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tv   Segodnya  NTV  June 17, 2024 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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vladimir putin held a working meeting with the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov spoke about the key achievements of the region, which areas the president, in turn, paid special attention to, in more detail, edmund dzhelbunov. "staromayrskaya ours, the russian military liberated an important settlement where the ukrainian armed forces had been building fortified areas for several years, which is why this is important for the ongoing offensive, from the southern donetsk direction, report by sergei pikulin. this will not spoil relations, but the position of the friendly countries that signed the final the document in switzerland russia was taken into account. nikita korzun tried to figure out what it was all about in bürgenstock, to what extent the conference managed to bring a peaceful settlement of the ukrainian crisis closer."
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increasing capacity from moscow to yakutia about the modernization of old and construction of new thermal power plants. report by pavel rybalchenko. hello! welcome to the information service of the ntv television company, this is a program today, its presenter elmira effendieva and vladimir chernyshov today, serious personnel changes took place in the russian ministry of defense . changes. vladimir putin signed a decree according to which the head of the military department andrei belousov will have 12 deputies, and not 10, as before. leonit gornin, who previously worked as the first deputy head of the ministry of finance, was appointed first deputy minister. as the ministry of defense explained, in front of gornin. the task has been set
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to increase the transparency of financial flows and ensure efficient spending of budget funds. pavel frodkov received the post of deputy minister. before that, he was the first deputy director of presidential affairs. frodkov will be there oversee the management of property and land resources, as well as the construction of new facilities. anna tsuveleva was appointed another deputy head of the ministry of defense. she will be responsible for social and housing support for military personnel. this is the direction. and is well acquainted; tsovileva was previously engaged in such work as the chairman of the state fund, defenders of the fatherland. also, the deputy minister of defense will be oleg sovelyev, now a former auditor of the accounts chamber. by another decree, putin dismissed the first deputy head of the ministry of defense ruslan tsalikov and deputy heads of the ministry of defense nikolai ponkov, pavel popov and tatyana shevtsova. defense minister andrei belousov met with the deputies relieved of their positions.
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thanked them for their many years of responsible work and wished them success in their future activities, and today belousov inspected the ground forces control center, he heard reports on the combat control of military units, as well as on the current situation in the north military district zone. commander-in-chief of the ground forces oleg solyukov reported to the minister on preparations officer cadres interaction with defense industry enterprises, the commander-in-chief also presented an infrastructure development plan again.
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reports from the dpr: here is the russian flag on the roof of a house in the very center of the village of staromaiskoe. the ssu had been building strongholds here for several years , and it was believed that it was almost impossible to take this fortification. our t-90s were the first to roll into position. adjustment of fire from the air, second shot, minus one firing point in the ukrainian armed forces. this area is called a barrel, a tank buried in the ground, the entrance to one of the main fortified areas of the enemy. to our infantry was able to overcome it, but the tankers had to work hard. in some areas, i even noticed that such concrete shelters, even shells, for example, artillery, were not able to penetrate this whole thing the first time. and this is footage of the earth. stormtroopers from primorye. and opened the gates to staromaiskoe
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for the main forces, cover, this is a storm, the call sign is this, because from buryatia it shows trophies, chevrons, different units were stationed here, according to burya, our military outwitted the enemy, who thought that the russians would begin to attack head-on heavy equipment, but through the smoke the ukrainian military did not understand how behind them... motorized equipment was used in order to win in mobility and take advantage of the surprise factor, and this played its role very well, the enemy simply did not have time to react, that is, they were waiting for what - some
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heavy equipment, yes, oddly enough, but the biggest problem for attack aircraft in urban areas is not even a building, there was a house here, this is... ukrainian positions, it was very quickly dismantled by our tankers, the biggest problem for stormtroopers in population, these are fortified basements, here is the basement, even after the house was completely dismantled, a group of ukrainian military took refuge here and fired back until our attack aircraft extinguished this resistance. having occupied staromaiskoye, our forces advanced towards velikaya novosyolka, an important logistics hub of the ukrainian troops on this section of the front were given the opportunity to advance from the right flank towards urozhainoye, a strategic settlement on the vremev ledge. sergey pikulin and oley ribzhanov, ntv, south donetsk direction of the special operation. in the lpr
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today they honored the memory of two employees of the vgtrk correspondent, igor kornelyuk and sound engineer anton voloshin. in 2014 they got there. under fire from kiev militants, who even then began a real hunt for representatives of the russian media for truthful coverage of events in post-maidan ukraine. a reaction rally was held in the village of metalist on the tenth anniversary of the death of our colleagues, mourning events were held in moscow at the troykurovsky cemetery, where they were buried kornelyuk and voloshin. i often review the chronicle of that day and the feeling of pain, resentment, grief.
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switzerland conference on ukraine, but not only did 70 countries ignore the summit invitation, but also those who did come were unable to reach consensus; the countries of the global south, which make up almost half of the world’s population, refused to sign the final communication , which was pushed by kiev and its patrons, well , the document itself is essentially a set of general phrases that do not bring any closer to a peaceful resolution of the conflict, well, it’s absurd the fact that they were not invited to the conference.
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the document, which does not oblige anyone, was signed by the united states, the iec state, among which are hungary, as well as turkey and serbia. however, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said today that this will not spoil relations with russia, although this position has been taken into account. if we talk about the effectiveness of this meeting in general, then, of course, it tends to zero. more importantly, the communiqué, which in theory was supposed to be a triumph of kiev diplomacy, was refused to be signed by the world majority countries. brix, global south, saudi arabia, emirates, indonesia and even.
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kingdom saudi arabia also insisted on this; initially it was going to skimp on the summit, but at the last moment it sent prince faisal, the minister of foreign affairs, and those gathered had to listen to this.
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in response to the famine, the president of georgia cried out about abkhazia, south ossetia, poland was traditionally exiled in russophobia, but all this only emphasized the meaninglessness of what was happening, because a day before the event, putin completely deprived it of its meaning. president of russia made a real peace proposal to ukraine in detail. why does russia constantly believe that someone is threatening it? why, when we discuss nuclear and
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food security and peace issues, russia says that ukraine must surrender without any conditions. the conditions, by the way, were discussed in detail on the sidelines of this summit and were completely different. the united states reminded zelensky that washington is not engaged in charity, helping ukraine, nothing more than protecting the interests of the united states, apparently like everything else that is happening in the world. it suits our interests.
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to this seriously, he insists on capitulation, besides, it’s not for a gynecologist to talk about the length of the paths, and fondelaien worked as a doctor in the nineties, but she called moscow’s proposal to kiev to withdraw ukrainian troops from the russian territories of the zaporozhye, kherson regions, donetsk, lugansk people’s republics capitulation , as well as abandoning the desire to join nato, there is a real opportunity to return to peace negotiations, although a better offer, given the state of affairs on the ground in ukraine, is hardly possible count. nikita korzun, natalya markeevich, vyacheslav zubikh. ntv. this week, vladimir putin will pay friendly state visits to two
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asian countries. as the kremlin reported today, the president is planning a trip to the dprk; putin was personally invited there by kim jong-un back in september last year, when he came to russia. enlarged talks and informal communication between the leaders, a walk, and a tea party are planned in pyongyang, during which so-called sensitive issues will be discussed. as the assistant noted putin. in hanoi, putin will hold meetings with him, as well as with the president, prime minister and speaker of parliament. the main topic, as noted in the kremlin, will also be the development of the strategic partnership between moscow and hanoi in trade, economics, science, technology and the humanities.
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moscow region andrei vorobyomov, he told the president how the region is developing, well, according to vorobyov, the economic situation is good, large infrastructure projects are being successfully implemented, international ties and interest are being strengthened. v china, india, and belarus express cooperation with the moscow region. they also discussed housing and communal services and the construction of new hospitals. we discussed the support for the participants of the north military district and the assistance that the moscow region provides.
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things that cannot be written down in decrees or orders, and the unification gives us the opportunity to try to fulfill all the family’s requests, we understand that this is important. andrei vorobyov also reported to vladimir putin about how the moscow region supports the residents of donbass. by your order, the regions and russia are doing their part. we have novoazovsky telmanovsky region of the donetsk region, we are implementing all the most important things there, together with federal projects, schools, kindergartens. everything that is important for life, it’s nice that a large number of people return there, as for the development of the moscow region itself, in this regard, andrey vorobyov first of all paid special attention to the economic aspects, as the head of the region put it, everything is very good, industrial parks are busy almost 90%; new ones are being built in the region, with colleges for training specialized specialists. in addition, connections have been established with
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foreign partners, mainly from china, india and belarus, help the development of federal programs such as... devices and so on. active work is underway on another order from the head of state to modernize the transport infrastructure, and not only regional roads are being improved, for example, nadskad exits, but sections of federal highways, in particular the eastern highway m5 ural, connecting moscow and yekaterinburg. according to andrey vorobyov, one of the main tasks when implementing such projects is to make the moscow region is more comfortable for local
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residents; in this regard, special attention is also paid to the modernization of housing and communal services. we have a separate big program, that makes sense. which in 5 years will radically modernize networks and boiler houses and this will affect about 60% of the population, that is, this is a large program of both the regional budget and concessions, mainly gazprom and the federal program also helps us here, payments, payments, of course, and another very an important topic, the development of the healthcare system, very soon in july the first patients will be able to receive a new children's clinical center named after rashal in krasnogorsk, construction...
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specifically for primary care, so new clinics are being built in the region and old ones are being renovated, and so that there is someone to work in them, special incentive payments are provided in the moscow region, just for primary care doctors . this is all the more important because, unlike many other regions of the country, the moscow region is growing in population. yes, last year we grew by about 70,000, and so we have from 70 to 90 thousand, given the high migration activity in general. according to rosstat, the population of the moscow region has already exceeded 8.5 million people, and this figure has been growing steadily over the past 10 years, and the number of residents of the moscow region has increased by almost one and a half million during this time. edmund zhelbonov and yulia letunovskaya, ntv television company. it is important to clearly fulfill social obligations to
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improve the health and well-being of people, prime minister mikhail mishustin stated this today at an operational meeting with '. state support in a timely manner in full volume, the prime minister called for monitoring this
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throughout the country. today we also discussed the topic of tourism. according to the prime minister, the demand for travel within the country is growing. last year, more than 80 million trips were made; the authorities are doing everything to fully unleash the country’s tourism potential, for example, launching attractive routes and increasing the level of service.
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generate energy to provide heat and light to more than 3 million city residents, equipment, even that which was put into operation back in the sixties, works reliably, but with growth
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population, the power needs to be increased, the first in line for renewal was the fourth turbine unit, the steam turbine, the generator, the automation system of the unit was actually rebuilt. turbogenerator number 4 is hidden in a special box; due to high temperatures, the turbine is almost completely covered. isolation, right now at full capacity it produces 110 mw. all new equipment supplied as a result of this project is of domestic production. the new turbine was manufactured by the ural turbine plant. the new generator was supplied by the elektrosila st. petersburg plant. musynergo has been working with these enterprises for several decades . as part of the modernization of this project. the reliability of the entire tets-23 station has been increased - production efficiency has been increased. 110 mw is 10 more than before.
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it would seem that the number is modest, but not for those who understand energy. 10 mw powers 1,500 apartments, with the expectation that at this moment all household appliances are working in them. today we have several important events for you. we are putting into operation modernized turbo units. on ts-23 in moscow on kirizhskaya gres in the leningrad region, all these objects are very, very significant. tes-23 is one of the main power plants in the moscow region, a key source of power supply to the east of moscow, where we know that active construction of social facilities is underway, these are children's schools, hospitals, and the development of transport infrastructure. if the capital tets has so far modernized the first of three planned for renovation. turbine units are already being put into operation in kirishi second. power plant in the leningrad region, the largest in the north-west of the country. kirizhskaya gres generates electricity not
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only for residential buildings, but also for industrial production. in yakutia , they are starting to build a completely new thermal power plant, which is designed to help the development of the eastern regions of the country. dear alexey borisevich, we are ready to begin construction of a new power plant. and ready to begin installation of the first column of the main building, may i begin work? i give permission. south yakutskaya tpp will help solve the task of politicalization is strategically important for the russian railways of the eastern range. the opportunity to create a new power plant arose thanks to. our well-known project power of siberia and gas for this power plant will be supplied from this main gas pipeline. new source
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of energy. near amur, the yakut railway will expand the capacity of transport routes in the east, and therefore increase the flow of exports and imports from asia. the capacity of the south yakut thermal power plant will be 330 mw. the plant is planned to be fully commissioned in 2027. pavel rybalchenko, valeriyan kushnir, grigory kanavalov, ntv television company. now a short advertisement. next in our issue. scientists warn about the threat of extinction of central russian bees due to imported bee killers, but pockets of resistance are growing stronger in the altai territory. vlada teplovskaya visited places where life is not always honey, but honey is life. estates, counts and royal leisure. a journey through the centuries at a festival in the capital's megalopolis. vera danilida walked on the territories of historical estates. i am a new
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to start a business about... and faster, we open the way to business, sberbusiness. moscow coffee shop on the floors, taste, pleasure. i love it, i recommend it. central television. on saturdays at 19:00 on ntv. this is the program today. we continue our release. employees of the federal security service detained a former high-ranking official of the ministry of agriculture, who had been hiding from justice for 12 years. oleg donskikh was captured in the istra district near moscow; during his arrest , he stated that he did not know why he was in wanted do you know? are you on the federal wanted list? i know, do you know for what crimes? no, don't you understand? have you been living in the moscow region for a long time? all the time, since when? from
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the eighth? in 2012, oleg donskikh was put on a federal and international wanted list on suspicion of major fraud. according to investigators, he and his accomplices stole the money issued. today, the capital's authorities spoke about the scale of mass poisoning of ready-made food in moscow. deputy mayor of the capital anastasia rakova said that for medical help after symptoms of poisoning, 121 people turned up, 55 with symptoms of batuulism in serious
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condition, of which 30 were in intensive care. rospotrebnadzor previously clarified that the cause was the consumption of lobio salad from a ready-to-eat food delivery service from a kitchen in the area and a salad with tuna, beans and apple from the company. a kitchen in the area has already announced that it has temporarily stopped the operation of its application; it clarifies that it has begun checking the entire supply chain of canned beans; in addition, they will check all products that they use, even those that do not cause fears. as for the gastroport company, on its website, as the kommersant newspaper noted, it is said that gastroport cooperates with many large retailers, abc, taste, magnet, mirotorg, crossroads, for example, in the tasteviel network, the agency said. the investigative committee has opened a criminal case for the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, and under this article one may face not only fines, but also real sentences. alisher usmanov
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filed a lawsuit in the frankfurt am main district court against ubs europe bank, which provides, among other things , wealth management services. representatives of the businessman say that in the period from 18 to 22. quote, as a world-famous philanthropist in the past, a businessman with an impeccable name. in the fall of twenty-two, german law enforcement officers conducted searches of real estate owned by.
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today, by presidential decree, she has been appointed as the minister of defense, according to the essence of the document, quote, in cooperation to train veterans of the northern military district and members of their families in it specialties. end of quote. that more 70 people have already started online training at school 21, and program participants will also be able to enroll in full-time training, where they will study structured programming, algorithms, databases, application programming, and mobile development. i would like to appeal to the guys who served, uh, you know, uh, most importantly, don’t be afraid, i myself served in the army, i know how hard it is to leave the army. it seems that such an established way of life, everything was organized for you, this is how this life works outside the military unit, but how since the school is built in such a way that it gives children skills practically from scratch, if
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you have a desire to get a new specialty, in fact, live another life in the field of technology, we will do everything to help you, therefore... on the russian stock market investors were mostly selling today, there are no big reasons for positivity, but the may acceleration of inflation in russia makes us believe even more that... the central bank at its meeting at the end of july can significantly raise the key rate. official exchange rates for tomorrow, set to central banks without exchange trading, the dollar is 89.05, the euro is 95.39. american singer taylor swift may be the reason that the bank of england will postpone lowering the key rate. analysts at the investment bank td securities say this. in august , swift's concert tour , eras, comes to london for 5 days. it has already entered the guinness book of records as the most profitable in history. back
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in december last year, total receipts exceeded a billion dollars. taylor swift herself entered the list of billionaires for the first time this year from forbes magazines. moreover, it was clarified that taylor swift became the first musician in history who was able to earn a billion dollars solely through music and concerts. and increasingly, financial analysts now pronounce the terms swift inflation and swift anomics. arrival of the eros concert tour in the new one. 16 years. everything about economics. thank you, denis. oh,
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that’s it, i’ve already had my eye on tlr. sorry. denis with an economic review. in altai , enthusiasts took up the task of saving a rare breed of bees that was almost on the verge of disappearance. they are also called dark forest or central russian. they are frost-resistant, capable of producing record amounts of honey, hundreds of kilograms from one hive. well , however, central russian bees are under threat. strangers, aliens from asia. vlada kopyllovskaya became convinced of how important it is to cross queen bees with the right drones. uli is a state in miniature. under the command of the queen, miners, scouts, nannies, scavengers, this is what dark forest bees look like, or in other words, central russian bees. they are not at all cute yellow striped and so so severe that you can’t scare them in the siberian winter. russian scientists predict their extinction due to imported illegal bees that are spreading.
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90% is low-quality material. central russian bees are hardworking, hardy and stubborn. once you start collecting honey from acacia, for example, or angelica, you can’t exchange it for other plants. this produces valuable monofloral honey. the beekeeper is determined to bring the good quality of these bees to perfection. in general, it is believed that central russian bees are feisty, but according to the experience of ivan chubarov, the cleaner breed, the kinder the bees. i believe him, well, for now i walk along the pasika calmly, with an open face and unbitten. experiments with. breeding and crossing have already yielded results, during the season we
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collected 17 stores of honey last year , we received from it, that is, this is more than 200 kg of honey, if calculated from one hive, and from one hive, this is a record for those who want to purchase such hard workers of course, there is enough to hit your honey jackpot, but it is difficult to preserve the breed, the internet is teeming with offers to buy cheap bees of dubious quality and health, rosselkhoznadzor every now and then introduces restrictions on the transport of bee packages from accompanying documents to monglia, for example, and transport them in transit through the territory of the russian federation, while this bee travels, so to speak, yes, to mongolia, all bee packages dissolve inside russia, there are only purebred central russian bees left in russia negligible, says beekeeper andrei zhabin, head of the only one. this is a community of bee colonies,
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let’s call it that, where purebred material is bred, that’s central russian bees. it happens, that the queen bee is taken hundreds of kilometers to isolation in order to cross it with the right drones. altai beekeepers are beginning to master artificial insemination of bees, an analogue of human ecology, but in an amicable way, in order to preserve the breed, each region must have its own breeding reproducer, enthusiastic beekeepers like ivan andrey, who are ready to spend time and energy on the result and find joy in it. it's nice when there are a lot of bees, it's nice when there's a lot of honey, it's nice when you start printing this frame, it... that's all the sunshine sparkles. vlada kapilovskaya, victor melnik, svetlana zakharova, evgeny matveev, ntv television company. altai region. chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin arrived today on a working visit to belarus, where a meeting of the parliamentary assembly of the union of two states was held. the meeting participants discussed the development of a common scientific and educational
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space and vyacheslav volodin, in part , proposed that graduates of universities in both countries could enroll in graduate school in both russia and belarus. as an enterprise, it is important for us that we have a target set that allows to staff both enterprises of one country and another country, this is a matter of forming a future foundation so that there are discoveries, and you and i not only achieve the goal, but integrate in educational spaces. in minsk, the speaker of the state duma also visited the memorial complex in the city center. there he, together with his belarusian colleague, chairman of the house of representatives of the national assembly of the republic igor sergeenko, laid flowers at the victory monument. the ceremony took place on the eve of june 22, the day of remembrance and mourning. more than 400 foreigners, including members of their
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families, were unable to take advantage of the state program for the voluntary resettlement of compatriots and obtain russian citizenship. about this today at a meeting of the interdepartmental commission on... the state of affairs, as of may 1, more than 2,500 interviews were conducted; about 54% of respondents did not confirm their knowledge of the russian language. the results of the work clearly demonstrate the advantages of this innovation. kolokoltsev emphasized that, on the instructions of the president
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, the department was given the task of developing new approaches to migration policy. an unprecedented number of cyber attacks, the chairman of the russian historical society, head of the svr sergei naryshkin announced this today, he summed up the results of the dictation, it was written in more than sixty countries around the world. in total, over 2 million people decided to test their knowledge of the history of the great patriotic war. half of those who scored the maximum score are young people.
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spiritual connection between the heroes of the past and the courageous fighters of a special military operation who fight against world evil, with nazism of the 21st century, which defend our present and our future. this year, those who completed the dictation task best and fastest were invited to the parade. on may 9, on red square, eleventh-graders received preferences for admission to universities. now a short advertisement. and that’s what we’ll talk about after it. estates, counts and royal leisure. a journey through the centuries at a festival in the capital's megalopolis. vera danilide walked through the territories of historical estates. what can
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this is the program today. we continue our release. a large-scale moscow estate festival has opened in the capital. guests will be able to visit about 40 ancient houses that were country residences of the moscow nobility and become familiar with its half-forgotten traditions. in particular, the tsaritsina kolomenskaya reserve museum turned into pre-revolutionary moscow dachas for 3 months, where you can try on historical costumes and visit home theater, learn how to make jam, from moscow in the 19th century, report by vera daniredi. we bought this little thing for the birthday girl, so modestly, just a little bit with our last money, so today we decided in honor of such a wonderful summer, a summer day, to organize such a small reception for the guests, and a picnic. they welcome guests at their kuzminka estate, and in between show, in their words
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, the modest wardrobe of the owner of the estate, our pearl from london, from london, this is also handmade, and as you can see, how many we, how many horses we gave for this cape, it was a little expensive, but for the sake of beauty, by the way, anyone can try on the images; it turns out to be a real historical reincarnation. under the sky of modern moscow. lots of impressions here. the moscow manor festival is all about emotions. in the 19th century, the kuzminki estate was considered one of the most beautiful in the vicinity of moscow. in the 20th century, in general, little has changed. the architectural richness still pleases us today. the moscow estate festival is about complete immersion in that era, even a picnic in the style of the 19th century with everything you need attributes of that time. read yesenin's poems or enjoy porcelain dishes, all this is here, in the estate, which has been created by famous
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artists, sculptors and architects for more than 300 years.
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and now it’s time to find out the weather forecast in our weather studio evgenia neronskaya. well, again there is no stability in our moscow weather, we are here at work all day, of course, but we saw lightning flashing from time to time in the windows. what awaits us next? yes, today's thunderstorm is a greeting from a new, this time southern cyclone and now it awaits us another stormy week after a sunny weekend. following the atmospheric front, the center will become a little cooler. the temperature will drop to. 20-23°, but in the volga region it is consistently hot with stormy thunderstorms, and if in kirov in nizhny novgorod it is more or less restrained + 27-28, then in saratov in samara it is up to 34. the air in the lower reaches of the volga is even hotter. in the ostrakhan region tomorrow it will be up to 40° and not a drop of rain. it’s hot in priozovye, in the krasnodar region, 30-35. only on the black sea coast, a light breeze from
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the sea adds a little freshness. in sochi, that's it. +28, still sunny. the weather is comfortable and in the baltic resorts in kaliningrad +23 without precipitation, in the north it starts to rain, it will not be heavy, while it is warm in murmonsk in arkhangelsk +224. and about the weather in the capitals after a short pause. uralsip bank presents a special offer for new clients: deposit-income with a high yield of up to 18.2% per annum. you can open a deposit in branches all over russia bankural sip - it’s simple, reliably convenient. in st. petersburg tomorrow there will be rain, thunderstorm and 20-22, in moscow at night +18, during the day about 25°, also thunderstorm with gusty winds, a break from precipitation only on wednesday, and this day will be the warmest of the week, and then a cool pause again. we hope that this cool pause will not last long, but oh well, it’s not minus
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temperature, it’s still warm, thank you, thank you, zhenya, eugene. come, go rock, play with the little cow, just don’t go far.
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this is my boat, i made it, you know how to keep secrets, grisha, where are you where he carries. ale, roshchina, please, call me, wait, and you say there won’t
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be a catch, well, you ignatich, some kind of magic you know the word, i’m calling, i’m calling, alexander ignatievich to the phone, i’ll pick it up. yes, there is a box next to the phone, see who it is? no matter, take it and open it. why do i need this? i thought it was wrong for grandchildren to pay for the sins of their
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grandfathers. it should not be. romka, what's wrong with him? everything is fine. and everything will be fine if you do everything right. what do you want?


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