, more details, maybe, no, this has nothing to do with ostroumov or kudasov, yes, yeah, i understand, right
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now. okay, dan, you stay here , kozyrev will arrive now, i need to leave, the authorities are waiting, yes, here you can take from the list, what is it, i dropped my plier and broke a tile, i need to play tricks, it turned out ugly, we agreed, maybe we can add some coffee, thank you , no, you think we should continue to keep him on... under protection, i think, yes, something is wrong with him, i mean, you can check where he was, yes, in the summer of 2008, eight 2009 and winter 2011, each time for 3 months,
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maybe i was on vacation or not officially working, that’s not the case, okay, try to do something. i'm listening, comrade colonel. stanislav, could you come and see me? right now? yes, but why? this is not a telephone conversation. intrigued, okay, i'll be there soon. something happened? i found information for you. so fast? well, it turned out to be easy if you have a certain level of access. i
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hope you don't need to explain that this information should not leave this office. yes, sure. and the other two, so called vacations, is it the same there? special missions, it turns out that your demin urgently underwent special examination, but what about the dossier? engineering troops, this information was corrected later in one number of documents, he is a special forces soldier and is still in the reserves, sometimes he is called up from this reserve, now everything is clear how he dealt with the killers and how he professionally reacted to the command to lie down, we will we are protected, and he himself can protect us,
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where he went far in 2011, it happened even further, it’s good that kudasov doesn’t have access to this information, in general, business trips have absolutely nothing to do with it, clearly, thank you for your help, please, i gave andreev something else on a flash drive.
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well, i'll think about it, thanks for the information, but no way, yes. in general, there is unverified information that those scumbags raped another girl. are you talking about vlad ostroumov and his cronies? yes, there were not two victims, three, you understand? that girl later committed suicide, the police didn’t link her to the gang at all, they registered her as a suicide. what kind of girl is this and what about these? alas, i don't know. yes, thank you very much, your information will help us a lot. you're welcome, i'll be glad if you jail me. “if we have time, yes,
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thank you, listen, citizens detained, i have two questions for you, do you know this person, no, and you, citizen snegerev, recognize this person, this is the first time i’ve seen you, then allow me to introduce you, this is citizen kudasov, your ": employer, and this is citizen snegirev, your accountant, and i’m very interested in how you did business together, you didn’t meet in person, i talked to the assistant, what kind of assistant, last name, i don’t remember what he looks like, usually, he’s so, well, strong, so tall, listen, citizen snegerev, maybe stop lying. “i need to gather my thoughts, while you are gathering your thoughts, i
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’ll tell you how everything really happened. a few days ago , kudasov’s people came to you, they chose you only because you live in the same apartment as a person, whom kudas wants to kill, only in the next house, they ordered you to come to the police and tell a fictitious story about what you allegedly worked." so yes, but for kudasov this would be a new opportunity to kill demina, didn’t they threaten me, they told me to fool around with the police for a couple of days and then recant my testimony, they promised to pay me money if i did everything, listen, snegerev, now they will give you a pen and paper, and you write everything down in detail , the more complete your story is, the milder the punishment for giving false testimony will be. take the detainee away,
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let's go, tell me, citizen kudasov, why do you so insistently want to kill demin, you even came up with a false maneuver with the accountant, who is this schizik, everyone said nonsense, of course, so we’ll move on. go ahead, okay, take the detainee away, the sudden resignation of a person like you has caused a lot of talk, it’s simple, in our country they don’t let me live a normal life, they spread ridiculous rumors, you mean rumors about your son, which, let’s not spread this slander, i’m tired of listening to this lie and enduring the attack, in just a few days i’m with my family,
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help me find grachev, you can count on relaxation, what do you say, take me to the cell, okay, i’ll give you a little time think, duty officer, i remember nikita dzyomin well, uh-huh, he didn’t know his parents at all, but what a wonderful man he was, very old...
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he looked after him, but she kept dreaming about a prince, as soon as she left us, immediately some... then she got herself a businessman. and nikita was in the army at that time, he wrote to me, shared, he was very worried, but after the wedding, he stopped writing, became isolated, give me the address of vera, so she died, committed suicide, we said that they raped her, but she and couldn’t stand it, do you think, demin knew about it, yes, he was at the funeral, there’s no face on him
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what was the last name vera? artyomova, mera nikolaevna, born in the ninety-fourth year. yes, thank you very much for the information, it was very helpful. igor, give me demina. yes, he seems to be in the shower. nikit, finish the procedure, i have a question. koltsov, we have an emergency, demin escaped, how do you say it now, he escaped, this captain happened, then i’ll tell you, now the most important thing is that demi is most likely going to kill
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vlad ostroumov, i’ll call him, call him, let him be on the alert, i i’m going there too, but i’m afraid i won’t have time, okay. as for the patrol officers, as for communications, hello, hello, this is investigator arbuzov, the investigative committee, according to operational data , a person is heading to you who will try to kill your son, this is a shot, this is a real danger, raise the guards to your feet, and i will send them to you, the nearest police squads, okay , security, i’m listening to you, sergei ivanovich, this kozlina is free again, look after him with both eyes, don’t worry, sergei ivanovich, we have everything under control, the police
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are going to visit you, don’t let them into the cottage, don’t worry, without a resolution about the search we no... we won't let niko in. hello, dude, put away the gun, and listen, you probably need money, but dad has a lot of money, please, please, don’t,
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listen, yes, they provoke themselves, do you hear, they provoke themselves, and then they don’t give it, it’s not my fault at all, who’s to blame? i don’t know, i, i don’t know, i don’t know, yes, i’m guilty, i’m guilty , please forgive me, it’s good that you realize your guilt, yes, but if you’re guilty, answer, you have to pay for everything.


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