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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  June 17, 2024 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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nato will test its nuclear weapons, why are they raising the stakes now. and a lost opportunity. 110 years ago, secretary general of the ussr yuri andropov was born. what reforms did the former head of the intelligence services envision for the decrepit soviet government? free yourself from everything that is outdated? watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we are working live, today we will start reporting from rostov, which made a little joke here in the information sense, the day before you remember, you probably know from the news, they eliminated the terrorists from among the prisoners in season one, who took hostages, today after this whole operation. the release of the hostages
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has been completed, searches are being carried out there this season number one, here is the itortaz agency, citing law enforcement officials , reporting that in general they have seized, i quote, a lot of prohibited items, including mobile phones. well, let me remind you, in case anyone hasn’t heard, that on sunday night six armed with knives prisoners of the rostov detention center escaped from their cells and took two people hostage. including the head of the operational department of the local headquarters, syn alexander bogma. the criminals demanded a car and a green corridor to the airport, a plane, as a result of the assault, all hostages were freed, all participants in the rebellion were liquidated. it turned out that those who rebelled were supporters of the banned terrorist group isis. investigators are now working in this pre-trial detention center. they establish how, and generally under what circumstances, the terrorists had phones in the detention center.
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flags, armbands prohibited by islamist symbols, according to one version, it seems that all this was handed to them under the guise of towels, they interrogate the detention center employees who carry out the search, interrogate the relatives of the terrorists, as local sources report, the knives, the rioters could have been taken from other prisoners, well in general, an official investigation has already been initiated against the head of the pre-trial detention center in the relations of the head of the pre-trial detention center, they will look into it, the public monitoring commission claims: and this could become one of the causes of the emergency. well, the western press is anxiously discussing the statement of nato secretary general jens stoltenberg. in an interview with the telegraph publication, he announced that the alliance’s nuclear forces were being brought to a state of readiness. let's look at this interview in a little more detail. according to stoltenberg, the allies are negotiating a deployment on their territory. the number of warheads and the transfer
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of nuclear forces to a state of readiness, this is explained by threats from russia and china, while going into detail, that’s where exactly how many nato missiles are planning post, stoltenberg did not and said that the alliance intends to use its nuclear arsenal to send a direct signal to its opponents, which prompted the nato secretary general to say nuclear history right now is incomprehensible, because this statement of his goes against even the final communication of this swiss conference . on ukraine, which stated that any threat to use nuclear weapons in the context of the conflict is condemned. let us listen to how the kremlin reacts to the words of the nato secretary general. what mr. stoltenberg said clearly does not fit into the context of the same declaration that was adopted, which was not signed by everyone, which also, if i’m not mistaken, speaks of the inadmissibility of such rhetoric. this is nothing more than another escalation of tension. in general, with this conference,
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andrei vladinovich, there are a lot of things that don’t fit into the context, if it’s interesting, let’s do it as we promised in the last program, because you remember, yes, that we were quickly able to paste quotes from speeches by vladimir putin, he spoke at the ministry of foreign affairs of our country, he outlined the conditions under which peace negotiations can begin, to put it very briefly, i will remind you, in case someone forgot, which means that with regard to the territories of the luhansk, donetsk republic, zaporozhye, kherson regions, this the russian federation, within the borders at the time these regions joined ukraine, that is, this is the border of the ninety-first year, in fact, as ukraine insisted, further, ukraine, non-aligned status, ukraine nuclear-free the status and complete lifting of the sanctions that were imposed on our country, for example , sevastopol, crimea - no one even discusses this, that’s when putin.
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he voiced all this, we remember, they told you then, let’s wait for the end of this peace summit, and the so-called, well , so-called yes, but i even understand, even somehow... it’s not really something to mock them i want, a little bit sorry, the end of the g7 summit, then we will discuss all this, because now we can speak as participants in these events responded to putin's statement. well, let's take a look. of the 160 countries that received an invitation to the ukrainian summit, a little more than half came to switzerland, there were almost half as many leaders, and no one came from china. the japanese prime minister dropped by... 2 hours later he left. not everyone supported the rabid supporters of kiev. during a group photo, canadian prime minister justin trudeau shouted the slogan of ukrainian nationalists, but only a few people responded. glory to ukraine. then everything also went
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against the plans of the terrorist zelensky. swiss president viola amhert, opening the summit, immediately indicated that they had all gathered in vain. without russia there is no point in discussing a peace plan. we all understand that this peace process is impossible without russia , both sides must be involved in the solution, as the international community, we can help pave the way, and we want to discuss how on what terms russia can be involved in this process. german chancellor olaf scholz did not rule out moscow’s participation in the second world summit either, saying that if necessary, he is even ready talk about this with putin. the netherlands and great britain decided to designate. that i categorically disagree with the russian leader’s peace plan. the fact that putin came up with this stupid peace proposal shows that he is clearly panicking. putin is not interested in real peace. he launched a campaign against the summit and ordered countries to
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withdraw. a loud statement was allegedly made by italian prime minister giorgia miloni. if russia interferes with the defense of ukraine, russia will be forced to capitulate. but... quickly it turned out that in fact miloni did not say anything like that; these words were actually invented by a ukrainian translator. defending ukraine means defending a rules-based system. if ukraine cannot count on our support and is forced to surrender, there is no need for us to gather here and discuss negotiations. however, the ukrainians managed to push through the final declaration of the summit with a political formulation about protecting the territorial integrity of ukraine. after that, some of the countries are. they refused to sign the document, among them saudi arabia, india, the united arab emirates, south africa, brazil, and even nato member slovakia. iraq and jordan withdrew their signatures after signing, but hungary, turkey and serbia supported the declaration. at the end of the summit, kiev received a reprimand from the us vice president. kamala haris,
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leaving the negotiations early, reminded the terrorist zelensky that american support is non-charity. we support. well, wait, biden screwed up on this one, it doesn’t matter, this is the first, that means the second, wait, the second is the most important, so to speak, positive, for ukraine, for ukraine is that all the speakers, even countries that
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were, well, considered more or less friendly in russia, all stated that all negotiations should be based on the principle of the territorial integrity of ukraine and compliance with the charter un. everyone directly stated, yes everyone, everyone stated, even those who did not sign, even those who did not sign, spoke about it, and india spoke about it, read the speech, then this is the second, this is the second, the third, this is that this conference finally removed the question of legitimacy zelensky, that means, completely, and you said that this issue does not exist, now it no longer exists, after this conference this issue does not exist at all, this means that
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the peace forum and on behalf of the international community puts forward an ultimatum to russia, no
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ultimatum came out, moreover, i want to tell you, of course, the world community is not leading zelensky into a dead end, but is leading him out of the dead end into which he has driven himself, how they lead him out of the dead end , how they lead him out of the dead end, he drove himself into this dead end when accepted an emotional decision to forbid oneself from negotiating, which we saw as...
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a disgrace for the ukrainian president, for ukrainian diplomacy as such, how they considered these countries, how they looked at who was a subscriber and who was not a subscriber, how they lured the latter african asian states, they had successes, president hanna said that he had fought all his life against the russian apartheid regime and the president of nauru promised protection. i didn’t understand, maybe there was some kind of error in the translation, of course.
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including, here you are heading the delegation, they tell you, dear head of the delegation, please, quietly, quietly, please sign the document, we abstain, we are not against the document, we just abstain.
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under the future torque that will take place at the second conference, we will retreat a little, the ukrainians will obviously retreat significantly from their basic positions, the west will retreat, somewhere there, maybe not in the middle, but how will it be found in the eastern bazaar, do you think, russia , in order to achieve results, needs conference, all these people who say roughly the same things as carbon copies, 85% of whom don’t make any decisions at all, i’m in this case.
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a reaction is better than no reaction, instead of discussing their agenda, they also spent time discussing, my god, andrei vladimorovich, please calm down, when you are absent for a long time, it is of course nice to see you, yes, but then you very active, wait, take care of your nerves, there is a liver, a heart, look how it turns out, putin talks about this on friday, in the first
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half of the day, yes, even, well, yes, in the first half of the day, that is, this summit has not yet begun, they are listening to all this. after that , half of them signed there, half didn’t sign, an insignificant paper, the oldest of those present here, yes, i’m forgiven, but look, at the same time they say that it’s necessary, it’s impossible, but a new conference is needed, in which it will take russia's participation, that is, they say this ... already knowing that russia has identified new conditions, and putin said that if you don’t like it, then the next ones will be even worse, here’s what you think, what thoughts are there... but this is the genius of the chosen moment with the designation of your position, because i say again, they a are forced to answer, at least to journalists’ questions, what they think about
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the proposals, b. they are forced to follow a very convenient narrative for us, a very correct, correct, fair narrative, that nothing can be discussed without russia, they begin in such a way that they agree to a new conference with the participation of russia and they agree to discuss the conditions that are most demanded. no matter what they agree or disagree with, they are forced to say it, they are forced to say it, because they were put in such a framework, because otherwise they look like idiots, when you understand, well, it’s not necessary, we ourselves understand, but then they themselves made a delimological mistake, it was not a peace summit, scholz says in direct messages: this is a summit of friends of ukraine, the task is to bring in as many countries as possible so that they support ukrainian. the g7 summit was still
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taking place there, everything was amazing there, if you think that the summit to support ukraine was some kind of senseless event, no, in its senselessness it could well have been surpassed by the italian g7 summit. two western newspapers, the new york post and the sun, immediately write that biden has completely given up, citing other participants in the g-7 summit in italy. the newspapers sigh: world leaders have never seen an american president in such a sad state, and the old man’s antics in public made others feel embarrassed. people i've talked to on the sidelines of the summit say this is the worst state they've ever seen joe biden in and he's in very bad shape, he's losing focus in meetings. at first, biden forgot that he needed to approach the hostess of the summit, giorgi miloni, to greet him. as a result, the italian stood for 20 minutes and joked: it’s impossible. forcing a woman to wait, then biden decided to press his forehead to the pope, this was witnessed by the argentine president miley, he was clearly perplexed, and during the paratrooper parade, biden turned away
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somewhere to the side and milone had to take his arm, the wits joked about the work of rap, the control channel of the american president failed, but joe biden still completed his main mission, signed an agreement on security guarantees for kiev for 10 years. everything we have will be transferred to ukraine until... the needs are met, we know what ukraine is capable of when given the means to defend itself, that is exactly what it is doing now. however, later, biden’s assistant, jake salevan, said that the agreement is not set in stone, and as soon as the president changes in america, he can easily throw the document away because congress will not approve it. as for the final statement of the g7 members, it is more like a bill: 486 billion dollars, such...
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because all the people who came there were weaklings and lame ducks, and this is happening for the first time in the history of the g7, there was no agreement among the comrades on other issues, emmanuel macron demanded that the final document enshrine the universal right to abortion, and the right conservative melony behind her back called the frenchman an earthworm who imposed the example of france on everyone. macron hinted that italians are simply savages. france has included this right to abortion, the freedom to control one's body, in its constitution.
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that this concerns the summit in switzerland, this is not about compromise, not about a real search for peace, this is about showing that the ukrainian position , the uncompromising ukrainian position, remains and is supported by as many countries as possible, that’s all, you understand? then the point here was that they could invite russia to the second conference for russia, this format is absolutely not profitable at all, why should russia go to one?
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will not be re-elected for some reason, with a high degree of probability he will be re-elected, despite all his problems with health, age, and so on, but even if he is not re-elected, the american system, it will straighten out anyone, they will continue to support in their national interests ukraine, no matter how much russia or someone else would like it, and as for very briefly about putin’s proposal, the fact is that he i just reflected, well, russia understood that it was going to accept what the declaration would be, what it was going to do, what demands it would... make at the summit in switzerland, absolutely uncompromising demands, that is, the borders of the ninety-first year, crimea, sevastopol, everything else must be given away, it is clear that this is not being implemented, putin comes up with a counter-proposal, which is just as uncompromising, but it is clear that ukraine will not agree to withdraw troops from kherson and zaporozhye, which russia does not even control, so here for now it’s just a move and a counter-move;
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we don’t see any way to compromise in the coming months.
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here’s an example for you, an explanation from everyday, peaceful life, if you’re really doing something, and not just shaking the air, when signing a document there must be specifics, you know, there should be, i don’t know , an estimate for construction work completed work, here you take our documents of the eurasian economic union, look at what estimates there are and so on, there is nothing there, they are absolutely the same declarative things, what?
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let's take a short break and try to get close to him from the rear. there was a rhinoceros, today a unicorn, tomorrow taganrog, tomorrow in st. petersburg, xside xc7, the hero of every day, what are you doing, what to cook, for what? they sentenced hundreds of people to death, this was mankiewicz, his punitive detachment operated in the surrounding area in 1941, and 35 years later someone started hunting for them . we have two strange suicides, a suspicious taxi driver who has not yet
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been found. now to the state security investigator. i i don't believe in such coincidences. according to your intuition, i know, okay, work. it’s not just former punishers who have to be found, what do you think? and that this executioner is me, but also their executioner, tell me everything, and maybe i will still have time to help you, but help, help, the criminal is very dangerous, possibly armed, hands, alex the fierce, the case of the orphans, premiere, today 20:00 on ntv, point zero, premiere.
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to return because of what, because of total mobilization in ukraine, because more than half of the team are men of military age, in germany they have already been granted asylum for 3 years. the total ukrainian mobilization has been going on for a month now, and the bloomberg agency is summing up its first results. they compare ukrainian economic indicators with pre-war figures and the result is disappointing. the more men are called up, the more labor shortages there are. in quantity. working men were reduced by almost a third, some at the lower level were not taken to the front, simply fled the country, there are only 6 million of them in total, men do not want to get a job officially because they are afraid of military commissars, large companies, employees are completely bypassed, because the lure catchers are especially active there and literally hand out summonses, as they say at the entrance, in the torit bloomberg ukrainian version of the forms publication, they report that the situation in construction is especially bad... pleasant, one might even say catastrophic, the number of workers there
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has decreased by almost half due to the fact that people are fleeing abroad en masse, developers are trying to hire foreigners from pakistan, india and even african countries, and the ukrainian tv channel hromadsky is adding its own small spoon to this ointment , drawing attention to the situation in agriculture, the number of workers there due to mobilization dropped fivefold. military commissars are especially interested in technical matters.
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raids by military commissars are now taking place in resort areas. the young people resist, fight and demand lawyers while they are carried to the car, hands by feet. cases of arson of military vehicles have sharply increased. now the armed forces of ukraine, in order not to become victims of popular anger, attach pieces of paper with the inscription “netk” to their cars. in
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ukrainian villages , civilian checkpoints of wives and mothers have self-organized and strictly check all those entering. well, those who managed to avoid mobilization.
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people who haven’t read the law on the verkhovna rada are slipping it in, and here it’s serious, you categorically don’t want to answer about this, these are all staged videos, why do lgbt people exist there, the movement there is, indeed, in our country it also exists
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only in an underground version now, here is the right sector, and certainly the right sector - whoever is more useful for the west is, of course, more useful for the right.
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brother, who, accordingly, is a little younger than me, that is, he is 50, three years old, probably like that, and he has grown a huge beard, and he keeps it in an unkempt state so that it hurts, so he goes out into the street only in some kind of... then these, well, not in rags, but he has special clothes, and the clothes are not very clean, not very clean, as it were fresh, uh, and preferably this is the best option, as my friend told me, this is when he goes out arm in arm with his mother, because outwardly he now looks older than his own mother. why is he doing this? he does this so that he will not be dragged to the front, because at...
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it is brought to some limit, but i understand that they have no real tools to counteract this fact, look, if this is what he says to them, look, we have a great success with this, a great success with this, for us they'll give you everything there, so our fagots go out, but also in a limited sense, so everything is fine, but people, in order to go outside to the store, have to disguise themselves as a special gene, which is unfair, so fagots also go out, so you can you explain to me how these fagots even gather there under military conditions?
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the law on tp was adopted, only there was a draft law, it caused such colossal damage to the economy of ukraine, even before its adoption, well, one could understand what the consequences would be, but look at these ungifted persons intellect, you think that tskashniks walking down the street will figure it out, this man is an it specialist, he is a technologist at some enterprise, and the work of this depends on him, but no, of course, they grab everyone in a row, take them away, they say, we need a plan . there was a scandal in the verkhovna rada, when a deputy asked the question: what are you doing, you are killing the country, you are actually, well, you are destroying
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the state, so what will we do, we have a plan, we must carry out the plan, so they carry out the plan, so that's it, let's talk about the current state of their mobilization, because i heard the word that it is effective, colleagues, efficiency is about the result, and not about the tool, effective is when there is a plan, conditionally, 500,000 people need to be recruited, they calmly recruit without scandals, without anything. everything we see on the street, everything we see, well, let’s go ahead, now you ’ve found fault with the word, and i mean the following, that’s what we see, understand, when everything calms down, this won’t happen , there will be no hard typing when everything is calmly typing for you, there will be no zelensky go out and say, dear people, come back for the restoration of ukraine, and not for the army, although we understand why he is doing this. there will be no negotiations with the ukrainians and the europeans , which means that these are the partners of the owners there, in order to return them one way or another, either by tatanism or by tatanism,
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which means that because there are not enough people, there is no need to talk about how everything is there, everything is bad with mobilization, again we see from whom they mobilize, strictly speaking, new units, when they are staffed there, there are men who are the devil for how many years already sick and what anything, but at the same time, what is true, we must talk about what they really have so far. extreme cruelty, then how are these people , andrei vladimevich always told us that this is normal, this is clearly not
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footage, but russian propaganda will not film so much, will not invent so much, this is really what is happening, in general, well, with whom i communicate with the ukrainians, the question is this, some will say it frankly, some will say it half-hintly, but in general, victory at such a price is not needed, at such a price they generally understand that. and what for them, victory, they can formulate it, this is the victory, as zelensky paints it, at such a price it is not needed, because, well, it’s clear that people don’t want to fight, yes, of course, you can drive it, yes, of course, but that means driving it such a number of people in the army, they will achieve the maximum, this is still what russia is trying to avoid at all costs now, this is the second wave of mobilization, although i think that they will not even achieve this, because.
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successes, both diplomatic and at the front, must only be gained against the background of diplomatic successes, diplomatic there are successes only in the head of our respected guest, in fact in ukraine they also understand, and ordinary people understand, and experts understand, many, there was very lukewarm support for this summit in their public pages and so on, that there is no success,
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hero why excuse me, he’s just a little foolish of us, most often from those who do not fit the general comb, it is customary to call them some kind of abnormal, i am normal, all this is strange, strange, not strange, but it is a fact, the red army soldier slepkov liquidated the enemy intelligence group, so how did it happen, he smelled moonshine, dance, samogosh, they published about me in the newspaper, i have it on june 22 at 17:00, on ntv. alex the fierce, the case of the orphans, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. what can negatively affect the liver? constant stress, unhealthy diet, ecology. this can lead to inflammation and destruction of liver cells. the two components of phosphagliv help not only restore
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where everything becomes clear, we continue, then we will have our next historical page, but first i want to once again remind our viewers in omsk that on saturday i will be in your city in concert hall, we are meeting, this is... the second number of tickets left, in general, there are already few tickets left, if you want to meet, you will probably need to hurry up. june 29 st. petersburg, troitsky cultural center, and then july 22 yalta, chekhov theater, august 24 winter theater in sochi, september 7 kaliningrad palace of culture railway workers. so, now we have news that, van, can probably be combined with the theme of taking care of health, both physical and moral health, yeah. urgent messages from moscow, up to 120 people, the number of residents of the capital who are hospitalized with suspected butulism has increased, according to deputy mayor of moscow anastasia
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rakova, there are 55 people in hospitals in serious condition, 30 of them are in intensive care, all patients have symptoms of butulism a dangerous infectious disease that affects the nervous system when eaten canned foods contaminated with toxin. it is reported that... either a popular food delivery service has a kitchen in the area, or they bought gastroport from the company on supermarket shelves, toxic canned food does not differ in taste or smell from fresh, they can only be recognized by packaging, the can may be swollen, there are bubbles inside air or mold, luxury is now looking for which specific canned foods contained the pathogens...
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he performed in spain and went on stage wearing a t-shirt with prohibited symbols. us extremist azov national battalion, you see, noisnc is trying to demonstrate all this, the crowd joyfully appreciated the gesture, which came to this concert, and that means somehow some kind of cackle was heard there, even the same banner, banned by our organization, was raised, well and let’s now look at the contrast, the icon of the world rock scene rod stewart was booed at a concert in germany, again for supporting ukraine, he came out on stage, you see in these blue and yellow colors, the colors of the ukrainian flag.
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zelensky generally has something to do with this song, it is necessary i’ll think about it later, okay, you need to ask the erased family, ask the erased generation, but our historical page, its hero is depicted here. the fact is that yuri vladimovich andropov was born 110 years ago on june 15, 15, or the fourteenth, fifteenth, 1914, in principle, we, like the debatable hero, probably never spoke about him in full, we mentioned him periodically , we probably should, well, we’re sort of excused by the fact that yuri andropov led the country for a very short period, there’s only a little bit more.
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yuri andropov, rather than negatively, well, let ’s quietly sort out this personal matter during this hour. yuri andropov, who would later be named sovereign for an hour, openly acknowledges for the first time the deep crisis of the entire soviet system. in 1982, andropov became the general secretary of the cpsu after the death of brezhnev and made ambitious plans to transform the country, primarily the economy. andropov entrusts mikhail gorbachev and nikolai, young by soviet standards, members of the politburo of the central committee.
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raids cinemas and department stores and other crowded places, looking to see if there are any absentees during working hours, when he will be there, you don’t know, he’s working now, no, no, and where he is, you don’t know, for whom, i don’t know, he hasn’t been working for a long time, yes , the next point of reform is the fight against corruption; during the 15 months of andropov’s rule, 18 ministers of the ussr and 37 first secretaries will be replaced.
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it seems to me that, in principle, it will be possible to defeat corruption only if we have a rule of law state. yuri andropov feels a potential threat in the lenin-stalin division of the ussr into national republic, separatism could awaken there at any moment, former member of the cpsu central committee, people's deputy of the ussr arkady volsky describes the fears of the general secretary in his interview with a businessman. the secretary general wanted to solve the problem.
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well, here we tried to select such polar points of view, i will still make one clarification, of course, the fight against the tuniyadians, it began earlier, because this was before...
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i was so happy in 1982 that yuri andrpov became the general secretary, that even with his then meager i allowed myself to sip on soviet champagne for a student scholarship, and why were you so happy, why was it absolutely amazing with yours, that is, well, i was already born brezhnev was the general secretary, that is, my whole life passed under brezhnev, that’s when when brezhnev died , i was in no way happy about smertivich, honestly, under no circumstances.
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that moral, that is, the country, everyone knew everything, there was corruption, you see, it’s impossible to imagine, corruption brought down the entire society, starting from the top and to the store seller, everything could be obtained through connections, friends had butchers from whom you could get meat, everyone else could only buy ice cream, everyone got it, everyone knew all this, everyone was happy with it, but the youth were not happy, so tell me then you say he will come?
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andropov was never a public figure, so andropov’s appearance on the political arena was not perceived through the prism of his personality, androp’s personality, he was a major personality, no doubt about it, but we didn’t know any of this, then it turned out since within the framework of the leadership of the kgb, so to speak, he was a rather closed person, another thing is that the state security committee was perceived by society as one of the manifestations of that very justice, honesty and truth, why, because everyone knew that they were stealing here, there steal.
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as such, by and large, we didn’t have it, but it had already begun, it manifested itself when andropov began to decisively fight it, society said, yes, of course, everything is correct, well done, yuri vladimirovich, forward, that is, to in this sense, he certainly followed the right path, and absolutely correctly it was just said that if androp remained in power, the country would be different, because he said for the first time, and this is a very important thing, that we we don’t know the country in which we live, what your colleague said. from which in the heat salferov concludes that in general andropov had the same plans, two surnames were named here, just in case,
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gorbachev was named, about whom they talk on every corner, ryshkov’s surname was named, these people were leading the country, they were going to lead in completely opposite directions, gorbachev, so to speak, was the breakdown of everything, and ryshkov was a moderate restructuring in the same direction that the chinese took, that is, blaming androbov for choosing the wrong people , ligachov, for example, was also his. okay, now my colleagues are telling me, we also had arkady volsky in our story, who was just talking about changes in the territorial division of the country, but in general this is also a layer, this is not a reconfiguration, i think that of course, something like this may have been in his head, but as one of the elements of the changes that he was undertaking, and not necessarily the most important, because this is a very painful topic, and i don’t think that he would cut in the shoulders, maybe the idea was there, but it did not have to be implemented immediately.
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would have been very different from what then happened under gorbachev, perhaps he would have been tougher in his attitude - this seemed to him to be a lack of discipline, nothing more, in principle, he would also have carried out the same perestroika that gorbachev did, it was all these people, aganbegyan, bogolepov, an academician there, some, i don’t remember , there was some woman there, also a famous academician-economist. arbatov is there, these are all the liberals who fell into
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perestroika in the wake of the eighties, these are all andropov’s appointees or consultants, these are people who were thrown to the top precisely by the wave of andropov’s reshuffles, because he really removed a huge number of soviet leaders, and how do you they said correctly, there are several dozen secretaries, regional committees, several...
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i was never involved in activities, there are his words of recollection, when at one of
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the party showdowns he says that i was never involved in karev’s partisan activities, further, further, don’t let me say a few more words, but talk, talk, further a man of strong russophobic sentiments, several notes against the so -called party of the so -called russian party.
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it means that the store director’s wife came, she shot at andropov, and therefore andropov died, this is a myth, he walked everywhere, even the children knew about him, andrei nikolaevich, you see, the figure of the leader of the country, who was in power for a short period of time and so went into skasticism, he cannot but be mythologized, this generally applies to everyone, not only andropav, because we are here in many ways - i don’t agree, because
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then there was konstantin ustinovich chernenko, and he was somehow like that in general. he passed by, in fact , too, although not to the same extent, here, of course, the areologist of the head of the state security committee plays his role in exactly this way perceived, and not as the secretary of the central committee for ideology. here, you see, the problem is that we go into the post of all sorts of assumptions, because when we even talk about andropov’s attraction of gorbachev, i’ll just remind you that the same gorbachev was supported by gromyk, and gromyka was disappointed in him, you know, we don’t we are saying that there is a direction in which it cannot be. regarding the revision of the division of the soviet union, i haven’t heard it from anyone else except him, you know, so as a plan it’s possible, but to talk about something that has not been worked out in any way, especially the threat of separatism, the threat of the collapse of the country, you know, there is such a myth that in 1982
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someone predicted the collapse of the soviet union, excuse me.
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is fierce, the case of orphans, premiere. today at 20:00 on ntv. cutting a tree is long, exhausting and difficult, especially if you far from home. world of fair prices brings you the cordless chicken saw forever. trimming boards, trimming branches, cleaning bushes. this is not a complete list. the work she is capable of. the century minisaw is an indispensable assistant in construction, repairs, work on personal plots, and caring for trees and shrubs. the light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time without feeling tired or discomfort. a special casing provides additional protection during operation in hard-to-reach places and limited space. the electric motor with copper winding has quite high power for such a small thing. this chain... has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of energy required. call to order a cordless chain saw and get a reliable and
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faithful assistant. the stars have aligned. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the meeting place in the nzv, the place where everything will become. clearly, we continue, before the pause we promised so vaguely about andropov’s foreign policy course, why? because after his death , western publications, first, and then in our country after the start of perestroika, began to write that it was androp who conceived this very détente in the west. beginning of 1983, the united states deploys pershing-2 medium-range ballistic missiles in europe, the approach time to soviet territory is 5 minutes. in response, general sekandropov. intend to place nuclear warheads in the gdr and czechoslovakia, and soviet nuclear submarines are heading to the american coast. western newspapers write: moscow is even looking for an opportunity to get closer to beijing in order to
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contrast such an alliance with the united states and nato. under andropov, us-soviet relations were very shaky. reagan and andropov seemed to make some kind of conciliatory statements. i guess this is a positive sign. however, a question arose: says.
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could not have done this, he did not abuse his power, but used his authority of connection with the kgb to reform the soviet union, but all these hopes turned out to be short-lived. the soviet union in the western media space is once again turning into an evil empire after the crash of a korean boeing over tsakhalin. the airliner deviated from its course, flew over secret facilities of the soviet union and was shot down by our fighter. discharge is delayed. however, in february 1984 , western leaders margaret thatcher and george bush came to moscow for the first time to attend the funeral of the soviet general secretary. delegations visited the column hall. the united states
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of america, led by the vice president. george bush in great britain led by prime minister margaret thatcher. andrey vladimirovich, if i remember correctly, you told us in one of the programs that you lived in such a proper house, such a proper house that andropov was almost your neighbor. and regarding detente , did you already have something to do with diplomatic circles by 1982? i actually lived in the same house as sladimovich andropov, i communicated with him. insofar as my father had been friends with him since '57, i will say, i want to say one thing, that yuri vladimirovich once told me that we need working socialism, this was his theses, he deciphered somehow that he doesn’t really work, but i think that in many ways, by the way, what year is this, excuse me, it was approximately the eightieth year, approximately, no, it was
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the eightieth year. and it is no coincidence, by the way, when he became general secretary, he appointed arkady ivanovich volsky as his assistant, this was precisely what was on purpose, that was andropov’s strength, the first thing was that he knew all the weak points of the soviet system, this is one, two, he knew the external circuit perfectly well, because under him the pgu, the first main directorate, worked superbly and, as they say, brought its results to his table every time.
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and then, by the way, also at this very decisive meeting it was said that we would carry out a quick special military operation in afghanistan, eliminate the threat and so on, then it turns out that this is an assumption, and here are at least two directions, which means that the first one is this working socialism, because if he says this in 1980, it means he believes that what exists does not work, and about the second thing, this development is
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parallel to the outside. and no, it’s not necessary, when yuri vladimerovich, and he went every summer for special treatment, to be treated and so on, it was gorbachev who was the person with whom they walked for hours, of course, tell me then i’ll ask the last thing, vanya, i’m sorry, but gorbachev brought something of his own into his perestroika model, well, i don’t know there is glasnost conditionally speaking, this is purely androv didn’t have it,
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just if it weren’t for me, i don’t know, if it weren’t for him. that the system needs to be made to work, that the system is not so bad, it has flaws, it should work, it could very well work, but he somehow specified how this can be forced, because the fight against corruption at the grassroots level, when shops are raided, at the level when a minister or a former minister or a former or son-in-law of brezhnevo is arrested there, it’s like... everything is fine, but it didn’t make the system work, people saw, yeah, something about justice, something anti-corruption, but the gears weren’t turned, all the actions to fight corruption were a huge deal.
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for politics, his senior assistant, what i want to say is that in the first place, why did they believe andropov why, it means, close people attached importance to these steps of his as general secretary, the fact is that he raised the state security committee, he raised it practically from scratch, because it was completely destroyed, completely destroyed, i don’t i will go into detail about what this means, but... he was created from scratch, and he showed himself to be an excellent organizer, here he is, not being a professional, although about partisan activity, this is wrong, he said that he was not involved in partisan activity, but he was studying reconnaissance sabotage, this
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is for those who know the specifics of state security, this is fundamental, this is the activity of sudplatov, let’s say, and so on, andropov acted on the same, i very much doubt that what was intended, because why was the committee in deplorable state, in fact, it was the party that he was tasked with raising, because in fact, when he reformed the kgb, he was faced with the consequences of the destructive
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activities of khrushchev, brezhnev corrected them very little, so this is what he did to correct khrushchev and the country, because this was a wild voluntarist course, well, read, say, polyansky’s report, but this one...
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rubles, and a friend - 500 rubles. so, which of my friends is not yet tebanke, and autobank invited me to sing, of course, mom, t-bank, he’s the only one, everything is normal, i’ve never had such normality before, it’s normal for me to wake up earlier than before, to rise above oneself and circumstances, to find strength for what one has been putting off, to devote time to the most important things when sports are the norm of life. i’m fine, find energy on, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, i caught myself thinking that i’m listening to our guests today, and it’s as if the chigem myth is being read aloud to me about lenin, if you read the cycle of fazili iskander with andra from chegem, here he has... one of the stories of kharlamp and dispin, it is called,
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there is such an inserted piece, well , iskander always has it, where this chegem myth about lenin is told, that the inhabitants of the village of chigem, at the same time, they knew practically nothing, but they had such an attitude, it fit into the phrase, that one with great the letter is the one who wanted good, but did not have time, so today i listen to what our guests say about yuri vladimorovich andropov, so it turns out that this is how i came out of chegem, this is really a person who wanted only good, but did not have time. here we are now let’s add a few more touches to this image, i said that it’s sort of an ideological moment, that it’s true here, that no, i don’t know, i don’t presume to judge, but the impression is, yes, that everything is somehow good... then he, he was striving for him, maybe not all of this could be realized, it was believed that andropov was more loyal to dissent than other soviet leaders, in particular, he turned a blind eye to the scandalous productions of director yuri lyubimy at the nataganka theater, liberals, tyunma and...
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other members of the politburo. according to rumors andropov was a fan of abstract art, kept an impressive collection of paintings, was friends with the intelligentsia, for example, with the writer yulian semyonov, whom he even helped in writing the famous novels about the intelligence officer stirlitz. for this, semyonov was given access to closed state archives. the idea of ​​adapting the story about stirlitz is also attributed to androp. thanks to the series, the image of an intellectual intelligence officer in the body of the enemy became the most popular in the soviet union, and for many it was...
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an attitude towards action, not big words, that’s what is needed today in order to be stronger the great and powerful union of soviet socialist republics, i am sure that everyone who has gathered in the hall thinks so,
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our whole party thinks so, thinks so. question about corruption, but he was most interested in the economy, why? because in the competition between two socialist systems, they won, about ideology, tell me, he didn’t make any special changes to ideology, another thing is that a certain liberalization was really after a serious tightening of the screws during the time of khrushchev, so to speak, and especially gorbachev, when all
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it was strangled, crushed, well, after the events in hungary at the same time and so on, brezhnev means yes, yes, that is, of course. understanding that a certain way is necessary, well, this is what is called letting off steam or something, not really, this is freedom of creativity definitely, this is very important for any system, because it cannot, but freedom of creativity is public, everything they say that in our country the kgb created there, but it turns out after him that there were rock clubs there and in general the kgb was in charge of our culture, i don’t think that they created rock clubs, another thing is that they did not interfere with the creation, although they could, so in this sense, of course, a certain relaxation occurred, for what?
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to the department, the fifth department, the fifth department, yes, which just began to do this very actively, i must say, defeated all of its oppositionists, practically, whom it imprisoned, who it sent abroad, who it silenced, and so on and so on, that is he was a very tough man, in fact, but tough even at the time in which he lived, he could no longer imagine allow him to act with stalinist methods, shoot him there, i don’t know, imprison someone who was interfering with him, that...
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that is, improve him by the early seventies, he is in soviet society, well, look, today i have already forgotten who it was said that these anti-corruption cases were very serious ideological, anti-corruption cases are one component, you had to explain to the person why you should adhere to the socialist system, if you declared that welfare is the highest value, and we are losing to the americans, you
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they must ideologically explain how to rebuild it, you know, how to build this model, this ideological explanation did not happen, ideological thought stopped in the soviet union.
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rubles, and a friend - 500 rubles. so, which of my friends are still oil bankers? and petya aftobank invited me. of course, mom. tebank. he's the only
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one. i love the moscow coffee shop on poi. and i'll tell you why. moscow coffee shop on the fields. a combination of traditions and advanced technologies of the highest class. and the taste is a pleasure. moscow coffee shop on the fields. i love, i recommend. vk fest is the main event of the summer. meet in five cities of the country, a powerful lineup of your favorite hits, popular speakers , bloggers, are waiting for you at vkfest, buy tickets at on the one hand, this is an azonbank card, with which you can pay for anything and receive cashback, on the other hand, this is an azonbank card, with which you can pay for anything and receive for...
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go to space, send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own, and not for everyone in the world, turn department into applications, knowledge into
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vocation, technology. into live communication, work into a dream, tradition into innovation, only here you can change your name without betraying yourself, remaining yourself in a country on which the sun never sets, it’s the only one, another reason to open a zbermarket, order from your favorite restaurants and get a burger. as a gift, sbermarket delivers from 25 minutes point zero premiere today at 22:20 on ntv. cutting a tree is long, exhausting and difficult, especially if you are far from home. world of fair prices brings you the cordless chainsaw of the century. trimming boards, pruning branches, cleaning bushes. this is not a complete list of the works that she is capable of.
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the century mini-saw is an indispensable assistant in construction and repair. working in garden plots, caring for trees and shrubs. the light weight and ergonomic shape of the handle allow you to use it for a long time without feeling tired or discomfort. a special casing provides additional protection when working in hard-to-reach places and confined spaces. an electric motor with copper winding has a fairly high power for such a little one. this saw's chain has been designed to cut wood quickly, smoothly, and with the least amount of cutting. waste of energy, call and order a cordless chain saw and get a reliable and faithful assistant. alex the fierce, the case of the orphans, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv. this is the meeting place, what in your opinion is the main
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merit of yuri andropov. andrew vladimirovich? i think. revolution, and this was its soul, unfortunately for this system, starting with khrushchev, this soul began to be taken out. androbov, realizing that she adheres to these ideals of the revolution, began to make a huge number of films, well, at least stimulate them, about all sorts of intelligence officers, about revolutionaries, about felix edmundovich, and so on and so forth. in this sense, i think that he
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did a lot for the soviet idea, half of the soviet chauvinists, they... in general, they only grew up on these soviet films, but as for the soviet system, i think that he did nothing , because in that design , changing the soviet system is the same as destroying, so the soviet chauvinist, tops i devoted most of my life, i will not make assumptions, to ensuring the security of the soviet union, both as chairman of the kgb and as secretary general, he led the country through the crisis of 1983, the country was preserved, peace was preserved, this is his main merit, we recalled... today is 17 moments of spring and andropov was practically, if not the main producer, then certainly one of the main consultants, and there is a very short story from oleg pavlovich tobakov. the premiere took place, of course, not on soviet television, but in in the kgb cinema hall, after the lights came on, and the actors who were somehow present also began to communicate with the audience, yuri vladimirovich approached kolik pavelovich tobakov, squeezed him between two columns and said:
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oleg, playing a fascist general has no character.” . yes, this is a well-known story, i also heard about it, but to what extent is it true or not, today our colleagues here in the layout of the script in ours noted that during andropov’s stay in power, well, in the leading position, there was no jokes, there were no jokes about him, i that’s what i thought, thought, thought, in general, i probably agree, because well , it was really a short period of time that he was there, so about him as the hero of jokes, well, if.
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the development of the moscow region was discussed today in the kremlin by vladimir putin with the regional governor andrei vorobyov. staromayorskaya is ours, the russian military liberated an important settlement where the ukrainian armed forces had been building fortified fortifications for several years, which is important for...


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