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tv   Chrezvichainoe proisshestvie  NTV  June 17, 2024 1:25pm-2:01pm MSK

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they were pressing the wounds, now that the worst is over, his life is not in danger, the detectives will be able to talk to the man, perhaps he will tell who attacked him why, so far the criminals have not been found, only the car in which they escaped has been found, footage from the scene in in aleftina marchenko’s report, why these two men were chasing a third man in a white t-shirt, none of the passers-by understood, but one thing was clear, something out of the ordinary and desperate was happening. attempts to hide from his offenders, the man rushed on the roadway, to cut off the traffic flow, miraculously avoided falling under the wheels, tripped, fell, was immediately punched in the back by one, and then by another, the second pursuer beat the unfortunate man in the leg with a knife, eyewitnesses counted at least seven blows, the wounded man screamed from we hurt all over the street, the attackers abandoned their victim, hastened to hide, in order to apparently confuse their tracks, they rushed in different directions. they beat him up and ran away,
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the beaten man was lying on his side, a huge pool of blood was already spreading around him, passers-by surrounded him, while some called doctors, others decided not to hesitate to bandage the wound themselves with what was found in the nearest pharmacy, the man is dying, there’s one word, mozhel highway 87, right on the road to a living wound, he has a pool of blood, he’s just dying altogether, soon no longer. .. the man hardly moved and barely spoke, people turned him on his side, put a cushion under his head, took turns helping to stop the blood that flowed in streams along the asphalt, he will soon, this is a mass service then at least, this is not that, this is so private, slow down, this is a private company, its you just need to stop, don’t let go, don’t let go, at that time the police announced
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an interception plan in the moscow region, witnesses told the signs of the attackers, they began to look for them, one attacker disappeared into the courtyards, and his partner ran to his parked car and drove off in it, but already late in the evening, residents found his car not far from the scene of the attack in the bushes and reported their discovery to the duty station. one of the blue tags got into the car . and one ran away on foot, and people tried to somehow help prevent him, one of them there he tried to catch one, well, the one with the knife was afraid, the eyewitnesses soon didn’t wait, one took him away in his car, sergei was one of those who saw everything with his own eyes, according to him, those who gave the chase arrived in this in a white van, who filed a criminal case under part two of article 213 of the criminal code of the russian federation, this is hooliganism.
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you can watch the full recording of this daring attack and the video filmed by eyewitnesses, how people helped the wounded man not to die on the road, to find the channel and subscribe, point your mobile phone camera at the qr code that you see on your screen, or type chpntv in the telegram search bar, under all publications you can leave your comment or suggest news. our editorial team is available 24 hours a day.
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a serial robber was detained in st. petersburg; he attacked exclusively elderly women, tracked down the victim, escorted him to the entrance, and then beat him and took the money. the criminal was caught on surveillance cameras, the police immediately recognized him as a repeat offender with several criminal records, footage of tamara simonova’s arrest. a brutal attack on a pensioner in one of the entrances of st. petersburg. surveillance cameras filmed: a man follows a woman, overtakes her, waits for her to get up to act. and then pushes, as soon as the pensioner falls to the floor, the attacker begins to kick her, then takes away her bag, takes out her wallet, leaves the entrance, the man managed to get to his apartment, and then the operatives knocked on his door, in the presence of the security forces , for some reason, all the courage unemployed forty-two-year-old dmitry novozhilo disappeared, he was already sitting on the floor trying.
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the police received a message from a medical institution that an eighty-nine-year-old woman was hospitalized from an apartment at building 5 on peterkovskoe highway; the woman was also attacked by an unknown person, who caused her serious injuries and stole money. the second pensioner was taken away by ambulance in
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serious condition, she had a head injury and a broken shoulder. the woman is still in the hospital. local residents say they have seen novozhyly in the yard of their house before, he lives nearby, and apparently on purpose. he was tracking down defenseless pensioners, they constantly talked about him to other residents and someone like him says, well, he didn’t come for me, he says, he says, this is the same thing, he says, i say, well, i’m walking with the dog, he says, and it’s like he’s waiting for me this guy started adjusting these shoes there, he says, i walked by and he followed me, he says, and good, he says, another neighbor came in and they came in together, he says, we quickly went in, he says everything, two criminal cases were opened against novozhilov at once, according to already articles familiar to him, robbery and assault, will also conduct a forensic psychiatric examination.
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the driver hit nine people, five of them died, meanwhile sergei bakaryukin was arrested, he said that he drank before the trip, the very moment of the tragedy was filmed by surveillance cameras, ivan gubin will continue. this car accident in blagoveshchensk is already called one of the worst in the history of the city, the one who wrote it there, sobered up, with a couple of bruises, evgeniy bakaryukin, at the scene of the accident, when he was just pulled out of the car, he could not connect two words, glass. my eyes gave away, i had drunk a lot, but the taxi driver calls fatigue the root cause of the tragedy, and i drank a lot, i just started work at 4:15 in the morning, completed 33 orders before 12:00, well, apparently i drank, i was already tired, i felt, well, there was a bottle
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on two 07, this was enough for bokaryukin, on an absolutely straight road, squeezing the gas pedal to the maximum, to lose control at full... speed and drove into a group of pedestrians, here are the first shots taken by eyewitnesses who came running to help to the victims, some of whom were already dead by that time, alive, alive, still here, this is alive, this is already work, the almost unharmed bokaryukin watched the terrible consequences of his decision to drive drunk from the opposite side of the road at the pole that stopped him minivan, he didn’t stay there for long, the police didn’t have much of him. detain, how many to evacuate, there were those who wanted to illegally restore justice here now, someone is blue scum, lie down, don’t get up, creature, where are you, knocked down the people here in your area are just messing around. among the pedestrians there were mostly
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teenagers, walking on vacation; for two classmates, unfortunately, they were the last; after the impact, the boys were thrown in different directions, they never came to their senses. another victim of the car accident, oksana samchishina, together with her husband they came to visit their nineteen-year-old daughter, a gold medalist student of the faculty of philology. all three ended up on bakaryukin’s path, only dasha survived. the mother died on the spot, the father later hospital. the girl is also there now , along with three other victims. doctors continue to fight for their lives. at the same time, law enforcement officers began an investigation. the blagovishchensk city court, at the request of the investigator, imposed a preventive measure against the accused in the form of detention. during the preliminary investigation , the accused. will be kept in the pre-trial detention center of the city of blagoveshchensk. now bakaryukin’s count is five innocent lives; the relatives and friends of the victims, who are now being monitored by doctors, hope that this number will no longer be will increase. bakaryukin will also pray for the same thing, he stated this during his arrest. he fully admitted his guilt, he is ready for the most severe punishment within the framework of the charges and does not
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expect forgiveness. what can i say, they curse me and i would do torasana. ivan gubin, valentin lyubimov, feride zeynalova, ntv television company. and then they met by their clothes, the killer was detained, who fled the crime scene in a woman’s outfit, who identified denis chistyakov, which he asked the court about after the advertisement. hundreds of executed red army soldiers and civilians, all this victims of a nazi criminal, according to criticism by the executioner, are orphans, they disappeared in 1941, we suspect that the executioner was also involved in their disappearance. any alex, the case of orphans, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. i'm something. good, the best, and i’m useful, oh yes, and you manage me,
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regularly, and i’m the new vtb loyalty program! vtb! choose the categories you need every month, for example, clothing, groceries, sporting goods , receive cashback up to 25% on any vtb card, in rubles, thank you, thank you, you can’t put it in your pocket, here are rubles, vtb, all together it will work out, air services, get started. the main event of the summer, meet in five cities of the country, a powerful lineup of your favorite hits, popular speakers, bloggers, are waiting for you at vka fest, buy tickets at our new name is tebank, where else? you can turn dance into a world heritage, a sport into an invincible machine, let's go,
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go into space, send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn a department into an application, knowledge into... a vocation, technology into live communication , dream job, tradition into innovation, only here you can change your name without betraying yourself, remaining yourself in a country on which the sun never sets, tbank, he is the only one, the fierce alex, the case of orphans, premiere, today at... 20:00 on ntv. sometimes a habitual way
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22:20 on ntv. after the death of her adoptive parents , a resident of zheleznovodsk, stavropol territory , began searching for her biological family. i found a solution for adoption. then she left the trace of her biological mother. two weeks ago , a stranger called her and said that her biological mother was alive. and he says i’m a niece. pete, he says, i’m the supposed daughter of your uncle’s ex-wife. is it really possible that my daughter will meet in the studio for the first time in 61 years ? her mother abandoned her in the maternity hospital. who didn’t even give the newborn girl a name, was admitted to the zheleznovodsk maternity hospital, gave birth at night and left in the morning, galina had two such pink stripes on her forehead on her back, the biological mother pulled her belly in to hide her pregnancy, i left the baby, my mother didn’t allow me, i’m crying for this day, i open the dna envelope, today at 17:50
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on ntv. there is another emergency on air and we continue our broadcast of terrorist attacks on russian territory by the murder of former compatriots, fugitives are calling oppositionists who are hiding abroad, the list of what they have said already amounts to impressive prison sentences, and it grows with each new interview or broadcast on social networks. confessions by foreign agents for people like leonid volkov, gary kasparov or yulia navalnaya are the mildest. of the possible punishments, lawyers are sure, because extremism, terrorism and high treason are what traitors will really have to answer for, pavel kuznetsov talks about the inevitability of punishment. if competitions were held on title of the most rabid russophobe, then foreign agent leonid volkov would definitely be among the top three, watching his live broadcasts, which he broadcasts from abroad,
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one gets the feeling that he has some kind of parallel reality of his own, in which is a top manager of an extremist, the so-called fbk seems to be a liberal to the core. article of the criminal code, while the foreign agent and extremist speaks about it openly and not somewhere in the alley, quite in an eu country or in a flowering garden, whichever is more convenient, there is a fugitive terrorist blogger appeals to western leaders with an appeal to increase the supply of weapons for the independent, to achieve the defeat of russia on the battlefield as soon as possible, all according to the us state department manual, and this is outright high treason. i dream of one thing: that these
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tanks arrive as quickly as possible, that thanks to these tanks the russian army suffers a complete defeat. volkov is not far behind his colleague in the bloodthirsty liberal party, once a world champion, and now a foreign agent, terrorist and extremist gary kasparov, who knows, but he should definitely be familiar with with such a chess term as a trap, however, into a trap that will inevitably lead to losses in this game, he drove himself on his own, openly and without hesitation, giving interviews and speaking in dubious forums, where from high stands he talked about freedom and democracy in his understanding, which at that moment, these reasonings of his frightened even those who once supported the fugitive ex-grandmaster; the logic on... agent kasparov turned out to be as simple as a child’s mat: the worse it is for russia, the better. ukraine must win, and this victory must convince not only the russian elite, but also the russian public that the empire is dead. nothing other than the ukrainian flag in sevastopol can kill this idea. we must kill this virus. i am not against the russian federation or the russian
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empire disintegrating. and just recently , the extremist kasparov called for it as soon as possible. to fire at russian cities from western guns, while even distributing monstrous advice. according to the former chess player, it is advisable to choose those settlements that are larger and where there are civilian casualties there will be more. ukraine must begin to respond, in principle, as soon as the missiles fly across the official border, the situation in russia begins to change. the atakoms fly somewhere in the rostov region, and i don’t know if they fly, well, they can, in general, somewhere there, this, this immediately changes everything, all the layouts inside russia. the problem is that belgorod, well, it’s understandable, it’s too small, that is, belgorod is not perceived as, well, this is some kind of thing , everyone is already used to it, probably the ex-grandmaster was counting on making a knight’s move, in fact drove himself into a stalemate, criminal charges may soon be added to his legal titles and extremist agents, in recent months kasparov has spoken about a whole collection of articles of the criminal code, it would seem much worse, but there are no limits to the level of
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betrayal of his native country, to the battle for the post foreign agent yulia joined the new fugitive leader of the non-systemic opposition. immediately after the death of her blogger husband, she went with a benefit performance to win the hearts and minds of western leaders. macron, biden, cameron, members of the european parliament, high speeches for the sake of one, receiving multi-million dollar grants. i want to call on the entire world community, everyone in this room, people all over the world, so that we unite together to defeat this evil. it would seem nonsense, but yulia navalnaya doesn’t even ask. demands that western leaders tighten anti-russian sanctions, thus inflicting maximum damage to our economy, and therefore to ordinary citizens, what is this if not betrayal. they expect that the war between russia and the west will be eternal.
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there are rumors that the authors of these lists require businessmen are charged millions in order to cross-check their names and circumvent sanctions. in general, banal extortion may well be added to the variety of criminal offenses. well, they are there practicing monologues full of hatred towards russia, but they themselves must understand that there is no turning back. the calculation was that everything in russia would collapse by april.
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but it turned out to be absolute zilch, it turns out that sooner or later the trio of extremists will probably face quite serious charges from russian law enforcement agencies, sometimes it’s really better to live than to say banal criminal things. pavel kuznetsov, natalya popova and nikita zabrodin, ntv. asked to be sent to a hospital instead of a pre-trial detention center denis chestyakov, who was detained in bashkiria, the man complains about his health, promises to appear for questioning at any moment, meanwhile, chastyakov is suspected of murder in attempted murder, does not admit his guilt, but there are several cells at once observations by a chance surviving witness helped the investigation understand what had happened. antihero outfit, which was recorded by surveillance cameras. consisted of a stolen terry towel, a bright scarf and a woman's jacket thrown over her head, theft is the least of evils. a few minutes ago, this brilliant
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conspirator killed one and seriously wounded another person, and now he’s trying to leave the crime scene unrecognized, a questionable attempt, of course, further ways to cover his tracks are also on the verge of low-grade fiction, and... so on the whole it’s not surprising that the suspect was identified, found, detained and taken to court for arrest, where forty-six-year-old denis chastyakov made another desperately naive attempt to remain free, asked to be placed under house arrest,
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you wouldn’t even call a request for house arrest due to poor health naive, rather arrogant, firstly, no chastyakov does not have a permanent place of residence at all; he was detained in a private bathhouse in a garden society of random people. acquaintances, and secondly, the state of health that he complained about did not prevent him from drinking endlessly and spending the night wherever he had to, well and most importantly, the way he entered the apartment where he committed the murder of an acquaintance and the attempted murder of another person was also caught on surveillance camera footage, and the suspect’s face is clearly visible there; three men , no longer sober, enter the elevator car and go up to the top floor, chastyakov will come back out in his clothes... to ask for help, so all the tricks with changing clothes were in vain. as it turned out, our surviving
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victim did not know the attacker until that day, that is, his friend with some acquaintance, they drank alcohol in large quantities, at one moment, when our surviving victim was with his friend on the balcony, an attacker ran in with two knives and began to strike both of them... blows, despite the presence of direct and practically irrefutable evidence of his guilt in murder and attempted murder, chastyakov refused to give a confession and insisted that he should be sent to a medical hospital and not to a pre-trial detention center, but it turned out that of course, he will end up in a pre-trial detention center, where he will remain until the end of the investigation and sentencing. dinar usmanov, ildus sovatulin and valentin lyubimov, ntv ufa television company. here. that's not all, see below. in every sense , a large-scale operation in the barents sea. they rescued a huge whale that was entangled in fishing nets, and freed a dying
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humpback whale at the risk of their own. life scientists, rescuers, volunteers. all details in a few minutes. a person with long-term anxiety often hears advice. calm down, don't be nervous. i need to sleep, but really anxiety can be treated. new. afabaltard with gradually. release of the active substance allows you to take just one tablet per day, anxiety can and should be treated with obbazol, invite a friend to get a black debit card from tebank until june 30, you will receive 1,500 rubles, and your friend will receive 500 rubles. so, which of my friends is not yet in the bank, but petya avtobank invited me, of course, mom, t-bank, he’s the only one. greenb is non-alcoholic!
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inflammation. phosphoglit. now in an economical package of 96 capsules. invite a friend to get a black debit card from tebank before june 30, you will receive 1,500 rubles. and a friend - 500 rubles. so, which of my friends is not yet in the bank? and petya avtobank invited me, of course, mom, tebank. he's the only one. sergey makhovikov. let's bury her from sin. marina alexandrova. you need to uncouple hundreds of kilometers more once or twice. infection. premiere today at 22:20 on ntv. live on ntv there is another emergency incident. we continue our release. a unique operation to rescue a whale in the barents sea was carried out by russian scientists together with employees of the ministry of emergency situations and volunteers. they spent several days in teriberka. keith
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got caught in the net and couldn't. vitality the fate of the red book giant, who became entangled in fishing nets, was followed all over the world. local sailors were the first to discover the humpback whale in trouble; ropes cut its body, tightened its neck and mouth, which is why it could not breathe normally and eat. here he is, below us, below us, slow down. to rescue the dying china from its deadly shackles, an entire headquarters was deployed, and scientists, sailors, emergency situations ministry employees and social activists joined the rescue operation. they explored more than 100 km of coastal territory every day.
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spent more than 10 hours at sea, trying to get closer to the animal, during which time the participants in the operation were themselves in mortal danger, the victim did not want to make contact and wanted to capsize the boat, even at the beginning of the operation, the rescuers decided give...
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more than 10 days, then after another two-hour chase and several unsuccessful attempts to free him, that same miracle happened, oh you, there, there, hold, hold, carefully, oh well, i cut him off, it turned out that this was the first successful operation to unravel a whale in russia, having freed the exhausted animal , the rescuers did not even immediately believe in their luck, is it real or what? to the enthusiastic cries of his saviors, the freed stanislav waved his tail goodbye and smoothly went into the depths, his wounds will soon heal, he will again begin a full-fledged sea
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life, but under the supervision of scientists. stanislav kostikov, alexey labachev, erika ovagyan and alexandra ermakova, ntv television company. more news on our website in the chpntv telegram channel. for today. that's all, thank you for your attention, today in our program: glory to ukraine. swiss shame. the much-hyped world summit turned into nothing. how. ukrainian diplomacy has led the zelensky regime to a dead end. this peace process is impossible without russia. combat readiness. nato will test its nuclear weapons. why are they raising rates? now. and a lost opportunity. 110 years
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ago, secretary general of the ussr yuri andropov was born. what reforms did the former head of the special services conceive for the decrepit soviet government? and to free yourself from everything that is outdated, watch right now, hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, today we will begin messages from rostov, which so it was a bit of a joke here in the informational sense, the day before, as you remember, you probably know from the news, the terrorists were eliminated from among the prisoners in season number one, who took hostages, today, after this entire operation to free the hostages was completed, searches are taking place there in season number one, this is the agency.


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