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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 17, 2024 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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it didn’t work out, the russian military told how they liberated the village of staromaiskoe in the dpr, an important settlement where the ukrainian armed forces had been building fortified fortifications for several years, and why this was important for the ongoing offensive.
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followed by nikita korzun. the nato secretary general decided to show the world nuclear potential, what kind of signals en stoltenberg is giving. the kitchen service in the area has suspended operations due to mass poisoning of people. details in business news. scientists warn about the threat of extinction of central russian bees due to imported bee killers, but in the altai territory pockets of resistance are strengthening. vlada kiplovskaya visited.
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airborne combat vehicles. the crews of the t-90 a tanks to ensure safety, they were covered by groups of western troops, destroyed the drone control center, dugouts and armored vehicles, and fired from a closed firing position at a distance of about 5 km. from the air, the actions of our fighters were supported by su-34 fighters. the pilots eliminated the ukrainian armed forces stronghold.
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defense minister andrei belousov congratulated the russian military on the liberation of the village of staromaiskoye in the dpr. the head of the department sent telegrams to our soldiers, in which he noted that they showed courage and heroism in carrying out combat missions. at various points they defeated neo-nazis and foreign mercenaries with military personnel who took an important strategic point. sergei pekulin met. here is the russian flag on the roof of a house in the very center of the village of staromarskoye.
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for several years they built strong points here ; it was considered that it was almost impossible to take this fortification; our t-90s were the first to roll into position. fire adjustment from the air, second shot, minus one firing point in the armed forces of ukraine, this area of ​​the village is called a barrel, a tank buried in the ground, the entrance to one of the main fortified areas of the enemy, so that our infantry could overcome it, the tankers had to sweat. i noticed it in some areas. even the fact that concrete shelters are like this, even shells, for example, artillery, are not capable of penetrating all this the first time, and this is already personnel of the ground, attack aircraft from the primorye are coming in small groups, bro, don’t stop, now there will be a mortar, run forward , attack aircraft broke through the defenses and opened the gate to staromayskaya for the main forces, cover, flock, flock, stop, stand, cover. this storm is a call sign
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because chevrons show trophies from buryatia, different units were stationed here. motorized vehicles were used to gain mobility and take advantage of the surprise factor, and this played its role very well; the enemy simply did not have time to react, that is, they were waiting for some heavy equipment. exactly, oddly enough, the biggest problem for stormtroopers in urban areas is not even a building, that’s it there was a house here, these were ukrainian positions, it was very quickly dismantled by our tankers, the biggest problem for attack aircraft in
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the populated area is the fortified basements, here is the basement, even after the house was completely dismantled, here... a group of ukrainian soldiers was hiding and fired back until our attack aircraft extinguished this resistance. having occupied staromaiske, our forces advanced towards velyka novoselka, an important logistics hub for ukrainian troops on this section of the front, and were able to attack from the right flank towards urozhaynoye. strategic settlement on the vremevsky ledge. sergey pikulin and ole aribzhanov, ntv, yuzhnodonetsk direction of the special operation. the investigative committee will identify those involved in the death of newsru military photojournalist nikita. he was killed during a targeted attack by a ukrainian drone in the dpr while he was working in the vicinity of the st. nicholas monastery near dugledar. our mit called this another
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crime of ukraine and demanded that international organizations, primarily the director general of unesco, condemn the murder.
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fall of the murder, they are enlisted in the assault brigades, the newspaper's source, an unnamed ukrainian military man who is involved in recruitment, said that he fears the desertion of such recruits. they decided to help him with mobilization in berlin. the largest opposition faction in the bundestag proposed depriving ukrainians of social benefits. according to the association's secretary, this money gives false incentives to war refugees. as a result , many are fit for service.
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the so-called peace summit on ukraine, the status of the event is eloquently indicated by its composition: out of 91 national delegations, only 57 were represented at the level of first second persons, these are the united states and their allies, the rest sent officials and diplomats. at the end of the meeting , the participants adopted the draft communication; the controversial document was supported by only a part of those present. the list of those who did not sign the agreement includes armenia and brazil.
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that the key powers ignored the peerdian document, in china, which, despite the expectation of kiev, did not come to the summit due to the absence of russia, they say that what the country has. the participants had their own strategic interests, which is why the development of the communiqué took place in debates and disagreements. nikita korzun looked into why those present were unable to reach an agreement. moscow turned the swiss conference into a farce a day before the opening. vladimir putin not only invited kiev to negotiations, making a real peace proposal, but proved that peace as such is not a goal for the west at all. and he himself called this swiss trace another trick to distract attention and change the cause and effect ukrainian crisis. justin trudeau, a well-known fan of ss veterans, set a distinctly comedic tone for the event. the leader of canada could not
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cope with his emotions while taking photographs together. the swiss foreign ministry even apologized for this improvisation, but there is an opinion that this was an attempt to soften the cynicism of what was happening for zelensky, who on friday knew exactly what needed and could be done to stop the hostilities. but all weekend in the expensive swiss alps i was forced to listen to the bitter truth from my patrons. us vice president harris bilaterally. it is in our interest to uphold international rules and norms, such as sovereignty and territorial integrity, and the international system we helped create after world war ii that enhances america's security and prosperity. harris strengthened her recognition that everything that is happening is just work to strengthen the united states by quickly leaving the swiss meeting.
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it was worth getting ready, but obviously hearing from the inveterate critics of russia is worth a lot. real peace in ukraine cannot be achieved without russia, but since we are talking about this now, russia continues to wage its brutal war. we know that russia can withdraw its troops at any time today. the whole world has known this since friday, and clearly at what moment, but the summit was going on and something had to be talked about. it is worth repeating the fact that none of us are fighting against russia. we all strive for peace, lasting peace. based on international law, the british prime minister clearly tried to enter into a correspondence dialogue with moscow; judging by his
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statements, putin’s friday address he studied, although perhaps not very carefully. why does russia constantly believe that someone is threatening it? why, when we discuss nuclear and food security and peace issues, russia says that ukraine must surrender without any conditions. poland and the baltic countries traditionally made openly russophobic statements, and the president of georgia also raised concerns about abkhazia and south ossetia. samite, as well as the turkish foreign minister. hakan fedan reminded the audience about russia’s conditions for returning to negotiations and indicated that
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they may be the starting point for a peaceful settlement. this summit could have been more result-oriented if russia had been present in the room. as a result , a fruitful, comprehensive constructive exchange of various opinions, as they say in the communication of this summit, led those gathered to such conclusions. the zaporozhye npp should return to ukrainian control and operate under the supervision of the iaea. agricultural products of ukraine must be safely and freely supplied to third countries, for which it is crucial has access to the ports of the black and azov seas, prisoners of war must be released, as well as illegally displaced ukrainian children must all be returned to ukraine. the document, which does not contain a word about ways to stop hostilities , was approved by turkey, serbia, hungary, as well as other eu countries and the united states. the brix state and the global south, saudi arabia and the united arab emirates, that is, the world majority, did not sign the communiqué. the head of the european commission tried to summarize.
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return to peace negotiations, although for a better offer given the state of affairs in land, ukraine can hardly count. nikita korzun, polina timofeeva, anastasia vishnyakova and konstantin zakharov, ntv. well, not all statements of the summit participants reached the residents of ukraine in their original form. nowadays, a video with a speech by the prime minister of italy is gaining popularity. that's what giorgia miloni said. ukraine will not be able to count on our support and will be forced to surrender; there is no need for us to gather here and discuss negotiations. but this version
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was broadcast by a ukrainian translator. protect ukraine means uniting all the efforts of the international community. if russia does not agree to this, we will force it to capitulate. and now the footage that we have just received, defense minister andrei belousov inspected the ground forces control center. the head of the department heard reports on the current situation in the special operation zone. we reported on the training of officers in cooperation with the military-industrial complex. russia from the european gas market. despite the united states of america being unable to dislodge blown up pipelines and numerous
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sanctions, russia is ahead of the united states in supplies of blue fuel to the old world. as reported by the financial times. europe received 15% of the total volume of gas through russian pipelines, which is a quarter more than a year earlier. analysts explain the increase in supplies by the attractive price of russian resources; american natural gas, which the united states allegedly wanted to help europe with, is much more expensive. our gas goes to europe along two routes, in transit through ukraine along one of the two lines of the turkish flow. experts call the increase in the market share of russian fuel, despite... all the efforts of the united states, a stunning fact and emphasize that without our gas it will be very difficult for europe. nato decided to shake up its nuclear arsenal. the general secretary of the alliance said that the bloc must show the world its full potential, thus sending a signal to russia and china that it has something to answer. according to
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gens stoltenberg, nato countries are discussing how many missiles need to be put on combat readiness. great britain already. recovered about 40 of more than 200 nuclear warheads, in the usa about 1,700. he clarified that the states and their european allies are modernizing nuclear deterrence forces and warned that china is increasing its nuclear capabilities. in 5 years, beijing will already have a thousand warheads, which means, quote: in the near future , nato may face something it has never faced before. germany, where the championship started last week. euro 2024 football, the police cannot ensure the safety of guests and tourists. english fans, who are famous for their aggressiveness, before national matches the teams attacked the popes, in which the serbs were located, and began to throw chairs and bottles at them.
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about 200 special forces officers tried to stop potosovsky, but almost all of the violators managed to escape from the scene. earlier in hamburg, german police were unable to quickly deal with a man who was throwing a pickaxe and a molotov cocktail at football fans before the poland-netherlands match. law enforcement officers used pepper spray, but ended up spraying it on each other. the kitchen in the area service suspended the application after reports that moscow residents were poisoned by ordered food. further business news, with us marina piminova, marina. that’s how many victims there are today, according to some sources, almost fifty people. the ready-to-eat food delivery service and kitchen in the area has temporarily suspended the operation of the application. this decision was reached after the poisoning of moscow residents. the company pointed to the lobio salad incident, which involved canned beans from one of its suppliers. the service emphasized
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that they had already removed dishes from sale and started verification of the entire supply chain. previously the investigative committee. opened a criminal case for the provision of services that did not meet safety requirements after more than ten people went to hospitals with poisoning and suspected batulism. rospotrebnadzor specified that people ate lobio and salad with tuna, beans and apple. after such an outbreak of batulism , searches were carried out in places where food was sold. as the general director of infoline analytics, mikhail burmisterov, told the kommersant newspaper, in a day when work stops, the service can lose revenue about 15 million rubles. and reputational losses. according to him, it is difficult to assess. the russian stock market begins the week with slow growth, continuing friday's upward movement. although alor broker analysts note that there are significant reasons for this. simply the shares are still not visible. official exchange rates for today established by the central bank without exchange trading, dollar 89.07 euro 95.15. american
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singer taylor swift may be the reason that the bank of england will postpone lowering the key rate. analysts say this investment bank td securities. in august , a concert tour called eros comes to london for 5 days. he has already entered the guinness book of records as the most. moreover, it was clarified that taylor swift became the first musician in history who was able to earn a billion dollars solely through music and a concert. and increasingly, financial analysts are pronouncing the terms swiftflation swiftonomics. the arrival of the eros concert tour to a new point on the globe brings with it hundreds of thousands of spectators. dramatically increases demand for flights, hotels and restaurants, and this not only increases prices, but also accelerates the economy. the same effect is expected from taylor swift's august concerts
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in london, especially since her world tour is due to end in december. it is the expected rise in prices that may force the bank of england to cautiously approach the issue of lowering the rate, which is now at a maximum in 16 years. yuli, that’s all for me. thank you, this was marina pimenova with an economic overview. in two russian cities, rescuers had to remove people from high-altitude attractions. in in bashkir neftekamsk, due to a lightning strike in the local gress, several areas were cut off, including an amusement park. there were six people on the ferris wheel at that moment, including three children. firefighters climbed up the ladder to them, gave people water, provided psychological assistance, and meanwhile specialists connected a backup source.
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in several regions , a decrease in the number of bees of domestic breeds was recorded. farmers fear that because of this , production may decline sharply in the near future. production.
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it is unknown what breed it is, it is unknown what economically useful traits it will convey, hybrids of local bees with imported ones turn out to be vicious, zealous and do not tolerate frosts, as a result, no honey is lost to the beekeeper, what is imported. 90% is low-quality material. central russian bees are hardworking, hardy and stubborn, and once they start collecting honey from acacia, for example, or angelica, they don’t waste their time on other plants. this produces valuable monofloral honey. the beekeeper is determined by the good quality of these bring the bees to perfection. in general , it is believed that central russian bees are feisty, but according to the experience of ivan chubarov, the purer the breed, the kinder the bees. and i believe him, well, for now i walk along the pasika calmly, with an open face and unbitten. experiments with breeding and crossing have already yielded results. during the season we collected, last year we got 17 stores of honey from it. that is, this is more than 200 kg
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of honey, if calculated from one hive? yes, from one hive, this is a record. those who want to buy such hard workers in order to hit their honey jackpot, of course, there is enough, but it is difficult to preserve the breed. the internet is teeming with offers to buy cheap bees of dubious quality and health. rosselkhoznadzor continually introduces restrictions on the transport of bee packages. accompanying documents to mongolia, for example, and are transported in transit through the territory of the russian federation, while this bee travels, so to speak, yes, to mongolia, all bee packages are dissolved inside russia, there are negligibly few purebred central russian bees left in russia, says beekeeper andrey zhabin, head of the only ... this is a community of bee colonies, let’s call it where purebred material is bred, that is, central russian
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bees. they are transported hundreds of kilometers to isolation to cross it with the right drone. altai beekeepers are beginning to master artificial insemination of bees, an analogue of human ecology, but in an amicable way, in order to preserve the breed, each region must have its own breeding reproducer, enthusiastic beekeepers like ivan and andrey, who are ready to spend time and energy on this joy. it's nice when there are a lot of bees, it's nice when there's a lot of honey, it's nice when you start to print out this frame, and... now let’s take a break for a short advertisement and in a couple of minutes we’ll tell you why yacht tourism is gaining popularity in russia, don’t switch, it’s delicious.
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interest-free. the period starts every month, and service notifications are free forever. apply for a credit card and withdraw cash without commission. fill your summer with bright looks. nazam. swimwear up to rub 1,499 dna today at 17:50 on ntv. this is the program today. we are continuing production. russia has grown in popularity of yacht tourism. according to estimate. representatives of the watercraft travel industry began to book twice as often. in the last few years, tourists have preferred to go to white japanese sea. alexey prokin found out how they are ready to surprise travelers.
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here we have a guest area on the yacht, here we have five cabins, this is our guests’ salon, here they spend time, leisure, guests can sit on the upper deck. a trip on a snow-white yacht. about the interiors, which the experienced captain alexander prus tells his story with great reverence - this is something for the rich and for the rich, or everyone can take a closer look at his proposal. in this case, the cost of an eleven-day cruise in kamchatka is fully justified by the mass of impressions guaranteed by the tourist alexander and his team. kamchatka, commander, kuril islands, marine mammals, fauna, flora, this needs to be promoted, this. you need to advertise, show, you need to go to the market with this, while it is free, you need to conquer it. elena sabanina, the expedition leader of this team, realizing the possibilities of sea tourism and seeing the explosive
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growth in demand for such services after the pandemic, she took up the development of water routes. when the yakars were raised, elena at first i was quite surprised myself, and then i amazed those clients who thought they knew about the direct line. from these picturesque places in moscow. yacht tours along the shores of kamchatka, the kuril islands, and baikal are a type of vacation that residents of the capital are keenly interested in. in order to go around the entire perimeter of lake baikal, it will take from 7 to 9 days, and therefore more often guests fly for 5 days, and we
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consider a route there only either along the southern part of lake baikal or along the northern one. weak infrastructure prevents businesses from expanding their planning horizons, primarily there is an acute shortage of modern equipped marinas. there is a snack bar on the right, but here you need to know the specifics of these places and the mentality of the townspeople, who try to get beyond the volga every fine day. in samara, the river is both wide and deep, but in fact the distance between the banks is only 50 m, but it is very
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beautiful here, since the artist ilya repin painted his famous painting barge haulers on the volga, the small fleet here has been developed at a rapid pace. now samara is one of the five largest cities in russia in terms of passenger traffic. drove it from sweden, here sails on everything that floats, therefore, when our captain pavel minaev decided to become a shipowner and set off across the seas and rivers on a yacht to samara, he already knew exactly what he was doing; within the framework of my format , this cannot be considered a completely commercial project, that is, this rather, such a matter of life, according to pavel, commercial success today in russia can guarantee that...


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